« WTF with Marc Maron Podcast

Episode 1477 - Tom Papa

2023-10-09 | 🔗
Tom Papa’s last trip to the garage was mostly about his comedy past, reflecting on how he and Marc got to where they are in their chosen profession. This time, Tom and Marc are thinking mostly about their futures, how they’re navigating the comedy world at their ages and success levels while staring at a not-too-distant time when the stage light goes out for good. Just two comedians discussing meaning, maturity, mysticism and maintaining the funny.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey folks, we've got a big episode with Arnold schwarzenegger coming up this thursday, so we're pumping up the full marin this week with bonus episodes about arnold. What we're going to do right now is go through our five favorite arnold movies each and he just sticks his head out. There goes I'm back, I'm going to pick you up and throw you through their zealand in the one baby. Poop subscribe to the full marin by clicking the link in the episode description, so you can get the full arnold as all right. Let's do this, how are you what the fuck is, what the fuck's bodies, what the fuck nix what's happening? I mare- and this is my podcast- w e f- welcome to it It's a holiday correct some of you were, are not working what's happening.
it is a holiday. Why hope? Your day is going as well as possible. I find it difficult sometimes do not think that my today life on some level because of the sure and reality of the world is some exercise in denial, vital what the alternative to that its terror- what's going on in Israel, it's terrible. What's going on in ukraine, it's terrible! I can you know, there's all list of terrible's. but you know, when there are so many human lives lost its just fuckin awful and I feel calm lee powerless in the face of most of it I reached out to, couple friends of mine who have family there too, sure I do ok and their families ok, but outside of that, I don't know what to tell you all I know is that if I taking the information. and just go about my day. I feel like I should be doing more. I do not know how much more
be doing in the face of almost anything other than tat Think about it, There be war, Fascism, more clear, I'm a change. I tried talk about a day. I just it's it's difficult, That said, I had a pretty good day yesterday. I just made some choices about my day and I I'm not a guided, doesn't work well. I really work a lot We need to be doing something. Alongside of feeling that anything I do to have a life is in some some food. Denial. I think anything. I do that, isn't somehow working or doing something proactive to fix her. cooker or right or think any that's not leading to something else. I think what are you doing so? I have
total inability to relax and just enjoy my fucking life really if it's a hike, if it's I get it means your gear you're gettin the exercise in getting the dopamine up. Getting your heart rate up? It's an effort to frame stuff Just as a it's, ok, dude to sit and watch a movie. It you don't have to think of it is research. It's ok! I talk to papa. Today he was on the show back in twenty eighteen episode: nine nineteen good guy always like see and tom. Well yeah. We worked together. The comedy store lahti, as a new book out called we're all in this together so make some room. So I want to have back on and not just a book you're talking to this guy funny guy sweet guy? how's your hope holding up. Do you have hope that the other thing I our thinking about his like. What's the difference between bob and denial is just a tonal difference it
a total and if you do them both together, its eight tunnel and let that brings us to jazz is what I chose to do the other day after I worked out compulsively like a madman, to the point where I was sore, I I spent the several hours engaged with jazz music on a few different levels. But before I talk about add. Let me tell you where I'm going to be I'm going to be in bellingham washington at the mount baker theatre for one show on Saturday october, fourteenth this part of the bellingham exit festival portland Oregon await show was added to my dates at helium on sunday, october, twenty second I've dimension. I have a data largo that just put up on the website, that's october, sixteenth, here in los angeles, california, be at. Where is it where my given the boston, the old, lasting garden, amateur tv guide,
in four comics come home on Saturday november. Fourth, then the kimo theater and albuquerque new mexico for one show on november eleventh, I believe that might be sold out there. for colorado, albeit the comedy work. South for four shows november seventeenth and eighteenth, there's more allay dates. Coming I'm dynasty type, Right or december, first thirteenth, twenty eightth, I'm at the least in future. On december sixth, fifteenth and twenty seconds, also this is the last week for you to be eligible to win one of my sign tour posters. I'm giving away signed tour posters that are no longer available for purchase to be to win, you have to be signed up for wmd have, plus by october, fifteenth so go to lincoln. The episode description or quick on dvd plus over a deputy have pod dotcom. There are eddie posters to give away and winners will be picked in a random, drawing sign up by sober fifteenth, to be in the dry aright.
Is a jazz? Am I jazz? That's that's something I always think about, but I'll tell you what unfolded in the west couple day, so I I was Sitting at home, and mike is there a way to enjoy my day, is a way to do that that doesn't of eating or masturbating is there a way I can just enjoy a day without to adding the small vibration of shame to it. So. my buddy dan gimme gimme dan over gimme gimme records gave me this. pharaoh sanders box set my birthday? It's not it's a specific box at its it's the fair! album from nineteen, seventy seven, it's its. It was a small release its now. the a a strong, album. It's not wrong, maybe baby, barbaric,
meanwhile, above on parallel and unbounded in bombay not that bad never heard it before, and I don't really have any way of context rising many, the jazz people that I listened to you now the difference between strong. My friend dan calls it and be Bobby big band and hard bop you I can you know I can get the variations? but always associated pharaoh sanders with a certain amount of the free form, but this One is, and it's beautiful and I put it on- and I read this how about it, and I listen to both sides a all through and then I listen to a couple. Why versions from the same error there's a second vinyl in their of her This time live and it was beautiful It was meditation, oh You know, and I and I don't always know how to even talk about jazz, to be honest with you, but so then I just said: well, let's make it a jazz day, and then I watched the first two parts of the wayne shorter doc and a lot of
things were brought together for me- and I just don't know the history and I should know It- it seems like information that's available. I didn't know that, You know about wayne shorter and about his childhood and about your him moving through His childhood into our blakey, the jazz messengers and on into miles, is quintet which reach define miles altogether and then on into whether report another tragedy, hee hee, encountered in his wife and his compositional genius all that stuff. His buddhism, you are after all, was said and done I don't know I I give. I can tell in certain situations that I'm not sure I can tell the difference between someone on the spectrum in a certain way and a devout buddhist in terms of their presence It is clearly a genius but how he weathered the tragedy he did without completely collapsing. He sort of a trip two buddhism in the big picture and looking for the indestructible happiness or what not, but the new
What is of the way he plays in how is respected, and I gave me this whole other understanding of his me. Dick and then you know eight enabled me to go back into that pharaoh, sanders record and kind of figures. You know when or how many jazz docks I see. Yet you, I don't think I've ever heard thither the monk quote that jazz when he was asked what it is. He says it's music, that white people can't steel abbe as the time it was coming about that bebop and hard bob in the way pop music worked and just how much appropriation there was an outright theft that gave me another new watson show. It tells you out of miles Davis stories, but it was. I spent four hours engaging with jazz music. What listen to one album once got to new information. Listen to it again in a different way, changed my brain a little bit. and it was it was great. It was a day well spent. but your pardon me that was sort of like was it, though, was it well spent
you could have into another things I washed up greenwich village. The other day. I don't know why I had seen in a long time, and I wanted to try figure out again our many years later, whether or not- Eric Roberts was good or just completely over the top and over acting going to No, I'm going to err on the side of Eric Robert was being Eric Roberts, jolly they took some thumb by enjoyed the movie I enjoy, will bert young occasionally on the bert young guy he's great in it. I don't know what this need to watch old movies. Is I think that you, in the face of your on coming desire, your chaos catastrophe apocalypse, sometimes it nice to ground yourself in something there is familiar, but you quite remember, and when
watch it again what it meant either first time, workers foundation and how you take it in now it just sort of a kind of it gets almost gets. Your entire being up to speed do I just made an impact on me years ago? quite remember why or how and then you Watch it or listen to it or re again and a kind of it to jump. Jumper doesn't dozen it arcs over all those years that you had sort of after behind and reconnect some party. You do something younger out enough. I still don't call that nostalgia. I call that a a sort of figuring out whether the piece of art, Has grown with you and whether or not it still has something to say, you something to inform.
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dot com. So I w F and code w e f. So look Tom papas here. So, let's get on his book new book, we're all in this together so make some room is available wherever you get books and he's out onto her now go to tom papa come for cities and tour dates? The guy's, a tight act, man, the guy's, a craftsman, he's funny and he knows what he's doing I too am right now may folks, it's time to discover what now playing in los angeles. Let's start food I just had chef Michael Simon, tell me that los angeles is home to the best food in the country right now, and of course it is when you have so many cultures and diverse backgrounds, cooking up anything you can think of how could it api I like to get a staffs, which is a persian place down the street, sometimes they go to joy in island park for chinese food, but you know that's just
me LOS. Angeles is synonymous with show business, but arts and culture are more vibrant here than ever before, from museums to music to ST arctic. Comedy art is every where in allay thinking about your first trip here: go see a star ceremony on how we would boulevard or check out location tours of some, your favorite movie sites or head on over to the comedy store on sunset or you'll, see me most nights and, while you're here and allay don't forget to look up and soak in the legendary blue sky. That's a light that inspires d. Actors around the world your face Dana lay is waiting for you start here. Discover allay dotcom. That's discover, l a dot com Would you exercise you work out yeah like what mostly mostly cardio,.
right in what I just said, from your hanging from the bar is company put a pull up are in my and somewhat stuff in my garage. She have a full Jim it's what company, because you're such a powerful influencer yeah that they're like? Maybe we can get this guy hanging from the bar right exactly this guy as a minimum. The following and even less muscle mass it'd be great to see him struggle to get one in. That's what regular people want to see that guy can't do it? I can't either he let me get one of those bars exactly and I really have been a yeah. No was good. I was like I'm going to buy the end of the summer and be able to do at least one pull up now their hard man. To I mean you doing, overhand or underhand gets a cheer up it s this year. At the hour by hour, hard won this one. I could do like in a jam on the road, oh yeah, I get, it
I have been hitting the gym on the road yeah yeah. When you see it you're you have more energy in the gym on the road, because there's less at stake, just the existential loneliness of being in a hotel gym. You like a superhero wow, I'm the only man alive on display for the lobby the days in I've been trying to run more on the road, and this has been a real kwan conundrum like it's hard to pack like it pair of running shoes are one it's a you gotta really commit you gotta yeah, you gotta decide. You know it's like so hard. How do you handle it? I usually I'm like I wear the sneakers on the plane, which is which kills me they meet here, it's wrong with us, because we will get to dress up on the point five mike I wear my boots. I gotta take em authors, fuckin metal them, but are not. I will not where sneak river. You look good. You,
better and because you know why, because the sneakers is an indication of that army of lazy people that it just wearing was especially middle age manager wearing those like yeah. Who'S- that they're not working out it's kind of like ones, those ones it like. You almost got for free one of those barriers and there is an appropriate that either just soft and they are due They have been either it's like a thing. There is this whole movement around these. You better have nothing to them. Slippers. The fuck were they How do you like we, I dont want and we did ads for. I don't wanna, because I don't want to join them. So either I don't wearing laser wearing my sneakers on the plane. Just kills me, but there is no room in the carry on tv It's all about get nothing in that goddamn carry him. I know I I bought a new one yesterday and my wife's like, is it smaller here and it was it it's the same brand the same or am I gonna know it's the same, and I put it. We all back. It's like that. It's I get half inch on each side. Small, keep painting you in making them small, I mean for it for three:
I mean you know you can get by ear. They then it's like easy piece. You re a week, yeah, that's when you're in trouble yeah for with the one day. You can do it, but you might be. You know your input, but the sneakers in your shoulder bag. Yeah yeah, that's sad, yeah you're, your god forbid. You put them on the internet, you know and not be one of those and be one of those guys as opposed to the guy. That's got sneakers jammed into his computer bag yeah. Exactly it's so funny too, is that what I I did wear the sneakers in the airport and I'm usually boots and awareness wearing sneakers and I'm going to connect in phoenix like I was like this- is pretty comfortable
I know this is why all those people that were going through the at the salt lake city airport, where it takes an hour to walk from your gate and wearing boots like a clock around a little I dunno. If I've met people and I dunno if I've ever talked about it specifically about this but yeah I mean I will, and you see people online when you're security you've got it figured out where you're taken off your dumb boots might have metal in them. So even if m t s a are first, it doesn't matter yeah. I gotta take them off because there's metal in there, like you, don't have to take a a and you look at their. Comfortable shears. They think they ve got one up and that their educating you and You can't just say yeah, but you look like a putz every fucking. You know what I mean you gave up, I'm still like you know, I'm going to get off the plane and I'm ready to go. Do things. What are you ready to go the hotel and you'll put on your real close order? Pizza hut, Mcvay held the guy in the room across from you, It's the worse, but he out all the time I am going to hard yeah
really hard from now. Until when did you start like hell know I can never if I slow down a little bit my summer, but I'd like we can now Why would he do I get so you do like any fuckin place. Yeah pretty pretty it now like for the first time in career. Am I right can go play nice, theatres and I just this- First theatre really really couple years here: and are we talking like eleven hundred yeah yeah? That's like the average yeah. I have a huge one in new jersey to that one in japan new either it's on? not a great spot. I didn't do that once body of tory a theatre which is the smaller one, weird where's he gets there under the air I'm trying to that'll, be my biggest, but yet mostly ramnath out. I'm just My daughters are both gone now. They buy just drop my outer off pretty, but some sir,
pretty by a at sea also were empty, and I thought my wife was gonna be done? Matching so she's gonna come with me, so just pack, the american, there's, no reason to be harmless. Go yeah and now my wife's teaching so she'll be home for me empty. Has How's was sad about yes, she said about it by, at the yergin that the kids are gone, probably that the yeah, the kids are gone next year. Hit me it's more of the same coin, so sorry like these sell out their new jersey back. I don't know if I sell out we're close near by satellite, toby end of october, the like well. I've been doing well this week I m going to like tacoma coma. salem Oregon, and then I'm gonna. I'm doing San Francisco and salt lake city, where you goin sally, the kings theatre, and like I just did the the club there have. The weird thing is yeah yeah rate, because what I
What, if I'm workin out an hour ago, do the club yet for inga, even in markets like I'm gonna saint Louis next week, and I think like kind of have a good sense of of what I can pull out a media like I'll go. Do ST louis, because I'm not going to a theater in ST louis and like a tough market, it is so I've got five shows there and you're totally a couple of the waitrose aren't looking great, but but it's have like seven hundred tickets and I'm like that's about what I would do yeah. You know at a theater, seven, eight hundred, maybe but the beauty of like if you are working out something new, a big thing, a big hour. I hate saying the hour, but your new act yeah a five several other than one's. Why do it the ants better than once you haven't you do I e? Do remember you after second show on a saturday like nah, Craig yeah, this is art yeah. That's what I wanted to say when I came up on the porch, but what your special was so good. Oh thank you ma'am! It was so funny.
Really, I mean really really. I was. you know, I've got a lot of em radio show you and you know it love you and libya harmony and all that, but this special just was like laugh and like alone in my house, okay laughing out loud, is hard to even comedians. You love. I like yeah, that's good yeah, a little chuckle sure this was just like. Oh good, I'm glad it's so good, it's very nice. He said he was well. You know. I do think that he you know. As an old man. Now I've relax two out of the muscles that made people started, going intense man you know is music get special, but everything and you got pretty heavy. You know yeah yeah. I think I've I've been able to get funnier yeah. Without without without eliminating the subject now the subs you're still dealing with the same starve sure but its funnier. Thank you. It's
I mean you're, always twenty, but this was like. I don't know and worked hard. Your craft added value, the you'd better at it, yeah yeah it's before you to be like ok, but now you it give me the same stuff, but it's yeah these laughs to it, and I think I'm a little lighter in certain ways- and I you know it was interesting with that was we did two shows and the fur is a town hall and the first show they were just too excited. Yet You know everything was I gives was it was too much area and you know when you do in two for this special you coming you're footing on that. First, one by literally the audience was too good. A second audience was it was a real audience like I had to work for it. We're gonna use that one right yeah, because I had I had to go, get em yeah, yeah and as much as people say like I sit down and do this or like you know, I know I was up moving. Oh yeah, you know I'm going after it. It's interesting though, and I I re watched it and do so would be fresh and
There was a when you you go to that. You go to the still pretty quickly. The unanimous around you paste back and forth and used, down and that shot was so great right and you sitting I was just I wanted you to sip for some reason and yeah like I just there was something like you look like you're good in that space. Now. Doesn't one not a lot of people do that now yeah, I I I'm a I'm a good sitter, but that was because I was one of the jokes. I mangled there's a couple of jokes that I I blew I only know that you know that their there there find enough, but there was beat. I missed in one other thing by because when you work, when you really work a fuckin our ear, you like it is sort of once you get down to it. You, like you, know, and in the trick is to take engage with it, not walk through it by now, but there, but like there's a couple moments in there that then, why rift like? I if so away. Do you are you working on one really good thanks, buddy yeah yeah I think I'm gonna shoot in the spring and the winters spring.
rumours you ass one in their last last october haha, what was it what a day. Ok, what a day! I don't know I watch out. One had been watching your sets. Lately, though yeah the yeah. I I can't remember but they've funny lately. Thank you. Yeah, you're, always funny- I mean we've talked about it before it is a your pacing is. Is you always say whenever I hear you talking about me to somebody else, you always go precise, he's very precise, any better than that of any takes, always thinking to myself yeah by jokes. There are a little tight, but I feel like you want me, be a fuzzier! No! No! No! No! I get you know, I'm like I'm learning, JAG ear know because, like I'm learning from you
because in the last special I'm very deliberate, I'm not frenetic. You know, I'm nine, a you know, there's not like that's what sort of left eat. My friend Jonathan said recently to me. You watch me, like you seem more pay still wondering like you, but I can say in a positive way, and am I gonna get you one man a crazy mark? I guess that's what I'm workin shit out: no you're right now you say it: it's like call me of words in this one very ate it more impact and that's why that's something I learn from you, our from just on that guy. Just word from you know: either even nate. You know who used open for me that. when I myself, in which all sometimes when I'm always myself, but sometimes if the audience isn't great, you pull the stool. live in a state of my body, wants real. You want the real thing right well worth, and people like yeah. Well, it's hard,
manufacture that and it's hard to enjoy. Pacing yourself is it's it's a great craft yeah that, like I look back at this specials. I just think I have become more deliver. because I'm doing much more stand, I then I I think I have since I was a kid so interesting, because what am I going to do? Yeah I'm here, you know I go out like three four nights a week to the store and then you get it Can he its new in its frenetic and then you just start Kennedy? winning it yeah and figuring out the beads and then leaving this basic need, but I I think this evolution for me of, like I'm, still enjoying evolving. Whatever my crafty yeah set yeah in any way yeah yeah and you in you should take primate. You achieving, like its there is there is this, like. I said like the subjects I think in the first like
in the first fifteen minutes? Oh yeah, you've talked about of it all of it. The end of the world, the end of the world ashes endemic yeah, yeah fashion. I got that all either way I felt it was my social responsibility. I was very aware that, like I'm going to throw all this shit up front, if you're going to be a lot, but then we're going right into grief like a little bit of a trinity, a yeah, it was a it was. It was really good and the and the stuff at your your mother's boyfriend. It's like him, not having a point to stories like that is like a tom papa bear they. I really, I did kind of love it. It was like closer to like family that I've seen you do was a different time. It was a different year that you can add. Do I know, I know that there is a different yeah poor guy. Everyone takes a here. Are you first aura? They are will, I get. Seventy six ah
really what how you forty two, why? You did it fifty four sixty this month, wow both my parents do. I know the eighty four good gene now there I mean Viejo is his mind like sure the physical, Distance part, yet if a guy got those good g sounds nicer. Now, though he is nicer sounds like yeah, ITALY yeah. It's like it's like pushing buttons on a memory machine like a dad. Do you remember when we lived in new jersey, so yeah, What do you remember like and you hit little buttons and you can watch a kind of write up yeah, but then it sort of drifts into sort of like Nana If you look at the water I love I went to look about where the water guy this allows stuff, it's so weird how quickly it goes away. I know is that, providing alzheimer's know it's like on purpose discarding it it put it so stupid. I think
adele brown, oh, if we can handle it, I don't know if we can keep it all in, but I mean like I'm you have talked about this or that I mean there are jokes it I did that I know you like. I'm still discoverable person Do you and I are both zadig- were selling out arenas year, so I cannot people that have not seen the stuff we did four years ago, which was really good right. I know in your kinds there's part of me: it's like why not just do a greatest hits any roi. Some guys used to do that. You know every I I don't I about a week when I do corporate gigs what are they expecting their expected clean funny show. and then you know, half of them aren't even comedy fan and they're, not even paying attention they've just been brought in there, because it's their night, you know, and and if I'm working on something I knew now the new act that I'm in it's not going. is tighter. It yeah
it's usually a little you're on a workshop at the corporate yeah and it's a little less palatable. There's like you know, I haven't so I'll, go back to the the last two years, and by its high gonna look it up overhead I'm gonna keep bother me the countries where these two old guys go there like every fuckin night yeah, and I guess it's good- I I guess that's other deciding to spend it and we or whatever you know this guy keeps telling me it's like you know to do the the the gun thing, the bad thing. Why, once you do that iirc. I seen it like one hundred times and I'm like. I don't even remember how it starts. I know you remember the opening. Can you put the needle in the groove for me, because I dunno what the fuck do. I literally have to look it up or listen to it off spotify, but I don't think that's alzheimer's. I just think it's you know we have trained ourselves for whatever reason to think that, like once it's out there, it's done, which is so stupid, I guess, I mean like I like your stuff left over from my last tape.
I'm kind of poland it out a little bit now. You know I mean why not, but the other stuff happening I eat. I guess but when you hit when I, when I do go to that, guy corporate thing and I'll take out a joke that mark its. Twenty years old, like a twenty year old, joke yeah and kills in a way that, nothing the currently kills and theirs, there's something to that? Is that our mature they glee age there? Is it more simple ways like it did? I only single all yeah yeah see the ads more palatable, but there is also something to those jokes like that they do get there in four years, it's a better joke than in some of them. Some of them die on the vine but yeah the ones that are good and kooky they do get they. May lord, I wonder if that's true, it is true. Really, yes, yes, for we stuck a crank out specials and stuff yeah stuff? What's you know sitting
act. A lot longer I mean a robber kind. Couldn't stop his foot for forty years yet equipping I remember like this- where thing where they like, there was some special, his ear and hbo special. They literally showed like now montage of always hbo special area of him doing that their own area, like we see it again now, if it there the boy, wherever I remember seeing Cosby carnegie home, he work for him to do the dentist bet. And in the air, was it its boiled had a day here, People really want to see any went into it, but then care even care that, as a great. Why are you why? I don't need because, like that I mean that's the trick of acres. I find that even when I'm working on some that, like once I get something up in going yeah yeah. I know I gotta, remember it by you after you.
If you've got an hour and you're doing short sets, you can just you know, get tired of the new bits because you've got him in a place right. You know what I mean it's sort of like what am I using these short sets for I know I can get laugh. I know so like what are we going to do here? The short sets are so I've, although a guy the stricken areas by this fifteen twenty minute wobbly part right now in my which one eye price, it's about there'll it's about people going the therapy trying to figure out like There is no end to going the therapy that you're gonna go forever of, and that word up, we don't break and they get to be fixed rise as whole, junk and kind of like all over the place, an area about wasn't really sure what I was saying here and but man go to the seller for three I'll come back, go to the store for two nights in just. Do that? Just do that part than he really is in the beginning of a set. It really kind of conquers work it and it god it gets so much better than you plug it back into the thing
in the cellar and so on. I dont know why turned on it? Oh, you did all of it yet we. I keep. What I'll go with you doing in here. I can barely I barely work out when I go newark like the last time I went to new york, I end and stand up in a club in new york in years, really because I I just like to go to new york. If I have something to do, we talk about this in the lounge. Yes, are you in the lounge that more innate were either try re cause? I swear. I ran to you when I was just going for no reason: yea regaining for fun. It's right at the american lounge yeah yeah owes a is a revelation to me yeah, because I know it could do that yeah. I mean like What am I doing? do you know me like? I do sets you're going to the stand which I had We're done that stand at the last amendment to the stand was of authority Based on my right, one, where I ve never been out of your caves of equity fine here, but there I have some. I've got into my head that the sellers become sort of a mill fur
to any shows what to be shown in this. You know him, I don't know you know the idea, I just think it was better just knowing that neo, no one with next door, yeah, but the band was next door. Oh that he wasn't in charge of the place. Would you say why is the band? I can't hear myself talking because they're playing a beatles song- oh upstairs yeah. Well, that's only on mondays, okay! it still great it still. You still get me in those rooms. They don't change. They just it's better. Now, aisy rooms, now not at all, I thought that's great about at the original room it yeah, but how many joy or the original murmured the comedy store is like I don't. I have no fear of it. No fear, but it's not easy. No, but it's easy for me now and like there. I think that some some part of it has to do with, and I've used to talk about the store like this too yeah, like what
go back to new york and I go into the cellar there's. Some parties like this is where the abuse happened. Hurray it's in your head, the average europe have you who is the abusive out we the audience? We are at least the abuser. The whole place is that the audience you're onstage in the you gotta watch the manny would run in and just why are they laughing and pacing around back and forth? In my golf fuck, you see like as these head in the hallway right now. Here we go, then your early intel would walk in and I might get out either exit I'm just trying to get through this we're sweating. Jesus fuck the body, but that's what I'd like it's way, both those rooms there. Comfortably uncomfortable you I mean they he radically. They should be great. The regime there
equally, the original sour room should be easy. Structurally, it really should Leah, but there is no there's an something too will back in the day before it became like heard this mass. You know here. It was really a strange and eclectic audience I ignore more than they were ran it be, like you know, a table considered Jews than there be a table of your german tourists. Aways like in there some kids even know who the fuck was year. It was always kind of weird, very know why they were there. You know a kinder. You know an end, just the now its popular noughts, it's it's! The people go, do expecting to see me. drop in sight. The store you know yeah, but they're, just something like I was talking to solar about it, who had never really talk to her met recently had a mine I remember I was in new york and I just want by the seller, and I did a set in the regular room than there like, they go to the underground, my ever done the underground walkin. It looks like a like. A larger seller here,
but you know, but sodor went on and killed and I went on and it was just at that that old feeling of the seller came back. I started my opening. Joke is a man and then like then, I'm like. Oh, I remember this. I remember every part of this that sort of like The vigilance- and this sort of, like you know, were guarded this you have to have a new york. He can't around it and vulnerability is not necessarily welcome. You know it I felt I tell sorted this. Unlike you know, when new bomb is grown comic. You know either you acknowledged, or you just sort of you'll feel that weird sweat on your neck. Where you know like you, I d, I know they don't see it, but I know what that means. You like it. I didn't road it out. You think, there's no for some reason that that that room- it's just you know, you're not going to turn a really one of my last bombs was upstairs me
between room that little lounge room. I don't even know what that is. If you go before you go down, the stairs would be out into the underground yeah, the like of the side, there's a little room in there where colin works out yeah his stuff like every week yeah, and he has to be the open for you, It was his cousin wasn't around here and I went to fetch. Its bombed bombed you get the sweating. Oh, my god was like that vulnerable. Like oh yeah, you do that all inside now you're just like. Oh my god. This is like a some sort of weird wake up, call so funny and then like. But for me, when that happens, it's like I'm, I'm I like him, I'm just starting out. I know, isn't that crazy
I mean I know like you, my body or carry me through it and like it happens in the main room at the store, sometimes really all right. Well, this is the level yeah that we're working with we're not getting out of it yeah and it's alright. I don't feel like pushing and trying to you what am I going to do, eat it. Yeah I'd rather just tell them. It's like well you're, not great yeah, and I just need to say these words. Well I mean I, I will definitely take them to task yeah. Usually I would also like I'm not one that people like you and it takes a long time to realise that, like you know, whatever anybody thinks whoever goes before you can fuck it up for you for at least half your said he
It's it's not like. You know like no problem, yeah, we'll just go fifteen each. You know. Sometimes you I got christ now geiger night, didn't take a hit for five minutes detroit, but I thought we were all working on new stuff yeah. Why did you just open with your closer? Well? That's why I don't like the main room as much in the store, because it's it a looks like a real perform in space and strike a vegas show rumours, I'm so comedians get there and they feel like they. Ve got a throw fastball sure it's there, it's almost like the room is dictating know you. Should be julia, putting on a show as like. I just wanna work, I'm instead, started. Asking just put me in the o r. I gotta go Above all, you know sometimes in get loose in the main restructuring, if not totally pact or like in also like eating, I start to realize like and then it's like, I'm nice, it's ok, if not everyone's laughing.
hundred percent ye. I type we that's the thing there's not that switch like oh shit, I'm in trouble A really try to kill it's not about you just gotta stay in the saddle and then not room for the people like you and what's with that. Well, They mean that's a great part about it too. Is you come of a mediocre thing in the main room. Was you stuck to your gun? trying your stuff out and then it gets to whatever and whoever was just doing their special right before you and then you come and all the kids that are parking cards open the door later right. Will you, who are you I was playing employed at the comic sets in the same shit, every fuckin night exam well you're talking about before. Not all jokes is interesting because the these old guy you when you watch argues hamilton or Tom Dresen. They kill and and in a really starting to realize that is a language of comedy that predates us?
I think, a lot of the audience kind of corruption there's a rhythm to it, and like you. Even if the jokes are not great, you know they're good enough, but Dresen I'll get up there any like he's, got it very kind of singular cadence, its old school, but it just kill. Because of that is That's the language of television comedy from the seventies, sir. Seventies. Eighty year always went some, but the sometimes those guys, in front of a roomful eighteen year olds I know, and it's killing. I know it so it's so it makes me happy, but but they didn't grow up with it. You know what I mean. I know the area and I think that for young, something to the placing of that thing in algiers to the professionalism, I mean what the fuck you writing, or of watching by goods talk like old man and me I dont understand. I can't even involved with tik tok, comedy enough to hate it like you are. We regret the fact that the comedy store I finished, my son,
I come walking. I am trying to get out of there and you're sitting in the back row. So I sat down next to you for a second you, starting to being a tick duck. We do that now, as I get things up, but there is a very easy way to them. I think, the I think the dress in the thing and argus there's a there's a pacing I'm here comes there that works at just the right. There's something baked into that. People were affected that and if there is a good and you can't be terribly jokes, but they but it's the work. I think that the like that that's the thing is like you and I do different style and like one, when I see guys that go kaboom boom boom boom joked a joke. Yeah, there's always part of me that sort of like why I I can't why don't I do that? It's not going to sit down and write those jokes right. There is
that thing of what you see somebody in use. Why don't I do that? It is not that I'm not I'm not like. You have to write all those jokes on those the like Joe. like that for me when they happen, MIKE. Oh, that's one of those robia anymore it down, but it's it's one of them. So few of those buddy. I don't do an hour drive me crazy. You know where they make the other thing to the tick tock thing. It's funny watching my kids theory, twenty one in eighteen and talk in social media has been around enough for that to have trend it. Trend it out there, like my kids, will mark comedy not stand up a comedy clips and stuff on the on tik tok, as though we like you know, uh, that's twenty ten thousand like their less sense of late comedy langwidere within that, is,
same thing but for their generate like they may have seen it. They now attack now right and there, like other, that that's it a key ray, I'm tat a joke, yeah, that's not your influence. Now this is them. I don't even know that their up to you and other just watching it digesting area and then things popular kids on attacking our now happy there. Now, they ve trend it out. Yeah, it's a new language, competitive yeah with their youtube to I don't like I at times, I dont know who they are. I don't know that guy not what's his name is what's his name I don't even know you type is a bigger than that, given that the big guy Matt rights omar if yeah, yeah, yeah No, I watched five minutes of him. Doing sort of rapid fire crowd work and, unlike I I get it yeah, you know- and I I don't, but it's like I it's. This comes back to the thing that that used to annoy me, but there is nothing that can be done about it is that when you and I got into it
there was no, there wasn't even bringer shows Some did stand of new york and we thought it was weird. You know it's like you go you do the open, MIKE's figure it out. You get the ten minutes, but you know you. It was total, the comedy club dependent or her, and we had a goal in mind, which was to be a great comment. Yeah and now she seems like in this has been going on for a long time since all the comedy since produce shows where I work in any fuck. Just do it. Sidney, you know like you without care. charisma or how it necessarily anyway, quick action, guys you'll come up in our generation that were definitely not funny yet and then he figured out just by walking into who they were. They worked out, but it just seems like there's such a premium put on the other side clips and I dont and crowd work.
do crowd work, but it's like. I know all my god like why. Why are you spending a half hour doing it just so? You can get your things to put then post up, but you know they did it and- I guess about selling tickets and nato cell big places because it caught a cot yeah. It I am out is always that there's always that mystifying, I'm not in the same business not everyone, nothing! I can do about. Oh, oh yeah, I was on a plane once next to em Jeff tweedy. Oh yeah and it was after the it was during the great was the morning after the grammy zia and it was the same, and I and I never met him before we're just chatting, and was there thinkers and maybe staples or some in and he and we're talking? I was like katy pay It was big that year and a couple other people and italians. This early morning is kind of work and threw it in his hand. He was and see exactly what you just say. Yes, I dont think
in the same business anywhere meant it isn't I've gotta guitar I've got while songs, I'm doing my thing, but it is it's not what they're doing We no that's absolutely true here and I think it's you know we always get out ruffle when it comes into ares orbit. But there always been those acts that have flourished insight. Ah, but that's on my stage its and wet that's kind of what I do, but it's not what you give I, but I dont know like you know I I sometimes wonder why, like I've got a good a good audience. You know him inside in on it in its it's fine, but there is pardon me that thinks like. I should have a few more people. Yeah, I'm not even looking I'm not looking to play in arena yeah, I don't. I don't even like playing rooms that are over two thousand, because you lose something becomes as other thing. Yet I feel, like you know my the the nature of my soul
my that I'm exposing cow make it all the way back into two thousand see no yoke is a different type show you a hundred percent that is really the sweet spot. And- and how how insane, by the way that complaining about that yeah. I mean what a great career to go around the country packing our place is one thousand two thousand seeds of people that want to see ye who have them being like, but you know these guys are doing sick and that guy's doing an arena yeah, but there's just no way because, like honestly tom like I am not really like other people really
and I know and I'm speaking about my life and sometimes it's fairly specific and it's not like there's not going to be a. You know an arena full of guys going to that's right, my god wow yeah, yeah sure heart of the beer sales. It's just not, I tell you a lynn, shelton story. Yeah, I don't have ever told I'm gonna get tokens told I was travelling. it was like two or three specials ago, and I was trying to figure out what to do yeah. I remember you were yeah. I tell you there's no, but I remember her talking about she almost direct your special or something yeah, Soda burg Steven Spielberg was thinking about doing it yeah and he was like. I can't do it you know I really love is out, shalt, india and I was going to perform in the pacific, west, where she was yeah, and
so he kind of sad he connected us together here and shoes came out to a club to see me here with the hopes of maybe she'll directly via my thing and am- and I was in this honourable club, horrible club, norwich spot, it was wasn't laughs. Was it laugh liner, what somewhere with dave- and it was It- was like poor. When dish? Seattle is ok, ok, one, although here and it was a horrible place connected to the small and wherever having to go through this tube to get there and It was a star and I was so sick. I had This horrible had no voice. You know about the post, How can you talk anymore here out of my mind, and I am and is the however set up there playing this horrible music to begin with and is everything that is the opposite of and was all like. I'm like a real artists. May I ask, is this:
There's like when rob zombie came to see me in the beginning of my career. He came to the ice house and was like a fuckin birthday. You have to go through it who's that it is doing with your career, Leonardo area in areas like that's gonna, think so anyway, I went up and I struggled through a sad and I was all nicely a shitty and environments terrible and I walked. into her car harking courage, because I was literally concerned I wouldn't let any woman in my orbit, like just walk through this poem like marking, garage happy with this kind of scotch here, and I want you out. The other will talk, lay hidden and she was like a gazelle. Fully past there anyways, I felt so bag zoos like she was such a coup.
kids yeah and I brought it to like a horrible environment, and I was not good that night and it was just like it was terrible, but it was a near. It was a near miss and then, and then, when I saw are with you at the comedy store. One night yeah and she was like oh right yeah. I guess she didn't remember specifically is a horrible thing. Yeah it was. She was so sweet, so nice well look man, I mean there's, there's a liability to being cool kid too, like when I started being there. She she was like yeah, I don't I don't. I don't like led zeppelin, I'm like how's, that, like I don't even understand what you just said and mike have you ever listened to it she's like well, it was around when I was in highschool and stuff, but I was just not that wasn't my thing, I'm like what, We give you some words there, within six months of the with me she's like this. Why zepplin is our alias waiter? Of course. Of course I mean it.
It speaks for itself, but yeah. She came up in the time where you know you. There were two camp right. A lily. She's like I was your age more, a few ages, a few years younger. So when I want high school. You know new wave or pancakes sorted just coming in so you know, a time it was either. Disco or rock right that had been around since the late sixties and seventies, right yeah. So that's what I grew up with, but some people avoided that, because you know they had the cure and they had myths and that kind of stuff or whatever was going on what happened in college, but it was radicalized by you, know, seventies, rock yeah and it sticks yeah, oh yeah. She was great. Yeah Lynn was great. I just I don't you know, I can't you don't it's a few years back in its history, it's also, weird and unfathomable, that that it just happens, but then it just
just happens, you know and inadequately range between them. In kobe, it's like. I have no sense of timer. It's fucked up my sense of time. Oh, if fucked up everyone's the time, but with together through that. During that time, yeah I dont know isis. How I had I would try to do is like keeping- shit together in, like the other loss of it, is you I think about all the time but it just flies by man, in general. It's weird cause, I'm gonna be sixty in I've always been the kind of person who says I guess it's not your life is in fine by, because I that's how I felt both when I'm now approaching sixty like this, is here now yeah it's here. This is here now and then he circled like with what what happened yeah, but it it changed, but it's like it just becomes more than you think about how quick the last fifteen went and then you added to bright where the next fifty,
from here goes beyond our own now and the end. If you're gonna be rational about you? I guess I got my girlfriend now is younger than me, and I, like you know through a few years ago. I'm can be like all he could. Entered in again, you can I'm doing a bit. Onstage were now judge with older men dating younger, wouldn't have you want, but ultimately it's going to get to a point where I'm going to have to go like you know, you can go yeah. I understand we knew this was going to happen but, like it seems, like you've got a little juice when she sees you trying to read your pill bottle how much younger she's a thirty four, oh man, but it said it was a guy, that's a great age yeah. She doesn't want to have kids, and here she had been there for me in the us
in fairly difficult time and and and you know it- it's evolved into something very sweet, but I know I know it's I I said something I said last night that I think is is I think it got a good laugh, we're just riffing, you know, but I always sort of half apologize for dating younger women. You know cause I'm like I I said less. I said I'm not looking for it. I've dated women of different ages, I've dated age, appropriate I've dated most age appropriated, exaggerated, younger, it's just random. At this point, like you, I d go. I live, you know when you talked in your act about use the word. Mystical yeah someone passes. He can't help but go mister. Mr Cunha is, a part of you with that or with your age is there. Any that's more religious, no
you, don't you don't lean in to that part at all? No, I I don't because it's still sort of practical, I'm doing have a pretty big bit now about your passing out at the top of the hill that I hike and and also its kind of tied in with the old trying to listen up, taylor, swift and then hearing a song on this record that you know maybe yo activated my grief but kind of care read it in that way, the music can and playing it on open. But there is this: you know when, when died so quickly, You know the losses is significant because she was very charismatic per cent. Anybody's losses is significant young and it's it's is devastating. Khazars YO, it's real. Absence yielded happens abruptly in its ino in its terrible and in the end it is sir, oh, not unusual! Other than tragedy here you want someone tragically by, but when I passed out
this moment were like you know, when you pass out, if you ve ever passed out, no god it's like I kind of felt it coming. I it happens because I stretch and it was like a head rush and you know what I want yet, but I went down and like I wouldn't have known it. If I hadn't come too here I mean like aids, just nothing right like there was nothing and you know, and when I came to us like, oh my god, no idea, so I'm sort of my boy. That's what it's like. Ok, yeah. If it's just nothing, we kind of gave me some peace around heard about enough interest, and I want to project your project, souls and everything else, and I still am a sort of half mystical. I found a giant feather. You know like right in front of this door here one day as I got here yeah, but but no, but then, like you know, it's not I'm not beyond. Like my gotta look up what the significance no feather is, but you
quiet note of it like I did. Do I worked it out. You did look and, of course, It's like it's just that's why the internet works is no sourcing. Writing. Native americans and Michael s good here, and it means that someone still looking over, you might go that works good. Only I'm kinda feather get so that if that closer to guide, lay idea why you as you get older, I don't think I don't. I've always been kind of mystical. as different, then yeah, but I was I was raised catholic and I've. Always I had this thing of being somewhat aware or trying to be in tune with something beyond, and it's weird like at different stages. Ah,. Pray, more oil or depressed you better take more you know what I mean. I guess there's always that thing, but I do feel
yes, I'm getting older there is angular we're we're all going by the same sure we all like a this- is very common. Yeah there are people kind of like start living the way I see lights start going out, yeah yeah yeah and they started theming, yeah and they're like hmm. Well, what else? What does it all mean? Yeah where we go in and all that kind of thing not in any like I said I go out, there was a mystical, I always kind. I had that sense here and so it hasn't become like more intense right. I don't knowledge, I find myself reading more. I just went through all of Joseph Campbell's interviews. Our rights you get. You got the whole spectrum of sandwiches yeah, which avail grain, but what does that tell you The vet told me that. They told me that I'm right that.
I'm sensing that there's something beyond that. There is another plain of something happening here. All the time so that humans, age, that humans are trying to interpret this feeling and theyve mocked it up by. trying to nail it down into religion. well, that's interesting because it like what I would take from the work around the mythology and start that it sort of, I guess in and inversion of that which is humans, have always had this need to feel connected, not that that their there close to breaking the code might later, but they need to construct. thing bigger than themselves to find meaning that need, I think, is generated by this week. feeling that we have right that we're gonna die, maybe, but me will you do to your saying at the weird feeling is like gods, presents, ended in he's, given us the puzzle or she or it, yeah me too. that they give him it I'm not, even though they did
is the day or that they've given okay, but yet but sorta the weird need it's like. How is it so fucking? You know fragmented and nebulous at every goddamn culture, since the beginning of humans has taken a crack at it, but there's still still nobody can do it revelation other than whatever they construct it. be just where hearing a hum and I wonder what is that it's gotta be something bigger and it may be areas. Let me maybe it maybe lights out when you pass out at the top of the hill and that The hum is only present here and now in your eyes, are open right that both but the lights out things not terrible now, going ages Draghi. You know, I think it's it's its relative to our ego die that you know that it's good, that you can't just be nothing yep. Sure, okay, just eat a hamburger. You know like when you think that cow had a you know some other destiny. Going to me like I, I I just don't like that. This sort of separation we make
im from us and every other living organism on the goddamn planet and then like we got to have a special place right. There's gotta be a place where, where we go yeah who the fuck knows where the dogs are gone, but there's a there's, gotta be a place for it. I don't like. I have like I don't know if uncomfortable, because, like now that, like I'm at this age- and you know- I don't have major health problems, but, like I go to bed at night and my does it The only thing could be yeah whenever you hear stories now, it's like. Oh, what was that guy always fifty to just drop dead. Had he been to the doctor when all the time with you in good shape, yeah he's in great shape just dropped dead. He fucked on his peloton yeah, I mean it's. I dunno I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. Are you These were the regular. We ever the re. Your think. Why didn't he again for like seven months you have and
because I wanted to see if I could yeah, I didn't, have high cholesterol, but I just want to see if it made a difference and it did it did. I wonder if it's stuck, how much weight did you lose? I dunno, and work announced that I don't know that I was thrown away resolute anyway, you having so when you begin, I don't know, Bulgaria, gangway they just sort of white, they dont, do it right and well bred. I don't see you going just needing cookies. Now I try to balance it out, but later but I wouldn t be comfortable with with death. Yet because like for me, those just sort of like when he was gonna, get the cats in someone's gonna have the queen yoke. Is, I that's one thing I learned at Berlin passed away that as virtually during covenant with everything I assumed that what happens is in the midst of all this tragedy and an extreme grief and pain and without anyone's whatever anyone's experiencing, who who had a relationship with her of any kind. Is that, like
It really is like what are we gonna do with this stuff? And it's it's that's rough man because because she had a lot of the same kind of stuff, I had you shit. Axis of like you know, if you're a keeper things with I'm not even sure, there's a point to it, but I got boxes upstairs here, your stuff wrote in high school within my art, stuffing like all this stuff, and I don't have any grand idea that like or maybe it'll be bit bequeath to a colony. I area, but his own people have offered to archive it better still, my insecurity it does any enabled me to be like yeah, you better get the stuff together like work, they opened a bob dylan centre and you know who knows yeah yeah. So but don't you, It's like you know. You call in family members any calling people too to sort of determined that means and in really a lot of the stuff we
keep mean something to us. It represents something of our past something of our evolution. Maybe we think it's it's. It deserves more attention than at once got, but Ultimately it is part of us and once that go those unless you're, you know a grand person of letters or something it's a box the family members gonna go through and I gotta know witnesses yeah we are going to do with that. I don't have any room for this. It's funny because it its whittled down to well keep this bookmark right. Yeah sure I guess you like. I love this one. I've heard from him by one cup from him now and I'll. Keep that thing enough yet, and that's enough, my sister has like three. I comes from my grandmother leah, and that is enough. Yeah. I have my grandmother's melon baller right yeah, and that's good sure, yeah, but I don't think I don't it's like I dunno how much you know. I guess I carry a lot of that stuff. Still in my memory and you know and certainly When are we didn't get to have what we I thought we were supposed to
in destined to have it, but I have I have stuff for hers and in an eye- and I don't even know what to do. They, like I've, been yet are going with them that, like you, know, cause right ultimately, ike. She had people that she you long relationships with an hour's. Wasn't that long- and I don't know- but I think at this point a few years later- it's weird. If I just sort of your comment, shouted, though friends of yours and I was in contact with after she passed like do you want this book, You know my ears end. It should do that no it's my right after I gave her mom a jack. It's me I mean I was yeah. I guess all the stuff was here and no one was coming down because it was covin. So all the stuff that she thought was important was here, read my house or in the how she had rented like its norway stuff bite, but getting value that thing is like look man sag its death affected me? family and even more so when obviously work
with land but lynn, sort of prime the pump, for the reality of of how feeding the seniors ryan but like when sag drop dead. On my back, I what the fuck happened like. No one knows what happened and in that the thing it got me. The months was it does one of us in using make he was on the road omnipresent but just like you, knowing that this week, I again end yeah. I guess it was very shocking me, especially because he died on the road in a goddamn hotel. I now an end by a couple of things happen because it from dying is that, yes, I will the funeral and was only hear it did not sign which you know I do. I drive bite alla time here and here for the first few weeks and to this day like I was like he was at home last week and now is in a box up on that hill and I drive by it every fuckin dounia any. I can't get it ghip, they. Just up there lay narrowly was like you know, is a new home you know, enjoying whenever
and it's really had this weird amount not lie, though, why why him more than we could have put in? that happened with other, Because I don't I didn't. I didn't you know really closer to him. I no, but I felt like. because it was surprising right and because, like he was such a week, I'm in here It wasn't that were really close. What I felt called after him, yeah And ah you know- and I guess it's because, like you know I I can't remember I don't I I didn't go to like draw those funeral. I didn't go to patrice his funeral. I didn't go to you know like these guys last earlier on. I can't remember me out we'll head like. I don't even know what happened there, but that you have biddy wasn't like we can see that coming was too bob. I don't got images humour, but I did go to bob's because you know it. The generation of guys that I look up to and made maybe that was it managed, also differ. It's also where you're at when these, it sure, and I think you know I just I think, maybe
was avoiding funerals near yeah. You know I I don't I don't ideas too. I wouldn't go yeah. and I had already selective now I guess that's it, so how's. How your wife has everything with you What what is the experience? Good growing, these kids cause? I hear you talking about the kids yeah, the the weed and stuff and the down the hall yeah. It's it's, we kind of. Did it yeah, you did it. We did it. We did the angry kids, their good kid there really great em. but they don't live with me anymore. I don't have to do that. Today and that we had project that that twenty year roger grove being in the house on like run a corporation, it's now shifted its its, and you are even ass bit out the other end we ready for it. I didn't understand it that with the first when she left. I was like this,
no sense you just have to. Let them go be people you just have to. Let them go, and I had a thing my act words like I did. I don't wait a minute I did all of this for you, I didn't I this house anyone these animals, I don't friends, all my friends are your friends errants now you're gonna go. I should go It was always like with this makes no sense at all, and it really. Room but thou after be seeing the rhythm of that and then comes back for life We hang and we go see or someplace else in its its natural. And right now with my next one just left the last week. It was more like give us is the weight supposed to go, and I guess you then you start to look forward to you know what her wife's going to be as an arrow yeah. Away and your life comes back
What's that look like any, I I know that people start doing comedy again, but you never left. I never got those guys that are sort of. Like my, I guess, I'll go on, the road might want to spruce up. They act a little bit just the mental of being in your house without him we're about anybody, but myself in the dog me. in only one. My wife weird, but you know like there is a man a bird in the UK free and that that was a family, but that goes that eases yeah, because, like from like that. I don't know how people dont continuing. We worrying more. You You worry in bigger ways like I'm worried about them in a dislike there, but I guess a worries: don't stop with the day to day minutiae of. Are they coming down the hall? I o k, right now we have sex. Now, just ought yeah. I literally just got up out of bed. oh clothes on here and like
walk down? The hall at the dog out walked down into my backyard and just hands on my hips, like yeah. Fine here get get yourself in the mere. Let's, that's what's closer, doesn't mean by myself by, but but I guess, if you know that you know like a haven still, if you've ve done the best you could and they turned out. to be level headed people that there is that, involves that they'll take care of so I got I imagine. The general panic like I can in my parents can even handle the item my parents anytime, I was out if I can be later than a certain time. Yes, that's normal, normal, that that's why they have to go. It's like they're, like these women now in my house here, and I have to get up early do something here. I can't be in the asleep until your home and then they don't want to tell you when they're coming home with their women right there grown
people. Now I should have to tell you what I'm coming. You sake as its those my roommates j edgar hoover roma. It's now you just being a bad roommate idea, so you get, to the point where you like, or you gotta, go yeah, and are they having fun out there yeah? It seems like it the first one. The second one is my second, my first one's going to be done with school she's going to graduate with a degree in Can studies seems like she's writer markets? Can a person good, that's practical, yeah work for us, it did it and if we're lucky yeah mean we worked hard, but like you, when you really look at the latest sure. It's like, oh, my god, I now am. I barely pulled it out was not looking now yeah, I don't know but yeah. All of that stuff, like big stuff worries, is like yeah and I dunno I mean it. My other one, like I said just left so he's like kind of in that freak out fresh.
And like oh yeah, you're, going to be my friends and I'm sleeping in a strange place. Yeah, You do what I'm a closer far there far the both goes our, but we're back all the time, and here I cite I meme, Yeah you're worries you never stop. Billy is honest. You love people whose worries I worry about my parents, I wear about my sister's, there's always worry, but I don't like you. I got a kind of. Let go do not worry about people as much as you know the bigger picture The world- and you know my own fuck- insanity like I am trying to do is joke. Where were the dear like. I wish I had we're control of my imagination, because what it does on its own is not great at at at at at at at at. At at at at at so very because when I just heard about her imagination like delay, your imagination die and they were saying in the way of like when I think of refrigeration. It's it's something
task the goal, and we have a you, know, rainbows and what I didn't exist, assertively attack inside a half hour. How am I gonna get fucked, you know, what's gonna, try literally said Diana just think about like like if I'm driving like it, I have to fight the idea that I'm gonna be t boned. in the middle of an intersection in your act. When you talk about those two old guys on the bench of different ways that you can be all yeah and there's the one guy who's like real grateful, look at the water and then there's the other guy again you're like well that didn't work out, yeah yeah! I have no fucking money. Yeah yeah, which guy are you I you know I I I don't know I'm not amount jack hissing things did work out, but I'm not I'm not totally apiece.
and there is sort of a a cranking of of dread. Yeah. You know that my I seemed to lock in and attach anxiety to everything yeah. So I I wouldn't say I'm going to be angry and bitter, but, like it'll, be like I'm just gonna sit here and look at the water, but it doesn't look the way it used. To I mean it. Doesn't you know it's on your heads on your on your on your tombstone, it's going to say I told you I know I was right, we'll see so so where? Where can people? What are you? What do you got a website, yeah We need the full arc. I got a new ever rather tombstones reasonable placed and bird tombstones and webs is yeah mines, Tom papa tug, how in there all the toward each other, all the towards eights, where new book yeah that's the
we're all in this together? Something make room yeah those essays about the careless kids life things? You have come I do have a cat. I won one can two dogs and I'm all team cat after careful analysis of living with all of them, yeah I'm way and on cat I three there are the best. but I can now the admin more frightening is like one of these in my life, yeah dude. I just passed out on the top of a one year old kitten that guy's gonna have a new owner. We have a lizard that has a life expectancy of fifty years. It's like well what kind of lizard gecko, whose s It was my daughter's whim when she was sex. still have it yeah yeah? My wife is really an animal lover and I thought the gecko do
this hangs out on a branch waits too. sprayed We can only hope, got huge ball yeah. We can only hope for that life. They have got away on his twig and waited spray every once in a while and fed bugs crickets on a good day, paste them regularly looking forward to those crickets alright, but he is getting to you too, folks was lovely, lovely tom papa. You can go to Tom Papa day conference tour dates and get his book is new. we're all in this together, so make some room wherever you go books and now I need you to hang out for a second through deleted. Do people b
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no long term commitments or contracts just go to stamps dot com, quick, the microphone at the top of the page and code, w e f this thursday. We'll have my talk with arnold shorts and negative. If you're a full member subscriber we ve got some bonus, episodes that gets you ready. Last week, they brendan in christian episode on arnold movies, the best or non movies recognise This man is like a greek god
and that's what this movie does richard dawson sees the tv is like. Who is that that's my next running bad because yeah, he is a great god running around. I mean that makes more sense that he turns babyface to the audience that they're like the way they go. You know who you are, which one you want to bet on next time and the old ladies, like oh ben richards, he's a bad mother fucker. That's available right now, tomorrow for full marin. Subscribers you'll hear my reaction to the arnold talk right after you left the garage. That's all advance of the arnold. W e f episode this thursday to subscribe. The full marin go to the episode, description and click on the link or go to w g of pod, dot com and click on w e f plus.
here I am trying to open it up a little bit with the slide to o clunky, but I'm starting to feel I'm starting to feel it I'm starting to feel it
We await a rumour that might be in the barn academy,
Transcript generated on 2023-10-11.