« VIEWS with David Dobrik and Jason Nash

Meeting My Ex-Wife’s New Boyfriend


On this week's show David and Jason cover...A potentially racist game of charadesDavid's bathroom habitsJason meeting his ex-wife's new boyfriendVardan thinking he was invisibleScott and Todd's fightMcLovinJason's career as a youth basketball coach Welcome to VIEWS. Check out Jason and David's vlogs, here: David's YouTube Channel Jason's YouTube Channel And buy merch HERE

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
With a view to views the podcast where Jason's mind as Runnin, ran out empty hall, so, as my hind apparently is romance or music at the interests are tough. That's like the tough part. So like when you would throw out really something really absurd, but you want to do in the area of did again what success for collective views, the podcast where Jason's goldfish died so he sat on it and brought it back to life with the gas from his brow. Damn? I really pull thou art my asked, but I also heard your music dvd. What's up as one Wechsler podcast Jason's Mama sitting here joining us for a second week, Jason smiled, Missus Ashe ok, good, she's, asleep. She doesn't want to go. We ve offered to take her ticker, hunks, weak
where these peculiarly loves, sitting here, listening to listen to us before the podcast. I don't know what it is. I have a feeling me, Jason was she said the other day you some was asking her asking her about you see all day with a great guy, although the other day He d try to lead me on fire. When was that of the flame, their yellows? Would you litter with faith or someone came up to me? I one of our main greed and they were like. Can you help me settled this fight shirt with war, my boyfriend and she asked she asked if I stand while IP you remember- thou o you ve been talking to me about that, because a good balmy As I said, I said. No, I don't. I don't stand while IP and she goes back and he and he looks at me- Thank you that what he the same idea like well when I'm at home, I sit IP. I ever saw sit when IP, when I'm in public. If you were arguing this the other night with another guy was Joe, the Joe and you were like you are,
your liking him feel weird Joe and he's the normal one Joe is like Joe is, of course, a standard ip. Unlike are you fucking Idiot a traffic and feel really bad about it, but now, do you sit or stand when you be? If it's him, the night air early more Emily, tired, I will sit down sure sure. But most time. I do stared public always stand always stand. Always stand in public right, but I have you ok when you, when used to live at your parents house, because that is I assume your house is the cleanest sure. Did you sit or stand when you paid? I would sometimes it, is your bathrooms now liking your new house if they resemble public restrooms so gross. So I would never sit there, even though I'm at your house but like if you don't know me like, I would never be at a friend's house and use their bathroom bye, bye by sitting If I'm at home, I always sit constantly. Do you read? No, I dont do that's that's. My problem is can I get on the toilet weather
number one or two, I'm always like I'm going to get on my phone, I'm going to be on my phone for like twenty minutes, I'm going to have some me time but the second dumping or whatever I gotta, do I get up and I might come on? Let's go, let's get out here. I cannot relax on toilets like, like our friends, aim, he'll be on there for an hour and a half. Oh. No. There are good for you. I owe you only got an hour and a half Zane won't even have to wipe by the time he's done sitting there, because it uses dries up all civilly gross inside, but now death? I stand while I Pooh that's, that's for sure It becomes a group that work. If it doesn't work? I am about to? ways excited and hated you here, for you just tell them about senses. I just started was like not going anywhere no, I did have a those things you talk about organ for both I have, a story to tell you go: oh, so check this. As we read I went away,
who tyranny with my kids here, which is like a vacation spot the vacation spot and entails VERDI's into Austin what're. You ask them there and then I'm gonna put out a call. My kids no end, so we're playing charades with the kids and some other moms and dads and their kids like six kids this: will in one of our friends, gets up and she and were planks raids, any she gets movies? That's it's a move. In the movie is crazy, rich Asians or her girl. Ok, so the woman by the way this woman is like soup liberal lake. You know make fights for like all kinds of people of four people people who are you know? I don't know disenfranchised whenever she has lost a charity work like she's ocean, politically correct woman, exactly a great she gets irritations there? So she does. D. You know she makes that motion like it's a movie groceries. She does crazy he takes her index finger, she
the two heard and imagine what you'd aspirations she does rich. She does Asia takes her two fingers and like she's, making money and for Asians she takes her and she sleds her eyes and ever He goes all my gun, No, Sarah know where you can do that was you no. She was it. She was. Drunk at all. What what did your kid say? My kids! Do? They just through the these pages. Paying attention is because your kids are so sweet. I feel that this also means that the big daddy we need to leave. So then Her husband was category, I have about it and then she, goes inside and she finds these two asian. Ladies inside the restaurant It goes on. We see her walk up to these Asian Ladys work. She's a to go them and she's in there, and then we see her just talking and then taking in lino making her isolated and stuff like
Oh my god! It's a now she's like talking to these two and I just thought is that that was so interesting like what did you think of that, like she was there's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with having a cultural conversation. You know how we get better hurry society? What do they say this? Adam We would actually address, while one of them was a nation, so how she was peruvian, so that person was of the conversation and then the one asian woman was like yeah. You know like a guest in that situation in charades. It is ok to that. While I I hate when people make you know slanted, I jokes sure, that was so interesting, so so he gets find out is racism. Ok as long as it's during the games, rights, rights, solar, so interesting, I guess about how it can we didn't find on aliens what one woman shared? How did hopefully time getting? How did, though, how did the woman come back at what it's like that, the woman to the Senate Eyes joke what it
she come back and what are you doing baggage key back in and static? I told you guys know. No. She was just like this is this is how it's done and I was like to know if you want to walk up to random strangers and drop that on the mother. Having start now, she's asleep, but this has done so you place a raids. Barely keep up get lost. City is cause. We shall actor, who worked your journal or wholly hijab shamed. Yes, a little when we firmly and there's a guy who was on the cosmos show yet cause. We chose huge right. It was the biggest share, there's big issue and ever about like the first big wasn't like one of the first pictures, yeah four Seinfeld, but at the time it was the biggest sitcom, easily sure and this actor was working a trader. Jos yeah. He played bill, cause bees, son in law, and he was out. He was a bunch of seasons right, like oh yeah, he was out of budget cuts, are free Reynolds here he was like on all the seasons, misery and
and he was good on the show tat any still acts to this day like if you go on as I am to be his. He works every year as an actor, and someone took a picture of him working looked like the cash register anger. Yes, he is a beggar at trader Jos errors like isn't this, the guy from fresh, prince and fucking everyone just when every one we're just like fuck you for taking it extra people blue then in a blue up in his defence, is undermining America, which is awesome, is good and he may like a really good point about about like how every job that he was a explain he's like he's I am not ashamed of like the job I do like no one should be ashamed of where the job they have because every job has its important licklider. We value actor so much like it's, not that cool intervene. I think we're here trader Jos, like it
just as interesting like most of us, I mean you act. You sit around in a trailer warming up impotent easy answer. I mean I just ran a precisely people: have it all wrong about actors and in their valued by I, don't I don't look at Brad Pitt and I think when I meet him, he's gonna be able to fly. I just think it. Trusting to see him because I see him on on the biggest at what time I want to see about. Like if you was working as an actor, that would be so proud of him, but because he's working energetic work, that's all without because it's because being an actress sought after jar right like it's like it's difficult, super competitive by working at her to just a little easier to get. No, I mean that's pretty simple, but aren't I think it may be. Kennicott circuitry just sing out You're hurting me, I don't know, I don't know, I don't know which one is better, I'm I'm I'm sure I'm sure have for the people would left. Paternity doesn't have begun. Work would love. Why was break. Something really. Do with status. She said it that's a good point. It does
to establish. She was whispering sounded. So scary was like They say that it does observes that is below gets. I totally there are. I have. In school, who love working at Officemax who like who live, for that. They got office, migrated out at five p m and they said the night away and they wake up in the morning. They do it all over again, like people love that and if that's your idea of a good life than than to have that beer life, it doesn't matter. I don't care that that you're not Brad Pitt, you know if you have a good timing out where you type he I think that's the point that he was making is like is, I don't feel sorry for me? I have a great life. I love my family, a yawning I met my am. I know my ex wife boyfriend yesterday begun here who it would happen, no nothing. I just went over there to drop my kids off and they had a nose gonna be there and he was their short list in the town
I can see like ripped. I don't know. I haven't seen him Surplus David, crazy shit- I I don't know I don't think he's crazy shape sure, but What are you still intimidated by him movement? by him, but I how they get their activity It was wrong. Word threatened. I guess but one point I was or whatever, but it was it was. It was the point. It was good to see you good to go over there and see him. There sure mean it was very like oh, oh god, I'm glad I saw that you're a little could that I'm never coming back here. What did you guys talk about? He was very nice to set down he s here, that you say that you too cool and and he's really nice about that. And now you do you too bright. What doesn't like making so much less money than than me because he's a big actor. I fairly big equity, bigger yeah yeah means that they are
our big o, my god, we are speaking of Leonardo Caprio. We and the big Fight who was it me and Jonah in the car about Who is more famous? Oh yeah yeah, you ve lost, let you were just drag down. I was yet Europe I think I did lose and not hard to see how to see lose like that. I know that I was whose more famous Oriana, Grundy or Leonardo Capri rate and at first I said it off by saying that a lot of kids don't know LEO Dicaprio movies, somewhat every little kids I wanna and every parent Osanna Gandhi, but then you Bob The point is that everyone in every country has seen a movie titanic right. So everywhere even in like african villages, they might not have see gram, but there
they haven't. Do you turn? It is customary for every tribe to copying, and yet I was embarrassing to lose one Jonah like here and now, and then I gave in I'm ok you're right, maybe Leonarda Caprio as a little bit more famous. Then our friend the charter under our foreign Jonah, he's really firing given over to the farmers market. With him. Yesterday, com I got to eat. The kid is fucking lost. He's here: dumb he's, not dumping, just law exactly and said to me yesterday at the farmers working goes, he's a standard looks, writing is worth supporting. Place. What do you mean? Leaving me what The point of this place for condolement, what's goin on here, what the wise it wasn't born here and we didn't what the hell he was talking about later. We speculated that, maybe because
who's going to every table and taking free samples that we don't think he understood TAT you can actually by the food there and we thought maybe it was just free samples and then he was like. What's the point of this is our three years that they, actually I don't know that's. It is stupid, but funny thing like: let's exact he would hear. John. Is that what you think you that candy you got yesterday with the vague cereal? You had your hide some candy and it was like you bite into it, and it's like filled with hydrogen are like nitrogen, nitrogen, yet on nitrogen, so like any, and so when you eat it, small comes out. Your nose, more comes out here knows was frozen basically, and then I found out. How did you do I found a way like there's been like reports of it like shutting down people's organs like immediately, like is really bad for you. What is really really bad for you, there even your mom's, Nottingham, yachting, humidity, yeah. So there's that football is back and seek ecosystem It's easy way to get tickets to every
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now so did I think some of the meal. I will maybe someone who do this. This one's, like you, ve, got me ever listeners really mean plush being bags. Or can I give you a majority dollars off? You see panic the disco, something you think they're gonna pierce more like if the ad Wikipedia readers nicer now now it next, early in numbers game. We should subjects are, then we should do you read that damn thing's or what happened recently? I really want to talk about this, because I was so interesting. There's this whole, like on twitter that I've been seeing. People are people put a blanket over their little siblings, and then they say a bunch of logical words and they take the blanket off and they pretend Lecter siblings earn a visible, so they pretend like they don't see. There's and their younger, siblings, freak out. So we did this If you saw my blogger Zimbabwe yesterday, we did this. To another from one of our friends, little brother has limits bardon returned a blanket. We set a bunch of words. We took the blanket off and we pretended
he was completely invisible. Isn't it family was in on it. We like Barton. Bernard. Where are you? Where are you and like ten actions into it. He just starts fucking bawling a completely crying his eyes, like he's trying to his teeth. Touching us he's he's being he's like David Can you hear me, can you hear me I'm pretending, like I can't hear for shit it's so incredibly mean and then and then I'm like I'm, like I tell my atomic front Bruce, I'm like Bruce, take a picture of me in Bardon, like Bardon. If you're in the room come take a picture of me and I like but my arm around him, but in the picture, It looks like he's not in the picture that took a picture previously with my arms is pretending to be around someone so then, freaks out even more is: are you really thinks he's invisible and keeps crying keeps cry, and then we finally and half way through this prank. I was tax Jason to come into the house and and he was supposed to come in and is supposed to be. Like hey everybody. It was big, whereas Varden like just
add the prank part. I was crying so much that I didn't even have time to take up my fond of taxation to come into the house. So so we we felt so bad for our that we like we stopped in the prank and we put em back, the under the the out the blanket and we're like advocate but above all what we took it often work hard. We see you your back and these crimes Could he so emotional cause? You so happy is back in the real world and then and then and then we're like Varden before we told them before we tell them heroes, fake willing, pardon you should go be, the boy can and should be but again and where a call Jason and you're gonna scare him and he's like I'm down I'm down, but first first he was like crises. But what? If I do I'm back? and his sisters like that the risk. You have to take that's what they say about life. You have delivered to the fullest and he's. Ok, ok, I'll. Do it I'll do a promise to give me back promise again me back and
doing the sign of the cross- and we put it back into the blanket and we say, aggregate arable land Bruce goes milkshake brings the voice of the damn right. Then we take the thing off and we're. Like part Aardvark, where are you Jason walks in parliament's scares, the crap out of Jason Doses, pretending to be scared, and then Varden gets so cocky being invisible? He running around and punching everybody like he certainly pushing people like onto the couch, pushing people into the door and like, and we all have the pretending you don't see, what he's doing he's getting really cocky and then he's like and they were like fuck change him back as he's being a real asshole. So we're like Varden sit back down. It back down and he doesn't sit down so Bruce the machine then the fake magician he's like I can't this anymore, I'm leaving I'm so so he walks out the door.
Point on, starts crying again since, like our hopes are Yos, please please tell me back and we're like Varden. If you are out there. This is your last sit back on the chair and then all of a sudden, I'm goes over the churn research shaking it to show that by the chair and then he said back down. We turn them back and borrowed answer to pack I'm back and easier. Having worked so well, you had no idea will work like thou brought me weep. We seriously fucked with him a really bad. You told me the idea as like, I think, out, baby work. I, like a five year old or a six year old, he's twelve years identity, spaces work until one that only twelve years old. That's what said again like to know on adults like kits that's the thing and almost do any there's a bunch of adults manipulating one child like really fucked up, and that's why I worked but such a harmless practice here. He loved it at the end, and even at the end, when we told them it was fake here I didn't understand that he actually was an invisible society
One point even asked us again he's like: can you me visible again, so I can go to subway and we were like what do use. What are you saying you weren't, invisible and is it oh? No, I know I can understand that he wasn't invisible. There's hope on the day before that, The day before that we went into I'll give you we were we when we got into a fight. Like my friend, I got into a fight You don't remember I was in the bag. Oh, I thought you were like a bickering fight like like route chat. Oliver got about the major fight, the fits fight yeah this guy. This guy came up to us and this is what happens fucking crazy this guy? What came up to Us- and he goes- he was David nobody was then am. I was up dude and then It says something and then the goes get the fuck out of here tat an entire. Whites and an ideal world.
STAR like as a joke. I yell world stark and an complete yoke, and this guy takes off his backpack and then later takes off his shirt and tries to actually fight Todd. And TAT S where you seriously want to fight me and he said, hell yeah. I am and public. Why? Music, because Europe take your fan. Mother fucker eat out of a lake. His aunt I had a Lakers head on in this house can find it was later spent where's from I don't know, and it was and this is obviously a mental issues, because no one fuckin wants to fight someone for being a Lakers fair share. So TAT wasn't gonna fight him back row isn't drunk the guy. Now he wasn't jocular loudly sober and and and then it was he was by himself. He don't have any friends and it was like aid of, aid of us guys so like they help
guy back. They held them down seven and a half. If you were there, yes having an outcome as it goes, but the old care really all because there were two jobs, but I just got this new. Eighty do our much upon me jumping up Bulgaria, please! Second! But I said so they're holding him back and then like they thought he calm down, and then they let him go and then we walked away and he came back and he Sucker punched one of our friends in the face judge a boys and then They went down to hold them back again and they, the common down and then he came back again and the sucker punch our friends, Scott, in the face and Scott bleeding and I'm like and I'm like? Oh, I got seeding up our of you. Yeah that's Scots premium, but I don't want to get back a Scots ten times this guy. He's fucking almost got what I couldn't tell there from the video. Yet no Scots Huge Comparative, oh really could have destroyed the guy and scuffling. I'm gonna hit back I'm gonna fuckin, because mental he's completely gone and- and I like want to fill me right now, if you're really fucked up and is please tell me, please tell me so tat
a camera, and I film Scott and he's completely bleeding out of his face and in all the on the video we're like you, I should back door, that guy but like butter your therein the moment, unlike but peace that we didn't like beat the shit out of that. You can never tell what the inner it's gonna say, because I thought you were gonna stay. The other thing like. Why are you guys fighting at all and you should have ran? No people were pissed that we didn't like beat his ass, really yeah mega the internets so fickle. I never know what the guests those different sites of areas and one person then you're, seeing the majority, no not the majority on other jarring, no but there. But there is a lot of people that reliable you guys should have beat his fuckin ass right am I but this is. This is a somewhat like when you're in this situation you like. I can never want to get out of here. I collide exactly. I can never justify a fight we're like in like a fight scenario like oh yeah. This makes sense unless, like you're with your girlfriend, and some do fuckin touches her body something relic. Then I see like getting like really
I always imagined myself. Ok, I could get into a situation right now, but I don't want to go to court to from now. Exactly you know like existent worth than this is there's two reasons I didn't. I didn't really step and one three reasons: it is a good one because they had a completely covered two, because I'm the biggest birch and three, because if the cops came out be fuckin, deported and a harp. When I had a thing like if I was involved in that fight I'd be out of this country. I can only thank us off. I messed up once he was only live your life like that, with one mess up the act as if you few get. One thing on your record: you don't have a clue. Record anymore and you lose your data and then you get deplore you have to have a clean record. We have to act as speeding ticket speedily. And call on the sofa must make a serious like misdemeanor, phony, aware yeah, but yeah. So that's why
jump and not because I believe in fact that when such a bit I'm so do I'm so scared of fight and know. What do you mean if I'm not an urban out? There have been many now it's crazy rights of my friends like where we go out to the benevolent I've. Like I said, I'd, never like been like so angry at a person we're on like this, the where did you get settled as if one of us draws blow? have. You ever had a wrestling match. Their friend that got pretty heated starts wrestling all the time My wrestling match is it always and in burners, whenever our friends it always get a boner and that's what would always ended really that we'd have fight like during sleep overs. Why one of our frenzied always get a bonnet or unrest like wrestling and always big brother? What the fuck well, yeah motor start by and we'd stop wrestling. This is serious. Thing Why did he get a boner? I mean? Do you like us, oh ok is good, but it is the wrong time to get a boner. Did I mean
pressed up and rustling someone annual I'll, be horny cause. He was a young kids like you, you know hormones are planned talking about that anymore, I'm actually talking about myself yes, so what I had to stop a five, because I got a boner Oda, favorite team from ok. Here we go guys Let the reader new add an aside that stitch fix sit is an online personal style service that fines and delivers clothes, shoes and accessories to fit your body budget and lifestyle. Just gonna stick our come such views and tell them your sizes. What size you like and how much spend on each time. You'll be pair. Your very own personal status, who handpicked take five items to send right next right to your door right next year. To her,
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but yes to fix TAT, come slash. You guys go together, is a good one to tell style it for you, the casino David used to pick up my clothes. There has been so busy Happar had given her lamp, but has everything in life? What's everything's good manners, but ask you the same thing really everything with you now everything's gonna take your back in the USA Game in the USA Illegal, oh, my God brawl knowledge season. Yes, David does get excited for college for Bob just get excited, recalled parties. I went to college party the other day and by the way you do Fifth, your senior at this point, the s. Ok- and I did realise that have we can support it, but it's all other things aren't upon. First off I was like maybe I'm alone are too old to be even Alec on twenty two some sites. I feel like I'm pretty on what about me. You can hear I forgot you come within an hour, but I ain't. If I'm with the and all my friends come with me there at least four years older than me, some some are fifty years older than me. So you no, but I'm but first off I follow but old, but second, was that the night as it yeah
What we want is yours, bad mood that night all thus bring that you were the worse. The arrows go now these I know what he meant. The worse produces very unlike you. How it is that all sorts I was on my phone cause. I was we brought up Mc Levin from soup yeah. I know for that party really. You are really happy that is upstairs. We went daily, Divinum experience. I like this, I'm glad we want for early. You explain it. We know Devos like we're going to: U S. Even outside your spent Iraq we meet again, so we were out women. This was not in the cards that I would go to you. I see what you guys. You have to understand that holding the other we leave to get you see it's like its lyrics. Nobody letter explaining IRAN anyway, we were gonna use, yellow you're right with the stories right now. Weighted voting? Avis, yellow- and I know this guy there who is in a bunch of properties, Danny he's the best but it's over their frat. The phrase very welcoming, but there is always one fucking douche at every frat was one guy who's like had honcho who just like needs
control thanks levy energetic hold on DE. What are you projecting. I want to say that I didn't want to go, but then I turned around and the car was like. You know what we're here. A good face and then I got really into going as a David Brahma here wishes to have a good attitude, and then I got super hyped up. The shrill Jason was like Super Friday was really funny greater. We got into the Fred House everyone's, super nice. There very kind us and then let me show you upstairs and we're like lecture. Let's go upstairs and I walking upstairs and frat frat huh had bitch walks up and he is you're. Gonna fucking go upstairs and, unlike and unlike ok, we're coming back down and he's like, you bet your ass you're coming back that's what I thought you said just now that you said you said: ok, we'll come right back down and you motion that you gotta keep going. I didn't you. Do you weren't there, that's what you were standing next to you know: Bro, that's how it happened. Literally, I was. I was standing with her where I was with than he was like. I don't know. What's his brow
literally said we're coming back down he's like you betcha you're coming back. That's fucking said what the fuck does that mean wait out and not enough and then another guy came in to say the same exact paying and you can see in his eyes ass. He was bombed out that he didn't get to say it cares and another guy came down he's like occasional, Yoda, ok marker to hear, and then I'm like a piss me off so much cause. You can just tell me to come down like I'm gonna respect This is not my frat house, I'm not going to be walking around where I go. I will respect your house, but don't be a dick about it. Just be like hey come down and I'm like okay and I fucking I'm adjacent we're leaving yeah fuck this and I left I got back in my car and I'm like we're. Gonna. U S! So we went to USC we're at the bar and we were waiting to get into the line of the bar someone product. Mc loving and I'm like. I love Mc Levin, he's from super bad right yet the anaemic. Let me I'm in a dilemma: twitter safe. Maybe you want to shoot sometimes without be hilarious, some five emphasis, on it survive and I'm trying to find, isn't surmounted DM him, and then someone
some time ago accept me and- and she goes on such a big family videos. I just met Brandon, he so cool, oh, my god they are branded as the best. That's what I said and then I went back to me focus. I was tapping this dm two Mc Clellan, because in the middle of the of the dam and and her boyfriend, her boyfriend goes really. Do you really she's can excited to meet you, and this is how the fucking attention I don't know what it can to make it clear that me so much- and I was like Syria's right now. I said that I set it like that. Are you kidding me right now this is so out of my character and and other people from doing this and is a very serious raina and he's like with the book and like we just get me started. Their dirty looks and they both walked away. M M a ruined by night for the next hour and a half yeah, I was so bummed out cuz, then later, like I took Nick five minutes to realize. I'm like okay, I could have been nicer about that, but even though I was in the middle of doing something, I could have been a lot because that's
like I'm super nice when I meet people those a one time. Our like a weird reaction is the one time I've sent you do that and the entire night, like we drove away in China, look for these people. Second apologise because I felt so bad but a ruined by night and asked us late, and I wouldn't stop think about it, and it's just stupid story. I can't believe like this is beer. But when I came to just to film for your blog- and I was like an icon like doing that, unlike tap dance eating, unlike yelling in the bar, hoping you'll turn the camera Deanna can confirm either I use U S here. You see I like, as I too little instances for some reason, has a really pouty bitch that What do you think was going on? I don't know I was. I was just testosterone thing like you felt like fuck you who are you to tell me, I get nowhere.
Wasn't. It was the opposite of testosterone, Davy Sea, which is being rude. Do both of these guys had too much astonished or on a network. Pissing me off just fucking, chill just calm down. Just tell me in a nice way. Why has ever had to be such a dick right? That's what was getting the angry, and I say this because there's two guys are both that both could have certainly to mean a nice way, but we're both giving. Attitude of how is like I'm sick of this as he came in and he was a hey man, you know: listen when oil out people upstairs. If you wouldn't mind, TAT is coming down. Ok, I just come downstairs. I don't wanna people upstairs for sure broke thanks for having at the front I'm sorry, I'm sorry leisure, granted about everything. Everything else is good introduced, a start by you ask me how open good Jason actually hold up to eighty million let me tell you for the next ten minutes as now, but yeah that's wait. Wait your plan, when you gonna stop the blog. I don't know
such a stupid question you need another stupid is asking because we have anything else to talk about. No, I think it's a great place to what do you think I was gonna, be what did the monitors in November? Twenty second heat that given as I'm gonna, stop the log when some presents an amazing opportunity to me so fearless to this. I have said this fifty times on the biogas and if your dad or is Martha Stewart or are we met somebody's mom the other day? Remember we are doing that. We were at a show- and this woman up to us and she was like a wider was issues like my Mama's Courtney, cocked, yeah, yeah, that's or to us, which is cool, which is great yeah, it's an essential design of like, but we never got a number of you their Corti Cox's daughter, Cox, court Cox likewise Could you great to call their celebrities Kim Kardashian- was we recorded entire package that again can production last episode here and nothing no feedback from came in here?
one the one we ve been texting, but you can bring the pike. And you dont want to be the one to bring it out. I didn't I'd awkward. Anyone like did you listened. Our new part got right, comes issues is flowing as shit. She's haven't troubled cognate, deciding on ice What's gonna Laconia same Old same out he's he lost his plans in Bermuda. The pilot fly again. Yeah no told can we can just by another on but she's all up in arms, about any girl, she's trying to go to as remote control planes, Eddie flies. There's the pretty bigger Jonah wanted to build our friend John. I wanted to buy a plain that seats, one percent and its ten thousand dollars, and he wants to buy it. So we can shoot videos with it serious plan, it's the size of a car, the fly out of here and he wants a flight otto, my backyard in the sky, and I don't think he don't. You understand a tie. The first time I've ever heard you go that doesn't sound
good idea. He said he said at sons. Dangerous, like that, must be a bad idea. David saying man he's a so stupid. He thought he felt that we can discuss plain size, car or this cars plain and looking up you you, if you landed, and you hit something you can kill. Someone like is evil breaking this a bone guy doesn't how farmers markets, where this is the same guy, who why Maybe you can crash his plane into the farmers market, and that way he'll get rid of both, exercising lately, of course now what happened? Your eyesight, video, the other when you're running your beer, much marine shape with zero, yet was exam. Youtube Video, like someone had interviewed you somewhere, like can where the interview with all that was back when he was your shape, bring my weight like this. No one said- saying you're mad, I'm saying you were beg your upper body was built from running. You think, really
I mean I'm just saying I was asked Natalie Effaced, coach, icicle, basketball. So did you notice actually metric school, but something now it's actually kind have completely there. There are two other ragtag team and I had really coached electrical basketball. Now all I had the greatest team ever wonder. You be a good basketball, colonized, a yell save the story for next time now than we are at thirty. Eight minutes go for giving give this I'll try so anyways I was I was led to sign wide upper basketball. I was late, I was not there. Really what we must do so down there and there like. He can't sign up, and I was like, like us like accepted as they come on. Let's just put it on a teen there, ain't no absolutely not later sisters. Think if you want a field, your own team, that's the only way he can play, and now I d because it's not like. I don't care, I do care, but I care too much
I get angry and a yell and, like you re me, let me get to into it like like. If you had a team to into I'm, not a good coach cause. I like it, starts to mean too much to me that I win you name it sawzall right, I feel the team so like you know to be honest why it was on the younger side. He wasn't like the best. He was like a meme. It goes like this fourth and fifth greatest news, like their great, so a shovel first day and lake I get to korean twins. Sure who dont speak English, that's great. I thought of a movie there there your height they're, both there like five six and the like eleven years. Fuck occur, they Digby, they can't dribble. They can barely the ball sure I get this porters, kid you have made many great who, like like, doesn't speak. But he's fast. He is related and he can dribble crazy. I get his sister Cynthia,
the only girl in the leg Cynthia also doesn't speak sure and and I get like- I literally get like the overweight kid I get. I get just this right. Tagged e grew to end working all ethnic kids. Move resolutely, is white, ok, sort out So we start playing and and I realize that if I just put the two green kids underneath the the yeah, you got all rebounds nothing. I can win every single game, so I just park the took wrinkles down there. They both where goggles an and and you know we start to get better and this kid many he gets. Suddenly. Aren't we wasn't trying during tryouts Antonov, he just didn't give a fuck, and even stay animals us like it sucks whatever I don't like the way he will go, Plato
as for the second day, he shows up and he's just amazing- I don't know so anyways we say rush in ITALY. We are rushing here and now and maybe even had this this great moment where Cynthia wouldn't go in all she wouldn't and the game thereby you wanna, go in this this this game known no unacquainted ongoing an ETA Mike and so fine I said: ok as it you're going in this game and make your to go in and then I, I get a sissies cheeks, I am bringing in you know and she checks in and she just bawling stop crying going into the game, this is extra Vince, Fond movie. I know she's into she's, running up and down the core crying crying crying and then she she got the ball. Somehow Buzzer bitter and is dribbled, crying and she's, just totally scoria that you just the ball open. It went in and you
rain down the court crying for really cool and then then, by the end, the league them take? They came up gets me and they brought meta for a meeting. And they were steroids. Yeah like they're like what the fuck are you doing there like your crushing everybody in the league like away? I like this is the team. You gave me a MAC Whirr, you want me to do like and their direct. While it's not the Reich articles, you really mad. It's not fair. You stacked. Your team with the greatest players tie your kid I now and as like I didn't stack. I dont know these kids from anywhere anyways created you anyway, we get to the championship, came thither. Fuck out, really that we get into the championship game and- and I go up against these two dads who just are just out for blood they're, just off of blood, and so I remember just screaming that entire Jim by wanted it so badly like I wanted to beat them so badly and I dont, if we want our last. But
I think we want you're, a pretty sure you in the chair Beijing League simply to game, but it was a great seas and great story. Horrible I'm gonna get, you guys, think imposes Bob Gas had been of use podcast by Jason S, If a debit files on twitter followers and a large, whatever hookers you'll do it. Videos go by March. My name is Jeff, will see us later by e yes,
Transcript generated on 2020-06-22.