« Under The Skin with Russell Brand

Dr. Bob Gill

2021-09-25 | 🔗
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, I'm welcome to the skin from luminary this week I spoke with doktor bob gill, doktor bob gill is a family doctor, a g pay who became an activist come campaign to prevent the privatisation of the nhs chest ass, the national health service in england. Now, wherever you are in the world, your love these because it reveals how in plain sight, conspiracies unfold united healthcare, big american firm, got, the one in air gazes, Simon Stephen, employed at an age. S than some statement goes back to us: unite healthcare. The company that does the pay off oppose. You did that big opiate crises in amerika. There all involved it you'll love this. Does it shows you how big business and government and media operate in cahoots with one another to get their objectives met. Even if it means ordinary people are gonna get right turned over is fantastic style, listen. Adopt above go about this just a little. chat. And how are you feeling today,
In fact, in absolutely starve it s, money, catchphrase, Remember. I told you to explain that I was so hungry that I wasn't hungry anymore. Isn't he said, that's weird at hand. didn't he did often is this a sort of euphoria you for wherein it might makes you so hyper aware, where I can. Of light. Neo makes you better working yeah cause. I can see how things are unfolding among. Do not do that, though, not going to happen. That person's going to do that like it is I feel like all profits. They profits they faster night. Maybe life would have been different if ADA twelve. There would have been a member because, like a thing, is I said it for genocide again I feel like I'm saying that you guy emulate the conditions that we evolve for them allow against the law
then with aid emulated occasion. This is a further now they were, they were adapting to avoid, environment, old necessity, appetite makes environment and it flew ass. We formed from that now If consciousness, as you know, is a fundamental component of reality, us up a building blocks it worse of almost like carbon or something is fundamental element of reality, not material, super material beyond material? I might make I dunno how you want to think of it. I've certainly be made but light. So I think that we evolve of the five hundred thousand years. We would have had a culture totally bill around we're, arboreal apes, away, nomadic tribes and, during that time, native in a certain pat- and this is what
machine that we live in evolved for agriculture's ever to only twelve thousand years ago. That's when everything changes significant me in so many areas, but the bodies not owe it to adapt for that as well as such, we intolerance, lactose intolerance. All these things for the better beneficial from an economic perspective, robin a dark. She perspective both us not by an m dies. You in daylight, light gleamed out of trees and having a plot bunch of bananas it for breakfast and anyone who is not linear hunger as united in this, the no you wouldn't even you hung. I would always be careful jingo both when they said. It'll be available I hope that my embodies hungry, I lost a good or a part. Five page I have I'm no no poet What do you mean? You argue with you about an ice to wake up and I think it's mornings. I should not have to have already voted on seven, a m, then I'm hungry eleven My point, my major point is this: why
you will you guys all day I e, when I'm hungry cause always food available food available- then phenomenon there wouldn't have always been food available. That is that the miracle in the success of agricultural food available for the problem of that is its work our relationship with our environment in so many ways in so many ways, but even if we just take from a dietary perspective, into bloody. Much diet, ass man, because about food, because I'm not I'm not eating cause umborodom aiding cassettes lunchtime. I look John alone did you learn to do date, it's, not a date but was staying with one for three days or a girl off while she like she's a singer ooh. I like this type of thing. Actually, I'm not sure she just kind of plays that stuff bluesy
before now what she sometimes the same sitting around yes ignorant Jim. You know This will be both in early for no evenly awfully refused to answer. They spoke Genji as the bin now, because I told her that I have the very distant incur like a cold, plank legged call, metal, taxis, hurried was a little gem order. Your distant knocker called metal plank were, I can see the allure. I see many ass, you the who visited the area? Are you re you're, like an old man said. it's like you're, disappearing into negative space and a company really just sort your shit out. I don't feel well, I mean spend my money like that for awhile and you might pay for therapy for legion
they ve been going your mentally ill in detail, because it's a cab listening to my say club. Born and if you go deep agenda adopted an elevated to go deeper, you wanna go deeper airport. Naturally, we gotta learn, who is providing this wasn't going debate? What were the therapy were bombed? tougher became is really is like pulling out fires, because one is really meant. He never does. They'll find Let me now bears the name of your father. Never under the co packed up into a hot rod, at that she's very nice name surfing. It serves bureau you're right, you're right surfing. Maybe because is here Baby survey, you might everyone thought buffet
Haven't you ever been to? Firstly, it has got me all too can have some became a letter, and I gave me two concurring thing cousin thenardier taken there. They must do prob. jen that's right, emphasise more small. It tiny glasses. Now people arrive bigger, glasses right write because I need glasses, but cute in glasses, make everything better and then even new accessory conway. If you wanna have nice excesses are due one I like it. Whatever glasses would aware it was like put on my black rimmed ones,. it? Why wouldn't let me where those expensive sunglasses occasion had slightly bigger than mine? How dare you say that you called metal plan, but my head? When I went to the petitions they fit them for my head, saying they were like arms couldn't adjusted.
Special, they legged pinnated glasses. I from the parrot section. Oh why don't you get home in america tries to file a but loser around, if I see a future for you and Sarah fane Up- and I won't say a fan of taylor's like surfing inside alright mate- I wouldn't use too, really give a guy denies that ownership unbundling for four days, like any help or even forgot? I really thought I've written this report eyes you smoking in the same ass, a menu sparing a negative spicy, never gonna get zoom. Why as I say, I'm a complex person in my mind, there's too much going on like I know, because it's just too much drop below it, no real! It's an illusion, yeah, but I only like connecting with people when it's in the proper instantly
kind, and that's all right. You do you like my listen if you need any help, but I hear you're not coming over. I'm coming right, man a record but she's into polyamory. What my polyamorous wow. You ready willing you should believe in my life. I should be living. Why should I believe in your life, Yeah, nice and quiet yeah, I have a whole community waiting just a bit negative, I see at take your time. Some comments on the crystal ball episode: nasa lynn rights, That's a very beautiful super, concise worth putting choose the politics, it would work for you or anyone. Wherever in the system you slow. Ass from what he called John rose in it you back
same here s a sizeable based on you, wherever you were in. If you didn't know what role you gonna be playing out, you organize aside, we award, you want been men being paid if you thought you might be up in man. What would you want knows he's being paid before we might be a nurse What is your millionaires campaign? If you weren't gonna be one? We ve got a million gesture to the nation, enable us now John roush, Mamma dont write a book about him without saying you come on the shows guessed. The The thing is, like you know, with kids, you let one kid caught the cake and the other kids chooses. First. I think the other My kids, are they ll have knives that very violent children, but the sailor had to pick and choose. cotton choose baby one cuts, one choose good system,
this intermittent starve is killing me. Alright, sorry breaking points christian right guys. It's my go for news, it's my it's my go to for news. I love seeing the fusion of spirituality and politics Russell. I'm super inspired by you keep speaking out, but watch out for jenny may thin she's a piece of negative space. listen to shout shout shout out the house. This is a review for apple pocos, remember to leave a review cause we like being reviewed. I like five star ones. If that's worth, you also remember to harshly criticised any may in no don't be master lost. When am when things felt rule blake said Catherine wines which make his way. biggest catherine wins showing his age. It then lay, twinges someone's gonna become wind,
I like it, wins you gotta go to. Your kid language like when you have to teach it incur by you gotten like ink. Fucking thing: can you have to go to ink and make a king thus, when no one things over a bleak said, Catherine wins. I would listen wander skin on headphones, while maintaining from a family of soil for your line. In conversations I mean we keep a bigger perspective on things, kosovo source pending luck I just got a hang out with some smart coasts. Virtual friends were cooking dinner, really feel. Like oh nice, so thank you are currently still my favorite episode, because there are too many some that come to mind right now, be it simkin love be bx. of beer is breathy beer, verbs, briefer layer, don contractual, fantastic love duncan a cotton Bryn? brown who doesn't david kessler too, death and grief, don't
tiger and tat was a good episode, was an economy, physics and meditation, sat guru or so rotations? Philip gotta. Remember our my man cycles in Japan's second I could go on and on thanks as a really good shout covering wing almost say wing, because I feel it at some point in history. You would go. Changes from wings to win just get it to me. Is that really the only way of changing it is changing? How to spell you've got a you've, got yourself, the name wing for isn't that, like a chinese spice, jar, jar or if american person. fading. What
fighting yeah yeah. He said this to do the energy, or at least listen to this isn't about guilt. Remember I told you to be anybody's. Going to be about is actually amazing this, and I remember, of course, you're going to be subscribing from a mainly scott Russell brand dot com for that watch. My youtube videos, they're fantastic, subscribe to the awakening channel as well. I remember I do like live events we're doing moving into the live events, road trip, but I've done that live event. Let's say: yeah I've got one again? Yes, well, that whenever Mister slight meditate narrow, worse just up and establish justice, last sweet lord intended how does that make you feel about the impossibility of mail coach and when you see me in ten days time to debate in my feeds, Rosa, please be aware, when you show my personal tiktok drew a long rely come free online digital going around this is called actually happening and it was There are some that then, yes let's not without really cause is voluntary. Now, what's taking your mama, I'm leaderless, but on alcohol kind of initially voluntary.
That's how we always start the call yeah. Now that the thing is, is the number one thing that my job is is to not. Let me be mental to think someone might go crazy and think that the ultimate way of connecting us kidding you properly then just tell them in advance. I would prefer a little bit of a chat or no, but in bigger handwriting cause I enlisted to get that girl says you should wear glasses. You did great. when our gasogene, like a nineteen eighty secretary, like some unless the night aside vitali pattern of place, you like it second and a lively tablet, and ninety five than in an eminent in life is eighty seven at home, but their tears ends up and have a cup of ambition in our lily tomlin in ninety five, with dolly pot and enjoy fund up nobody doing. My life now ripe common citizen, doktor bob go within. a programme and have done I thought the noise youtube
he's got meditate you'll love it generates the descriptions polo sword, through and above all, to think I have to go into spiritual me to do that I bet you just said no cerebral. It will knit witness and what little nitwit, even when the nitwit nasa service sap synaptic connections in the brain that you dwell within rather than expanding for medicine, to expand Try it out a nasty, come on. It's end, this A promoter of injun, manly son of momentum is brand that conversion or youtube videos dude
A patient listen about vocal jacket, trying to achieve equality with the annihilation of category nor successful. That's exactly right! In this era, where it turns out, we were never works beneath the surface of the people. We admire the ideas that the finance on the history and welcome to Russell brand and doktor Bob Thank you for coming on under the skin incurable trustful. My while we do in his pockets together. What is it you want to talk about? I want to anybody about how the arid chess is at the point all held from corporate capture is a process has taken decades to get to where we are and the bill before
even as we speak, we'll see of the deal, I'm afraid pouring chargeable averages buckets american corporations, in particular united house America's biggest insured they'll be in charge of the budgets and ass they were Removing the system to replicate Open managed came model which has featured in Michael moors film sicker, where in a profit, is derived through the denial of care, and this would be a catastrophe for full. Nobody in this country- how is it doctor and how is doctor that this is happening and we're not hearing anything about it. Why am I not seeing on the news? particularly during this time the pandemic, where the bridge People, love of the national health services be mobilized. Will we go get the unrighteous track and trace app? All you ve got would maintain social distancing to protect erin ain't chest. All of these
things where you mobilise the feelings of respect and passion. The british people have real, quite rightly, for the national health service. Why is this not being put to the forefront. A lot of our listeners are american as well, and so is it important that we have include a global perspective, but you know not having some form of public healthcare is vital. I said vital principle. Otherwise, why have a nation at all? I would argue, the nation does nothing for its people justino, except it's a free for all for the first day. I'd like challenge not challenge you enquire of you from there. Why is this not in the media? Why are we not reading about this or seeing about this? What is central to the plan to succeed? The public have to be kept in the dark if the public really knew what was going on. This wouldn't happen. Unfortunately, the BBC, in many of us, have seen particularly how they reported recent events,
they do not do a good job of holding government to account the senior revisiting the bbc or appointed by government, so that one problem, the commercial channels, have a financial interest in this going forward because there'll be carrying their. The insurance companies with a more and more drug companies, drug products being advertised directly due to the public. So so there is a problem that is a big problem within media, but we also got. I pleaded problem. We ve had four decades of two parties which are more or less agreed on the direction of travel, which is nearly Now we have a short break with the election of german curbing willie finally, somebody uttered the words any just privatisation and came from a senior political leader,
but we saw what happened to the open forget it was, you know, underlined and sabotage. So we have normal play, has reviewed. We have media asylum, on this issue, and we have very weak opposition which just missed directs the public in terms of talking about. But if this is not about, this is not about more money is, where the money is going and what the ethos it behind providing care. Do we want corporations to maximize profit? we want the delivery of the best possible to the whole population. Just then to stories. You know I do that these videos on youtube. We did one story that was about found cheese. Knowledge of funding of gain of fun action in their will hand lapse. We do One story on the f d: a's funding increasingly coming from the pharmaceutical companies they regulate. In essence,
the divisions between then nation of united kingdom in the night and this, nor even the nation of united states. These set, of course, an aids. The house to have in the united states they are powerful corporations, which could beasts understood to be the through a centralized power within that nation, for which the administration provides a veil in the same way that traditionally, with the united kingdom in the corporate class, the colonial class would be able to colonise the world under the flag of the british empire by all my late performing the function of corporate. ass in a even like good old fashioned companies, not east india, t say light. It just shows me that innocence. All of the rhetoric of government, all the rhetoric around free media, the inc, our encouragement to love the nhs and to pull together. You know, through this time of crisis, is a is a fallacy, is deception and butter.
The matter is that there is nothing that they won't per pound. Note sign over dollar sign on when it comes to the crunch. Absolutely I watched the year and listen to the programmes you referred to an extremely interesting income. Wait they are yours, the programme recently on party farmer at paju farmer. Your audience will know they. They were the pharmaceutical company that led directly to about five hundred thousand deaths from opiate addiction in the states. Now, company that is involved in any just privatisation, one of the companies, its board mackenzie, He is a management consultant and was he suddenly had two it was. It was had to pay a legal fine of six hundred million dollars, advising pod you farmer, on how to maximize profit either when the scandal was coming here that these are the people who are heading
the privatisation of our electors, these however, the aim around eighty, the deeper youth of money, irrespective of the consequences what is shaping public policy in this what we had in america talked to bulb at the beginning of our conversation, you said: there's a bill before parliament right now with a vote. Do you mean literally right now when staff vote? Yes, so it said, reading is in committee stage, as we speak. I was introduced back in may of this year. Joy, and then it using the narrative of the pandemic has left the. There are lessons to be learnt and we need to reform the richest. These plans are in place for the pandemic, the architect of much of what going on at the moment. Is a Mr Simon Stevens, who is chief executive? of the energy we suddenly replaced, but elevated up to now
I also note now his job before he became chief executive when two things and was president of global expansion for united health america's biggest inshore, and now we have a bill before parliament, which will in essence enabled the budgets of the ages to be transferred out of pocket control and create new legal entities which they calling integrated cables, very bright ass event. You know good sounding name, but the reality is. This is the case: the permanent t model of managed care which, as I said earlier with the subject, all michaelmas homesick up anything thanks to the nixon tapes were revealed to the watergate scandal we heard from the council. Adviser everyone what this is all about and just to paraphrase what he said, the less can you give them.
patients, the more money you make, the cooperation, that's what it's all about. A man guy Simon Stevens, pray, Italy was run in nhs before that he was running united healthy night. Health is a big insurance agency, night health, again boy negative they're, going great big contracts with a public money, the poor, ordinary folks money, all of us that pay taxes how money will be found or towards that and the ethos you have just articulately explained to us. Doktor is the less care, the more profit similar to the fbi. Processes around drug licensing that mean the corners can be cut short. trials less effective results, we know as long as down the line products can be recalled or rescinded. No wonder that when you hear so many lives doctor does it make you didn't help it. Is that why there is cynicism?
around mass of public health? At the moment There is so little reason to trust the people in positions of authority. absolutely just have to look at the response of the path of from the pandemic, that this government undertook first day expressed I heard a community policy, then later on they invested billions, which was eight twenty to be empowered to test We had a privatized response, robot circle and outsourcing giant and and accountancy firms, neither of whom have any public health experience. and who can about driving trace they wanted to combat and truly an age has tracking trace. We cut our member the time. Is this thing in eight chess? Is this an end? I just tracking trick as other member. The image is being a tech company but create ups. So the annex tracker test and try system was circle
it will water column more del loud della. What I said Is it an sourcing giant? They had they make all their money. Well, a lot of money from public access in contracts, running prisons and the like, and the boy tonight is one of the big for accountancy firms a multinational corporation. So, though, those two companies were selected to run, the annex is supposedly I can trace system which the public accounts committee recently found, despite the massive cost failed to affect the progress of the then said the wasted I jumped up you're. The government justified spending these large sums of money, that wouldn't have another lockdown. We wouldn't need another lockdown if we spent invested this money, but the money and down the drain because it had no impact on the second lockdown.
they have not done so. This is money that could have been spent. Building up. The image is building up public health again, which was destroyed by the twenty twond back, which we could come to later on the any person in a very poor state even before the pandemic, rather than learn the lessons of privatisation. They double down and reroute to billions to these private companies. With no experience in healthcare of course, that twenty two billion will presumably show up is profit for rum circle or daylight there were no must refuse to let at some point? That's to shove profits. There is not a total loss if you are a shareholder one of those private companies- and I am so Just one area. We can see the intervention of corporate interests in government business led to ineptitude and incompetent, if you consider they
care of ordinary people to be important, buys you said at the beginning, if you deny The care you increase, the profits are that's this of manto at least ideal to underwrite they systems. Where else have we seen these problems out, pyre lay out in the pandemic might well. There was it. it was a quota well covered scandal in terms of procuring protective equipment for medical staff, so that the people s We found out recently that the cabinet office had a vip lay now, if you had connections to the government of the conservative party and you put in a bid for a contract with you had any experience or not, you had a ten times greater chance of succeeding in a contract bid if you were had those previous associations. So this connection between big business links to political parties, links to government is a form of corruption which you ve seen it.
posed by groups like the good law project and has been covered in the sunday times. So this is a pretty blatant looting of the treasury under our noses and what what this new bill is currently before palm parliament. Parliament do was in fact remove the element of public scrutiny that we do have have when awarding these contracts some he called competitive tendering. One of the causes of the current back will remove competitive tendering, so government can handout multi billion pound complex lasting decades without any problem. oversight, so they are doubling down the scandalous fraud and corruption and they got away through the pandemic. In this bill, you JP in Can Europe family doctor family doctor in, can how come you ve got poured into this pudding?
as asia, most mobilized. You and galvanized you and, given you the courage to speak out in this way, if you face professional challenges, I know that a lot of gps and doctors were, We've let hand out from big fight, particularly in the united than a. How is he getting paid money by big farm accompanied stuff like that? How come you ve not been crushed by money hammer how I got it was we Already my patients instead cup. Their main hospital was down the road green married hospital in sick and During my time at my practice, we lost the aid the amendment that we lost the return Did you parliament that we lost the acute man Glenn surgical bets. Now I've started to notice impact on my patient care. It is pretty obvious this will have an impact, but the decision, I hospitals couldn't struggle with the additional workload. So I was sending pages
then needed admission, they would best out of the hospital, sometimes worse than one that sends a man. So you don't you again accepting our stance. Of care can easily become normalized overpower over time, but then, the to another husband down the road lucian hospital. This is quite a high profile. Public pushback against the closure I was an illusion and that's what I find, besides, I need to get involved. I can't keep quiet anymore. This doesn't make any sense whatsoever house Our government doing this to us, and you know I've been finally did minding my own business, raising a family paying off a mortgage getting on the day job. But this I saw as an immediate big threat to the very survival of my patients. I'm always cited sit back, so I tried to engage with local medical leaders, and
it was actually one of the conversations I had with the local jp leader who, what described, what was happening to my patients. Any said three things to me: he said your two sensitive your patients are unlucky. and don't worry, you're not paying for any this. Now I thought if there is a response to people in positions of power and responsibility to protect public health provision. Then you know clearly this electing the wrong people for the job, and I need to do something. So so that's what I said about trying to get involved in campaign groups, learning about. What's going on learning about health economics learning about policy, discovering that this hadn't started in twenty tall when the health and social care,
reckless path, because that was a major progression of privatization, isn't started decades before an infected takes back nineteen. Eighty eight, I would say, was a key date m is when, They will lead to an mp and john, would redwood mp were commissioned to write peace on exactly how you, how you re purpose, a public service to an american style insurance system without people noticing. so it was a revelation to me. You know how how far this process of gum, I convinced that written sorry to interrupt. You is that written down somewhere that someone, you can say like how we can turn the innate chess into animal install health insurance system van one knows in there is of a paper trail for that absence besides his document published by the centre for port policy studies on the net,
can send you a link to it and summarised the key steps. They will want to five steps step, one establish the images on an issue as an independent trust. Will that's what the twenty twond back did? It separated the department of health, to a new crime, go coordinator, things in which essentially the privatisation board stuffed with people from the private sector. We ve gone through the revolving door, and now we are in any case badge busily, she's, getting chest, increase joint ventures between the energy and the private. I'll. Give you one example: private finance initiative where the public went to private banks and finance years, I said Linda some money. We want to build new operators, Now there was never a need to do that. There is a magic money tree, the guy We discovered it when it gave out the tests and trace contracts that I'm
gender earlier. We could a fund of this through public borrowing, but they chose to get into bed with the privacy and have saddle the images with a massive financial If, though, I'll give you the figures, we borrowed eleven billion in our gonna pay back eighty eight billion. At the end of which we were on the hospitals is a financial spam. on a monumental. There was just one example of public private partnerships step three extend the principle of charging Now we set up a whole charging system for immigrants and have tourists to gay to claim back money which wouldn't even covered the administrative cost. So Has the government introduce an expensive system of charge in setting fees collecting the money if the amount you collect?
legal cover. The admin asked because they want to extend it to everybody, step for a system of health credits. This this will. This is called at the moment: public health, sorry, personal health budgets. It's a mechanism which they ll be using to keep the most expensive patients away going to private insurance at the moment Because they get rejected. but what the image, as will become, is a tax funded budget for you, which becomes transferable transferable, to a private insurance company to make up for those That being the case no longer provides this as part of the strategy to chip away, The universality and comprehensiveness off the any chess entered is a company that is drawing up the services to cup. Is that company I mentioned earlier mackenzie
advisers to pursue farmer paying out a fine. Now six hundred million dollars to settle without, admitting any liability. So that's four steps step. Five: a national insurance scheme. so your every individual in this country will. let's say a budget of two to three thousand pound attached to their name, which is a Is the equivalent of maybe karen medicate public funding to provide basic level of health care which you can top up if you can afford to so the five step and what the current bill does. It puts into law. what has been already going on for over a decade because these companies are going to I sometime in the future?
it already embedded within vienna chest, there's something in two thousand six: six well world class commissioning. We united health, the big for accountancy firms, mckinsey rural brought in to give us a friendly advice on how to run the energies and they are, embedded within within the fabric of the images now they're running it now more than legislation. Does it for many hands over the images to them. It's interesting when you use the example of the involvement of a country company, let mckinsey you ve been involved in advising purge you around the opiate crises, the create half a million deaths and men better pay out of six hundred million cars It shows you the what the incentives are, what the ideologies and the EU thinking assign world, but that would be prevented
immediately. If the incentives of government were really to serve people, whether you took an the united states or our country. The EU would not involve such mendacious organization that exist solely to mask the malfeasance of organizations such as those which were discussed, describing and them that level and intentions of projects such as this one and is always you believe that they and power of organizations such as these that we describing were resource grooves, I'm a candy early night health or of an empty words were like that power, transfer national boundaries and certainly transcends pal political divisions in sumatra, duke, cannot envisage the current labour law. or in a democratic republic republican. Ever opposing this kind
I have this kind of endeavor is that? Would you say that like would the labor PA a? What are they going to vote for this bill? What we're seeing is performer to fear to When you have a eighty, mp majority doesn't really matter what the opposition says or does, even if the labour party totally vote against this bill. The point is there no informing the public, there is no public discourse about, The imminent capture of the images by american multinational corporations, particularly the insurance industry- there is no discussion about- is this all about They spend a bit more money here and we will and one billion more than you will. That is not where the debate needs be. A genuine labour party that wants to put a stop to this with would be explaining with us,
that's not what we hearing. What do you think we should do? I think number one has to be the awakening of as many people as possible. I'm hoping we can get to a tipping point. where people realise this is absolutely disastrous equipment. I recognise the techniques being used to break social solidarity, to ratchet up anti immigrant rhetoric. So, We rather than form boys and connections without a friend, friends neighbours. We stopped he's out there and we start to say, that person is undeserving of care, I'm going look after number one and take out insurance. These other tricks are being put against us. Moreover, need to recognize, what's going on powerful voices to step forward and and
Behind this effort to raise awareness, because without without knowledge, we have no no way of him, well, the was going on. We need to spot the lives, we need pressure on our leaders and I mean proper pressure, just pleading with them in a groups like exceed Action, rebellion, black lives matter, the level of activity we need to get involved in no time act action and not how operation but, of course, like extension, rebellion and organization for whom I have much sympathy and send some connection to a kind of regarded this sum I'm too greatly optics rather than the reality, and these optics actually applies to the subject of climate change and ecology. More broadly, of a bull somewhat bourgeois metropolitan idea, and I suppose that makes sense when you consider that. may working people don't have time to care about environments. The tilbury staving of actual Right in your face, poverty,
black lives, through whom I have a great deal of respect and support our categorized as beings over marxist and against the interests of many patriotic folk rivers in in know America or our country You talked about the vilification of immigrants. I was minded to say that it is a comparable, ongoing vilification of working class people. But you know, like a proposed breaks, a kind of vilification ideas, even some skin related hate speak in the four in the term gap, a kind of a low thing like people from like you know. The north Clinton, Hillary Clinton's bullet basket of deplorables style rhetoric. This hatred, you know, like inside of the arrangement is hatred over that non white people, the other,
side of it- is a kind of a hatred of an entire economic class, regardless of their kind of racial religious. Then a- and I will That is what is known as we live in this kind of he. It social spice of heightening conflagration is very difficult, people to come together and recognize that we have if no common enemy cause. I don't really like that. Use of that kind of hateful language certainly have a common obstacle, a common opponent, absolutely We need to recognise that these divisions do not appear out of nowhere there is a whole process of dividing people up. Reinforcing and creating stereotypes, a demonization ovation, all various groups that take some That's what the right wing media is. Therefore it is there to.
able to divide and rule and destruction the more provided we are the more distracted, we are the less chance we have to come together. and fight for what is in our mutual interest, whether you're working class, not working middle class It is in all our interests to have an eye, because the targets of these reforms are the pool The poor will be allowed to die without treatment. They'll be alive allowed to care on suffering without treatment, the town? of these reforms, are them the classes who will be freed. Their premiums get treatment when he's pretty straightforward, but soon as they become expensive. complicated the insurers will look for reasons to dump them now without job to explain the business model of private health care to people, so they wake up He realize what is being taken from them is a fundamental basic,
security for anybody to progressing life. If you get stuck with illness, you, your ability to work is on the line, your ability to look after your family is on the line and pretty soon attention the whole fabric of your. Your your existence is under threat, without health care We are all in danger. This is pre com, so advanced late. Capitalism, care about your skin color. But he wants you to care about your skin, color and other people, skin color and other people's class and political persuasion, bricks it and trump on all that stuff, so that they can march on with their model monetize and everything I led the way explained that there will be ordinary middle class folk who, in a lot you pop the price for the poor, will be death and suffering as always, and of middle class. People will be paying, for they still be wrung out and drained and in a light
The idea of what did the wealth transfer has taken place during this pandemic is a matter of that. We can clearly observant. We know and we can see a jury because this conversation at twenty two billion, if that wealth was transferred from taxpayers It was government money that comes from ordinary folk that, when To that that surcoat contractile eleven did they read, obviously countless examples of the transfers of wealth and This project is primarily about that that is the function of the government to ensure that popular the can be metastasized, chew and metabolize into well. For all already wealthy. dress. I wonder what kind of poppy movement might be required. Doktor to countenance these kind of radical changes that are taking place in a I climbed the steinway that an end is the fact that
the changes are, it makes it all the more difficult to emerge. Each opposing them and the fact that, in a way print media, tv media. There is no opposition to two it. Why would a politician like in archaea, star morrow? a politician of the left- nothing I'm about this is amazing. What this is an open go all I needed You know that any chance that we were all clapping for on a I remember the first I clap in well now that weiner to privatize. It is not going to be your nhs, our our inaction anymore. It's gonna belong to foreign companies. American companies, in this instance is gonna, be cannibalized from the outside hollowed out, which is the function of these kind of ideologies and always been alike were what does it tell us about? The political class of this kind of discourse doesn't happen.
Unfortunately, the political classes captured. You know people down there. a second or two people are going to politics, we're getting in because of prince always a lot more people who are purely career. Is this as a an opportunity to earning come off the politics we ve seen, notably the example of David Cameron, who made millions trying to shoehorn the finance company green, selling to be into the energy, and that was a scandal book at tony blair. He's gone on to make tens of millions, if not hundreds of millions following his stint as prime minister because he did the bidding of george bush and enabled the you know disastrous, catastrophic war in afghanistan and iraq, so our politics is Attracting the right people, if the right people do somehow get to a position of power it taken down very swiftly so
We have to create a level of awareness such that the politicians are fearful of the public's reaction the longer we stay in the dark, the more they can get away with it What one of my other things I supported the campaign to two frazier, the silence and he said something a few years ago, in twenty Levin, he described the situation in it. the senate. I think it has some relevance to this discussion, just to quote he said. The goal is to use afghanistan too. money out of the tax bases of the united states out of the tax bases of european countries, afghanistan and back into the hands of trans national security elite. The goal is to have an endless war nor a successful wool
Put to you. The parallel with vienna chess is. The purpose is not to provide high. What if he could care for everybody? The pub these two real money out of the taxpayers: pockets. Into american corporations, and if the politicians can help themselves to a slice of the action, that's what they really we need to say we see what you're up to game is over and you need to start trading the straight and narrow. Before you know, you feel public pressure public backlash. We have learned larvae vendetta territory now, doktor I mean it's like is this when I listen to this, I see I feel very, very angry is athens and that dizzy he said you are family and stuff like that. You still your practice. Energy peace deal via like an impact assessment,
working full time. Only jp trainer icy young doctors coming in they spend a year in my practice before they become fully fledged independent gps russell. The thing that is keeping going is I'm seeing the impact on patient care an example of a patient of mine, a lady in the seventies present, with severe back pain, and neurological logical sympathise enter into a unique. She passed him in and out three times before, A penny dropped that this lady had spinal cord compression, and this is despite me, spelling out clearly that this is what was going on with no special equipment, just mechanic, scale and that his views, clear she and, A power lies from the waist down. This is preventable I have another lady in her fifties who develop paying this joint is now. A medical student should be able to tell you painless, jones
in summary of middle age, is pancreatic cancer, until proven, otherwise that diagram, This was a maid. She was and away from an overstretched any department? There were subsequent delays to her diagnosis and treatment, which meant this. cancer could no longer be surgically operated on and that significant the her outcome, so I call switch off from this- is get that drives me. Afraid of any sanction against me. I've had a discussion with my wife, a party anymore, about. What's going on because? I can see that you know doctors and nurses now and in the future, will be trapped in a corporate toxic dysfunctional. Which is actively harming the patients, are trying to look after, and that is Destroying their soul is inflicting, or injury on a massive scale to enrich very
You already very rich people. If this cannot be tolerated in our podcasting much my online content, I cautiously discuss much of the legislation around the pandemic and its treatment. Given the way you have outlined. The relationship between media, big business, big farmer, and they didn't corruption that takes place between these bodies and their revolving doors, with something like this pandemic and its Suggested solutions how do you maintain a state of open minded? Optimism is difficult because we are having to accept advice. People. We know that I've, let let let us down and misled us and lied to us. Occasionally they tell us some truth. That is a problem. How can the general public disorder
and with minimal information which of these statements do I actually pirating it's not easy anymore. So you know, there's a big push for The nation at the moment we know that big pharma are loving the pandemic, they're, making record profits and at what point do we say vaccination once twice and now a booster before vaccinate the third will you do is that really the right way to go. Or is this business model. Is this a profit maximization model? Is the policy public health policy being decided on watch in the interest of the corporations, or is it being decided in the interest of the public and you're not on any individual announcement all those all those balances go through my head, who does what,
the purpose of this, but what are they actually hoping to achieve?. and it gets harder and harder to optimism. Optimism is key. We have to have hope. Otherwise, if I didn't have hope, I wouldn't be doing this show other chain rather than is fantastic, we're talking, but Other things to be doing, I have to have hope to be spending so much I'm follow fight again. What's going on without hope, we lost an I'm. You optimistic that aid. We need a well motivated, significant, but small. We don't need the whole population to get on their feet and fight back whenever successful. social movements have occurred, is taken a committed small percentage to turn things around. That's what we need to find an I'm hoping it enough people listen to us talking today,
we'll find some of those committed people who can who can accept that this is outrageous was going on and on to put some time and fight against it. Do you ever consider that there are some subjects that are galvanizing? Significant attention side of the mainstream discourse that are comparable to the matters we are discussing particularly related to legislation and regulation around the pandemic. Whether do seem to be movement emerging that are posing much of the regulation and Do you see the how they are tree it in the media and the self censorship around it? Obviously, a person in my position has to be to be circumspect and say time and time again. I have no opinion on how people should respond to this. Endemic, and I would suggest that they take the advice of
physicians with regard to any magic medical map? I have observed that there are significant protest taking place, that there is a law of doubt and perhaps, as we have just discussed, that doubt comes from the kind of environment we live in an environment where the cooler relationships between politicians, corporate and tease, transnational ones at that operate clear lubricate by financial exchange. This has always been the case. This is not unique to this pandemic, but when Mary the taken lacking at the vaccination of increasingly younger people, then whether tat seems doesn't appear to india. That there is a necessity it did in terms of morbid a for example, that that is helpful it isn't that likely to make people think. Well. What is the motive? Is there a profit motive at play when the companies, the very companies that benefit from the appeared epidemic,
during which they have now been proven to have behaved irresponsibly. Is that now was for. Some doubt is not another snow. We ve come here to talk about it. I went to get to you know, but neither of us are in a position to go too far down any avenues of judgment them, but you know I mention this because sometimes I as an a interested in activism and utilizing the power of populist the popular ray the population. What do dead of telling them what to care about? Look at what I do care about and then help them to express that and she and demonstrate, where else where these interests crossover yet look or else these corporations. Doing, though, is happening right now. You know this is something you can do something about. Do you see how we perhaps have to you the alchemy of what's happening, of the various energies that bubbling up the various forms of dissatisfaction and opposition that are available.
There's a rich seem to tap into people. Are people of becoming aware that there are other agenda for the pandemic is being used as a cover for a lot of that I totally this we do not want, is vaccine passports now. You know, I heard your conversation with edward snowden it. The mass surveillance and and how the state to seek when we being collecting data on everybody Well, why do we need a vaccine passport when we know immunization, doesn't stop you getting reinfected and doesn't stop you. on the infection. There is no logical reason to go down the vaccine route So that is a total nonsense. Only this week we had the joint committee, well vaccination and immunization, saying we do not recommend extending vaccination to under sixteen years The government has ignored,
advice No, we will back. The navy is younger groups, so Why are they doing? That? Is it to maximize a profit for pfizer end? Well, then, what about that have anything to do with it? So You know they are undermining trust in institutions that we must have trust in. but they are undermining it. So I do not. Condemn then anybody for having a view which is expressing mistrust on one particular narratives because there are already shown themselves to be critical thinkers on some level, but we need to tap into their critics. Thinking and say: well, you know we know. Cobra interest seem to dominate decision making, how think about them taking over a healthy, isn't I defy you, can join us with. I once heard this amazing thing about rupert murdoch from someone who worked closely with him, he said the fire rupert murdoch. Is he lives
if he's not gonna die and they said that it's kind of light if rupert murdoch is unable to get some advantageous bit of legislation passed? That will benefit many interested made. It is in a ten years ago when rupert murdoch was more vilified and, I suppose more relevant figure before this of community nations revolution and the emergence of big taken, silicon valley and other places where people, at power somewhat migrate to new, that murdoch he sees himself is somehow you know him. to Orleans thinks like he's a more as in If something don't get past now, don't worry, it will come round again. The opportunity will come round again in my own is he's round activism, most notably when I was involved in supporting a campaign to maintain the residential rights of our housing estates in east london, a campaign that got pre active and go a lot of attention in the women that were organizing. It was right and like their private, found, that, when a take over their homes and ten minute, private flashing come out backed off this was ten years ago, and now
as private interests have taken over those flats. You know they got, they can play a longer game. Capitalism can play along a game. Tony Blair can be making decisions around the iraq war and ninety ninety nine or two thousand, while whenever it was, he can wait until he's out of office and until he gets you know whatever. You know, if I'm sure, if we were to examine more aware that tony blair foundation guess he's funding from, we would find some interesting coincidence issue. We call in our son something like this. And even if we were able to galvanize people, say look what was happening. The nhs that you are out there clapping on the first day for is getting taken over by the people that pour it and helped, organise and execute they opiate pandemic the dude was running the nhs used to run this company. That's going to come in and take all your money in it dimer this ain't, just gonna kill poor people and immigrants. You know and let those five steps you just talked us through and all of that you know that he's like honestly, if you sometimes like you can hold a by four minute by
In the end, these, like this relentless of deluge of corruption, that the can only I've been using a lot lately, slay the beast: unless you save the less it gets its head took off his there. of meaning change, not reform. By actual that, we now have in that parliament. No more. We could do something radically different real democracy, real democracy lackeys. To me that you know more about how to run your practice that health care of? People you work with, then some unelected person is going to work for unite health right. So does not tell us that What does not need to be centralized in the way that a is that the whole leftist argument for centralized government will for he was meant to be so you could, you know, oppose Moreover, I won't be- doesn't do that anymore and no, since central left despise even making that claim. You know with serious river in a man dose and we very serious about game people rich nor that stuff from clean and onward these dudes,
where all the same there, all just interested in paving the way for big business just with a knife smile and a bit of nice anguish around people that you know forms of identification, instead of meaningful opposition, radical opposition, serious opposition v for vendetta as horror opposition. How do you see sea selection? Of course, this fight gee? I know you're, optimising I'm not trying to bring you down. I've got you on the show for the same reason: you're on it as much as I like talking to you, I got you know young kids. I got a lot of things to do. This countryside are going to be looking at. I'm doing it because I believe in change, but I believe it needs to be fierce and I believe to be radical. I believe it needs to be now. What do you think we should do doc. I'm with you russell and data. We don't need tinkering that do the system is set up to give us what we need. You know that the democratic structures be they pop party.
Political parties, be they represent the bodies. You get a disk between the leadership and them, membership. The leaders me forever getting the power and then do something different. They are there So we are not the masters at animal. We need system where the public are them, this, and they are our servants at them. when we have the exact opposite, of people we elected who. It was constantly and wood smile on your face to undermine this brought take away those factors in place there helping our very existence. We ve had a class war going on for years, ten years of austerity. We ve had in turn economic sanctions against the population which estimates it already cost one hunt thirty thousand lives that was before the pandemic. The chief scientific
this is the former chief scientifically offices David king s. Made the catastrophic response to the pandemic. Has clay another hundred thousand preventable death. Now, what does it for people to realise that they're, not on our side. We do need different system and baby You know the realisation, a critical mass of people who the penny drops taking away our healthcare we're going to be left having to fence well ourselves. This is the time to act. I'm hoping that this alone the momentum that weaken. We cannot hope to be part of creating yes, as long as like please on ground, new powers and forming crowds isn't band,
lies. Ok, that's really cool. Thank you, doctor, led to the document. Is you ve made? Are that sell off? That's in twenty four aimed wickham people watch that, along with the great and eight chess heist that you made in twenty nine aim. the seller fees on youtube the great energy high seas on youtube. With current me, we the thing is to make it the ring it up, really with the bill and the effect of the pandemic, they'll be on youtube as well. We hoping to really. relaunch it in the next few weeks? And then you know we want to use youtube algorithms to get about so that it gets into people see that it gets the attention that it deserves This is not a commercial enterprise, anything if we do make anything out of it will be, go go back into activism. This is about informing as many people as possible, as was going on a sunday,
I think I really appreciate your work. I really appreciate the way you're conveying it. I appreciate the calm manner in which you are communicating and the amount of data that you've been able to convey the way you've. Stitched together the events, the history of these events and the likely outcome of action is a really great way to convey information is great some good activism. Plus you got there. You know you are a family doc, you got the coup dawson credit of that feel that your voice should be am amplified and heard, and that that this isn't. It is not that we just want to prevent. The dismantling of the innate chess is that we want to celebrate and fervour inculcate the values that the innate chest comprises room. Why do we love the images? Precision
caring, it's about looking after people is about loving people, it's about a set of values that are in opposition to the kind of rampant greed and selfishness that is about to be further advantaged by this new legislation knew we should have a world a country, a nation, our world. Hopefully, that is more in alignment with what is expressed by our feelings of affection for the nhs care, for one another community tolerance, non judgment, but discernment, scientific expertise. Alongside community principles. We already know what kind of world we want more kind of nation. We want this loose talk, to put aside pay. Trivial differences in pay, tribute desires in favour of some more important potent ideals, and thank you doctor for convey them to me. There's been an absolute player, it's only when you know the penny,
come with me that we're losing something precious did. I start to value even more the privilege of being able to give my medical advice, to another human being without the contamination of money into that relationship and that we're losing. And soon you bring money into that dynamic. It starts to pervert what you doing and that's why you get mass fraud, mess up perspiring, and even unnecessary operations. You know just to make a profit which happens in the states and we won absolutely avoid that becoming no place in this country. Ass, brilliant thanks doctor I am currently working with a group of people who will, do you know, face head on how serious occur situation is not fully. For the main stream distraction and diversion, and
where forming a group which again should be up and running in the next couple of weeks, and we calling if you're just need you to play the patriotic war, feeling of solidarity and social cohesion, so that that group, is forming and working behind the scenes are. Hopefully work will be up to a direct people towards that thanks, tat, I may now my thank you also you your educating me. I was always that didn't sleep well, because I haven't come up against your intellect I'm so beautiful. Thank you for saying that. Has the EU aware in alignment of of a lot by listening to and watching the stuff you you're putting out there in the in the so much overlap with what I've I've If the hard way, and also through the work we have done this year, well will. Thank you very much. I'm honored that you would say that to me, and I appreciate- and it looks like we'll be doing some
to give a going forward like night thank stock. Thank you. I wish also thanks you see the girl s land touch of us. His thanks for listening, the scam adults above- go if you follow me on instagram, which is a type of platform for photos, videos and videos as well some of the cool threads, we can leave a voice message. Scared of that word. Or tweet me out rusty rockets. We ve hashtag under the skin, come and see me on twitter, the comes to me in warwick tickets, who bang I was done if so well, above the noise told you about russia. Branda come now. I've enjoyed this put costs, Jimmy jovial enjoy job back in and Francesca. And round martinez, cape jackie, my youtube channel every day. funny videos just become frantic about it and obsessed. Don't do that. Relax thanks, wisdom under skin from luminary goodbye
Transcript generated on 2023-10-21.