« Under The Skin with Russell Brand

Vandana Shiva on Oneness vs. the 1%

2021-04-09 | 🔗
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello and work of its under the skin from luminary with may Russell brand, whose agenda may thin is on air. That's my dog bear sighing, possibly the names anyway thin, who are wonderful. If so, few rick vandam, shiva vandalia is an indian scholar, food sovereignty. Environmental activists, lace book is called one s verses, a one percent. sharon illusions seeding freedom, if you will, information and ran down his work and state partner online courses, which I strongly recommend a minute. It myself go to Daniel the oak and every day, and why the old age, which is an amazing conversation via their share when he cried What are you guys? I didn't crime when I was like a buffer, buys ice puff puff yeah something happens. I couldn't look we'll put you looked away. Why did you look awhile? I thought you might have been the too self conscious.
To walk by, on the other side, for example, say the good samaritan. You've read that as a catholic, have you yeah, probably what you've got better There's a samaritan, yeah he's very good. Some other guy he's a guy up the tree is anyone up a tree, then the only one not portray in the whole bible at least have another someone's review or something zachary's up a tree. I think that's because I'm going to if you google, it you've made the claim you, Google Zachary up a tree, and just that is that his name. You said a paypal money said Zadok area protruding bad men find on achievers. Listening, even those in our memory, what were the words? You got a good memory where word there's one four conversation remain, but is this the band to cancer because if it is then use our new jingle painted a cancer? Is a cancer
say there, it is justin, hawkins, you're friends with justin. Don't you? Yes does he find you just as he indicated that he finds the friendship challenging no well he's a good friend. I'd have to talk to the refugees, because I don't think anyone could ever have your you're behind not really stick lena, read in a reasonable minded. Man such as I was saying I am daily, for example, go on in sakharov, betray the gospel except that was agree. Zacharias, minister minister, that deal. Zacharias demonstrating what does he do? Gooder zackie revival, stiffer Zachary bible story. You didn't then you run ahead and climb the sycamore fig tree or a fair enough zachary kind of trade, Jesus was coming that way and then Jesus Finally, looked everything is ok. come down immediately I was a, I think that much
the fig tree to our lord curse said when he does. I waited. trade. He climbed up it. Oh couldn't see Jesus god. He was sure he Ratan story one, but why did that? Latvia? You know the good samaritan, one of the great bible storage, one, the classics, s almost an independent life. We do not create a cot. Yes, you can have the car on his own. The good samaritan here, parbleu good samaritan. Maybe I read that The kid Zachary upper tray, a mammal show we were not retreat. Essay jason! That's what made him good algae pursued. Cosette, be didn't kirsty fig tree got our long term, some crazy stuff. You know it regarding various things. I think he said mighty. Baron issues,
common brad, I'm sorry didn't like Moses history or something maybe, if necessary, what makes you think. That's a burning theologians listening to these students of christianity than the gospel. What are they gonna make of this chance? I've. Vandam shiva not sat round the wireless you in mumbai or delhi or wherever she lives. Listening to this, she probably wouldn't what you want, but she's too advanced care future. She she's frankly she loves. She couldn't get off the podcast quick enough to get me. She was going to well. Wouldn't she I found it to be an exchange will not exchange a great teaching. I was, I felt that she was a very beautiful and powerful person arose. I feel like I might devote some of my time to ensuring that lots of people gets here and unshaven if she's already very poor. Popular successful. But I'd like to plan around stages as it were, and guy would.
think about this? What do you think about that? Because she said I don't hold back and cohen of bill gates, for example, does she know she likes? She can right. Thinking now, she's right, she's right corner you ever know. Why would you want to go? But now first before and on a shiva got a very special sexy announcement, I've got a brand new weekly meditation podcast coming out. Only luminary were excited about this. They that backside cause. We meditate- and we realise, is no point in stabilize yourself through excitement. That's what you want in fact surrender in connection, but that aside, I'm excited is called of the noise in the picasso. We shall provide you with weekly guiding no guy eddie weekly guy eddie hesitations. The first ever they will be released wednesday, twenty first of April and then be I'm so excited stammering. Have my word I did We recorded some these meditations I've taken inspiration from absolute best teach, not hunt. ram bass. Locker
it's been a mercy myself in nordic harmonization of maritime myself, all the time, changes you now. If Europe, it's a meditation, because the the omnis at parker says face it. We talk about the political dimension and they said this episode prevent our shiva is fantastic because he's a blend of both is talking about like the politics so the spirituality that this good politics comes from good spirituality. If you're connected if you're serene you behave, rightly one power to be organised judiciously fairly. They feel spiritually connected. You means your vulnerable to external stimulants, the whole time you can get dragged rambo. Who was opinions our and your own desires he's crazy. So this by you, The spiritual components, your life- and this is an entry. Alcohol is a gateway drug to to the world of transcendence, nor truckloads jokes about above noise. There, holy mermaids, different age and we may coherently near housman mood,
made a solemn, solemn, quiet asylum, if you want what it's quite solemn, reflective meditation with quite solemn reflective man, did you we want every black. Let me do it like you. I don't think so. I do not think it will no longer apply to come. The train peoples A vacant met this night, being better next, they can listen to him now, because you know how I go alone are right now: listen to the trailer or listen to the exclusive bandanna shit. It's amazing, Ok now, listen so rightly Hopefully, you ve got their importance for the information you have done. Your dog vandam achievers work out new podcast admitted and put us means if you are a subscriber knew of the you. Listening to this, you get a whole new pockets. Me every week go on a journey of meditation. I want your feedback. I want to know. If there's things I can improve, if they think that I can do to make this experience better for you. So let me know: okay, alright, love! You!
we're gonna do vandam shiva chat and many have already done it hoddan with we dont banded to counter the candidate didn't do they circulate the tree right, and then he said just couldn't be friendly. It was a mistake if now now time, dumpling that slowly speed he blinks, who blinks about pace, Asia is willing, while looking to below, like a long long blink, We have link those. What is then look or you think, after some time, disqualified from a blank, Blinked at vienna, meeting thousand cap link You can't do believe each other, like has had hidden spate of six kittens one a big ginger, like is presumed father, the restroom, bengal lookin like her own heritage and one he has risen. My cat moors, the exact markings born again. Unbelievable
an whims born easter cat, Jesus, feline court. What feline christ was the problem. Now you ve already proven you know nothing about the high zachary up underground to think of the underground storage of gender mainstreaming. I, like indie bible, and I said man you like who the main story: Jesus Moses Isaiah. I, like you, ain't, even a do that pretty bad shape. I have ten mouths were cat and mouse where he was one of the best guys at the bible what he went through there, the kazi mouth. We imagine that this will now conic africa, you. What did your parents? What did your parents What did MR, mrs, my fin day? Their vote?
it beggars belief that, MR mrs Maes, in two of the village of dublin's best religion, teachers. Turned out such drew him day, youngest, child, religious education or ashraf, comments from the james nestor upset, before getting abandon, achieved that's all where the hell's that woman I'm into staff boy, where sepphoris You ve lost that one listener. You'd is complete virtue. Get her back on miss her at once, if we now, whoa yeah, oh seven, and I think I've seen that before as well you'll see you have selected small. Your your selection pause that the row families selection pool gonna go about of crime is items in the comments box.
So was yeah seven. The way we This is a response to the brilliant james, nesta, porthos, brilliant made impossible respiration etc. The way we brave, is so important. I think breathing should be taught in school. It would help so many children with anxiety, etc. Cozy shirt and, in fact, the transcendental meditation people at the David lynch foundation, people that teaching meditation and meditation and breath are inseparable. Even if it's not fair, in a breath. We know indicated Jimmy's mantra, meditation breathy, still your suit part of meditation desert, and so true, we are drowning in processed environments, food and habit. The more brave more awareness we have I will make my four choices here here: right, Ezra, gallon rubs fines on this just listen. Now I feel, like I have I heard a farce. not now looking at now, I'm talking about when I was watching back
video. We didn't covert passports on youtube on the server his ear thing. Yes, you to shame to happen was it was in the clip. Pop the nose is impossible. The microbes open issues here now I couldn't have been thirteen tourist around thirteen minutes, twenty five zero, the way it's headway. Why isn't this? Around? Thirty minutes twenty first second story subjects over the comments of the current possible video you here, that below the profile of the branding, so we're gonna have to investigate it because its weight as he has the timeline Look at what is rubs fines, I'm just listening now, cracking up at you and jenny's bands. I you ve got to do how whole show Maybe around the hermit craven a token, although perhaps you would be kind if any my fin admitted into psychiatric hospital where her requirements could be had a professional.
clearly breaking point russell stretch the limits dealing with this severely ill woman I have my sympathy as someone who's been around men. This is still the le message job at what point do you think that it ended as soon as he said, nice? thing. Now, listen, a shout from sky! Russell? I find you're a shout out. Isn't the shells the shells have we got new jingle coming? Jenny needs the thing. It was the new one going to be selling your piece of paper, three minutes with doing edward Snowden, we're about to do it without coming up We have a saying, thank you. Rather she's gonna, be on new jingo down last year, This is the new jingle to end the pot, ass, a guy and is going to be good.
He asked me media remain and they won't be in this part of all. This should soon, if I'm gonna hate that are simply is next week able to note in the week after that, you gotta stay with us because it creates not so now. This is This is me doing live the record for it. Thank you for listening Two under I would once more like rejects it. you follow. me too, the skin good, bye, wku palestinian to the scheme with russia. The group of the term, our good action here Well, it did sound like Michael Jackson. Well, there'll be some full set of harming anybody that will cause there's justin hawkins is going to yeah orca. Thank you, yay, for listen and to
scam or whoa whoa go by nop for the first time I discovered a Michael jackson's bad when it. While looking at me like that, yeah we've got one minute, maybe they scuffed up the shed as the decade lung you're right. This game depend on achieve our she's right teacher. Trying to achieve equality with the annihilation of category no successful resistance. That's exactly right! We're in this era, where it turns out. We were never fucking on walks beneath the surface of the people we admire. The idea is that the finance on the history, the welcome to Russell brand, the fund shiva. May we begin yes, we can yes, we grateful to you for joining mean it fails to me. that we are well, not least because
things? I've watched, you say that we are perhaps in at a pivotal his cole moment advancing into new and potentially well suppose literally irreversible, staggers things on reversible anyway, but is this? Is it is this a seminal moment for not not only ecologically, but perhaps in terms of human rights, in the way that power is conducted, democracy, democracy, our ability, to control our own lives. Sovereignty personal one national. What was happening. With regret with all that, we see that we are the nexus of many points of power. Take power prohibit
of certain forms of protest. I really love to you. Just are opening up these ideas for us, so we are just at a new historic moment. We are at a cost of an evolutionary moment that if we don't get it right, we can width. A large bus potential books agility see the extinction of our species of the human species biologically by destroying the conditions of life on this planet. After all, we are very real
their rivals, the living planet has been around. Evolution has been around four billion years. We are just entrance two hundred thousand years ago and among the all, just of those who learned how to cultivate the land are those who were called bushy p they want push people. They were the best gardeners of the world. The aboriginal people off australia, sixty thousand, is what we are at. The passport is basically piling up of all the abuses and violence of colonialism because as everyone in my book one, this was the one percent in a talk about air in many to be used is basically it's a new colombian moment, tat and yeah billion as other new columbus's it for some reason
They ve chosen bill gates to be the face of this new colonization, and just doesn't a time of colonization, the destruction of our lives, our cultures, our freedoms, identities are land was defined as a civilising mission of them. baby, there's a new barbarian definition being put on ordinary human beings. So that the new civilising mission of takeover can happen? Then you ve got all the damages off the post colonial period with just one minute. Free. The islands and the world bank will put in place to recall, denies us and get us into debt, and I lived through this whole period of colonization of my country, including the imposition of the chemical agriculture in the name of the so called green revolution. Not breed. revolution, and then you get the free trade
liberation movement of the nineties, put into law with the world trade organization agreement which gave rise to the monsanto's of the world, gave rise to the microsoft of the world one of the big powers they are and at the heart of it was a new regime of property property, as they say and products of the mind, but I call it property in theft of the products of other people's minds and software, the patenting we know that was the case: microsoft seeds, everything what has happened in each of these separate sectors. People have deepened this programme for justice Decolonization and look at the moment a guess, one sided are so strong millions marched against monsanto. Then one centre was forced to do so,
yeah waves disappeared as one central became by. But now buyer has emerged in this new congruence off three totally dictatorial, unaccountable powers that whose only intention is how to free themselves of accountability and democratic control. The convergence we are witnessing is a budget for convergence of the of the baby of everyone. And but the giants of technology that technology barons the digital barons, I mean: how is it just in the last twenty five years out of the blue, the googles get so big. The amazons get so big, though microsoft get to big. The facebooks become so rich that,
more wealth creation. You just have to go back to the colonial peered out. The british empire get psoric forty five three dollars transferred from my country, the richest at that time, left him deep poverty. So you ve got the idea sector. Now the digital barons you ve got the biotech sector which, if you go back to their history, is the ideal carbon hitler that the chemical industry has a true in aid. They stay close germany and then Well, they want a cocktail goal. I g Farben and they went to trial in nuremberg. We forget that human rights began after the nuremberg trials, so you've got those chemical criminals. You've got the pirates of software information and data and then the whole new formation of of capital, which they called think tat
yeah everything they want to put it into a new system of civilizing is what detect behind it. So if you remember two thousand and eight, we had the balls feet collapse because of such prime prices and the billion as then realize wall street was to insecure. So they the degree of their own investment funds and their own equity funds with their own I'm leaving them other black rocks, leading them other man dots and have written about this, a member one. This was one percent, so the final she'll giants. Chemical giants, who are the controllers of agriculture, and the digital giant, have become one power. The straw, democracy, trying to define the life out of the equation in every field. Here I work on seeds and I'm just riding essay with Bobby so happy
same so to reclaim the sea I'll be sent, giving a call on the twenty sixth of April, which was the day when Iraq was invaded and the seed bank has appropriated and Bremmer said it's illegal for farmers to safety order. Eighty one and we said seems, will be free, so bad democracy ban life ban humanity that agenda? Nothing less than that, and when I say this and talking about tax, I read about patents. I read it is not a conjecture, it is their stated intention. Please, with someone give me my hair tie, because I cannot conduct this interview with a hat on with this great woman is disrespectful spare immediately removed now, I and are now well.
It seems to me that what you're describing is a series of mutations, the mutation of color colonization into so forces of bureaucratic colonization through the I m f, and various other systems of global dominance and also the mutation of monsanto into another entity them taken of wall street into another entity, so that power itself can be sustained and each one of these advances, evolutions and mutations is to further advantage and benefit the already powerful and continually dispossess in a manner that, yes, the is, I see from your explanation directly analogous to the creation of wealth through colonization. I see two that is it a simple equation that wealth cannot be created on that scale without
deficit from elsewhere. So it is a form of Yes slid, a what we had. I suppose where colonization was so of the pageant tree of piracy, and now we have the technocracy of the piracy of concealed behind materialist rationalism, concealed behind apparent benevolence for all when describe a problem of that is its scale and honour seems to me that the nothing less than of globalized route. Trans national resistance could be effective. What I think, what we need is a combination.
off both global solidarity, rising with deep consciousness and overcoming all the divisions that have been constructed. The first cooperation of the world was east india company and was created by the name. The name tells you was created to rule india and everywhere else where there was money, and well his vices index tides and in eighteen. Fifty seven people present movement like the present movement organised today they threw the east india company out. He called it the first the movement in british history. It's called the savoy mutiny as if abusive boys organized know all of india organized if you'll see the map at that time of india and the and the rebellion
it is absolutely crosses the whole empire and the east india company disappeared after that. So what did the british do? The first thing they did was the ticket. After that, the crown took over killed ten million people for wanting freedom. That was a cry and worse. They institutionalized by an rule as a policy. The fact that our lovely land was split first into pakistan and india. and then later into bangladesh, pakistan and india an evil problems of burma. Today, the ruhinga it look at problems anyway. They are of that period so divide and rule was very important part of the policy of the empire, and it is a very important part of the policy of this empire, so we have to, of course overcome division, and that is the glory
solidarity, but what I learned from all freedoms problem, and particularly from god, you know eighty seven. I met a meeting where the big chemicals we are now talking about owning seeds and unleash gmos in order to take back into the sea level don't invent the sea than a back in just one an invention. And so I decided I would just save seeds. That's why I started Nathaniel and the movement proceed. Save me, that's it. How do you fight this? Exactly the question we face today and on the flight back from Geneva? I kept thinking as if it was a cotton empire. The if five percent of the territories of the world, what controlled by one island, nation and then gandhi to counter spinning weak and said we can defeat the sand I was spending own cloth badges where we begin without freedom. So we need to kind of ways. Then we will need to squeeze this new technical empire.
from the top to a global solidarity or one humanity, on one planet and from every place where we are every place, verrier, saving, seeds and say no, you cannot now take digital general, Sequences and make them the new maps. Libel, colonizers, sat with paper said he is a man. This is we came with the sword in one hand and a yardstick and the other to make maps to colonise the land. The new maps are digital maps of life on earth and, if you look at three. Simple things these days bill gates digital ionization of lies, the grid research not to be ignored? hardly a dedicated my life from nine cheese, the privilege from eighty seven to save? It seemed that work for biodiversity, and now there Who knew what economics biodiversity, which is
about financial icing, biodiversity and putting biodiversity on portfolios of asset managers, and they haven't got it. Yet. greed and chasing money has destroyed this plan to create colonialism and they are putting it as the saviour. So we have to be present everywhere to defend we project our seats to a defend our food. You know food will be the next colonization with fake food, Did. You send our minds from this piracy of our brains, which is what the facebooks and all the digital giants to their just stealing our date. They call data It's really stealing our minds and our relationships, so we ve got a board, be civil disobedience. For society and the planet, where, we are in whatever way began? What stands? together as one humanity with one blow this beautiful? Thank you win
again. These movement of disobedience and resistance was framed within a recognisable paradigm of anti cologne colonization and national independence. Describes, how the subsequent legislature create aids, polarity, division and conflict that still affects people to this time. How do you imagine because they re or whether the second part of your answer was a deepening of consciousness of course, I'm aware of that, candies philosophies were under written by a deep religious practice. How Do you see the political act I am required to resist these forces that, as you say, a mining out data controlling and directing our attention, which, for all we know, may be the essence of all being
How do we deploy these principles in a new? A dime that is transcendent of ideas of nationalism when gandhi said that there's no point in throwing off the british at only to replicate the systems that are imposed on us and my understanding. Forgive me if I'm wrong is that you said that india is a nation of seventy thousand villages. Eight should be dependent trading only where necessary seem to me that he was talking about something beyond Socialism, closer test of cynically anarchism do think these idea also he talked about the out fetish, isolation of objects, gadgetry and technology. How think these ideas of spiritual awakening and Perhaps- emergent or at least heavily revised political. ideas, must come.
into play yeah. So I you know, gandhi was very very against the idea of a nation. You know, as a defining sense of who we are to gore, was very, very critical of it watch. What he wanted was economic freedom, yup. But that is the second part about these life. The first part and valleys fight for freedom was in south africa, which, The combination- you wasn't defending anything bad except the unequal trees, on the basis of racial discrimination, beginning first with the indians wetter All indian act was put in place in sixteen o, And you know six and then he started with the indians? The civil disobedience, indian ones were told they practice law. They couldn't do business there.
You know the endangered labour, because this was after slavery. Indentured labour couldn't really truly free after five years saw the first sub region, they did was against the indian act in south africa. I guess the pledging there, the british empire there they have to withdraw that act, but it took him albanian community five years and you mean that subject- were in south africa- sophia troop I'll grab force It's and winning later he was asked. How did you invented he was humble enough to say I didn't invent it. I just studied closely how india had stayed democratic
over centuries that whenever the rulers were abusing, they just said we will not for profit. The british tried to tax the houses in bananas and all citizens just let the city they could not tax so that no one reason the british tried to tax on it, and then he walked to the beach The sword and said nature gives a pre. We needed it for a survival. We will continue to make salt. We will not be our laws called the source of their grey became a very big. Issue. The india was hope that we will not brewing deagle, which is literally wrapped in the blood of our people. We would rather go to jail and that's his face returned to india. So I what I have learned both a freedom movement got these practices and my own life of fifty years now, beginning with the beautiful When a gun get movement budget where my city
in the mountains came out to have the trees to say you have a blog. These trees they causing landslides, they're, making us walk miles for water. The first is truth for sure, but you can always an abstract category of cartesian step, but a lived experience of your relationships, the right relationships in the right dude and that's why it's an ethical concept? Truth is not the only, a catching up of reality to pieces. If they are, I discovered this, but it is about relationships in the living world. The second, which is the point you raised sweat arch He wasn't formation a nation. You wanted the big, centralized bureaucracy of of the british to get out of people's lives. So that we could govern ourselves. The way we use to govern I just riding on usc and I'll be happy
and this to you to Russell. You might know that bill gates has become the biggest in america. So I went to understand the whole issue of land, bloggers and private property man, india. We had no private property land. There was a problem the land and the village community decision in Egypt. How the land use would happen about yours rights which are different from property rights, the? U s, rights were haven't a tree, but if you use the language of care of it and your father used that land, then you were at the village community made that decision, but this was the same as in england. At the time of the implosion
the comments, were governed by the community and there was the lord did not have anything to do with the decision about the language used. The enclosure of the commons was the privatisation of land took two centuries to private as land in england, I think they brought the settlement, recalls the privatisation of the landlord them, but I do think that in a way the soul of the union, vessels which are still on the streets fighting the longest tribal signify, while the soul and the soil of india, so bringing democracy back to participation, and you cannot participate, except at the local level where you know face to face, and the last person has an equal bob. That's what the commons means a commons overcomes, only inequality.
the poorest person, the most marginalized, has as much work and therefore one person's aid. This woman's candy, it blows, used to hold it back and they had to change the laws and finally, These are you know when I read and thank goodness, I train and physics, and want to bury because women I read as an old woman, the rubbish we are taught as economics, the rubbish that locks had locked said always property created because even justifying the enclosure comments, but talking as if you stop me, while the american native american hero in indigenous people using properties created the mixing of labour with nature, but you just the labour of the person who works than that and it's not the labor of the animal clouds. The man is this.
but you are labour of the owner of capital who owns the surf and who owns the end. Now the category calls spiritual ritual labour as a power of capital, so they could appropriate the creativity of the land and the earth and appropriate that creativity the present and the worker, and treated as wealth creation, and they they tried to hijack spirituality, do, which is exactly What is happening and if you read the rubbish again coming out of silicon valley where they are talking about, we will be elevated by becoming an appendage to the machine here that we are an improved beaks and this whole idea of trans humanism as every kind of transit to listen,
could lead you to build your whole universe. Yeah. They are trying to give the machines a new spirituality, like locked, tried to get capital spirituality, and these confusions that are deliberately created can only be overcome by the practice of prosperity reality than through power with it and the trooper of interconnectedness who thanks to a few viewpoints that I liked were you when you were talking about truth and The truth is not so of about the creation of tax on dissection, but rather about rather about and integrity integrity reminded me one thing that carlo valley said about solving the quantum world. Nothing can be really said to exist other than in a red relational sense, relationship, even the most basic components of what we might refer to as the physical world. I won
I wonder if an fundamental obstacle to meaningful opposition to the dominant ideas of our time might have been midwife to buy their custom, eating influence of secularism. Our in the tea in materialist, an rationalist mindset to even conceive of transcendent or of a benevolent transcend in reality. I accept that the state is a transcendent reality. I accept that capitalism is a transcend. In reality, the requires faith How are we to unlock this for both individually and community, the I feel may be required, and I recognise that your country is very different. One from mine in some senses- and it fails to me here We live in
quality, very much confined by rationalism. I wonder what there is in your understanding of full of philosophy that we can mobilise in a post, secular? culture, so that people feel that there is some meaning beyond flat rationalism and self interest, I e down destroy the plan is what we live on. We require of asian. Even the word. Resources suggests a utility as the primary function of independent nature. What is What is it that we need to reawaken one first? Let me just say you know how words are made to change meaning of the word. I did an essay for a beautiful book called the development dictionary, even lh and thinkers At the time we got together- and we said where did this one development become economic when you're just supposed to be about biology of evolution, the self organized evolution of the sea? into a plan every.
into an adult and dogs of this. As say, road was resources which used to mean resurgence. I, which arises from itself without external control, so a spring that is constantly renewed, is a resource, but it was redefined with the fossil fuel industrial capitalism. As raw material. So the redefinition of the resource from a living, renewable self organized system to an exploitative, Raw material is part of this field of globalization and bought. The period of the new colonization is increasingly, for example, for the seed. when they just deal it and just do a gentle map and take a gentleman sequence like the man making up the colonizers. The one that's been floated is deemed materialise fish, but the same doesn't disappear. The seed is very much there and they said
It will help to plant the seed they still have to have the seed grow into a plant and a but dematerialization is part of that mystification. So I think part of it is. We have to constantly be very deeply conscious of how meanings words have been emptied of meaning all given the opposite, meaning in all william doublespeak. We're just for four hundred years of the twisting of her mind. You know the baconian thinking that there are some people suffer humans, called experts. Think of england. You know run society created to implement his idea of the masculine birth of time, and you d circulates nature and bay and
rights that we have to get the native americans rid of the idea that nature to sacred because is becoming an impediment, in a great and pile were less creatures which included not just non humans. Would all europeans who want the white colonizers? So we have to sacrifice and anything that decentralize is in my view not a secular, because my lads, secular purely means equal respect for all your islamic faith. Your christian faith, your jane saved your put his fate you're sick, face any, if not to say that on that
to get equal respect and all of the indigenous hundreds of tribal region, one place it's this tree and other places. This rob and I just feel so proud to be part of a civilization where we live in such a sacred earth. The second thing Is how terrible marjorie our lovely mother earth was turned into caravan, yes, the empty- and this idea of energy- is a building If spiritual idea, the idea of show me that your ego doesn't matter, but it's been turned into a juridical idea of colonization. landon with one centre in the courts, have been given over to see this empties what we put into it. That makes it worse at its centre Will you came on this planet? There were no seats, that's stopped!
now you're talking about a breeze being empty till we get all the propaganda machine and the hate machine and the algorithms feeding us we're an empty brain. and this these ideas of emptiness on the wrong kind of creating a false faith. Feeding religion getting money making as a religion and treating technocratic tools of power and extraction as a new religion. So we ve got to bring faith back in its own. Its diversity, we have to bring the sacred back in all its forms. in power because They want a sacred at your. Your idea, turkey, as you know, all this, Fifty years I just said: what is it a little service? I can do mother earth. and I find a little beside you- do enemy I think things happen, whereas when you come with me,
icing idea. even though many of my friends have their colonizing idea, or how can I fix the earth or how can I fix, the farmers? How can I do farming without farmers? How can I go one step beyond have food without farms you? This is correct, section, because you just say I'm not part of the earth and not bought I'm not the little girl in the great chain of be I'm not the one little league, but I am above it I even environmentally and the master, Andrews, who, I think, you'll, have to do a lot of work in the next few years, because they want to do a lot of colonization in the name of sustainability. Just by chance, I was reading the rubbish in bill gates new book, we don't read rubbish, but when they want to be rulers to rubbish, I read it and it's lovely because he says
The greenhouse gases from factory farms are not because a factory, arms and pudding animals presence, but is because the cows were the problem, their stomachs. And forced almost make them, if need be, they know you walked behind a good cop on a grazing pasture. She not stinking goes even further. Talk organization has put the indian plough that has existed for ten thousand years and says this primitive technology must scope. I call this as the future technology of apart a ship between bodies, the body of the earth and the body of the animals, realizing that we are not masters. but we are ready to serve through what gandhi called bread labour the labour of our body in the service of the earth in the service of community So we are for sure at an epic moment where everything wrong,
is being given a new life just at the time when the world was making up. As you all know, this deception doesnt work, lack of fate, doesnt work, decentralization doesnt work, that's precisely when everything is being crushed again and I think this is happening russell because of us arrogance that we have created created an immunity I sense we ve destroyed every international law. We ve destroyed all democracy. We have locked people into fear. We know we can hold a story. Look at the debate right down the gmo question in europe where we could did lozengy and more regulation, and they want to knock down and bill gates again. Financing the lobbies for that deregulation So there is an arrogance I can't be touched. the british empire habit? I organs that son never set some the british empire, and it said I think, if we
if we realise that we live in a power powerful were full of energy. And that energy is a creative energy of the universe. An opera is the spring. The bar of aligning ourselves, which we call without and the right action you that's what they want is aligning yourself with that power, then we'll very powerful These people, who think they are beyond all accountability Brought to account, we just have to ensure that none of us allow eager to overtake None of us allow hate and division to become the way we start to think and put none of us ever give up the path we have we have full beings in a bother work. I think you said about the service.
the arrogance you know the aim of the baby. a colonial arrogance and just the perhaps on just phrasing of the sun never setting the british empire, and there indication the syntactic indication of an unawareness of shadow unawareness shadow, an awareness of in here to darkness. I wonder to abandon it when you say nothing about the on accountability of bill gates and how that kind of mimics, this kind of monotheistic author, a dietary, a kind of dietary that a sir power and dominion, how they smoke Is a recurrent historically, I am, I wonder, in a eyes with
A theology with a different origins such as at the pantheistic I'd is in the mahabharata. If there are you find at fatten Oh belies, for example, divine feminine power or spiritual. principles that are plainly neglected in this materialistic ideology. But I think the first very important gift of debate leaders is to recognise that the universe is divine, the smallest grass, the tiniest rivulet.
Is an expression of the divine and that's why it's not an accident? You know we hold our rivers a secret, except that now, with industrialism way and urbanization we are polluting them and our trees are to see. seeds, and can you imagine this is so touching to me. I go to the villages. Women will do sacred ceremonies with indigenous seed. They will never use a hybrid seed for a secret ceremony for secret ceremony with animals. They will only use the indigenous cows with the hum. they will never use a jersey cow, amazing no one to them, but they have that understanding of integrity and what the sacred beings of means to create. Without violation,
holds the integrity to be living in the divine universe, and the energy of this universe is a divine feminine shakti corner shook the and nature proclivity is hopeless action and that fly even though we you know, we've said maya, maya as play but not maya as an illusion, maya as play when you realize you're in a sacred universe, but the parts that has always been a very, very powerful idea from the wit. You appreciate it from the issue of pleasure and this operation, the first parities. We live in a sacred universe, which is for the well being of all Enjoy her gifts without greet taking more than your share is passed.
So they have defined as past making more than your share, which is why india? ten thousand years lived a very high level of living without taking from anyone else, but it wasn't just as a civilization, individual and we never adopted adipose centralism. Because we had only that the votes that we are part of a web of life. We are part of one family baby. You know it's that thinking and Where did I get it? I didn't begin with. The texts. And with my life in the villages, the elderly women were practising this second Michael's. They say this. Let me go read the text I went to the checks following the practice of very ordinary people. Let's move and peoples, it all it is now consumers culture as it you're looking at a thin slice of consumers, does it ocean out there that is only surviving?
Was this big should be general millions had to go home on the day of the locked down of the corona? You you ve seen the march of the migrant workers. They could not have all two thousand miles without a deep, deep resolve with a man and a deep sense of their inner resources and that and not giving up or whether they be committing suicide in the city. They did not commit suicide. He walked with babies in arms. I think the other part that's for me is extremely important because if you part of the points that have been created on the idea that this spirituality and those materialism right, but india and the thinking and away those shots have constantly sack realised the material world? So because I work on food now over the last thirty six years- not rejoice united,
a phd or non separable, Jim quantum theory and its eighty four and by job and bull bar. That made me look at agriculture. Why will be practising agriculture in a way that gives persons in burma and thirty thousand people in a job? Where does this I come from and I wrote the pilots, the green revolution, and since then I ve been going deeper and deeper into the food question. And I just want to say two or three of the really inspiring parts of a sacred relationship with food, which is what they want to break right now. It's been broken partly with industrialism, but
with the digital accusation, they would like to end it forever and that's where we can recover it. So the first is everything is food. Everything is food in the business and, if you think of it ecologically, what is the nutrition cycle, but the movement of food, so everything is food. Yeah and ecological cycle is the movement of food, and that's why I called food, the currency of life. Second, the highest duty is to grow and give good food in abundance. It's anathema. It has been put into a paddock texts into the mind batter into the data ignition and the worst sin is to let someone go hungry in your neighborhood, not grow good food and, worse so bad food. So we have got to bring to the center of our everyday life the rituals that make life safe,
With our breadth, it was brown I am so important. Why is red so important? Because breath is what connects us to the world water connects us to the world. Food connects us to the words these are not fuels. You know your food as a fuel for a machine, that's the call the body. Yet this cartesian construct has upload, decides and the digital barons of trying to give it a little longer life it up the pudding, their foot on the accelerator goal market easier and we have to say no almost preacher go more interconnected go more celebrate free from the abundance weaken, create. Excuse me I actually found the conversation very, very moving in ways at in in waste at an anticipate, this promotion of
this recent sat paralyzing of the world, this promotion of rituals. It feels these. Yes, these had anything to say: do you feel and is this even a kind of is even this critique, if not reductive, reductive somewhat abstract two- I am a separate philosophical narrative. I do you feel there is you have a somewhat recently in regard for pre, colonial india, which surely must have been beset with its own forms. Feudalism and their caste system, for example, like it? If you feel that india, that's only experienced the this form of colonization relatively recently, and is suffering so radically. What hope is there
for new world companies under our nations in old? Why european nations, if, if it is I deeply if these ideas are so deeply embedded in the extraction of the sacred, so endemic in historic? or do you feel that like you said, our species is young, and these cultural differences are there for all quite recent and the press, the reversal and reawakening hungry. Engaging of these sacred principles might be possible, a kind of comparable consistent and then in tandem here. Is it possible but such different cultures with seemingly different challenges can have comment Europe gulls, I'm can form alliances support one another from one idea article ten play? Are we to draw for archetypes awaiting engage?
and other distinctions, and yes do you. What do you say about my the early the question about like her colonial, india and some of em the ideals and presumably contradictions that were present when you know that pre, colonial india and the brie capitalist england, We share the same principles of gum, is and accountability clauses to where people are and accountable to each other, the community, the commons, there's a british history. and there are many other histories. So there's a brilliant person with whom I entered did when he was alive and get celebrating has sent any this year. S name is that in Bonn
and he decided to look more closely at recent division, separations impoverishment and he had worked as a secretary of any good marriage to a berkshire. So he went and spent- ass in the india office library in the archives and he's written five books on the basis of british rep reports about india when they were studied, come to hear something the most important is the one called science and technology in india in the eighteenth century So you know people are celebrating the vaccine right now: small box vaccination, the barrier elation was taken, india reported in the royal society the maxim
explanations were a board and then we were banned from barrel aging, yeah steelmaking, I mean you can just go through return record. Then he's not written a commentary. He just reproduced the reports. So when those reports there's one called the speaking tree, one book on education and he's again working both on pre colonial data, as well as the british data which is showing there was universal education in every village. Women want left out. The girls went to school, the those who are calling the lower costs were actually village craftspeople who were hired by the village, the blacksmith the carpenter. and the community as a whole, was to maintain that village tank the village irrigation system, the village education system
and the figures are amazing, five units used to leave the village community to go to distant authority. The men of the british came sixteen units of a hundred. Sixty percent started to go straight to england and when I talk about reclaimed. The comments I'm talking about reclaiming community, which also means constantly keeping in our minds that every division is a constructive division. By far and In india itself, sulkily movements against caused have come my own there is just the name shiver as part of the anti gas fight but the movements may thereby all against discrimination good. You know, like the sick religions, deeply against every form of pastures. and these are really the governing values. So did
because we live in a world of quantity word we don't, when a car in word, there's nothing fixed. Everything is waiting and potential include the potential to change the potential to undo harm the potential to handle division and one of them. This thing, I've noticed in recent years, is just one open. Greed was taking overthrow globalization is when and negative identity politics was being given books to an earlier. I didn't you was I do this. I write I teach I'm a nurse. I'm a farmer then the identity became what I'm not. And Samuel Huntington, wrote a whole book say you can only know who you are if you know who you ate. globalization and this negative identity. Politics then, has created a new range of new divisions.
So what do we do to reclaim our common humanity? Remember what it means to be human. You dont began with narrow. Externally attracted colonial identities begin. When the lived life of a fulfilled human being on a bit we put up and those relationships and those up in every culture there in every indigenous culture, that every pre colonial culture and they are being. put in place in every postcolonial catch, a look of experiments going on a new economies, local currencies, ecological agriculture, seen saving a bull semen, slowly in my lifetime. This is growing every way everywhere. So we need to realise that we don't live in a frozen faster
we're stuck in it. We live in a constantly evolving history and we ve gone over bottle what bad times with amazingly Create your times at times of justice entitled solidarity in time to develop, and then they ve been undone again and we just have to be ready now in a law, international sphere, To remember, we are one humanity on one planet enriched. I must thank you. What is your personal spiritual practice place? Do you chant pray, meditate. Will you know I'm from their own a beautiful part of the himalayas and when I was growing up and my parents were based virtually to every girl in those days, a burial, goodwill by mass and slavishly weather and our own guru something about
energy, so he knew she'd really were little Keynesian initiated us and them and that's my practice. what what? What? What is that pact his place? Just meditation viper, No or is there chanting or it's alarm, it's a now yeah, it's a it's a it's, basically the different names of of the divine. Do you find it difficult to speak about god, plainly With western people, when I talk about god ever, do I always talk about the divine person? Is the police in energy. And that's why we never locked god, we never loved. It's a man they're trying to do it now, but we never locked border, we locked
you mean. The july flows. I wonder, I feel it Whoever that was appeared over on that side of the screen was a person of assaying. Listen You ve got a wrap this up, Vandalia shiva, there's a limited amount of time. This is what and that the person over there were saying so I have a few or do have time for me to ask you a few questions, or do you need to resolve if we can do it quickly, because it's ninety five and my family's waiting to, it's your family's waiting to eat. After everything you ve said about food after everything you have said about community. The problem now is in this moment that per I'm standing between you and family and food. I will just take this. I feel that it is very important, as you say, sacrilege once again, our lives to reintroduce rituals exceed
seems to me that you have a connection to a tradition that makes it plausible possible and practicable for you in a way that is lived, an apparent. I love to what you said about this of non esoteric, easily accessible wisdom of villages and people that you lived with and experienced life with as a child we live here Sometimes in a world. A world has been banner lized, where the dear ass, a nation of tradition, where the annihilation of the sacred is complete, where all things are lacking in sensuality, where sex has become pornography where food is become grade. I wonder, are their rum. Can you just give me some ideas, for why should promote? Were I should speak, who I should say in my of coming conversations with people so that I get the day
allowed now before you eat what you know. I think it because of this time we are living through the corona time and the lockdown time, and I think people are looking for a world that allows them to live free in a different context, and that's why what is deep, freedom in an interconnected were easy. The whole liberal tradition was what is freedom and an optimistic world which means the greedy. I get more freedom and the others knows everything they have and that kind of atavistic freedom has created. The world that we are living in.
We can only have an interconnected freedom and I interconnected freedom has to begin by first recognising the freedom of the other and that's. What, for me, is the logical movement we'll have to read but begin with recognising the rights of mother and say so? What are your instructions sacred mother then taking action from me, and that is the beginning of circulation. Our lives, including our daily lives of eating and walking and breathing and interacting, another. Very you know one of my favorite goddesses is the goddess of time. God is time, kali is the goddess who destroys? Who destroys systems that need to be passed away? You know it's always in europe, and india saw with soap will have a match,
nation saw a lot of people have got to locked into a linear thinking putting history as libya. It's going this way and will only get worse and a lot of people. I'm depression are a lot of people and hopelessness, but all we have to realise its life. he's in cycles, nature works and cycles, and even time is a psycho. Thank you run down achiever for spending this time that, particularly as it compromise your ability to have food with your family, I am very, very, very grateful to you. I hope that this is not the last time that we communicate. Thank you, a joy meeting. You take care of yourself. Thank you. My boy. I hope you enjoyed that conversation with vandana shiva I'm rushing this now cause edward Snowden is going to be on the line in a second rembert. Follow me on social media. Remember to look at my youtube post talking about some deep stuff on there. Remember
we're friends to listen to under the skin and sign up you gotta great podcast above the noise meditation forecasts, da. In soon remember, my youtube saw channel awakened brand available now subscribed to that, and I get now listen Inside out diplomatic grab him if he enjoyed the bandanna picasso, isn't it the tumor erased, helena no bar code as environment is fair enough. I rather sorry I keep checking my channel the new videos. You for listening to under the skin, from luminary nobody's gonna. Do edward Snowden right now who become not for you in two weeks,
Transcript generated on 2023-10-23.