« WTF with Marc Maron Podcast

Episode 1473 - Chevy Chase

2023-09-25 | 🔗
Chevy Chase plays a pivotal role in the history of American comedy, from his work on the National Lampoon Radio Hour to being the breakout star of Saturday Night Live’s first season to his hit comedy films like Caddyshack and Vacation. Chevy talks with Marc about some of the roads he didn’t take, like staying in a band with his friends Walter and Donald who founded Steely Dan, or staying on SNL past the first season instead of leaving for LA. They also talk about Chevy’s perspective on his short-lived talk show and his relationships with some of the people he’s worked with over the years.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Folks, what if I told you that, instead of what I'm saying now, I could be talking about your business if you're in advertiser or a marketer, and you want me to do the talking for you- visit a cast self service- add platform where any business can browse and book pod castors like me to tell your story in a way audiences trust. Sixty two percent of listeners make a purchase after hearing a host. Like me, read and add head over to go. Not a cast dotcom, slash sponsorships to launch your campaign. That's go dot a cast dot com, slash sponsorships, this? all right. Let's do this. How are you what the fuckers, what the fuck bodies, what the fuck? What happening, a mark mare- and this is my pod gas- welcome to it, and doing it awhile I'm glad you're here, I think we're
when some of the best shows we ve done any years right now, just been a run of shows that, for me. Had been tremendous conversations, I don't know that just something happening because of the variety of guess we ve been having that it's been very engaging for me and I hope for you as well. How is every body? Are you ok it's your poor so I don't know how many jews or listening or maybe they're like me, and they are just having a reform, the day it is the day of atonement, your gunning for another year in the life you're trying to get yourself in the big book of people that make it through another year, good luck, Jews! Good luck with that. I hope that the euro, you're toning is received. Well,
and your future is weighed properly by the almighty that you may believe in our I'm sure, if that's how it works, but I do know that on this I tried to be reflective can't say that my guest today is necessarily like that. I dont know I talked to chevy chace his daughter Is the piano player, one of the piano players at the common? story and I see her all the time and she's very sweet and we talk all the time. He's been sort of trying to get me the interview chevy for on time and I've been resistant because, I've heard that he's difficult, and what I did a roast of him. You ago, that was really one of the worst knights of my life, but eventually had started to seem like it was going to happen, and I was going to let it happen. It just came down to it to herself
we're contact my mom he's. He wants to do it What's to do things, and, unlike all right, you know what ok, was a huge chevy chace fan. When I was a kid, I would stare wait on Saturday night I'd watch him fall down. I used to go to school. The next day when I was in junior high and do my own version of ie falls. I loved him. I love be changed. If I could just sort of put my self into that place and remember that I approaching with that with that great business and curiosity and I knew look I knew that he is Defensive guy. I wasn't expecting him to be too reflective. Issues notoriously not his thing. But I think in here. I think you can hear everything you need to hear by listening to him for an hour and and I think,
revealing in its own way, and it was kind of funny to see chevy doing chevy things sitting. right across from me. So so that's that's. What's happening short we have another ass mark. Anything episode coming up for full marin subscribers, so I need your question to ask a question. click on the link in the episode description and submit your question on the google form. We also put the link. The deputy have social media pages. This and of exciting. There are these Brian jones cap mugs available to purchase- and this is starting today- at noon eastern now This design is very special. It's almost a commemorative mug. It's almost eight collectible, because just made this ribbon id numbered run of the old style. The original style lay out of a victim. my with the classic cat design on it,
the three original cats right, but by here's the deal we got New designs, for the new three cats, so by but in the old way? I I can't explain it The original design was kind of a kind of earthy looking mug, and it had these of these cat. The three boomer monkey and fond on. It They looked a certain way, and now these new ones have also have a buster, charlie and Sammy, on it in the same style, on one side and on the other side, the original three or their, but their goal. and they have halos. the cat angels are now represented and on the other side, in black and white, or the other Just not gold are than your crew and then there's a recent new decay. Of me
so those are our special, and they're gonna be available. Okay, and there is also there's there's there's those in and there is also the most recent design with the full color kadijah so big day w e f monks their available today starting at noon. Eastern add w t F mugs, dot c o w tee. f mugs, dot seo so grab them. They go very. Quickly and the ones the clock once the commemorative ones the collect the ball. Numbered ones are spent when they're gonna they're gonna go fast in briand as beautiful work, our I ah my towards it's our here, I'm in bellingham washington at the moment. Good theatre for one show on Saturday october. Fourteenth is part of the boeing exit, festival, portland, Oregon sold out october twentieth through the twenty second boston, I'm at the tea garden
Comics come home on Saturday november. Fourth, then, came a theater and albuquerque new mexico for one show on november, eleventh and recall colorado, o o b, the comedy works south. Four shows november seventeenth and eighteenth younger. Deputy of padua com swash tour for tickets, I will be tried, put together some other nights in here and allay in december. Or the longer sat side on lose touch with the work. I've been doing, It wise guys in vegas, the saturday night for shows me in the lara bites and it was great to great room that wise guys in the arts district in vegas is great low ceilings. way you can engage with the audience in a new here. What's coming back you it's it's a great place. Work out in that's what I'm gonna work when I do vegas, I'm not a casino act. I accept that and I
I am who I am, and I No, that about myself, no matter who tells me that I could work it gets. You knows in one of my heroes have Two casinos vegas is a big thing for show business, but I make a and of comic of a certain type and I just feel like even if my fans, or even if people who knew me kinder your saw my face in the lobby on some sort of advertising I get the belies. Yo were The m gm or whether it seizures I mean they would see it and they do have a moment would be like marin's your man, I just I don't know if I can do that right now, I just don't know if I can get myself into that space. You know what I mean we're having a pretty time I just don't years heavy manage usually heavy with him, and I the stone? I don't know, I don't want to buzz, kill really I Combat like I just don't think it's I don't want. I don't want to do it now. Maybe we'll see him when he comes to town or I was just drinking and plain black jack and stuff.
I just don't think I'm totally correct for vegas casinos, but for locals in the art district and people they came in for those shows they were, they were great, it was. It was good time, and what do I went to the the strip because my dad came out. He and his wife had sometimes I think, I think she brought him just so I could see how he was doing work Adam what were his act. But he came the show. I think he had a good time than I did go over to the strip to meet them for lunch, and it was heavy you know the strip you just being there at a the thralls of people. I don't know man a you know that it's definitely inexperience. I wouldn't say that feeling was hopeful, I'm not sure I felt hope For humanity, king amongst the people have with a vegas time, I,
I think I I look around or I looked around when I was there and thought like you know, we're going to be. Okay, people are going to be okay, and when they were having a good time, but I did not feel in the bay picture that day. Anything okay and I, I don't I didn't and sir for humanity. I don't have that I've they're going for, but I think it's divide that I pick up when I go to vegas a gamble: do what of it by the black jack? Was seventy five dollars down them. For some reason. After the last show, a guy just said day here. Take this and he gave me a hundred dollar bill cyber I kind of came out ahead. I was I I was going to stop him, but I didn't he wanted tip me and I'm like right, we're in vegas a fake it. Thank you shit that you enjoyed my services. But work. You know seeing the old man was so it was a little difficult to see where he sat with his. Process here,
as an older fella his brainstorm. Ok he's our time walk and we had to walk a little too much, but you I definitely felt like its anytime. I see him it's important to see him I can. it's gonna humbling, I'm sure for him and me to see him slowing down in and then to really feel like I a joker out the guy, but then we are and she knew you know he wasn't doing. Great agis was, just took it in. Opened my heart, a bed and felt it. You know I felt the reality of it but it was nice to see and rosy they came out and it was not It's been a it's been a kind of a rough week or so my my aunt, barbara Who was there a big part of my life? throughout my life, sometimes more than other she passed away last week is my mother. Sister is very sad. she was. I just want to pay some sort of tribute. This was the this was
I cool, and I my aunt barbara was my cool aunt. I you know, I hear she was the answer yo. Do I have a few beers in the house? We were teenagers. She was yet that day when I went away to to music camp. She she got I some cigarettes. You know she was he added. Yes, go to a weed here and there they were definitely kind of in the party seen near city, new jersey, her my uncle jack and but she was always a fun and reported indefinitely, definite. the cooler. You know any The lead smoke is ok by me. Any aid they like to drink was ok by me, but you fun and she was a great mom a grandmother- and I was there for my mom and Justa just right hey. You know all my life, you know I have some people are necessarily close with their aunts and uncles. Her
for some reason, because we spent so much time with my cousins Lisa modern! Am I a barbarian, my uncle jack when we were young kids in jersey, they were always there and a very sad about it and and I'm gonna to miss zero, at least It's a year. And I think my mom's doing. Ok, I'm in touch with her, my brother's down there. He was able to to show up for my mom in my cousins and go the funeral and be part of that. I did not feel it was okay to cancel fortune, on that short notice and my dad was coming out in my said it was ok, but I do feel little bad about it, but I have been keeping my and my thoughts now Michael and my mom, and I will get down there as soon as possible and its yom kippur it just it's been it's been a little heavy, but. I'm ok, are you? Ok? Is everyone? Ok, look.
We bring you knew episodes at his show twice every week for fourteen years, but lots of other things need to be taken care of to make sure this is all running smoothly. The episodes need to be archived. We need away play them on our site. We need a search function, so you can find episodes from the past. Then there's always my tour dates and ticket access in a way to subscribe. two w t have plus is allowed to take care of, but that's why we made sure w p, pod god thou comest powered by square space squares. This gives you everything you need to build a great online platform. You can set up square, based member areas to give premium access to your most devoted users. There is also the square space video studio and the squire space, a male campaigns to help you stay connected and whether you sell physical or digital products. Score space has the tools you need to start selling online go to squares, stock, arms, rice, w idea for a free trial and then dont for to use offer code w
If, when you're ready to launch that gets you ten percent off your first purchase of a website, or domain that square space that come so w e f offer code, w e f, so work Chevy chase. I was a little nervous. I was apprehensive. I will tell you that dumb, You are generally, we don't allow of the sitting here with the guests but of wife. One to be here, what was send it to me. was that she needed to be in the room to help him. Remember things, but it became pretty pair. Pretty quickly that she was in the room, so he didn't say anything horrible, her destructive but you know he's not a young guy in- and this was what we did- you know we we may through no one got too angry
and it was it was very pleasant. It was pleasant. to spend the time with chevy chase, there's really nothing to plug with this interview, but just you member that this guy is a big part, of american comedy history and That really is more than enough of a reason to jam and am glad that there, his daughter made it happen I'm glad his wife was keeping him in check and this is me talking to chevy chase. Countrified cooper, yes, very tiny, very funny, get it broke. this is I got that on a beach in a why I think it it doesn't matter, you wanna we're headphones and we're headphones or headphones
Our I like to hear my boy is right: there is there some headphones right there, I you know it's. I'm excited you're here, it's nice to see you. I have two. I have two experiences of a meeting you and or being in your presence. One is kind of odd. I believe it was the it was an aspen colorado. I think it was the comedy festival, maybe in the mid nineties and then there was another time I think we shared one of the worst knights of our lives together, oh that that was when I was on the day s further at two thousand and two roast. I was there with you. I was one of the guys when I was rose. Yes, oh it wasn't that awful dude. I went to my hotel room and cried oh no! No! I did. Well, I felt awful, I told paw, yeah, Schaefer ya, know but his outer, you know
must be a little loving, yeah yeah. They just roasted me bad I'd bomb, so they really didn't. Like me. I don't know that's true, but I bomb so badly that I went to my hotel room and I said I gotta quit. I was on my mac, my friend sam and I was weepy. so badly, but fortunately, this week or you are one of the roasters, I was one of the roasters. You know who is fairly good, was the last guy. The last woman was at least a lamp in no no, the guy kenworth Andy Kindlier. Not I who was just keep mentioning names and then I'll tell you all. You know, you know the guy who's got a show and sound to you know he's got like the late show, or was it tat, compare yeah so yeah? He was good,
I thought he was the best of them. He was pretty bright. Yes, it was. It was an off night and I it is hard for me because I dont do roasts, I don't roast. I mean I, I don't know what I'm too mean all I know is why well that's good though, but then the tamper- maybe I don't know how to temporary- and I'm looking to you who I loved as- a child in as a comedian and I'm looking at you and you're, not you weren't thrilled to be there and I and I just couldn't. I didn't know what to do not there and if its eaters I say, don't like me, so jealous people- I don't know who knows it was like EU is a long time ago, but I just remember that being a lot of people and mean doing well, that's what I remember and I are of damage to the end. But the idea itself because cause you die
if Fagin listens to this show all he does he's a fan of my podcast donald. Yes, and I he's a great guy I loved on you guys go so far back yeah we do college. I mean I had no idea that the you know I steely dan. Basically, I know what year was that Like I don't know, if I'm right after somewhere in the air, yeah. I was his first drummer, so and I love that we played we started away. Our college I came over the neighbour though place appeal, would go and play guitar. He asking and We call ourselves the very bad jazz ban tell only Arnie happen. I think I wish I was a good jazz, drummer yeah. He said you were a great musician. I asked him. I said what what you, what can you tell me about chevy's as your great musician? Oh good and you have good christmas party we deal with it, but you
but you are how angry and ban for hell I don't hold a year whatever to was a clear that they were gonna. Be amazing! No, not me If I didn't care, I mean guy, I loved doing the right kind of thing. I still out there it many times later, yasser other people, but I just I didn't want to be. A rock and roll drummer kind of guire leads you do it after that degree of banned the oil as I remember, I was Might we made a record in a chameleon church, one thousand out of the bag? Yes, as in iraq, reticent hideous psychedelic record somewhat, yeah yeah. I can't remember and how they have that dsl. Oh, we must resolve million, could imagine
surely I mean everybody knows. Chameleon church has corrected. Without spell it gradually on earth. So was it after that, experience where you like you ikea. Maybe music is not the direction that I'm gonna go in alone, No, but I mean I'm a good jazz fan and I know I'm doing it now for forty five fifty year and he can still play oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I can play, but then I was just starting to piano yeah. But how did you choose comedy? Oh. I was funny and solar can your peril and those guys I saw a those guys, we started channel that money I am through react in new york city here can was hilarious and use it it may nobody likes him no light and he was not nice to people is a bad. So kind of like you or say you getting angry comic
I used to being angry comic, but you're, not you kind of short and yeah. I'm tiny, and you know- and I found my level of good What methods I just sucked it up glad to hear I'll, be okay, kay with where I met, this is all that's gonna happen mia. So, what can shapiro. I know that I'm the same way. Okay. This is all that is going to happen, but you at least that much bigger arc than I had when I was now you're now you're saying I'm on the other side of my art. I think you'd still very up. Are you, but it just was never very high railways, a huge, ok I'll, do whatever. So you would. can't you peer out the angry guy, yeah and you're you're doing the funny funny stuff why members a groove do because I have I and I was I was an early. I was thirteen and I'm watching snl and- First season, I thought your hilarious and when the group- who played a small theatre in new mexico, where I grew up, and I was,
that you know what it was like: oil gathers chevy and you're doing we're looking over produce at all, I'm looking over the area Everyone has a good bit ma. Am I actually almost without called that's all I can watch here. He was doing the tapping yapping another year: playing the drums in your head. Well, by the end, he was hitting it as hard as you could be hit yeah and I actually at one point just fell over for real yeah. It was at the beginning of the falling over it cover, not quite where so wait you, but you grow up in new york, city, yeah yeah. new yorker all the way through always through whatever the hell out means. That means I get your native new yorker. Thank you yeah, new york city, baby, but mostly in woodstock well woodstock, was my love and still live where my gram,
parents grew up in my dad, grew up and I grew up here, is still wonderful, tat. Wonderful, place. We there, when the when everyone converged on the the town in the sixties. I didn't I didn't go to know you know it wasn't really a town. It was mad max oh yeah, oscars farm. It was out of sight of town by had no. What about when doing like, took up a resident used up their new bob? You did yes, bob Zimmermann back then Bobby's, Zimmermann bobby Bobby's interim from minneapolis minnesota area are here. You knew him in an area that I made we were. good friends or anything, but he was around yes and I had to say that this guy he writes. beautifully his songs. Were
so far. I think he's going to change everything- yeah, oh yeah, and and and like the beatles it sure. Does you go to the house. I don't remember or yeah we sure when he was there with the band? Yeah was fun. I don't remember probably was everything was fine, given no rachel, actually no recollection of fine. Well now I've had found the whole time really yeah. So national lampoon tell me about the guy's, because I've talked some people who I talk to you that you know No, it's weird heavy here I well, I say: fuck unaware just a piece an artifact from a different time going you're, some weird I already have it was a year ago. This morning, I interviewed somebody else. It was at hand. I binder lorraine, his daughter, oh my is that crazy, yeah complete coincidence how the shade twenty six, that lorry newman sorted, yeah she's on that show hacks
yeah she's great, very funny. Oh good, the idea, but I just thought there is continuity to my day- of course yes, but the national mps, radio, our that's were most of it all started in turn. the group, became rising. I write it outweighs billy, Murray, I think, was part of that the first year but and his brother Brian Doyle, Mary Johnny. About John belushi chris guest, a group, a great group yeah, funny people yeah and me yeah, and I m gotta was founded? Do I have not heard any of them since fifty years? Where were you I rose, were you did you do the lemmings? There was that after me, ass you deserving lemmings was christened John baluchi, and I and others I was plain, and how do you guys come together? Well, as I said Chris and I were in high school together and
viewing gas college here? A really, and I called and said do we a charmer who can sing scouring hulu com and hear what I said I'm your man that that's what they did, that's what they and it was at the first time while the channel one. But like did you wait We always sort of like thinking you were as gonna do music stiller was common. That kind of seal the deal. I think they're both the same in every year about improv basic right, jazz income, were you major your life doing comedy at some point, you added the other side one doesn't make a decision on that. One is simply the funniest man in the world Well, you that's what I'm thinking actually in the back of my head, but that I am the funniest that's good in that, and I think that that manifested for awhile. Thank you.
Yeah thanks for the for a while, but yeah. I wanted to add that now take it personally and maybe snap at me a little that's, okay, what the hell fucker! But when did you, I saw more michael's. The other night, not braggin, but I sum why you see he was A small gathering I was at its about here. Yeah surprised me because I you know, I don't have a relationship with him really other that every other than I didn't get the show and- and I interviewed him for a couple hours or you do I did what you say. Oh he, you know, I had an experience with him in my audition that I read into and he said that I was wrong and it was had nothing to do with what I thought and it made me feel better ogre that the extent of it we ve been got friends her. Yeah and we wish to communicate and up and down here and there well not really down. Now
No, I mean we know each other so well. How did that first like? How did that I'll come together at the beginning with him? well as I as I mentioned, we I was in a line. I didn't mention this to you. Therefore I won't thank you Y tonight. That's it. Thank you for coming: okay, yeah. We were in a line to see Monty python holy grail midnight, showing in l a year. He was Behind me and alive, we had not met here. He said He was pretty show together like to talk to me about. Doing it and he offered me a job I went over to the what's a hotel, chateau Margaux chateau railway, steady. He offered me this job and you know. At that time. I said away, you know, I'm just about to start a play, the awful actor here and
and I know what I was doing really. But after one day with this guy with lorn or with the actor with the andrea, very gay and very well known, but not a good act right away. You is kind of me. No, I call From a pay phone I sisera offers so goody, syria and absolutely necessary. quit the play well we didn't get very far. That was As a u e, you had a run in you display. Lately, I don't think we even had one run, and that was just bad yeah. how long did you write for this? Mothers rose? Oh, I don't know: here too, we therefore to Martin. if was there earlier, yeah believe harmed or later I don't know. How do you get that gig? Well, let me think o.
He offered me the gig. I am, I think I was in summer Room where they were being interviewed there, I was, I don't know, there's probably from their lampoon thing right. They need it could be. Why do you say that I'm just wondering how the new year I'm wondering how you know me. I know you from sorry. I live after that. I call us touch well. Let me think I I dont know I know here. I was writing for them. Yuck, okay, let's jump jump ahead, yeah narrator, hey! Who am I? Who are you guys anyway? I was writing and It was on one of their first shows doing something tat ground, but it was funny stuff.
wait. Who is around back then, like I do. I talked to Gary mule deer recently. Do you remember that, guy at all, during the old year, meteor that he was a comedian and also a musician kind of a wild guy said Steve Martin's roommate in the early seventies, but he was kind of around, who is around at this mother's, rather there's good experience teaches them. Which question. Would you like me to ask anyone that will use around the answer? Good experience? Do they teach yourself there you go yeah. All of those all of them are good. Yeah whose around all day, the idea was that they were big meal and I was a good writer, so I wrote stuff near and, as I said, I did something funny, but somehow that lead to of the world, experience with us in the attic. I don't remember exactly how I didn't learn new. I was right, and so
took the gagging food in new york and now in the mix that that was if we, see my god, danny, I think, is first the purse percy higher was guilder Maybe danny anybody from Canada learns canadian sure and then Michael o'donoghue and, and me both poor, guys johnny? He was brian, incredible guy re Brian here hilarious lay funny. I mean hate, here in the best sense I never. He never never never, never pulled back. Now he didn't hold back and he S. But any was wonderful writer here He was very well the word you now you he'd like here a board. We I court guardia offers you need
ideas here I can't break carefully here did about. What's that word, looking for that. He was very young anyway. I'd go in there when he wasn't there here and just move the words about up half inch by inch, yeah right right, would not have you know you never do how that happened. Yet he done at the, but he was sure it was only three inches from the yellow and suddenly is four inches. He wrote he wrote some the darkest ones re absolutely and- and I don't know he- he died- pretty young her ambiguous fifty seven The apparent not not marietta brain some kind and franking was there. He was pretty funny pregnant David, a couple therefrom yeah. I used some of their stuff for weekend, update yeah
michael wrote some great. We can updates I'm trying to remember buddy I, but what was divide or just sort of like all the other one year. Michael envy, you who is there, postal service has issued a new step. commemorating prostitution in america. Its its attendant stamp. What if you want to look at its core, I got big laughs. I sort of moved on from there great joke music, good joke yeah has great joke, but it's deadly. Livery they count. It was on the delivery, jerry reserve, that's what made it there yeah he's. He Yes, he boasted of his own work yeah. We did, You feel like when that thing was boiling up I mean. Did you know that it was becoming this cultural fuckin
she like, I don't even know what yeah I think. I did I was there one year where I know it's crazy, but you still memorable, I used to do the I used to go school after on Monday and do the following thing, because I was such a ban do falling yeah do the following cause, you would come out fall and I think that it was the funny thing I ever saw so I would set up chairs in shit. I was little great, a follower deletion from soccer. Resent you aren't it yeah I mean that's where you have to flop and the funeral make sure my you know that you get a shot, but I just remember: we all look forward to it. We were ready and then, when you hurt yourself, we are all wondering if that would be the end of the fall. I know yeah what you break your leg or something? No, you didn't that's good night! No, because I remember her. I heard my Oh, I know what he was danny and I were doing a debate is doing
dixon. I was doing for right. I believe there and at the end of the debate. Of course, Lectern arrived fell over right onto the lectern but it wasn't a hollow enough area, the the the the prop guy had forgotten how to wrangler a bore. It wasn't a breakaway know yeah, so the board was there and I hit it with my god yeah and and that was that I was in the hospital for more than a week. How might get good? I remember when you came back, didn't you come out on crutches with and then do us all probable yea like you had cast out in a browser, I think so problem area which is in trouble here, for you pulled out their worship. So who are you caused us to want onset? made during us. Now me like you were right, who'd. You hang with mostly jane curtain, I'm allied yeah yeah,
yeah. I don't know it's like greece away. She didn't. You didn't have the best thing to say about that. All experience how she didn't. I thought I heard it just I've been not to ban, but you just sort of like he was. He was a little whatever she was maybe shoes and easy mark for the rest of us something I don't know. I think it's funny to make us had a good thought. I was on an you know I obviously contaminated and I think honestly had I was quite funny, but also you know, tall and handsome yeah that look the witch. If audiences liked yeah, I wasn't aware of it that much, but in retrospect yeah I can see you know when I look back at it. So yeah play some of the things, so it was an obvious choice, your people and heavy chase, sir, and the catchy name either catchy name and then to catch. You name, chevy, chase, chevy, chase tributaries yeah. I've got nothing
now. I saw nothing, it's good but you ve felt like you're the star that shows a win. You I didn't say I felt like I was the star. You did what I mean you're. What you said was. I was clearly darn racist, faria, I didn't feel like I was. how'd you get along with John good yeah. I mean you know Michael and I fought to get John on towards her. Now Oh don t you knew me has lawrence said no because John had said to learn. I don't do tv, which is about the dumbest fucking thing I ever live here. I don't do tv. Are you kidding? What are your theory is how people see you yeah yeah, so we've, only convince to learn right, John on an he came on, but the john was,
and we did this thing lemmings Broadway were far from was clearly the star of that show we had god name in a chris gas and myself and others tony hand, yeah he was the the announcer on woodstock. We did the woodchuck festival of peace, loving death fear and then an in depth, actions of those bands he cocker he played. He did Cocker right yeah, he did walker and kristen credible dip dylan andor tailor. The idea is to have a failure, great. What we're doing the state song, that was or to all. What's his name. big deal denver. John down John d. a kind of sunshine of my shoulder of seconds so city now
we live in a no fun, still on glass and concrete, cancelled, the wind and song. Just Terrible words, and No, this is a ok arose. Call me As soon as you hit, one colorado is calling me yeah the place went wild. They just for sick of hearing about colorado from John Denver, the point of the weakest. Oh god, our growth colorado. so you got John. I e rallied your guard, John. You got John on the show Julia. Let me just draco and that is it's so funny how how deep you are in my brain. I was totally expecting you to dribble it all of your shirt on purpose I did or I but my wife's here is telling you not to dribble. She uses to have no dribbling to the one. You'd be misinterpreted, know yeah,
and since we're not live on camera, we've got nothing. You can just say you didn't. It happened. Just look at me, yeah, so after the first season if you don't mind going over this, because this is what we're doing no, but I gotta go. It was great talking to you Four combines rather be ok for ticker. What's the question, do you have any questions? yeah How'D- you get this job you're in my house. It was easy. I just walked to work ie after I'm going to walk over to the house next door, and this is the garage like bill Maher. No, no, no, no, no, he bloody. He does it in some house theory. Donald today is fourteen years. Yeah. Fourteen years of this show I did bill Maher. How was that for you? It was fine, you know he's his be. Let you talk ass, much as he did like to do. It was on comedy a little bit
do the idea impose any political ideas into you and put out on the spot? Not really now, I'm already way airy yeah yeah. So how was it It couldn't be as fun as this though I know this is much worse for it. I would say so because I'm the best man take your hand off at the vested that I can't because it'll drift away. I hope so, so so when you were when you it s. A now was act. because you know you're gonna be a movie star. No there was a girl. I had a huge crush and she said, come now lay she she wouldn't come to new york a so. I think I'd lived with her for about a year out there here out here. Count before us now. and I somehow promised sure, but I ll,
after one year and come to her in all this shit. Oh ah which is the worst choice in the world. I can't that sort of amazing, because lorn wasn't happy about that. Nobody was Julie. Because I did become very famous on show, so I I was sort of them You know the anchor back yeah. We can obtain a clear all that they're. So will you told doorn I'm gonna go live with this don't worry, I won't I wouldn't married or too are you married? We gonna had two. I had to our rapporteur now about the big opportunity, stay on the shows he had to make a good. Oh god it was the worst thing cause. Then you know we spent at all times together. Why didn't last work I don't know nine months or so the marriage, so? But how do you and on your feet the movies? I mean that you know it turned out: ok, yeah, it turned out ok in it
come to think of the movies. Let me think what was my movie after groove two boys tunnel vision of foul play? foul play. We all do. That was good, yes, she's great guys were that I was yes yeah I loved her and she she serb terrific girl. Yet still so funny together. How did that? in felt way. I don't remember you don't did you have good agents, good managers after us and our eyes was I did. I think I would see a hammer something and then I remember, I tell you. I still remember that beat it seems like old times, come to your cabin, and he said Oh, no, you don't you understand, I'm blind now we're. Ok, no one is a good one. I like being under the bed to my hand, who has chuck chuck grodin his foot on my hand, and they had
the vote of entire shot. My hand on his forty million trying to point to it. Yeah yeah yeah money. That's the kind of physical stop growth and was funny re. Yes, charles task, very funny how do you still look back at the essen decision is being a bad decision or no yeah. I do because in retrospect I wish I'd stayed for five years. Like like everybody else, I mean. it was the most fun here, but What do you think would have been different? Had you done that because I died digital wages? Are you just missed the time marrying guys year, girl, gene. I not that I watched it. Nan thought: oh jeez, that's the best thing in the world, but it was the most fun no question for me, air and became very huge, and I made
as it is today sure. So at all on. Yet he's the man who were here. Together and stage within walking around with highly years and years and learn still there and actually the same and serves the south asia. What that's? What struck me when I interviewed in is that, like you re a guy that you're going to work every day, they walked around those holes for fifty years. Do I know I know it it's odd to me in a way here, but I am a new yorker and you beginning out of the city. I begin again, I guess I know not read it. I read did I hear like I'd. Something in my brain tat tells me that I heard that used to be over brain. I do yeah, sometimes it's working if you like it's kind of on top of it today, I'm navigating you know rough waters with their with MR chaser go did you use to play poker? Oh Johnny, Carson has yet again
why we had a very funny. It was that tell her name down. Maillet clara has his apartment. I used to work for him before doing why. Well, there was a dave. What show dave huge star on television glaring daytime out before that way before them a dave, big gave on tv during the day Where was all you? Do I do yeah j? Who was it? Would you look it up during the day day, not not letterman was she's so beautiful that sweet we ve been together for a long time. forty three years. Yes, your daughter quite frequently thank you at the
If somebody has to hear she's there playing piano. I know I lover yeah, I mean you came by one night and you went on stage and I might have here. He hadn't talked about some stuff. Maybe yeah yeah is that something you want to do now is to leave now again here I'll, be back. I'm back. We miss you. So who at the table carson says I want to know them from the dave show now you're hurting my our you'll be all right. Now. Look at my, I am sorry buddy buried there were very jailer power table was very funny here. I just Johnny. I I sat right next to giorno, Steve Martin area. so she was on my right johnny on my left area and the whole time Johnny played but he also they look at their cards or near play. Texas hold of my ensure and and
they all tommy be going ahead, one on that maiden, johnny, rigour, your mumbling, again, he just did it He did not really know they're just part of that poor guy had been on for tv for what one hundred years, at least with these guests, no wonder he's mumbling to himself at some of the worst kiss in history. Everybody yeah gonna hit a few bad ones talk you into doing a talk, show water sure I'm sorry today. It is at that whole jungle dying that even conveniently forgot that tibet period I dont know who top going to talk, show some age. and did you I love the idea. Yes, because I'd seen David
a letter, men and I was so bad. You like really know what to do I couldn't understand how they asked the questions I did so. I didn't have a chart in front of me what to ask yeah. So I'd say how I like bob de niro's for my first guess: op de niro, the guy who doesn't talk Jeff he doesn't even talk and he loves me. He talks more now. I love him. Noise. Great, wonderful, mary. They needed to talk much on talk, shows you doing no movie three so use my first guess. I remember his answers were somewhat. Do not concern you. Just quick like yes or no I don't know the headquarters for bob so glad you came on- I mean Robert so glad come on the show, watch what you been up to no nothing, great
I don't have any more cautious coup euro commercial yeah. So but that was something you knew that you like did you know going in that you were gonna, have a hard time or didn't. I didn't know right itself. I just thought I'd be the best. as bad as it can be, because I didn't know what what I had no idea. What to do. I didn't ask anybody here all these other guys David and what's his name yeah, you know they had right in front of them all the questions all this statement. Everything written here not me, yeah. I was going to wigan yeah and I bet you fought for that. Oh I don't remember. Yeah like I don't need current leader yeah, I'm just going to talk to these pizza boy. Isn't that awful? Would you like something to drink, yeah, police? So important? I'm not talking to you! I'm sorry either we are improvising on our wait. Let me have a drink, a liquid deaf issues, water sure I get it
so that didn't work out where you mad about it. I don't think I'll. the think mad? It felt bad. I know the guy felt bad, just like it out, you were done, yeah. I I got it. This is not my genre yeah and you learn the hard way in front of people I'm going. If I really wanted to talk and- and you know it wouldn't be on on on t v, he just in my living room or something or you could just do this. You want to co host with me next week, just come by lately and we'll have the celebrities in and they'll be here It'd get lorraine, yeah sure she's been on real good. Yes, she's been on. Who else from that Ackroyd has been on granting the pisa best is it s railway? Here's, my dear friend, I love him dearly, maybe
the funniest guy can think of really, unlike what, whatever he and increase for gas, both may hilarious, feeble totally, unlike like is bring us a mile minute. I think we got into what is it? U? What are we? What do we talking about it right? Why you know around on carbon great yeah so I think we can think leaves it. That's the funny part yeah. Well, you know you gotta believe in something. I guess we're not all here because about It is so in vodka. Do sky vodka alleged variety, the alibi figure drinks yet evoked a racket go in for a while. It's you which she's made him very rich yeah. I think it's well. Mother still lives. We are to write, he did the oh yeah, mothers, sure he and part of that he might on him.
it's horrible. When John died occur as Dan, you know obviously, and to me the harbor boy was I I I was home, yeah cheney was there yeah door? knock here and we were living in a close off area and it was like to lever twelve. reporter she had a door. Said done. What do you think about John belushi staff and I didn't know that's all you found out or without charge that night there is more oh, my god and you're out here, no, I was in a context of yes. I was out here could have been new york. We now discuss me, ok, but devastating I wouldn't I was in college. I was. I was level what didn't surprise when you, quite frankly, he had been doing what is it called?
when you could combine. Call me at all three and jane. I d. Do it once in a while, but her education laid out you're a mayor album, yeah yeah. anyway, I had been doing the worse. possible thing again We just had a little more smack nasser sure Let it seemed better ma, am good at by that everyone seem to know it was happening. I think so. And then one time robin was there and Bob bob earlier in the evening air fogarty narrowly arrow. They were there earlier in the evening and probably partaking in some fashion, as it was an unusual to deal a blow once I was an unusual, but I dont think there were no real well
I know about robbery, but I know Bob is not a big yellow head yeah. Well, I mean it was around, but I think it just got dark. You know and the bullet that was dark. That was it yeah forever. bunny I mean it was just hideous. Yet poor guy What about you? You? Never! What will your struggles with taboos and stuff? I had none now Good? That's what I heard on the radio glad you have that I want to straighten out I, very, very boost up for But forty years. Ok, there's your answer whose, Well, you got you gotta. Come you cleaned up? may I refer you, I did at the twenty four years. Well, I got longer Neil buddy, you do oh yeah morty. Now stay forty years with no booze, We stopped me smoking and drinking
doesn't look like a yes a few years. I think she say so, for you know I just manner it it but you'll ever that's what's important. I love her deeply. It's interesting to have just met somebody and have several children. You know just appear alright. So go back now we get were we're getting we're getting places. Oh, I see that's the kind of person. Let me My dinner, Jim gaff again the comic funny guy and he was too we are talking about comedy we're talking about stars and about this. idea that some people- he put it. He said some people touch the sun, and they never quite come back from that. But whatever that my exactly what it means is that you know that level of you. You were the biggest star in the world for a while and like wow fuck with your head, ultimately yoke.
You know in the arc of it. You know what I'm doing it in What do you think the biggest movies were with the vacation every right? You think that the first vacated flesh yeah, but by then I done like I think, for radiation already made caddy shack in eighty, oh yeah, and then in eighty three you did the vacation and then It was an eighty five. Ok, and you did that weird movie with freed. The other central year was. Was it you and Gregory Heinz? Yes right, how's that experience I know I'm a bill for he can be he he direct exercise, sure in the french connection so bright? thereafter. We are not particularly Happy guy, yeah and comedy not necessarily is forty, not at all I mean there.
I'll make that decision. That's the kind of dollars, but we were We were close and I thought he was you know a brand director, but I didn't think the movie was very good. Frankly, I don't think anybody had a great experience, no yeah in Saigon. He didn't that's for sure. He asked not happy. No. I talked to her. He scared her. Oh yeah, he's in sky here, but your intense somewhat yet more don't fuck with me. And what about hosting the academy awards twice at him, really that until I ready, I kind, remember the though you remember yeah, somewhat yeah good times sure what can be funnier and what could be more fun here than hosting economy words over the first one? Actually, I did it with prior to richard man, richard breath, but the first one I came out at first thing I said, was: settle down jack.
Is across the jack was always up prior, just as the worst thing to do, because Portugal, on camera immediately. It would do it, but when I do with his glasses, yeah yeah, but then richard came. The second time we did it, and This was his opening! No a man has ever want anything graham anything, can happen No, I'm not a oscar and an emmy nominee. Anything good just wondering, great I loved him, did you with the on the first season? Invest have yet is yes, so those first I met him. Yeah yeah, he is pretty very funny so funny right live wire. He did this
for a bit wary. He showed the difference between white people and black people. That's right! You did that thing with the word association that I wrote, effort for us yeah. That was there, but he did another thing, which was a worry just walking along, and he says this is why, both when there's a snake answers and this black people snake. It's lake snake so about the other word association that is fun and that when that was big, time. It was huge. We went for every I went for all of it, yeah yeah and he was game and he did it. Oh yeah did okay right right, it was funny right yeah. Did you hang out with him at all out here a little bit? Yeah yeah? It was, I loved him. I thought he was yeah. He was somebody I looked up to oh yeah yeah for sure and when steve. Martin, hang out him. Yeah live trouble, Stephen Marty we made.
Are, you goes together. Have fun was ass, great great yeah, I love those two and very. Very funny guys that they're doing whatever their doing I had a march, maybe once her or so, but I have a very sick, big success. Yeah well, they're. You know they're funny. If I miss them, I mean I wish I were doing it with them yeah, but are they good did you go over there and tell him to just what you on a theoretical I want I want in no, no, no but that movie, I think, a funny thing about the three years. You like you, so yeah. You each have a very thorough define style so that the comedy between you there is our almost kind of rights itself right, yeah, Indeed I was. I was very physical and I were part of the over here and there? I. I think that I had some do the singing version there and dismal swords
the thirty day where they discovered them the invisible, but I mean the singing bush, which is brilliant, because It was randy. You know the gate is issued newman. ready? Yet nearly who wrote them the music and then say it here and I just went on and on and how are they do given reset? daisy daisy guerrilla. You know that you're just analyse just didn't, stop it. So what great idea: a sea were should never just off sr, you were going. Are you gonna do and he the invisible swordsman where Marty reaches down and takes, his pulse yeah yeah, there's nothing. There shirt like that, one yeah, yeah, wonderful, yeah and I'm in the background doing physical, I'm on a whore susan holding their horses, as I dunno. If anybody noticed mine, I had their horses, I'm on my horse and I get off my horse and onto steve's horse
the nine backwards? Yeah I'm different, the edison? It's all a background it's a beautiful physical, Joe S, funny yeah, I loved you had to get physical timing and what it, going on a vacation. When your wife told me that the christmas vacation is still a big deal, I think it is. it's become a seasonal favorite could be people enjoy it yeah I mean it looks like you've made like one hundred movies chevy I dont know, do you feel if fifty year yeah, I don't remember anymore, in six of them, really, which ones which would you failed rotation, caddy shy ass seems like old times, sir spy Like us, yeah fletcher, I own a christmas vacate here,
rodney dangerfield caddyshack good times with rodney. No, no! No! He was Well, let me tell you see here: dead now, so everyone's almost dead, almost dead anyway. He's that maybe feel great. Yeah. I just one that's on trying to do here. Ok, we're the first time the first shot in movie yeah. What's the movie, carried out with god area. me and rodney on and My michael Michael gpa anyway It's turn on the t so so last shot of the movie I saw so I mean on the green yeah, yeah yeah yeah elsewhere anyway, after the shot, Ronnie gets in might golf, I got I'm driving him back to the november this. The first opening them- and he says-
So where's all little boys was blowjobs. I swear again it was a most. I thought was hilarious. On the one hand, on the other hand, a little suspicious I didn't know how to take. It is even just making a joke. I don't think so. I think I look look like about yeah we did. How could he come up with little boys? These videos is but it's like my goal down here. It's like you, say something to shock somebody. I guess yeah yeah. He was pretty odd. realize forty because. Later on but it was taking coke on a little bits. Yeah sure no big deal, but and just the part just enough. Yet every sort of high and. What I gonna knock on my door. I was in bed here, so I say I yeah come on in
yeah, my door's locked area is bill and Brian but yeah a champion a coke Now now, but fine next door rattling rodney's. Well whatever you they go in running a coke gonna part we now see that bag right there and literally the paper bag right in front of them. Yet ticket joy here, otis if you feel the park in part more part, so they the bag and they, I think, go down to the server entryway anywhere in the storm up and it's all seeds rodney struck a very funny joke. How are you and murray here? I know you
How you doing I I don't know yeah. It's hard to know is a different type. so you know my life is really my. My I for kids, and I mean to be. We were just talking about this here and love for morty Some yours sure it's a big deal so lucky the at that us and so we really enjoy our lives and our children great saw. You know that it seems silly her like a big star this in that area, but itself I enjoy going on cruises and yeah. You know since my life. I love it, but it is something you do come to or you always felt that I think we were right. I don't know that I ever wanted anything more in life than what I have here and I'd like more money yeah. What am I getting for this? why I see how much I got. Ok, I pray
if you, twenty seven three yeah. I guess sixty I can go to gas, jane how much get our gas money, but it seems outside doing other movies. You know like when community. That was a big deal right, o. Me ass. I thought I heard about that. They wanted to be changed right. They want me so I say so. Ok those count, a bunch of people, yeah honestly felt the show was forty enough for me out ultimate. Nor is it because it was a different kind of show each side and general. I, for I thought I felt a little bit strange constrained of a bit here, everybody had there been yet often I thought there are good, but it just wasn't Hitting enough for me, he didn't love the character. I didn't mind
Can I just felt that I just I felt more. I happier being alone sense. You know I'm here I just someone be surrounded by that table every day with those people it was too much, and so. Harmony, intense dan harmon, vs yeah, that's right, I haven't, talked to him. He was here, but you guys are okay. Now I dunno I haven't seen him since then yeah. I have no idea for ok, yeah yeah yeah, I'm! Never not! Okay, yeah, he's kind of a pisar yeah. He was angry yeah yeah. He called saturday with a love em. Now What did she do? Well, If you are doing this stuff yeah, he does things he possessed with something But let me ask you well put you know, mergers back. I think we ve had we're. Having a nice conversation
but how do you, when you look back. how do you contextualize, Not now don't go back there. You know people found you. U difficult and angry and intense, I mean what people general p, general people, the lips. well that target people really felt their way down. That I was what like, we did, the roast two thousand and two. You know I had my experience with that were used. You think that in retrospect that day, you know whatever people I don't think people knew me on that roast here. but in general, do you think they knew you.
Oh yeah, I'm sure I'm sure yeah or they wouldn't be on it. I mean they, but I mean in in in your in in sort of the cause I mean you've had this. Are you trying to get away with here? What am I trying to bubble? I mean sort of like? Are your trip, a bad shit book? Are you a fuck? No, ok! Thank you. Actually are you a fuck? Yes, go on, I know Obviously they knew I dont know what my reputation was. The irish people here. destroys assumed. I was okay there and you got you have friends for years. Yes, I know so. What are you gonna do? Have you thought about like going out? and doing any life performing now. Absolutely What do you got mine? Well, I do hello, few years I go on. to go to be twelve different city yeah,
sometimes it sir I barrier university average, usually about three thousand people, we show we have in the past shown Chris vacation, yeah, yeah yeah, come and see that and then I come out yeah and answer questions via AP and they loved that and yeah. I find it a lot of fun. It's fun right, yeah, yeah, have you ever thought about doing those shows where you kind of like put together a career arc of clips, and you know and kind of show different pieces like he'd show. The most comedy else can do that. I know they're there group that did documentary of my bike, bicyclist my assumption, lance Armstrong, lance dad did and another one thou their due One of me I've been started yet really be fine and I'd. Look make another picture we are, but I can come up with any ideas satisfy me, we're ike,
I've written several little things area MIKE what was not even come on pitch me. No, I've forgotten already They are trying to keep her ideas. But I'm that way anyway. I generally like to ride every day a little bit. Really, that's good I'd like to watch tv right. What but you watching. Watching mostly I like to watch barker, that's a method. Those days are over our shit he had a good run, though, but actually like forty years is something we eat with. Ninety hurriedly yeah, that's crazy. an unbelievable jeremy. Now I don't think so. That seems to be able to win a great dead. The team I pay on five march- oh no, not really be very funny sure the aps resident satirizes by barker shop,
You are had been to anywhere. I don't stand so in ok, so in looking back again what were some day. What do you think we're your best? it moments that's a pretty interview question, but I mean there's gotta be somewhere. You like that was Did you like it I'd? Rather, you meet us that sounded amazing. Now goldie hawn. That was great yeah yeah. I didn't find that so great I immediately liked yeah yeah she's great, but I I that's not my stuff. really is still the original snl, you think probably yeah yeah yeah I love that. I think that was well it's more recent and most memorable. For me, I mean, if I Back here It goes a long way. Her now talk about with country, parent prove to yeah yeah, going from that
You know I've learned here who have Many so was a family. We're beverly deirdre who's that didn't you. your wife and vacation. Ok, yeah. beverly a beaut times excellent, yeah yeah yeah about This is again, do more voices good what I mean My ways animation stuff guy I'll do whatever comes along. I I'm not out of fuel russia, our real pressured Well, I'm not pressure nea. but I dont even feel the pressure that I need to our I mean I think, that I've made my you guys, you ve done your bit. No, I don't! I'm never stop, but I'm not getting offers right now that are particularly interesting. I just
different world, her eye, I mean there's a whole new tribe of comment of comex year running. My father was very are here Are you still got in, I guess I do you still got it thanks for coming over. This is heavy man with a slide that was given to me by doe, whose name is on it. Oh, it's a first plane. side, guitar! Let its attitude. It is year. Failure run hansen. Now it's what I don't know. What it's been harper Oh there, you are very good he's very right and you still play music pretty regularly. I do ok seems like it seems like your well. I am your your health is ok. My health is good. You came through a tunnel knocking on word by have very good of you get. Gary for a when
the high day, while I know you had somehow troubled redo beg you came out. All right did each other. Try my hard fail. We almost our failure, yet I didn't even notice it honestly really you just don't you wanted the doktor. He like, oh well, yeah, they put me in a hospital. I started noticing. like you know, do you not again back home? Never noticed Ok. Now I dont noticing, Well, it's it was an honour talking to you, I enjoyed it. I hope you had a pretty good time. I had a great time it's really nice, to meet you here and talk you, ok man, so butcher name mark marin. Thank you! No! No! Thank you! Ok, little little more happened up like that was kind of exciting, but that's between me and shabby If you want to hear more of my thoughts on the top, whichever you sign up for the full marin to here last week's bonus episode and please hang out for a minute.
hey folks in addition to the bonus episode about chevy last week for marin, subscribers can also my answers to your questions next week. We'll have a new asked mark anything episode, so submit your questions now going to the link in the episode description. Maybe you'll get an answer, like this, have you under achieved over achieved or achieved exactly what you'd hoped. That's a good question because I don't know if I see myself as an under achiever in terms of what I've actually accomplished I do see myself as an under achiever in terms of what I think I should ever could have accomplished, but those don't we count because I compost aloud. In the sense that I don't know, I have over achieved, but I have achieved exactly what I wanted to do. I dunno it's what I hoped I would do, but I've I've sort of slowly. Done most of the things I was interested in and wanted to do and the reason I say hoped
because I don't know that my visibility in terms of my ego, is as big as I hoped it would be, but I, actually somehow managed to do almost all the things that I said, to do when I got into show business. I e having my own show doing stand up comedy directive. some episodes that show playing music. I Acting in movies and Well, obviously, this podcast, but that was Outlier, I didn't expect this to happen at all so I guess I have achieved exactly what I want. I too, I don't have hoped, is a good word. Cause, I'm not sure. I have framed it properly most days that I feel like I could have now, done more, but gotten more tension. So That hope didn't happen in its probably better off again,
go to the episode description and submit a question, and you can also subscribe to the full marin in the episode description or go w g of pod, dot com and click on you t F, plus here's playing some of my favorite cords again.
Their mark.
in the final caddy angels, everywhere I.
Transcript generated on 2023-09-28.