« WTF with Marc Maron Podcast

Episode 1458 - Gary Mule Deer

2023-08-03 | 🔗
Gary Mule Deer's career has spanned more than 60 years, but he's got enough in it to fill at least 600. Gary tells Marc how a guy from South Dakota who stumbled into his first performing gigs by happenstance wound up as a touring musician with bands like the Beach Boys, a popular standup comic in clubs around the country, and a variety TV regular with more than 350 guest shots on everything from Carson to Letterman to Hee Haw. Gary also explains how his career bottomed out with bordellos, drugs, and gambling, and found salvation in golf, Johnny Mathis, and the Grand Ole Opry. 

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
All right. Let's do this: how are you what the fuckers? What about? What is what the fuck's dines what's happening? I, who am I a mark mare- and this is my point cast a beauty, I welcome to it my yesterday Gary mule dear now, Harry mule. Dear was one of the original comedy. Your guys. He was real with letterman he used to show up on letterman here and there as a guy. That was clearly Older, not I'm nothing wasn't in his prime, but it was. I had no point of reference for him because he's not a guy, Everyone knows, but like many of the guy from the comedy store back. When I was a kid, I was workin the door there merely twenties yo
picture a him. It was like the gary mule dear experience or the gary mule dear medicine show where something- and he will this guy. That was a character added, yet a huge afro. He had a guitar are, there were stuff around, it was definitely sort of a wait. Six early seven, these kind of post hip. trip going on there was some injury that I had about this character, This name but I didn't know his comedy: hardly it I'd seen him on letterman. By again he was an older guy and I really know his sort of his. Place in the whole arc of the common sure, but I knew he was a guy, and I knew we knew the guys I mean this goes back to the city I to seventy three and after I talked to him, and before that so was kind, fascinating to me now some of you were, like you never heard of him. And you're wondering his mule dear. Is he and a native comic he's not- and I
It was funny because, after interviewed him yell. brendan asked me as he native and I'm like. Oh my god, he's not he's like where's the name from, and I'm like. I didn't even ask him that and I felt like shoddy, I felt shoddy as an interviewer. Why would I not as mule dear where the hell they name came from because his real name's miller? I knew that I watch watches doc about it. A dark out. It's an independent documentary called show this is my life, but I can't prove it I watch Chad and in an even in that it didn't say where the name came from all possible was. His name was miller and earning recently started as a musician, so I detect gary I said you know what within where'd you get how'd, you come up with a name me. If there- and he said quote when I was with bandana- that was a band- he was with always drove the bus, it had a spotlight I'd, stop the bus when I spotted You dear, are based player, sherman haze, star
calling me mule dear? He later became wailing jennings based player anyway, the name mule dear stuck and that's who I've been from then on it fit, and it stuck. the body as a kind of great things to say about him. I just talked to Tom Dresen, said mule dear always, killed any quite a life in terms of the television or ill not early early but in the seventies- and comedy in the seventies and some steve martin stuff. Any sort of stayed out their working doing stuff. And he was gambling attic than a cocaine at it. And his whole life changed with golf and Johnny mathis smokey robinson changed. His life he's ended up, really sort of taking get kind of finding a case among the country music world, where he sat performs, randal Dupree Andy
just indict in indicted into the grendel debris hall of fame, and I don't know it was one he sings, where you know you'd, I you see people. Can we come into the communist or even now, where one of the pictures on the wall comes to life, the form of a much all. gentlemen or woman who walks in and Oh, my god, that's the guy from the picture. What fuck, is that person been doing it's a reasonable question, and I always assume that it we it's it's. It's not a good story, but you know mule dear, is kind of. Great story so he's here and I was We surprised you were to talk to him. And there is a first, he does something, never been done on the show before so There is a little suspense four years old, tease warrior. I look, I will be at the salt lake city wise guys next weekend or this weekend I guess Next weekend august, eleven,
and twelve for four shows amid helium and saint Louis, on september, fourteen through sixteenth for five shows at the las Vegas wise guys on september, twenty second and twenty third also for four shows, and in October I'm at helium in portland, Oregon october, twenty and twenty second to those shows are already sold out You can go to wtf pod dot com for tickets yeah I'll, be adding more date shortly. Most of these are club dates. I think I've gonna be adding one denver at the end of the year, comedy work south and I live and then be. some four blow in Indiana I'd someone tax, the idea. That day had gotten tickets for the devil shows. I might have to update the site but very go. There's your tip. Denver girl go get those tickets, they might not have released to date. Yet if they they might not of advertising.
Digest sinks up a sort of sittin there, secretly waiting for someone to find it until I I put they're. So when I I last spoke to you On the last show. I talk it about the barbie movie. That was one thing and then like it in that monologue that peace, it I did hear on the on the podcast came out of some on days that I record sundays. Usually I'll, do an instagram live before I reckon, like I used to do during the pandemic, pretty frequently and how can you do that kind of hang out thing like thing talk thing Sometimes it me sort of joe up ideas and I'm going through or having get people have to say on the cats and on the life and sometimes people saying I'll watch we play guitar. If we get therefore a boil it records. Couple records that I maybe people have never heard of him now talk freely about stuff and sometimes formulate sings for the monologue, and during that time
I d live, I talk about the barbie movie and then it became what it became. Ah on last week, on last shows monologue but a guy that does my tik tok engagement for me and he pulled some of this stuff From that that became the bargaining motto. I can put it upon on tick and nothing kind of took off. I'm very needed talk I'm actually new in the way that I have any real interest in getting too far into it by death. I do pudding up there. I have a guy put them up there, but this thing seemed to really gonna get, interaction, because I guess it was divisive- but that was interesting. And then I'm gonna put up something of a milder so that I do have a presence on that thing. It does not exist, actually me all it. So that's therefore you if you would like,
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as for a limited time, only so visit simply save dot com, so ash w e f that simply safe dot com swash. Are you tat? There is no safe, like simply say so, I've been Listening and compulsively watching a lot of don rickles alive the dean Martin, a lot of johnny, carson appearances and enjoying the weird total awkwardness, of what was a lie tv show, shooting at that time that there me you're now after you having done panel shows for years and talk shows there's a lot of action involved. You know you'd need talk with a segment produce. You try to hit his head, but there casualness to what was going on then, and you can really see these guys, sweat and and in being the moment which, I see a lot of now. A lot of it is just sort of set up punch, set up punch with occasional you I'll come back soon and and sometimes a wife over thrown by the host by
Nonetheless- watching a down rickles, and I was like sort of focusing on his, impulsive and improvisational method, of unleashing what seem to be mainly veiled seething anger and somehow As I said, yeah yeah see it's good to feel that tonight king rodney, who also had his own way of of sort of unleashing and is thinly veiled, paralyzing sadness and I was also listening to two punk rock specific- the dead boys album. The first album us naughty, something something you know kind of on repeat and I moved the new york dolls and I was like yeah man. This is all its good man. Most needed its nourishing. I gotta get into that zone. Man get into that? Moreover, a sort of ie you fuck, you get back to the fuck you and then Kip made it a point to me. He that kind
like deflated at all, in a good way you I have been cause. I thought like this is like you know. This is me kind of. getting energized or me getting re inspired to sort of in? he sat part of myself. That is a bit more tempered these days, but used to be, your? What drove me You know, I've got a lot going on in my life. I've got an ant is not well is very sick. My father, is you're dealing with the onset of of some mental issues, sure. What have you you're, my mom is getting older got a buddy of mine that you just gotta some some bad test results. You know and richest you. I thought my eye in to do with that man. You know I just you know, I'm not I'm not great at edam sort of managing the weight of of
these very real life things and then she pointed out all this stuff. You are you going through a lot of stuff with family and friends who were you know, dealing with things? and you're watching don wrinkles in listening to the dead boys and your thing- it somehow operational? Where really it's probably just helping you not You would sadness, that's for sure, what it was for right, fucking, yo, brace the anger. Big aid avoid? What's under that? and right now, there's a lot of unknowable and there's a lot of like you, no pain and there's a lot of you know. We Simple tragedy, going on em personal life, and in it in here I'm thinking like yeah. This is good and is what my creativity needs Y know. No dude, I thought I was being nostalgic as you. I just wanna watch the stuff that I liked. When I was a kid, maybe that's so, but
gotta hung up on recalls the angry guy, the seething man you're gonna. A bomb rodney, the sad guy that can't talk outside of Joe and you ll listen and upon rock the dolls, The dead boy specifically and all that stuff is, can a juice in that anger and you're all J. upon nicotine, maybe you gotta take a dip and then the other thing is I'm talking about a lot of childhood trauma stage right now, stuff that is putting together a dad sorted. may define who I am in some ways that I've never really explored before. But now just listen to that bug. Rack man, I'm just- was Do her inspiration give me joost up? No I'm listening to it because I'm sitting with my own sadness in fear. it is certainly what all this stuff does. What all does almost the entire united states economy and certainly
most of the right wing, bullshit driven by in a bill, the or a lack of desire to sit with agnes in fear. So The left wing bullshit you're, it's it's there, but that's more were already sad coming from a sad place. And a frightened plays a very active, but but nonetheless that might be the Get man, sir! oh either I got a fucking. You know explore more on stage, feel the feels yo move through this without getting angry making shrunk, maintaining some balance making sure I'm not take now on people thing out in any way, not fucking snapping onstage sitting. Rock is fine. Watching don Rickles is fine, but under stand that it may beaches you. What to mask the stuff coming up inside you. This fear this sad,
this this sense of grief man it's weird when you make the wrong connections, and then you realize holy shit. Ok, here we go maybe a trip to the therapist might not be a bad idea. So folks, gary mule deer was very interesting to talk to him, I really had no sense of him other than he was one of the guys, one of the original guys at the common. or he was in a picture from the seventies on that. While it is there and now he comes out of the picture, an older man. We ve had a whole life, and I talk to you about it and there's a documentary called show This is my life, but I can't prove it is now available to buy a rent on the did. You on demand platform of your choice and This is me and gary You'll, dear
a Gary miller, young talking it through. Hmm and I I and I think, you're the first guy them in time. in terms of the history of the comedy, store that their when Sammy open. I was, and I mean the only guy talk to about that was briski because burst his dad were parking cards right. It's right. Well, ok! So, let's go back so you're in south to north Dakota south go south dakota beer, fish, spare fish, fine and but you won't be rockstar. I born in deadwood raised in spearfish. I wanted to be yeah. I got Luckily I had him,
my dad gimme a movie theater and about sixty four He gave you a movie gave me a movie where he had a movie theater and we had a movie theater. Unfortunately, I lost it because my my sister and I and my general manager in the middle of Alfred hitchcock's, the birds. Here we threw three live pigeons into the audience, and a balcony did that clever. Today, we'd be today we'd be sued, but that seems like the the birth of your sensibility that was sort of it. The main thing was, I had to add the theater across it from that the street was Kelly's hotel and we had people through outside generally louis, the everley brothers. We had the benchers how we undermine redeem restate killed. Motel yeah, and so I would watch for them to play with their cadillacs and their trailers, and I would go over and say have held. My rejection is over. You want to see a movie, give them free, popcorn, all it's yeah, so the next night, civilian, where plan I scarcely walker,
the station. Asthma could do a song with a via and that's how I got to sing with the other crickets adventures. All he saw buddy how he cried to see body, but he was gone then, but I plan on jerry Lee tho, jerry Lee and benchers. Yet how s your doing ever saying what they? Let me do, mule, skinner, blues, nay, also. Let me do summertime blues because nobody else to sing them. I did the defence was version of veal scare blues, which I learned in nineteen fifty nine yeah, whose impact I got on a record up obregon I gotta seedy forever to I got it with a debt, legendary, danny gatt and doing me, oh sure, do in the guitar I but yeah So that's what I would do and that's how I got to meet these guys then later on out no way but more generally guitar, then no just just not just
barely. But I added with them. I would just get up and sang and you did and you got in your family- have your dad just on the movie, how he had that it had a few tells you Marcie also bought a ranch and- and this is all in around and around spear fair fish. Yet so you grew up. That's like a very unique made western up it was an yeah. We opened up. The family will end up, endeavoured south Dakota, because the show business. What do you mean that curtail amazing. My agnes, my dear brother Paul, who graduate first ice glia went over to mesopotamia, which is now iraq, sure ain't, worked for shell oil yeah. He drove a cat east germany caterpillar one day and it starts to sink in. He jumps free and they find out. There's old abandoned buried city there yesterday and divert the pipeline around the thing here, because kind of a spokesperson for shall makes a ton of money. Comes can missouri and got all this money: india, my his dad, Carson and brother, history, there all starving on a farm here and there's a show in town
these two showgirl any just was crazy about her shot. The ingenuity If you go to deadwood south dakota for the next show, he follows her out there, while he's out there she'll. She still had nothing to do here so he's he looks around caesar's, know: fruits and vegetables around in the wintertime fresh sweet. A couple of trucks pulls the family out. Discharge was fresh produce, driving back and forth to death women still, who would have nothing to do with him left and they said that's how we got two dead I declare this woman and shook his head answer. It's when he went into business with his brother. That's right! When has his brothers right, and these seem like you're, not crazy or angry people know, and I was I was to terrible this year. My dad gave me every chance to work on the ranch. He gave me a chance for the theater which I lost. He gave me a chance the supermarket any kind of thing and of terrible business as a seven year, freshmen in college, I had one egg, an artery and and thirty three and completes Adee, minus and health, but you
where'd. You get the archery gone for the mess. I one bit issued niagara my guitar very interesting because I was I was thinking about this today, as I saw some but a java charles bukovsky, now talking about you know what what is expected at of people in for life right. You like in this country that you have this idea that he said that you're only you free until you're about four years old right, and then, and then they put you in the school and at the end of it yeah that's which is gonna interesting, because I was thinking about your life, and I was thinking about my life and I dont know that I'm I I. I show enough gratitude for the fact that I never had due to appease your boss or this squaw were. I never went that way because your art struggles to the lads we chose. but it is our life, yes yeah, so, okay, so now you you! Can in a couple songs in you. What you just decide to go to allay there was. There is tell me about the
at their hooker town, ok first yet did my first night in show business. I got a job I learnt, can Johnny cash. To body hallway and meals. There are three chords yeah three course. I go to say exactly everything any array I could deadwood and I get a job at the buffalo bar working from nine to one in the morning and forty five minutes off forty five minutes on fifteen off kid. What am I pull? I'm not a kid and ass she by twenty two year, twinkled out you twenty one, twenty years old here in my gift, yours, a freshman somewhere and that era, and so my first song, which is fulsome prison blues. I hear that train a company of dna and then I'll, to be something missing, be seventh beard and off people in the audience have ignoring me up that time. Time talking and drinking stopped and looked at me, so I told you the first joke it ever written just for the hell of it. I told my first joke ever always three snare, molested toward us
officer rise to make a report is, are you tell me exactly what happened? Tourists who her hurrying haven't so fast and tell us worst joke ever wrote people they laughed they laughed, then they went back to drinking and and pretty soon I better miss accord again and do another joke and just start doing jokes. That's kind of how I got into comedy, and you won't hear the rest of the night yeah okay, so in between sets, I'm playing the pinball machine, a million making fifteen dollars a night in tonight at last twelve dollars, and so it was twelve dollars. I'd lost twelve out of my fifteen bucks. I was gonna get, I might add, three dollars left or even your hosted by playing pinball, yes playing pinball machines. They paid off in those days have a look into how to plan. It seems like you had a lifetime of of revenue fearfully, my dane, but draining gambling addiction amble it by did the ambitious target of five. My uncle that uncle, I too rich unc, would drive around you to do orders and in little grocery stores quarters in whiling Montana, wherever it here and by and that's a south korea
go to end? These have punch boards that sat on the set set on the counters by the cash register and for a nickel I could punch out a thing. You might win a dollar here and a big prize is five dollars year. I couldn't wait to get that nickel here five years old, so I had punched in try to get some never got that never got anything more than like twenty cents. Whatever I think I've heard that that gambling attics might be addicted to losing exactly I well I'd combined. with gambling for twenty min, at least your winnings on some level. You lose the gambling, but you'd still feel like you're winning exactly eighty enabled me to stay up longer, lose more and rationalize about it, but but so like in in when you're in trucks and stuff and growing up. What was it? Was there a big native presence yeah there was. It was a native presence year round and we had and went to school with a lot of the su and then
story. I gotta tell ya. Man is again tell the story, sir, I'm nine years old and I'm in a spirit of saddle club when I gotta shetland pony you're yo yo, you you're, writing horsey, ever I'd north, we ride in all the big praise, daisy. Seventy six black It's roundup of the top cowboys commune for this year. We get to ride in a grand entry. Before that all the saddle, clothes from all the towns you get to ride around. We got our horses we ride in the parade. I got a little shetland pony. She just had a cold, the cold season, a trailer and a cushy couldn't be last year and the hulk did Ponyo. Keep turning around me all the time in going back- and I mean king arthur and I'm yelling at her- and I'm writing the prayed find their friend the franklin hotel she lays down on me in the middle of all these people, I'm dreaming, I'm yelling, I'm embarrassed, I'm really upset and to think the the the this whole thing. Is we get back to the saddle club and a guy named Ralph Klein's? Who is a truck driver for for a logging company he took my hands has come.
It's me gary yeah. We went over to the sioux camp here and the psu came up every year and ended their dances. The whole thing here and I shook hands with nine of the as surviving members, a little bighorn wow got their names. I've got a picture of of the hotel room, not that picture that day, but a picture of them, yeah and and and all of them written down, but I got to shake their hands. I was nine years old. did you feel the weight of the weight of it? I felt didn't know, then I do now. Yeah sure have value impact can bring into the south, could a hall of fame on September night again. Yes, I have been in the hall of fame, yet now here in the rock, all rock hall of fame and no country western, all of them. I think my first we're up and say costume austria's scouts rise up terraces. I got good news and bad news and color says: what's the bad news is, As his raleigh says, I you what he says over that hill or twenty five soon shan warriors for war pay repeating rifles led by crazy horsehair and customers is also good news.
Also, we won't be going back through south dakota again that way, which is one of my all time, south Dakota there is, I doubt it seems I get that a lot of the jokes seem like classics, but I mean how many of them are are. are classics and how many of them are yours about. I would save up probably about sixty forty, but I find a joke. I hear a joke. I really like her. I remember one from way back and I put my own my own- to spend and I'm really good at that. Nobody does this any more like I do. I don't, I think, it's probably through yeah, but I think it's funny because in one some of the stand up like there are and if jokes, that you kind of half remember but it's a rare thing I think with,
Our committee, that the old joke, Joel jokes were reason right, even if you know I'm kind of like hearing them. That's right. It's a big, it's an odd thing, but you don't feel like here in my act again next year. No, my audience was hear me over and over again, I'm too. For some reason I am blessed occurs with this thing. I'm doing so, I wrote sixty years ago way. I know working great, I know you. I know you still do in the commercial references. Yes sure fanatics two years. Oh yes, it will not some of the commercial references. Now I've kind of back on that, but it's hard thing. I'm noticing wait weak as I'm still where I work at the store still three days a week. I still go, I'm stole over there and in the in the hunting gas or great, but like what I've noticed lately is your dresen, his back. He doing the store will show you know he wasn't. Gonna do ever their member- that one story was, you know the big in said, you know you know I can't get work because of this. I can and reasons why not gonna work here until they start work.
Again, then he jumped out development after very they worked there for years year. But the point is him and argus are the only ones of the original, what kind of crew from the seventies right and there's something? I think that audiences of a certain age there there's something about the way that you guys deliver joke set, is sort of nostalgic and comforting. Yes, that did something they can settle into something that's from their childhood on. Yes, right right, I did I I had line comedy clubs for thirty years there were did so However, nobody noticed right which did I mean literally adjusted so my own, so I'd throw stuff in basher forth, but yeah? but I was, in there d be with Sammy. I couldn't the thing so you come out here. as a musician ramming died when it would seem like a but wait what happens at the at the at the at the borders of our day, so that refers to the drug. Yes, sir, what I'm doing so, I'm doing my show and when I get through the night I got three dollars us on my fifteen, the ladys in at the bar she would eat going to do now. Gary I said I don't know shit come with.
The issue is a matter of the of the pine earlier and swear go up there and she put me in a car. and I do my little johnny cash songs and I make mistakes I joke for all the job. Inside the others geyser she producers, minors or avoid yes guys from their base base this stuff and about four o clock, I'm starting to fade. Could she had been up there since before them and she walks up and give me a law little black bill whispered, dazzled rain. Again she gave it to the girls they stay up. All we can in turn more tricks, amazed at noon, and I say so plain I can't talk now it how you think that maybe you better, she sets jerry. You can cut stop now, and here is the rub, next day. I'm still up here and I gotta go to work that night. Yes about five o'clock, I go up to her again and I say I'll come back and work and I can have another one of those pills yeah. So I took one to get me through the buffalo bar to go back up to the first sighting into music, comedy gambling, drugs and gotham
fact if she said I even delay well, but she said one of the girls really like you. Yes, I went down and sat just talk on her bed on the bed. Until she finally said you know I gotta get back to what's funny cause. You can go a mile, a minute, sober yeah, but I was the same way when I did blow, but for some reason, when I did blow it, we almost had a riddle. In effect it was, it may be, relax right in some way, but the obviously not yeah. Now I can never sleep know me, but it's sorta stop my brain from going nuts, yes, a focused, but I so so when you decide to go to a you know, what do you have to make that decision? Ok, good decision, because I I am by former folk duo with a guy named Dennis writer college mice, this my seventh years oppression. We visit this wonderful thing, with big big methinks, mrs sixty for a while sixty four. So we went to town the count contests. We played kingston, true song it Mothers rather mean yeah and we win a contest. First prize, you got to dry
the denver and work for free at the officers club they fed europe which you have for the night. There was key came back. I stayed in denver and start working lounges everything I could find until I had. There was always us when we work just a Jeanne yeah, the bugsy guy comes up. In says, I'm going out to allay these bob turner. I'm join greenwood county singers. They have a head called the new frankie johnny the band. I parts as the leader of the group that I his brother rick and they look for a base player. Can you play base? I said sure I could in that way. They vandyke parts is the genial genius. I went to see him in two weeks. We target story of how may seem- and so I get out there and they good we're going to rehearse our legs had less is to start with our hit. Ok here they'll take over you stay with the base database freezing and they saw mandates as what jerry I say. You know. can't play baseball, I'm pretty funny, so we don't need funny and by turn the guy brought me out took me out on the sidewalk and says you stay here till we're. Through
when I come back out two hours he said, were leaving tomorrow, we're goin on the road I'm taking up to a place called led betters, by randy spark. Where was that it was a westwood boulevard between an american wilshire I'll get us where the christian minstrels built his club. The andes started the club, so I get there. I go inside John dutch endorse here Linda John. Never yet he's a house just martin music is, the magician has a magic act in a banjo, a gyp magic act. Yeah magic act did work at the work that was his. That was a gimmick yeah. His whole thing is played a little banjo thing or do the tricks and they'd all fail. Yeah, the carpenters were twelve and thirteen year to sit out with their mom in the in the in the our between sets because they serve beer is, can you it was mike settling the first edition kenny roger not only the base player in the group he uneven
but yeah. He hadn't become kenny rogers yet and in a duel. So I'm I'm I'm by myself. I've left my partner, I'm about there by myself, and I go into next. As I say, on the cook's couch that one night would get. What years? Is this a sixty? Five? No kin? Yes, What do you? Twenty? Two? Twenty three, I'm twenty, three, twenty three ne and m Steve, is like twenty two yeah, something like twenty one he's couple of years younger than he came out here to to do music as well to be an entertainer. He just come out of college he that he was going to college somewhere out in california who says cycle yeah, I think, or whatever yossi talking, he pretty much graduate from college, where you you never plan, and then you know about here, and so you end up being music, virginia music curriculum out the next night after sleep in the guys in the end in the cooks floor and he said, are bringing tonight near, but after that, you're on your own. Why walk in a new owner, the major the clubs is,
old enough to check ideas, said yeah. I say you check and ideas tonight and Michael Martin, murphy's leaving a new society were doing auditions, sign people up murphy, am a solo career to yeah yeah, so he left, and so I go up to do my little audition. For some reason. I did the super hissing an oral. I said I'm from south Dakota I've been out fucking idea doing this up. I saw a guy in a girl get an argument. Now I should wmd any inhabit the period all file I am of the sky was going after me, I said I am from south dakota, I'm freak. I fully
in this audition. I pull out my hand. I got it wrapped with a little bit of lipstick on it. Look, like my hand, is free and for some reason, randy sparks the back of the room, thought that was drained says you're in yeah. So suddenly, I'm in a group in rc victor records. Is that crazy? What was named the new society with Michael murphy? Did he do wildfire? Yes, he did. I just heard that song the other day recognizing, like these wildfires, are walking in a mall in Albuquerque yeah. He had a partner, then pin owens castle when they were called boomer and travis dresses mountain men. They left and went with buck owens why they left randy spot You gotta go in your house years before years. Bello career, yes so now you're and you're in the band, what to call again new society and there was a big banned or no, but they had a good deal. We're going into record with what the wrecking that's crazy: we're how how howling campbell S, people care, ok
Kay on base was: how can I IRAN drums algae, counting on values and believe about over capital? Yet know russia victor are studio in estonia and be come on. What are the atlas? Yes, they're doing a record ever I'm good thinking. Where am I I've only been in the group five day Can you could barely play yeah camp players, sinks sing. Just let me watch and they gave me added for several when we played, after that they have my microphones off. On my guitar my mind, why we're the way you until I learned the song, because I was funny because I was the front man- I would tell Joe that separate you from being in again a lounge dmitri being a bar if he had a from menu played lounges. If you didn't yet played in bars and that's how he started. I, working and we got a job workin the miss universe pageant in nice. In my mammy or this, but with this ban yes found blue, which health with jaclyn cutter,
pat boone is the blue. That's where my parents went on their honeymoon earth, while that's big week when and here's all the women from miss universe, pageant or four guys in the group. It's like. I can't hey do say: candy store, regret, relief, really not a nice thing to say I now, but it was literally like that sure I gave missus real my phone number. She was runner up so just for I got it so three days later. I get a call in a way and she's there is going to work for israeli bonds are putting europe at the it it in it home? Tell yes actually plus hotel in italy has Gary you want to move in with me, so I move either. Only two days I had to go with the group to disarm, says here: lay place called bimbos, serpent, It's down a yeah. I know bimbos, both the girl and the fishbowl yeah yeah. So two days and I'm rehearsing in the afternoon a barton says Gary. You gotta call. I see yeah it's her. She says. Carriers suffered the bellman I'm getting married while
if you are the last year, so she said she found a guy with a lot of our age. You bring your mother, I guess you're lucky in a way you would ended up in Israel, so workin on a kibbutz. Yes, this is seventy seven and not happened Sixth identity. I mean sixty seven. I gotta tell you this story. So, ten years later, I'm going to drop a lot of names here. Go I'm with Debra winger we're in bed where does a friend of mine, that's funny or gambling great re, YU gi, oh she's, wonderful, senior, forever! We haven't talked to her we're together for a time where we were during that time, and we ran out of money gambling. So we went to see freddie prince opening for Andy Williams. He didn't have any Would he had quote always? Gavel includes a terrible thing to do at little night dozing off at the machine. So I call the haggard twist shem job from one of the hague or twins from here to send me a hundred dollar money order. The stardust sore
king round waiting for the money order, and I swear to god and I'm walking around I'm looking at all the pans and need to machines. You ve been very left a quarter and I hear Gary gold and there's two ladys genuine pod railways and they ve got glove. Because her hard core slob players here is its money was dirty then, and they are cigarettes, hang other man lipstick on it and it miss Israel and mother come. I know, and she says mama, there's garrets a guy. I told you about. Remember: magua yea angie have planet that was about it and vision. Nice to see us nice to see you. She never saw playing and by tat time, beer ways. We said the monies here awoke over here Who is that I said this Israel? Ninety six, seven, she says yeah right boy do I have a story for that and that's how that happened was winger a waitress at the store. Yes, she was as climate her I met her when she was a waitress at the improv improv. That's when I met her and as was her about it, but it but a year and a half so very are ya.
You're down here you're in that band. How long did it last that ban to ban we couldn't player record because the wrecking crew? we could play when on the road was a bust. Who is just because you're with the best museum, the word out of air, we can play a red unwrapped out yeah and then you get into another baby, just regis of some guys life, which we formed a group called bed in so doing rock n roll grab him. What was at that outcome with the bureau rock mused? Now as the one I was new society I was. I was the one. That's like a satire comedy wreck. It was ass if the satire of issue, but it was it was just it was brought. broke, music and rock and roll. You know those guys the stone pony. So yes right there with wonderful and runs out of legal security there it later etc, where, where I led by yet we pleaded plater law. They were great right yeah. Who else was on the velvet seated
John Denver usa on D'Ambrosio, but also MIKE Nesmith had a band, but what was that bang like before the monkeys were of the country, the country, and it was really good. Oh yeah man he's so good. All those MIKE Nesmith solar records or gray, who was good, Larry Murray, had a group called hearts and flowers him and another partner. He became the head writer for the johnny cash show. I mean there are all these great people coming in and playing all the time. This is before the troubadour. This is be what troubadour was going at that time right it was. We were courted we're sort of a commercial folk thing here we were to die hard. Ok, now, piazza, your wouldn't! You know we were like that was what he pizza your wooden play. What better? I don't think so now I probably not so ok so then you join a rock. Where anyone can you play? that point pretty good, I'm pretty good, I'm doing a lot of stuff and again who in anything evincing I'm singing- and I bored what's the name of that band, bandana, bandana, okay, yeah, so we're playing a club called fridays, fridays and saturdays in denver, friday's was folk, rock series was was rock and roll so
My band breaks up the same night that group next door, the moon, rakers ray up here girl in our group karen bribing day, the lead singer than winner acres. Here she got us together tells me out our r shows over after with our groups have left us. He s doing thing at marvellous marks which downtown in denver late became efforts field where he says I have to do a benefit. It is music and I met never played by myself. What have they Dennis Dennis Flanagan? So what I dunno, what to do? I said we'll figure out something. So we went down there and there was a bowling trophy behind the stage put candles on it. Like a liberace thing and when our time came up, we had the guy named bill heaslip, who became a huge lighting guy after that he said. Okay, we're going to go down Dennis is going to start playing moonlight sonata, I'm going to tell indian stories, and so
we did this. We cut through with the whole thing indian story yeah. I got three and his stories used to tell them that are politically correct nowadays to tell them. Okay, your gray with moonlight sonata back okay, I should probably shouldn't tell you I need to I'm going to tell her. So it's you and a guy walks up and says: I'm the manager, the we five member you are, on my mind, yeah. He said we're going to play aspen in in in wigan at you guys, won't open. We said sure we will act. We go back to l, get my stuff in sixty three reboot everywhere we're driving on sunset. Long enough. We see my club another guitar this in that way company sore pull in there's like seven cars in the back. The back is bursty back there yet very verse. He would probably was he his dad he's given up by that time, because nobody was need to be parked over. So we walk in there sammy sure. This rudy deluca there's Barry levinson owners of, oh god, correcting nelson. Thank you, though,
blushing millions vaunted, because I got a lot of people, don't like all the guys. I talk to you going too far back. I would say I'm trying who is the furthest back, maybe jimmy or maybe you norman animal. That was a bit at that I mean those guys were new guys and then he was running the vegas guys through there right damn anyway. That's right! So a lot of people don't know that Barry Levinson, the famous writer and film director right and craig t, nelson, the actor right, we're we're comics and to look over into legend of with MEL brooks writing everything. You're doing was the guy who opened it with Sammy right, yes, okay, so so that the four guys there and it's not even the main room, it's just a small room, small room and have their sad that they're there out Material is eight people. Nowadays, you guys committees receive you, got a piano. Yeah took our boeing trophy rap on stage dennis who played moonlights son. I till the couple indian stories we walk for in the parking lot and three guys in the audience are john viner
yeah, he's manager, Harry Colombia and Michael Keaton and they're all and Michael Keaton was there that tell you is what is it he was just ass. He was he will. He was Harry colombia which has made married her all, but this is he was a stand if he must have been twenty years all land- and he was. I won't was that guy, then twenty and you know what I could be wrong about that by a hidden by colombia and and for sure, and I I said to the girl- was keen between what is said. The things I've forget. No, you have. All these things are remembered, never actually happened, sure how to be good anyway, data, your recast, your memory, I saw a lion so pointer, says to me I'm replacing carol burnett for the summer at sea bass. You guys wanna be an because beyond the shall we sure, but we have to go over the we five and in basle, we'll be back with a one bowling troll on it per joke, and we go We come back and we're on CBS. This is like this. how it happens crazy. So how are you writing jokes now, because I mean
yeah. You sitting here picture everywhere and I always knew your name and I may be. I see a couple times on letterman yo after read your arc into, you know whatever right, but you know like this is our way before my time it because I was a doormat the store in the late eighty. Yes, so I lived with those pictures and they weren't even guys around that had the stories because most of the guys around where the old guys, one hour there you'll came in the late seven, that's right. So everyone who was there, but certainly not many from Sammy's time. But from mrs time were you know either stars or sad, but they are a couple of a more round. So you start when it was essentially a prop act right, yes, but worthwhile, we did music cause the moon, dot mule, dear moon, dog medicine. I don't show yes and we were really great. We did incredible paradigm the latter historical links, John Hancock, talking to Ben franklin and telephones,
where the number was one. The animals have incredible things: a parodies on all kinds commercials. He was a really good rock and roll ghana player, and I did pretty decent country stuff. So yeah, yeah we did there. Then we we split up. We did all kinds of things you alone you didn't think I remember goin. We want to do it a college in debt in texas. We showed up when it suited council. The isis grey I here, but you're, not here till next week, so there is an all you can eat. Catfish, restaurant and motel down the town guy stay there. We stayed there for a week. Where was this in denton texas? You went and called her manager said, oh god, where we curly, he says, thank god. I got hold of you burns and schreiber video recalled and the watch on a b c this summer you gotta get back as soon as you do the show. So here we are, you, know, depressed The next thing, we're on a b c or with your well yeah yeah, airbags, dual yeah, we're packing in burns and schreiber. How is that? Oh is incredible and then dave- and I saw us and put us on the map
assign you would ever there asked that yet another week it was near parity. We did one ninety minute shore month for abc it was one so who were like you know at that time. Were you doing sets at the store now or just in and occasionally in a now, but we begin our work working so much. We would hit hit and run at the store you're the store, what networks nineteen seventy seventy through you have seventy five till then you work there one meets he took it had just yes, we have zero image to go back. cause that's when you know letterman came in and everyone else came right, that's right, but so you're out there working, but there's no comedy clubs, you're you're, opening for bands, music clubs at opening for for rock and roll bands like it. In this way, the sixties who reopening for Doobie brothers were opening for. I talked to those guys they're still at it. Yeah they're still going to do roads, war, war, earth, wind and fire yeah. Why beach boys and it's tough on the speed, yeah yeah where's we're not getting billing in its tough and I'm done with cha less. We did with the dewy brothers. So
Neither is forty thousand people at ohio state university. We walk out on stage open with no billing, a wine bottle bounces off of the piano, a beer bottle just whizzes by me, where the milder moondog medicine show good night. He walked off. Well, it's like that story of albert Brooks tells about opening for richie havens. Oh yeah he's waiting to go as a richie, richie, rich and the and the guy on the stage angles are. Are you richie he's like no they're going to hey you're going to hate you that's right? He did that with dolly parton when she got the most money of anybody ever at vegas in nineteen Eighty shoes genscher. Fifty thousand also dolly and they are key. So this thing. They, like as good as dolly dolly and I'm walking out and people are looking at me. Maybe one hundred people recognize me daily the time it gets to wait for them to settle down it, takes about two three minutes for me, the choir cycle it also during this time. You do in these abc shows I mean like who were, who are some of the other comics working with ya know. I didn't, I didn't remember I've never stars coming on like peter mars.
Well from hollywood shares. I remember the guy that used to save my name is that the data yeah, my name, is jose a minute. They call me out of the desert guide you by name is, but you can call me down, you can call me ray yeah right on that. Guy was on a lot and I have father we're only ideologically later, but it was mainly just stars command, likely, gray, stevens, mcgowan guy grace, we re wasn't on values, but we had all these guys were heads it. You know that were therein westerns whenever a command sure everybody was in rotation, then yeah. It was a big cam like a smaller community, but when did you live with steve, Martin, Steve Martin Steve and I lived together in sixty six? Oh so that was early early on so you're, together and and he's he doesn't still doing the magic act. Yeah, don't he's he's goes magic. I got stolen iran, shopping even so the money they will be able at this to everything was stolen of his trunk. Oh, you mean really stolen. Yes, I said I saw these people do the advice when he went to the suit in the sneakers and justice
enjoy no more props big, but would you I think that you are his inspiration for actually using props, because he didn't use me. I he tells me I was well: what's that story about him getting a job at the smothers brothers. He did. He get a job they're hiring at that. He couldn't write because he It's funny? He was funny and his actress, so they saw him. They saw musical at a few prep things in his act. Few jobs yet arrow the heads just certainty the main, got you view both use the arrow differently. Yeah, you shut your eyes, I my are in his windows, and I just with with Steve he just Cited to go the other way and he'd be made a great move he made a great movie. He got hired as a writer at hired. Is that why they asked him to do something? He couldn't do it right. So he calls me a monster. A couple of things on my show, yeah sure yeah he takes them. They were great erases writers, walk on. He writes like a demon, so he is, and he's forever indebted and friend ever and ever to me, which is incredible after he gets all the money he loaned me all the times. He pulled me out of the troubled house payments for me in
my god and he was your patron. He was yeah, I sure do. He must have written it off to b I dunno what he wrote it off too save me out illegally. Why do women letterman? Well? That's it Isn't it because, like you know, every generation of stand ups has a guy that everyone loves and and and just kind of like spirals off into whatever fuckin hell. That they're going to be unfortunate, like your robyn used to take care of a couple of guys too yeah, he did yeah yeah of e store their jokes first, but he used to take care of actually yeah. Here you go, you have to yeah Robin was was fine. Unfortunately, only three people that I've ever encountered, my life there were so fast and so quick visa, and and was always original different, roger miller or number one roger miller was the quickest fastest Guy came the road of jack. The ice unbelievably asked of me. He was just it never started. Entertain. Will schriner yeah he's like that bills, incredible like they were, and strangely enough, a lady
his alighting technic johnny math is now a ban with to show for thirty years. Who say she westbrook she's, she could have been the greatest stands out set of lady comedian. Ever she just unbelievable. The way they do so when you first me letterman error, you are lightened, who is the store when these young guy started come. Everybody was pretty much around at that time. It said I think leno is more the improv news to store, but the hour back their argus anders Jimmy walker S. Olives, your back there and ives- I that's all should hang in the back when a new guy we're not- and when I saw David up they're doing, is his editorial yeah. They did about. He said davy S. Exam would like to take this time to say we're diametric, diametrically opposed using orphans as yardage markers driving range area and that I went while I want waited for him to get audio. After that I gave you jesse abbe. There is only one for people. I ever saw that I saw that I knew the first time they were up.
And I saw it I knew were gonna do it. He was one year strangely enough, ya'akov fair enough yeah, he was going to do incredibly. He was there yeah ellen de generous yeah. Shell knew she was going to do something, as I saw her the first time and I just thought: wow yeah he and Steve Martin yeah, every all those people as I saw that I knew we're gonna go. When you were there was, was jimmy walker? Did he ever management company yeah yeah demands? We knew he would end letterman in, were writing form re right and he was at Helen. Was she man, yeah yeah? Oh yes, and she went on to manage, went all the way through she did now Were you riding with letterman? I was writing trainer eyelid letterman ye have back. She won. We gladden right with him who Helen I may go to the new york show that they show in raleigh yeah yeah, and I was just too I. I knew that I was just too too stone I'm nobody you! I was stoned oliver you on coke, yet, oh god, oh my god, I'm coke, since sixty seven
I've been on coke wonders at first started. Come around working hours. Do gunboats array in san francisco san francisco, oh yeah, a guy in a group guy intergroup, I went got some colleagues any reform. But here is well, you don't have to eat. I can lose some weight, I can be slammed or if you go to sleep and never wanted to go to bed. That's all what is interesting, though I can. You know, cause I've known guys, and certainly you know my path was not. You know one that was calculated or I had no real forethought. I knew I didn't want to write for other people. You know- and I knew I you know- I didn't really want to be on the other side of the tv time you don't really think that, like what there's only about ten guys ryan makes a good living doing stand that I'm gonna do it, but it seems they do you ever look back. it's like saying no to letterman on that show that the eu, Well, obviously you you're soberness. Do you have to give you got a frame? Your regrets is not regret, but do you have regrets now
I have some regrets. I have some regrets. I wish to god. I wish I d got caught owner. I wish I may I wish I'd had to go into rehab sooner than I did as long as I did yeah. There are certain regrets. I have yeah, but it's a, but it's still, it's turned out to be incredible with me ending up on the ground. Look at this week this year, Me yeah. I've got a film coming out the dialogue as the documentary coming out yeah I've just became the two hundred and thirtieth member of the grand ole opry yeah, I'm going to be on south dakota hall of fame September night, but here's the rub I haven't. Seen by the first time they anybody knows about their aside a close people to me. I've stage for prostate cancer right now, fighting like crazy magic, take to appeals and about another fifteen minutes the I do chemo pit, and chemo Fiona bread his own. Every idea, I'm just keep. It is keeping it down
yeah. That was one of those things where you might not treated it quickly and I tried I've. I've had it for twenty years. He said I'd outlive it yeah. What they didn't realize that I was gonna live this long yeah, I guess, but I never thought of getting rid of the prostate. I couldn't with the time when I was too old by the time decided I could should get rid of it was near, is too late yeah. So first time ever on the anear, I'm gonna take hey Ever at her own, an apprentice zone with my host. Ok, I have to do. I ve had a lot of things happened. I've had a guy come out as gay on the air. I've got a woman, breastfeed is the fur. Time anyone's taken cancer, medication and I'll tell you something yes to stop, takes out all my testosterone, and I also got shot my stomach these last week, for I now what they all. What's the prognosis prognosis as we have to do this controls to again price. Or else right now- oh yeah thinking just control here, but I they said this lunatic ira testosterone out and I'm warning. You know, sir, the week out front.
First shot a monoplane dealt airlines ia and apply them and find myself cheering up at the end of toy story for an. I think, COD. This stuff really works, so I dont they're watching with Tom hanks immigration, and this is serious idly. And finally, you have feelings. I want I like jane austen. If I look, I look in south dakota public broadcasting hopefully a jane austen series? Is gonna, go surrogates minutes, that's where I am right now Well, it's eight was interesting. What about yours. You know you started out. You know out here in that scene in the late sixties, you kind of did yeah. I mean you really did that old hollywood thing or that the sort of fast track, If, like you, I mean you must have met everybody like you know, crosby neil young, I was always hungry. Funny musicians ever hung with comics that much with the fun That's why hung with sea martin, as why did you ever find yourself at the manson rancher? Anything no review at that, for
Why me, because it is around, like you you're always like me, I get it felt like. It was like a like a beggar junior to hang out with him at all. I'm every bit very well from the comedy store it from the coffee store and there it just seemed like everybody was sort of around. There was old and new hollywood and everyone was sort of a runner and bar was living next door and all the Dean Martin's uncle played at mars or he was living next door yeah. I remember it well, most bizarre things and will I get on the elevator? Was it the hampton waste next or what sets now What are you, what are the rock n roll higher yeah, the higher yes rokuro high? So I get on the elevator monmouth cat Stevens here in the wide world is playing in the music look overriding amigos rolled his eyes, in one of those moments. Roman I'll never forget, but I think the arrival in to work like did the ark that took you into the world country music embracing? You is interesting
because you know you're you're hopped up on blow from the late sixties. U turn letterman down you ve had shot, your own show on network. How did I ever a few rights dinosaur summer show? I did and I was like I was offered it offered a pilot. An egg two english writer say already humor and I just slowly peacefully got out of it, because I want to work when I wanna do is work vegas for seven about five hundred dollars a week alternate with with topless reviews ia and play keno he out to me. That was a big deal, asshole, I wonder- do keno drugs and dioxin and girls in their old age, and that was it means that this is it I bet you, you believe that and lived it for years years now, and but the tonight show it's interesting. The conversation in the dock you are about. You know like kara toffee, still yell when he asked at moments. I can't I just never, even though put his honor tonight Joe. There always tell us it wasn't that tonight when they told me, I had one or two
I laughed all the way through the first commercial when reading to a johnny and no no, as you move the road clark and David Brenner, yeah yeah yeah, and I told I told pretty decor go after the choices. You see that Brady says yeah, but not the tonight show. I ran into freddy ten years later at the Crosby golf tournament. He said remember that night, when you told me it wasn't a tonight choices. Yeah, it was right. Was nice you still zau way in that we're yeah it is ever meet carson now this is this is what is interesting. I never got to do with carson, get called over the couch robot. Our thoughts here in the lounge all the time yeah. He would work the weekends at Sarah vs jack eglash in the orchestra yeah. So I'd go over and hang out at his dress room. He would come and watch me through a special place when I was in the lounge, and I got to know him and even after the show we sit in a kino area and duke wits greatest like people in those days respect yeah, here's one of the biggest stars in the world. They go: hey, Johnny love your show, yeah and always come up saying. Can I take a selfie? Can I be sure and John had this way about him when we start walking to his to his
is really I walk already. The casino people. say oh and he just said, never keep we kept moving nicer, but it never stopped right and I saw him do that all the way to the elevator and get in and go. He added that salad to so he was ass when we worked well, that's interesting thing with it. The difference in levels of show business is like you got to sell your cds yeah and the rain act is back at the hotel. But it was not something you had a chip on your shoulder, but no never did I never did I love what I was just. I loved you playing keener you do and blow, and your opening in vegas in that was sammy on vegas within Sammy was was was had been hoping. elvis, but I think later on, there is somebody else come in after sammy camera. Who was the area also to examine with their four year he did for years yeah. You know missy a quick thing about missy nitze when I did the point where I was literally skip stevenson in a house. In view of what I give ya, all we did was was drugs here
We never went back to the comedy store. I stopped during the comedy store for a year and a half, because I didn't want people to see what what turning india? So this will go to the country go to the country, clubs in the valley and work and nobody noticed monsieur skips use from financial years during the older, we'll get up and play the cowboys with the. U s turn back and that's all we did just got real people? Oh yes, and we say- and we didn't go, the call me, sir well after I got clean and eighty seven I had been to the comedy store for a year and a half I went to betsy, and I was at the very bottom and seven I was a door going. Eighty seven! Ok, that's what I was just coming year, starting back in their baby. Seventy, I back the store again I had nothing. I was in debt, three, thirty thousand dollars to credit card comes everything and mits. He said I came, a came, Bacchus admits he can. I worked, the source should yeah. I'll put you on the weekends yeah and she helped me get a brand new bronco. She helped me Santa hotel, I didn't have any business and it was expensive, but I want treat myself
come on man, and I go to a place where no car here and I'm hammer and went out to a guy in burma in glinda. Oh here, yet there was a car dealer and I went I want to get a broad coincided, a nineteen ninety eight yeah mercedes. With I work for shoulders here. So I wanna- and I said I want to our aid yeah the trade it carries his how's, your credit recording start pulling on it's going and going I Jesus. I can't give you anything nay. I can give you a news. I saw. I want that broad ordinaries, that's one of everything on it s the most expensive and he I said committee called missy. She shall use, you'll be working, the communist or whereas you'll have money here. I got the bronco. I got to stay at the hotel at nice hotel and when I and when I, when I was on the job here I have the bellman keep my car and my stuff under neither combat that that will tell the scandal a park.
Those way over my head. I wanted you myself, nice and it all came back, and I had a good friend, valerie pappas, who was a great she's coming as to media singer of media and, of course, the main thing was out of all of this saying man I gotta I gotta. I gotta tell you this in nineteen eighty, I got hired to come back to south dakota to to work for this couple, Lee and John lear, and this big festive yeah I got to play in that pavilion raised- were perjury Louis stories to watch him yes got to play by through. I walked over to get my check and John earn was saying there and I start to get to check. I look in his eyes beautiful woman standing beside myself. Who are you? He pulls the check that So that's my daughter, I said: oh, when together resents and she whence you the hard times and in bad times red is flood fled for two years, because my ok you're here was eighty five. Eighty six, where I was so eighty seven. That was where he really sobered s where I had to go, and so I think I must have just left. You had just left
The comedy store was the late eighty, seventy one it was back when I went back yeah. I went back about September october, yeah cause. I was like. I lost my mind on coke. I left that yeah. I was there like a little less than a year ago. In my play, you thank you. I was here and voices and I had go to reopening, go back to boston, yeah start over. So I'm I just missed your return, just miss, because when I was there when I was just starting as a door guy, that was when fuckin artists got out of rehab right, and that was I remember I was there. I was there all the time because I was living in crystal yes, you know up on the hill, their midseason place and I was hanging around and I remember I was standing outside with belzer and This comes walking up. Imelda goes only. Is this an apparition and hee hee? scott matter rehab and I had no idea of the history or any of these stayed over since then. He it's over. I remember Alan bearskin gallon,
excuse the brand. I can't remember his name now. He was my dealer. He had a fifty five jaguar attack at the apartment building yeah. I have gorgeous fifty five jaguar. Just I just left so I came back. I cooked years sell it for you she said ten thousand dollars for he says, here's eight, I'm gonna borrow two I'll give you the rest Monday never saw him again and I paid it near leno's. Still less you forget. I had at nineteen fifty five x k one forty convertible. He never. Let me forget that I look at that car now and say: oh my to this day, he never was no good at this to those one of those things you know, you sure did did that stupid stuff. So in eighty seven you get you get queens years lice of yeah. Well, it takes were to take yeah, but but an end. But how does Howdy become a sort of become part of the. Country, music community. I first of all I had to get myself back in with with with with a start, doing comedy gloves and I got his enemies and in in Chicago knows,
in these national nationals in algeria, and I started noticing all of my friends. I had known from the past her all around all the country guys and whatever you and I just us right. You knew all the musician, yeah vegas and forget it. I started and debts in the national network sort it ok I thought you know what yeah I'm going to give this a try, yeah and it really worked well for me. Yeah I'm working with I'm undoing a ralph emery show fifty sixty times he's like the Johnny Carson. of country media and then I was doing than I became the rigour on the last year and happy he hawk. I mean without a rebooted here really I resolved without buck died. We just roy How do you do terrible? Yeah? God? You remember things, I'm so glad you bring it up, It was the rebel here and is all the stuff in between I go back and I look at things being a judge and a gong show and working with bears is one of the greatest things. How much coke was on that said. Oh, my god, I'll tell you one night: it happened almost by with opeth.
pat mccormick. The tonight show judges we get through we're back in that restroom patted to shake so bad that that time I would have to brace his hand with a coke spoon. Yeah yeah move his head down slowly to it, so we get through and we get through and we get all cleaned up and and we go out his orange rolls royce of the green interior here and we had for NBC yeah and he didn't tell me we're going to do we pull into the lot. It goes. Hey, pat, if we get into what we walk in, see johnny down there talking to the guys. The curtains about open here and pat goes over to stage left. He starts undressing yeah he's handing me his pants and his coat and his underwear in his shoes and his socks and he'll. What and when through a johnny goes out and starts his monologue and about two minutes into it. Pat streaks and this one streaking was a yes, yes, video of big fifty pound leprechaun, and so I hate to chubby. By the way he told me to go around the other side with his clothes and wait for him. While he came around and just before he got there, he slipped and fell and hurt his ankles. We got this giant naked
I hear he entered and fifty pounds trying to get a code after only getting out to his car and there's a great moment and that night watch in the show that you put a black, were they the girl- or they have all you see, is pats head Bobby and johnny looking covering use. Realising would have it so I thought well, I was part of that. I was over, there had stays left no stage right enjoy You too, oh yeah, yeah, yeah she'd. I never partied with him. She she Martin, was in a co poker game with him. I think that went forever for years. For years those guys had a port yeah, yeah yeah. I got to know Johnny pretty well and never got into the show in fact johnny. what about you said. Johnny said better? We don't bring it up against too there's two produces a really don't like you and freddy sang at a push they are off and he said I said, don't worry but it is the island- and we just blew fine with that. So now ok, so you silver and the ladys you now and he haha you're, jumping up in the corn field or whatever right, yeah, yeah knowledge, but you're a you know you you can
have stayed in the national community. I did, but I am also working comedy clubs. I'm making as much you could make it headliner than I was making love Thirty five hundred to four thousand dollars a week, which is a pretty good for not being a star so stars, would take that you're sure I wasn't it. level, those doing. Ok, but you to work. I had worked at sea and do not open people now get me. I'm doing that to move on from rural haggard and working with roger million were with all these different people. That's like the roger miller. Friendship was very important to roger is very important because of that guitar over there sitting over there that I've gotta that gifts and how members in dismay, gifts and J two hundred year, you get me I'll try to make. This is quick. These I could hear I am doing so much coke and ruined her development are too weak and I'm playing job. His copies of gibson J. Two hunters made in mexico sure psych playing barbed wire fence posts yeah, but I thought I was poor because all my money was going into coke. So this comes. It says a guy plato gilbert over at the hilton and he has disputed
JD one hundred you want to surrender dollars for it. I'm gonna bring it over. Let you play it. I played it for two days. It was just gorgeous Beth said you. Wanna sit thats, lose more money, I've ever lost in my life. I have no money left, I'm work, disneyland on weekends, just to try to break even to come back. We beg you just time to go on in front of roger. I don't have the money he says I got eight okay, I've got a I've got to come and get the guitar yeah. So here's what's happening. I'm up all night, I'm looking around I have no money and, looking through my dressing room, trying to find any kind of change, I gotta get money just to get a cab to go to the airport yeah cause I got to go to disneyland why are you functioning europe to three days? It that's what I did. I just made myself stay up. I just function, that's what I did, but so What to do so, I'm gonna go to my room. Is your baby. I got some change something and I'm what in towards the elevators. The elevator doors are opening and closing like this back and forth, I walk in and sitting in a corner. Drunk is roger rogers. Qatar play yes on carlisle, I he's trying to reach,
button to good is rumoured exonerated our er of the going up. Down he's, probably on tan. He we reached a five, so I standing up sit sgi b, compassionate resigned in arms. You got any money on ya any point to it. Sure plugin, hang out much crumble bills pushes button I gotta get seven dollar here, so I'm can back to my door to my dressing room and I gotta get my guitar too good, a disneyland and being the attic. I am I look of the key. I decided to go six way, six, two dollars that give me a three dollars. You used me four dollars to get to the airport three dollars on a kept cab guide or when I get there, I'm opening for the kings and true bob shane a lumby ten bucks. So I'm going up to get my japanese coffee, gibson, J, two hundred baden mexico and his beautiful guitar. I put it in the six way sex. I come walking back down. I look up the board I've. Yet thirty, eight thirty, nine forty forty four and I could give you a six out of six for a thousand dollars a year
just at that time, fast chances was walking into cassandra to make the one thousand dollars one thousand. I was playing fifty cents a year yeah, so I walk up and give the key. I get my thousand dollars to give the keynote shift. Fifty dollars a year fast, charging three hundred dollars for the guitar put me take. My japanese copy gives NJ two hundred piece of crap back at migration come down. I gotta disneyland. That's how I got that qatar that ray seven. Would you knowing it disneyland? I was hoping for the case and trial a dead one, how can the afternoon I do open forum and then I would get back and they would take. back to anaheim. I would fly back good at just forty five minutes before the shogun with roger and I would get I would get dressed and go for roger miller where'd. You learn from roger roger Roger do I shall ever missed I've been too many days here and I went to my room to change before I went to the show say, secure bang on the door. Here I look over in its eight twenty. I should vote on twenty minutes ago. I come running out the elevator down run through the casino up chewed up to
backstage dressing rooms. Nobody there are one of the issues stage, rod comes off its eight thirty. Has you my coat my hat, who you your great kid we're back out ass roger. If you did me did they know, is evidently did you guys want, did biafra twenty five minutes and save me I'm a little, they enjoy shiver, miss he saved me doing that delivered what the mob yeah I had again so. I was working. I was getting a lot of jobs in the lounge. I couldn't figure out why? Because everytime I get my check. I would love to certain room and give a guy named rudy for one hundred dollar bill. Yeah- and you do I say: yeah you're going to be okay, kid and a kindness after a while. I I he he wasn't so sure I could yet for the money? They are well, here's what I'm I'm up one day and I'm one morning I'm walking to the elevators had been up all night by eight in the morning, elevators open and there's rubies wife
it in an embrace with her tennis instructor and a jump back of they see me yeah and I look at her and she looks at me and after that I started getting a lot more work. Yes, I know mrs said, Rudy never eyes craig and you can You got a hire him near a secret man. I know that's how I kept working the lounge doing their job. That's a lot of money! That's a good round story, as there is a great allowing kept secret. Yes, I kept the union of biodiversity giving Rudy his foreigner brought porter bucks. So you want to talk about the bottom. Hidden the wall to wall man. I hit the war. the bad when it went into our ears. Is eighty six yeah I invaders six and and eigen I'd? Would it have read, Europe would need. I had a house in studio city sold, the has his son right from the path had ascended pass you soon, rapid city sean, my sunshine, the idea or think, as you know, in the dock and kind of talks about how
Joe show business over here I left him one whose ten months old I may just took her out of that, have that's it with a gesture, I forgave me and he he he didn't. He forgave you after you became drug buddy. Yes, exactly we became drug buddies that now are doing coke together, but have I I literally sold the house splitter for nita and went to today in my life, and I tried to do it. spend like eighty thousand dollars in a year. Where do you try to do it I'll, just by yeah, been lacking but being actively hang yourself, you just now to burn your thursday number myself out completely. I just got to be pretty soon new clubs mark could do anything like that you're, a reliable! Are you sure how angry live? I knew I'd be unreliable, not funny couldn't do it. I didn't he I was going to be funny. I was so glad every so often and do it and act opening for a country act year and I'd get by with that was twenty five minutes and fly back. I was ok, but I said I'd. I was just I was money way, so I going to read,
I go into rehab, and personally I am was skip, see the acid skip I gotta go to the hospital. I said yea he said I know. Is it? Is that you're going into rehab next week right? I said no, I gotta go right now skip take me there, my hearts, vat and wouldn't be when he takes me there. The doctors slows my heart dances, you're gonna die. I go back to skift just gives place that time built for commercial going on the road house it for him. So so He said. I want your house it forming a month, but he said you're going to rehab. I went up. The room went upstairs in the end. I in saint, just as Austria, nine NBC stay there. For thirty five days, I will write to the hero, eyes to the new. They are all a chocolate after and ask what price their stated already gained. Forty pounds a year came out and how said and I'm I'm with the bulk of our house,
and I think you know what I can do a little bit again good. I'm right come on working. I try it one. Tyrants. Why there's? A guy used roam the valley with beeper and if he wasn't there in thirty minutes as I damas who is free, never late. I get it half a grandma Kogi put out to lies. I went up with side and boom my heart its. I follow the floor. I crawled over the put pull a phone. I offer you a call for nine one one. I crawl over to the door out to the curb wait for the ambulance and fire truck to come took me back. The same guy was on duty and said to me: I heard him say winslow is hard on an increase. I think he can make it and we saw them. I forgot me down east got through he said believe me. You're gonna die. If you don't, stairs to the rehab unit you're going to do so. This is literally less than a week and a week yeah less than a week and he said you're gonna. She gonna go back reavie, I says no, but I got it this time. I can do it any more and I didn't I stopped. I stopped doing an Elvis. It was march of eighty
did you do the thing yeah did you do the meetings and stuff? I did a lot of meetings, yeah a lot of meetings all the time I got one coming up on at twenty four, I think twelve or twenty four, I'm thinking, I'm thirty. I think it was thirty in may that's great man. It is so and so and now like I, I like the whole part where you you vince gill is in the in in the dark and he has sweet guy, oh great guy, and when the best guitar plays the governor and he's the he's, the goat of country, music and yeah, just like the history of the eagles now with the egg, the eagles something on their fellow refer well? Try? Google earth twenty twenty five erasing east can be in just over them yet orwell's, while she was who he was, and I was with him in a show of marty, Stuart late night jam back in probably algae guy. He is a great, posing around marty store word a musician. Now marty's Abed marty invited me and vince inducted me. That's how
saw those pictures with a confident laggard herb who is at some of the old timers from the opera yeah you yeah. Was it right away a cup with your life? No Roy got me in any way way back, but I got guys like John Carnegie. Jenny, silly colonies. Murphy are all these people Bobby Osborne died too to go. He was one of the greatest and so did the mc and here s your grendel's detour, the oldest sacking I'm gonna go is the oldest actually working guy. Now and Were you always a country music. I always always was johnny cash your dad cash was guy. I, my life is for further words, men. All I don't you mere I mean I'm gary mule dear three. Further words: I'm I'm married to unita which is four word I did coke. I did go golf saved. My life In turn, right golf I took up Gough yeah, I mean I sing, play
would show where everything for letter words but yeah golf turn me around when I came out a rehab. I need a new addiction He had to walk out that waiting for an answer. So me, in Annie kenney that I knew I know. Ronnie he'd kind of tourist years of comedy or yeah great comedy store guy breakout, but he was a club thrower. He wanted me to start playing. I said I can't do it. That's one thing I'm not going to do and I started walking balbo encino in the morning and I would take a break I have lunch. I would walk in the afternoon that I would do the commie sore at night and that's how I are taken. The weight, often sorry get myself back in shape. We going off you good now. I was pretty good at one time, but forty seven when I started Amelia forty seven years old one day, I'm on a balbo and smoke Europe It comes orpheus, a fair wind says me. Mule ever done a celebrity golf tournament said: I have no idea what they are, Take it one next week, Roy clarks, so we went or directly
celebrity go nausea, yeah and there's five six interchange. We all did ten minutes the night before four for all people, ensure, and I saw one fed into the other one and suddenly I am working with my heroes. I'm workin! I'm suddenly in the lp J and did the delays? I'll be here the dinosaur in in palms frere, and I got the guidelines. Welcome, calling me on my first day from a practice run. He said you're going out with Joe di maggio. I have a john. Have jack and john unitas, is at our right worsening first tee shot. I ever had in my life, but I mean that's how I started reading cause. I've been a yankee fan. Seventy two years, yeah me too play with sudden with yogi bare and I'm playing with whitey ford going with Hank bower. All this stuff's come again and play with all my heroes from from tv Dale robertson from tales of worlds, fargo, india. In all these issues,
just be the whole community. There is, however, to gag pat boon and were what that boon, and I was cooper and Alice cooper. Yeah I've done twenty three of Alice covers twenty seven tournaments yeah, you know just keep. We build the keen sad because oh yeah, I mean it's all because I'm all these rock and roll things that I do our country shows. I provide you, but me, in all my heroes and playing golf for them has been absolutely smoky. I just talked turkey is eighty really my favorite he's my he's. My gun, you record out. We want to get the new record. It's called gazumped chasms, oft I'll, try to and sf oh god or your wife stuck three all through all. She did she. Should we split for for two we should take state as my manage she couldn't dick. I could be around reality and she up commanding with my manager day Martin weir how to avert out here and in encina, but David stuck with me. God bless him. How he did. I never know, but yeah we slip into wickets
till wicked. Actually I was safe funny and nineteen nineteen at the vote nineteen ninety one. He has worked with crystal gayle on new year's eve as she came up and we've decided. Okay, we can trust Gary now yeah, but it took that year. It took that and now you uber and then the last big business if the relationship was with the johnny math Johnny mathis, which I am playing a golfer and playing the crosby in Winston salem north carolina the night before and work with pat boone bob hope Gerald ford, Kathryn Crosby, vince gill were I'll do it. Ten minutes appease the next morning when the driving arrange shiny math is suspect, sweet jurisprudence as gary, it has been with me. Twenty one year genie amber near the archimedean for years is is retiring. Would you like the job. I should yes, he said you'll go on in the middle here. Any turned back ball, for twenty nine years. He comes out. Does thirty four I've come out new twenty by comes back. Does an in our fifteen I've doing effort almost twenty nine years
in several show. It's kind of like what's amazing to me is, like you know, I'm a guy. You know who you know is immersed in the mythology. The comedy store. I still work there. I I love the place and even though I got it's almost there a relationship with it like it's almost worth. The trauma happened because I was you know when I was a doorman lost my mind right, but I I loved the place the only place I work in town, I'm afraid to go there, I'm afraid nobody will look at me like when the hell was. That might be true, but if I'm there are certainly introduce it angrily. I need peter shore runs the place, oh peter, how my god yeah know Peter Peter forever from the waiter word. They were kids what their homeland we had it. There is a big sorting. We baby said oliver yea was there was a fight between the brothers repeater. Yes, it s got the keys to the place, but he lives in portland, but he's really turned around and it's got great yeah. You got around scots insane. diego went about in policy. Has a house right above the comedy story and the sister died she dark. We know that yeah
but but they're around journey yeah, ok bye, but yeah man. You know you could come say hi. Where do you live? I live in a spur view. South dakota so you don't come out naval carter. You have on the ranch. I once had a division said the seller ranch. Might we after said, here's my life, my sister, is running it. We had let it go. The last place wasn't developed. I cavies hard for you to look at it now, they're, just developing the whole really yeah it's hard. It was cool from tomorrow's Ten, until tell you plant, there was ten years old there than they ve done a horse, the main other than a horse, and I you know I hunted and fish to her even with a guide, I believe in you we go guide without a licence for bird for there's. The ottoman now ended, all seventy I could do to stay, age to stand gauge how to work too hard, but I was stills, but I always playing him
the machine. I was always gambling doing this. I always had to give that up just to keep lever. I so I could play four card: keno machines, after after I do, a johnny mouth has showed a casino, but you know what it's under control now saw. That go was I still likely for card I will forever I mean my wife hates even think about it. She went through our family, but I should like simply for a correction. It's so funny or its boy. You know because it such a solitary feel. Worse, don't worry you dont. There do not sit next to people, Very shelling had the greatest greatest impression of the game of Cato this is secured shambling, their god bless you Gary. This is a game aquino, they nineteen, twenty four, Thirty seven. there's another and you don't have eleven yeah sites, but here is great. God yeah?
I remember one time he was working at Caesar's hazarded sahara. I call you in distress you from addressing. As Gary you gotta go you're her like that is what was wrong. My hair, you bastard hung up on me, but I'm going to delivery. I got him just for that. He knew him a second. So I got him hit that insecurity. Oh yeah. It was amazing with him and you and you're still in touch with with steve and dave yeah. I still am in touch with them and and NJ, and everyone all giving me great to read. Reviews and things here and press things about always stuff in its just been incredible, and yeah. You have some time to do before I leave I want to. I want to tell you about this guitar over here, and I think worth the thirty thousand dollars it's gotta be now because of the pieces of nature. I have time to read all the names are on, but yeah it's all signed up. It's all released in fact get signed up so much in the back. two guys, Steve, Earle and Keith urban had to sign it on the top part. I had the back sprayed now, so nothing can come
start with cheryl crow, with a letter show yeah. I had her sign at first then. I went to medea. Eighty anti, a pebble bait. the angle and fry unduly loose came up after day. I saw it said god it was done had them sign it, that's how it started behind it took off from their think. It's fifty four if the signature sounds like it's going to end up in that a country music hall of fame, I'm going to take it down there to where they can put it. In my thing that turns me on looking at the back of it, for give it to a moment alone to amend what they have to see this scott everybody. yeah yeah and I love the dock and it was great to get to know you because of what I was saying before is that you know when you're my age? Are you coming up and I'm fifty nine now yeah but yeah? It's still immersed in all the guys that I grew up watching and you know when I worked at the store. I was looking at those pictures and you always wonder what happened to people yeah like I knew you were still friends with letterman. I knew that you were yeah. I saw that picture that you know Gary mule deer medicine show like. I have
an image of you in my mind that I made assumptions about you, but you are one of those guys sort of like what happened to that guy cause. You never stop working any and you were always out there making a living and and a good one. A grip people come with me. All the time is the gary milder. You are osmo, were committing. I forgot all about it and I love that idea that supply and you're like you're lucky guess, I'm doing the same act over time as your move in a lot of a lot, probably a lot of any work and better than ever, I can't stop doing primetime either bluster so having this material, it just always seems just just keeps working and I bring together. Families asked why I like doing the opposite: kids you're laughing with their parents, parents prayers with their kids normandy he loved something deferring you'll like it, and you know I am a g raided guy, Just am I just I miss out on a lotta tb in great movies. I cant do language I mean I know you are in a few movies, but you didn't make your in yeah that part in Annie hall, cheech and chong up in smoke and jerk and
I got cut out of two but and then you you're, just in the the source scene, yeah at the source with woody allen when it comes to l a y. They told me later on because my line was funnier than his at before him. I bet I was talking to the girl saying the cause was incredible: he bluff grand piano, electrocuted, a dog you renovation, sprouts, visa, that's what I say: and eventually it went to just me being cut out in at the asking here. asking. What do you want aid from the wages settings and I have to sprout hand? That's what happened to me. I took all our friends, the movie, you see it to pay and there I guess you I'm doing a longshot. I see my way being now that that I'd another one where I I used to open for me as a big comedy star now and I think he's one of the funniest guys around you ever watch an eight bar gutsy high hope. God is incredible, and the funny idea yeah Well, man! It was great talk, india, and I wish you the best in and good luck with the ongoing treatment. This
be around another. Many years yeah, I'm gonna keep at it. Man thanks here you two men, I loved Ok there you go. That's a first cancer meds, that's the first, because, ok with that stuff once and show business is my life, but I can't prove it. The documentaries now available to buy a rent also hang out firm and folks. Okay, so sweet, we posted the tenth instalment of ask mark anything for full marin subscribers. I answered a bunch of your questions like this one about repeat guests: what made you decide to start doing repeat guy for a full show, and how do you decide who gets to come back to the garage? Well became a aren't that after doing this, since however long we ve been doing it, which is a long time. What is it? Nineteen aids
a long time since two thousand and nine so there people that we interviewed early on that have had entire lives since we talk to them and it be silly not to be open to sort of canada. We, the ark, our at least this portion of their life, so that's. One of the reasons are another reason: is there? Are people that I like talking to so The nation of those things is decides whether they come back to the grudge. I like him and we had a report and mixed with long. It's been since I've been here but but sometimes people just like to hear me, talk to people, I know and you we comics, so we figure Why not do more of that, especially now With this strike, I mean that makes a bit. different. So out of the people that I get out promoting things in their on junkets and we can. The men by that shit, over that's, ok, you can only have so many actors to get the asked mark.
Having episodes in all the weekly bonus episode sign up for the full marin, just click on linking the episode description or go to deputy of pod dot com and click on w e, F, plus and we go a reminder that if you're thinking now is the time to get home security, get the home security that was named the best of twenty twenty three simply safe, get twenty four seven, protection with all the advanced features you need w kiev, listeners, ghettos. A twenty percent off any simply safe system. When you sign up for fast, protect monitoring. This special offer is limited time so visit, simply safe dot, com, swash, w e F, that's simply safe dot com, gosh w TIA, there's no safe, like simply say, there's only take two on this guitar peace is ok,
the yeah hmm the lives monkey in the bond get angels everywhere.
Transcript generated on 2023-08-04.