« WTF with Marc Maron Podcast

Episode 1452 - Sarah Tiana

2023-07-13 | 🔗
Sarah Tiana and Marc are very much co-workers. They see each other at “the office” regularly but they’ve never had an extended period of time to get to know each other. Sarah and Marc get to sit down and compare notes on their experiences at The Comedy Store, both when they started out and how things are now, and Sarah tells Marc about her background doing comedy in war zones. They also talk about Disneyland, doormen and David Spade.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hey folks? It's been one year since we started the full merit, which means a year of weekly bonus episodes. Only first subscribers extended interviews, q and a special many series stand up and lots of hanging out with me working metaphor, for my anxiety is the cause coming from inside the house. Were there any episodes that you felt like you just didn't, get it right. Yet there are there, probably more than I want to admit frankly, added away like so I dont either. I went to my first professional wrestling match for this series. That's this wrestling with mark and you get every w E F episode completely ad free subscribe, the full mariner go daddy, cast dot com, swash w e F, that's go down A cast dot com- swash, w tia. Ok go! Do it a.
All right. Let's do this. How are you what the fuckers, what the fuck bodies, what the fuck nix? What the fuck is that so what's happening. I mark marin. This is my podcast w tap. Welcome too What's happening, how's it going where we act today on the show my friend Sarah Tiana is here she's a comic, I see her, time like every week? We once a week at the comedy store. She was irregular on chelsea lately and it's out uncommonly central in her new special called forty four, is on youtube and we just one those things you know I am. I Why hasn't she bent on I'm always seeing her, and I was right. Would you should be on today, she's on and we had nice conversation. Another thing people and allay, or for travelling to allay I'm dynasty typewriter on the eighteenth and twenty fifth, both tuesday nights
at largo on Thursday July, twenty seventh, albeit these lake city, wise guys on August eleven and twelve for four shows that in the last vegas I'd guys on september, the second and twenty third. You can go to the of pod dot com for tickets. Also, there are new brain jones cap mugs available to purchase starting today at noon. Eastern These are the same mugs brian makes for me to give out to my guests, and these new ones have a brand new design of charlie beans with art from mars and dema the new mugs are available. Today at noon, eastern w g have mugs dot ceo, so what's up, I did I did the dynasty I brighter on tuesday night and I'm I'm going into a direction that that seems. relevant. It almost seems like the last front. Here for me terms of what I want to talk about and its personal and its trauma based
I've decided somewhere my mind that almost all of our cultural problems or person Trauma based and what people do with that, how they did I too were just. I believe in it? move around it act against I don't know, but I'm digging deep and it's happening, and I can't help And sometimes I feel this here, but certainly when I do these longer sets the sort of move towards the bigger sets. the old exposed, when I get asked, I feel vulnerable and I don't always know why I put what I put out there out there and I think it's for me I'm level, but it's also to connect with people, but it gets more and more specific. You're. Obviously in the u s special, I talked about some cultural stuff, so there's plenty of like minded people who who think, though I do not. I talked about if in everybody, has had to dell deal with that, I talked about myself, which kind of that club is the lens a little bit
not everyone's living the life I live in Certainly there are limits to what makes, variances are in relation to people who have different send me so what am I getting at well my looking for you know, I've spent iceman at a time these days. Looking back in my life in ended, nostalgia because there was for a time before this right? a man that was the best time in my life? I think I'm having the best time of my life now and that's true and it's it's good and I am grateful for it. But you know I watched last knights. I sit around. I watched you old clips of don rickles on Johnny. Listen. I watch your old clips of rodney dangerfield. And I love these guys I saw who they were in their character in their act. I understood that. they were doing jokes. Italy's rodney was by
yeah whatever that template of character. That was just too above the surface and he used to do over jokes underneath that was the completely depressive, miserable man and Dan. I watch him and you know he's so much hinges on jokes. Just on timing and and a style, but yeah he's an angry fuck, there's no way is not angry fuck I mean you. He really we'll pushes the edge not just really but with whoever is talking to I mean it took years. I imagine you people just take it from him, but sometimes it pretty uncomfortable, but none these guys were big acts in this. if a type of show business playing, vegas playing. You know these these these type. Venues that were common dinner clubs, you know some comedy gods, but mostly, I think the trajectory was you get on tv. Do vegas, knock
think of a more miserable place, for to be then casino theatre Doing vegas, I dont believe that my people would come, but none the less there's pardon the things like why, Why am I not? That kind of act is just not what I got into a foreign and nurse times where I think I will. What did I get into it? For what am I doing? What am I and to do up there you what do do you work, I have an audience, I'm grateful for you I can earn a living doing stand of comedy am grateful for that. I do believe I'm unique and as we ve talked about before, I might be entering my he's, a character phase of my life, but there's something I can't reconcile sometimes you're out. Let me the the nominees for four many special, the I guess the category is outstanding variety. Special prerecorded for this year's emmy awards are carol. Burnett
ninety years of laughter and love on envy John maloney baby jane. Folks, liz o living, answered hbo max norman lear, a hundred years of music and laughter on abc travel, I wish you would, folks and want to sites, I'm retainer on netflix. I'm not on that list. I'm never on that list. And I do believe I've been doing my best work in the last few specials. and I do always want to. gettin an emmy nomination and I do by put effort into it as much I can or know how to do get myself out. There go of publicity, publicity goin. But I dont win things and every time I dont get nominated like used to it. Let me didn't expect it. You know
mulvaney would get nominated just because he gets nominated. I dont, but there's no for me not to to judge myself harsh even though I know what I'm doing the best work, I'm capable of doing. And I don't really why that is. Does it matter? Does yeah who vote through these things. You think it's your peers and why do I want up a trophy had a note, because been workin hearted, this thing for a long time and a granted a lot of other people have to. but there is some weird thing work no matter how much success. I have that am when this thing happen mike will what the fuck I mean do I gotta do and like. I can't do anything else in what difference does it make and I dont so I have to track it. To track it in my head. What do I do up there and I just did an hour and a half it largo last night about very personal stuff, very rewarding, and I found the funny and I found
some callbacks. It are gonna work and I and I think it right. Knights and it is, it is slightly uncomfortable what I do for me and the audience sometimes, but the laughter there it's solid. I am a professional. But there are some part me that wants to be in this. This zone of of professional comics. that you are always you know. One of the guys and then they then that, through what it breaks down, that's really what it comes down to. you know in my life when I was younger, I was never a cool guy. You know. I was never like. You know one of the cool guys. I've I'm, not the guy, that people think like you. What's what could make this party better? Let's invite mark what wait? Let's hey you know what you know would make. whatever really good. It is. If marin were here now, look I
and maybe I'm just I'm not feeling sorry for myself, maybe I'm being the shit out of myself. But this is my life, I'm fifty nine years old, I'm not yeah, I'm not The dark about this stuff. But really when I think back about who I was in high school, I was awkward. I trying too hard. I was needy I had. I was funny but yeah, it'd be. I was intense. I made people uncomfortable, I couldn't. I really didn't, have a handle on my emotional grounding or or who I was in the world, but who doesn't high school but nonetheless I had to try very hard. to do all those things. And I was terribly. your insecure and and you totally uncomfortable, never cool. And I don't know that I'm cool now, maybe I am but I'm a character. I'm old. I think I might be a coup. old character to a degree.
But there's some part of me that every time I do not get an award or nominated or the Recognition that that I cried which is I don't know what I've got a great audience. You guys are out there. The people come to my shows. I don't know what it would take The bottom line is whatever I need in that area. In terms of like you did good You know where I'm proud of you. You know I didn't get that I was a kid and I am certainly not going to get it now transferred it onto other shit spoke. I guess what I'm saying is. I am I'm happy with my life by any time. Every time this happens. When I do this work- and I did, I think it demands and deserves to be honoured in a way that there's the other thing. First of all, I have the feeling of like what am I deluding myself and, secondly, its like. Why am I not one of the cool guys.
Am I ever gonna, be fuckin cool. So. Needless to say, I have to manage these. This bruised ego and these immature feelings moving forward right now, But but I'm ok, thank you. Thank you. your concern, I know it seems tried, it seems dumb, saying that important you know I mean show, business is, is barely what it used to be and everybody sort of has their own show business. I'm I'm having my own show business right now, but there is about being welcome dan and honoured in in regular showbiz that I grew up with you know. I grew up with Ok what that guy one where I like that guy. I love that guy. Does gaily one that prize, and I don't know what I expect yeah. I know I did good work, but this part of me it's like. Why is in everybody reaching out to me to dare to tell me what an amazing thing I did and the wording is vague date
So many of my peers summit- a view in vain. Did what the fuck is it about a god, damn statue? What is it I got up. I've got to reconfigure my brain, you know it's like I, it was. it was like doing you know the for like I in I, I was the last to get on letterman. You know, and everybody was getting on letterman. All you wanted to do back in the day was get on letterman was the price that but we were working for that. That was one You know validated you in the business when I was coming up and when I did I first weathermen it Amazing. an amazing feeling and I'll never forget it if they
If your validated and I fucking now that I made choices, are the suit was in great, but I was channeling all of my heroes, my jokes were tight mice, I was tight almost not even like me. It was almost a different person like I beat. Television. I can feel it now and that's not nuthin. and maybe that's all I want- and I think it's a lot to ask for- is to have the feeling to say like thank you for this wing lady holding the world. Thank you I'll. Remember this. Put it on my shop. There are guys. I know that if one tonnes of the things is just part of the game but when, when any of it I feel like am I even on the field, I won't be cool guy with a statue. but I do remember Do you remember the moments? I do wrong were the horrible times horrible times. As it stands far out number the great moments.
but I do remember the great moments and summit happened last night, when I was doing my show dynasty typewriter, exploring ripping Finding callbacks bringing things back around lucidity stream of consciousness moving through stuff in a symbiotic relationship with an audience of your a hundred, and fifty people doing a show. That will never happen again. hopefully moving into new areas of material that that I and rewarding and challenging to to sort of. That line I like to ride between you know, own ability sadness, and I'm an experience. So last night- was equally amazing, as my first waterman appearance in a way and I've gotta remember that it's always really about the work for it whatever you do and I've gotta. Remember that you know I've never done the type of work
I'm doing now, and I've worked alarmed to do it and it it something to me and I and I and I think I just have to temper that part of me believes that it it means something to the entire world and how I would even know that I don't know, but I'm pretty sure it doesn't necessarily maybe on a small level. You know one person, you know it's a butterfly effect, but I have to keep that in mind that last night for several chunks of of minute. I felt the transcendence and connection and revelation of creation within the form that I have chosen, and that is the best that is the award air things come to you from out of nowhere and fall into place and theirs
scullery for me simultaneously with. Alive audience. That's why I like to do it? Thank you for my prize You guys are my prize. I hope, you're doing well again, I'm better, Dr Sarah Tiana. who I've known a very long time whose very funny and her new comedy special forty forest available on youtube. It was taped in the main room at the comedy store you can find more. Sarah, at cetera, Tiana dot com this is me getting to know Sarah for the first time after god, how long's it been long time years. how is he?
this new land was actually magical. I mean it's the first time I've ever had an incredibly view. for a time. There is the first time you ve been with a child. It's the first time with my child. Affirming I've I took his grandmother, kids and bring him sometimes I had gone to disneyland alot as an adult with an adult friend which always felt but he was a real theme park aficionados. He knew a lot of history the market is a theme partner here theme park, nerd yeah, so I I randomly know way more about knott's, berry farm that I know- and I have a connection to nuts, because my great great uncle got married at mrs knott's chicken dinner, which was how the parks it was as a little railway is right. family law or like up a bit, like than it was a nice. Is restaurant orange county at the time, but this story already has down to bomb making you oh yeah, yeah my great great uncle when I moved to allay was around and he told you he was.
it is late arise. I live with him in huntington beach. When I first move you're, sorry, family and somebody and then yeah. He always talked about. Mrs, not chicken, dinner, just great show was this information were able to give your theme park? Nerd that he didn't know began to hear what he felt more, maybe more of a connection, but stir nazi was well revered by walt disney. He he taught walt disney everything. So not very farms existed, preexisting disney. Yes, sir So he gave him the inside line. How to run this theme park right, yeah he told him how to hide the line. You know when you walk into a ride and you got others now line. Let's go on this way and then all of a sudden you get into some tunnel, and here and there I oh wow, that's half the right, oh yeah,
it is waiting yeah. So mike binder used to do joke when he was a kid that was so funny called used to act out this thing like a day a disneyland, resist him stepping forward yeah I've seen on tv when I was a kid so how'd your kid three so like what's so that made it better and made it much better. He was genuinely excited and he knows nothing about disney landwehr. He does. I watch mickey mouse here as a watch any of that kind of stuff. He just watches videos of race garcia on youtube. That's all he does. He loves scars and baseball when it is because your husband, or now I did- I ever happened organically lack any. You are putting it in front of him. choosing, I guess, but he just came out like the first time he saw a truck and a book it was like truck. He just you know them. Point them. How it was me pudding, trucks in front of him It was this third luck. It was inherent
It's why, when they're all boy they're all boy yeah, it is very bizarre talk to other people with boys. I mean, I know that it's sort of a thing trucks sometimes yeah. I mean I had a, I had some friends in new york and they wouldn't show their daughter any disney princess stuff yeah that one she put on addressing just started twirling around, but don't, you think she must have got it at school or something you think. But at that moment she was old enough to be in school, yet it's wild, and so it's very bizarre when they are just born. I assert, I think it's it's proof that you're born the way you are. I yeah I I dunno I've. I've somehow managed to get out of this life without you know, but then nurture it's over, and I do nurture the interest you know, so you like structures, a truck yeah right. We point out different kinds of track so dizzy. I know like he was genuinely excited genuinely hammered by ever.
Thank you and characters, and I mean obviously the Do you know writers at all? He knew mickey and many he seen them were, but thou is pretty much it Is it it's? Why? Because I gave him into the park in the work and while I think I data woman who had a disney thing, a mild one, but I went down there, but his is so old, but because they keep it so clean, it doesn't feel. Like some shitty roadside attraction down on me, I get some of us of his so dated, but it's like every the upkeep of so intense Does it sort of time? Listen that way. It is interesting to go back cause it's probably ban ten years since I've been disneyland but to go by with the new area to go back with a child and then to see all the changes that they ve made post
Oh openings, you know a poster, I'm not yeah. I may I guess I mean I'm not saying that they what they did. You know that the worthy man is wrong. I'm not I'm just saying you too, but are awarded. There are just like on the jungle crews there. So you mean racist, yes or it's. A small world looks different, and the pirates at their caribbean is not men chasing women. Underwear. Now its women chasing men with a with a rolling pin its one example think that doesn't necessarily woke. I think, those just reasonable yet of decent work and incorrect. Yes, reasonably dark gradually, you're, absolutely right, but it's but the other data they did it so well, The change is how world I mean. There are the outfit still there when the outfits, those they read this anti eyes. No, they didn't do that. the heads you know- it's not just like maybe its color. So, like you know lake,
option or other towns better or are they just stena men made them? more diverse, diverse and realistic tina than that. There's no crazy rapers pirates any right. The pirates, I think, was the biggest one and then that the guy's Andy, what's that Paul COD, that a you know with the mayan heads, told him paul, yeah ochre a used to just be like black ass Can men being closed up the pole and now it's a variety of people being chased and other major explorers. Other people from his small world are now a mythical. They grew up. Whereupon the polio. Yes, I remember what those words I just remember the couple times. I was there that even when I was a kid
and ass we get older, had the same reaction that, like future land had no appeal will get what is noteworthy. I landed tomorrow, yes, tomorrow and that they will get on the train and then it had that illusion. Like shrunk, you like You may remember that why, unlike you boy, you just see the little the little cars and then you go into some place where it supposed to be your small. I can't say oh sure, that us, before the auto Pierre ride there, those were the future car. The realistically future cars made right. Honda user is so they don't lie so that exists tomorrow and still through our land still exists or that they have data because we're gonna living but you're the one. That would that
it's not going to age well! Well, the old sci fi movie was very interesting to see the submarine ride. You know like oh yeah, that was that used to be twenty thousand leagues under the sea. Here, there's four people stuck on it, and then it was like The second thing is: is that like it seems There's more upkeep to the submarine didn't you ended when they these guys got out those our way more regulated and safety is fuckin machine it just because you have money, you're gonna get it's like it's it's the equivocal It's the wealthy equivalent of being had a traveling carnival with a mid way with a guy with a tattoo on his face running the roller coaster. I guess it'll be our I yell and the days right. I it is crazy, fascinating what rich people need to do to still.
feel a rush yeah. I was talking about that with my girlfriend last night and it feels like a rich premise for me, because I I've got a little money saved like I don't do anything with it cause. I can't think to do, what, like you Dean talk me into getting this fuckin watch a grin and then I'm sort of like was knife but like I wouldn't never done it, and also I gonna wind it oh no, you gotta put work into a watch. What just is at least twice a day. I look at my watch nine times and I ended me that longer realise, like oh running, is fragmentary: I give about my great uncle. You know he had all those old jokes. You know he had a broken clock in his house and then they come in that clock's right twice a day. Yeah I mean I guess I just I feel well, you know, I feel the same way about tom cruise, where you just go like he was. still die doing a stunt right are clearly.
Sky has everything he could ever possibly want. So he just needs the thrill seeking adventurer part. Those are the best parts of his of his. I see that our untapped yeah, I want to jump from a plain I want to. I want to actually fly this plane Top yeah yeah it's right here, apparently Bob Dylan wants to die in a bus, a trio. Why what's going on the road, like you know, he's like eighties of these sort of like it are the lessons we want to go ass. He retired- and I like you too, was always made last tour. No, I don't think Bob Dylan ever even paid any lip service to retiring. I think that every album he puts out now you sort of like while I was it, sounds like he's about done. Yeah yeah. I saw what the kid get excited about. The most. Did you go it has with the army went to no problem with no problems of anything, nothing now, because the ghosts will sit with you at the end it which it did not
almost two and I think that part must have been broken- all the guys hi how you have to wait for the broken and will. You know it is crazy, is now I have this part, there's a disney and at that tells you all wait times for every ride. You can kind of plan accordingly and They have a thing. I've seligman promotion for, but there they think I'll, disney genie, plus so thirty dollars per ticket, and additional additional her ticket, but it makes us you make reservation on one right at a time, so we never waited more than five minutes. Honorof ruin on right and you during the week what we went yesterday on, which was what a wednesday I was crowded. It was not. I mean it was cry. And we now I mean that the biggest strides star wars and space man, we had over our weights,
mike and appointment is done that it something like two minutes right. You guys, I too many right is too many. As the matter horns, stove in the thematic horn yeah, my recollection they're, not that thrilling the roller coaster disneyland. Are they now I mean I don't I mean they're there made children. So there are not bad. That's right there not high. I remember one whether it was my my second wife, because she was wrong. Mercosur freak and we went to the grown up disneyland across three california andy s near as better rights. She may be gone ab roller coaster, yeah, but Knott's berry farm, I think, has the best of everything so true cause. It has the kitchen us of disneyland like the cute like different towns and then but the rides of six for whereas knott's berry farm, it's right down the road. It's in anaheim so it's right there what's at one on the desert, that that looks like no one ever there like that, six flags. six words attics flags up insight, santa Clarissa that the desert
that do you recognize its thirty miles outside of Ella its thirty miles, east snow and lives seems to give a desert here. Nor is the north, The bad just remember, driving biogas. There we shoot shit out there. Yeah, oh yeah yeah, they just shoot csr up. The disney ranch is up there and I just remember driving by every time I drive by it. I'm like is that ever open, like airs anyone, there is definitely open people. Those rides there's. Always some it happens once a year on one of those riots, six flags, yeah and knott's berry farm They had the the swings ride that was super high still is, and people were trapped up there, because the santa Anna wins wandering going for eight hours. Can you imagine, like anything better than being a summary next to the gigantic? I'm sorry Or you enter the titanic, were you enter our you into that kind of history?
all disaster now, like I like, I was seeing the pictures, but you know what I was satisfied with them. The fixer yeah was great, and some of the video footage, like that's cool there was no part of me- was like wow man, I'm going to get in there. nay. I wonder if there be any conspiracy theories, though get I think already- are kind of madame allies, fascinating to me when people yet somehow had something to do with the juice. That's as always- I feel that they are responsible in some lasher that the great puppeteers my people, so we so I didn't realize that also don't always do this you might want to update your website and sir, husbands, ok, reducing young. You saying single really consider yourself say that oh I got on my bio, oh god yeah yadda,
We need to have data I've gotta get it were a million married you're, not married was the joke. It was a joke right, you don't say or single you say your eyes actually act as far as a joke from when I if thirty that's fifteen year old joke It wasn't even that good back. Then it's even worse today, but I read it, I'm like whoa. What happened was? Is she you know? I really went through that phase of thinking that as a female comic, I was supposed to talk about that kind of like sex. And I guess at the time I was probably having it way more than I do you know, but I then I went there then I realized I should just suck. less intel talk about what I'm not doing now, prude, yeah, no, not our private, her by the time it is about thirty five year, just more like ok, you know
Did you know who I am really? Oh, I sign languages other improved I now, and that is what you are left at yeah, that's interesting at the beginning, because I me, I think, don't without every I mean I don't talk about sex at all any more, but I certainly went through periods right day, yeah, I mean a lot when having it more often, and I hear workpeople still talk about sex. I think a lot of people do you should look at you. I only I stopped pretending late? I was talking about things that I wasn't really doing. I was acting like our having more serene and I was there. I was like some sort of a whore right, as I thought that's. What are either the horror angle. I went the horror angle. You have recovery years and then slowly got out of it because it just always felt like I was lying and it wasn't landing, probably because I knew I was lying and then, when I started talking about it more realistically web reburial story yeah than than people. It's amazing
takes you so long to realise that that honesty is what makes people laugh, but I, really want to go out and you stand up when I have new staff to talk about right, on my mind yet what's he got away for there and that's why you're having a life with people in it? your odds of getting new stuff to talk about her, well, a little higher than guy and there's only so many cat angles I can take especially with a little person in your life. You have a midget in your life. Yes, I'm sorry, I keep around to meet my run, filter he and yesterday at disneyland. He- and I said you know our. What do you want to see and he's like? I want to see the castle because I want to meet them. Boss, mainly laugh, and then when we were getting on the star wars ride. He looked at the lady next to us and he goes mommy that lady. giant, boobs myself you so then you are what the lady do
see, does turned around like went somewhere else, and their means He did so I'm gonna go you dont. People like me was lying. I nobody I'd be borne triggered by children. Are they I mean that's what children? I don't think so, but it was still very embarrassing for me and I knew then you have to stop and got like while I was that embarrassing for they shouldn't have been very young. I've taught him to be honest right to tell me his house feeling and to use his word right. I got a real mental over now aerial agony he's very upset. He is very obsessed with private parts. Right now
and that is not right away known, and now I mean you're by aren't you the water, like your favorite toy, so you're gonna be playing with it for the rest of your life. I have five come to that conclusion. I tell him that there is a time and place yes I've. Only when I was a child around that age. My aunt took me to the supermarket hassan old asian lady, who- and I said, is that lady human, as always. I always like. I was always funny, but like setting out its work, you were back in real. Just how and woke I was it three So we did you grow up calhoun. Georgia where's that near at then our north in atlanta, between ITALY. And chattanooga a in relation to savannah its way, its advantage on the cars on the bottle at this day. Now I worry florida. What did in that was the whole childhood there.
Born in northern california, really mornin liver, more california. The threeg use were yet you space. I still have a bunch of family up there. My mom's whole side is up there. My dad went to santos a state, but he he's from Michigan, so he was kind of book and raised in Michigan. Where was he running around the worthy wives? in some ways it right. He has done The draft was yeah, did he succeed yet but my uncle went in his brother? my uncle's now to start general, so really yeah. He stolen game, while he right retire recently retired. To start general, niger plays coffin, to start generator these, If there's any resentment on his part about the the other stars it he could have had well because he was offered that the three star job is in a state. So it's basically after two stars, you either go into politics. Are you retire He just didn't want to go into politics, so he retired, but he's fry also,
yeah. He lives. He was the commander of the base in rhode, island coins it on the basis and so You know he ran that base and then was offered the test. Our job- the state of rhode, island and then turned it, it is very interesting. I went on the water and hence on the water. He lives as a beautiful house in newport on the newport back the water. It's it's like. Yeah interval, It's funny, though, because my brain automatically like when he said that by your dad dodge draft, but in then you go by his brother. Why am I here? Comes a salary? They are one of the rare sort of why you didn't. I didn't come back. Fucked up. You now became a general became our army. Airforce sets. Even you know, that's cool. Cs the ass, not as ragged. You know he flew the planes in vietnam. He flew a lot of the weather tracking playing, whether tracking. So that's why some of us are to do that. Not too scary, but you know I mean he didn't he wasn't. I dont think you don't know how
its actual combat row as part of right, because after vietnam, flew for eastern airlines, for a large yak became a commercial pilot, that's where he got the nice retirement bundle. I bet he's now an eastern, went bankrupt and eighty early eighties. He went back into the military Yeah better you stay in the air force than went into an area of certain rank like you have to get do you always have to. I think it for your military pension statement? Do like air national guard stuff on the weekends ike? What do we want a mile, our interest in you? So a lot of guys stayed in it. You know for yeah cause my hours. My dad was only in it for two years but yeah, I don't think he's getting any pension, but he gets to be a forever yeah. Oh that's great yeah yeah! I mean I What made me were always made me laugh is cause. I've done shows for the military, oversees pie, thirteen
where's overseas, but state like conan caught now united states, I've hired and link six or seven when you go overseas as the comedian. They have to give you a rank. They give you a civilian ranks so that you can get on certain planes and you can stay in certain housing on the base. Basilica laminate you get a layer, namely car. That is, as you are ranked, no it just. They give you like a paperwork, rank and says on your paperwork: georgie s, fourteen civilian road, which is a full bird colonel and at the time my uncle was a full Bertha kircher hole, and so he would so mad that I would get to stay in the exact same housing? Is he dead and all the same choices and options that heated after you know? If we went to vietnam- and I told dick jackets for a week- has that life, whether at the end of your did going pneumonia produce hangar yeah
green! I can't do that. I don't know how long you get the rank far but a question you know by being around the brass, so much you know and as someone that was generally fascinated by you note, desert storm and in all those conflicts It was kind of nice to be able to ask a lot of questions to the brass as a civilian that is also what we mean when we were there yeah. But can you have just asked your uncle I you could have asked him, and you know he he like what kind of questions about morale about purpose about. He had just like. What's that for how my guess is that cause? Now I only why are we lay a rare now like. And that you know, I asked a lot of questions about the oil, because that was also a big question and I think you assume, when you go over there, like oh they're, just watching fox news on the tv, but they would have they had. You know, John,
stewart daily show on constant, very unlike their cafeteria televisions, and so oh that's funny, yeah. What I mean we imagine carefully, you ask: The general like there's no wmds rise above But I remember the first time I was there. Saddam Hussein was still alive. We have just captured him beer and I kept asking we're on our whole yeah without with american money, sir so crazy. After all the build up of that guy was in his kids were killed in the palaces. You just like this. bearded weird I wanna fuck and whole is pretty intent. Sturdy take us here it all those roland they just they hung them right They just hung amend some like weird garage. I do remember the interest is that was fucker gnarly yeah, I'm no ever gnarly, I'm because it was ass. Yet because, though, there is so much bombing and that that putting
where tour that my very first one and when you went over there, yet he thousand five I like a really so like what you mean Ethan, like you can feel that you are in a dangerous situation constantly because we were still doing convoys back then which don't even allow you could have just been taken out by an arc cage earn our pga right now, there's area we were when we have that right. Wart initials yard, arpeggio yeah we were flying and we are flat. You had a flying blackhawks to buy that must have been cool, so I yeah yeah. I mean as somebody that just like girl, using my uncle Billy, I'm blackhawks and flying in all these, or did you like trucks? I did like yeah I like to try your southern truck girl. I wasn't detracts my dad had a you know, a three on the trees so that I learned to drive. I weren't honest earnest item of standard to yeah. I didn't see, I might add, regarding
I don't see any point to like an automatic just didn't seem to require anything. I might give I'm going to learn how to drive, and I had to drive a stick on a shoot recent no do. We remember was it like just now I could do a muscle memory, but it was like this old fucking bug and clunky asked of you know like, but yeah, and I did it, I did it. It was yeah. There's that you know you're getting the hang of a clutch. Was comes values, muslim. Everybody agrees, air, no grinding, but a lot of accelerating the catch the eye. So so you, In the combat zone that where there are moments where you ikea, this Y got into company he added it's part of being a comic. Well, I mean a big part of the reason that I wanted to go was because I grew up in Calhoun and we had recruiters in our lunch room every day at school and high and it was kind of the discussion was, would you like to be a factory floor,
your or a hero, and so that that was the pitch kindness so you want die. You want just got a job while no do you want to be a hero, but that its doesn't imply death now that debt in the spectrum, but if you do die, I hear that here right here, and so you have no right to be proud of you guys you die. This lay depends on another. You know whenever they re that, like you know there wasn't a you know a draft for the gulf war, as I always feel like the kind of work. Did you know what a people that went? Oh yeah, so we the brigade from who was stationed in Baghdad and so a big The reason that I want to go out there was just to see them and like see the guys from my hometown and sky high, got. You knew a nice school yeah that happen I saw tat we were scheduled to do is show I found it where they were station. We were in the green zone we are supposed to do.
Oh there, and then they got bombed that day and that in the roadside, the road that we were supposed to dry in a convoy got bomb that day nea had we couldn't go, and I found out weeks. Later that they had ordered all this barbecue, firm for me and here that the whole group of comics that was comin out and then they dislike put on a chris rock dvd at the end and that the bar Wikipedia who was on that like who are the comments that you are? Usually you did five yours I didn't bite. the only one you you mean. I was danny bands and enough. He knew danny John bizarre dave, MR shavitz and me this is the four of us that first one thousand very first and none of those guys yeah stat. He did some a bunch with me was that I feel like I know the name danny governs. I can't quite he was out here for awhile. He lives in florida now but like, and what was this before it was a thing you know be bigger name certainly started going. Yes, I think,
Jeff rossen them had gone that they were going with the? U s, so I went with a group called on duty and some ragtag operation to, they specializing going to fobs forward operating basis because with dealers places yeah for operating base has about a hundred and fifty that's funny, causing so there's two different booker's. It's like we can get you on the? U s, o tour butter. These one nighters. The jewels dicey, then he's a little dice. Ghana a little bit, but more just like these are guys that never get comedy the big basis. Whether you are so would go, always got so by so the proof, so it actually is like a a one either and that the conditions are gonna be different conditions. I would build a stage and tear it down when we left right left and it's not like you not like any sort of like a the theatre you could just be out sort of to the. I did the base in in a mess hall or what oh now now you're
You are a forward operating baser, there's a giant base which would be by up like baghdad, international airport hooker right. So that's where all the big there's like there thousand people at base and then that day, supplies, the fobs and those fobs like hundred debases all around the country here and they, apply that the patrol base, which is ten guys on a patrol ochre so and those guys report back to the farm and the fire Just like keeps all those guys armed where I keep them going right. The main basis like you know, obviously that's a lot of where the planes take off and like people will come back for, like you know huge. Applies really the biggest supply base wrote You don't think lady who, as we know, it's like the? U ps the amazon distributions anywhere you and you have all these tiny distribute so you're doing chose right. Sometimes twenty goes gonna, folia area, awhile and airline authority at their fate. You know and we would be on basis
where there is no bathrooms. They just had p tubes and the night we eddies wag bags because for workers who stands her way aviation- got it yeah yeah. What's so that's a pretty greedy, very great and how it that's why you would take them the blackhawks to those small bases that was the only way to get there or you'd have to go through a carnival, a crazy you, sir, you felt did you must really scared at some point yet because when we were flow, to one of the base. So when we were on buy up that might by play, was that, like I kept asking, where saddam was and they'd be like. We can't tell you that and then one guy was like you know he just kind of nudged to the right like it's in that building and and and so when we were flying to one of the worst we adjust. He was their left EU india. Here you were yeah in a inez someplace near for Vibrate yeah, oh or indeed any I once which is being where they would, you know, took us to abrahams house
the bible, gives you know the middle, I would add that I mean the middle of Iraq, the where the tigris euphrates meet that's the garden of eden right now I wear the early rival times were all there. We brought up with a lot of religion. I was not brought. but really I didn't really. You aren't like I'd start again, the church. I tell a joke about it now, but I picked out a church several times round. Thirteen years as the first time ever went my parents never told me what religion they were. All wanted me to decide who I was gonna, be for vessel through very progressive, yet very progressive, haha, I think it's because they disagreed and they d on what tear. On religion and politics. The rule you like. What's what when my mom is more liberal. My dad is much more conservative and my mom listens to podcast, like comedy pot all day and my dad watches fox news. Oh my god, so Chisholm vote. Tearing his brain, for that mess YAP. So
you know, I think their sale, Mary, oh yeah, fifty some years who yeah they left my dad stays in his room. He has little man if he watches all his deafened there and my mom is in the living room or her sewing room. Ah, do talk oh yeah, how about that nope does not about that. So we re getting out like did you feel like danger like when we were flying to one of the at one, as a black hawk, the flares went off in out we are with this guy major haider and everybody called him major hated and he goes what was that we were like you in charge dear like because we had radar lock on us from our army g yasser were flares, took the our policy. Instead, oh, my god, and then you went back like a bunch other times yet kept going. He felt it was
why you you got off on it. You felt it was your duty or you wanted to. Was it a touristic thing I felt very rewarded by I feel like can comedy, you know you get instant gratification when you get laughs, but for me I I guess I just wanted it to mean more in some respects when you do, you know if I have a bad show at the comedy store, I'm like whatever I don't care, I'm never going to see those people again. The above show out of five, and I rack you're, like I just ruin that I like he was already having a bad weak and I just tanks I just tanked in front of a guy like just needed. It need getting around thing I got. Wandering, though, shows you can't really for return on. The audience is like what the fuck you gotta watch your word for it, but it also rate challenge, because you can't just do regular material, you know you. When you start,
material. You try to write material about them or you gotta, figure out a what material will work best for this situation. Could you can't be talking about? You know how you freezing and air conditioning in front of bunch of Eric and what's what these waste bags yeah wave? It yeah it's like billionaires, doing comedy at a homeless, shelter. Alright, I don't think we have the same. How many years have you been in it when you started? not very many three years so you're in georgia and why we, you decided comedy, I mean where you will happen itself. Might what about it,
I actually move, I thought I was gonna go into. Journalism is like something we it's. You know CNN. In Atlanta I say I thought a whole complex when I started out eugene ay. I started it in their journalism school and I found out that you had to write the news and then it had to be so prius and I thought you'd be on camera. Just going to read off a teleprompter had no idea how journalism you just want to be in broadcast personnel. Yes, I really just wanted to read, and then I and then I when I moved to transfer to to stay. I was performing in atlanta theme parks, six legs I know it was a whole thing, so maybe going social remain performing. I was in the kids. Kids performing shows that sort of adding yes site. I can agree with
theatre. Basically, I grew up. Is it that I I stopped playing sports about eighth grade and I just got into the inner that's also I started going to church because they make. I could do a play, their economic measures that might have no bromwich your gigs now held now know yeah so, but then- so anyway, I'm performing its excise transfer to georgia's day and then that that school, I started doing album. Eighty eight, which was their college radio station and the college radio station album mediate in atlanta, was the largest student run college radiation in the country, four hundred thousand, what's your there, I'm on air and so, as initially started doing the news cause. I was doing journalism right and that's where there you're you're in your lady jokes and we in this house during the Clinton scandal right. This is like the nautical lewinsky blowdryer staff and I may go. You can't make jokes. If the news a serious and I was like well that's what I do want to do that they go. You can do the entertainment news if you want an end,
You make all jokes, you want there and I go perfectly right and then I start doing entertainment news and then my adviser said we could be asked major instead and then he could really learn about the entertainment business through that If you do, that you can minor and theatre in end frida and that's what I did I switched it ought to minor in theater and at home the iraqi oil, was filled with the major like how to make films are like film history, so both its own history, you memory founds? I made a documentary film in cars made had make several student films on em all that world war, two cameras of terrible one of them was backwards. Calais, loaded, the film wrong, headed a loaded in the dark and ordered film burbank here, like the film days, he had a hard core found. They were there. Are these old barely have all added on those machines outweigh Catania, and you had a hang it all up on a string
and I got you weren't all this useless national lately useless and then I'm so. I studied theatre abroad in paris my senior year really at studied at that Many del art and the in paris- Where did you learn? Clowning net is I learned the art of clowning. No, I didn't know we decide a rope, lots and lots of plays yeah oh really went to a lot of loose. We french, I know I mean I, I learned french out there a little bit, but I didn't retain much when serious. What's your old man do my dad you're here, he worked for peppered far most of his life coverage for goldfish. Then cookies, YAP milan us gap keep name. It am. I know my yes sausalito yeah I mean it was. What is the one that was not great there at the real thin wafers withdraw calls the other brussels. I love the rest all derive. I like that.
Milan. Other re, like the met ones and as like. Let the saga statement chocolate, the regular mourners india, if the milk an idiot, then the chocolate would say hard announce, I would get mushy. That's why I was voted biggest brown nose or in school cause. I always brought cookies for the teachers because they would ask for them, and my dad had the truck at home started out as a sales manager. He was gone sunday through thursday and then pushing cookies, yeah I guess he was managing all of the route drivers, the cooking going right, yeah- and you know and then we were looking at these like mansion atlanta one day, and the next thing I knew were poor and ask what is going? and my dad quit so they He could ride over time. He bought a rout. Ok yeah cause you, so he could stay home and coach myself by team and our he became independent, turning to her. Basically, he so he bought the cookies from having a charm and sell them to the grocery store
Oh, he became his own distributor, so but the man at all those rules which, It's no longer an employee of pepperidge farms. that bought like a franchise spencer's that that's how that works, turkey years for him to pay that ah And the truck the abbot in the business now, because you have to buy the ral yeah from another person, ochre an idea that they had franchises virtues robertspierre when you see like those like Fredo lay trucks so that we always beverage farms rise. Like you know, we have done shucks anymore. We can just contract out this stuff, tat must have been out of. I don't know when that happened by that's what he dead air mom. Would you do she worked at a plant? an office manager at a plant yeah a like a general place. She moved initially we moved to georgia because my mom worked for a company in in livermore or in hayward. I remember where I called needlecraft and it was all those that company that would give you a dozen
and to do needlepoint or her yarn, while arts yeah and I offered her a job in Dalton georgia, which was just the calling you know you realize that somebody, somewhere there to get made the it but then like when he rises of wine like men. More people are doing that and I thought that you did at retiring with a company called henkle ankle hank all which is- and you know they make the knives and staff at that her particular company ankle knives. Ah, yes, and so her particular company made all the king goals that go on metal to treat metal, to keep it from rusting specific yeah, but someone's gotta do it and they supplied the mercedes Benz plant in cartersville or someplace as a big deal. It was a big deal, not enough of the the knives were not keeping a gun, so she just retired, maybe five. Six years ago, it's interesting that you actually had parents were there, be take home stuff. I cookies needed
paddling chemicals anonymous, yes, yeah yeah, I'm in areas So that's interesting think is not not know it. Just kind of like working people and no more. turn out and you're running around doing theatre alleys came up, Oh yeah, yeah, oh yeah, my dad! Actually as a really incredible carpenter. He could he does. He took you, know those classes and here look at something and build it. So when I was in art class As I said, I want an art desk and he does will show me a picture one that you want and then I would show a picture and he's billiton no ache. You know the he felt all the sets for my plays and my mom made all the costumes, though not so we love places like this. It's not it's, not a gothic southern tail. Now,
everyday whereby, as if they were very involved there like very loving and carrying- and you would never expect me to get into comedy- because I didn't really have a lot to complain about- I may go- you have the freedom of mind to make a choice could do whatever I want it here, and so, when I said I want to move to allay and be an actress. They said our. I wasn't that wasn't interactions near a mosque. we have this old uncle yeah, but also like I, I was born there. So it's not like there's some sort of foreign place in huntington beach is not exactly l a, but I did have a place to stay. I looked for a place, it's kind of weird, though, when you cause the first time I came to l a was after college you find that place or whatever, but then you realize you eat you walk outside what am I doing where am I? How does is even work? Where's the he's right, go ahead, worst, it was that it was pretty intense because I lived in german oak sellers
first place, I lived a little apartment, sherman area with some yeah, it's like ray other people. When was that two thousand and one yeah yeah because you get out here and it's just like you do how have even begin. I kind of buckled, adding I it together the first time I have up the comedy store and here like living- listen, why don't you use the showers in the main room, no was don barris. I think, but I know I lived in crystal I lived in the house. Did you know you know, and I was you know, door guy in a phone guy and you know drove guys at the airport and I would just goes always there yeah. I wasn't allowed to be their work at the door really time who is there when he was a tommy, was there when I started And- and I was allowed to work the door as they set, only men could work the door and let us unless or damage so better. Now, with actual security now we also, I cannot comprehend and throw
pull out, we didn't do. I know who is sort of like you, gonna bet, venture comics, you're gonna, be security, was ridiculous. Caroline all came from argus, beating or from eyes sam Being of argos, and then videos like only men, can work the door a really. I do know that being cries of history. Yeah and then only women and women say. The story is that artists, attacking nitze yeah sand are given a high on our hands and pulled him off in an amount in that that got SAM the management job. Unless we didn't really, I think I don't know that's why. I believe that that Yes, m was his weirdo that yeah I used to go on last. I think that that heroic turn She stuck a mountain westward any eu with the guy out their amazing, but then I also couldn't
waitress because Sammy had cheated on mid, see with a blonde waiters that did comedy. So I couldn't be away interest. And do comedy, because I was also apply in issues telling our was allowed. You know that if they want to throw me it was an hour ago. I started the communist or in two thousand, are going there to do at inserts, stand up to two thousand three tears Can you tell us whether the dark times there really doctype? But ok? So you cannot be an actress how's that pan out jack couldn't catch it. What would I do anything to get your pictures and everything? I did. Oh gosh. Yes, I I had well, I got some headshots in atlanta wait. I will I'll send you a picture in atlanta cause. It looks like tonight's top story, but I, but I I Yes, I moved out to be an actor as I started doing extra work to get my sad card. That's where I was on September eleventh was on a show with so make now
feel award of seal award. Ojala were once again, I think at this little high school on lake. I think it is fair robertson, an attack their shooting at the high school, where shooting at the high when the glance at the building why this was driving there, and I heard somebody on the radio say we were under attack, but it was a guy that died Rush limber the guided died. You know any better I have a few other ways. I could describe him yeah, oh yeah, because he's like we're under a tree. Not the only show we are under so I'm like with what time and so, but then, when I got to set that's when it all, then they sent us all home, and I remember driving back through internally and there is no, and there were also eerie driving that I was. I was in new york worrier
in saying that I mean just inside anyway, I decided not to be a comic leah, like there's so much more funny stuff to talk. Now I have material. This is the first thing I want to start with an hour, but I, I started stand up on a dare cause. I was djing weddings and bar mitzvahs, because I had worked in radio in atlanta how'd you get into that racket. You met somebody as an extra who pulled you, I was add in the newspaper le backstage west looking for a wedding, de jays and like a dj, is like a booking agency. Ok, and they said they do now. I did like high school dances the staffer weddings. You know it teach the electric slide stuff like that, and this guy that I was dealing with this guy poetry, who is who did Russell Simmons deaf poetry jam?
I kept saying like you're so funny or so funny, and I'd never heard that yeah I mean I was always making fun of people growing up, but in in the south, people would be laughing but they'd be like that's not funny. That's not funny, and I had interviewed several standards that had come through the punchline on the radio station. In fact, Mitch Hedberg was the first person to ever give me tickets to a show and people Oh, is that when you started comedy like but not a great interview, I would imagine it was actually a great interview, a really he was he was engaged he was so engaged gave, gave us take, assist, show and peoples You know that my art and I got, will you don't see mits hedberg ngo? Oh I can do that. Lay out now is that I have no idea out anymore. I had an elaborate hedberg runnin around for a couple years sure, but I just didn't think about it. Then my friend poetry was kept telling Do it in like wouldn't let up and, as you know, saw I remember being it in my studio, apartment on laurel canyon and burbank, seeing
news story about a guy who shot himself in the head with algan and he didn't feel he worked. All day didn't notice is respected. yeah, and then I wrote this joke about how I wouldn't be able to fill three and a half inches if I got nailed. So what's the big deal now the first joke I had that was dirty target audience, and I did this show at the hotwire a little open mic at the hotwired cafe on laurel canyon in riverside nick youssef ran. It is weaker yeah and I mean before he was twenty one. He was probably twenty years old. I was twenty four twenty five, and am I gotta- And then I was kind of hooked and then it took me months to write another one to write another good one laughs, but I was hurt and I and I had just gone through a breakup, so I was really needing to get out and do something it was just. You know, perfect timing and the community never stopped,
The family tat happens. You I get the best in europe and I think you liked by when you started it was more possible. you know, because when I was doing there is no none of those shows where a comic ran up what they were at the club yeah there it's the comedy club at the open mic on sunday or monday or whatever it was, and there was a community, but it was all sort of the club based there, no kind of room. You can just go ten, it's crazy comedy yeah, by the time you started there all over the place and they said our kind of, but that didn't exist like if you want to be a stand up. Yet again fuckin ingratiate yourself to what club in the towns, you were working at leisure, but so when you were in, do you did the punchline a lot not a lot. No, I wasn't. I didn't really care, but I never watched stand up growing. I never watched my parents didn't watch I remember seeing roseanne and paula pounds down, and
and a lot because my mom loved the I am I mean no no just answer, but you know I started to stand at or net when my friend poetry, let us start stana by said I can t stand up. I don't have a sick com either area on person and then you could do stand. I worked with poetry up to now idea. No idea, maybe he changed his name back. I don't know I think he's prize, I hope, he's still doing poetry. He was very good at I mean he was a whole thing for a minute, the poetry slam. I mean that's why he was on that first tour with ivins. It was kind of engaging. I I like what he was the funny one. He had a funny one about Michael Jackson. I remember and then yeah I mean, I don't know, and then I mean stand up just became this thing that I thought would have fun hobby and then I upon. I allay I thought I was gonna move home had my bags packed. I was that it would happen. How are you
so frustrated just couldn't get anywhere depressed yeah. It was right. You know that sherman oaks between two and three year mark, in LOS angeles, I always say- take a break yeah and I packed my bags, but we do have her day job. I I think I was still doing extra work and then the dj and then my mom and I said I was gonna, move too willing to north carolina cause they shot dawson's treat there wasn't gonna move home now is quitting, but I would moved it now we are going to renewing our alliance take and grief. I just thought that bad what I would do instead is show business, and I had just and doing stand up for a little while later didn't like really thinking. This is what I'm gonna do for my life and I I was tired, packing, and I went to the sermon oaks gallery at a watch a movie, but the movie I wanted to watchwords in playing shoes. Not working but jerry, seinfeld movie comedian was playing, and I say I've done. Some stand up. I'll, go watch this route and everyone was laughing and I was crying.
I went home and I unpacked and I said I'm going to stay and I'm gonna give it a shot, and I started going to open mics every day, just like you now did and everyone was. I got out of the colonies dork, they hate women and I thought well. You shouldn't told me that now only gonna go to the colonies and after like imagine you actually now you get to see or any Adams conceal my ear. I haven't. I've, never told him that story and if I did, he would probably have leaders now it yeah hidden. He never talked meaning in nazareth avenue You can make it wouldn't be a terrible underfunded and I mean just very cats and that movie initiated era. Oh yes, what were you ve, really lived it yeah I mean I were the very first time ever talk to him. I told him that he did everything wrong and that he didn't focus on strengths. You just try to make people famous instead of making them,
funny yeah. Now, where is he eyes, sending out a newsletter for sir, but I just always remember I get newsletters, I remember him saying you know. Oh what a george I heard, george signed ernie Adams. What's next the parrot from beretta, and I always laughed at that- got to tell you a very cause. He gave me my first jobs. He did yeah in Boston yeah when he was in boston to run a booking agency and managed people in the he gave me he's like he is the one who gave me a lot of my initial work. When I started to its agenda I met I mean I've done. I did J more's radio show a lot because I do so much in sport and and so I met him a lot during that should really talk to him and I had an hour away. Arts yo yo. Now in this I mean doesn't really eight years ago. No, no, no army berries, not without a heart, not a great russia. Further.
he's the other's eyes when he's doing gassed without I guess I swear to god. He had me in baronne at different times, and we just shit on him to his face yet a current, our loved it He loved did. He know com business does not, if not the most fashion forward business. I would say I have an entire career vat. Alpha decision, look at the history of maranon conan, o brien, and we can talk about the leather pants decision. Oh yeah yeah. I really push the humble I've If I've always been a person that sort of a if I have to be on tv I'll, go buy something and wear it, something I've never worn before ever yeah and think it's a good idea. the evans, owing to do that, because my wife, three shirts, sir, so like the one special, the one before the last one, not one before the new inter specials ago? My
go where my shitty ella being generally, because I want to be comfortable and it looked terrible the next special I bought a vast that we were once on that special you're, saying you should not executive produce your own special or not just get a fucking addresser, a wardrobe prisoner, never wardrobe person for those. No, I did this last one guy for bleak from bleaker dark, I finally ok after yo at age. Fifty eight different, why you may be sure to hire. Someone did fucking, ask me, for my television show: it's amazing how you can be so self reflective in so many different parts of your life, but when it comes to thing like that is the last thing that I think about the lasting. I'm I mean, I think that's. Maybe It's pretty rare for a lemon cause. I feel, like a lot of women, definitely think about their clothes first, but I I dont think about my clothes. What happens? How do you get into the store you just? and he set and I I Chelsea handlers approach. You know she she said you know don't just go be funny and leave
actually they'll ask you to stay. And and that's what I did. I ran rooms with Jerome Cleary up in the valley room for a year or so after I I mean I went through the the pot the open might face, and then you run your you do bringer, show phase, and then I ran out of people to bring at the time I was working at the room. That's the way it worked, no, no just in comedy in general, and I then I was working at the four seasons, which was a great game. cause I could wait tables all day. I worked there early morning shift. I worked there when sebastian work there, but he worked at the bar downstairs and I remember one time I went for meeting there he was. The waiter was that that harm awkward moment because I knew the store and mike hey man, hey yeah and that's over who's laughing yeah. I mean uh yeah, so I mean I, but I worked at the pool from like seven to three and then I could, are there and go straight out and do can't comedy right. So here you know, but I
beg to wait. It we got free hotel night. So if I ever did the road I had three hotel, really the hell you fill in. Oh, yes, anymore, seasons, all worlds, yeah free nights, I mean you had a bill, if you add yulia so much a year right, but I didn't think very much, but yeah came in here as I was doing the store I mean I was I was then after your bringer shows you run rooms at to trade, and I ran a show it big wings for a long time I ran instead, then arose ran a shout. The lucky strike bowling alley during the last year. make standing years where we would have all the people from last comment go up to reproduce the yeah, then the unknown, and then I also ran a show friday night at the colonies door and said that was kind of how I started really meeting people at the commie store and hanging out and in getting to know people in and I started. I came our doing open, MIKE's there and they go. You know you ve been here for years at this point like you can just do friends and family, and I was really in our no idea,
and then eventually got past in two thousand nine by adam note by tommy. Yeah. Well, I'm a showcase permit see several times when she was still yeah, yeah yeah, I was therewith, Like me, Damien Molina, justin martindale were all round the same class of comics the capacity and the same Neil Brandon got passed around the same time. I the same same time as we got our names, but on the same day I was I gotta, go I have a convoluted tale of getting past, thereby getting get my name on the law until two thousand and two or somethin really how long you ve been passed. There wasn't and pay regular. Another door remembered them like unite, got drunk fucked up under I left for years and started my career and then I was doing. I think I was working for comedy central at the aspen comedy festival in ninety five doing sort of way. A man with a mite shit- and I saw Messina like mid see. Do you remember me
Can I be irregular. Judah yeah, so idea It was like a regular now, but I wasn't living in l a and then when I finally, back to allay my two thousand to ike, somehow my the myth of the preceded me because I had written about the commonest or in a book I rose and people kind of his. dear me, with this time with canada, is that and oddly you know, tommy, like oh yeah, you know you're in no problem, of course, by it was in that finally got my fucking name on how interesting, when he was booker, yeah, you know he was in charge of white with the names on the wall and I'm like. Can I get my name otherwise like yeah sure? Why not? Okay yeah, that was yeah, that's a long on long journeys of the wall. That is a long journey, but I remember coming back here and and starting to do sponsor and I still was had kind of like pts.
from when I was in a door guy, there are funded and in my brain, was all fucked up took a while to and get comfortable in those rooms, really yeah There was something very entertaining, but the order you can see people I remember one thing I I and I still don't love that really when not that room cause, you can kind of see. People now depend a little bit, but I just remember being up there and being like, oh my god, I'm just floating like. If I have to do a gig, where I can't see any of the audience I make choices, know I should like to rose. We ask as I dont like talking, then nothing sure I do. I like the laugh factory is really hard for me. It's a little too bright. Yeah I never go in there. I don't feel like people. I feel The only reason that I enjoy. It is not for my own, my own sake, but I feel, like people feel more Trouble laughing in the dark the same way that people feel more comfortable. dancing with the lights down sure they feel less vulnerable
that people are watching how much they laugh ass. I was in a blocking it on one person to effect the lad said: never talk to anybody, I don't ask them any. Quite I don't know I'm going for summary. I just find myself instead of working out, I just work that guy an invention, he's wave saying talk to him, but I do I do somehow do that. I'm should probably do I don't mind self, looking at any one in particular those better over there. I do, though, more now, like I've, been very aware, united early, look at the audience and has I'll turn my back. It's the ep, I'm still phase, I'm going through a phased now. I feel I still feel very vote. I don't feel I feel like my reputation amongst people who work there are higher than I have myself. The opinion they have of media is higher than the opinion. I have of myself. I feel this now to impress you, I sure
for some reason- and I like oh, I don't have enough good stuff, I don't have new stuff. or somebody in the audience it goes on. I'm so excited. I came here just to see you. I got right I feel get the idea now many disappointed I am already here am I know I'm in a disappoint myself. I dont want to disappoint anybody wagons. You got that. I don't know I'm hoping to just keep working through it. You know alcohol, usually homes, I don't know- I think it's just I don't I don't really I have muscles that do that, because I used to be that way, sort of like I, you know, I'm still weird. When people come off stage in the main room like they're great I'm like nah, no, I'm gonna ruin it great yeah. So now they're expecting something yeah. I can still do it'd be down yeah. I know you just
you're always chasing that last high. That last moment of Real enough, I don't feel that that's what it is for me. I feel, like you know, because of my self image like I assume, they're are going to feel the same way about me like I don't like it like I'm chasing a high. I just feel one different, then the rest of them like do this type of thing that I do. I know it's not for everybody, and now they ve all had yet these kind of, like hey we're just having a good time, and unlike I'm, going to talk about some stuff lies. Not is that I'm not particularly fine oriented I mean it yeah, I mean. But yours, it's good comes and goes I now I mean I I you know. I just did this event in Kansas city called the big slick, which is this huge charity event for this children's hospital in kansas city and it's all these superstar celebrities. You know it's like.
Jason sedate as paul rad edmonstone street in a renewal, heidi gardener kirchner yeah. They do this huge at the t, mobile arena in kansas city and every hour might they're not gonna has been performing, there's no way they can ask me ray. I like I did a great job yeah. I couldn't believe I did such a good job in the next year. I'm will now then you know more and more people are like over so excited to see you way friend, it's like worse than the military shows because I'm like if I'd, disappoint them like. Maybe I can live with that if I disappointing I think you know it might ruin my or not, but the thing is is like all of that, like most people know the game and you're, projecting all that most of the time when you're like that suck they're like what you're talking about I got a suck it up. In fact, I posted eclipse that ain't there they sent me of me cause. I was roasting. Some of the athletes that were at the show that we run and jason was.
talking on to me on the mic, like ah yeah. That was good the whole time. I never even heard that yeah yeah yeah yeah, just never even fire inside thinking like what well I there that they came a point in one at one part of the show Well, I I was expecting everyone to onstage. There's forty celebrities there, just as it be talking and not listening, and there was one partner show where I stopped where nor he paused and it was so quiet and the arena at I immediately I recall I hope its own people are actually listening to me now. What am I going to do and I just kept me forward and how to coca? You wouldn't get. but you did a lot of stuff me. You're, like a regular on Chelsea lately show you seem to write for people seem dislike whether it stand up or just doing the other work. show business you're doing it all. I genuinely like writing jokes for other people. May I just that here I would be pretty fulfilled
in four can't. Do it now can't do it right now, yeah, but I, but I do find you know, riding on you know lights out with David spade David was one of my favorite bosses. I've ever had great. he's so grave, and so just self deprecating. We have the same kind of comedy. You know I mean he's away better out of me, but, like I just really clicked with him no locked in with, like his sense of humor immediately he's got that he's he's got a tough one thing we're like, even if these sucking he can. I give up over the self reflection monologue It goes on when he's trying new stuff. Oh yeah he's like that and landed okay, yeah beep bop, boop yeah, but he's just I could. I could just watch him. Yeah he's very funny all day. Yeah so tell me about this new special
some people, the watch, if I may, I came out of a wild yeah, came out earlier this year at cop forty four. I taped it last year. The comedy store, I mean a lot of. It is material about myself that I needed to retire. You know I, I talk a lot about boy route, go out. I dont go on being a new mom and is growing up in the south and cracker barrel. This, if you know, is that its it was a really high honour for me to do it, because it's one of the first specials, the comedy stores, produce them yourselves ogre in and it is their big first endeavour. into doing it and it was a real honour for them. They chose me and just a martin delta do are set on the same night said. I taped them separately longer view and you guys are of the same coin yeah. So you know, and they put a little clip at the end of my when it myself, the comedy store my partner, yeah like
probably early on, like two thousand and nine so fifth, you know years ago such a baby wearing a dress still well, I always dressed up when I did the main room. That's over yeah. Now add posts covered before covert. I still was a post covered, I'm just like now. I have to wear things that are comfortable now. I'm like I was too conditioned to be comfortable for two years, so yeah, I mean it's goes all into my family. It's called forty four cause. I was forty four when I taped it and hank and numbers. Forty four and I'm a huge hank, Aaron braves fan eventually, Adele will make an album. Yes, that will be Yeah yeah, that's it there. I want to be like that. I want only release of every three to five yes, I want them to still be special, augurs well I'm always like seeing I always enjoy watching. Thank you We finally got to do there. I now I'm so honoured
it's such a. He I'm in I'm such a huge admirer of you and your work, and I find it I mean even when you just we have a conversation in the back in the main room. I'm honored that you would even want to dislike have any kind of conversation with me why I'm always intimidated, because I don't know anything about sports though ask conversation reaches me guy. Now I got it. so many people tend to walk out, especially when bill ionized are arguing about Yeah sports area, because they, you know, you go, thinks he's right, cause he's louder, that's all act retires or god forbid. You raise your voice like yours. What can we do in argument? Does everyone yell at me? Are you carrying. Will you started at a ten? I'm glad you guys get into it about something. You know not personal oh yeah, known as never personal. Why? Yes, I see over there I'll see over that. Aren't you
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delivery programme gave us some award show and then she was going to use it. So she gave to me- and it was big and food, and that was it Yeah and you away so, you felt better like the energy thing required. If I may not only was a vague and it was like a raw vague in which that was rock raised. That was crazy and I did like a week in the first week I was just so pissed off all the time. I do not like what is this year and in the second week felt like I was high, although all the sums like yeah, I just felt so high- be calm and cool here and then so yeah I'd. Then I finished the two weeks high glassed till now dear those producer cuts in all the bonus episodes. We release every week, subscribed to the full marin by going to the link in the episode description or go to w e F, pod, dot com and click on w e f. Plus next week, have killion murphy from oppenheimer a monday and comedian mike row on thursday. I gotta go another guitar riff from the vault, because.
I'm busy. I can't sit here for forty five minutes and figure out a rift today. Sorry, but you won't know the difference, but you I just told you.
maggie carriages everywhere.
Transcript generated on 2023-07-18.