« Under The Skin with Russell Brand

#97 Art, Greatness & “Turning” (with Richard Ayoade)


This week I spoke with comic, author and film director Richard Ayoade. Richard Ayoade is amazing. I fell sort of gently in love with him. We spoke about fame and navigating the media, the art of comic performance and intention, the difference between greatness and mediocrity and lots and lots more! Richard’s new book Ayoade On Top is out now! 

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hollow and welcome to under the skin, from luminary media with me Russell brandished weak. I spoke to comic Offer Film director Richard I Woody region, Look I worry on top is out now Russia. What is amazing and I felt of gently in love- It would have been a mailing him much from the our ever since, and I am hoping that we made a connection and rigid if you are listening something to me for me, it was all real if you listen to me on Itunes, but a fire or wherever you get your pockets of release. These special edition of under the skin on all public fades this episode with Richard I what is agreed example of what you can listen to weekly on others skin over on luminary, some of our previous guess in Koromo, Nina Dunham have also got fantastic, podcast online. I enjoy listening to luminaries way or find all the new episodes of under the skin and other premium shows. You won't find anywhere else just go to limerick
dont link forward Slash Russell to start a one month, free trial after that, the services seven dollars. Ninety nine cents a month and you can cancel at any time terms apply. That's luminary dot, link forward, Slash r! U s s! A l, L use it it'll. Make me look good thanks for all your comments on last week's podcast, we have Malcolm Gladwell, his odd them comments, commonality you Annie. Herrick said my favorite interview, yeah, I think of all time, including frost, Nixon or anything ever set by making up. Is this, your enemy pay, a grey Ukiah enjoying listening this and struck by Malcolm's comments about sacrificed, when people get together in this, bringing meaning with reference to earlier when talking about people going to church, sacrificing the devices you really in this in real time, Peter Gray, UK sacrificing
differences towards each other by being there together? Is this exertion to bring meaning and relax sums it Monday, equal pay, a grey you Maybe you don't have to start tracks and I'm giving you do then to go for a arms part of the church service. Not sorry, are you didn't probably every success Saxon for it to be a fully the life giving Malcolm's idea is in keeping with our outcry that faith without action is dead. He asked a very good quote: I'm very familiar with. It came Jordan that spice Malcolm is just fantastic great. Georgiana Little and walk away. I thought, Saturday morning, Malcolm Gradual, manages to combine extraordinary intellect with humility and humor rare, yet beautiful combination. Thank you. He was a delightful thin I would say, like he was very that route runner. He is low body fat, nice intensity, with, like machinists intensity of christian bow and assault of 'em, are going to say, slacks like a sabu like an ashen
mystic man check out my Youtube channel for more spiritual videos and clips from the podcast make sure to subscribe, to get notified of new videos as new videos. Every single bloody wake about well being spirituality self care and clips from this podcast. We we check the comments on each video. We may not respond to all of them, but by God, when I read them, tell me what you like see. More of so, we can provide video content just for youth. sign up to my mailing list and Russell brand. Don't call me you'll, be the first to be told about my upcoming shows and receive exclusive content not found on my social media or Youtube Channel check out my comedy special rebirth on Netflix get in touch on social media. Let me know what you think about the podcast at rusty Rockets on Twitter or just Russell Brand to grab this gains a rigid, I woody the tender gent a newly Sean but perennially beautiful director or commentator. Ironies wit, Englishman. I would say
great Englishman, future national treasure Richard I Woody trying to achieve equality with the annihilation of category no successful. That's exactly right! We're in this era, where it turns out. We were never fucking corpse beneath the surface of people with more of the ideas that the finance on the history, the welcome to Russell Brand, the sky. Do you like, de? I? Why Have you that how you, if that's not bad, what's military, that one other Let me talk about my dear I history. I built a particular as a corporate pagoda pergola. I don't know what as well as an outdoor swing. It sort of is a glorified frame
so you know those frames, the links is like a square need, hang hanging baskets of them and there. They begin the suburbs and you built one about one of those. I sent a life, still chief among your achievements. It's on my cv, relief, yeah, pretty good; I quite light D. I like making things well. I've had sick almost entirely overhaul my entire personality, again middle age, because dedicated Mylife to pursue at an if you notice, you were busy, live in your own life, but to the pursuit of a celebrity. And so I've sort of like zealously bought into the right worst aspects of the use of our age. I mean I I I don't know the full story, how kludgy exactly and
walk him while in my shoes, but I am aware that you were in papers, yes as well with with frequency, but I mean who's to say why exactly that was right. There. We are responsible for the way that we have received an is subsequently rendered in secondary. Media and I think I love the mental illness we see from people in now we call in industry, or should we call it a game that product? and now fall. It is because of been dominate aid or hypnotized by what happens in mass. So second remit and you do with it really intra Firstly, I will say something: disarmingly kind. I owe you can say badly and I would go ahead I'll. Let you, when the fence had the word bad on anyone
Interesting ha ha ha ha ha ha. I think was was kind that other kinds of this will be your first act of kindness. He comes a second undertaking. I admire you think you didn't really really interesting things. I think your brilliant, while you're kind- I lovely you, kind to lie I am quite modest and try really what you could come and entertain a full. Then how I ever entertained. I learned from my life. I mean people. I mean generally I d advise people to choose me out, but I I I don't feel I've entertain, people, I mean January as most things, I've done. People have gone. No more that, please that's been feeling I've had And, quite rightly so, I think In a way I mean really english, and yet that seems out here because my parents went but aimlessness is quite strange, isn't it would
what do you feel english innocence? Teamwork, as I don't quite know what it is where this is an interesting time to assess it, but when I use it to did scribe you there, I think that your being of modest and disarming, but I know that you are faced the intelligent and I've seen you be evaluating on the table. And so I know that there is an aspect of view. That is, I feel that perhaps you are cautious around sincerity and that that's an assessment and making from your brilliant work with, like the guy Miranda stop values like so. I sublime irony and like an by would like I think that it was the last thing that Young Matt Bury Europe's performance. Styles, their place of birth rate innovative and unusual for people to be
brazenly discordant disregard conventions around acting, even comic, acting so flagrantly and brilliantly? Well, your kind to say I mean we were. I certainly had the being terrible already, so I in a way. No one I didn't kill anyone wants to be funny as the first thing they do in any way. That, generally, you know Brad Pitt, that's not the first thing he needs to try to do. He can just be handsome and charming in that's that's a good life and I genuinely think the war I found, these people really trying to be serious in away and just people laughing. That's all. I think you, your people work out the summit, not right with you and they start laughing and you go
I pretend that I decided that you're gonna laugh at me. That might be better, and so that show I don't know never spoken about that show out of character in an awful way, because we did all of our press in characters. These took it so yeah is, I dont presume anyone knows what s this is like a spoof horror show in a certain way, written by this pompous horror writer. and so whenever we did interviews about the show which we didn't then, where we did the Miss Garth in his publicity manager because it seemed too much to do show about people pompously talking about how great they are and then do interviews talk about how, wait great you ever coming up with this thing about people being pompously grey as it seemed that seemed a bit too snake eating it's own tail, and also just I dunno just didn't seem like it would be fun or
interesting to talk about in that way. So a lot of that show, I think, honest our own limitations that we had possibly that's true of a even declared and of the great artists, perhaps all of us, but it it's not me it's our limitations that I spoke Yes, I mean I've been reading, some of the moon and the moon and sixpence. Have you read that that is really interest? I think, is based on the life of Paul Gauguin and about this stock broker type person in Paris who, just one day, decides to become a painter at forty and just seems to completely change personality in his utterly own uncompromising, and he ends up being this genius and no one everyone just thought you're crazy for doing this, but his brilliant and his totally amoral.
and I think I'm just I'm interested in so he does that and justice, not that good, that's illness after her. That seems more interesting story, Norway, you, like you, just got and I'm going to be a painter, and then you shouldn't be a painter and then some so yeah. I shouldn't have been a paint that seems, I didn't know There's something funny about failure in that way So, yes, I always found it interesting people really reaching for something and missing, because that is, let's just put most experience, I think, is so missing. Is miss alignment? Isn't it of some kind? I think a riot, but perhaps the the way that we construct a like a a perfect resolution, yeah lack of say, perfectionism yeah it in itself is, if not arbitrary, it's. It is impossible to for
and not only because of the requirements of the word perfect, but also because I didn't think the eight. Whenever you arrive in nice places, it never feels fulfilling I'm interested to hear more fascinated by mediocrity than genius, because I like the that story of when people inadvertently happened upon genius, luckier bullets ever Broadway, Mariana failure or ram or like in them like in mode saw in Amadeus yeah. You feel, like the genius might just visit soviet vault with vulgar genius. Yes and it's it can be over there and yes, this cultivated person who feels that they should have they just don't. Have it I mean Woody Allen. I think that he does believe that there is such a thing as genius and some people just born with it. He doesn't think he can become funny. I think yeah and he feel the reason they you moved into soft
Howard, the levees, brilliant parody, but pr protect 'em like scripted comedies like golf Marine guy and that that rocket proofing you download stuff and the the cash the dean learner Chat show is because you felt that that's what you did any way. That is both kind of policies. Cadiz masterful, went away in a way it is like to do something. As a Dave Shrigley those are the illustrations of timesheets just because something looks simple and basic? That doesn't mean that it's easy to achieve and I've seen again with when you have won a war, apply, mossy, nighty crowd. You say I can always just by happenstance, I'm incapable of expressing emotion, I'm a membrane that we arrive linen pushy stuff from Bessie. Interesting. I suppose that makes me think you must be very self assured man. I don't think I am more as an I don't I would
No as an I wouldn't be close to that being the case. But might that didn't feel like that from this site, the machine you mean. You worry worry here. I don't know not so much worse. as in more than I just know that I am not so good at things and that's ok, but is it doesn't I don't think that worries me too much that I, but that, partly because a lot of people I really like are beyond what I would be interested in doing. You know that their so great that it were isn't. There's no disgrace, is good at Velasquez, you ve got it ass, an onlooker that go I'll, make you guys a hurricane great, but I mean those shows. I mean I no interest in horror whatsoever. Before doing that show- so in a way it was through map wholeness
interested in horror in that and coming, and I always felt how sort of more just operating as a founder in the show and doing my country into that and my interest was in the gap between intention and execution I mean Susan, sound tat was saying this thing about her book notes on camp Why why certain things seen us- and I guess it was written in this- one- was a written sixties, maybe so, had a different idea may be of what we call me see. Camp is being but somehow that desert- tell. The intention of a work of art is versus how it's been realised, and this is a kind of dissonance between those two the something enjoyable about now. There's something enjoyable I mean: are you a voice like say black, flotation, foams and there's something enjoyable about the scope about? So
you'll commentary trying to really go into an area of trying to really change things, ostensibly but really is, people running along Dotson Faz this kind of why why music and the distance between some quite lofty I did and the the housing of it just can be quite funny and pleasurable and in a way, I suppose. To take an example, if someone doing something in it, not turning out so well, I guess what it shows is that the wrong intention that there is an intention to be great and that isn't get intention, because. what is that you should be interested in the thing and who knows what it will be, but to deliberately shoot for something, and you can see that wasn't quite the thing is that in the very best,
example is just someone really winding up for a penalty and missing the something just the whole drama that build out. The kind of self importance asserts that the sporting and then just missing the something- and I don't think it's just a kind of look at them, mocking thing: it's just a that's what life it yeah is beyond schadenfreude, our and even by force. Were these the inability of human beings to at least consistently be beautiful, was magical year, exactly just how silly sometimes just Just occupying space, this is ridiculous. What is this and it's I I, I feel really warmly to do to things that would be considered and not maybe campy or or schlocky. I sort of feel closer to the people who make those things and people who
feel quite slick like Michael Bay or someone I go. I just didn't. I just can't see the person made. This have no connection. But whereas I really like Edward, you know, plan nine from outer space. I really feel in some way connected to that foe, yet their fallibility, eighty aiming and missing yeah and that beautiful hey. What do you think of? Did you see when grace imperative those free documentaries on on class and to the right? Yet I saw what I saw. The tapestry exhibition in Bristol saw hunting the shows by saw that which I thought was brilliant I'd yeah, I loved them and the other kind of progress of class in the balls in the yeah, it's amazing! I those great he was saying that the lower down this of social hierarchy. You are the more likely you taste is gonna, be over and bleeding and goody.
And the Cummings becoming subtler as it sort of like, as you have more access to wealth or status. Whether, but the thing that was I felt very interesting was a bit where he said like, and they had footage of a woman at a working men's club, somewhere, presumably in the north, where a man was singing like at the Layla or wherever right and she was pissed and at the front and like a cry and yeah and Grayson Perry in the commentary says like that. How is that different from someone? Tosca having urgent how we and I wonder, do you think it's somehow to do with this idea of well executed? Intention is camp and kitsch is about you. We stand reference. I is the aspiration to some caught form, a record,
it's more classical greatness and the secondary component is that if this is a sofa, bundled together, measurable mass, you can sort of see how it's no cheaper. Well, I I think it operates across class in the art deco is quite camp. You know it's got a sort of lifelessness, a kind of sort of weird I mean take all that burn Jones Stuff, the Andrew, Lloyd, Webber quite liked it quite sort of camp, and you know, there's certain operas. Feel like that, and you know the full do not seem camp. You know in terms of it, didn't feel like they're going for something and MR I'd. It's me
well, your own yeah, it's just showing your own hubris may be, as that is kind of you see what someones reaching for vs. What they're actually doing- and I guess that's an interesting thing to see- I mean Aaron Sorkin, his always kind of guy, while drums just intention obstacle to and away in that sense. Intention is, which I think the city intention greatness and the obstacle is you yeah. I find any dramatic thing to see somehow you know I'm like yeah bullets over Broadway. It's just. I wanted to write this great play, but I have to cost this person is called terrible or singing the rain. That's just the great thing we want to do this musical. We we now want sound, but the the the film stuff in the silence here he's now going to be speaking Scott, this terrible voice, and so this is going to make that film funny, because she is all great
and this is for his coming up- is that list the attention that this fund, without leaping into young dear reckoned, a vast resourced from our the peculiar fusion of the Simeon and the divine that somehow with interest there is that aspiration to be whole and wholly in beautiful. Yet this gastric fracture, shit and see often stumbling The idea of the blood of the must be drained. You know, that's never costs phrase. You know the pencil. It must be sharpen the bad that must be drained here, just the continual bodily limitations and gas just but also, as also
people not being ok with it like. Why can't you be ok with your sort of limitations in New York flesh, Lena your creature Linas in a certain way, and so maybe it operates both ways. Maybe it's not that we should be reaching their and were falling short it made. It should be also. This is also place. It can be occupied in a fine way. I think it's better than not to polo. It's not like. This is good, this a battle whatever. Well, I reckon to refer to some of your earlier ideas say like Michael Bay's, like we've, we acknowledge there is an external metric. This is what greatness looks like, and people our great seem to unconsciously be able to realise that, without reference to end here, I'm now striving for greatness it just flows through them and thus of catch or camp or bad are, is a is aware of that and is aspiring to this external thing
now on an hour- and I reckon there is a correlation between that and the civilising influences the arena primarily about the denial of our baser bodily natures. Our appetite sour drives, the reveal generally out so yeah. Well, you and the sources it superego kind of way at an the stuff that comes out in dreams is that we mean yes, and I mean that as long as we are the most eye contact have ever been over there. I know me aid. For then he got up to here after twenty minutes bumblebee trying to focus here, you'll doings, they were pretending to be a person of really pulling off reach it. No one knows the I'm really very well. If it isn't your triumph, this algorithm by your feet, despots. My programmers tell them that they should bases Scientists, summit useless.
A ten plagues future of each european research? I'm only milk in away your nose got to stress what happened and so far we can even amend that say the bit way: vomit eight lactose yeah, it is I don't do that in your next venture, exactly this is a simple and obvious problem that could just eliminate. He probably did a bit too much eye contact in retrospect too much. That was the last thing. You have to wait until my eye contact emergency. The milk, the hydraulic, fluid just came. Spurting out seems like an actual points, changed subjects, so you ve really book. Then. Yes, I worry on top and what is it? That's a good question happened to your research. Yes, no, no is well. This is what it is and I dont have a pitch route, which is a problem.
It is really about a film called view from the top, which is again if Paltrow Ass, stewardess comedy that came out in two thousand and three. My wife and I saw this film. And never had a film baffled me more at each stroke of its existence, and it seems so Amazingly poor, given the elements that I thought, what what would happen if you pretended that everyone stood behind every decision in this film and so to treat this film like citizen, Kane and write about it, write a serious analysis of this film as though it's the greatest thing that has ever been recorded, because I mean you know the cliche, no one sets out to make a bad film by. I definitely think there are films where you know this might not be so good
but in a way the problem with on top. This is the thing I it. It felt that everyone was filming on their way to something else, certain way you, you felt that the first question was: how long will this last and then ok, I can- I can maybe fit this in. There are so many things Gwyneth Paltrow plays a blue collar person said this. Is she plays someone who grew up in? The park so said this that and that she not able to successfully delivered the idea that she's from that trailer park. it doesn't see her demeanour. She doesn't Malta had to mean a great isn't, it is hard to fathom exactly
I mean who knows what the decisions were thought it's a spirited and performance in a certain way and Bart and she's very dignified and she's she's got a sort of dignity and, I think she's. I think, she's sort of nap at how much she's known for this aspirational pap. But I think that the thing that she is good at is, I'm being illusions and and slightly unwilling to participate. She's really given rule ten Tenenbaums. I think she's quite good at being surly and sort of unwilling to be present in way and so for her to look like she really wants war. Also, what is a relatively low level goal for Gwen Paltrow, tight type, which is to become an ass
this seems odd and also it feels incredibly patronising. Here's the main thing that I found a strange about the film. I feel that this a token comedies the moment, and there has been for a long time whereby you have a career driven person and at some stage towards the end of act to they have to decide. Look. I really do want to spend more time a chant. I need to get to his piano recital because it means a lot to him and I can't just yes the Yamamoto on my back and I've got to get this presentation in, and my boss has been on my ass for a long time about this and I'm going to lose my job and there's this guy he's coming up, but family is more important and I'm going to go to that. Recital and Bob Chat is I really like I will change his name to Bobby it's almost as if it can be interchangeable, going to play really well at that piano recital and we're going to hug and we're going to know. That was the best thing.
And then at that moment the bottle say how, on the idea that we rejected on page ten is actually really good and scenarios and have a promotion, and it feels that there's essentially a thing in films whereby We, the audience, are being hugely patronized as people going to see these films, which are expensive. I'm being told to give up jobs at the same time as if there's a kind of inherent phoning us to any activity that isn't. Creative because also that that film does not work if the guy's, a brain surgeon. You know that Those film where it says, stop the cancer research, even spend more time here chance, Canada so and have a more lesson. their attitude to brain surgery, exact line up and there's a sensitive. Oh, we we, the film makers, who I was
I'm seeing our families where we make them a film about how you need spend more time. Family were involved and greater things, and that really important, but the total d in living out. These kind of small lives don't get too involved in the unimportant things and it just now fill the anyone doing. It believes that I just don't he'll, truthful and I didn't feel sort of reach There is enough on the actual price to pay, I think for being involved in relationships, because I think it always has to have cake and eat it most, whereby somehow you spend more time your family and you get richer and the commercial and I dont know that that is the case here and I'd be more interested in seeing something where someone gives up the path of riches, and it just is
the poorer their spending more time for, and that also is really hard or stressful. If it, when you see that you're not being treated truthfully by the maker of something, it just seems ridiculous, gazing at eight messages, disingenuous and kind of Monday, outta insects, makin, our I can now for no real reason. High above Things that say rigid that from your great pitch for the book no, no! It's not! For those like I'll read, exerting you're, incapable of promoting our work. It says here. Look Stephen FRY said it's a work of shimmering shimmering genius in Caitlin Moran said it's hilarious, but she was talking about rabies between the previous payments. Businessmen already happens here, but nonetheless these needs both of these
remark seem to indicate your marital I'm so sorry, so hot in here Galloway to cut shot down, ok, yeah showdown light. It does look like come under investigation, I looked at Them- Isaac, I'm trying to think of a better way to sort of talk about what bug me, seems so. Trivial doesn't, and I got some points I would like the eggs. I won't take long know, I'd love to know me. I'm not a succinct man. Police enables me to complement the here. We go ways is. If you I'm not, increasing the conspiratorial or even deliberate or conscious way. But if you question what are the motives of the mainstream film industry, perhaps from our side posts, structural s, perspective, war is the function and yet, if the functionaries is that there are a kind of a pilot, if kind of dumb soothing force, even of great block. Basta works of Papa like still our Malea deeply formula,
can I didn't mean they dont, occasionally touch untrue flat, great to be remove, ease or franchise. Maybe ours is a weird film in very specific, like the first one is, you know, that's cleared the work of a slightly strange yeah it. Would you know coming out as gay that a little bit in the second but like well, I reckon Richard is that what you are observing and breaking down is the sort of inhere within works. Of this nature is a coined of law pan clumsy ness and set them. In my opinion there might be something. Quite. Malevolent about a few regarded pavilion clay for a moment that then, that that that message, if you know like even that the sense of distinction that this is for you at these. These are the lives you should aspire to in these the stories that are fit for you. It's a service and informed in a very
I would say- and low level down below. And kind of state in the odious having issues at this end and then the disregard for the audience is present in this the motivating ideals of the film and in the whites rendered in the case here yeah I think so, and but also how it can be done by quite casual, that you can drift into doing there and and is not to say that somehow I am outside of that and being a somehow able to critique and go. You haven't achieved your autistic potential here, but is more this more something about it that just fills the and then you feel. The audience is far more intelligent knew you. While you just wrong, you were just factually wrong, but he wilder said the singer Eventually the audience may not be brilliant, but together there a genius. I think there is that the something
Audience is no with there being cheated or of their being condescended to, and so it just seems very if it's very fun to see something. It's why people like watching those adds where, like the boss of a company, decides to sell, carpet. So you just go. I know, what's happened here. You've said, is fine I'll handle it. I am carpet right, but you know. Oh you. You didn't get the best person to do this. You you made a mistake and everyone can feel it. So this there's something just a sin: worry about feeding I will the audience will buy this. Will the audience will take this? The audience always knows more. I think than you- and this is more of them for star, just responding in real time. They didn't have all of your baggage they're, not deluding themselves about whether this is interesting, they have all of these advantages over so whom he valued challenge,
It is such as greatness, and you are actually quite optimistic about people hey if you feel that of collectively there is a sort of how well you know, I love the thing in I'm Salinger, where he is talking about how you should always right for the FAT lady, which is this invite deal reader who his only he, I think, maybe it? frankly and theory, or it might be seen when production, where I think Seymour said, I always imagined in the audience is that your favorite artist, like the fat, lady and the that's your favorite show, and even when you don't do the show and you're kind of annoyed and your shoes are tightening. You just give description that this is her favorite show and you have to kind of completely do it for her. This is you you can't just can't
and and just not bother you. This is her moment. She really wants to connect to the show and they don't pull themselves off and kind of do this performance on. I always mix it up with the magnolia what the kids know, because I feel it's basically the same show, but you know that what's the catcher in the sound one that they're all on that that the the glass family until you do the show really well, but I yeah, I think I I do think audiences do know was what's up. Emmy is not to say that I decent audiences can also go I'm going to watch this cause it's terror.
Well, you know I do you remember that stage when everyone said start saying: oh, you need to watch. This is awful and that things started to happen. So I think I don't think audiences are always wanting to watch. Thank you very much and I think the audience who was trying to watch things because it's the most challenging or elevator. Sometimes you want to watch something for all sorts of reasons, but think audiences know what's what hey what do you think about that marxist edicts that the end days will be defined by kitsch parity and pastiche? when I took to mean that we will lose our ability to take up one on the striving for greater cost. That is already at here.
the a pre established structure and living within a pre established limitations. So we cannot ever really challenge power to politicize it briefly for a moment, but I feel as though, when we, the are when like that, when there is no sir, so I bought an aspiration, and this is quite curious about you because, like even though your workings of satire and parody- and you have a wry and ironic way and that you are very deadpan as an actor, it seems that and is evident that you are interested in beauty in a very interested in truth and your girl of romance and loving me. What do you think about that thing? The mark is not as eat it. Well look.
Well, my wife's doing in May at the moment, which is largely about beauty and the idea of beauty and assets of lost idea within the logical principles. So all I can say is you got the wrong person here out of the couple of us as well apology to that cause. It gives you a better answer, not been listening when she's been written on it, which is easily shot rights? Let me let me paraphrase of something which is a much more interesting, the army and in terms of yeah. What you said reminded me of Peter, could thing which was saying that one day everyone will just go giggling into the sea and that not being a good thing. The kind of sources are, you can't take it. Seriously knowns really engaged everything's kind of held at a distance that isn't a good state but
Don't know that parity necessarily. Is that with jokes that, because I think jobs are sort of January about their work, say that time in some way and that kind of timing is a kind of truth parody. I dont know what I dont know. Actually what that means when I think of something being pastiche, I more think of something which is like a facsimile, the real fear and doesn't really contained Yes, I'm maybe a little bit like what you just said about that. You know how to explain them. Film semi at Home- and you know- is these people me they're, going to do a partner gonna come back together in the romantic interest, is going to work in this way and no one's going to you know it be interesting that film she different. Actually, I'm really just gonna focus on being an ass.
It doesn't have time for a relationship and that's it. That would be an interesting narrative and another thing that I find this is just very patronizing in terms of aspiration, because old asked with the the the the role of the ass do this, which it was only for a while before it became mix later in the unit, and you used to be as it started off. You could only have male. I'm cabin crew, and then someone had the idea that oh, we can make air travel more attractive if its nurses and some kind of your being looked after and salute these grammars nurses and there's a cut off point of thirty, because otherwise you know how could you enjoy your flight? It just this old person was attending to this crown. I know immediacy death staring me in the face, literally someone's face crumbling, and- and so I I don't even know what the end of that train of thought. But I suppose
go back to the rather lack of truth and alive aspiration. He I still has driven the incense. He seemed to be used in striving for something the lack of it. deeper than an analysis of that particular feel browser. You were saying that parity and how he had let Europe breaking down power station the debates. I believe, because I'm not dismiss it about the power of comedy defence is difficult to be in the divinity of common. If I'm talking to innocent about cultural objects that have no genuine sporadic, and there are no about rousing people connecting with people attending here who stories that is encouraged and boats of look. Let's have perhaps nullify them. Well kid, I don't know whether this will relate to exactly parts as soon as things become about interpretation this another Susan Sonntag theory, as soon as I guess is this, like a post play so idea that
it's there's, there's the ideal and then there's reality, which is a kind of yet unsatisfactory copy of that and an artist just a mimetic version of that unsatisfactory copies of art, not so good, it's rubbish, but the idea, somehow that you create something that the purpose of art is to kind of copy life. Therefore, you try and interpret what the pieces,
it is telling you to do, and then you get the meaning might not be a very good way of looking at art and the the surface of art is art. You know there isn't it's not like. He does go of this paintings great. I don't like anything. I don't like the texture of the colors. I really was saying that the form is the contents and when they're misaligned, that's a problem and also in a way are, I suppose, used to be a kind of ritual thing and and something that you'd live in a certain way that the reason you'd tell someone a story is not just to teach them a lesson that be a kind of participate. Tree element you'd bring it together and it was tied together with meaning somehow is tiny, there's an importance to the enacting of it, as
It is what it was saying. I think if you try and separate the two out you you're in for problems, so I don't know the answers the question in any way, but I'm suspicious of anything that just has a message that is didactic only because it just didn't seem to producing that or interest thing because it didn't seem to allow for really what makes things interesting, which seems to be slightly out of people's control kind of em build a that. We are dealing with a static that this is the disease, meaning. It's here and yeah solid weave, and you can't grasp it somehow and the the best you can hope to do is be honest about what you are interested in and and honest about your own interest, and maybe that can communicate in some kind of way. But as soon as I go, oh I'm going to say this because you
I like it, then you feel that you'll be manipulated, played you're, not really being told something truthful, so I'd say maybe back to the edict. Is there if, if everyone's being given stuff, that the because I don't believe in it. Maybe there is a kind of periodic state where everything's just untrue, and that is terrible, and maybe that makes me think a little bit of here is not only a year. The sexual impulses into the water or use the sets limits is basically love. Island and night only he did Quaid mass did this thing where it seemed quite I roman and Greek, and that on tv or the sex olympics, and everyone watches it and the rest of this and like us- and I imagine attire on luck- basically, we are in the earth sets Olympics and certainly of Ireland is the sexual impulses. I will say in it.
well yeah? What love island is. Is this lay Shin of the most present and desirable aspects of our culture, youth view a sexuality, but the thing is that other interesting about level my opinion is the apes they because its an environment via state as a con com, but be I'm for political interests. What you like like and the lobster is it like that is like a mainstream version of the lobster in this sense? It is, and what you would like is the invalid the hand of production, because, unlike a show that big brother which preceded it in another twenty years ago, with the voice of the production was present, you could hear people guides. The diagram seems like you: ve got some agreements with Trevor. What are the two? Diana Gonna together in this showed that
Remove that Russia, you get bay people behaving in ways that adhere to our awareness of structure, a narrative in ways that human beings would not actually do e g. One woman decides to leave after having our heart broken and decide I would guess, at the behest of the production, tell her former paramour I'm gonna be leaving, but- and I won't to be ok right now, there's the two of us going till the whole group. These decisions that person would make without direction? So so tight real time, dramatists yeah with, like you said, live, Improv in a certain way, but with consequences, and so some going all that would be good. If those two did, in this way, so they must be ready, lightning, quicken their judgments and assessment as to what would be the case especially being like Lakota mean become obsessed with some of these motifs you let, when you think of the idea that food food, CO's idea of
surveillance normalization examination there. They are continually under observation. You haven't continually they can continually be managed at the diaspora, innovation is nothing more than a Roma, but that yes, there they are, primal forces at work. You see people get confronted with. Oh, I thought I was the kind of person that wouldn't just have fucked someone off. I got a better option, but I am look and then I have to tell you that there are only twenty two and the compromise with the reality of of who they are done. Their stakes as well is going well. If I pay this right, then I get rich yet is it how it doesn't know the wealth is secondary? It just is s over my stomach off interest and carries inclusion. They're not had the you didn't, feel this kind of performance element there, not yes or did not wear off the time have as it were. I think there is a performance element precisely because they are all such funds of the shot before the coming measure of understand the grammar of it going in there, but was amazing. Is it kind of serves as this absence
domain when people are eliminated, The show your remaining contestants are unable to treat as anything other than death is I like is that it has that kind of severity people we from the isn't why I. I'm here like a little execute it ray of light. Let you know, I just know affairs not fair and they genuinely Philip. They didn't go great they're out of the way was no, this just a morning I say I reckon Richard. There is some what like us over populist, I tv too, Stanford experiment where people become so immersed in their environment, they somehow forget the parameters, but we're never sure how much of it is the unseen influence of their secondary, invisible power as yours and and I don't suppose, querying. That is the main thrust of the show success. It's more about, like these people are attractive and not very many close you and it's I and I take your point too, about it being a sort of a dystopian.
It's in it's own way? I haven't seen it so I shouldn't Sarah E, perhaps in the the you know that the film yes air, hostess, is gonna win away with. It seems like we're giving that the unnecessary oxygen to the public by saying how great maternal love Island really works. I think is what year I mean. Maybe I should see see how old, saracens brutalizing moments, because I suppose a few but button cause you're commodified It was my yes, but I think that we are already at that point. I sometimes like. Can it to the Liberal River, discussed, I think alike, from a rejection of the preceding decades. Their mental Donald Trump was an inevitability and is only really he's a grotesque of what proceeded as opposed to something genuinely anomalous. Yes, the apprentice was, I remember, watching the american apprentice and it being. Extraordinary just how just, however,
just was really happy to have him judge. I I always feel that there's a thing if I facebook. If your interested mentor Zanu you, oh they I sort of failed. The passive those shows is Having someone actually judge you, someone being able to say, you're, quite good, and that the floods of that validation being why enormous and Donald Trump actually than some quite to the business, you didn't get at well. How do you get that I mean I love anything to do business. That's my I'd love the word business. I've just people talking about bit. people saying that gonna do business, but in a way that their there is no sort of authority to that Europe get something or not. You know, maybe it's mighty less hierarchical. I don't know, but this there's a definite stamp you're getting from their your gang. Oh you'll, get an thou must be quite attractive. I would say that we living it seems to me.
live in a time where there is. There are less structures that mimic the tribal origins of our species so that we at least have some localizing contemporary references is what it's like for us all: to have a shared goal and for us to have for shared needs and responsibilities, is harder and harder to emulate that and the perhaps the only way we experience it he's vicariously, secondarily or in nerves, of dreadful format, of some reality. Tv show this thing about an artist thought, then, that your an iced tea to care a great deal about beauty- and you said to me just then, I'm interest in mental is really the thing that I'm interested in is: God have become lungs, as religious nazis. I tell him to me why and not just religious, because I thought the not they are softened it a little. Yes, you've always got to add some insanity in there to yeah. Okay.
Like going. I prefer it becoming a religious nice house. Specifically, what when you say that just because in a way got amongst decisions on tax relief at the moment have never known anyone so devote its height. I reckon I love written a name down. I lied, isn't on taxes. May she said can't really be religious any more than you can say. I speak language. You ve gotta choose one. Ah what about that? Or do you say to that? You say speaking which you guys big language. Never say that would I have yet been quite intro. Thou youth has got a cup that it was english. Yes from Chomsky manage amazing. It breaks out within the EU minute laid out the things that were nine get there. I speak, that's that's syndrome. and yet I say is English, that Yellow sky sakes yeah could it be subdued. by saying that, besides your house, specific data, not aspect because because the way there
I am encountering an investigate in religion. It seems to from for me what I'm interested in is what appear to be perennial truths that arrow about personal practice, amp beliefs and faith rather than doctrines and dogma. That can be used to evaluate, or indeed judge, other people and likes Huxley's interest in perennial. Is him looking for the universal faint? I am interested, in fact, I suppose in the fifth, the where psychiatry, yoga and spiritual or a start to combine, and curiously this Haven't avenue of investigation has led me to note coronary between post structuralist, for which, in leave me. I am not an expert in Cambodia nightmare. The ally it's pretty nicely with aspects of eastern mysticism which similarly I'm not an expert in
Well so little do things. I'm not an expert in pleasing together, either said any two rounds and I would not be an expert in this area. in so much as, for example, the imagery of fuku, I remember the obvious distinction there, but let food colors finger out early, because I was thinking that he takes like. I was a superficially quite absurd, ACT subject like the crime in discipline, whoever that is, a punishment display your hand, land of breaks, down, structures, narratives and stories, demonstrate the way the power operates seems to me that in your book you are making broader political points about the nature and function of art and culture which I suppose is being present motif throughout the work that you have gives yourself create it
that that this seat breeze pretending to be that way, ass, a kite there. It's makers cannot deliver on their promises intention and in that gap, is revelation of net What say you this much joy in fun and what you do? It's not like. They ve got mendacious nasty intentions over their Rumford Hospital. general, but, like a bar, here. We need to learn something seemingly so vacuum worse. Yes, I can sense that there is some thing: the ferries in it. Well, I suppose the other side of it is were within this book. There's a character, ostensibly of me as film critic, trying to make something: there's nothing so that the other aspect of it rather than me going through this film thing. It's rather have the character in the film things is the best omega. So I just and IRAN.
It's me if every great men to my life and its really connected to me, so I also find yet self aggrandizing of of someone trying to excavate and and how silly analysis can be funny to hopefully you're trying to cancel out. I thought of self right just an authority or a looking down on it- and here I don't know about sort of scanning things so much for meaning below, and I think I've got a bit suspicious of the idea that you can excavate meaning from something I I do feel that why, because I think, there's the idea that there's the kind of text and there's a subtext and the text is both the subjects. In the same, that it's important say with a poem they confiscate the
How you are owed to aggression owns about. Basically, is this: you soccer well passive, what's good about it, if you think it scared, or if you like this great symphonies, well, listen to This is how it goes. The other to hang on to the little little you have to get will maybe need to hear it, and it's not my the best bit of this bit that and that could be good, and that might some people that When I heard the original, I liked your one better or what but there's something about the form. and the content the equally important, and I think it can be silly to just go. This is what the thing isn't I'm going to get and I'm anti clever for understanding end. I think your I don't know, if you're out secretion an example or any effective piece of art, your personal reaction to it.
is occurring in your own consciousness, your own being, and how dare not be subjective? How could you not be having a deeply personal relationship we have with its area? The in it in a way you're not a few outside. It ain't only one. That's doing that thing, but it's offensive the didactic. First of all tell you what's good about the symphony yeah clearly, but a lot, because personally I was not introduced to culture and what's interesting You were entertained of white of his very far I like, like. We are busy present, really fell upon analyses quite gratefully because the oh, what what is it I'm supposed to like, and why is it I'm supposed to like that? And why is that good and my experience Education ratio is always right here. This thing there's a mass the pace, and yet this package boring yeah, he's like again and again the explosive that's when I started when people helped me to interact with culture. Differently. Primarily, I think fruit, education or
and analyses I felt like all well. I can connect to your stuff, I usually uncultured as an I didn't, have a kind of I know a french background and I have notes of what except for Jay eg. Well, that's what you said, but a small yeah. It's got to come from interest. Isn't that has got to can't be just so grim work or you're being told that this thing is interesting. It's got to come from a state of interest and inquiry in some form of joy. Otherwise, is just grim labors into yeah. What was your wife's saying about be tea in like his Richard, I It took him her his wife S, lead mouth were media. Yes, he does the heavy lifting of the humanity of our relationship, so he's
the person who has really stand by lime use. The sheep provides all the beauty and morals, and yeah. Well, it's I mean I couldn't it's. I think gosh. This is tough for me to in any way do justice to, but I guess it's the idea that I suppose beauty as being a repository won't even repositories. the right word, beauty being related to truth and and the interrelationship between those two and How can beauty yeah how? How could may be beautiful and untruthful can something be true or not beautiful and another. job. There is another there's, a third one which were when I've got to remember it, but my brains, I mean it's just The decay that meant is the area is the mental two totally different dislike?
greater awareness, mental decay. all I'm on its really. It's just like a sort of deflating I said, I'm just going down into a sort of algae? That's that's where analogy constituting into allocate here- I mean I've just got no brain, but my especially she'll. Tell you using Remus furs or costing me man harmony and what did it mean for something to be beautiful, and I suppose you know come something I suppose, yeah. What? Where does it come from exactly, and I suppose that would be related to the most fundamental theological questions. I guess of war is creation, One of those things tune in next week to find yeah who what? Where and how do you meditate, and I You see no basic idea,
delay this door symbol camera. You could do you your and ten you, maybe you can tell me how I someone wants, I'd to mass on my back. I can move my back and they declared me on this yeah, I just went I've, never seen so much attention in one person. Are you using that as an example that they're are just fundamental principles that you will not adhere to people on the massage table? Richard is not my solid triple. no. My bananas thus far is not looking good. I, U article four, can try. I am I built on United, I keep reacting and saying it twitched and nothing happened. He just kept trying to it. Just clearly. I can move it. I couldn't touch and some people can't touch their toes. I can barely my knees. I've no flats! Do you take drugs? No did you ever? I mean
his remnant of no, I didn't, I mean I have to piracy. Similarly, today, rights navigating some within the recommended those workers We can now give a natural until I take them. That's why I need a half an hour elsie when this one starts a tail off. I'm not I'm pretty I'd say relatively abstemious: I'm not I've always felt them just not very healthy. I think you need a kind of constitution, the certain, he's gonna constitute say: don't matter, why in what? How is it related to unmask out nature? I feel it's an ability to sort of relax and be present, which I'm not very good at very present Perrine yeah yeah, that's not right back. I want boundaries when you're doing all of this lack of classical English,
modesty is really not like. I don't think I'm modest, I don't think you are mimicking anyone, I think, could really genuine. I'm not criticizing just saying that when you're doing that, when you like a guy wound you off on Channel four, you have very slice you know like. I said that I would just like a normal conversation to me. it sounds like a regular conversation that I'd have it just. That was a strange situation whereby I think I'd done an interview. I done an interview for a paper and then I think the interview ended up being written off as being made being uncomfortable than trees, but. I don't know how it came about what we can imagine, because you do so the incomes of interviews, we don't move straight answers. You not willing to take on a compliment don't play ball with others in a way is more just someone said how'd you find being interviewed light
Rather than being gracious and go, I love being in the few I'd say. I find it a bit awkward, but not hugely, just a bit awkward just slightly awkward as in it's unusual, most people aren't interviews. I mean it's just ought to get well meant that I've always expected to interview. I feel it's weird. I I feel that the the direction of inquiry today, in disproportionate yeah I would like to ask you some questions, and I know that's not quite the aren't you. I was always a bit of a show off so like for me when I was that remained viewed, I felt like news. say what you know, but your choir, but you're engaged and interesting, and you discursive a new thing can alive wayward. I think a lot of people I've met- who. who write all who do music. The best of them is the music their writing. You know the reason they did. It is because they can't talk in a certain way.
They just go well. If I could speak, I wouldn't have written the song. It means so much easier just this week. If I were, what to do so. That particular interview was, they said, want to come and talk about interviewing and and interviews beings. In Ireland. Ok, I can do that and then before it. I think they said. Would you be willing to talk about maybe race in the major I said well, not particularly because I didn't feel I have a particular right to talk about it, because this is what I feel feel. For example, say you maybe would be seen as commentator on things politically. I think that's really good, partly because you're here next week as it were, What I feel is that, if you're going when promoting something just go, here's my political tappans I'll, see minutes I kind of feel that if you're going to talk about that, you should have you should stick around you can't you sort of law, something out and then just
appear. You need to stay engaged and being that kind of conversation, be am what's the word kind of the accountable for what you're saying I am certain will be willing to carry on the conversation by e recognise and in fact I think, partly with what you are saying in this interview on certain issues. At the same time, it is there that there is a process of indication that that film, that you're analyzing in your book, the the the the process of junkie, in interviews and promo is come. It's a commodity, my one weapon he's a famous actor said that when you like at that point we're doing a big Hollywood studio, movie, yeah and you're on billboard and you're getting foreigner flying around on studio, private jets and the like, and it's a failure if you're, particularly if you're sort of peasant I mean that's, have felt quite inadequate and welcomes glamour and privilege as a kind of redress that feeling of inferiority use have taken.
Personnel. I've achieved this thing yeah and then you learn that these are just the symptoms of other people, making money off you and you already have an irrelevant superficial compound yeah. I remember Spike Lee saying something you know the best paper. Basketball in the world is still like being exploited in a certain way and you are, but you know lost. I ve never been in the world. I've always liked being non. What you're doing them hollow movies and doing America we make of. I t clear one. I did this one film Incredibly, unsuccessful Ben stellar was an executive produced on a film I do submarine and so he said. Do you want to be in this? Only one, ok and at my wife said that I look like I want to go in addition to being a film, that's how I look like I remember being in a scene and getting whites been so looking at me. Oh I'm in a scene with him and that's how unsuited to I just went.
Really weird, I meant to pretend I'm anything and but Europe. So I one, but again was really I didn't kind of pursue. It is to just happened, and I haven't done anything yet again: oh yeah, let me that freedom I haven't done anything yet yeah and so yeah I didn't. I didn't go to the premier I haven't seen the film I wasn't wasn't. There's no parties is no there's just nothing. We lived near shot was IKEA where we lived and when we went to Kaisa is staying during the film someone. That's a crack house
well, okay, that, Sir, that's where we're living I mean it. Wasn't it wasn't kind of glamorous in any way. It's long and I liked the director is called a Kiva Schaefer. He did the lonely island, and so he was like kind of a video guy insulting these city comedies. I didn't feel like. Oh I'm in Hollywood. Now I wouldn't it wasn't even filmed in Hollywood as in Atlanta, so it just didn't. Have that feel and also I don't know you see, I met my wife and I was twenty four and so. That's kind of where I've been in terms of my interest in and sort of life is there. So that is, great mercy for me. I'm incredibly grateful for that. I mean not that I show it.
of course, not make sure, don't show it to her. What seem weaken would diminish your power examined relations much better than I just not true, Indeed, Biosphere hold clan and rubbish. That's await an article. Married. I didn't get married to Laos and forty, and I think that argue they saw her money dear. So a recognised. This stuff was dolphins about being no scooped up into slave. I'm saying it as in I don't feel through any virtue It's just your constitutional nose. Also, you know you, you have a handsome, so that's an issue. Yeah you're, very odd person. I am quite odd cause. It's very following my well. I nodded not that this out and that its most strange when the definition and damaging but like I said, but I clearly was more willing to embrace, investigate and in an animal. Isn't it slightly thrust upon you know in a way you know
you can't really into being exactly as not having it out. A lot of people are trying to save lives, in a way where everyone finds him terribly attractive, not really like he's either what are you gonna? Do? Yes, and what it was like when I recognise you saying about your relationship with Lydia. Is that once you have a domestic destination. there is a lot of my whole life seems different and I suppose, to touch again upon a point I made earlier about be envying. Your success is a director. I love that film submarine. I love the stuff. You ve contributed weird I too, with other comedians like the Bhushan stuff, I've read your That I was here and I would say I think, your brilliant and funny. I even watch gadget and light travel man in order that kind of stuff. I've never take the ridiculous. degree of appearing on the damn thing. Why would we then, that years, past really faceless? Oh yes, I guess that's gonna make those.
Perhaps I might have done the last one that I'm going to enjoy life. This is going to do than what would you call it vote too I am astonished that you even do things like that right because but, as you know, good, it ain't got your very funny equipping when you're on that fast skip sledge thing with come through without the ladder of rubber web, refers in. Unlike all we ve already biogas, I felt like a sound ballerina you're, very, like em, like getting into you're good at establishing report. Always people better just talking to you that Europe has a news, if not repulsed by a celebrity sent me a kind of sceptical when Prickly Norman, pricking Silvana uncomfortable in a way. I suppose that is in some way premises that show, to an extent is that I'm not a natural traveler and I find it very hard being away from home and so on the only light gadget Manhattan Christine FRY come? Do everything like if, if even try kids,
he would have continued to engage man, and that would have been fine, but it just sometimes it these things a widely unsolicited- and I suppose sometimes you ok, I'll, try that hasn't I've. Never I've often felt well, I mean there's a mistake: you casting me in this I mean. Are you always so to fill someone's making a mistake by go? But ok, let's try it. Let's see what happens if I do this thing and oh yeah. I don't quite know things. Any the change when I did submarine in the is the first time ever done press, and because up until then, just hadn't done it s, sort of crazy principle, but I found myself Dean pray,
for that, because there is an indie film, that's the anyway. I hate the time in the Cairo retract as cheap, though so it needed publicizing, and then you end up on. In an arena that you never thought you'd be doing supposedly some artful and now you aren t forcing comes in the film and says he might you're already dead that in a way- and so I ended up, I guess for the kind of persona from doing interviews about something there. I never thought I would have one but turns out. I guess you you find out you people react to you in a certain way. It is not quite in your control. No! No! It's not. If you have some sort of a like
I didn't know archetypal or a central energy that people respond to that can be utilized, that you can build a sitcom around and you have no chemistry with your unit then, as he has suddenly by suppose, when it's within, like in a scripted narrative like I, I t, oh yeah yeah. Did you the best of luck in two thousand and two The show was an aim of annoyance that you enjoy. That yeah I mean like. I can state right, so I I find that hard by re light. the cast I like graeme- and you know I love Father TED, and so that was yeah. That was good to do, but I you sort of when you're in something I just feel you're you're slightly surrendering to the director
I mean okay, what would you like, or how would you like me to do this am, and I guess through directing and you sort of see how hard acting his eyes? Quite, I is quite useful. Acting in order to be a director. The actors are really trying to make something work and they need you to be clear You can't just focus on your own problems in your own schedule in your own, trying to get this shot,
in this way you need to be able to put that one side meal to speak to actors, because they, you know they're the communicative presence in anything you come to have that kind of intimacy and process when you're making submarine. I really like that yeah I really like, and the best thing I find. This is here's something that you have written or you have been involved with writing and someone infuses it with humanity in it's better, then, and now it's them and you can sort of behave like a fan. That's what I I imagine most people start writing, say really enjoyed reading or they make films, because I like watching film, so you get to kind of be in that found position. But in really this great position of being quite close to it, it's obviously stress
and you gang oh, this is gonna be wrong and my name is right, but you know say recently assisting the audio book of one of these with Jesse Item back he's doing other and just hearing him do it. It's just I could enjoy it, and that was a very strange situation there, just something it's just like laughing with someone you like, and that was great. So I really like that. Are you gonna have it he can interim more films, and I'm like to, but I don't want to leave my house so this attention there, but I am, I think I will later and when it's, because I want to see my wife and children as much as possible and oh it's just doing less and its real going to an oil rig and I know I wouldn't quite be there and be back at work, be wanting to be back at home. So writing books, I like, because that's very compatible and you didn't
like I didn't, know, very self, aware, listen, you're, not eyes nitrogen. I suppose it looks like since having been married and having children for me back, it was, I don't know like They require quite some time, NASA and, like I would say, I is falling off that is something I'm supposed to be doing this a person you supposed to be better life, I'm supposed to be leading Missy. Things are linked with for me oh god. No nothing is more important. Then being president, when your children to gain our finger into ban watching them into in your half ass version of parenting. I mean car fastest, give good percentage in contrast, I mean I'm I'm not even a barely any out on the point of a percentage of an ass at it and get it and it's not like? Oh, this is domesticity. It feels more like our well partnership. Will this at all well not yeah. It's not like some realm that you're kind of receding into it
fearful. That is where you are ass, where life as some have your family ok now, with a hearing for it, we ve been talking for several minutes. Good grumbling, it doesn't seem like. Let me conclude, Pakistan more professional workers to nerve celery talking. Thank you very much by hunger is very nice to talk to you and I wish you'd talk more about what you were thinking goods leave early ass, cushion and self obsessed man I have asked the question: what you did It really enough, while being Modeste wore a flower child, you did nothing to the egotism that ran rampant for seventy minutes. Where I banged on and and even reciprocate. That's what's come out that the bitter truth of the bitter truth. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for listening, hope you enjoyed the episode. Remember to let me know you follow me on Instagram tag me Russell brand or tweet me at rusty Rockets, with the hashtag under the skin. In the meantime, go back listen to koromo my Lena Dunham and if you like, and we can listen to them,
Carson luminary to play sign up to my man and less and less of Brandon comes out and communicate directly with you. You ll be the first to know about my upcoming live, shows and receivers. My only slowly content also to reverse phone If you want a minute, I mind anymore. Thank you, under the skin from Leumi media with me. Russell brand.
Transcript generated on 2022-05-01.