« Verdict with Ted Cruz

Ep. 98 - Will Tanks Roll In Ukraine?


Putin is once again attempting to restore the Soviet Union and, according to experts, could be poised to roll tanks into Ukraine as early as January. Senator Ted Cruz joins Michael Knowles and Liz Wheeler to illustrate how the Nord Stream 2 pipeline is a physical manifestation of Putin’s imperial ambitions and break down the concrete measures Joe Biden could, but won’t, take to prevent another American foreign policy disaster. Plus, in case you missed it, the Democratic plan to draft America’s daughters is foiled once again, Jimmy Kimmel proves himself to be a sore loser (who’s surprised?), and the January 6 commission is exposed as a kangaroo court.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We are in the early stages of a new presidential administration, which can only mean one thing: Russia is planning to they'd, a sovereign state, according to news according to defence ministers abroad. The tanks could start rolling in as little as a month. This is verdict with tat group. oh Mamma, is proud, sponsor a verdict with TED crews. The holidays are right around the corner and we know gifting is tricky. Alma ha stakes makes easy to sin, friends and family? What is sure to be an unforgettable gift? Go to Omaha stakes, dot com and enter the code cactus into the search bar to order the perfect package. This special holiday offer includes, over twenty entrees, to share with friends and family this holiday season. Some fan favorites are the boy can wrap Philemon yawns Gore may jumbo francs chicken breast sides, and is
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this purchase the second biggest Jimmy him has been going after you, poor about a week now? Yes, we're laughing because our viewers, probably where this he's been tweeting out. Some kind of disaster discussing images of you? Well, what do you make of this? What is going on here will look at Jimmy may be a russian communist at a minimum he's clearly disturbed and an annual I'm kind of reminded us of of the mean girls mean you, your kind of obsessed with me ever Jimmy Camel seems to be hitting me it as monologue. He put out this really horrific, photoshopped image of my head on this fat goods naked body who is straddling an enormous hot dog which which I don't know if this is like some homo erotic fantasy, has it it's a little fry, I guess I should be flattered- that it is a joy normous, hot dog. But what if I don't
stand, why this exists in the twitter sphere I will say, though, that I do have a standard policy which has every time Jimmy hits me and it seems to be a regular a rubber, eight regular occasion. I respond by simply observing that that, when jimmy- and I last saw each other- we play basketball who played one. I'm one hopes and long and short of a naturally long, because it was a really long, an ugly game, but the law. Short of it is. I kicked his ass and so I've had some fun putting out a highly video entitled buckets and blocks that concern NI, hitting jump shots driving down the lane, driving left driving right, goring on him and then the blocks are just gee, acting the hell out of his shots, one after the other after the other a few times I found the hell out of them to but areas,
it is a wonderful reminder that that that, by the way that that game came to pass, we actually read, raised eighty thousand dollars for charity to play that game. Ah but neither one of us wanted to lose and and well one of us dead and Jimmy seems to be having a really hard time getting over it yeah. This is a pretty extreme case. I've sour grapes, I think, mixing that wealth. I inside ology and man like, I think the word you used is correct. It was pretty disturbing pretty discussing the things he has posted on Twitter, its unity to say that the the game was interesting because he didn't have a sense of humor about it. He was like, we really serious and like when we walked out on the core we played at TS, Eu Taxes, southern university, six thousand people came out to watch the game. I mean it and it was as were walking out there, he comes out to confetti cannons and loud music, and we had Gus Johnson
they atomism were broadcasting the event, but but as were walking, he turned to me and says, prepared, be humiliated and It was not tat, it was not ingested, It was like Ivan Dragoon Rocky for going in if he dies he dies rather that was essentially his is, is sentiment and- and I. he thought he was going to have a great time dominating man and that that is not in fact what happened now, I will. Say one of the S piano announcers at a point. He said if doktor, Nay Smith had seen what happened here too eight he would have invented a different game. It was an ugly game. A basketball W W W and the poor, Jimmy's gotta live without the rest was life here. While I think that's that's,
we leave that I mean he can do a sour grapes on twitter. But you ve always got that when, in your pockets of her loose will see you back into the show to get in the mail bag. And, frankly I you see why you had to get to that topic first, because, as stir being as the invasion by Russia. Another country is nothing could pass, We as disturbing as that, photo on the hot dog from Jimmy camels account. So I will see you at the end of show now senator into an another disturbing topic that this is real, and this is not just more media hype about something, and we know that blood on your part, invaded Georgia during the Bush administration. We know he invaded Crimea during the bomb administration now. It appears that he is poised to into Ukraine again how credit is this: what is the timeline look like and why are we supposed to kill where we supposed to do about such so it is. It is very credible. The time
is short, so there are right now over a hundred thousand russian to troops mast on the border of Ukraine and those numbers are growing the growing on a daily basis, And- and The Biden Ministration over the past several days is declassified documents that suggest we could see invasion of Ukraine as early as the beginning of next year as January February of next year. You know they're their several points. This stuff is complicated, but you in many ways were getting back to town to really the origins of verdict. When we started our very first episode in in the base men in the bowels of DC and there on the first impeachment trial was explaining Ukraine and Maurice Mine, impeachment and natural gas, and all
a mere one of our first episode. Should I will what is Ukraine? Let's start with that? You know Ukraine is a country. It is a country that that that that is due to the west of Russia. It is a country that used to be to the public part of the Soviet Union and when the Soviet Union broke out, it's one of many countries that became its own independent country. it is Russia wants to invade Ukraine that the simple answer, Vladimir Putin's been very candid about it, he has said that he considers the dissolution of the Soviet Union to be the single greatest GEO political disaster of the twentieth century. He wants to reassemble the Soviet you and he has he has images of russian greatness and soviet greatness, and he wants to restore that That means he wants to conquer as neighbours now why this happening now. Some of it is testing a new president and you are absolutely right
Russian, all of our enemies, just a new president. Some of it is a response to Biden, incredible weakness and ineffectiveness in Afghanistan. And the disastrous withdrawal and surrendered there, which we have talked about on verdict. made every enemy of Amerika much more likely to engage and aggression against us because they took him. the man in the oval office and determine Joe Biden is unlikely to do anything about it, but there's another cause here which we ve talked about before on verdict, and but I think it is worth drilling down in some detail and that cause of of of this russian hostility. Is a decision, Joe Biden personally made to surrender to Russia on Nord dream to a natural gas pipeline that Russia's building from Russia to Germany and that Cissian Biden took what had been a foreign policy victory, that we have
one, any turned it into a loss, and that is the direct, but for cause of why Russia's prepared to invade Ukraine. Now, let's start with what is a pipeline, have to with Ukraine, because that that's not immediately evident to someone who is analyzing it unthinking through it will I remember I had this thought when you, when you brought it up centre and we we ve, talked about it a little bit on this show, but I I would like to be cut back Its things seem to be coming to a head, so I do want to be able to understand this, but I think I think there's this question of. As Barack Obama said, why do I care if Russia exerts influence in its traditional sphere of influence what do I care about Ukraine? I don't know anything most people as you point out programme, even though, where Ukraine is on a map and and what does it have to do with
pipeline. I guess I care about pipelines because I care when gas goes through. The roof like it is doing right now, but but what Well, where is the interest for the average american citizen? So Vladimir Putin is a bully Asia thug he's a tyrant. He commits murder and torture and lies and oppression on a regular basis. Any wants to dominate his neighbors? He wants to rebuild the Soviet Union. Now, look we spent decades fighting a code war. The Soviet Union was a very dangerous adversary. It's not America's interest to see Putin Rebate, the Soviet Union. It's not an America's interest to see enemy who wants to defeat us, yet Stronger and more powerful when it comes to energy,
second component of which is that Putin uses energy to blackmail Europe too, to force Europe to do what he wants and and in others, a phrase that John Mccain used to use. That, I think, is a really apt phrase, which is that Russia is a gas station with a country attached. which is the source of Putin's money that he uses to pay. his army, to buy his tags to buy as missiles to develop nuclear weapons. He has pointed you right now in Nashville pointed at every your country in Amerika. The source of that money is energy selling oil and gas. Now twenty four he was the last time Putin invaded Ukraine. any invaded it a section of Uk Ukraine called Crimea, but then he stopped, he didn't
all the way into Ukraine he didn't invade the entire country didn't go into the the capital which, the capital everyone used to pronounce it kiev. And now it's it's considered- I guess more enlightened pronounce it key the key. So I have refer to one of my favorite dinners as chicken key apparently not chicken, Kiev, apparently, whether its one syllable or two. I will leave that to the linguists. But the reason he didn't march into all of Ukraine is right now. The principal route that Russia uses to get its natural gas to Europe is going through Ukraine, is pipelines that go right through the middle of Ukraine, and Ukraine makes bunch of money on these pipelines because it's how they send russian gas to Europe to heat there comes to provide energy for their homes and right so potent face the risk. Give he's if he said,
thanks into the heart of Ukraine. If he invaded Kiev that that those pipelines could be destroyed, that they could lose their ability to get their gas market and protected Ukraine, safety and security, so what'd potent do in response or the early next year. Twenty fifteen is when he began building the Nord stream to pipeline and basic what he said is all right. I don't want to have go through Ukraine to get my gas to Europe. So let's build a pipeline that goes underwater and goes direct, IE from Russia to Germany that cut you could now two out of the process so and we can march into Ukraine in, they can't do damned thing about it. Well, He began building that pipeline. It took a lot of time as we got two twenty nineteen. The pipeline was nearly complete and I had been the leading voice, the leader
actor in the Senate to stop this pipeline, because this pipeline, if guilty of on line, gives Putin bill. Aims of dollars to attack. Americans attack our allies. I want Putin, weak and I want him not aggressive and hostile so the summer of twenty nineteen. I introduce legislation in the Senate to sanction the the companies that were building Nord stream to it was by partisan legislation. I got brought together Republicans Democrats past. It through the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, passed through the entire Senate, passed through the entire congress and President try signed it in the law now here something amazing, Michael. They were building the pipeline. There were actively rushing trying to complete the pipeline is about ninety percent, complete when president trumped signed sanctions in the law. They stopped build. The pipeline that day not
next day, not a week later, not a month later, the day, The sanctions were signed in the law and they were design because they would have bankrupted any company that continue to build the pipeline. So what happens next since December of twenty nineteen. The pipeline lays dormant for over a year. By the way One of the talking points today as well: it was ninety percent down. It was ninety percent on well, that's true, but a ninety percent done pipeline is Roper sent down it done work to you, connect both ends and turn it on? Leslie, unless the oil is gonna, jump out and make it that last ten percent, then it's useless yeah, so for over a year we had defeated this pipeline we had was. It was a massive by partisan victory over Russia is a victory for Europe. It was a victory for Ukraine. It was a victory for America.
Then Joe Biden comes to office and the Biden Foreign Policy, team, Number one their view towards. Bullies and enemies of Amerika is weakness- is weak. towards the Taliban in Afghanistan. Weakness towards the chinese communist weakness where's. Your ran and weakness towards Russia, but number two. that they really elevate, Germany in their foreign policy. On again, I've joked that that that the Biden Foreign Policy team has vote candles of Angela Merkel under their beds at night in the vague just stay late. They worship- for whatever reason Germany wants the pipeline, so Biden first course and surrendered on these sanctions, and here it is really quite amazing. The pipeline is stopped the day, trumped signs
sanctions in December of nine twenty nineteen job Agnes soared into office January twentieth, twenty twenty one. You know what A Biden, bigger Putin, begins building the pipeline again what're January twenty fourth, twenty Twond one four days after Biden puts his hand on the Bible. Potent begins, building the pipeline, what you ve, what you have drawn here that I did not approve before it. I am obviously I understood there's some connection here between this pipeline and and what Russia's doing in Ukraine, but the pipe line is a symbol. It's a physical representation of the imperial ambitions of Vladimir Putin, the the the whole point of the pipeline other than saving a little bit of money. I guess is to free up Russia to go pursue whatever imperial ambitions. It hasn't Ukraine, so you kill the pipeline. You kid or at least seriously dampen the imperial ambitions
and if you give the ok on the pipeline, you are tacitly giving the ok on Russia going into Ukraine Michael, that's exactly right, and it's a point that I made repeatedly it's a point that that senators, both Republicans and Democrats made over and over and over again, it's also a point that was made by Ukraine and Poland. So this summer, when when Biden formerly so Sir, dared to Putin and waved the sanctions that were part of. U S. Law, Ukraine and Poland put out a joint statement condemning that decision and saying giving in to Nord stream to ah creates a grave security threat against Ukraine and Central Europe, because once the pipeline is on potent can can right the tanks in India, Ukraine and not worry about whether they destroy their pipeline or not, because he has another way to get the gas to market the main
thing is so. Where are we now on the pipeline? The pipeline is now complete, so Zobeide and surrendered allowed Putin to complete it, but it's not on yet another. Then it's not on as before it can be turned on. It has to go through. Certification has to go through the final regulatory approve. in Europe before they can turn the pipeline on which means Biden can stop this right. Now, if we simply follows the law, so he has waved the sanctions he could revoked waiver, and so you know earlier today we had testing in front of the Senate for Relations Committee from Victoria Newland, who is the under Secretary of state, and I asked her directly good President Biden true Day impose sanctions on Nord stream to by simply revoking his waiver. She said yes, he could do it today if you what a stop russian tanks from having in four in to Ukraine in conquering them, Joe Biden, To bring out a damn pan and piece of paper and impose
the sanctions that Congress is mandated, but he didn't do it, and so Democrats are playing the blame game. It's amazing You know you asked: why should we care about Ukraine? Listen, let me be clear. We shouldn't send american troops to go too far in Ukraine I have no interest in sending american soldiers and sailors- are airman Marines to be, harm's way to go fight the russian army? That's a bad idea. We ve got enormous leverage. These sanctions- using american economic power to stop military tyrants from dominating Europe and threatening America, and we should use them we should also be. Providing lethal the defensive weapons to Ukraine. Ukraine works to defend themselves, but right She's got a lot better, weaponry, a lot better equipment that that,
Ukraine does in Ukraine. I went and visited Ukraine back and into fourteen and and and went to the Maiden square, where were you had protesters were being shot in the square when they were standing up and in the people of crane wanna be allied with America? They want to be allied with the west. They want to be allied with Europe, they don't wanna be subject to two Putin Russia's domination and its in our interest for them to be an ally, and so, but you know what Joe Biden and the Democrats cancelled the sale of So defensive military equipment to Ukraine so they're, not even helping the Ukrainians defend themselves, If Biden doesn't change course, I think it is. The odds are high. Within ninety days, Russia have invaded and, and sadly, in all likelihood conquered. You could
and and and taken a major step towards reassembling the Soviet Union, because Joe by is too weak to stand up to boot. It is astounding this is a scam, Prospect. Obviously, but it's very important and people should bookmark this up so, if your listening to abuse what you're saying is right now, it's not too late June. Biden care. I say: well, what's he daisy? There was nothing I could do. It is not too late. There actually concrete measures. He could take right now. They could stop this. That could prevent this this now. step in Russia's imperial ambitions, as usual, of course we're running late, but I do have to get to one story before we get to the mailbag. It's on the very same point of not too late there, we can do right now to maintain our way of life and protect projector. comes in our rights there was a move by Democrats and unfortunately, some Republicans I saw went along with this during the debate for the National Defence Authorization ACT that would draft women that would directed at would cry
this this system, where women could be drafted potentially to go, die overseas. We touched on it when this was being debated on the show I just this role reaction to it. I thought this is so does gusting. This is so backwards. What what kind of a country in America is bathed basic, safe, basically wealthy, basically secure and we're going to drag our daughters and send them season draft. I thought what reasonable and could ever get behind this, but it looked like it was a done deal and then just in the past few days you and some of your colleagues sponsor, I was sponsored and amendment to rip this out of Andy eight, and that appears to be successful. Well, look that's exact, right and it's it's for over a decade, there's been this effort to try to make. Girls and women, subject to the draft subject to two being forced into the military against their wishes and
it is driven by the Democrats. The Democrats emphatically want to be able to draft our daughters and Sadly, there a bunch of compliant republicans that are scared to stand up to it. They think o Well, if I say we shouldn't draft our daughter, somehow I dont like women what utter garbage listen. I've got two daughters. If, if my girls want to serve the military God bless them. I will encourage them. I will cheer them on. That is the choice that is, under them. If they decide they want to serve in that capacity. Bravo that's their choice, but there's a difference between opening up our military, we ve men and women who serve honourably voluntarily and forcibly can scripting a woman and putting her in her was way when there are real biological differences between men and women and an end to to force
Women in the military in the combat against their wishes is putting them at at at real risk, are some women that are bad asses. Are there some women that that could whip your boy? her whip, my but sure, but but probably not every woman, I am confident Michael. There is at least some woman who you can beat arm wrestling. I hope so I appreciate your confidence in me. Senator I'm not a totally sure, but I thank you for the complex I'm with you. I've got believe in you on that, but This battle, and I gotta say it- was really lookin, looking bad that that that the Democrats were ramming this through that that half of the Republicans worse rendering on this and there's a long history. On this issue, I tell you: I've been fighting against this war for nine years. And on the Senate Armed Services Committee. You know one of the biggest proponents of drafting our daughters was John Mccain,
John Mccain love the idea and he was chairman of the Centre Armed Services Committee? I was on the ARM Services Committee and I would battle him I'd. arguing yell and Mccain would cause that you mean he was he added emperor, and he would yell and curse and weak. We had some epic battles. I seem to recall he said some, not not very polite things about you on on occasion. Every now and again he called me a wacko bird. I thought that was a particularly nice. In fact, I had some activists who gave me a baseball cap with echo bird written not in a picture of a daffy doc but so So what would happen every year in the Senate Armed Services Committee as he would fight for it ram it through? He would get enough Republicans to go along with the Democrats that he would succeed in that, but I will work with conservatives in the house and we pull it out and so
one, those battles year after year after year, much to his volcanic rage. He was furious about it, so that there is an interesting story on this. Michael so beginning a twenty seventeen Donald Trump the new president. He nominates to be the General Council of the art Many, a guy named Ryan Newman, now Ryan, the great guy he had been. He was my chief council in the Senate. Ryan was a west point. Graduate served in the army was captain the Army Ryan or on the U S Supreme Court for jobs, The Lido Ryan was a student, a mine at the University of Texas LAW school. So when I was teaching Supreme Court litigation, he was one of my very best students and so I was area enthusiastic when President Trump nominated Ryan to be the General Council of the army. So Ryan's hearing confirmation hearing is set the day before his hearing
Goes in to meet with the chairman of the Armed services, Kobay John Mccain. And he sits down and in Mccain's office and an Mccain asks him says, Ryan. What are your views on drafting women. an end Ryan gave exactly the right answer for a lawyer nominated that job, and he says senator that that is a policy decision for Congress to make Congresses elected to make that policy decision. If I was confirmed as General Council of the army I would imply Whatever policy decision Congress made, which is exactly the right answer, looks out of it goes both jet I want your personal views and Ryan says. Well, sir. Personally, I think it's a bad idea. Mccain, looks at Missus get the hell out of my office. Throw
out of his off while souls his hearing the next day and for the next couple of Mccain refused to have a hearing with them and ultimately the a white house drew the nomination. and they named him. Instead, Deputy General Council of the Department of Defense, which doesn't require confirmation, so Mccain was so pissed off about fact that I had been leading the fight for years against his efforts to do, after our daughters that he too, PETE owed and incredibly COS five guys nomination to be generally also the army, because he was mad at him Any was really mad at me, and I gotta say you know. John Mccain was an incredible war, hero, but he may be rolling over his grey, because once again we beaten the efforts of the bad guy to try to draft our daughters enforcement to combat that is great.
Stuff. You know I'm sure, having professor crews on the old cv may not have helped your friend very nice, his meeting with Senator Mccain, but but this is It is really great stuff and I didn't that I didn't realize that Mccain had been pushing so hard for that there are a number of Republicans who were pushing for it a frankly I and disqualifying, I just I I've I've felt if you are of the view that we should forcibly draft America's daughters, you just don't get it there's just something has gone wrong in your political vision. I did not think that we were going to be able to get it out this time. I thought that the Democrats had succeeded, and so seriously I mean this. I hate I to give a sincere compliments on the show but great stuff just kudos you great stuff. I am so glad that you and some of your colleagues were able to pull this out and do the right thing. Absent really wonderful. Should we bring this? This is too nice. I feel I feel awkward being this nice. Shall we bring lives back
absolutely nobody mailbag before we go by the waste, is speaking of someone who could beat both of US arm wrestling less well we'll have to. I want to say that at least for episode, one hundred we can. We can pull that out in episode. Ninety eight, but Michael, you might have taken Unifil awkward for just another. Second, because I do have to echo what you were saying: Senator crews. On behalf of my daughter, I thank you for fighting this fight, right thing to do, and it's a politically incorrect fight in this era of critical gender theory, that the left is trying to force on all of our children. But but I sincerely I sincerely thank you for fighting this fight on behalf of America's daughter and my own daughter. That being said, we have great questions from our verdict, plus community tonight, from our subscribers run, verdict plus and anybody who is not already a subscriber verdict. Plus we have a great deal between now and Christmas. You can become an end subscriber for the very low, very cheap amounted, why fifty six
it's here. This is basically the cheapest way. You'll never see it. So please join us over there. If you want exclusive access to the Senator two people to ask questions to me, will enter the senator on on these episodes, so senator crews. The first question is, of course, from for you from Flow Brenton. This is pretty missing one. She says I love verdict, but now. Nancy policy is abusing her position with her January sixth soviet style commission. The deal J is at her back, call. I cannot enjoy the entertainment, a verdict flow says. While our constitution has been torn to shreds and not a single republican congressmen or senator stepping up to the plate to protect us, this is disgraceful it's time to take care of business, so senator crews. My question is: how do you addressed this anger? That's not just felt by well but by the american people, regarding how the Democrats are hindering handling the January six commission. Well, listen flows, exactly right that Woodness Pelosi and the Democrats you're doing.
the share- maybe it is a political kangaroo court it. This is a commission set up in Congress, that is all Democrats. and then, when, when Kevin Mccarthy, the leader of our Republicans named some Republicans to it, Nancy policies had no, you can't have the Republicans you want and so sheep she put less choice. and Adam Kinsey on there instead which, when you huh? have a democratic speaker, picking who she wants. Let me tell you, the conclusions are already decided. This is a political operation, the conclude regions are that every republic in America is a terrorist and the only hope for America's for Democrats girul us. as our benevolent dictator for the next thousand years. That's the conclusion.
The Nancy Pelosi January exclamation. That is designed to be the conclusion. It is the purpose of the show trial and it is consistent with the abuse of power we ve seen from the Democrats it you know, I will say: flows. Question talked about the Department of Justice in their abuse of power. And you are right that this is an incredibly political department of Justice. I and tell you that that I fervently I, for one, am doing ever thing humanly possible to try to hold Deo J to account to hold the attorney general due account too shine a light on their abuse of power. Shine a light on on their partisan and political witch hunts and and persecution of people for their their political views, including free speech, whether ready targeting parents forego school boards and speaking out or targeting people January six through engaged in peaceful protest that is protected by the costs violence is not if someone
aged inviolate on January, sixth or any other day of the year. If you violently assault a police officer, I don't care. Your politics or right wing or left wing care where you fall. If you in age and violent, you should be prosecuted, but the Democratic ethnically using those that did engage and violence as an excuse. Targeting go after the political speech millions of Americans. They just happen Edition we with it. It is a total abuse of power, and I agree we need to do everything we can to hold them again. It is disappointing to I think, to see you know. The Republicans. China in Kansas are acting like Democrats when they have a responsibility to their constituents and to the american people To make sure that the deal J isn't abusing their power, but they're they're not living up to that responsibility. So the next question is from our tried True friend, here on verdict. This is real truth cactus. She asked what happened at the school in Michigan was terrible,
I do think on a legal level. It is strange that their pursuing charges against the parents she asked has this ever been done before do you think it will set a legal precedent to press charges against the parents of children who commit violent acts? Well, it's it's a good question and and- and we don't know all of the facts of what happened- there was a horrific school shooting of of yet another troubled teenage boy who took a gun school and an open fired on his classmates and we ve seen far too many of those horrifically across the I'm sorry I've seen too many of those in the state of Texas I, but was at Santa Fe High School, just outside of Houston on on the morning of that horrific shooting in Santa Fe High School less than an hour from my house, so I their within minutes after the shooting at an end, it was means. One of the worst things I've ever seen in my life. We ve seen far too many of these, whether the parents,
and should be held to account depends on the facts and circumstances of what happened in it, It depends on what the state law is. My their standing is in this circumstance that the parents had had. Just the firearms had kept them in in on unlocked, draw, I believe where, where the their teenage sun could access them, and it also appears from some of the back and forth parents had good reason to know, or at least very seriously suspect that this was a deeply troubled child who well, be a danger to others, and and if those are the facts, I think There are a lot of states, Michigan and others were. Parents could be held liable leave if, if you, you know begun odor, but I keep I could keep. firearms locked up, because I don't want our our kids accessing. Are our firearms and I think responsible, gun owners that that day
What we do is we we don't want to see children, particularly young children, playing with fire having an accidental shooting lots, a bad thing. it happened when kids have have access and unrestricted access to guns, all the or so, depending on the facts of what the parents knew about this son and I in it if there were. From the early discussions, the text that we're going back and forth between the shooter is mom. It certainly seems like the parents new. this was a very unstable and very dangerous kid, an ant, I would say that that a fairly long standing principle, certainly of civil liability, but even of criminal liability If you are right Leslie allowing firearms to fall into the hands of a child. Under your key. Air who you have reason to know as a danger to others,
The senator that answer was absolutely outrageous, because you have violated the rule of modern political discourse. You didn't make it completely reductive and simplistic and so I think what everyone is expecting as you need someone to say, absolutely one hundred percent ban, all guns repeal the second amendment. RO. Anyone who owns a gun in the clink or You know you can do whatever you want with your gun and you can leave to a twenty rifles on the roof of your home and with big signs that say, come take this rifle writer, but of course not, Hey there is such a thing as prudence. and our liberties require that we exercise them with prudence in sight. They, I think, that's terrific, waited view at it's obviously it's going to change state by state and political activists are going. to exploit these events is often they do to test or whenever ideological point they have, but but what much more interesting than those shallow ideological points are the details are the facts and the questions of of prudence.
Right because the mother and the mother allegedly texts that are son, don't do it issued ass soon ass. She heard it on the news, the Father reportedly on called called the police and reported that gun was missing. You said he suspected that it was his son that was shooting, so these parents had some awareness. It also showed sparked the conversation not just about the laws that are currently on the books, but how should this be handled if pair, are aware of this or they culpable, should they be liable? What should what should the laws? That's a policy discussion that politicians should have as well as talking about the diversionary, the diversionary policies that some of these schools have implemented when they see red flags students, including violent drawings and violent comments, and how they handle that outside of the criminal justice system. No look, I think, that's exert. Right. In the end, you look at some of these shootings. You look at the shooting in parkland in Florida, and there were all sorts of warning signs that shooter and by the way one one thing is a consistent policy matter. I do, I will not say the names of any these shooters, these evil bastards who commit mass murder
they want their names to go down and infamy, and I very consciously will never repeat their names because I'm not interested in giving them that infamy. But the parkland shooter. There were multiple interactions with law. Foresman and unless you pointed out a policy that politicians have put in place that when you have people that engage in acts of violence and threats against fellow students and the schools covered up in schools, don't reported to law enforcement schools. Don't treat It seriously it has the potential of escalating and and putting the lives of other students said at real risk right and not always start now. certainly be interesting to watch unfold. In the case, what happened in Michigan, because the student apparently had had had been called into the office for making violent comments in the school told us let's get him counselling. Now we don't know all the details of whether that should have been escalated to law enforcement, that there were certainly those red flags senator. The next question is for
Brand Brent asks about a video that has gotten quite a bit of it. shame online. It's of constant Dan Crenshaw, throwing shade at the Freedom caucus like This is made the rounds interesting comments from congressmen Crenshaw here. What is Europe? What is your stance on this video on the comments from congressman? Listen, I've seen the video, I don't agree with what then had to say I like dad, I like and personally I think, he's he's talented. I'm certainly grateful for his his service to our nation. He be lost an eye defending the nation I am grateful for that many a charismatic eyes, these get a sense of humor he's got some some verve unease were willing to fight all of those are good things You know in this video he's is singing the praises of Adam Kensington or any scrapping all over the freedom caucus I'd. I think that's pretty misguided I think insecure has gone completely off the rails.
There is a reason that he's not running for reelection, Haskins, you're couldn't get reelected and, and I think the freedom caucus they are consistently the strongest conservatives in Congress, and you know it it's that there is a particular contempt that that that some congressional moderates have four four conservatives who actually follow through on their promises, and yet I was interesting. I think, though, that the phrase that the Danube He said well, there are performance politicians and there are legislators. It is always a problem whenever you see someone use a word like legislate toward their voice, always drops it opted for. I don't know why, but it's much more serious when it's a legislator, what they mean as someone who's going to cut a bunch of deals with Democrats and give in what they mean are the right kind of Republican. Who voted with the Democrats on the big infrastructure. Building just came in that's what they mean and actually the other
phrase you didn't use it, but I've got a surprised. He didn't the other phrase that that that you see congressional Maudesley to use, as they say there are war courses and show horses and what's a show horse, a show horses, anyone who actually does what they promised their constituents. They would do as compared to the workhorses who suffer. To the Democrats and deal with the Democrats want him to do and look I Yes, it is easy, sometimes for people to fall into that rhetoric Dan was wrong in this new there's. Also an easy trap that, on fortunately, some I know number. My conservatives of conservative friends have fallen into which is essential This is true in DC use you start to to believe, the things that you here everyone talking about, and so, if, if you hear constantly This change is this great Republican later were Adam Cleansing or even more ridiculous.
You hear it enough in your surrounded by you, you kind of start to believe that ITALY, some people do, and I just think that as you said, the senator relet little earlier on a short time in the January sixth committing the purpose of Cheney and Adam Kensington in Congress right now is to do what Democrats want them to do. They might have an aura next to their name, but their actual utility at the crucial. it is to act as the sort of court gestures in the kingdom of liberal That's, why don't go on CNN? They won't generally go on that conservative channels, and so in it it's you talk about a performance, We're seeing talk about show body that that to me is the most tackle or sensationalist performance. of them all- and you can see it on cnn- and we, when you look at the Republicans or constantly on CNN bashing, other Republicans that to me. Those are the real, the real
for well and then their their purposes is even more than that it to be a beard it it's to cover up. What's going on, this is a Kangaroo court. And and they're there, because they have an hour after their name and an end. Its to dress up something it is not so So that it has some modicum of credibility and Endless and the reality of it is going to be Kenzie girl is not running for reelection election. He couldn't get reelected. I think Liz Cheney is extremely likely to be beaten in her primary because she has basically told Rep applicants and conservatives in the state of Wyoming piss off an ant, think in a little over a year both of them. we'll be regular contributors on a msnbc, and so there auditioning for MSNBC right now and in an that's, that's not exactly that That is not exactly worthy of dropping your voices. Ah,
who are your voice to octaves in calling them great legislators as a result this is the feeling you have it's like. We when you see a friend of yours, making any kind of decision that you don't think it's a great one. You say no Dan get away from Kensington. Don't don't do it? Don't don't don't believe the lies, because we're we're telling the truth and lies generally find that when I turn into CNN I'm seeing a lot of lies and when I turn into CNN, I tend to see a lot of Adam cans. You know what you're not saying when you didn't CNN Chris Cuomo up Stu soon Sandra soon by bow legged net. So right is also the only reason that I'm the only reason I'm grateful for videos like this is because it shows us as the voters, the true character of the people who are supposed to represent us, so it better informed our votes. So I'm disappointed in what Crenshaw set, of course, but it does. It does show us a little bit of his decision making process or his job
meant and for better or for worse. We do need to know that the voters on that note, if there is any body on a college campus across the country who wants to bring verdict with TED crews, the senator with Michael Knolls onto their campus, this coming spring familiar application by December fifteen's. You can apply at why a f dot org, slash verdict. That is why I am dot org slush verdict to bring verdict live too your college, canvas it's a great old time December. Fifteenth is the deadline, also cement those applications very very soon and excellent. Thank you lose and senator. I am so glad that you to the most delightful news story where there is a lot, a heavy news stories today. You know talking about. What's going in Russia had there been a little bit of hope. There is still time, may be to stop things if, by will stand up and do at the wines that we ve had where we're pulling so our conservative friends back from the precipice, but the most delightful story is that the House of Cuomo his foot,
when it so it so. You know it reminds us, there's always a little silver lining in the storm clouds of politics. But Michael, I will note one of my favorite words. Foreign words is schadenfreude. The german word for it for taking pleasure in the suffering of others and analysed, said yes, perhaps say a light tweak to that, which is, let us revel in shadow Fredo too, king, joy and suffering of afraid, o Cuomo Thee Trouble younger brother, who I believe Was last seen in a row boat on Lake Tahoe, saying Hale, Mary Ann he is on CNN, no more a legislator. A basketball, champion. And a linguist, is well sender. Thank you very much on Michael knows, this is verdict with TED groups.
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Transcript generated on 2021-12-10.