« Under The Skin with Russell Brand

Biet Simkin

2020-10-02 | 🔗
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello and welcome to under the skin from luminary monopolies. Russell brand. That's why I'm cold and on these episodes, I'm talking to my friend, be it seemed can be. It is world renowned, meditation teacher as a musician. She Together, they saw her website, says MA dire de maya who works with us has put together, for she moves were pop culture, spiritual teaching and pat practical applications of ancient spiritual wisdom. Now she is, I mean you're, going to in a minute you're going to hear her on the podcast and see hungary's seventies were impressive. She got a new book out called, don't just sit there a kind of what would I say, a translation of the famous fourth way techniques about which we talk in this part cost relight beer and we do later in the podcast. We do some of these breathing exercises that I've done
eye on Zoom and they're pretty effective, and I would recommend you do them. They are a good accompaniment. As with the like wim hof stuff, you know bit bref stuff with a meditation It's good, particularly those view that, like a little high, you're right, django plenty that could be said that. we know that I don't think of you is a personal needs, a little high. Why do you think of you as a person wearing special spectacles man. What about italy blue? Is this because of spiritual it's for social dilemma. Now I got it before. Then there was a period where I couldn't see where it's on white backgrounds cause. You know what they say: online backgrounds, flax, quick just black scruples, language, just melted down? Why was too powerful? And since you got it new special x rays backs how you get on with their squiggles. Now
a system of inter related sign. I think the sciences blue book, but that was doing, is filtering out blue light fanny, my moisture as it does Let's wait a bit more blue light in your life, blue lights will be saying- is the blue lights of an ambulance as your card off into a looney bin way? You fran, keep along jingo his it's wonderful, podcast viviani, our focus joey. that now Janius come on the forecasts. The other day wasn't terrific and I came here jerry w legacy, no go fantastic hastily. The last time you had Yannis one was great he's such a smart and interesting dude yeah. He is he's amazing. He's a got a lot of the answers that dude via natural medicine loved it two of the smartest people. I've heard speaking about the most important human concepts. Brain light bulb brown, looking heart that heart
like the type of heart of real blood. You know how black go a little bit brown, isn't it dry here when what rise? We can do leave it there dilute it. Keep it wet. Keep dribbling include blood. I don't know if it's yellow, let it mellow if it's blocked just let it hang out too, isn't that the technique gen. No, no, are you sure yeah? What do you limit her limerick, tai chi, my two favorite people in one butler, basically people like the jane chair. Another graves are people liked it. If there were any social me, position we didn't like it. We frankly wouldn't re, create them, so they you go. I mean. Why would you follow someone all social media, only term make what get hobby alive prefer being appraised. Spending and given a second of your life, going down a social media thing without graver that right
Do you know how many times I've done that in my life none share. Yeah, never said anything. I've never commented on another person's social media feed in my life other than to say well done, carry on keep on being you like choosers, and, I think even then cause I was very busy making. lots of focus on in the middle assets and things are pretty provocative. Jen didn't know that at least some of them everything to live without politics, that vote and stuff, but for ed miliband. Are you trying to remember those? No matter where you got some poppy account to be precise on piracy, nice things or a bad thing, because I know signal by things you perhaps you have transcending six had the blue light. You found something akin to bin
If you don't follow me on social media, to human health, from the ban on pressure, anything of the absolute mindless sycamore fancy most magnetic praise. Praise me, like you, should, in the words of fat boy slim, is visiting him or knows that theme of oak list but he sampled I'm on all of the different ones. Ticketing talk, link, cassim, twit, instead youtube I put lot of spiritual videos uploaded on youtube down. I actually math act. If you want an email from me, you'll get one per and a russell brand dot com signing up for the mailing list and by god you can participate in a zoom call and a good aren't they, those in costa, maya, funny insightful why don't we put, we are going to profit from their mom, we ha ha what was going to say after that. How are we going to show you are looked after what you gonna show me:
but what it really professional and grow had I like us being colleagues, I think we're working together is a good thing. Actually listen to be it now. I've told you if I told you a thing we are here, make sure you sign up to a mailing list. We do these q and a zoom cause we've given money to people like her, union mission on skid row treasures for women with addiction issues and who else be a o'connor? Oh, I would say: terrific causes are causes. I hear stay out today with ways to get planet in about and zira- that tomorrow then there was a continuous citizen, the infinity, if they have led to a plug in with ways to get We want to get the blockade knowest please So look at you. You know you noticed dumont. Actually, there
you know, that's really where one is. If you to be happy, I want you to be happy. I want so this this. We listen to the wonderful, be it now. Wonderful breath exercises some interesting conversations on the nature of awakening or enlightenment addiction of abstinence. Had this is all in there and do, I believe, will love it if you enjoy and the skin it's been a guarantee that needs you to do anything else with me trying to achieve equality with the annihilation of category successful. That's exactly right in this era, where it turns out, we were never the boss, the corpse beneath the surface of people, with more of the ideas that the finance on the welcome to Russell brand. The thank you very much. for joining me on under the skin things for having me.
already enjoy doing their breathing exercises. We ve been doing together and I'd like to start by talking about those if that's convening of suitable, for you were always exercise. You know I've studied for a very long time, originally with my father and then Still more and more form a lifeless and in my quest for being alive, which I don't know if you can relate, but as a former heroin attic, I feel like which of my religious faith was that of self destruction. I really believed in self destruction, and I thought self destruction was something that brought me closer to death right. You would think you do a bunch of heroin, you do magical. Can you do them at the same time, you close the death rate, but I run What I found on the spiritual path is that that actually took me away from death. It was
me too it, but in a fake way and that's kind of, There was no real. results. From doing that way, wasn't like! Oh, I did a bunch of heroin, and I was like that said I found enlightenment, you know so so, as I was questing for my alive now. What I found on that path was tricks that allowed me to actually come closer to death and, as I became closer. my death. I realise that it wasn't like. I had always thought death was this thing that was coming any minute one day like one day, I'm gonna die and it could happen any minute and that really frightened me and ass. I did more and more of this on this breath. I found that up. My death was not something that was impending; it wasn't something that was coming instead, it was really something that I was currently experiencing and I had been experience From the moment I was born and everything
I've done up until that point was an effort to not be present to the fact that I was dying every minute, What do you mean by death and why I'm interested in what you mean by death? But why is def significant in this context and what he meant trying to bring about death and why dukes there being a corollary between death and awakening and enlightenment. I guess it's because I feel like if you look at life, people live it when they're not leaving it fully not fully embodied not fully in a state of bliss, not fully person their vision. All that that the shadowy like hide from their own light kind of stuff that we all knew no I'll do pieces of whenever we're doing that, I believe we're doing it in efforts to pretend like we're. Not gonna die like that. You know it
like we're, buffering, buffering with ice cream or buffering with sex or buffering with heroin or buffering with a crappy job, we're buffering with a crash relationship and we buffer buffer buffer. But what are we really hiding? and what I realised on my journey is that what were hiding from is that we are dying but we're not dying one day? Maybe at some point were actually dying right now, every cell in our body is regenerating and we are becoming completely new human being, and I think that that is risky and it feels really scary- and this breath work I find brings you into almost a dance with that truth if, when I think about my relationship with death and understanding of death is kind of about finality, so if death is It as an ongoing process for meat, doesn't have the same sting as the idea of one day.
And die and there's not going to be no more russell to look Russell staff? Will move around the world being Russell if necessary, continue em like as you're describing it could just as easily be described as rebirth as as death. and therefore for me it that fundamental kind of venture in the unknown. Certainly in a kind of I don't know, a binary why I was alive for november, the third, never for. If I wasn't alive no more here, I don't have that kind of thing. quality about it. Now. Do you wanna get into my original question about the nature of these breath techniques, but is that what you're saying we all dying death is a is a continuum because we're moving in that direction is surely and is inevitably as if we were falling, but we don't. I don't think. Think I understand the recently with experience definite way, because you wake up a new remember yesterday in that yeah Of course I understand what you're saying. I think that what the what makes
the beautiful for me is ok, I'm gonna die one day and be at an end. no her and all her stuff and her relationship to her kids and her husband and whatever I have here on this planet, that's very, very precious to me will be gone, it'll be over and that is actually incredibly sad and The grieving like when I look at my little baby. I have this baby. That's almost two years old and I look at her and I can feel it. She's gonna die one day. I know that she's gonna die probably she's like ninety but she's. And die one day, and just that fact that I brought her in this world and that she's the die, it's very young, it's very intense, it's very emotional. For me, and in my invitations, and with this breath work I like to connect to the grief that I feel about that
I don't really believe time exists and all the work that I have done has shown me that time isn't really functioning the way that we perceive it to be, which means that I am in fact dying right now. If the future is already happened, in some way. Do you know it's like an already grieve? That and grief has allowed me to feel pure joy, so that kind of the motive, just in case anyone listening and being like god, this girl's morose, like the point of all of this Is that now, because of this connection to my death and connection to the death of the people that I love most and because of my connection too, and that grief, I feel joy all the time, and that is the kind of I think people are listening to you podcast cause they're looking for ways to to re. Imagine reality to have a new experience with reality, and that is exactly what we have found. That's exactly what I have found and I'm excited too. You know that's why we ve been doing their breath together, told people
about that breath viet. What can I say in isn't something you kind of gotta do to hear you got did experience. It but, like you know, could still is. I think the same is true of like football or fellatio, but I could give you a verbal description of either okay, fair enough I think the breath work that I guide is ecstatic in that it could disconnect, you from your mind, for a brief period of time and you know, people are always saying, and I've studied every form of meditations I've been doing this stuff since I was in diapers, but there they're always saying: oh you're, just watching your thoughts, you just watching your thoughts, you letting them float by great. I do all of that is well and, of course, with vader practices, and all of that is what you do, but with this practice literally shuts down the mind for a brief period of time
similar to the wind orgasm. Does that and I believe it connects due to the organism of your sexuality. And brings that sex. See you see like really intend. energy that we almost don't know what to do with that falling in love, sex energy and it brings it up into the heart region, and we feel this ecstatic You know sensation, and you know I do these events with thousands of people all over the world when we're not trapped in our homes due to a global pandemic and people will face clans, like they ll say. In the audience and at my events, sometimes at least fifty percent of the audiences weeping by the end of the experience- and I think it really is because it opens your heart centre to such a degree that you feel more alive than you felt before you did. The breath
the energy talking about. Let this be near enough fills comparable, look somehow connected to sexual energy source of relates to ideas around condemn, leaning that these primal create, if drives, that are required to motivate the animal. The most basic survival instincts within us can be transformed and redirected to hire his. If so, I suppose a hierarchical but sadly, a different purpose. What I felt when we're done them exercises s lack of a suspension of individual awareness like I'm aware aware, bites forget the I am Russell. I forget that I went here. I did this I want now. I don't want my these. My preferences
All of that is temporarily suspend now I reckon my only be for a second to second free seconds, but like it so profound, because the feeling I have when we do that. Is that their that that isn't ongoing parallel consciousness. The same way as that I could be listening to I write a rock radio station hip, hop radio station or talk. Radio station is even though that frequencies continually available. I also feel our thinking. How would lead the same as I also feel like we ve psychedelic, left unsaid, ericsson along time being and recovery, but the same I feel about psychedelic. I feel like the materialists rationally I feel the same. There is nothing else. This is it. This is your individual perception consciousness is an accident and evolved accident is not a fundamental component of the universe of holiday. If I had, experience of the that brief same way, as you know, if they were to take, I westward the empty and think o my fucking god my consciousness just morphed and
stuff I didn't know it was capable of doing I'm feeling different stuff that that do you think that they would say I will listen. Just you pass, you find in that's hyper ventilation. That's what eyes you ve brief the law and if all today, but of course there were just the describe it for people. Listening is light, is of in house ex how in how exile in how ex how come, often stand up onto the knees, because your os has been only hills up to that point in how hold ex how, with a bit of a b the chest as it were, I'm of stamps of making versus of succinct and rudimentary by like then, then you I dont get the same. One life for wireless doing these other reigate exercises nosegay puzzle from now at the same ones like. I am aware that, when used guide the experience, I have to say I wish I could do tat because I'm an addict and if good, why do anything else ever if I like, and what do you think? Do you think the empirical proof that you can? the consciousness or do you think
Many a doctor which I will that's hyper ventilation, and how do you report or a repast that materialist respect I love you. I love this question because it comes directly from the mind right. It's like the mind could conjures such a question. The first time I experienced this breath. My first thought was this: the hoax. This is hyperventilation ventilation. This is a I'm gettin fooled, I'm gonna get like they're gonna. Like take my organs due note, I mean like I was I was on My mind immediately came in its scope in to ruin everything which it which it will do, which is what it's kind of its job is to do, and I no longer listen to my mind because one of the things that happened as I did this breath work more and more, is that I realise that each time I did it was killing my ego
and like you not, this isn't an insult, but I have a giant eager like I'm a big the big personality. I am, I take a lot of pleasure in being good, looking and being funny and being the centre of attention all that shit. I really felt the love your face, like I don't know how guy I'm a sweet, little kirk, I or so years saw yourself. Meek is the word that I come. That comes to mind when I think of you, but you know I'm saying that I thought that, because my ego was so big, I guess I found the annihilation of a giant ego. Is the birth of a giant light source but if you can truly be willing to kill your ego like stand with, where it and say I Don'T- have any more questions now, then a rationalize not ask any more questions. I'm just going to do what allows me to be part of this field and we,
I've found is that it's been a marriage I used to think consciousness or like you're, describing it was the enemy of awaken states. I thought they weren't War with one another, and as soon as I could destroy the men well blah blah and all the blah blah then finally, I would become enlightened and what I ve learned through this process is actually, if I cannot be present with, of those states simultaneously. If I cannot experiences all rainbow of my flies and my poor being in my death and my grief and my pain and my fear and my petty self pity all this stuff- and I I can't do that at the same time as I'm experiencing, that, like radiant sexy endless, no beginning no end less than I always going to be going back and forth, and I just got so if the journey of going back and forth and back fuck it if you can do it,
at the same time. You never have to go back and forth anymore. Would you say in twelve step terms what is described as a kind of steps, one from free awareness that the individual this limit actions of your individual identity, believing that you are yourself and that that see that your primary role is to be yourself and to be partial and loyal for yourself step to believing that you can change that you can let go of drugs, alcohol or indeed the idea of the self step free that it will erode, involve a kind of surrender, a kind of absolute surrender. Is this what you mean by no longer? choir and you see that of position of rationalistic inquiry as a kind of assertion of will, now I see it as entertainment. You know like I can
I'm here and I'm very I've been kind of steadily killing the way that I entertain myself and I have found many ways to entertain myself along the way such as judging people- and judging myself tearing myself to shreds being a bit she no on doing drugs, destroying everything that I touched, that I found it detaining in I like sudden nancy. My heroes were bosky arden, Andy Warhol. I didn't grow up thinking. You know what gonna do like a fifteen minute, facial rich well this morning and then drink. Some celery juice, like that, seem appealing to me and it actually took destroying What I found entertaining to find what I called I'm, not religious, but what I call god this source that flows through all of us wanted for me and what that source Well, I think it's funny about the sources like people think I will. If I turn my life over, the devil is like
hot it sexy, you known, I get the fuck, you know people and I get to do is that are bad and, above all, but it's like, I think, god which, as you know on that hierarchy, the opposite of that devil. We this idea that god wants us to turn to some weird, like robe, wearing none walking around some monastery somewhere in silence? How the how the fuck do we know what that source once asked it. you and I have found that every time I shut up and ask really truly What are you? What are you why it's always such an incredible surprise, like everything that surprising about my life came from me. Shutting the fuck up and ask that question the loathing of the flat the kind of asceticism monasticism that often feels like the pinnacle of their religion. experience, denial of pleasure than
I like getting on at like you, an abstinence person who don't drink, don't take drugs. I don't look at pornography. I don't arch, try one day at a time to objectify, people always coming a lack of work, a pre, rigorous programme and much of it feels. Wanna say denial, because I'm not that kind of a person, but I do let go of things I do like other things,
I suppose the reason that there is this idea that god wants us not to be materialistic, even though the material world is part of gordon, of course, how? What else could it be? And there's nothing wrong with pleasure. It's just that these things are very easy to. I idolize. They are very easy to unconsciously revere the unconscious reverence of sexuality. The unconscious reverence of grace. The fact that we allow these things to replace god is what I would say is problematic mon relationship with pleasure and
What you described is an attainment as oh, I don't feel like of over corrected, and I feel that as ever gonna be a problem for me, because that kind of that side of things does its own pr does its homework and as a person comes from an abstinence background and Europe's unity right yeah like that, I'm another baby I foods
et cetera abstinence- is an option because these are potentially nourishing life affirming behaviors, but I suppose, for me, the bias is never is: never can never be the sort of unbridled celebration of the power of our energy because I don't seem to be able to do it responsibly. Using to be suggesting that you can do well. I can, with you know, actually I don't know anymore. I got sober twelve years ago and I was a heroin addict. A cocaine addict a lot of alcohol did every kind of hallucinogens whatever, and so, when I stopped, I stopped really hard core and I didn't. I kicked heroin in two days like my friends,
meant, and it was so. I wouldn't say that it was easy, but it felt like something had entered a third force. As I write about in my book had entered and it became it was over like it was like. I was just never going to be doing that again. and today, twelve years completely sober. I don't do anything I don't take. I was like I just don't do anything I dont know if I couldn't drink normally today, I actually have no idea, but what I have found that I dont care like I am. My life has become so incredibly juicy and delicious without the use of alcohol and drugs. I actually have no desire that whatsoever. However, other things did enter the picture right, like sexuality became alive and by becoming sober, and I mean for civil having sex sober is like a trip in and of itself when it first happens. You're like what,
What what's. This is like a level of vulnerability that I'm not familiar with you know, and then food was a really big issue. for me for twenty eight years, I've been struggling with body this morphia and what I would have called food addiction and the last three years I went on what is called an intuitive eating journey and I thought honestly russell like I really thought this was never going to work for me like I was like I'm a beast. I just come into contact with cheese and the whole thing is gone like I am an animal like. I can't be trusted with sugar, and our you know all this stuff, and after three years of do. So many exercises and so much stuff that I really didn't wanna do, I feel healed for the first time in my life and I found it
it came from me realizing that I didn't feel safe being myself. I didn't feel safe with the fact that I was going to die one day. I didn't feel safe being me versus other people, so I would look out in the world and think oh it'll be better if I was blonde or if I was tall or if I was this or Was that I couldn't just be be it and the more I started allowing this environment the less I wanted to harm this beautiful girl. I if even said that before honestly, because I didn't really think I was the full, and I also didn't think of myself ass someone who deserved caring for I felt like caring for be. It was some kind of weird like I had this fact italian mobster that lived inside me- I think he still there. I call him tony and at the time. I would try to do something that was healthy, he'd, be like what are you a fucking twinkie like eat, the fucking pasta like we need to what are you you from the street? You know I grew up in the street, I'm from queens
like I'm not used to like a punch in the face. In junior high school- and I was like you know- crazy shit that I've been like mugged gun. when I was raped in the middle of the night like new york city, you know, so I had this protective layer what I've found is that I am safe. I don't have to live like that today, and a lot of my food issues came from that that stuff that, like hardening and me, trying to be so cool and keep it safe. You didn't feel safe to be yourself. You didn't who safe around the idea of death with this, you even be twelve step person. Yet do you let I am also- and my twelve step programme has I necessary kind of not deference to others, but I, for example, have
men tour. I have a lot of money. The primary twelve step support group? I belong to like what's really whitening about. Is my car, the kind of my I usually in hierarchies. I know where I like to be in those hierarchies in twelve step groups, I'm it's their flat a case? You know their service oriented hierarchies, and now I have a lot of those good kind of relationships where my skill set thousand elevate me above my peers.
you have that most certainly am. I would say that you know if there wasn't humility and the flattening of my ego like a place where I could be completely dissolved on. I don't think I would be able to feel pleasure. I really think pleasure comes from the dissolving of that ego and it's not twelve step. That's not the only place. I go like I'll go anywhere now too, to be flattened and to be with humility. I do think also there's a time and place for humility, like my friend argentina. Has this we'll that he described that I love and of the way says that enlightenment is actually like a four step process and so the first step of enlightenment is enlightened right, so you ve had this white light experience, which I Oh I'm, assuming both of us, have felt, and this feeling of like oneness, with all
things in the remembrance of who we truly are and what is really happening here, and that happens for a while and, of course, that passes and what that turns into his creative energy right. So creative energy could be anything from launching a podcast starting a business to becoming some thing in a trade were looking for romance whatever its creative energy right. and then creative energy turns into achievement what he calls achievement and it movement is like spreadsheet emails cold calls like conversations with people, you think, are cooler than you like: you know all this stuff. That feels like a stretch for It's almost like exercising the personality self and what that leads to is humility, which I love it's like, if you
go through the whole rout of enlightenment, creative sex flow creation, achievement you will be hit in the face with that. You are powerless You have no power over how this goes. You are not the creator of what's happening, you are merely a beholder of the beauty and you get flattened whether that looks like rejection in your house burns down someone dies or you get an illness or you hasn't cellular on your ass, that you realize you hate or whatever it is, but you get flattened by humility only inside of humility can you find enlightenment again. need to be on your knees. You gotta go down, no one.
I find in lightened met while they're like making spreadsheets and Emily people right yeah. I heard it described once by the famous reforest Joseph Campbell eyes: the inner christine story, you find that when they heard a king was coming, they naturally looked in the policies, but the king is born. In the stable with the animals and as with your own sovereignty, you will find it in the low place he will not, and when ekotto came on here he said you could find enlightenment on the. private jet or you could find it in the prison cell, but you're more likely to find it in the prison, so I don't wanna go to
Well, you ve already been there, and so now I think your duty is really to find enlightenment on the private jet and that's, I think, so do I yeah to continually basis, spend it cosy little cap of privilege, I mean you know when you took them entertainment early. I thought that was very interesting. The refined as if entertaining ourselves, we've been thinking a lot about sort of tech addiction because of verse of spite of stuff, like very good documentary. The social dilemma that salad on netflix. At the moment I spoke to Adam Ola last week, he's a robot could irresistible about tech, addiction, and the ability of these tech conglomerates to continually enhance their products exponentially until they.
Really out choice about whether or not to use them is limited is limited. So I wonder, as we enter into this landscape, how what techniques you think are going to be important for people to realise and actual eight themselves. I you know I really been playing a lot with this with tech addiction and also with all my addictions, I used to think I was addicted to food sugar, a flower and again heroin, cocaine, alcohol, but it's been so long since I touch those again who knows right, but what I do know is that what I realise is that I'm actually addicted to a sympathetic nervous, my sympathetic nervous system, which in some people call the sympathetic
the system, fighter, flight and so take addiction is actually an addiction to the fighter flight feeling So when you realise that you said to go into your body. Like I dont think tech addiction can be healed by making rules right, like I'd rule don't worked for me like okay, I can use the phone for hours a day, but not more than that, and I can use it for blah blah blah. For me, doesnt work. What works for me is feeling into my body and noticing, am I breathing? Am I this and my income parent despair with people on social media. Am I going home doping dopamine from all the like some getting and comments on my posts and that kind of stuff? If I can start to measure, am I in my parasympathetic, nervous system and then make a choice. Ok, I want to spend this amount of my life and my parasites
ic nervous system and I'm really not willing to visit my sympathetic nervous system for very extended periods of time, but I do think tat I don't have you ve noticed this, but it brings you into your fight or flight. Responds like you, you'll notice, if really pay attention like your breathing less your short, your brother shortened, you're in a fear of fear state that's a natural state of interacting with so what I have tried to do was actually bring in breadth, work. bring in embodiment techniques. Even when I am handling my phone, because that is part of my job is to be on social and to be visible to the people that I'm supporting. Remember that as above so below thing or fill the phone or even with them,
more without a behavioral addictions around food sex with disgust. There comes a point where, where I recognized our manufacturing me have narcotics in my biology and create of dopamine serotonin wherever and of course, watch required, as you say, isn't: ability to remain present, remain aware not to dive into that and lose your perspective immersed in the in the or wives. Stay is inducing, but I find that still the only way I can modify those pages ship s based on it it might be levelled at shaman isabel kind of new ages. Him is that its convey.
Tradition. Less a rootless luck is being made up on the spot whereas I suppose, like monotheistic fives for all of their evident social cultural problems, a clear ritual, ized ceremonial way of dealing with the problem, the problem, the challenge of the flesh or least domination by flesh domination by primal desires. I recognise that no know you don't. It is a point given up social media. Give up the person that needs social media. Give up you give up the self they've given up alcohol, give up the person that needs alcoa. Give up the thing that the point of attachment you give up. As you say, the parasympathetic nervous system know enough about neurology. Europe now needs no, whether that day in the exact weighed up its attacked us, they take your word for it, but what I require additionally in order to do that is clear ritual lies behind.
that's why, like couch in my own recovery of mobile, choice but lie. I also like couching my recovery in twelve that process, because I think all right why, how do I map will? I know about drugs and alcohol onto tech right acknowledges, problem. I believe it's possible to change it. I recognize are going to have to accept help and access, not an aspect of my own awareness that is currently dormant or inaccessible. At least I'm gonna, probably. need to inventory this baby, so I get a better understanding of it. I'm gonna have to share of another person, identify the problems and water is I'm trying to conceal or medicate through this and I have a home anybody stay aware, etc. You know you know what the tools that programme is butler. I do need ritual idea for me in
enough to lie. I do need a kind of you're only going to be looking at your phone for one hour, you're not going on those social media sites. Now, of course, I think these kind of programs are beautiful because they are amorphous and there's as many ways of working them as there are addicts or whatever, but I do I am, but do you not have concerns about on an unstructured and intuitive approach to recovery and the limitations that that places on the replication of these two. I e. If there ain't a technique, how we gonna get people to do it. You know I do believe that we didn't accidentally get born into this era. Ends if you and I were born five hundred years ago, if we were born a thousand years ago, we would be dealing with very different social dilemmas.
There wasn't anyone making documentaries a thousand years ago, but I guarantee that the problems were thick. with people being scalped in the street and women being raped on the sidewalk and like in the past Or whatever was going on at that time, and I just think a lot of times that you know when we look at it as though this is dangerous yards really dangerous social media is dangerous, robots dangerous. Do you know all these things are super dangerous, but it we have the capacity to find enlightenment underneath any circumcised answers and enlightenment, what I love about enlightenment and I'll say something about forthwith here, because you know I'm a teacher of this thing called forth way and that's what my mom book is all about and forthwith supposed to be. What it is, is enlightenment in the real world, so
marcus aurelius as an example, Abraham lincoln as an example, rumi- is an example like both of the first two examples I would sort of associate with kind of you know. Certainly marks or alias services m, Abraham lincoln seems at least carter stomach, though I don't know what his deal was. Roomy see. You know, I I understand, of course, is a sufi and it seems, like us, have a more mystical and somewhat more abstract, theological undergirding than the first two. This fourth way, I heard it in relation with lack of spent sky and I dunno like a isn't it so some sort of russian shamanism thing what the hell is it be it well I mean I could in a in a nutshell, may my book my book really dials it down and makes it super simple for people, because I've been studying it with my father, my whole life and that's my life's work but then
Not shall like really simply. Fourth way. Work is dividing your attention so that you live both in the space of this all and in the space of life creation achievement simultaneously and you no longer make one more important than the other. So that means that marcus aurelius, wasn't a just a philosophical thinker. He was an emperor Abraham lincoln wasn't, like you know, I mean Abraham lincoln, was pressure emperor, like you know, so, being an amber requires quite a bit of kabuki you put the suit you go out, there's a parade, you're being photographed, I mean, maybe not then photograph but and you're a celebrity like there's a lot of roles this world that, when you take them on, have a payment, there's a thing called the law of payment and of the way the book works. Is that it's the way?
Fourth, we work is that it says that we are actually underneath forty eight laws on a very normal day, so you wake up and you're in forty eight different types of prisons, basically like. Said I don't wanna find enlightenment enough in a prison. I'd rather find it on a pro jack forthwith, saying baby, you in a prison when you on that on that jet and so, if you can get with that, if you can understand that your life is the fleeing of that prison at all times and make Your motive, then you don't need to give up, worldly possessions, you don't need to give up shopping at barney's, you don't need to give up the you know, gullets in the glamour and the razzle dazzle of life as long as you're not identified with it, and that,
covered in what's called the law of identification, which is a fourth way to the law of identification, the law of identification, but I do want to look. I have an issue with, like I know, used to a point and I feel but you're great, I'm sure your book don't just sit. There is great also, I bought like this. My concern be at war about and I like the year of training. People just have to be back capitalists. You know, like I added training. People like this is how you can succeed within this system, meditate order that you can like even they look for in each camp. Still, of course, I have are still dogged by
I dogged by it is getting easier, is getting better about like how our eyes, as you say, the kabuki of putting on the suit putting on the mask living in that world going into that space, but whilst I still don't feel fully and held enough to, let go of it absolutely. I feel more connected than ever before to something that I don't feel like. I had conscious access to in my in the previous incarnations of my addiction and my intention is to be free. Now I reckon there is the eleanor recognizes degree of imprisonment. I'm going to require oxygen, I'm going to be living in this body of got all sorts of obligations, some of which are terrific
like I, do you not feel concerned that we accept the limitations of a system that is a kind of any individual. An invisible excuse me, economic ideology that we so forced to live within an evil to grasp marriage rally, rethink spiritually within these confines. I I don't think it's a hindrance anymore. I kind of ice see it as a privilege to be able to be on a planet where everything is very fucked up, and I think it's a privilege to be on a planet where everything is upside down and for we actually says if you're living in a world that is upside down, but you become right side up inside of it. The effect that you have on people is very its resident. There's a residence there's, a sound that occurs when we
we ourselves now am I upset about was happening in america and the political system right now like do I cry about it in my meditations? Yes, but that's not say that if I'm not present to both I have myself both the enlightened lists. Christ consciousness side of myself and also the raw peace. Off american whose, like you ve gotta, be kidding me if this is what you think is a good idea for our country right now. If those two can't co exist, then I'm not going to be able to be effective and everyone's effective in a different way. Some people are effective. Politically, some people are effective, artistically some people earth. active through laughter right. So everyone has their own note that their plan on this planet, but I dont believe when I here. You say you know that
one day, you'll need to let it all go so that you can finally be free. I love all of you, like, I don't think, there's any thing to let go of its just all so great and the body and the finality and the pain and the kabuki all of it and I find that the more I embrace all of it and I'm in last with all a bit rather than being selective. I think that's really a big transformation is the selectiveness like in. versus material gains, it's like how are those things if only by the mind, are they separated. While, I suppose what I think of it, though say I'll show, you know who is a pretty smart and amazing, dude and and came up with some fantastic stuff. Doesn't have the same residents to me as gandhi who buy,
out was not a man without flows by like our field you know like that. Why dig about guy is that he went for deaf fuck. It fuck it. I'm gonna just where a blanket into the goats to see where these ends up pretty sir it's gonna be with a bullet in, whereas, like I like all show year, was no problem. I have an a rolex wrapped around me. No problem on to draw rolls royces, even though I'd like keener I've got some red stuff of haste. It's like wow, this dude knows the score. Man, you know Let this something I don't know if a me as a former head in this, I have this kind of puritanism light now the kind of puritanism of the ex adding to the kind of what we should be doing that and habits You will see that you never had a knife. I have that or or what are like I like what you're saying I just feel like I've been burned by that fire. So much be at the eye that if you call them ever going to be at ease with
every time I open the door. A little bit, like is chaos, happens You know. I think we all know for ourselves which teacher is calling us and which, in life, being is calling us- and I feel like We know which direction freedom will be found in an office. We were wrong to so I think I'm. Open to that in my journey, like I've, been really really really wrong, like one of the things that I was wrong about was with the food and body stuff, I've really was like I'm gonna lose ten pounds. I get in a bikini. I'm gonna talk about how I mastered intuitive eating and I'm going to do it all on instagram and it's going to be a meme going to come down from the holy high mountain and show everyone how free I am and that never happened. Event Surely I had to actually start sharing. You know, unlike the spiritual tee
sure, famous flown all over the globe to speak to people transforming their lives, and I had to get really humble and getting weird and come out to my audience and say you know what I'm really struggling with this food and body stuff. And as soon as I said that out loud, and I really thought everyone's gonna say following me, they're neither guinness not by my book, who wants to follow a spiritual teacher who and confusing canny. If canada does normally, and it was the opposite. It was like, I do came so human and that moment and connected to all people who have the same problem and so the problem was weirdly removed. It was almost like a fifth step. It was like a a public fifth steps Oh, I guess what I'm saying about being wrong. Is that pursued oftentimes I've pursued spiritual teachers like you're, saying gandhi could be osha, and what I found is that when we
into a state of enlightenment ourselves like Russell, yet it looks different from any one, that's ever come before us because it it is its own uniqueness. It can't be like anything, that's come before because only one you there's only one me us bascombe- appear relief for people another there's not. Can it be a spate of may unleashed elsewhere, a fleet fleet despite a whole, flock yeah, that's good. We gonna do any- we carried only briefly excises here. I can we Can we not all right, I'm worried myself, so I'm just going to relax. So how I do it when I do it on podcasts and also when I do it online on my. If you go to my instagram, you can like watch my little videos. I don't do the getting up part, so you can do why, because it's just.
is a famous depressed bit. I know think that because you ve that's how I started you on the journey, but as you get more proficient with it, you can literally do it. I've done it's sitting on a stage about to speak to thousands of people like like an auditorium. I was doing it on stage. I can do it. I've master doing it to such a point where no one knows I'm doing it and I'm getting ways. did and I'm looking out at the crowd and being like shipping. Right now and they have no idea and the best part is I'm grounded. So then, as soon as I it's time for me to speak, I'm right there I'm not like. Oh wait. I'm really hung over from that shit, but I just did a gimme a second to recover, like the breath work has now Oh cited. No side effects are able to do this by fax aside, you wanna offer Some disclaimer black, along lazo repression, be doing this if you're drunk. call right now of heavy machinery or carrying a child aiming a rifle should play
please stop yet Not do this breath work if you're driving a car, or operating happy machinery. You could faint, and it are you do enter into an altered state which causes you to lose control of your body? Sometimes, so it is important to them. Be somewhere safe and also remember that you may need to brace yourself so having your hands. What I do I'll show you how I do this when I'm not doing the up, so it's just in there out. So we do three of those and then on the fourth one you hold it at the top of your value, a longer your chin, looking up at the ceiling or sky above use of the fourth one looks like this and then all the breath of breath. We hope it together and then you get the chest twice and let the air out at that point, I do want to also
oh remind our audience that its super important to relax your body. If you want to feel the effect of this because you're gonna want you, ve been jaska it and be like because you're doing a lot of you're holding your breath, you puffing your belly are your longing gin and then you're, hitting a just and there's a thing that sets. You like tat, I gotta do this right, don't worry about it! Imagine that your body is like jello and key bringing yourself back to the jello estate, with their dress on the final fourth breath or with the free press in breaths? Also, all relaxing the whole time, but on the fourth one you hold hold hold and as you're holding and puffing the belly out and along getting the neck, you are relaxed as much as possible while doing that fourth breath as well I do get bit like raw I'm going to control my spine, I'm going to bust up some low, a shaq chris stuff, I'm gonna, pull in them, Bundy's, I'm going to
these brief watts. Why I'm coming into the next I mention I'm a pyramids here, I'm coming from baby comedy relaxed great? Well, I'm sorry. I've actually been with you many times while we ve done this, and I see having the effect, so I know that you are relaxing new can't actually have effect unless you relax. Maybe I do different. Oh, maybe yeah you were saying that so maybe so everyone three in an out fully filling? italian lungs and on the fourth breath hold belly out like you're pregnant chin, up hold hold hold hold hold. You can hit the chest to release. There are notice that you are doing this or have an accompanying scoop with both hands, as you do. The inhalation is that right, you're sort of as if scooping or yoda, in your palms face
Problems facing our scooped up and condemn this also helps to direct the viewers were going to be watching this at home. I ask, for it represents a huge it gives it kind of like that and then the other reason is because you might pommel forward faint and so your hands are there to catch. You, ok, and eyes can remain open. I often actually play music. In. He might give us a some sort of problem. If you do okay, we with maybe we can I'll send you a song. We can edit it in later. It's my song I'll, give you permission to use it. Oh okay, okay, okay, here we go, in her one always through the mouth, exhale, in here to always do the math, relax,
acts and release held three. release the fourth one hold at the top belly out sooner relax body valley out general just release. The man will do a couple of warm setting an intention to relax even deeper for everyone. Listening at home, we are relaxing completely. We are only inhaling through the mouth filling the belly and lungs begin one these two
relaxing the body release like john relaxing in hell three. I didn't realise she on the fourth breath hold at the top belly out sooner and then hit the chess release. We are both staring at technology right now. We have microphones in our ears and we're staring at screens notice how the entire essence of what we were doing
inches. When you do the breath the screen melts and transforms. So this is another way of answering the question you had before of how do we interface with technology and my thought as we're doing this breath? Is everything is the same once you're in this other state to acknowledge good point? Alright, yeah. I get your point except of course, but I have to say: is that most of the time when dealing with technology, we're dealing with economic interests continue as a and iraq, but and also makes me wonder about that whole kind of straw of and spiritualism, where people kind of light will listen. Man, I'm cool I'm out
it in our luck and an mean, even quite so, of the elevate it beings are, would be happy to hang with anybody from anywhere that sold an illusion. It's just a game. I wonder if, like this of, if our ethics and principles migrate into this space, you know I recognize that the that they're there like that nothing is just one thing. Nothing is all to lose, is really bad. That's reductive and stupid, but like there is still dominant interest. The dominant ideology behind these objects, the same as the dominant interest behind agriculture or the industrial revolution, both of which had benefits. Ultimately, these benefits come about they're established.
as a dominance hierarchies that by their nature or disappear, lots of people wish. We could do some more breath and maybe that opinion will change. No, no. I actually had an insight to say that I do believe Russell that it is part of your essence and part of your calling on this planet to transform some of these systems, and I've heard that from you many times when I've heard you speak and it's very it's very specific. It's your note, and I don't think that these things are contradictory for every one. I think you specifically and a group, a small group of people, like you, were placed on this planet to change some of the system. It's and that's the feeling I get from you about scope that give me something to do like not like you don't have enough to do. Okay, we're going to do one last breath before we do bring your hands together in prayer
and for anyone. Listening are watching at home. We're not praying to some bearded dude in the sky, we're praying to the third part of ourselves. We are remembering that we are at trinity, we are body mind, and then we are some invisible incredible invisible thing that when the sexuality of this body mind- and this third thing come together- we finally get the pleasure of meeting ourselves. So as you bring your hands together in prayer just say and asking in my book, I call it. Of asking just ask for help. You don't need to know what you're asking for help from just say. Please help me, please help me and then deep breath and through the nose and then we'll begin only through them. inhaling one arms up, relaxing the body in she, too
Emily, no three fully relax. Is she the fourth one hold at the top belly out, chynna maria jenna, and it just released the breath thanks king will bear. It has been wonderful to talk to you on this episode,
Of under the skin, I hope that your book don't just sit there. Your take on the fourth way is a success for you and I hope we get to chat more. Do more of this stuff. I believe we're going to do much more of this stuff and I'm excited once wants this weird thing is over. I'm excited to do this together with lots of people. It's going to feel good to be together with humans again or as the humans can love them all right. Thank you very much bet. That's pretty good. I'm stripping out one entrepreneur. free relax. Actually it's nice! Thank you. Thank you for listening to under the skin with be at TIM. Can let me know he thought and inscribed tag me Russell brand or tweet me at rusty rockets, with a hashtag under the skin, roomba go sign up from a manliness ross brand dot com gain exclusive mailing list. Only news, video content plus the you'll be the first
you're about lamentation live shows. Did you know that jen One of these some live shows you liked it did you see those ones in regions park here with their working alone? Just that keep obsession with those good. When I attended the dead, I got better you pretend I'm trying to at least see some content from you, alright. Well, my thought was yeah. Then I deplore I'd like to finish with asia. Luminary is a very fine platform to my work has been excellent. Well done, keep going charlie, splendid, janet any tax.
your glasses for further need that you ve got new glass. Thank you for listening down with me Russell Brandon this week, because it can next week we're gonna have who might be have? Would it be too no change? Now he thanked he's bang he's banks were banking, TIM mention he'll, be in the bank, but also by a bay. Then we don't even know do you know, I hope is another one of those tax over Jonathan Jonathan hey. What are you a favor, but his entire book or while in a row pat on the back view that an entire good well over the Michael Jen for everyone that I haven't actually there's anyone christians christians, but if I'm on I rather not give it a good reading, yeah. Alright, sorry, I'm eating nuts now under the skin luminary. Thank you.
Transcript generated on 2023-10-24.