« Under The Skin with Russell Brand

Jimmy Dore on the State Of Politics

2022-03-05 | 🔗

This week I’m joined by Jimmy Dore. Jimmy is a comedian, political commentator, and host of The Jimmy Dore Show! He is a popular progressive political pundit on YouTube, and he has some very important insights on how politics should be challenged and revolutionised. In this episode, we speak candidly about what is necessary in order for political change to occur: Can we do it from within the system, or do we need to revolt and create change from the outside? Why are people still voting for candidates and political parties that don’t represent their views? What is it like being a stand-up comedian with such outspoken views? And how do we create new politics?

More Info:

Please check out Jimmy Dore’s YouTube Channel Here: https://www.youtube.com/c/thejimmydoreshow

My meditation podcast, Above the Noise, is out now, only on Luminary. I release guided meditations every Wednesday. Please check it out: http://luminary.link/meditate

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello and welcome to under the skin from luminary this week I spoke with Jimmy Dore. Jimmy Dore is a comedian commentator and host of the Jimmy Dore show on youtube. He's a popular progressive leftist political you to ponder on his body, goods. Canadian, are really really like him answer. We ve been doing then the junior one on somebody well, but I went from Harry hopkins to watch the rugby in the pub because it was the birthday we were island playing six nations versus italy, you or your beloved henry hook ensures they're fair to op and well. We watched it when we chat. I think he just wanted to talk about russia and ukraine to someone yeah did you say: well, that's terrible yeah, that's good brilliant. He gave it. She gave to the ideas of hate to blow up the tanks. He's like I'd go here and here and I'd stop the middle
the strategy ever ukrainian generals. Can I just say something important? I you don't know that she, no guess what the present ukraine is today. The but that bus, your actual application, is a change of attitude on why that is the first in the world, change by your country of the universe. As for the university- is due to damn difficult job and it doesnt. What did he do something go to stop guessing. Have one more guess servers! cheese among right, then swimming now? Are you going three amused by it? I am I'm interested in. what jobs are at the forefront of your mind. I've moved on to different kind of remember. No. No. What did you think that says you think that the world's ninety nine, a british sitcom that yeah, where people just do things like be cheese mongers? What did he do?
he was a stand out. Comedian, gonna say you, two were Northcliffe might have been bought factors, but does it help everyone does do up? just have humor in his boy. He does actually yeah, because my friend bruce told me that when he goes when some of the guys do need to lift a lot when Joe Biden offered to airlift him out of ukraine or wherever cause cause of the ones russian onslaught hey guys. I don't need a less than eight ammo, which saw the joke so pithy based and apparently it is someone sent made a new pinchbeck form, a guest of the show, a video of him playing the piano. These genesis- and I watched it That is our says yeah. Why would hasten the known case? Ukrainians uncover the library the play, because unless you he's look like beppo guerrilla in italy is like put em ass, taking it as a hand. Yes. Finally,
what I'm saying you have to stay in the capital that is being bombed and of my problem really war if, if arise soviet terrified, I mean that's what you gotta do, but you go at the fund for your dough I'm not going to be one of the ones that, like in some palace, sipping, sherry, sipping, sherry want to sip, sherry gin, not when there's a war on letting go of to fake it will yeah wilfred now I'm terribly terrified of what might happen. He terrifying gave you areas in the nuclear disruptions earns its lending gets it. Would you would you It's fine time to do research on nuclear destruction that you think that your first job you think of his cheese monger, is studying that the nuclear half life sites various bombed target. Yet someone yet. So you're, not dating anyone. I almost could gonna data's weaken, who with
Are you a match? Unhinge and then we both disappeared because none of it neither his care war, and then we must again How do you mind lowestoft? So what does that mean This is the rule that anyone is their mother, though both of us available. Exhibit house each draw, and that's ok, he's got nice chest in what way is this, and I see this a lot topless photos of them in swimming trunks. Ok, you he's got long hair on many said: lucy TAT, you had a little trouble. You said to try and experts and also Swimming coaches on the job is the cheese monger jin? No, Oh, he wears hats and interesting truth that we don't trees mongers today We were happy to protect, never to protect in the chase. I weather it hatched the positions were when, after all around the area or whether to go on, am I going to day go you might as well. What's the point everything's falling apart, killing a tight,
maybe there's some we'll go for a walk he likes running so it'd be nice to have a running partner. Re lovely. To have that knows a first date. Login know no that didn't spring on the first day. You'd have to stand, maybe guess he wants to go to. The pub goes to the pub loyal, so you're going to do seven or eight burly men don't like eating on the first day. Why? Because I'm biased, but the way they eat a lot meant a shovel. Isn't they a shovel? Yet they don't want a woman but there was a shuffling here, I forgot to look away for this. I've heard that that's what I've heard eating too much pressure on the first day. I've always thought first day is a standard meal. Is a standard model. Did you go in alone Yeah, I read your rights. Heavenly father did you. and dine in an impressive way. Sometimes it was necessary
This is something that is you go pull out the big guns you some people. Do you know that they need a folded and some people. Have you a drink? I had will reach a program like a small I've. I've asked what they gave an Hamish brochures and also a member of the game, of course, but when I was in the dayton game Fabio end quote round with you, would you pop rounded? either. That or I think happened. A lot in covert is my guess, but the pop round got a real boost. Yeah, probably because Go out said pop round it may be maintenance, oh, but you are because you are young person. If you libidinous said what did you do? Any blood dayton on the pebbly beaches, this lowestoft didn't had some guys drinking might lightning and the cliff me did you have a second referendum francois go, go, go, go! Go where I've been a joint response.
I was very much since I came across them. Allow me to discover the work of vandana shiva, which has been a real eye opener for me, keep up the great work, I'm so impressed and admiring of the way you've evolved since I first came across you as the big brother host a program over so keen on you're an inspiration. Thank you that's when you and I first wherever we met jane, I became aware that a young ass, a girl savings because you were not yet a woman gives you a fifteen Go in ireland is running a fancy. The January fin a chat room so I think one didn't really watch big brother wasn't allowed to know no use. The worst because it was sometimes they would not do not lead to us that I dont have. She consented to fish. It really blows, hey obedient. She should have let that slide. I had him tv mtv, the rarely especially know my content. He wasn't doing anything that europe is a miracle. You found your way to the adulation, jingo well,.
If that she's monger Natalie store bucket, how soon I'm a huge fanny, was ever since my change. When I learned english, this is people there really sighing with a history of their affection. when listening to your pockets since its diet- and you have had on many guess who are facts to you- been spots, and received life changing advice from sending in africa, and the absolutely love infinite. Might thank you for that. I was really lovely if you're not benefit, two, yet you have to come. It's come and see me like in sheffield or scarborough, that's coming up right soon or liverpool, and then there's big shows in bristol black boys going gonna be extravaganza. Where I'm do, breastwork meditation brandon com to get your tickets now or if you're, not a member of my mailing list, yet just go Russell brand dot com and sign up for that as well, will keep watching my videos they're doing incredibly well, I'm very pleased with them. This sensational get over there and have a look now another great youtube
and I'm not saying I am. I suppose I was by him for saying I was a great jimmy. Do this without question, I like a great achievement. This isn't successful amusing, faux fur- I am passionate where it turns out, were never the boss doesn't fucking. What's beneath the surface of people, with more of the ideas that the finance on the history retold welcome to Russell brand, the Jimmy Dore, it'd be a miracle if you and I can find any common ground with me being so far right wing and do as seen from a list now, it's always a good sign when people start drawing up lists. Ugh you, of course our own on the on the on the left. Thanks for agreeing to join us, I'm on the dirtbag left. Don't forget that I was to put on a pair of cover of newsweek as the leader of the dirtbag left I enjoy that moniker. What's going on to me, was coming on what was happening,
if all of these new categories and condemnations. What do you think's happening same old thing if people on the left and the right realise that they have a common enemy if they realise that they have. shared interests and they come together- the work for those interests that scares the hell out of the establishment, so they have to stop. That is what, without by any means necessary, you're, seeing what they're doing the Joe rogan I've put. It happened. He personally look what they do to gland green while they try to pretend that you're right wing so anyway the who actually stands up for the people of is going to be called of a name's, discredited, called right wing liquids or talk. Look look what they're saying about farmers and truckers in canada Look what you were saying about those people! We want you to organise not like that now like that. Don't actually actually do something where you actually have power, don't actually occupy a city and you actually control it. They don't do
we want you to organise, but in a way that we can easily dismiss and not- and so just like We did medicare for our march. We had a medicare for all march. In every city. In fifty major cities in the united states last summer, didn't get covered by the media. None of the democratic politicians show up and half the people who say they could, this aboard medicare for all the united states did not show up included nurses union, so I don't think there's a left any more in the united states for any any anyway and if you ever do stand up against the oligarchs and you night with other workers? They will try to discuss that you ends squash you and that's exactly what happens every time. You know when people say they want to organise right people. Always that's a big buzz word. united states around lefties organise deaf to organise, and yet we
it organised. We got the squad elected, we gotta, go, see elected, promote, jabba, wrote car. We got all these people elected gory bush, another. doing anything. So they can tell you this go back and keep organise What they don't realize is when they say organize along class lines. So what is organic I've been in unions, my whole life. I know what organizing around class lines means and here's what it doesn't mean. You don't go to the flood shop and gay who hears a libertarian you're out? Who here is a tramper you're out here is a bugle of boy you're out. Who here is a problem. You're out? Ok, now we're going to organise with boots ever left. That is not how organizing works they know, that's not how organizing works, and so when people acts,
do do actual organizing and they connect with people on both sides of the aisle around common interests. That's the scariest thing to them. Thanks, you've actually answered it. Okay, literally, that is the literally the experience when, You will forgive me for not thanks, I'm a fan of your youtube stuff and lovely, doing channel on how you communicate are really do, and I also saw it that glengarry moved on and is stuck up for me up, appreciate that as well. Thank you are just ass. I was taken up. I was taken up for everybody. You know that doesnt merits about the principle you know I defend Alex Jones is right to freedom of speech. I defend yours van joe rogan, I defend
agreed, whilst Julian assange, most importantly, and those due to the people that the establishment don't want us to defend their freedom of speech and so and right back at you. I am a big fan of your show, I'm very jealous of your popular hurt. He he I was talking to my youtube liaison and I said to him I said: hey, you know no we're being suppressed hot, look at Russell bran. We could all the views he's getting and we're talking about the same things and he's killing it, and the guy says to me Jimmy. Oh brands, a huge star with millions of eggs and as I go, you forgot. That's right! Ok, thank you. Thank you. at least that that remnant, insignificant part. May me that is still a go really really appreciates that. I am doing this loads things. I want to ask you about but lightweight something you just touched upon any response there. That is not about any particular person, is about a set of values and principles. This my girl,
shin of principles is something that where europe is the easy dismissal of an a principle is something that I notice in again and again that people will say this is what we leaving out, but not in this instance. I want. I want been doing videos, for example around around mandates. One of the things I have continually said and have been careful to say because I am aware of the kind of restrictions that exist or even around conversation in this area is try to yet for a moment what the subject is just think about the principle, the principle of free, then an autonomy, if we put them aside at this moment, We don't know where else it my may be applied. Even You agree in this instance with the subject lie say with the truck is like it was: do you think they speaks to with deep?
fame of a kind of cultural nihilism that people don't have any real values or our media don't have any real values, the values that they do have a so dominated by the pursuit of profit and the pre existing relationship between government, big business, a media that everything is a kind of posture nothing is real. Nothing has any sort of meat on its bones. Oh that's exactly right: they of course they are. They everyone pretends to care about the right things. That's what virtue signaling is all about. You virtue signal Why you? I have a joke in my act or I say you know if it was eighteen sixty the Democrats would be bragging about their first transgendered slave owner. So what they do is they're using these virtuous signals these things like identity politics, not to help minorities or workers or poor people they use it to keep them stuff. exactly where they are and out of any kind of economic prosperity. So what they'll do is
that of having a white guy abridge. You they'll have a black transgendered person, a breath you or pete booted gig, whose gay press you or rachel mad of feed use. Five years of unbelievable red baiting conspiracy theories that were evidence free to the point red baited every one of their political adversaries. So that's what or the other get someone chris haze, who has a shows a nerd like he would never lie to. You is a nerd, so these are the people. This is what they use to keep everybody where they are and to keep people out of economic progress, is they use identity? Politics and we're living in it right now I mean do you know that that mean virtue, signalling, mings way more than substance. I just saw The policy has a she's running for reelection and Why she's doing it she's not doing it because she's a la maniac narcissist, who can't let go of power and privilege, and
site or trading by the way now she's doing it for the kids she's doing it for the kids Russell and if there's no one here more about kids than eighty one year old millionaires. I happen to know that she cares mostly about her kids, hernia, husbands, kids, apple and facebook slack leah. I this is here. This is interesting because, obviously the way that the information is presented, as you just said, jimmy- is an indication that the that they understand what real values are and the only time that these principles of veal, currently denied, and not here too, is when it actually might change something satellite net. Do you have the same cause? I was in an offended beings of copepod right. I know a lot of people that watch my stuff off from the reich's. I read the comments. I assume it's the same from you and I do look at the comments in your stuff loads of people on my channel.
Have your channel say I you know Jimmy Dore is amazing. You should watch jimmy doors, video on nice, and you know I mean I get let light loads of that people seem to recognize that we're similar or at least interested in similar ideas like so jimmy. Do you do you feel that the are you concerned that so much territory has been seeded that populism is becoming automatically associate with a class of politics that previously was aligned with the interests of big business, I mean to have conservatism, repub Can I use em and do what does that? Tell us about the left and do you think that something good emerged from this movement? Or do you think you were so? I have already said that the parties rustic to ignore the ignore those kind of criteria. Well, the Democrats in the united states. Does you we really only have two major parties and the Democrats response to look out for workers. They don't fact when Hillary Clinton was running it gets donald trump, the first time or the only
I'm they ran against each other up, chuck humor, who was the leader of the Democrats in the senate, famously said at a press conference, you didn't say this I've only he set out in the open. Nobody wasn't trying to hide it. They were making the case that hey you Democrats aren't appealing to blue collar workers any more and he said, don't worry about it blue collar worker. We lose in pennsylvania, we're gonna pick up two white collar suburban vote there's an eleanor in ohio in wisconsin and They were these literate. admitting yeah. We don't want to represent blue collar workers any more were in bed with the white collar college, educated leads, which is normally better republican constituency so dead. So no one's representing them and people workers are gravitating towards Republicans people like donald trump because they got nowhere else to go people
vote for a game show host because they were thrilled to do so. People did that because they were desperate and they couldn't trust this system. Many more the oligarchy system. We adjust elected a black guy with the muslim name in response to george bush. They gave him a peace prize on his first day in office and immediately wrapped up the war in afghanistan started bombing. Libya put a hit not on some of the lot and dropped. Twenty. Thirty thousand bucks in syria and boy. That's the thing about those peace prizes. Nobody ever tries to one second one happy then went on He then went on to create to deport more hispanics and all the president's combined since eighteen. Ninety barack obama did that Barack Obama built those cages that there are putting immigrant kids in that they claim that donald trump built he did. It does are built by them. Donald trump, deported way last hispanics than barack obama, and Joe Biden, plus what Barack Obama kick five point: one million families out of there.
in a similar economic crisis in two thousand nine okay. So the ad pep black people's income went down the income, disparity exploded go bomb, gave us a right wing healthcare plan. There was a give away to help of big farmer and the big health insurance companies. He didn't give us a public option and he didn't give us medicare raw. So if you voted for by John Mccain or romney, you would have got almost the exact same government. We got under brok obama. So that's why people are voted for donald trump, the first time and we have taken hundred million people, don't vote in america. The biggest voting block of people don't vote the second biggest voting. Why are people who call themselves independence who are violated with either of the smallest voting block in the country are democrats and republicans and that's the way they like it, just a few handful of people come out and decide our elections instead of the biggest majority and that's what they want.
Of course they wanted to both. They want to suppress the vote and that's exactly what's happening and they don't want you to be understand, was so people don't get that even of people no chomsky. These days have forgotten, he wrote a book called manufacturing consent and that the establishment media is there to do just that. Manufacture, consent. So this idea that there is that so That fox news is worse than cnn is worse than MSNBC is ridiculous, but they all serve. Same people and their all telling just as big a lies just different ones at any given time is so crazy. Give me because you know you bring it up trump ski there's. Trumps get a first said that there was a required is lively debate within narrow paramo, as in all areas where both parties agree, you effectively have no choice at all and the situation that you describe The way we are considered to be the shameful abandoning of ordinary working people by apparently left wing pies, I don't know how much
Now about braced politics, but our politics of responded to yours. Will you had clean and we got Blair and the way that, like you know, I have understood or has been explained me by matt tybee, that the Democrats or therefore they run policy around funding and the acceptance of money in the middle east in order to facilitate growth and campaign power in they. Night kingdom. The labour party abandoned their historic clause. This meant that I gave a certain number of votes to the union's. They got rid of that and it meant that there that essentially well, labour became electable with them. Prefix the telling prefix new lay back like new coke enlivened labour rose to prominence and but by lie in a moderate fat, share the great right wing, conservative leader when asked what is your greatest achievement. She said tony blair was her greatest achievements that we had a similar. We have a similar thing unfold
in terms of the rise of populism and what might be considered uncertainty is labelled as a kind of f, no nationalist populism, but for the reasons I have already described in our conversation, those that description of ease and needlessly The jury, if I'm what's that word I'll, just have it ids for mistake, the opposite of a euphemism, where you deliberately use something to make some exam worse, whereas the euphemism makes us sound a bit rough. I learned it the other day. This for mistake is like that not least because of the abandonment of working people rather than some inherent racial stuff. That's going on. If you highlight all their rights, is they prejudice, then eight days we were able to dismiss their views on it on that basis, so life for us, we outbreaks it way. You are trump that was but you know that was our moment an hour, and I remember feeling like let winners being in the media, the eyes a celebrity, a sore fella. Oh, this is what I'm supposed to be a part of this of legacy.
Maybe I you know what I'm doing flashing views and covers, and all that kind of stuff I felt like You know when I know when I start stood about politics. They are condemned if may was the most of the day, apparent left with a most vicious and vindictive and patronizing and pious and the way that they spoke about like brexit vote. Hers was like lie: lie start to realize you lot height working people You hate you. I like. I had a realization and so inspired. well having come from different countries, there's clear global parallels occurring, but Baucus of interconnected and presumably powerful wider narrative. Well, it's funny to see justin trudeau. Talking about the truckers protesting against the mandates of the the verbiage he used. I I think I'm going to get correct. I hope I don't, but I think he said they hold on.
Separable views they hold on like we're not even talking to them. We don't even care. We do. I don't want to hear your concerns. I don't want to hear your problems. I don't want to hear your redress of government cause. That's it I don't care about you or your debts and they try to make. to seem like they're, a fringe group. There was twenty percent of the truckers is what I've read now. That's a one percent would be a fringe group, zero point. One percent would be a fringe group, I'll even give you five percent would be friends group, twenty four, at a truck words, a who have now been joined by farmers are not a fringe group. You want to dismiss them as a friend's group because they actually have figured out a way to protest their government. That makes a difference. They found a way to shut down capitalism temporarily to get their point across and that's why they have to dismiss them that way and of course they ate the workers that the head of the the leader of the Democrats and twenty sixteen. So we don't give a shit about the workers
I don't care work. We want white collar people to vote for us who cares about the workers. Let them go vote for trump. That's their sentiment, that's how they So that's why we're living in the of the times that we're leaving in right now and it's everything that comes from establishment media is set in the prism of left, right, trump or or not. Trump or everything are doing this with the there's a protest happening in another country. There's spray, make it as the trumpets they're doing that in the united states. No matter what happens so it there you are with us or against us constantly and doing that, I'm telling people during covert don't turn on abrams over vaccinations turn on this. Women in the united states. They did a study over two hundred thousand. but would still be alive, who died from cove it if we had medicare for all? They never mention that who, they want you to be angry, yet they want to be anger at your neighbour, a nurses, aid or a teacher, or a key or a student or
driver, that's what they want you to be angry at, and I am reminding people that's a trick to get you to eight years labour, your neighbour, and you have the same problems. We ve all been court, they all have been crushed by the lock down and this oligarchy who, in the big of course covered in the united states. They all got together. In congress and they passed a lot of votes. The cares act which wanted that do that was the largest. transfer of wealth in history and gave us nothing and every Democrat included Bernie sanders signed off on that garbage. Why? Because we live in a one party oligarchy, there are no two parties. This is a joint I've been trying to tell people in the united states if you care about progress, if you care about progressive did you have to stop donating and you have to stop voting for democrats. I know that sounds crazy, but that's One thing: that's gonna work, and you know how I know: that's gonna work is because bought and paid for establishment, mouthpiece, manufacture of consent, lord
o donnell, who hostess show on MSNBC, said this before he had a show and MSNBC when he thought nobody was looking. He said the only way you can get a part. the move to whichever part you go. If you want the democrats to move left, you have to show them that you're willing to not vote for them. He said I'm he goes. I know this in fact he was the head of senator who ran the Senate any said. I'd never had to listen to people who were on the left because they nowhere else to go, and so I've been trying to tell people in the united states who consider themselves progressives or lefties. You have to withhold your vote from the democratic ready for at least one election cycle and then you'll have real power. That's how you get power, that's the only power you have. They don't care about us all, Both that's why they gave us Joe Biden, who was a worse candidate than Hillary Clinton. He was here actual racist, he's, an actual enemy of the working class and he's an actual maniac war. Criminal he's a knock, not not! That's, not hyperbole, and so
so, they gave us someone worse and Hillary Clinton and sulphur willing to do that. Our countries gonna keep getting worse. People don't want. Here that just like they don't want to hear that everybody, no matter how many masks for vaccines they take, is going to likely get oh mccrone, which is covered so the idea that we're turning on our neighbours over disease or a virus that everyone's gonna get no matter. What and this the end that the establishment of wrong the cdc and vouchers had only been wrong but lying and we ve documented their lives here. So I don't know exactly what the question is. What my answer is always keep your eye on the oligarchs and don't fall for that to blame your neighbour for your misery, because it's not your misery, don't blame and immigrants. You know If and if somebody gave your job to an immigrant. You know who did that? That's a capitalist who found somebody to more desperate situation than you are, and he can now exploit them harder. So it's not that person who's your
me? Your enemy is global capitalism. Light when you step may about the trackers, though, when there is no democratic method by which you can express yourself, because the single state oligarchy that is ubiquitous in angler funny. Can western light capitalist coaches find a new method through protest? That protest has to be de legitimize in order to nullifies impacts. Democratic process is not a fight. The protest that the meat produced movement is not a fight. The media won't speak or provide a vote. For these movements on reminded to, when you say about turn on your neighbors fervent. What ah run, I would say, issues that or not be determinant of vine down achieve When she came on the cold podcast talked about how it's always been the
imperative of colonial powers to create a divide and conquer dynamic, and it's something that the british were excellent at when conquering territories of india and something that abides still for the you know the ongoing the policies of big agriculture and all that kind of stuff. Also, though, it's of formulating this into something of a question because at the time it wasn't a question I even gave you is a series of announcement. Would you very kindly turned into a five minute response, so I appreciate that I'll tell you that much and when crystal ball off of breaking points came on, I asked her look. We let you know why are we trying to inhabit the Emma PA, a wave meaning and demand purpose? When is evident, I ain't going to do anything dd. Do you believe it's possible that you know you just say I suggested in your or at least how withhold your vote for one cycle? Do you feel that there is a
woman, for I knew trends, ideological political movement, there is explicitly about economics and about improving the rights of ordinary america's. Do you think it would work in your country, difficult work elsewhere, Or do you have any optimism that the democratic could change not you know, even though, after what you said about bite and on what we know about how they treat Bernie and they made the trump type they preferred tromp over burning is that you know the facts of the matter so like em like in a way where were damn where you stand on, that: can the candle denmark, pi be be revived, or do you think there needs to be a new movement? Well, people have been advocating for crystal balls point of view since nineteen, eighty and worse gotten us a goddess from bill Clinton deregulated wall street crashed our economy within ten years, bill Clinton who output exploded the pot prison popular meanwhile gutting welfare, these two things
that guy, then it got a sewer goddess Barack Obama, who did all those things. I just told you we did, and that gave us what that gave us donald trump. This is the obvious, and then we got the this. The programmed justice democrats, which was the idea, was that we're gonna we're gonna elected for people who don't take corporate money so that they can fight back inside. The democratic party against the democratic machine will that's an unbelievably failed experiment, but there are still a lot of people who won't hold their feet to the fire and would rather disparage me when I tell the truth about the squad democrats and then still go on to support them and run cover for them and tell people that somehow they're not corrupt, there are a hundred percent corrupt they're not do they're, not representing the people voted for them than not representing their constituents there representing their own personal info. Careers and that's called corruption and there's a lot about people out there and tell you that's, not corrupt and that there are lying at at what do. What to protecting fuckin politicians and that's not what we
who, at the Jimmy door show so, do I think that you can enter the democratic party in reform it? No, and that's why you have to do it from the outside dino ralph nadir, who people blamed for george bush being elected, so they still hate him. But the funny thing is they loved bush. Now, how did they loved or worse still, hate, they still hate later, because Ralph nader went against the establishment in the system and they loved george bush, because he is the establishment in the system and he'll tell you to hate trump voters. Now in england, you have bread now in the united states we had trumps election. Those happen, ruth roughly same time, and it was dismissed by neo liberal establishment in both countries as racism, The only reason that any of that happen so and what the utility of saying it's racism facility. Is you don't have to look at the real problem which is neo, liberal corporatism, which is crushing workers? That's the problem? No one wants to look at it or how about the fact that nato keeps bombing the shit out of
countries that are oil, rich and then for a problem for saudi arabia, israel and united states, and then those refugees have to flood into other countries, and then you get so I remember when trump god first got elected, he put it muslim ban on muslims coming to our airports, The lefties went crazy. How could you do that and am I they never stopped to ask the question We demand a wire, their muslim refugees at our airports. It's because Barack Obama just spent years bombing the living shit out of them. That's why they're and Okay, we didn't care about that. We only care about this symbol, so they don't care at what is actually happening like when Joe bite and pull us out of afghanistan and p, tell me? I bet you thought he would never pull out of afghanistan. I go there not take that money that they were spending in afghanistan and they're not going to spend it on schools, books and health care and education now they're gonna. Take.
that money they're going to put it in the ukraine are going to take that money and put it in china they're going to take that money and put it in africa they're not going to stop doing that. America has got over one thousand military bases; officially, they admit to eight or nine hundred, but there's got to be over one thousand cars. Lots of them are secret, we're the ones doing that worthy imperialist. It's not russia. It's not china. China goes in and invests in other people's countries and they make that look like imperialism. So this, the world were living in Russell left up is down, black is white and they tried it. I miss every problem as racism, they're trying to say these truckers and farmers in Canada who actually have found a way to effectively protest, are racist, no matter if you become effective at protesting the establishment, you two things sure you're going to be called a racist and you're gonna be called probably sexes too, because I suppose, if all you have these aesthetics than the aesthetics become incredibly
the important thing you have to highlight and glorify these differences, and given the political tradition that you grew up in your extraordinary simply extraordinarily sympathetic, as am I to the rights, and I voices of people that are not from what call the majority or dominant culture in any particular nation, more important, at bow- is that these issues on ultimately less important than the points of innovation pact between the neo liberal, dominate a culture joy of ordinary working people that what we have to find a cohesive stories that bring us together. You say that thing about the military bases everything today after I did? I did it yo Jimmy after this of be a coop appearing on the right wing side of the list, they're on their Joe rogan guests thing, and I said like the these: are the things actually believe in these things have made videos about. You tell me what to
me prefer right wing or left wing to ruminate on light how problem nobody really enjoys paying tax. You know on the base of our you know who likes losing money or working fifty or forty percent of the time for nothing and let you know Julian Assange said about the afghanistan war like guinea did said that the function of government is to take public money and to transfer it into private interests. It made me realize that an economic model where we were aware of where our tax, when and indeed were able to designate where our tax when would be favourable. For me, it seems that centralisation in itself is problematic. And that we could have political models that were more representative of the potential that technology gives us More localised democracy. I've read elsewhere that you call
over fro a hedge many without account ahead germany, the argument for communism versus anarchism, always being how can you ever regulate or confront the power of corporatism unless you have a united state, but now that we ve seen the wood, the corruption that leads to the imf? sense of the state, the willingness of the state to corroborate and cooperate with corporate power. I feel that one of the things we should be looking at is localised democracy, with under a kind of confederacy. We should like the kind of words that you here in american constitutional politics, but somehow they seem to be enacted and given that, in the answer to my last, your crewmen question, you said you don't leave the democratic party can ever function as a voice for ordinary working people. Do you think, then, that necessarily with in a court of law. You know- and you may not notice, because of your geography but like in a minute.
in europe, there was after two thousand and eight there was a kind of a count. There was a populist leftist move let put them. Ass came ass. Spain light was us of like a dude off the internet like going to. Let you got going government got come up to go, centralized there, sir, it's ingratiated firefox is, he still round the dude that was the equivalent of the vice president of the second in command type dude. He lied when they say that group. We pay in the EU back that money and light and then like that that lead guy, followed it and who loved by the un is far far his estate with it and even Steve Bannon, assistive Bannon, doing addressed to the oxford union. If such a magic man too, this guy. He turns up like colombo in a rain mac and several shirts and addresses this you can hear the more about our doing boom boom boom high in on him, and he just comes into the oxford union this prestigious over gothic building in england here and like egoism like he just takes off his ranco goes in and I I missed flight to do.
Speech and I'm here to tell you. None of you are arrogant alone. Your own home is two thousand and eight to two thousand one Barack obama makes this decision he's not notified that he Barack Obama he makes this decision. He signs away this money. The quantity you eat to eat tourists, crew, creates, is incredible, it even goes on to say in the future, belongs to populism. We're justice I do, however, is going to be right, wing populism or left wing populism at this point, Bernie was still a possibility at this point. You know. Web jeremy Cobain in this country were still a possibility and I suppose what I'm saying is, I, like. You know whether it's like giving people more direct control over the way that their tax dollars are spent more control. over there community while ago Jim the necessity for some forms of centralized power over municipal projects that brought hospitals law enforcement. military, how you I mean. I know, there's a love balls to keep near here by what seems to me what seem to you to be the absolute priority
in korea, in a new politics, you know about media control, freedom of speech, allocation of funds, real democracy, waking people up which it is Diana. This is your bread and butter. You do every day what what what? If what would be your priorities, and would you address some of the things I said like that, so of local tax autonomy model and stuff. Well, let me just say this beetle, before I dress requested directly that you now I live in california now California has is the fifth largest economy in the world, just as state of california, and we have a super majority democrats elected in california to run our state legislature. Super majority, meaning republicans, can't stop anything. The Democrats want to do and we also have a democratic governor. So damn, if you think the fix to gap, listen more oligarchy or did republicanism more corporatism. More too
We of the problems in your life is voting harder Democrat. This should disabuse of that idea, there's people sleeping under every bridge. In california, we don't have student debt relief, we dont add people can afford to live here, We have unbelievable income disparity, we have a housing crisis. And we don't have healthcare in california. So if you think you can vote your way by vote democrat out of any problem here in. That is all that is ridiculous, and that's why, when p come on your show and say we gonna kick vote harder for democrats to fix it data then believe that that's just a lie: that's that's! No one who is a cent it being who's been alive. For the last six years, I've been watching politics and nineteen eighty. Nobody could believe that that's just a bull shit hundred percent on its face the people who just keep Keaton,
you to vote for democrats or people who don't want to actually get outside the the polite society that they circle and need, although save the bubbles that they travel in, wanna stay friends with all those people, all those people who are pressing workers, that's done within a one. That's what that is about now. How can we get more of movement, control over our government. Now we I mentioned ralph nader before it. I said this before I knew he had said this, but in two thousand and fifteen twenty sixteen. I was telling people because the democratic party had it Bernie sanders, that's not hyperbole was proven. People had to step down and shame that they were cheating hitler Clinton was literally running the democratic national committee during the primary which, as you know, that's fraud that son ethical fraud and should be criminal. So I what I told people as you can't now give your vote to these apple. So what you have to do, as if by everybody who voted for Bernie, withheld their vote and told pollsters that they're not going to vote for Hillary Clinton, she would be down ten
set in the polls and should never have a chance to beat donald trump. And so then we would have power and then democratic party would have to come to us because then they can't. In an election without us, so we would be. Forced some kind of an issue there, and so that's what ralph data was saying all the time: we would have to win election. We can get ten percent or fifty percent. people, ten million or fifty million people to bandy other and say we're not voting for you unless you promised us health care, we're not voting for you unless you promise to end the wars and invest that money back here. We're not view unless you promised to cancel our student dead you're. Not if you, unless you promised to give us a living wage they can. Then they would have all that power. Now it's up to the republicans or the Democrats, which ones do you want it now we'll be all out in the open and if neither of them wanted those votes, that's what we'd have another trucker sit down where they would shut stuff thou, so this is what that would be. That was my big idea. Russell that you don't need to get enough people in a third party or major party that could actually winter
a national election. You just need to get enough people that are like minded who are in we to not vote for those parties that's how you influence them and that's how you have massive, so we're not gonna get anything in the united states without massive public displays of protest right. Direct action so that's what's happening in canada, and they don't want to cover that, as you mentioned, they're not covering it, and if they do, they cover it in a disparaging way, because strikes are catchy when that stuff is. when people see how well that's working, how much that has the establishment shading their pants because they are, they have to stop that soon as soon as if people All that we can actually take our power back right. I try to everybody who worked at you, you ps in amazon. didn't go to work for judaize. The whole country would stop, and so day after day lies their power, but the problem is needs also get corrupted, and so now
major unions aren't really against the oligarchy. They are the oligarchy. So that's why it has to come from the bottom up. It has to come from the grass roots and as far as the things that you about like more local level participation, will you can see reared tax dollars go yeah. I mean, of course, that that though, if you could start at a local level, that's always the best you I we. We were lobbying here, romp Lakota up in pasadena, California. We will go to the city council meetings in and we would our lobby that our representatives for broadband right? Why? Why can we have universal bod broadband but provided by the city? and how would save everybody money and how it actually, and so anyway, I'm with you on that, I I don't. I need more ideas that way. I'm not you know I haven't looked into it, probably as much as you have, but yeah, I'm all for that hates her housing to do like there's. A few more women have got cushions to fill the entire. Our content, you'll be astonished, professional person, but jimmy
I want to know a little bit more by graphically let how did you come to cultivate this perspective how do you manage the tension between being in an attain a and and and ice? You know an activist, obviously explicitly and in in a pretty dedicated way. That's what you are. How do you manage that that tension? How did you get? How did you cultivate these views? Anna yeah? That's enough to start with. Well, you know, I grew up poor. I grew up one of twelve kids, my dad was a cop and he worked two jobs and a second job was working bricks too glaring and then I had to do that with them, so I worked with my hands. I grew up poor, I drink powdered milk until I was in sixth grade and stuff like that and I saw that the people who The hardest didn't make the most money, and the rich people didn't really work hard. They made muslim country buddy. I knew was workin there ass off and there were struggling even back then, and so,
things are way way were so that's really shape. My in my view, some things, but also by the bill the presidency in the nineties, because we're all just told you they gotta go Democrat. That's the lesser of two evils turns out bill Clinton was the greater evil, and that's just not me saying that right, that's book, listen liberal by and I care members name them tavis frank. He said that. Also it's, like you, think your vote, but when you look at it, of bill Clinton, was able to do things negative towards workers that george bush, who he beat it his george bush, the first and the election, couldn't like george bush, the first tried to pass this thing called nath Nafta was this: you know economic agreement between mexico, canada and the united states, which grew workers and unions right, so that was so built. George Bush, the fur couldn't pass that bill Clinton got in and he gave covered to the right wing. Conservative democrats, the corporate is to go ahead and pass that, and so that was that-
so there is an evil that republicans couldn't get done. Democrats came in and we got it done so or they got its own, and so that was a big when I saw a bill Clinton do that deregulated wall street. He cut well fairy exploded the prison population, while demonizing poor black people, while passing nafta, which cut the legs out from underneath workers. That was a Democrat and I knew that the Democrats or no friend to the working man and then It's all what Barack Obama did. I knew for sure what they're doing is they're trying to find a friendly face for corporatism, and I told people donald trump is going to put an ugly face on the stuff that Democrat it's been doing all along and he sure did. That was exactly a fact. So, when Donald trump became president Local municipality stop working with his deportation ice, which is what they are called the of the enforcement of deporting immigrants, and so he was unable to deport that many. So he put the ugly face on the horrible
that we were doing now. They got Joe Biden whose demented and he's not threat anybody, so we'll never tweet anything mean so they think that's all they have to do but we are catching on that they've been fed a bill. A bill of goods by this guy was demented. Just like they'd been fed a bill of goods over coven and the suppression of early treatments, wow cool. How worried about how he managed to stand up at his intention is there is. Is that a thing for you? So I get it. wait? So you know they tell you. Don't I've been to comedy clubs and they were like hey, don't talk about this? Don't talk about that and of course that's the first thing I'm going to talk about, and so I've had that problem, but in two thousand and eight or maybe two thousand and six, the eusebio. Peter opened in los angeles, and they asked me to do a show, and so I didn't know what I was. Do I only done stand up, and so I decided to do a show about the news: I've been watching the news a lot and I couldn't believe the stuff that I was seeing and how many lies they tell anyone what speed, and so that kind,
I started doing this show about politics, and then I got an hour special on comedy sensual called citizen Jimmy, and I talked about all this stuff. They tell you not to talk about in comedy clubs, because you're going to split the room, you're gonna divide the room, and I talked about all that did it in a way that was inclusive I didn't do I went it was us against them, not me against half the country. I did in a way that was inclusive and it was very popular special and it was chosen best of the year by itunes, which is that if I if I don't tell you that nobody will that's why I have to tell you and soda actually gave me the and then I got a radio show from cape e f k, which is a lefty public radio nation here in los angeles, so I was encouraged to go against the establishment and status quo. I was getting by the stable, when they were rewarded me with things like every time I went against it, I one and then I the doing of news on youtube and again it's so much easier. do a better job than the establishment news, but I've lost.
A friends in show business because of my politics back I wouldn't vote for. Hillary Clinton and I wouldn't vote for Joe Biden. I've done voting for corporatist warmongering and when I did that they see You know, I'm the I'm their enemy and because that's that's how narrow there thinking as they can't understand that, though you just choosing on another evil, you're, not choosing a better evil or a lesser evil, you're choosing another evil. In fact, a lot of people say it's a worse evil, because they could. The Democrats could pull off more evil than the republicans can because they put a pretty face on their evil. So that's where I met. Ah I'm not going to party, to pay them not ever voting for another corporate is warmonger. I don't care how big the buggy man they put up against them. So that's what kind of where my politics comes from while always been lefty, always been work, it's always by us against amazon. I keep my eye on the establishment. I keep my eye on the oligarchy and I dont get distracted trying to hate on my neighbour. Do you think this comes from
extend your father's, a copper and like there's a point where the a that was got it in my view, be still as I can. community, driven vocation in other people that work in the police force as if that community toe checklist Jimmy one time I was when I was you, I got used to hang with per lighted lakota process, nor that a law that was still crazier than a junkie and I like come- I enjoyed the chaos, were the first one went to was an accident, the liverpool dockers, union, were protested in trafalgar square cause. I know they were getting screwed over. I don't know I just like came out of the tube station and they were throwing like paving stones and it was horses running around in the street. You know cause. There's a mounted police Is that what I like to know just liked the chaos of it? Then I learned about what the liverpool dockers struggle was. Actually you know about. As of these kind of things, you've already talked about and nano sized
involved in, like you know, just attending things that reclaim the streets which were so of anarchist type movements that are pretty serious and could be pre destructive and the role of famous protesting of late nineties early two thousands before I got clean from drugs instantly before I became a celebrated tv. media, and I was at one time I remember, being brought up at the front line against the plastic shield when I heard the accents of the men primarily behind the shields. You know I'm the people that were their protest in front of blogs and I know it the police or had accents that were like mine and we're from places like ethics and can, unlike the suburbs of london, where I am from where I grew up in a single parent families and allow the people to flee blogs. Is that not all, but where people have come from universities and higher education and that kind of stuff? Now you know no discrimination at all everybody?
oh baby, and we should all be riding in the same direction by starting to feel like the police force them ordinary working people in a light, because I was you know, a default criminal by virtue of the drug addiction in the way that drugs that necessarily acquire like- and you know my I grew up with that kind of style- slightly anti police types- not I remember, as I've grown. I've realized that there can be no populist political movement with any chance of success without the full cooperation of the police force and the military is absolutely impossible and plus the vast majority of people. My assumption would be are drawn to those vocations by a desire to serve and a willingness to self sacrifice, and these are people that you don't want to see me. These are people that you wanna see celebrated boys. vote along with a nursing health professionals that people are working, I've got lucky, but I will in school with or in the fire service, now know that don't bring up the same attention because it's not law enforcement is rescue in and of course, in your country, you've got the nine eleven semi or x around that stuff and added some stuff
their unions and all of that when I feel like, but these are the people- these are the people that you ve got if appeal to and stuff so I get. I wonder how much like growing up in a household with a police officer, that's having to work a second job, laying the bricks and whatnot is the the personal of the experience of the political. How much of that is still in you? How much of that is in your blood and in your understanding of the way put what you know, even ideas of what is right. What is right, you know. Well, I you know I've so during the black lives matter protests and was at twenty twenty, twenty writer or twenty one. I know I don't even
summer now when they weren't, but I think, was twenty twenty. Ah, there's lots of police brutality. There's lots of police brutality in the united states and it's the way we run our policing right, it's systemic and what happens with cops. Is it when you join the force you either succumb to the culture or you get kicked out and that's what we've found out right. So it's a culture. It's it's a systemic problem in the united states from coast to coast as far as policing, so I've spoken out very harshly against policing and police, and you know I've come from a long line of cops. My grandfather was a cop. My dad was a cop. My oldest brother was a cop
and so a lot of my best friends in Chicago or I'll cops right went to their wedding stuff like that, and so I know who cops are, and so there are very nice to me individually, but as it is a culture there, corrupt and and does so yeah you're, you make a good point that these little policemen are workings working class, but often they don't police, the community, I grew up in just like you are mentioning like, in LOS angeles, that the cop in Chicago one of the great things about when I grew up. If you are a city worker you had to live in the city, you couldn't live outside, because the idea was they didn't want to give tax dollars to a worker who was going to go, spend it outside in another community. So if you were a cop or a fireman or a city worker, you had to live inside the city that was really more about political control of for the mayor right, so that was making sure that that we kept segregated communities.
And that the african community didn't overtake the city, that's really what that was about, but right now, I'm living in a city where people live thirty I was away from where they go police, and so when you, if you don't live, community or policing, you're becoming an occupying force, and you see those People as your enemy, instead of the people you're supposed to serve- and you know I mean look at the movie-
is that I mean I grew up watching new jack city and all those movie. You know boys in the hood now so you'd see it it's revealed, and in and plus I saw it as a kid growing up. So I yeah, I think what what what what we have to do is is convinced the police and people in the military that that that they're worth us that their their interests are our interests and our interests are their interests. But of course you know, I mean cops, aren't really there to protect workers they're there to protect the oligarchs and their property, and people forget that. So we have to keep that in mind. You know, and as soon as the cops in canada started to defect and started, they help those truckers and those farmers who are protesting. You saw the chief of police of ottawa come out and he was panicked that we gotta stop this now and he avowed to use the full extent of the law against these cops, who are helping them so
That means that there are already cops helping them and they got scared, and so that's exactly what you're right exactly what we need to do. We can have a revolution until we convince those people that their or you know what I don't know about that acts I mean they would help if we can convince them, but if we showed up and like their truckers, are showing up we're gonna win and that's just a fact, so we gotta convince people that they have the power to occupy and show up, and that's what scares them and the problem with occupy wall street was they occupied wall street instead of occupying washington dc press interesting was interesting. That observation clearly, though, with those movements as well as perhaps this of the sixties, count a culture and how it mutates
into the individualism of the eyes is there's two things want to bring up the price. Pre bloody major one is lack of a coherent ideology. That's ready to be mapped on to what currently exists to his people. So have just a remark. Fisher is very influential british roya. He through its own life- and he wrote in his book like capitalism, capitalism use that phrase which I think someone else coined dies in it's easier to envisage. The end of the world is to envisage the end of capitalism that we cannot even conceive of it. That is such a deep and entrenched fundamentalism that we don't really know. Also, let you an even I started when our he used to say about in a revolution and let you know where they were even when you use the lexicon of the traditional left of workers in unions like ice started, feel those hedge moaning, our arguments person, I'm right wing rise. in may of
come here, but you know we also happened in the soviet union and we all saw what happened in china and lots of this. I feel that this is actually point out me by autumn. So, if you at the manure or any of your shows. Yet you should get him on his british filmmaker made some brilliant films called century of the self power of nightmares beer like about the internet. The afghan war he's a brilliant, brilliant, filmmaker, storyteller, uses archive to illustrate narratives this, which are which are highly offered, but brilliant, brilliant. You would love him anyway. He and his first present opponent. Maybe that they had left it at abandoned working people. They any swift, showed me What the lineage about was- and it was out of case to that said- that the problem of occupy walter, is like an old ass if they had that amazing tat, not a ninety nine in the one percent by hasn't brilliant ideas, but they were unable to solve mobilizing of green that there's no there's, no condemnation of them. That the revolution is ongoing, is an ongoing process. Hills it right the arab spring.
That that when there are these uprisings, if there isn't a coherent ideology to to be beyond onto the pre existing, heterodox ie, then hence to have any someone like you know, these limit proverbs in the case of egypt are able to come and go, but we actually got some pretty clear, written down ideas that we will be deployed so an and- and this is so tat- Lee connected to this, we'll call it an sillery inquiry is my belief that, like come over their communist critiques office somewhat because it necessarily have to replace religious ideology is because of this starck context in which a series summaries of material They stick in his own way. A mate of mine said that the problem of communism is it places economics elute lie at the heart of all ideological arguments, when really what will you and I two and a half things? I fairness- justice, love unity, fraternity, sorority, togetherness,
Do we evoke and embody and energizing activate a spiritual dimension too, this movement without sounding woo, woo or airy fairy and crap boy. If you can pull that a great leader right I mean I might that I'm modified a little bit about spirituality too, on my show, which also Please me that you do it better than me. So thank you for saying that there are many many things that you do about them may have been listening to this podcast. So I you know, I talk a lot about the collective unconscious which Carl Jung call talked about. Also and that's why you know he caught a lot of heat because he said that whatever bothers you and another person is happening inside your unconscious, Why you have an emotional reaction to it, and that you have to be able to realise. your capable you're on your dark?
your shadow, you have one and that is capable of horrible things. and once you do, that you don't have to act and on what you acknowledge that you don't have to act on them and they were see them and other people. You see yourself So then you don't hate them. And so that its harder to divide you. So I don't If you pull that off, how you get people to realize that that were actor or actually are one that it that you know if I just watched the matrix last night in fact- and so yeah. You know that's an illusion of our living in that I watched their LAO all of them. In last night, I watched the last one, which is my least favoured by the first one, was the best so for mine for me, take anyway, that what that really explained everything,
living legally watching it. When I saw that film, it changed my dress code tat changed overnight of how could like how could that film? We might. How can hollywood? Less is filled with us. I think. How can I make this film like little, even the lego movie, and how can they just put that out? The basically tells you pay. Your reality is constructed in curated you're denied any opportunity to freely express yourself, your dominated by these copper forces. There are some external forces that dominates Oliver or the matrix with your battery new energies, in drained. It is the only way they drank that fucking thing at the back of your head like at. How could this movie be made here, then go home and carry on and get back in the battery sale. You know the interesting thing from my. When I saw that movie, I couldn't believe it, and I wanted to drag people to see it in one of the guys I brought to see that movie was at the time of, comedian. We were friends and he had. He was right, winger I wonder how he's going to react to this movie, and so we went to eyes, took him to see the matrix.
And he didn't say a word- the whole movie on my guy he's hating it and then after the movie was over. He turned remaining said. This is too and pour to be a movie have. I was like la so there is a real connection right now, so I have that opened his eyes to a lot of things and we we are so that's the thing- those aren't just words. Actually are one. This is where we are. So I heard a a quantum physics is talk about energy and how will how we are all connected? And he said you know when you're writing an airplane. You look out the window in your overall, an ocean. You see white ripples, and you know that that is the crest of a way you can't see the wave you to see the big ocean, but you can't see the way but you do see those white lines, but you know that those white lines coming from a wave, even though you can't see them well he said that the same way with everything you see in reality, we are an energy way. We are the crest
thing you see as the crest of this energy wave, but you just can't see the wave of the ocean and every wave is connected to the ocean. That's not separate and has no drop of water in the ocean that separate from the ocean just like we're not separate from each other. We're not separate from the crest of this wave of this energy that were riding right now, so we actually so that's it. I don't know how you so how do you live that right? And so I think young came along with the way to help us live that under and that we do have a collective unconscious Joseph Campbell also helped teaches that. But I don't know how you get people you once what you convince people that they're your neighbors interests. Are you? trysts that I think that will go a long way. Yes, love thy name like its actual bible? Unlike what comedians even to you in tat, bill, hickson, Lenny, bruce and george Carlin and prior were so. I love that uk
the people who got me started was george carlin, I remember when he talked about that. The seven words you can't say and t and when he talked about catholic school- and I just couldn't stop me- it just blew my mind like those there's, an adult who gets it at this, and so that was a big thing. Me, the jury seinfeld I loved, also brain region and then, when I, bill hicks, it almost ruined me, never forget that This time I had heard about this guy bill hit. You gotta see this guy bill hicks, you know so I in comedy, maybe three years at the time and I thought I was. I pretty much had it I knew what I was doing fishes, but I thought I was very cocky and- so I went to see bill hicks and peace here, he's up he's on states for like five minutes, and I started feeling horrible about myself and ten minutes in drinking a high enough and fifty it's in. I was sure I was never and I do comedy again because
He was so much better than anything like. I had looked and isolated Carlin, who was great and amazing. I'd like a fire did everything right. If I watch my pc whose dotted my eyes and cross my teeth and did everything right. I could maybe have a special that's like that. But when I bill hicks. I knew I would forever be fighting for second place and it just kind of crushed me and then a few years later he died cells. I got, thank god our relief, and so I have a check. Yes I was like. I have a chance again, but no, I was was the weird thing too, because when he died, I was the first time someone I didn't know personally died. I fell bad. I felt like we we lost something like an and boy heavily boy could I became we had been hicks today was anyway just so. That was big influence for me. and then you know, and in the modern era there are so many great comedians. I would be ridiculous to even mention them besides Brian Regan who's, the greatest, oh well I'll, have to learn more about him. We've built with bill what
see that thing that you feel like is beyond emulation. What do you think it was? Do you think was the ability of drop in character, that's of which semantic thing he could do, go boy stuff the best of weird voices, this of transmission of intensity. That of had that we know fiery texas share in it so he somehow was able to take a larger view of everything. So he was like on another plane overlooking what we were doing. That's how it felt to me anyway, and so he had a good. He had a baby greater perspective, then everybody and then he coupled it with em amazing ability to mimic pantomime deliver jokes to do sound facts. Even he had this hugh, he handed out I'll. Take you an amazing performer on top of his insight and his philosophy that he inject
into his comedy, and he had also this rage that I connected with. I also have a lot of anger and rage. I grew up with you know you, and that was another thing. I was always told to hide that comedic lee and as an entertainer like you can't go on stage because I tried to be like bill. Of course I did, and I got my She handed me Jimmy very quickly, and I remember my girlfriend told me that Jimmy you don't look like you come from blue collar for like what I would get on stage, because I grew up poor. I would always try to be very clear. Often very well dressed, and you know I had to our hand me downs until I get out I'd school so that what, as soon as I could dress nice, I tried to- and I tried to present myself they said you can't go on stage and yell people. If you look like you come from privilege and you look like like I'm. Ok, I got it. I got it so I had to for my tone in everything. So, if you look at Two thousand eight special was much softer than the person I am now. but it wasn't until I started working at the young turks and I saw genk Yogurt.
At the top of his head. Almost every show- and I was like You can do that. I was told you can't do that, and so, but I few can do that and he's popular I don't I could do that and so I started doing it and I was speaking freely from the heart. And letting my emotions take me wherever he went and people connected with it and people would come up to me for two years and they would after the twenty sixteen election and say jimmy you. Can the same- and I didn't know what they meant at the time. But now I do what they remain. was Jimmy. You are expressing outwardly what I was feeling inwardly, so they were feed.
In rage at the system and what was happening at their politicians, selling them out and the establishment squashing everyone and nobody speaking up for them or anybody telling the truth in any of the media and when they said they felt like that and they would look around in the world and nobody else seemed to be as upset as they were. So they thought they were crazy. But then, when they saw me come on tv, and I said it, then they realized that they weren't crazy, that there are a lot of people who think like me, and that's also what chomsky taught us and that that's the point the establishment corporate media is to make you feel isolated is to make you think that the thoughts year thing you're the only one having those thoughts that I should a living wage. I should have stood free college. I should have health care We should end these wars there Want you to think that and that so that's
The establishment media is there to do and that's why they would never give me a guy. Like me, a platform saying the things I'm saying, which is why I have to go on youtube, rumble and rock fin and because the the establishment isn't going to endorse this right and so in fact, they're suppressing us right now and they're trying to get rid of us for telling the truth not for lying. So again, I forgot what the point of the question is, but that's aroma cool man, I'd like it made me feel like sort of innocent bill. We all of a bill. Hicks became silver, an agent or as an as what has changed their of your self realisation itself. If the- and you also gave me a valuable reminded because super stick- man I can be- I sometimes get the our function is to channel What we know to be the common experience and not to fall into the trap which I've fallen into semi tons of thinking. Me I have this thing. I fall into all the time I have to remember that cause what I had this big moment that we won't know about cause it'd be irrelevant to an american where like and
I like I, am we're in pop british politics right. I start talking about politics Alonso there's no point vote in whoever you vote for you get the same result ross at that, and uncle got a laugh a blow back and then I went on miss biggs of new show with ears like our equivalent, something like sixty minutes ready and as a right, hadassah, guy, Jeremy, paxman and my reason I love mark fisher, who wrote that book late. Capitalism is because when I had this conversation with Jeremy paxman, I goes to him. You are, I see you all the time. in the tv with these politicians view science demands of the question properly your lion, you prevaricate and tell us the truth, and then, when I come in here and tell you to it's pointless, if you hit on me like so like and let the spring when all viral is that, ten years ago, a web on anyway, like so much little channel sites, it'd be popular and successful, and I ended up. I think some because maybe it around the time the Obama maybe went on my merit lie. I glad the leader of the This came round my house to do an inch on youtube. They lost their election pretty badly with the leader of the centre left.
pilot, able not wipe time violation, perhaps because of doing that in the view of my life. I remember the starting point for us. I think I am the vessel. This truth, instead of remembering now you're just saying things that people feel you're just saying things that people feel just keep doing bat don't get caught up in your in a trap and as you see this, you know when you talk about an archive and archetypes underlying unifying consciousness, of which we are all expressions. Individual waves of that whole ocean is too. Recognised for me my unspoken myself, let what my jaw base my job is to do my best to speak the truth and recognise that I am capable- Corruption that I am capable of vanity aid cannot capable of self centered this and is- As I manage that, then I won't go through my left. Projecting now another people, because I'll be able, I owe my shadow alone, my shadow, that is correct, I mean I've, tried, say I say all the time that you don't
I'm calling out the corruption in the media, which is what I really like to do, and I my point to rachel matter who gets paid fifty or sixty thousand dollars a day a day to manufacture consent and I say you know, and I'm no better than her and it just nobody- has made an offer as soon as someone makes an offer I'll take it, but no one's offering. So that's what I always to say, because I don't want to pretend that I'm as soon as you do that as soon as you say that I'm a better person, I'm more pompous, I'm you that's just again. That said: that's that doesn't help you. That only can that can only help, destroy you Our job, then, is to remain humble to remain, grounded to remain open and honest and keep communicate and jimmy thanks. So much for coming on here and there's so many things you said that are just bear. four. I'm really excited to share this with people or took a photo. If you notice to leave the screenshot, I'm sure people will be. I hope that people will be excited
data on them on youtube. Where we do a lot of our work and press mean you stay in touch, so we could talk about what, if any future collaboration we can do. I would love to that's great. I want to say a big thanks for having me on your show in exposing me to your audience. I really appreciate you do and that you have a huge audience and your show us amazing, so it's just a hundred percent filled with jealousy you ve grown in that part of shouting. I can't wait to come to the uk. I know we have been over, there is called soon is covered. it's over, I'm going to come and do a tour. It's been a real pleasure to talk to you, I'm really flattered that you invited me on your show thanks for me: okay, same hi, Russell! Thank you pal! Well that, was jimmy Dore. I hope you enjoyed that. Let me know he thought of it on twitter, using across the rockies. That's why I call myself there everywhere else: instagram tik tok, all those things I'm at Russell brand. communicate or you can send me an email at help, no help at Russell brand.
On us if you need help or hello rosa branda. Conversely, if you say hello to me, if you want a common show ever keep watching the youtube stuff remember come and see me live in scarborough share the autumn, all over yorkshire and language, arming Glasgow's employment and bristol Stan Gay, that's gonna, be another outdoor extravaganza. That's coming up in April, make a point of travelling around the world of may that they stop building this movement, probably also you should be listening to above the noise and medicine. It did a nice one on. You know an invasion world peace and innovation multinationals You can get that on the same side on right now, luminary and if you enjoy this conversation, one recent bilbao, why comedian com It is an interesting meeting, an interesting topic, cristobal mention in the protest berlin in then you can so following the line of inquiry, keep checking out more cheap channels everyday for new videos, and thank you for listening to under the skin from luminary,
Transcript generated on 2023-10-20.