« Verdict with Ted Cruz

Ep. 87 - Biden’s Bullsh*t


Our enemies are emboldened. Our allies are dispirited. And Americans? We’re horrified. Joe Biden now owns the worst foreign policy catastrophe in a generation, and Senator Ted Cruz and Michael Knowles are here to break down the shocking decisions that an overly political Biden White House has made over the last month, the deadly consequences that followed, and the fallout that is still yet to come. Plus, the Senator and Michael share never-before-heard personal stories in the wake of the anniversary of 9/11. Also in this episode: Biden’s COVID vaccine mandate, Gavin Newsom vs. Larry Elder, #FreeBritney, and, of course, AOC’s Met Gala getup.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
President Biden and by the administration have presided over the worst foreign policy catastrophe in a generation. America across the nation are horrified, are service. Men and women are active duty. Military are angry disillusioned, and their frustrated our enemies the globe are emboldened, which makes the world more dangerous day for America and our allies are dispirited ever since that faster began unfolding in Afghanistan, we ve seen the Bite administration, making political excuses. We ve seen Democrats on this committee, explaining at great length how everything that happened in Afghanistan is trumpets fault. It's all transport, Mr Secretary Joe Biden as the President of the United States,
will a Harris as the vice president of the United States. You are the United States Secretary of State, just like Jimmy Carter, owns the disaster of the ran hostage crisis. You own. This welcome back to verdict with TED crews. I am Michael Knolls Joy by Senator crews senator I am wrong glad that I am not on the losing end of a hearing from you, I almost felt bad for Secretary of State Antony Blinkin xx. apt listening to what you said to him: It just seems that they totally balloon Well, they did, and unfortunately there not doing any better it, it's one thing to screw it up and then say: ok, let's go fix our mistakes, but they're not changing what they're doing me right now.
The binding ministrations focuses all political they're just trying to spin it. So there talking point and you saw democratic senators. Echoing that in that hearing, is that it's all trumps fault. It's all transformed, it's all trumps fault, don't blame Biden at at one point: but then HOLLAND, the Democrat from Maryland, suggests did we hold hearings on George W Bush? it wasn't even just trumps fall. Its bushes Obama's volume goes all the way back. It skipped Obama. Just altogether went back, it is really screwed up when the only thing there focused honest politics at and I will say later in that cross examination that, There were two things blinkered admitted to. There were really important. Number one. There had been media reports that divided menace, Duration and given the Taliban, a list of Americans and list of Afghans that they wanted to let out the administration, it never confirmed, and so I asked-
Lincoln flat out. Did you give the militia? and he hemmed in haughty had one answer that, but finally, in it two or three times gone back added. He finally said: yes, we gave them. Last. I asked him how many he did know how many a gave them said. Fowls is it? No, not thousands. Hundreds will maybe hundreds so we don't know the odd as a follow up question now is: ok. You gave the day the Taliban, a list of Americans and a live Dr Afghanis that you wanted out: what's happened to them, many of them escape tat many of them have been hunted down for torture or more. that that is a serious, follow up the deeds to have, because the argument for the list for giving the Taliban the list was here are the people that the two
a ban. You have to let out of the country and you better fulfil your promises. Just like you always do and you better play nice the way that normal people, I think her interpreting this is you gave them a kill less. You gave them a list of people to target. So what's going on with that in the thing to understand is: is this entire Biden Circle it? It's like a university faculty, lounge, theirs fundamentally naive. They thinks the Taliban want to be welcomed at a Georgetown cocktail party. They think they care what the union nations thinks about them, and then there they fundamentally it it's an ideological extremism, but also this this deep naivete. That and incompetence is what led to the disaster in Afghanistan but a second thing blinkin confirms the first time the administration has done this. Is that so they screwed up the evacuation and multiple fronts. They gave away bog
by the way, giving away the Bugger Merrifield will be taught a hundred years from now and war college, among the great strategic blunders can only to starting a land, worn Asia. No wait. They did that. I'm sorry, I can't resist the prince. I readily at least they haven't gone up the Sicilian when death is on the line yet yet I think you have some sicilian blood, don't I only a towel gases that are in the boot and not not off the Tipp of the bullet, or did you have to say I do in fact I sit by. I don't I don't like to admit this on air or you know, but but you know we're joking about the princess bride. They have made every classic blunder, Its massive and the second big Admission Lincoln had was they brought ten of thousands Afghanis here. That is terrible betting. They don't know the background of who it is so they didn't get the right. But they didn't actually evacuate the Americans. hundreds of american still there, but is this
time. They scooped up tens of thousands of Afghanis without letting them and among them, or are some significant number of adult man with children little girls that they claimed where their wives, that were child bride. So this this seems like- and I say this as a conservative- talk radio host. This seems like this. Sensation was story than it seems like a fool canoes on the internet, but we're not getting confirmation that this is actually happen. Well and clear confirmation, as the Secretary of State under oath told us, Foreign Relations Committee. Yes, we have had adult afghani men come with little girls and say there were their wives and what he also testified do so we confirm that any off confirm that in some instances they ve had to separate them. In other words, you have girls being sexually assaulted by grown man and the Biden administration after trafficking, those children in supper, to them. I asked him how many he didn't know
he said only a handful, how many a handful the state Department had formerly requested, may use this word urgent guidance about what to do with these grown men with little girls who saying that their wives, ah the department. Homeland security agenda by the administration said that it was a product of desperation and in what's terrifying, as is their Afghanis Arms who presumably have a little girl who I dont know what age were talking, whether its fourteen or twelve or ten, there so desperate to get their daughter out of the country that that that they may well have just been handing their daughters over grown men and in The disturbing things is, is the poor, manages and Afghanistan of child rights, A massive number of children are married in Afghanistan and domestic violence. World health organization puts the rate of domestic violence enough
understand at ninety percent. Nine. Zero either an accepted norms and by bringing tens of thousands of evacuees into the United States. no vetting we're bringing that child abuse and that domestic violence that crisis The binding administration is importing while at the same time abandoning Americans behind it is what we were told us. The Afghans we're coming here: they're they're, all the good guys and the ones were leaving their. Those are all the bad guys now you're saying among the so called good guys who we were told be that as they were invented. Some people have come here actually have already been convicted of crimes in the United States before they then came here because there were deported another comebacks that we were they wouldn't leave any Americans behind. They did leave Americans behind its and were only showing that this is one area of policy. It's a complete blunder. So my question beyond all of that, this dark comedy of errors is who takes responsibility. Blinkin would not!
Responsibility Biden doesn't seem to be taking responsibility. Most people don't think, binds even calling the shots because they don't think he knows what is up pardon my disrespect, so running the show. Over there. The White House is running the show and end the political operatives. There are running the show what what really drove yet. I had a lot of people. Ask me: why would they with a sucks so bad? I meet him in at the end of the day. Why would this be such a disaster? And if you look at the evacuation to use a math concept wait a second. I was told it to be. No man, I'm a little nervous here about their evacuation, was both under inclusive and over inclusive. It was under inclusive They didn't prioritize. Getting the Americans out and they didn't keep back I'm a secure airfield that would have kept our service men and women safe and allow us to get the Americans out. They all so left thousands of legal, permanent residence green card holders,
still stuck behind enemy, enemy lines and also probably tens of thousands of Afghanis who assisted us. So they were under inclusive, because when they just took often lack did everything went to hell yeah. They had no plan for getting the people but they were also over inclusive because in stead of prioritizing the Americans. They just started grabbing peopling tens of thousands bringing them here and so on Two weeks ago I was at Fort Bless. Fort blesses is right. Outside El Paso, El Paso De Mexico, on on the western Tippit, Texas and Fort Bliss, is where one of the places where their housing a number these evacuees. And I did a helicopter tour of Fort Bliss went up with the commanding general an end. It they're putting them in what were troop barracks and so their barracks that they used to train troops.
deployment and they were erecting these massive tent building, these giant white tense. That has held up two hundred people each and they were just erecting them to build the capacity to hold up to ten thousand DE vacuous, and so I'm in the helicopter more circling around. I asked the commanding general. I say: well, what kind of vetting are you doing of of the folks here and he says no we're not doing anybody, they're doing the betting in country. So counting on it in Afghanistan in Afghan Stan and and mind you. This is while planes taking off from Kabul and an Afghanis are hanging to the wheels and falling potentially to their death. vetting is half ass. I said, will watch security. Is there The general looks at me like that: there's no security, there's no perimeter, there's no fancied. He said this is not a detention facility
he said we have no authority to detain any book, just walk out once they and here he said any them can leave any time they want. The time it was only a few days in into two the evacuees coming. They were having play means land every couple of hours. He at the time he set about thirty five. Thirty six of them had left already one literally called an goober and hadn. Get an Ober from the camp to downtown El Paso no idea where he was, and my Nobody knows so. Everyone assumes the camps where the evacuees are taken. Are secure, facade, That is wrong, they're wide open and they are free to go anywhere. They want And by the administration, apparently doesn't care if these are adult men, little girls who they are sexually assaulting. The vetting is so half ass that there is a very real risk that that if even one or two jihadists or in the mix that we could see a suicide bomb lie.
we saw in Afghanistan, but but an american mauler restaurant if their. If they're letting people hop on these planes who have been convicted of crimes in the United States, Surely the wedding is not top notch and it's not as though there only going to four bless they're going all around the country. What what sort of numbers are we talking of its Fort Mccoy witches in Wisconsin is where they ve had where the State Department asked for quote urgent guidance on what to do with it a man with little girls who they said. Oh this is my wife. And the state Department folks were deeply concerned. I was dismayed blinking seem to know next to nothing about it. He acknowledged it was a bit it existed, but he had sense of urgency that weight, why are we participate? exploding little girls and an you ass to the decision. Making is the weird thing about this process. I dont think state was the decision maker. I don't think defense was the decision maker. I think it was the political operatives at the
how soon- and I think to things drove at number one Joe Biden and is political team wanted him to give a speech of September, eleventh twentyth anniversary, I triumphant speech Nobody else could end the war. I ended the war, I am the great liberal hope and that political mandate trumped everything else. So when things started to go to They did not take as they had a political mandate, so we had over the last month with multiple conference calls with the Secretary of state and sectarian offence, the term of the joint chiefs. And at one point was that, with all the senators and in at one point a number of us were asking but were asking, for example, Secretary Austin. sure, defence general? Merely the chairman and joint cheese, said look who advised abandoning Americans behind enemy law at the answer was well, we didn't
oh, who the Americans were? We didn't know where they were so we did know how to get about. So there was no plan to do that, not a great excuse and when, when they were asked, will why did you abandoned bog room? The answer was the order from the White House too, were the troop count to drop it below twenty five hundred and would merely set, as he said, look we had a choice. We didn't, have enough soldiers To maintain bog room and keep security at the embassy and Sicily to keep the embassy. We had no choice but abandoned ballroom we ve been ordered, lowered, lower the troop count below the numbers necessary to maintain it. So that's what drove They're leaving it was an arbitrary political mandate, looks abiden White House. they're, so astonished that their being held to account for this their use to the press, look Joe Biden is used to questions like what your favorite kind of ice
chocolate chip is that I don't even a dancer tonight. Aside showed so pissed at the question I did. I did not really care what the answer is, but these guys, I will say it's it's oddly enough and advantage being a Republican in that year. use to everything you do being attack from every direction from the press that that before do something you try to think through it in and how am I gonna get hit for this? What I was just gonna play, I think these guys are so complacent that that whatever crap their shovelling, the press will happily shovel it just didn't have anything resembling any competence. They had a political objective move on. I could not figure out. I could not, for the life of me figure out why they abandoned Barbara. I thought I understand why they're still going through with this, I understand why they make a deal with the Taliban, Why they're not even reacting to the terrorist attack by some? Why Why do you leave bog room before the evacuation, but it of course makes sense if the top line or
is you need to reduce the number of troops and then you send the right? Well, ok, but with this we already only have twenty five hundred troops. If you reduce anymore, we have to make a decision We hold the embassy to behold the airfield and they give up there in the pitiful thing. Is it There's nobody and our military pushed back and said what the hell are you doing a band a secure airfield before the. accusation. I mean it is on the marriage truly indefensible bugger, but just have one airstrip it s too to world. asked runways it as a secure perimeter and and think about you know we had horrific suicide bombing murder thirteen servicemen and women. Yesterday I gave tribute to land Corporal David Espinosa, Texan from Laredo Texas, lose one of one of the thirteen kill is twenty years old. He was just barely out of his teenage years. He didn't have to die.
Thirteen service, men and women, they didn't have to die and if the evacuation had been bog room, The odds are really significant that they wouldn't have died, because it was built withstand terrorist attack. Unlike the cobbler right, the cobbler colchicum, shall airport the middle of a dense urban environment. It tragically invited the kind terrorist attack that took their lives and- and this was a political and eight from the White House, combined with the military, wouldn't pressed back at all. It appears that the joint Chiefs didn't pressed back the Secretary defence, didn't pressed back and one of the interest, Things the Biden Geyser, are spending a lot of time floating well. The screw ups are all Austrians followed and millions folded. It's pretty clear. This is before the Milly bombshell of this week, but at sea clear to me that they are trying to set up for,
the defence secretary, the chairman of the Joint chiefs, to to quit or be fired as the scapegoats, because I think the Bide administration, their priority is pretty, Lincoln and, more importantly, protect bide, will protect Camilla and protect the political problems in the White House who are, of course, the decision makers. Doing so I want to get into the top operative at the White House. Right now run claim the chief of staff because shifting gears from the foreign side of things onto the domestic The White House is also just push this massive vaccine man. Something is said they weren't going do binds it and do a gamble: ass, a doktor fetch. You said they wouldn't do now now pushing up the chief of Staff RON playing. seems to have made an admission about the This mandate that rolling out that could comment eyes, the legality of what they're trying to do well, that's exactly right and it's it's the dangers of twitter. So we vote
fallen prey advised that there's some wait. I've sent that my team is yelled at any. Normally a smart aleck comment or something that that seem to make sense of the mountains, but but but never admission that your butt. making the law potentially violating constitution. Well an end. Let stepped back for second again give a little context number one reason I think they rolled out the vaccine mandate was to change the subject on afghan agri. They're getting killed in Afghanistan was the first issue were Democrats were attacking them and even more so the press was coming When their most passionate groupies and by that I mean CNN and MSNBC, and all the network of earth junior doctors were gone, after them, Afghanistan. That was a real problem by rolling. The vaccine mandate, all of the press fell back in line, they all came to their standard, talking points, hooray, hooray mandate, vaccines and it drove
Rove Afghanistan offer the front page. I think that was the political desire. What Biden did is is, I believe, blatantly unlawful, so there several things, there's one a an executive order for federal employees and for federal count, actors that has arguable legality. You ve got more authority over federal employees, so so he's got more of a hook to claim the power to do, shouldn't have done an abuse of power, but there is at least on arguable legal hook for that but he also rolled out an order for. Ray Company in America with a hundred or more employees and any did it through OSHA. Can I ask a stupid question? What is ocean it is the Occupational Safety Hazard Administration, and so it it makes work ace rules and regulations for injuries at work, and they
rolled it out under under a standard that that that is called an emergency temporary standard on Gimme a little bit of the kind of legal background on it. So the two, asked for an emergency. Temporary stand is called me. Ts is employees are exposed to quote grave danger from Ex, measure to substantive substances. Are agents are supposed to be like asbestos, those kinds of things determined to be toxic or physically harmful or from new hazards and that the emergency standard is necessary to protect employees from such danger. So that's what they have to prove its a high standard It also could only be in effect for six months after sir months. They have to have a formal ruled that goes through noted and rule making in all of the requirements for formal rules by the oh sure, the average time
for a formal rule. How long you think it takes I really have. I have no frame reference. Ninety three months so might actually is three days, the ninety Almeria months, nearly eight years is there s it's time for a formal role. So the eighty asked emergency temporary standard is a six month window. It can be challenged once goes into effect. Ah, anyone affected by it can channel it and you challenge it immediately in the court of appeal see skip the district court it's a week, because it's an emergency standard to go straight to the court of appeals. So anyone across country affected by this It violates a challenge in the court of appeals. The court of appeals can stay it with me in order that the rule not go into effect. If their multiple court of appeals, which there most certainly will. Then it goes into a mole
he jurisdictional panel, that decides which court of appeals will hear the cat and you know how they figured out at this point. I think there ass lots or something does exactly that update. They draw it out of a drug, stop it so the state you'd says you put a piece of paper, you put something inside of a drum and then, reach it and pull out. Ok, you're in the fourth circuit congratulate window. They burn the tv study it. We're at the statute specifies all the while I want to be sure the audience that was not a set up. I actually did not so they their basically literally casting lots to figure out which court it Ngos to end they can go up to the Supreme Court Hogan. So. Oh sure, very rarely uses the city s authority, They have issue
daddy ts, nine times out of the nine five of them were either fully vacated or stayed or or partially vacated restate for them were fully vacated or stayed. One was partially vacated or stay okay, so more than half of them. So they don't have a great record here on these things being upheld and ones that were upheld by the a couple of March, more challenged, so, of the nine, the one the ones that survive they weren't always shall write by the nine, the ones that survived all happened, were nineteen, eighteen and nineteen. Eighty, the legal standards changed and it became much tougher to promulgate Anita S, So that's what I'm gathering here is that this mandate, in the way that it was rolled out, is completely bogus there. that's a technical legal terms, and I don't appreciate you wiping out all my littler jargon: it's bullshit
another another technical legal terms. its face. It is but it's the really cynical part number one. They did it to change the subject to but number two. They know there's no legal basis they know they're gonna lose like the eviction mortar were the eviction moratorium, He d C decided no landlord America convict anyone. Fact, to do the CDC submitted Its- and this was that was during the Trump administration whatsoever. to show you how yes, the power in this country worse even under the republican administration, this Random administrative agency that has nothing to do with rentals and property, unelected bureaucrats swell and when it went to the Supreme Court Supreme Court. Six three said now: you can't do eviction. Moratoria should allow authority. For that dear the Centre for Disease Control, say things true. Here
So the Biden guys know that this is not going to survive the OSHA rules not going to survive, but here's the really cynical part they don't here, because their gambling that'll take months or even years for the litigation to resolve itself and in the in time. Ninety percent of more people will comply right and, in particular the big company so this really is the fortune five hundred guy. in bed and spooning with Joe by sheer saying the big companies like the man. They love it and at an look, if you're, a big company that you want a for sure employees to be vaccinated, but you don't want to get the blame cause. They're gonna be pissed off right. This is perfectly safe. you know the governments making us do what choice do we hands are tied, and so there are a lot of big come
is that are eager for this political cover and its cynical it's gonna force. There are people who are quitting their jobs, their people are gonna, be fired because they choose. not to get a vaccine, and you- and I have talked about I'm I'm someone who believes in vaccines. I've been vaccinate, my family's been vaccinated, but the Burma has no damn business. ordering. You were made to take this vaccine, particularly in experimental vaccine. We don't know the side effects of that. It ought to be a person, healthcare decision that you make with with your with your doktor, these guys data care. This is about power. And they're doing something they know is lawless. I guess my question about it is I entirely agree with that read on it, especially now knowing how this actually works out. My history, you know with with these challenges, but it said
unpopular than the vaccine it seems politically unpopular. Am I just in a bubble with right wing conservatives. I am, I suppose, that's a look. Yes- and now I mean I mean we just had the California recall tragically Newsome, is still there Now there was a brief shining moment where it looked like he might be knocked out an end listen. There are conservatives particular conservatism, California, who were demoralized right now I get that, but it's worth pause in reflecting a year ago. New sermon, Andrew Cuomo were on top of the world. Golden boys of american statecraft, the word Cuomo Sexual had been quote. A club point sends a shiver up my fine Cuomo it got any four and a half million dollar book deal. Now you and I
written Bach yeah. Never quite that sort of thing. I think the numbers worked out to fifty three dollars a book at that point it out just be, cash in a brown paper bag ass to him under the table, but they weren't look. People were talking about. Let's replace Biden Cuomo. They were bestriding the world like Colossus now quote, gone and new. Some just had the scarab lies. And, frankly, if you look at the polling numbers in California Newsome the question of whether we can get recalled or not was very, very close It was a referendum on Newsome the reason he ended up, winning and winning by big margin is. once Larry Elder became primary opposition choisya. What the Democrats did I'll as they attacked elder, and they made it. They made older Trump Junior
Then, on aid and explicitly they said this guy is praise gets worse than Trump actually splain. That is an african American he's, the face of widespread black letter of white supremacy, but but but they believe this nonsense, and so once it was. They shifted. It had made a referendum on Trump Young now, referendum on Newsome and Newsome ran on vaccine mandate. He did and in what brought them is you asked about it? I saw some exit pulling today that showed in California a plurality of a foreign, your voters, thought Newsome, was rules on on vaccines and covert were about right and a big chunk of them thought they weren't strict enough. Your your is is not so that's why I fled a land of freedom. All my access live in Texas, which is why I now hang latin tenancy. I bet you. I played that formula. the hurry at the very day we moved that's right. So look I
vaccine mandates are actually quite unpopular in most of America mean the idea that the government will force you to to inject something in your body, I mean that's a really extraordinary threshold and look one of them. I'm talking point: what about measles and school will measles men around a long time. We ve had vaccine A long time the risk in terms of kids. Getting vaccinated for those sorts of diseases are very dear and then. A new and experimental back see that I'm glad it was developed, but it was developed incredibly quickly There is obviously no long term data just hasn't been around it. So we're going to learn the pros and cons. Listen. I got to think so When I assess the pros and cons I just I did the pros outweighed the cons and an you know. Well, you know my parents, my mom got it. Amy at least she's. Eighty six, your father, my dad, argued
So my dad is eighty two. I love him. He is bull headed a month we argued- and he did not want to get this seen an and we went back and forth and my dad you ready. Move like like you're in the risk group I may have. There is a risky and he was staying home because a cobra like don't you want to get out and he's a preacher? Don't you want to preach? Don't you wanna see people he finally agreed to take it, but he got the Johnson and Johnson. One because it's a more traditional, Benghazi Raw, an end Was fine, you know that's. Actually he talked to Us Factory decided. Ok, he thought risk was led and fine, if he's freaked out about that prudential judgment and he's right that that's actually what a mature adult life, eyes to learn as much as you can and make a reasonable decision, and that's that's how it should happen, but the damage. by the way, as far as I know, as far as best I can tell every Senate Democrat is just fine,
with Biden mandating the vaccine of course, of course, is that it takes them. Just like you take the pressure off if they corporations take the pressure off of all of these Democrat politician, Now? We ve gone through a series of pretty difficult losses here, obviously, loss of american credibility overseas. Obviously the horrific laws, just in the literal loss involved in the withdrawal from Afghanistan, the loss on these vaccine mandates, at least in the short term. We you have to mention a victory, and this question came in a question that I would have. I would have brought up even if it hadn't comes from Jonathan, who said so dear senator crews and Mr Knolls De Brittany Spirit. Conservator ship appears to be coming to an end at our you responsible for freeing Brittany. Well, we'll see right when it happened. Young but listen, I mean you know straightforward cause and effect. We devoted a verdict, podcast
Brittany spears enter? The conservator ship, which was abuse, wrong and we stood up that free Brittany in and what do you know it's? It seems to be happy. I'm not saying that correlation is causation, gayer thought, but some people are some password Gower. Ok, yes, yes, that is, that is a bit of a victory lap and that's the right thing to happen right, it is the right thing and zero jokes aside. That is ready. You know look at her father. As I understand it, is asking not to be the conservator anymore. That is a very good step. It he's asking the conservative ship be dissolved and ended. That should have happened a long time ago. I hope the court follows through with it looked frankly it's another example. Arbitrary power in that instance, the California state courts. Again Democrats be using arbitrary power and the principle of individual liberty? It ought to be something that people, whether its, whether or not you shot your arm or not. Yet what does asian shoe, making your life whether someone can make decisions for you you're on
never wrong, starting with a base of individual liberty. Now, speaking of young women and erratic public public behaviour, EO seed, you showed up to the men, Ella YO, see the young self styled Social about Congresswoman from New York wearing a very nice stress, elegant, Leastways, elegant from the front. This is a thirty Five or six thousand dollar per ticket event filled with the richest, most famous most hoity twenty and class people in the world and on the back of her dress, it said tax, the rich are we on the brink of the revolution senator or that we finally get attacks. Those rich people, you know hypocrisy, is a beautiful thing. I actually would have respected it. More
it s the red? Go all the way you get. You now go, go full Jonathan, swift, light like it. It it be a modest proposal. Yes, it made clear what utter wrap it is that the left is selling yeah. It's a Thirty thousand dollar a plate dinner I've never been to a thirty thousand dollar. I lay waiting for my invitation, in a better level that just ain't my circle so she surrounded by gazillion, there's masters the universe by the way who were all lefty Democrats every one of them either she surrounded by rich Democrat Some are worrying masks. I should note with us a servant. The help is pretty protect the good rich people from their filthy germs and That really is the view of the left they make. The servants were mast and they did like Barack Obama is Birthday party. dancing away on the disco floor course. None of them have That's it in the Senate. these guys know this crap right behind closed,
or democratic senators, don't wear mass they pal around and then, when tea. cameras come by they put on Mass demi. Look at EO sees, though the arrogance she was on a live tv cameras was laughing away with no mass while perfectly happy mandating you where I'm at you know. I'm actually pleased to hear senator that your democrat colleagues know that this is all bunk bed behind closed doors, because it bothers me that liars and hypocrites, but I'm glad at least there not complete lunatics. When I watching the EO see I don't either not learn. Clumsy mecca may also be does not on a particular issue. When I was watching, Elsie show up there with tax the rich pretending to be this radical revolutionary. I had a similar reacting to suggest say: eat the rich, go all the way. What was so offensive to me was not even not even the hypocrisy but the the Valenti of it that that this woman, who is basically a tool of these Dick rackets of this ruling class. She pretend
to be the theme opposition and what people do understand is rich people, love, socialist? Yes, yes, that's what they fundamentally don't get the Democratic Party as the Party of the met ah, that's wrong, rich, trivial, frivolous Labourest Hollywood elites. And when you have socialism it never ever ever takes money out of the hands of the real rich of the generational, Rich John Kerry will keep flying his private jets. Of course to go. Give lectures on climate, of course. But what does when they say tat the rich. What they really mean is tat, someone who's making their money for the first time tax. The small business tax. The employers tax, the middle class in its work every socialist country, they have go to Europe
rough trials live a pretty good life. Socialist countries have rich people, they don't have new, rich people, so all the folks their say we got hours. So, let's the hell out of the next guys that are coming after us. I will say that I was particularly glad that her dress, they use the exact font from the chicks Like I'm wondering, if that's actually like times new robe calibre chick flat tax, the ridge and eat more chicken, yes- and I really was I did so. There is a mean that that has heard or drastically chick filet back, and I was tempted just a tweet out that picture along with two words: Spicy Chicken, I just thought they would then that the left- what did those are? One of those tweets that might make like staff would immediately caused art yelling at me, lay centre and tied down, but it It does show you where the real
revolutionaries are where the real subversion is. If, if you and I had been invited to that too, that met gala and we put on a very pretty rest of summer, maybe maybe a suitor something and on the back we said, Durham save the babies back, we said to salute the flag. We would sordid off the premises so fast. No one would take our picture not. Certainly no one would applaud us. The woman being presented as the great you know, some in the eye of the establishment. They gave her magazine, folders and round of applause. It such a force. You know the media did go a little crazy cost Joe Biden inauguration. I wore my mask with come and take it and ass. So that was it a small. I may didn't like. I data like greater demands, but but but you know it, it was it at a smaller way. I felt more tasteful
You know a little more understanding I re used by the way. Can I tell you and upside of of the mass idiocy please please do so on capital Hale? Is your walking down the hallways? Every democratic staffer wears a mask every democratic member, where some ask no republican staff. no republican? No, so member self, their self identifying you walk along and be like there's little them, there's little them and its. Like their whirring birkenau. They did that they're all lights, a secular caffeine, I think of it- and you know my my standard responses. Is they messed up because their master tight and delay the weakens ill dinner? That's right, maybe bad two or three or four: it. Isn't it Amazing symbols plain What role in politics and the mass is long since stopped being a medical instrument. At this point, it really is a just a political symbol: and you can imagine the press. It's the dams in the press, but Europe
Yours Andy. Now I think this perspective is very important, especially how is it that are still talking about Afghanistan? in twenty twenty one, it seems kind of crazy, and we would be remiss if we ended the show without pointing out we ve just have the twentieth anniversary of the September eleventh. Attacks- I remember, vividly was eleven years old. I was in the third grade. My might I'm sorry not their great Levison six great, but as in my third period, math ass. I remember exactly where I wasn't. I got the news my mother was in the city. She was in midtown, so she wasn't related. They send you home from school or what they do. They did. They kept us it's what they know. What to do. A lot of kids had parents not only worked city, but who worked whilst reader and the trades some experienced in come home. Why? My my got off the train at two hundred twenty fifth street, the Harlem and cause. She bade heard that there was a problem, and maybe the trains shut down in sheet. She just sat there looking at smoking and then doing good
all the way down in an island she saw them the buildings collapse just a little tiny. Just a little. And this and so and she got on, but one of the last runs out of the city came back up and people covered in Saddam is really. I thought I was eleven years old. I still have all these great. images from that day you were a little older than eleven years old I was I was I was in DC and I was working of George W Bush administration. So I was working at the Federal Trade Commission and. Hiding was working at the White House and I remember the September morning I just just gotten dressed him was get ready to walk out of the apartment and hide. He called me and said turn on
heavy, and so she was already at work and in so I turn on the tv, and I saw the plane had just just at the first hour, and I thought, like everyone did. This is some terrible accident. What happened? Some pilot screwed up you know at first, we know, is a big jumbo jet. We thought it was just enough was assessed, nerves, something it did looked like yeah. A tragic accident, but we didn't appreciate what it was, and so I'm standing in our living room and I'm just looking at the tv with the tower smoking in and watching it, people trying to figure out what it is and then the second plain at the second tower, and that we all saw only saw it was a commercial jet and when it ploughed into that tower that instant everybody knew what this watch you. You know my my
wonderful priest in New York, Father George Rattler. He was in midtown when the first pilot people are running up people and smoke, and then, when the second plank. Yet I think it was moment. He he runs, he may have run down half after the first might be runs down after the second plain goes into Saint Peters. It's the first catholic Church in New York, threat downtown to get away
stick to give wartime absolution because he knew and a number of people who, at the time this was an act of war and fire fighters who hang in there. They were going into a battlefield, give general general absolution, and at that moment they carried in Father, Michael Judge, was the first confirmed casual gave nine eleven. They laid him under the steps at Saint Peter on on the altar, like it like, appear tat he had been crushed and so that the spiritual import that the the war time import of that date was was clear them the moment at second plain hit. So Heidi was she was at the? U S, trade representatives office, which is part of the White House Complex and when the first plane hit the sea
service came through and they said stay where you are. There. Something's happened, but just stay where you are, and so she was watching it in his hand, he called me- and so I was watching at home and then when the second plain hit the second tower, the secret service was running down the halls and they said get out now they said, run, don't walk, run. And so Heidi sprinted out of the office, her car was parked in an underground parking lots of couldn't get a car. That would let her get a car. So she proceeded, we were living in Virginia nor the Virginia Pentagon City, and so took off her high heels and and walked barefoot across Memorial, bridge and and Virginia. And we lived less than a mile from the Pentagon and so when the Pentagon Plain, when the plane hit the Pentagon from our apartment, you could smell the smoke. You could see the certain the air ass. It was swim, just
out of the Pentagon and in the cell phone coverage was not good. So when Heidi last I knew she was a vacuum waited, but I couldn't get her on the phone and one of the networks. I think it was a b c when the Pentagon Plain hit. You know there was the fog of war when people are confused about what's going on, and so one of the network's report at the White House has been hit. So I'm sitting there like wholly crap. I just got off with idea second ago. It is the White House on fire and there were a couple of minutes where it wasn't killed you're like there was an angle. There was a camera angle where, at the smoke from the Pentagon looked like it was from the White House and I guess there's a lot of speculation that that Ninety three that went down in Pennsylvania was either getting the White House of the cap and run
So there was a period of time we're out of nowhere. Heidi was cause we couldn't get through the phone and then she walked home and and the plain that hit the Pentagon week. We had a good friend of ours that was on that plane. That was Barbarossa. So, and you know Barbara Had been married, TAT also tat TED was the? U S: lesser general, I've known TED for twenty five years. Barbara was down down in Florida, Tallahassee with Bay for Bush versus Gore, and in fact Barbara and I flew together. They sent me up to Philadelphia to get Arlene Spectre Inspector was,
From Pennsylvania was coming down to be a surrogate for George W Bush, and I was the young staffer that they stuck on a plane flew up there too, brief spectre, so that he could talk to the press when you get down there and so Barbara flew up with me, she spent the entire three hours the flight. Just giving me grief that I needed a man up and ask Heidi to marry me and she's. Like our. U chicanery, you how world and I had actually already asked her dad for to marry her. I plan to do it and Bush version the gourd delayed the whole thing at so I couldn't tell all right, I don't know. I just took the grief for three: our she's like you need ask her to marry, you you're an idiot, I'm Coroloni, you can act like a man, that's exactly it was so the whole she had. She was a fireball.
And you know the story. Barbara called TED, firmer cellphone on the plane and Tad whose at DE oh Jesus deal Jason over three official at deal. G answered the phone like thank audience vote. If you could imagine that hill he knew Barbara was on the flight was the day after a birthday, and he knew what had happened. The plains and the twin towers It was not the he knew they weren't seeking to take the plane to Cuban. Let everyone off it was he knew the likely ending of this, and they were low enough that the phone work till she could get. And the last thing she said TAT. She said: okay, what we do and she was, she was a fighter and I think, was given Editor, too, would have, organize the same sort of thing, that happened with slight ninety three, I mean she was like ready,
battle the bad guys and they they Roy, crashed into the inner the Pentagon and in. So it was a moment. You know we were all stunned. The next day hygiene I invited several friends on our apartment, including Eugene, volcanic, very resilient law. Professor, you see allay brilliant guy, Eugene came Eugenists, jewish and we'd prayer service. We did at Christians and Jews and we just spent the evening reflecting sharing and praying for our country and in it was.
Even though it was twenty years ago. The image that that, for me, is seared in of that day is the people leaping to their death from the top of the towers, and they don't air it anymore on tv, but you know the people who are in the upper floors as the fire was coming. you can imagine the you're standing there at the window and you have a choice between being burned to death, what a horrible way to die or jumping to your death, and we were watching on live news, as people were leaping to their death and falling And it was a moment of unity and national resolve that was extraordinary and it some surreal contrast to what we have today. It is because you,
you. Do it twenty years on, you remember. It is amazing that even to being eleven years old, you remember it so vividly and then- and it has become cliche almost say the recipient, twelfth and thirteenth and fourteenth, and there was that this real national unity when Bush stood on the rubble with bull, whore, Yale and Anne said. We can hear you just soon. The whole world will hear the highlight of his presence that and throwing the striking Yankee Stadium after right, both of those were were extraordinary and powerful. Yet what does it does remind your even thinking back on these horrific events? Hope is that's not just feeling it's not just the sentiment. It's it's a virtue of fat, it's a theological fact, and I still believe in that unity and greatness in this country. Where were in a chapter, were Angry and bitter and at each other's throats, but but I believe,
that same power of resolve that brought us together after nine eleven. I still think we have that. I think we can get back to it's not easy and we ve gotta stop screaming at each other, but I I I believe we can now. Thank you. optimism and pessimism, I think, are two sides of the same coin. Actually, this is quoting my priest. And random. At nine eleven optimism There are two sides of the same coin, but hope is a fact and that thing we can rely on and there we can now pray and hope for better days amen. A Michael knows this verdict was tat groups. Will It's done.
This episode of verdict with TED Crews is being brought to you by jobs, freedom and security pack. A political action committee dedicated to supporting conservative causes organizations and candidates across the country in twenty twenty two jobs, freedom and security pack plans to donate to conservative candidates running for Congress and help the Republican Party across the nation.
Transcript generated on 2021-09-21.