« Under The Skin with Russell Brand

#79 Creating! Growing! Accepting Fallibility with The Amazing Lena Dunham


This week’s podcast discusses everything from anxiety, addiction and the effect fame has on the human psyche to post-structuralism and the myth of the goddess. A very open and frank conversation and hopefully one that you can relate to.

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, I'm welcome to under the skin, from luminary media. This week I spoke to a riot producer. Lena Dunham, thanks for all, is flooding upon us by the way we ve limit on american eleven She's, amazing, she don't you think she would Bay, she's, Lucy's, Brighton, funny, open, charming insightful William vocabulary, Click did the thing, one point which I will not for, while it has been aroused him the story eighty to remember the words seed as in yield remember when I went to surrender in her next be a talking fee use the word save as if, like this do you need it was it was in the next sentence whereby comments on last week's, wonderful podcast with Byron Kay here, are those comments. Now someone saves the big basket miss what they say
and I were all human and ideology is not good, may be found in in seeking to extend of ambition, is edge. Research up a but fucking hell by Kay said she loves Abe's, mind, that's practically canonize Asian Hashtag made it hashtag under the skin, thanks soups the saying that cause. I've always wanted to be canonized and wondered when it might happen. It is now Josie Eras, zero one. This was literally breathtaking. I've never felt compelled to write so many notes. Thank you for so much learning. It was the best and I didn't think you could Hop Koromo last week will hopefully we will continue to top these experiences Georgia of one until you eventually become like a pure orb of light or missed something. cause, I can show flow, just listened and loved hearing. You do the work at the end. Thank you for being willing to share your homework and inspiring made do my own made In Byron, K is work, is one
actually very moments of my day, will you do every day to his daily practice cause? I did my twelve step stuff. Of course generic photo dream. Team Byron changed my life. People love Byron, Katy, an I love. There is well, she was so brilliant and bright and clear ivory and strong, strong nice, but white which that you might me in a would serve as a good synthesizing Lynette this was our inspiring listened a few times to soak up the gout nuggets, dirty devil. I believe, is an emerging of hex gram. You get in the Ching one. I've had it and this if plasma law, I think, about this hex, a grand teaching in her fortune system that was willing to look as if random chance can be read. There is data and information in the channel
in the chaos upon which order rests enough, that self promotion, largely it myself motion. We are on the new podcast app luminary sign up, luminary, dot, link, Ford, Slash Russell to get free months, afraid three months afraid deal with the problem in the future: hi purchase, causing it properly who's. The site is ever going to basic guys at the door because you didn't pay for that. This is free, mumps, fray and the scheme, will only be available on luminary from twenty four mice as like, there's three or four more so you best get on and do this sign up lane as new pocket asked. The seaward, which sounds amazing, actually will also be on luminary. Her put cost was just over night, in whose name I should definitely be saying that
she they do pocus about the the see. What is women who have been condemned as crazy over the years, and I like telling different stories about them. Deeper stories come more complex stories. People are angry in this room because I'm trying to just lie MIKE, but I will not be infantilizing by the team also about to go to my Youtube channel to get little spiritual videos, you know, do as little spiritual videos. You can follow me at rusty rocket, so at true Russell brand on Instagram or are on Facebook and watch my little spiritual videos. Oh, you can go on Youtube and watch my little spiritual videos. Where I give you advice, can you imagine? Well you don't need to go and get it off things, also mentor is available as an audio book on The war on hard in the U S and in Canada and if you know seem reaper for networks, have a look when you watch him, Bernay Brown forgot site, I've, looked Brunei, brown, bloody good and have a look around. we're gonna get Brunei Brown on here. Don't you worry about at all
come and see me on Saturday. I ain't from my wonder, lost here in Hollywood. You'll enjoy is, basically may doing them little spiritual videos, but for ages right. In your face. Can you imagine that took another twelve steps which Jesus of a system of awakening that transforms consciousness? What you want for twenty dollars is twenty dollars yeah. Well there you go twenty near, come ok sure through do later, Dunham now risk, but really now this is a wonderful conversation, brilliant, and who had my who spoke very eloquently and the sleigh I've. Really, I knew of enjoyment by enjoyed it even on the four she really fun in Berlin. I enjoy it
trying to achieve equality with the annihilation of Calgary is not successful. That's exactly right! We're in this era, where it turns out. We were never fucking on walks beneath the surface of people, with more of the ideas that the finance on the history, the welcome to Russell brand. The cleaner thanks for coming on this podcast is such an honor. I really love working what you do in so many ways and I've been very excited to come. Thank you, Ruby, really, lovely of you. I was thinking about just now. Oh yeah, this is it. I read something it was yesterday and in dealing with relationships between men and women of us are learning to acknowledge the divine within one another.
I suppose that can have us secular connotation when talking about anything, that's got a religious underpinning, and that is my general perspective, even though I don't know for a fact that I know electing to call the law things that I've read about you. I feel that you are generally your perspective. Is of humanity, a humanist and secularist your accurate, like I have them. I have a sense of like have forgot my own understanding of you will have like as an inner spiritual life, but I would say that, like that's, really rooted in relationships to people and like I find, I definitely find any form of, like divinity in my relationships with other people and maybe sometimes dogs yeah, that's a good place to find it towed to mystically with dogs. Dogs helps that, like my a friend of mine was like tell, I was having a hard time and she was like. Can you look for the God and where's God in this experience, and I was like
probably my dog, like that. That would be, and she was like, ok to roll with that, a couple of relationships that when they broke up whoa, I felt like I was doing ok, but perhaps in retrospect I wasn't doing as well as I thought was because the thing I attached to was shared pets in the relationship. Although yeah that's a big, I had a lot of rage that I had to work through about my ex, which you know he's a good person. People know who he is he's a good person, but the idea that he could not want to see our dogs more like the heat. I was like what kind of person could walk away from these poodles and not to fight harder like, and that, and I had to realize at my two things I got Folkestone were money. I felt bills. I felt he should have split that in hindsight want nothing to do with him and his bill
and also who, for those of you who can't see Russell, just made a big note that said bills underlying cause. I had to let go of a few bills actually, and it's a really rough one in defense of your ex. That was able to walk away from those poodles like like I had to like in a relationship I left. Russia has ended in China. Tax of suffering in China suddenly say you were the bars on the cheap, din of that I decide when this relationship. When I snap my fingers now like I'm, I'm in Ba like this. Somehow the letting go of that dog was so painful vi. I almost have had to seal the vaults of that emotion.
In the I've. Never even if I, if a photograph of that dog comes up on my phone like I still, I feel a sort of a jolt yeah. Of course. Of course it's like it's really hurts and it creates and it's a sinkhole that can't be filled, and so, if you you don't just want to have psych casual access to the dog, the dogs either yours or the dog's, not yours. Otherwise. I suppose that casual access is
I give you a forever taking away at that. That wound, I suppose, in their worthlessness, animals can become a depositary for something very, very sight created and pure. Oh yeah, I mean my doctrine or give me a big lecture like I have a number of jobs, but my dog, my most recent acquisition is this rescue dog she's really wrote like. I know everything so special that she's, like perilous, she's, half mexican hairless, half pugs issues like hairless, but would like a smashed phase and really just like stops traffic wherever she goes and as a result of her kindness. I was really not focusing on how badly I was training her and the train or who came really liked was, like you gave me a very stern talking to about not treating my dog he's like this dog, not here to serve you you're here a surplus dog he's like so this.
it was not your stuffed animal. This dog is not your child. The second I was like, like my assistant, who's like cool and young and uses like cool Rupaul's name was like he just read you fulfill like. He just saw you and was like no I'm not having it. Have you heard the term read me: look it fulfilled subject like someone we, Lord, you realize you were in a knot: nice where they read, you fulfils that's. What battle trainer Ryan Kill commons read me fulfils son, I oh by the way like I'm so working with him and I'm not gonna start Blake. I liked it. It just took a second. It hurt ogled told by book Trainer in retrospect is looking like a map in red fulfilled by the stopped train him. They said like in fact told her. The dog, training and stuff may effort admonish mean various ways, because the doktor I got once like I'm an idiot tat domestic, my wife and I out all is
Brian bad dog, lacquer, the foundational creature, that atomic animal allow family, who is in a sense and evolution of Brian, the dog that was set up. lost to a previous relations Ryan, Brian yeah, yeah, very safe night, but he alike, bear is such a report.
I do have energy and madness and convocation. This talk was meant to represent my transition, and indeed it was her transition into a different type of man into a different type of life. I can't be that person anymore. Cant live with the chaos and somehow the chaos found it's way into that dog, something through quiet or trainers, and those trainers have said things like. I guess we do. In fact, we probably enforce their negative behaviors with the way that we treat them yeah, evidently, projects quiet alone to them, while they said to meet the doctrinaires at me. When I was saying that I let her sleep in my bed every night and then he was like. Do you feed her from the table and I was like well not like foods that are bad for
but like if it's something that she would enjoy, such as a sweet, potato or watermelon. Of course they do and he was like and he was like. If there was a guy and everytime, he was upset. He was allowed to sleep in his mom's bed till he was like thirty and also every time he walked into a restaurant. If he thought the food looked good, he just like picked it up off people's plates and also, if he didn't get what he wanted. He cried and then people were like war. Sorry would you want it, date that person and I was like- I think I did data but also no end. I really like, as I felt it was like, of course, and like the other thing is like people like boundaries like something we learn in life. Is that like setting boundaries of people feels really scary, and then your life gets so much more manageable when you do and dogs like boundaries to it, that's hard to remember and it's hard to remember, with people
or to even you have to learn it over and over and over again. My assumption when I hear that Lena is, though, when I think about my own early release, you could go for a education systems. Oh, for even more broadly, is that I had a negative asian. She should it now. My dad always would say you have an authority problem, he'd, say and types he'd said admiringly, and sometimes it was like this is not great. How did it manifest? I was really like I wouldn't he was like and like a like, a bad kid in school. I didn't like knock over desks and cause problems, but I was sort of strident and an ego driven and I didn't like to in
in group projects I felt like I could make my own curricula, like I felt like it, was moving with some sense that, like I, was a person who should be allowed to do school my own way and when people tried to interfere with like my own vision of educating myself, I responded extremely negatively to it and I really didn't like feeling there were any strictures on my behavior, which looking back is insane like. I was like, oh I'm, fine with anything as long as no one ever tells me what to do ever and I'm never ever told no sentence not too much to ask. Is it too much as that? I just move I'm not that destructive, like I should just be allowed to move through the world in exactly the way that feels right to me and like I was sort of like that in my twenties. I was like why can't I sleep from four am to two pm. It's fun, like I just ate my dessert. First, like who's looking
and then you start to realize that, like the person that you're really punishing is guess who you're punishing. I like this because there's life lessons about life in your twenties or even younger when you're as self actualize, and when you realizing yourself like when you tell told him stories about all that you were resistant to structural forty in school, and you want. You know that very much sounds like a person who, as it turns out, will go on to be the creator or have their own career path, writing and directing and producing their own shows. I would like you know, SAM knitting in your case is TED. I'm incredibly positive impertinent mostly be ok, but then I am sure you might note the skills like it's like there's ways in which it manifests really really positively and then there's also ways in
which you continue to not understand that, like raging against the boundaries that are given to is, and actually like that cool, it just means that you're exerting a ton of energy raging or do know what you mean by that I feel like I default it too. I kind of mistrust of all for a systems whether they're, familial educational, social, judicial. I just don't trust actual bullshit lots of luck if a punk and knock haste, an angry attitude towards the world, which was absorbing verified, fru outlet that then, then you got really positive responses to that persona. Like I remember when I first saw it's really interesting like something I find so impressive, that your career is that you've been able to be so.
public about your own internal transformation, while still there being a clear through line, you are like. I went to jail, and now I'm christian, like yours November, sad that we met and you're you have the same kind of inherent value system, but like we ve watched it shift and become what it seems like it was meant to be, and it seems like it's probably, sir, we knew much better. I'm lucky in that because I was a drug addict. So of your problems are so obvious if you were drug addicts and the route out of addiction, the conversion experience that is available to a drug addict. If you were with support, you know, the unwillingness is like, in fact, mice have whole belief. System now is founded upon the idea that that that you can replicate that system with all be my own case and for other people hope you can replicate that system of all attachment that the idea of recognizing it as a problem believing it's possible to change it being willing to exit
it help, but that is antithetical to what we are describing in a person trying to achieve personhood and I'm in a sense, Lena thinking about framing this, for you not only as a creative person but as a sum war, political and outspoken, so sure figure that when you also talking about you, know their oppressiveness, The school system is unable to facilitate this call it. You know genius or extreme creativity or whatever you're comfortable with a hat. You know how that how that can be extrapolated into social systems that are defacto oppressive towards certain types of people you know what's interesting is I did not have an obvious drug addiction, but I am a sober person who spends over prefer over a year because they had a not that obvious drug addiction that sort of man I had. I had complicated issues with ego and control and wilfulness that didn't net
it's early. I feel very lucky that they ended up manifesting as a drug problem, because it put me in a situation to make changes that I otherwise would never have made Russell just quietly me some water and I loved it. And, in a way having like you know the worst five month drug spiral put me in a position to actually make some changes that needed to happen for a really long time around addiction to work around addiction to slight certain kind of validation and self expression. In a cycle of that around addiction to relationships really fiery intends aggressive relationships around addiction.
HU, I ran codependent like around all this stuff to around shopping like it, and when I read your book I was like, oh what I liked. What was so, what made sense to me was, you were like you were like the same mechanism instead of saying liking or drug addicts are just wired to flee their quick there. They have their own specific set of issues in these. Are this was Eric tools that will help them? You were like these same principles. We can practise them in accordance with a sort of our own high. herself around. Whatever issue is making it impossible for us to function healthy way in the world today, analyzer, but perfectly so cool, often enjoying haven't you ever he was. Nowhere could have been specifically democracy because the phenomenon itself was so thrilled I saw here really because it's a really great book and night Joe needed it. She a copy of it to the library at a rehab. I put it in a lever. I've I've spread that book around
Thank you very much for horse in that book about so that in the higher that thing, That's how did when he was saying that the intense relationships, the mission, self. It feels it site maintenance and anxiety adaptation, gas, which you the probably Rita miles back some, not an ivy drug person, although I do like when I've been in, hospital I've been given drugs that are equivalent to heroin in its not not pleasure of all no no soap so calm so serene you know a beautiful rug by the smoothest ocean but and you're like I don't even care that there's like a nurse screaming in my face because, like I would love to just like live in the space between this liminal space between life and death forever. But yes for me was like caught up in. It was a wish. It wasn't so quotation I loved we'll, be like I am Lena, I'm a drug addict but like if we really get to the bottom of it. It's like prescription medication that a woman on the Upper West Side gate.
That's all right now, Elvis totally like ass was his deal. I wish it had been like. I was addicted to LSD up. I can't get enough account. Operate on the Spanish with its conscious nicely- and so is this- when you like him in them. its stove, your young person, Andy's evident that you were gonna even so looking at, you is evident that you're going to continue to be so influential in a waste of luck and have not yet been read Last, but by saying the height of say, girls, excitement and wards and stuff, that when that's when it really started links on joint action, I didn't even know mean I just lived like from anxiety to another, and then it started to be too much for me,
a but saying this is too much didn't appear to be an option, especially because everyone around you, as you know, is going you're getting the thing it's the thing, does it feel as good as you think it's going to feel? I want what you're getting so. Please tell me that what I'm trying to get is as good as I think it is, and so you're both like having to reinforce for other people. Yes, this is the best thing. That's ever happened to me and also tried to tell yourself it's best thing. That's ever happened to you and it's so cognitively dissonant and makes you feel so distant from the
well, that you love and so distant from yourself that, like the options are either like I'm moving to Alaska or I'm going to start taking anti anxiety, meds- and I think like mean you've talked about this- I don't think fame is a set of conditions that is healthy. And I don't think that if I think, if you experience unmitigated joy from fame, that there's truly like a wiring problem within you that, like his heart, like it's the same way like I'm like well, that must be like one way we can measure sociopath. He is just like you think, being famous is just fun. Yes, it's very luck of. They are when I think about is impossible, isn't it even to recall what was it? We were sparring too, because I had a very pure love of e g performance, creativity, but can- and indeed the idea, do it above pups for nothing courageous because you love doing it. It was just fun to make people laugh and fun to fuck around with your friends and I loved that I was like I love making movies
if people like your movies, you get to make more movies, it's really simple equation, which is the more people like it, the more you get to do. But then what actually happens is Europe with more people like it, the more parties I go to and the less I get to do. What I like and the more I like finding myself in situations where I feel physically emotionally and creatively stifled, but I'm being told by people, lime paying to stay and you're being caught of objective five and commit commodified. You look inadvertent inadvertently. You are becoming a commodity because that's what system? please required and that this is now a commodity. And if this commodity functions well, you can carry on. If it doesn't function, will you in a low trouble, but you so in there are the higher that will work with the work being done by the high exchange credible and publicly validated in Jordan and brilliant than that
I knew there was a kind of distance, I'm interested in particular in what you said about feeling separate from the people that loved you. Well, I think, If my faith, my family was extremely supportive of me making my work. Both my parents are artists, my dad's, who he really is very excited, I'm here, as he told you big fan, I am and I have a younger sibling who's. Also, a very creative person and they wanted me to do what they want to do, but it's sort of like They could see me becoming less and less happy, but- and I also was getting physically sack because I have like a number of chronic illnesses that were not like that, like travelling red eyes- and you know drinking like starving myself and drinking champagne in the morning, like none of that good for my body and my parents see me becoming less and less happy my siblings, easily coming like glass. Unless you know you start kind of thinking your career, you start feeding the meter of your career at the expense of your relationships, because you can travel and you can't work eighteen hour days every day and stole
and keep to satisfy all the people who are making money out of you and so give your family what it is that they deserve and so give your friends what it is that they deserve, and so suddenly you're. Like basically saying my life in my career are more important. They require more attention they are more necessary, like you start acting like you're a dog you're whose, like on call for emergency he's when you're, just making television like that is, crazy. So I think that I started but like when my family would say you know is this seems like a problem? I would experience it as like if trying to control me they're jealous if you're so far away from everybody like it, spoke thinking about it now, it's impossible. imagine that I was like you guys. I know my dying, but like we're, gonna lose this location this afternoon or whatever like that's nuts. I am, but I did when my grandma was too anxious that location. It actually this is crazy. The data
grandma, was dying. Our location set on fire, and so I was like the news guys location set on fire. So I can stay by grimace. Bedside prefer a couple more hours is an extreme experience. it is and there's a lot of extreme experiences in life. But this is a very specific one in that it's like an experience that a lot of people think they want, and so it and also it's an experience where you suddenly have this weird thing: where you're moving through the world and being recognized by a lot of people. You don't recognize so like that thing, which is also not natural cause like usually when someone says hi to you in the street. You know them and when you don't it starts to feel like you're in the twilight Zone. I my first reaction is always that I went to camp. I was always like. Oh, I must have gone to camp with her like it took me years to realize I did not go to camp with all these people around me who, at camp it's a huge camp for Christ's sake, that's more of that kind of objective
She isn't it ready like. I love her. That quota fame is just a bunch of people. You don't know having an opinion about you and outlet when you described the intensity of what it was like to be in the middle of all of you that creativity and the incumbent attention and pressure. But what is it? Do you think that lead you and soon are similarly made to get involved in some political commentary, and I was a deliberate thing just by inertia who it was people were asking, and I also felt at the time like it's will that more people more people because we're living in to extreme political times, which I know everyone thinks I once read some quoting it's. Martin name is like like the tree mark of every artist saving their living on the edge of the apocalypse urgently in like we all are like there's been.
Urban at times, just my time but like it does seem like people are stepping up to the plate more because it's like less controversial to say like on trumped crazier, remember like that before it was sort of like celebrities. Don't do that lake who do you think you are Ronald Ray, again like it was like really kind of crazy. So I was like. I always liked doing things that people told me not to do so. I was like. Oh when I like say I, like Obama, everyone freaks out interesting. So like I wish I could be like I felt called to protect my country, but it was more of like the same part of me that was like I'm going to take my bra off in the school play was like. I guess I will talk abortion on the radio and then you're sort of in it, and it does make you feel very import can you are told you're making it a friends and you get to meet really interesting people.
and then also it does seem to give some kind of meaning to this very confusing experience of fame, which is like. Will this whole thing's kind of meaningless? But maybe, if I can like change some policy or do some thing, it will make the whole island kind of how to canned line. I used to give that was like celebrities kind of stupid. But I can like me get mean something by means of time, but things are thereby won't talk about which sure that surely find. But I don't think that was if I looked back and think that was really telling the whole story my own, I dunno, I would love to know your version of that. I felt rootless a like well, I feel like he's like that, in a way like you said resonated when you said about the feeling of taking off abroad in school play that wasn't. Digging experience, but I was allowed me and the price is on the horizon through direct microscopic about everyone. Wants me ass school in a book this reading royalties for one who knows p dirty
and going ahead shrugged today and is in the news you can have anything you on observers. There is room for report says that they stop meshing some ideas. like what I remember is doing things that felt incredibly Ryan Truffaut around in my country around politics routes of life. For me, it was speaking out It is not enough distinction between the political parties and I wondered there's a general apathy. Both political pies represent corporate interests. No one cares about the Experience will make people remember when you start talking about corporate interests, and I was very interested cause. I was like wow, that's a whole other hot. Take that never occurred to me when I was like. I got really very carried away and, like you said of Kosovo, there was a lot of validation around it, and this is the problem for me, and this is a thing I'm really hoping to learn from at this time. Does it point almost you know like I with hybrid cars, that they can switch between being electricity or gas internally with me, there is there's like I still have a fair portion of ego vanity.
In me, I try not to let that govern me, but it's there can't wait to be served prompted. So I start the sometimes get involved with things were very very good intentions, notably like getting involved in politics and trying to you know, use my celebrity to find me young and provide a voice to the voiceless and all these kind of but there was a point in just in there, and this, I think, is common to people that have issues with addiction in all it's forms of illness relationships or shopping. Our obsession with work where you live, where we no longer recognize when we've like he was saying, with the grandma location fire? You could eh not able to discern one look of gone mad now lion and I'm not so there was a point where I'm still doing the same thing: I'm still getting the same. Attention of tablet likes interfering in general elections and of supporting candidates, which I arrived
also done. In my case it seemed very, very extreme, and very sad and point, isn't that it was like when you were doing it anyway, like why. What I'm saying is, is that the end point of this was? I started very rootless and untethered, and I kind of had a bit of a mental breakdown which isn't It was a good things to kind of death, a kind of death of any person. I think you are already sober at that time, and so many people think about it is like there's. Their sober saw another and there's no nonsense herself in their servers off it. If you think about it like getting silver from drugs, now call is just one step in like kind of facing all of the stuff that you do to keep yourself distracted just from the basic condition of being a living person. Yes, and it sounds like you were like ok, I'm not taking drugs any more, but I am than alike literally like like it. It's hard to really recognize that you're. Just like you know a fallible man when you're like trying to stop corporate entities
am taking over the planet. Yes, yes and the you know the the in a sense where, where is the distinction between vessel positive aspects of our nature and the negative aspects of our nature? For me, like a room working through addiction, you know, like the gauntlet, the the guaranteeing the waiving of twenty seven. But after that, sad. I missed crack. Well, there are some things about crack and the whole world of crack the upbeat like best friends, wrote an amazing memoir about his crack addiction called portrait of the addict as a young man, it's beautiful and whenever he describes them like bevel, it sounds like he would kind of a sexy time yeah. I live the law of 'em sort of in my understanding of lacquer from one of my friends about
The gospel type Churchy is that the conversion experience in Ohio is a bad man. Sex and draw ooh. Boo boo tell us more Muslim yeah. Then I found Christ every now and then there is there's no doubt that there is a kind of a super. your glamour and excitement, but when you said that thing about being in the limited space with the screaming nurse and there you are on the rug, makes me feel that the in a way for all of the things we do to fortify and meant the self. There is something in this that knows that peace and happiness lies beyond this. Construction is conceptual nation of self ones. Almost every day this thing and tell me this resonates free, where I would be like ok, I know everything that I'm doing to make myself feel good. Today is like a complete fabrication in that, like I don't really like this boy, and I dont really need this scourge and, like
I'm you know, and this I don't really need to others party, but I'll deal with it tomorrow and then there's like a million tomorrow's and then you rise, you ve actually gotten very far from the place where you started an you understand like I mean the same way. We talk about all bad habits like I spend too much time on my phone, I'm going to do when I go on vacation, my husband and I are going to turn off our phones, but that's in six months. It's like we do it with. So many things and I was just punting. I was just punting any real form of grappling with my inner life so far down the road and then one day I couldn't anymore cause. I literally just what I mean. I feel very let it was really scary, but like one day I just I literally, I got it literally happiness way, is it was like. I had been through a lot of shit I wasn't facing, and I wasn't facing it. I like was in a new relationship. I was like, I don't care who sees me we make out in the street. We do whatever we want and I make the art I want to make it like
fuck. My dad is really get in my way and then one day, I literally got so nauseous. I was like about to give a speech to lie down on the cold tile floor. In the bathroom and I could not sit up for a month cause, I was so dizzy and nauseous and then finally- and someone was like, do you think it could be related how much klonopin you take and I was like no you're insane I'd probably be way more dizzy and nauseous. If I stop taking this much coffin but like that experienced glittery being stopped in my tracks physically and having to go home to my parents house to figure out? Why am I this Naish S was like just that hitting the wall that was required to just, start resetting things and then just kept happening in life
it doesn't mean everything you were before is garbage and everything you are now is like, like you know like one or whatever, but it is a very potent experience too. It's like a big. It's like an experience. I think in some way everyone should have of just like not not being able to function the way that you used to having to learn new tools, yeah blow that little death. I know I agree with you. I agree with you, it's interesting to so I feel, like I've, been through a few deaths and then been a lot lucky enough to be alive after them like two could be aware enough, or at least have sufficient external guidance to recognize. This thing is over now. This is not going to serve me anymore, but, like we said that it doesn't mean that everything that proceeded
It was without value and worthless. How would you say that, like us, it seems to me that you approve bright, bright and creative and from what I know, a relatively stable childhood environment enter beings how it seems from outside being successful, relevant quickly, averse brilliant found that you direct AIDS, your leisure, which are at the towers, excessive girl. But when you talk about there addressing the inner to tumult like d
I feel that this was an ever present thing or do you think he's in an operation that occurs as a result of the kind of trauma that famous juices or do you think that they were of a psychic forces at work that pre date success? That's a great question I mean I don't know about you. I found just being a child to be very challenging. I found everything about being a lot. I never was a person who was like. I would never have described me so it was like a happy go lucky person. I was like a very I dealt with like mental illness from a young age. I have obsessive compulsive disorder that manifested very early four or five with counting and checking in hoarding and like every version of it, I experience and so making things kind of became the only place in which I felt safe, and then you know, I think that I then had an experience which I found the world scary. Then you step into the world and some things happen that reinforce your experience of like oh, yes, the world was scary, whether it's like you know dealing with any form of violence or
You know being bullied or whatever and then you sort of for me. It was like I started to get famous music Maybe this is like the sting that say cushions me this other stuff. Nearly No. This is like the way work is like now like, like literally a million people are going to tell me to kill myself on the internet and then like you're like oh, this is a whole kind of like exquisite pain I never even had contemplated yesterday. My younger sibling was like, I feel So I had to take a lot of hormones in order to deal with. The eye was freezing my eggs, which is like sometimes you gotta do it, but I only have one and I had to get the eggs out somehow, but, like your so many hormones and I'm texted, my younger set His name is Cyrus, and I said this is it is doing all lines of this is the worst day of my life. I've never felt his bad there's a dark sera, be pain. That's coating, everything I look out I feel murderous. I would do a murder. Anyone who cup comes near me now
should be afraid. I have to be alone, because this is too much for anyone else to rightfully bear like yours, sterling up basically and then, like today's arose like that, Cyrus was like. I can't believe how many like they were like do you know how many times you've told me something was the worst day of your life, and I was like how many there were probably like three thousand and then he was like I've literally never described. Anything is the worst day of my life. Again like I was born. That way, which is like you can't imagine the pain I'm experiencing. This is the. The ever happened to me somebody somebody help fish carry Roy a meeting of one of your group. This is a you know that communicate us bloody obvious, really but communique esp in FAS, or at least if in fact, states create community, create community, and I think Paul,
Doing that might mean is often ability, tat extremely feel, realise and express emotions Also apart like so, I see how people around me are reacting to my moods and often affect anyone intense remit. we go on a timid, is layer on life right now I'll ruin parties. I had a long time. I am the biggest misunderstanding I had about myself was that I was a good easy person like I do like I go with the flow it's like whenever the percent of going? The flow is like me when I was at summer camp to name it again. I remember like stem resists the flood
damn the slowly roast the flow. Oh, I remember likes telling these camp counselors, who were like drinking a beer by a fire at night, being, like my I just want to. Let you guys know that, like we're only twelve and for our counselors to be drinking, that makes me feel really uncomfortable, especially because one of my parents is a recovered alcoholic. So do what you want with that information. kind of thing and, like literally camp counselors, like you suck- and I remember telling my dad and he was like you suck just let them drink a beer like. I can't let anyone do anything and now I'm better because, but now, instead of trying to let people instead of trying to go with the flow, I remove myself from the flow like I, I know the situations not to put myself in anymore cause. I don't want to be. I don't want to ruin the party I just want to go to a party mustn't, go into ruin them. Do you like parties
now I ll like knowing that they support you on the horizon. These functions, in my mind, a dreadful catharsis. Some I'm doing myself now, where one might say imaginable, conversations I'm gonna have to have. You know like buys again is not because Lecoq. Sometimes I think I am superior to those spices. It's not like. I get caught in the traction beams of luck or glamour of a people's opinions. These things I'm very, very sensitive to them. I've found like this is why, for me, the twelve stop step model works well for me because it explicitly states you need a spiritual awakening Russell. You need a change of perspective because for me
I get very, very attached to things I like you, am not to go with the flow type I'll have that tattooed in Sanskrit online, just go with the flat says: go with the flow and it's beautiful says there is only the float when I was married to dear Katie. We both got this done and the that before we went to India, because I was told when you go to India and you gotta get with that flow, because India will chew you up and spit you out. If you try to impose your western were doing it, this way, guess what I did. I went to India with my mom and then like nine days into our seventeen I trip while she was at a market. I called my assistant at the time I was twenty six and I was like get me on the nearest plane. I have to come home I like and bleeding out of every hole. my body and like you ve gotta, get me out of here and then she got me on a flight. I thought it was in Jaipur, but it was in job her,
So I fully went to the wrong city, the back of somebody's car that had a hole in it to the ground, and then literally, I remember, and I can't tell if I'd like revise these two memories. One is that I climbed over a I love rubble to get to an atm machine in like these heels and like if anyone had looked, they just would have been like that lady sucks and then got back in the car with all my cash and we were driving to the other CT and I looked out the window and there was like a pit of mud and a cow came fully out of it like it wasn't. Even the cow was like hanging half in mud. It was like the coward, been fully submerge submerge and came out and like looked at me- and I was like in a Terry Gilliam movie like I was like this is the craziest thing and then, of course, when I like said anything about that, I like got home and, like the next day. interviewed for rolling stone, profound music. I just left India, I hated it ever and then, like literally for a while, my siblings,
dating an indian girl and like it was like. I didn't want to tell her your last name cause. I was like embarrassed. My last name cause it was embarrassed and then, when she finally did, she was like oh yeah. We know here that she said like India sucks and she hated it, but I didn't hate that I just didn't: go with the flat. the air, India. It wants you to really. We ve got our own surrender to yeah. Yeah, I don't. I like he'd sand hate speeches. I hate the sun. I hate friendship human warmth, compassion moments of trends in joy, and none of it cleaned up at the golden child. Yeah yeah a few weeks, I'm so like the then for me, the point of the spiritual wakening with various other working on toasters, ready preaching about like because it's really good systematically model, and I'm only on step for which is really at. I don't know your sister top publicly about which step
one, but it's a really hard stat. It's ok to do it as long as you don't mention whether or not you go to any particular fellowships any particular anonymous fellowships. I don't. I don't consort with any one particular when there is anonymous. My I have a sponsor, but I don't know what she sponsoring me in or what her name is, but I am on step four, and it sometimes is really puts you in a mood you for me, like the conversion. Experiences like this, that the of these conversion experience of taking drugs to not taking drugs being your def more difficult with relationships, because we all going to be. I have a codependent relationship with my wife, steel, obviously, and I have to just observe when I am making unreasonable demands, which is pretty much the a currency, not let the twelve steps, because there's the conversion of we know drug addicted, not drunk Eric than this, continue or conversion from a state of mind where I think that the outside world is there to validate may make me feel by our serve me. Like you, adult train is said,
at re? I am there to serve reality. Reality is not there to serve me. When I make the mistake of thinking, I can get something from this situation. I immediately enter into a system of behavior that leads to me feeling lonely and unpleasant the a, but the twelve step model can be used to navigate my way back as soon as I'm not well liked by Alina as it's like, we have the right the right signal, not phrase, but one human being can be at peace and happy. If you all know at peace and happy, you should consult with your programme. What is it you're? Not doing that? You should be doing. Why are you doing that? You should also when I first started hearing people talk about this. I hate it
It's like this share sucks cause people would be like I'm really happy my mom's dying, my husband cheated on me. One of my kids is a criminal and you'd be like well clearly isn't working cause. Your life sounds like it's garbage, but then you realize like no. What actually you've accessed is the ability to exist in a life that is never going to cede to your demands because it doesn't care about your demands, and that is like ecstatic to be, because who wants a lot? You don't want a life be living in a else cottage with, like all your perfect friend, use one bill exist in the world as it is and feel like a part of it rather than like somebody who's viewing things from behind an angry pane of glass. which sound, which seems like you like when I walked in your home today. I was like this seems like a person whose really like I looked at you, and I mean I don't know you Yours at home. No, but I won't did have the option to meet rustles, wife and children any were really engage
If your wife and you were looking at your children and your children, weren't props and your home was full and there were lots of people having fun and it smelled good and, like you know, you were like just in it and that's like the dream. Thank you so much for saying that I'm fusing The word seed, which is what I was groping for back in my era in the India story, which EVA consciously or otherwise you provided that word a little bit later. I went for surrender and then cosied file not found, but thank you for that it, takes time sometimes and today has been ok, but I have some very challenging word finding days where I literally the other day. I tried to spell stupid and I spelled it s t o p id, and I was like it's time to go to sleep. Get some rest. You know with the the experience of having a domestic life, has all my automatically done for me. A lot of things that I tried to do fruits of celebrity,
promiscuity or drugs. I saw the centre for how to why calm down seems like currently at least was being success with me is to have people relationships, children, my life, the requirements made, I can't live in the Lee S portion of self obsessive in a dialogue. Yeah, that's ache, incredible and also and to have a domestic life and really give yourself over to it, because I think a lot of people have like a domestic life. That's just I know I was guilty of this in my long term relationship at different points, which is like having figureheads of like what you think normal people have that you actually engaging with them. So it's like. We bought a house, have a dog. We made a tasty it tonight, but it's like you're, not just at present. He ever suspects, Emily a spectacle. You lot, you ve not been this. Like her. You know a boat, Riad, the French
loss of gas out, but we live in a simulacra simulation that there would be awesome today. Symbiotic relationship between media rate, everyday life, now becoming so my mercy. If the delay in american college love to talk about this, like what you are doing, a good job of it and noise like the like this out of you, since the time a real dogs structural ism from an Englishman. I just want you to show them like give them some low I know that they can use the other one. Both european uses reduction, If philosophy were from a law to stop being a little bit more sterile sexless, it's true and ended up as Derrida and net we're, not dragging it back to I ran by tasked with my friend, Elizabetta and yeah. Do it we do He met in our inner freshmen seminar. We are, we
and about this in your act, rum and lake- and we also learned about like what's that prison in that they talk about written kung, FU cows like it If the three sixty prison, where everyone's looking at you Pawn something yeah the it's like it's like it's a three sixty prison and we you'll never know who's watching you so you're always. You know like put behave and like a list I was like really smart, because she'd been like an international model and was coming to college at age. Twenty six and I was literally like I came to this class cause. It had fashion in the title and like but I remember the simulacra like being like. I really get this here
yeah I mean I like my dad's done mushrooms. I know about this yeah. I know about fabricated realities. Might that's true true, if he's not so little, why did weak and stuff we were talking about sort of like if you have a domestic life that you're kind of just keep just using as a like a placeholder for some. Else or like using as a way of saying look at me. I'm a normal person like when aliens come down from base and our like, like whenever there we live com. Heads were the aliens have to pretend to be norm, oh, you know and they're always like. I love sports to yes, yes, So what? How will you approximating normality these days if these expertise of the times that you're describing this kind of terrible and the deer have you-
submit dear. Thank you with the anxiety medication. This is some time ago, yeah it's like been over a year or so I'm really enjoying my inciting medication, free life for anyone listening at home, don't watch it without a doctor's help, it's not safe, but things are in place to protect you now. Well, I have really great. I I work with a bunch of newbie, I kind of reoriented my work life a bit in a way that just felt a little healthier for me. I I moved. I moved into a new apartment. It's like very. I live in between L, a and New York in L, a I have a roommate named Paul, whose pieces one at he's his own podcast and in L A and in New York. I lived in like a very elderly building like a lot of like lick like the old or a pest and stuff live there like it's like conflict people about their permanently nineteen, seventy five and then me and like
then. I also spend more time with my parents now, like I think, healthier time than they used to a lot of time, may sit waiting. I meditate. I've done tm. Since I was transcendental meditation, which I know you do too I've been doing it since I was nine cause, it's something that my mom's done since her early twenties and my aunts and my grandma and my great grandma. So that's a big part of my life, I'm actually working with our and our brass to try to bring some like meditation to try to re. Think how like how meditation is taught in like women's prisons, rehab centres etc. Then, and there I also have lake I have of a programme may have a man own understanding of a lot of really great sober friends. I have like a lot of relationships the interesting thing that happens when you shift your life in any way Other the relationships you thought were essential leave. Our relationship, you didn't know, were important.
Eyes. You going out dispersants been here this whole time and I didn't understand how much we are getting each other. This other person, I thought was my whole life is actually just kind of like a kind of kind of a more negative force, and so things are really em. They're, not perfect, but they're, much more manageable and even pleasure all yes, I suppose in an inversion of our dabbling in boatyard just there reason host our own french philosophy, podcast further three listeners who at home or into this all relationships necessarily projection of some aspects of yourself. So if your fight like them back version of letting go of relationships and the agenda. So the nourishing and spending more time in in relation to the map been neglected, suppose. That's that's. It demonstrates how libraries real in a change
right. I learned in this chat. You talked about finding divinity in relationship, and I feel that that's an integral thing to do that to find swift, authentic, impure in relationships for myself also, and we would be step eleven in a twelve step program like a fruit prayer and meditation having conscious contact with a higher power God. If my own understanding, you don't love the work, I do it's, not your faith. I have no problem with it, because I like the idea that I can reach people that would use God's. Naturally, then, I don't want to exclude people that a lot hey that sounds antiquated yeah, but he's just dog backwards. Ryan Messina, this not get bogged down in semantics, yeah! That's how I feel like I was talking to this girl once and we are just at like read a place where people
threw together- and I said something about this other one. We know when I was like she loves got in, and the girl like snapped me and she was like. I use the term goddess. The last thing we need is another mean old white man telling me what to do, and I was like I feel you like, like she was kind of like pissed, but I was like cool bike. Yeah like it was she kind of like snapped at me, and I was like. Oh I'm, I'm on your level. Well, I suppose because what's been identified, a nice changes, often abstract power concepts such as that being used to further inculcate exists, POW dynamics, which is something that you ve been vocalize, something that you envisage yourself continuing to be involved with like say we're like Hillary Clinton. That was something the way you were right involved away. Why will you see yourself with politics at the moment did enjoy spending so much time? aim for horrid Clinton. It was really fun and I believed in what I was doing. It's not where my
Heads out right now, never see never, unlike when a candidate who, I think his inner sing like asks me to engage all Please consider it, but like I'm interested right now in the way that art and really personal art can give, can sort of change people mines and also change their lives and make them feel safer and by having a lot of people who feel more safe and seen we like you know. Ultimately, more peaceful society and, unlike more interested in that end of things right now in making things than I am indeed sort of loud and. Rather itself, but also, I think other people may be for me to it
people have really stepped up to the plate. Like lots of people are talking about these things out. Not nobody really needs me to do it. Not state quote unquote needed me before, but like he sort of go where you think there's a place for yourself and then other people pick up the slack and you're like okay I'll be like over with my cats, you're idealistic and there's nothing wrong with that. Is there nothing wrong with doing what you feel to be right, a particular time, a very struck by a interview I saw Prince Garter ST so gave once were, let's like it was prior to the election of Obama and the interview. was rather presumptuously pushing the idea that prince would be well into an african american president and he's not. I can't write like he is. If I didn't have a dog in that fight and get and not Prince Sadler, I see the world from a spiritual perspective, and this way I may now be a rich respect.
We re engineering, what prints out to be in line with my beliefs. They seem to be saying that what happens within the framework of politics is always gonna be limited to a degree, because there are so many interests and ties that about of self preservation that prevent real change. Have I d like to think of when you're on your stumping for a politician and someone asks if a perfectly reasonable Question like about maybe the politicians, corporate interests or their relationship with someone who's done, something they think is bad, and you have to do this like weird dance, where you pretend that it never happened to her, doesn't matter and you're kind of being told like okay, here's how you're going to pump that question on the line and it's like what, if we all just
yeah. It is crazy that Hillary Clinton is married to a man who shamed monocle and ski so that she wasn't able to live her life on this earth like what, if we looked at that, but Hillary Clinton was still the best Kennedy to be president, even though we also have a real problem with the treatment of monocle wins key by somebody who she still intimately involved with what our heads explosion, but at the time I had to be like. I don't think that's relevant, sir, like I just feel like a crazy lyre cause it user reappropriation of who you are not had good luck, comparable violence, in my own country and had to be involved with those like that known to share and that that is the task that you describe but like titulary galling when speculatively. I feel that a lot of trumps electoral appeal was David, he's gotta
yeah so walk. You know like the thing that he was doing, but that is a very addictive attitude like sometimes when I fight, particularly with the if the parents and they'll say something I'll be like and you're right and who cares and who cares, is a really hard one to snap back at cuz. You just can go like I care like. Thank you so much for this. He keeps pouring the water as he play cause he's. A father is changed ass? The message me I'm gonna go, tell everyone that rustles change cause. He's a father and a husband ass, the ball on a date him back. Finally, now I can get out their whole different tier of sexual experience. There would have been available to me. Ass is the problem Sorry, I know this is a whole different vibe, which is like he's loves. His wife loves meat caught hold of them. Let me try to see if I can become that cultish leader and rheumatism laughing with
which is about to get involved in politics and saying, like you ve heard about you, do this thing where you were, I mean what was the moment for you? Did you have a friend to his eye? He runs on. This has gone a little far like what happened all of the people that were involved in my career, eyed and infrastructure. I mean right. I went from being a drug addict Tadema about one year, claymores Light blue, bruised baby bird man, how you feel so crazy when you feel like every nerve, supposed fragile, cold showers, ITALY mornings thirtieth little guy and then like him, then accept gonna, tv, in the UK into became so famous and successful? Not that bad? station from not having any money being a drug addict to fame and then not the accoutrements of fame? And you know what it's like when you come over here and, let's see now famous before I could have bought so many more drugs the drug I could have used yes, and so all of the people they are
so the system around me that was designed for this year. We would like you to keep making films and beings so successful, vaguely edgy novelty Brit if you dont want yeah and let you know that poverty name would have I liked it done that for some, so the winning side to become like outspoken la I kind of reading, It's you know when you talk about how you were at school for, like this is bullshit I'm just going to do. I won't I'll create what I want, where a woman likely a result of a resistance to the flow is not we're not talking to some organic flow of Gaia, Rather flow of man may structures I shall read.
engaged with who I was as a soul of an anti establishment twenty year old, but southern meet with this platform, and so all of those people who's. My relationship is predicated me earning money, lifestyle to back out of the room. They were not able to accommodate that. Understandably, really never gets its bit much bit macho this may, but then it all resettled in a way that was probably in some way more interesting to you like you're, ultimately, in the way that it's resettled, your I probably expressing yourself in it would appear to be outside the expressing yourself yourself like a clearer, healthier way, probably than you were before, and it's like em up more and more pure dose of who you are lately metalliferous up. I have to try to shit what would a who would we have become what we, exposed to the commodity occasion of what we happen to do: expressively or creatively excellent of organ,
actually gonna want to go over there and make these gonna of films. I just got sucked into it because it site in the part of me, this likes attention. Go quickly, so now what I'm doing in itself in it ll age is watching myself. When I suddenly study, I should do that. That would be popular that if I were to do that, that guy would get power or prestige or privilege. I try to watch that. I try to prioritize the tools that programme- I think it has a universal power. I believe I continue to think you're function. He is not to look at the water resource and taking from your function is. How can I be of service lie? In so doing I overcome that dreadful trap of feeling, like I'm just in an individual,
in spice, that's going to die, and everyone, I know, is good at all. I can't handle that so I have to use an alternative program because I do have a program of a negative program yeah and this one, the twelve that of that style, and you didn't write a book about the twelve steps cause it was going to be popular or you wrote it because you felt like it was something that needed to be said and that the user, like you, have a way to say which is so cool with some good luck. I think I may be so. You move your. Maybe it was in this interview like oh, you shaped how well in the world. Not knowing that there's. Some way that you can go something you can do is nothing wrong with, I think, being public or prominent or successful or vocal or oppressive or any of those things. But as long as from me per as long as I can somehow. when connected and not lose my in presenting you don't feel like you're. Just can't like, like water
in the world trying different things, but that there's some sense of like you, have your own, a little it's nice to feel like you're, a little bit of a mission that we need purpose. What you're going to be doing nothing. So we've got to whisk you out of here. Well, you mean what am I going to do this evening? yeah this evening and then more generally with your whole life. Oh yeah, total issue. This evening, I'm gonna go back to my house where my dogs and cats are and may remain, Paul, take a shower. her friend Suzanne's coming over to kick some ideas around with me. I think I'm gonna paint a portrait of Paul and Suzanne together, cause I haven't painted them yet, and they have great faces then try to answer like half my emails readable and go to bed with a little bit of like kind of lake contemplation time in there, then, generally, I mostly podcast on me. Podcasting network that you're on luminary with we're waterways that would cost it's called them
see word. I hosted with my friend Elizabeth Bennet, who's up historian and a writer, and we do deep dives on the lives of women who, whose Reuben considered crazy in history, so whose like the media, can consider crazy whether its Jeanne Seeber or Mariah carry war, Preraphaelite model, Amuse, Lizzie Civil and we kind of ree, contextual as their lives. From a place of empathy. And also lake, Alison. Those lot will we both used to love pills and be like really crazy. People's people who were like that, well friends, so we kind of try to draw in the well of experience. We have, and I talk a little about being sort of publicly considered crazy and like paparazzi and all that, so it's kind of where we're coming at it from like she's got the historian point of view. I've got the I once barked at the golden globes Point of view and we can come at it as a team and we have a lot of fun. Are you,
listed in myth and archetype and the soft oppression of the goddess and the inability to incorporate the goddess into the into I dunno. If the contemporary, it's funny, you ask because absolutely yes, yeah. What you just said is really up my alley and I'm interested in the way that we like feel the need to kind of create, did yes and then destroy them and the need that need that people feel to see women that their attracted to suffer and the kind of Madonna one thing that were playing out with every female public figure and then also lake. How I think that the entire trend of having television exclusively about men, who hunt and kill women Pretty we shall now is basically about like people who are looking for a murderer who, like kills women and leaves them at ally or whatever really we just love seeing women have been emotional and physical violence and acted I'll, shoot him
this is the unconscious expression of us of an inability to incorporate the feminine that's relations. Ngos are anything like Diana. Anyone asked Britney spears yourself but when one of whom would be a major like we haven't done any of them yet on Potass but like that would be exactly who we would want to talk about, because it's like this sort of the idea that, like these women were were at first adored and then destroyed and, like some women, seem to make it the other side some stay alive, but die in some way. Some, like now. Listen said all like literally licked, you know, drink poison and lay down in a boat like it's just so he's. Interesting and painful and helpful for me to sort through all this stuff and Alyssa is so smart and we just love talking to each other about it. And when I talk to her about it, I forget that we're doing anything. That's for public consumption, because it's just such a pleasure for me and so that
been a really- and I also like that it gives me an opportunity to say like to express- anger which can be healthy to express like anger at the way. That's that you ve been were handled. Because I think we're there's some sense, especially with women that were supposed to lake you know, we cannot get upset like yours was to take, was given to you and say thank you a million times, unlike sometimes you get sick of doing now. can still be, you can still be getting angry, doesn't mean you're like a rational ma. You quite right that, Sir, that trope when, when is a good website empower condemning the coup by condemning the power that opposes you as irrational, The only Angora have any experience. I don't care. If anyone she did. I mean I don't care if they screamed a meal. You ve made me look like an idiot at a party, but if they treat me like I'm crazy or like I'm too
archer like May. Reactions are inappropriate. It can get really dark in here. I dont like do anything I want. Hurt them or their friends. Guy is just so mentally for me. I wouldn't have done that: hey You know you might like this book I'll get it for. You is what James Hillman called the souls code where he talks about the the realizing your innate qualities, and he the one thing you would be interested in pertaining to what you we were just talking about was the examples he gave of Judy, Garland and Josephine Baker of have a Judy, Garland, forever condemned. Two's of living vessel frozen moment of somewhere over the Rhine by this ultimate ethereal mysterious, rootless or soft song a motif, an idea of their female said that she saw somehow lived through unable to become realize herself beyond that. Josephine Baker says, on the other hand, light was after her career,
Is it dancer ended sap schools in France, boy, I'd, I'd children's health care? She found a way of getting back to the earth. The urban heat, Bardell Opener, insane animal rescue, and then like was I pictured like It was seals or whatever it was. She was doing. Brigitte Bardot like or like the way Tippi Hedren had an after. She was like Alfred Hitchcock's abused me, his tippy, then just like went and like lived with a bajillion lions. Evelyn women, within with lions, love phenomena this evening. Just showers in portrays, but the longer term go. Could I would love to lake like I'm, definitely eyeing the possibly to hope. my life is that I would live in such a way where it was like dogs just came in and out, and I never even knew how many dogs like humans, like how many dogs you and I'd, be like that account was used to know some of them. Don't even have names, I'm planning a similar thing with children, well good Lena. I'm very grateful for this last
The conversation, I think, is important. Ferment have different ways of understanding. Emerging new aspects of feminism ended. It's not a threatening thing, maybe the realisation of the whole in a way that is beneficial to all participants, so Well said you're. So smart, I'm sure you now, but it's always nice to have that affirmed, you're, very, very intelligent and delightful. To talk to you and I think for me the big shift I've had is that feminism for me? Isn't like The whole thing in the same way it used to be- I mean it's not like. I want to get paid the same amount, although, like I do cause. Obviously just everyone wants what is fair for them, but for me, my version. Feminism is much more like a world that would accommodate a lot of different ways of being woman and like we're also women wouldn't kind of hold each other to outdated. hegemonic codes that were uncomfortable for everyone to compile. Yes, this seems like a good girl.
Your peaceful, beautiful part, casting rail who, thank you so much, because the judge you why we're through me is really data Jeanne, more cheer. You choose yes to freedom and new emerging stranded from loving words. I think listening. I hope you enjoyed that episode with Lena Dunham. Just then he was just listening to it which are meaningful, and where are you now? What happens to you remember? Let me know what you of over on Instagram tag me at tree, Russell Brand or tweet me at Ross. The rusty Rockets with a hashtag under the skin members sign up for human rights, luminary, dot, link, forts life, Russell to get free months every day that pretty quick. in the meantime, have listened small ones, Koromo Douglas Rush, deep whim, half raising Wendy member when demanding, she's, incredible, really good podcast available
tea for nothing. My website was a brand new college. You wanna know what I'm doing life shows them in their land. In life shows all the time come see me, live it serve. They want to have a nice, this mental. You won't believe it really happening not in a good way, I'm good is more show cigar surrender come there are tickets available for Saturday. I e from my eye on deck at men arsenals available is an audio books on Kindle or in her back in the. U S and Canada check out reaper for Netflix, thanks for listening to me or my podcast is called Andrews. In which is on luminary media. Thank you.
Transcript generated on 2022-05-01.