« Under The Skin with Russell Brand

#023 Al Gore - Can We Protect The Planet When It's Not In The Interests Of The Powerful?


Environmentalist and former Vice President Al Gore joins me to discuss his new film “An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power”, his feelings about Donald Trump, the corruption of big money, and the future for renewable energy. 

This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to under the skin. Where I ask, what's beneath the surface of people, we have more of the ideas that define our time of the history. We are told the showers Obama new book recovery, pre order, your copy bugging Russell Brand thought come have like a website or new. Now now on with the skin. This week we've got Al Gore is a or episode, not because Al Gore walked out in disgust. In fact he seemed to enjoy the experience. You can look at it on our Youtube Channel or you can look at an ad on Facebook. We've got all the footage up, It was interesting because Thomas Le Maiden is a much more high profile interview than they used to. We've had Frankie Boyle on a weave at Naomi Klein, to name, but mostly we took to academics and intellectuals. No one saw the film we enjoyed the film, but because only had half hour to talk to Al Gore, I wanted to get crossed.
The main points. Normally, these interviews are obviously prepped by our food producers. The shower he writes also of to get these areas get these areas. But, of course you know me, I'm a very spontaneous guy at the moon stuff, but because you have to kind of see the film, if you can wind your alcohol, I mean I was unusually prepared for the interview, so I had loads of self actual questions because I didn't enjoy the film and obviously an important issue, and I'm not a climate change denier type guy. I think that if you off, if you're, prioritizing materialism and consumerism over ecology, really really back the planet, but my general pack was this: is
extreme problem. It requires an extreme solutions, basically fight fire with fire, emotional fire. So, like I'm trying to do in our long in view in half an hour, you already know me. I would if I talk quick at a better time zone by doubling the spade, for this particular one, and I want to get across my main points like which was influenced by cities cause. I there that you'd there's no point changing the external world without an accompanying internal change, or is he said to Birch and Russia in the late sixties, a prominent campaign for nuclear disarmament as well as for those four is, there is no point you ve gotten rid of bloody nuclear weapons and the huge challenge. The mindset that created them. Bertram s open were not of God's sake. Now let your bright lights out. I he our go with that kind of point today is gonna, be take radicalism to change the world significantly because of the the moment- interest gas, the producer to show. How do you think we in if you went out there was quick, wasn't it
because normally this is an hour long, and this show is twenty two minutes. Like twenty two minutes. We have our goal. Yeah. You basically got to the second half of the interview at the beginning, so there's that I favour is now using in there's. No phasing in one of my favorite base was the metaphor where I said that clean and Burma pave the way for Donald Trump by using us of a class centralized metaphor using words like lubricants, and flogging and also the bit where I said, like you know, stuff to eat. Killed for if you said out loud, and I was watched his face very carefully when I said that- and he didn't go now so already did Basically thing: can you know my views about systems in politics, but our goal as is a man of integrity and it is a missionary and we come from a critic, christian tradition and not most people have religious faith is not optimistic
front and center. That is the very essence of secularism that your religious beliefs are private and that your religious beliefs should be separate from power, but in a way it's a bogus idea, because modern democracy is formulated from ideas that founded in Christiana a particular President ISM. If you don't believe me, my belief max way, but they re all about it and that's one. Northern european countries have better economies in southern european countries because we had a good sense to vote some protest and his and not Catholicism and I've got to Catholics in the room Garrett's one of em anything the evening that people should watch out for an interview. Might I think people should just keeping their minds that a ashore If you really ought to get through the air questions. You ought to get very quickly. It seems a bit intense in times, but he s very entertaining as AL himself said very detaining he said and a micro promptly, so that we can probably clear tat. We should probably due to the many works out at all, they anything that makes it
feel like his own side by side. Ladies and gentlemen, now that proper bit under this in the AL. Gore is an american politician and environmentalist who served as the forty fifth vice president of the United States under Bill Clinton and hopefully decided to Bill Clinton for most of his adult life. He has warned of the dangers of I will warming in its two thousand, and six documentary and inconvenient truth reveal the eye opening presentation. He had been delivering around the globe for decades, the movie and fifty million worldwide, and why
dollars eyes and why I ask of a best documentary and in two thousand and seven he won the Nobel Peace Prize for environmental work, less impressive! Isn't it go now return to the big screens with an inconvenient sequel truth to power? Mr vice president, Al Gore, thank you. Coming will thank you for having me Russia. It must be stressed. Does my worship, film and I loved your film? What have you come into? I mean everyone stands up. Is that standard event like you get standing ovations before a joke screen delivered well, sometimes sometimes that it seems to be the case in that film. Now I just to establish it so that you don't feel obligated intense about the promotional aspect of what this interview must contain. I think
important for people to see this film, an inconvenient sequel speaking truth to power, because for me it rendered the issues of our global ecology in a way that was easy to understand, made it clear that there is an imperative that we act now, but also there is great cause for optimism that there are shifts both from right,
income people like you man at the end there that sort of a lovely man who shifted in George Town, which is, I think, sort of like the bullseye of what you would call conventional republicanism and also the the that politics can be functional and effective. That's what I got from the your activity, the Paris Climate Conference, where you are able to put together that deal with a solar energy company in India who may have reneged on an honor on this, have on the Paris climate agreement. Little did we know, then it would be the United States that would renege on that bail anyway. So, like I think, it's an important film for people to say one of the things that struck me. Mister, vice president, was the way that you appear to be guided to some degree by your. Spiritual. Eighty by your face, much of it was their words like mission that you see as a personal mission and
Also that some of the language is somewhat biblical unavoidably, because the scale of the ecological disaster we are facing, how day? How does your spiritual perspective inform your mission to affect Globe? ecology and our attitude towards it will first of all thank you so much for doing this Gunnar view and for putting so much thought into it- Russell. I dont where my scourge, while your religion on my sleeve, but it is a core part of who I am and this is an issue of Billy. whole scale in the sense that the future, of humanity could be at risk. score. We not to grab hold of this crisis and solve it. The good news that we are beginning to do just that, but but there It is so much at stake. You it's really essential to put it in the context of what we have future or not again, I'm convinced
will. But this is not the normal issue where seven and a half billion people. Our technologies are incredibly power, and we have to wrestle with our vulnerable lead to short term thinking and greed and behaviors that don't really move us forward into the future, which are indeed spiritual issues. Greed is a spiritual issue. One of the things I was struck with time and time again because great is that to prioritize personal need over social need or fraternity. The Brotherhood of Man, the collective is a space, is a spiritual, Fuchs individualism. I was clucking Betsy's face in the background. I'm always scanning rooms is why I live and so Mister Vice President
saying mister. Vice president, by the way, it's an enjoyable thing for a person, as I often have professors and doctors in here and yeah, I'm sexually or lick social, climbing lick spittle forget to use like a term that I it fuels my own sense of grandiosity. Now, if we live in a world where conceptual and fictitious ideas such as economy is prioritized over an actual factual and material ideas such as ecology, what hope do we have? How? How can we change people's at conception of ecology. When we have a generation of people that have been schooled in consumerist capitalist thinking, how are we going to unpick that new generation? Do you think the economic arguments such as solar panels are cheaper will be a sufficient tool to unpick generations of indoctrination people who have been taught to think like capitalists. While I think that the the rapidly declining cost both Erin, wind and now electric cars and now batteries and sustainable agriculture, forestry, fisheries-
these. New techniques will help us, but I think you're right that the emphasis on mass consumption as a pathway to her Venus is definitely a part of the issue you and I probably So I agree on the the role of capitalism per se- and I dont get sidetracked too much into that. But I do think it is a side tracked, because how is it that people can ever think of the world as their home in the way they evidently do with your affectionate, rather beautiful attachment to the image of the earth at first photograph when people clean, they see the earth as a resource culturally economically and I think, on a date, philosophical, less level we see the outside world is something that can be consumed, relationships that consumed commodities. They consumed ideas, media that can shoot without a fundamental and significant shift. How can you hope,
to achieve such an ambitious ago thanks my as saving the world yeah. Well, I do totally agree with you that need, a shift in consciousness, and we need a a keen awareness of what we're doing to the earth and but I do want to tell you about my views. Were capitalism is concerned. I believe that alternatives to capitalism in some form or explore. in the twentieth century, both on the left and the right and they found to have first some some serious problems and excesses, but capitalism minutes I'm form, I think, is in need of serious reform. We need to start putting a prize on this, called externalities like pollution- also the positive now these are we count. Investments in education and mental health care and treatment for addiction then, community services as an excuse,
and then we ignore the benefits of those expenditures, Oh, that's a distortion that needs to be remedied. We don't account for the depletion of natural risks. Causes, and we should. We ignore the growing any qualms The in incomes, which is threatening the future of demo, Firstly, if we don't address that years because built into the economic model under which we labour, there is
potentiality for the inclusion of crimes are now the findings of the ideologies of the last century and all their extremism and the war and have a good. I read them for me: does not put a full stop on the potential for new systems in your home in systems emerging national socialism, terrible terrible idea. Communism is practice, particularly soviet communism, which really repeat the model of bizarre ism that preceded it wrong and be an illegitimate a you know it soviet experience where power wasn't paralleled and equalized go clearly a huge failure, but that doesn't mean that it doesn't need to be huge shift. I'm thinking about what this quote naughty think about a spanish man called settees Collar ace when he spoke to Bertrand Russell who abstained late. Sixties was a prominent campaign of nuclear disarmament. Is it what's the point and get rid of these nuclear missiles? If we don't change the consciousness they invented, and people will continue to manifest these kind of tolls in these kind of weapons, something about that stays with me
what you seem to have experienced personally is I and formation in the way that you see the world now how much impact can be had policy came at the Paris climate to get India to accept solar power. Only for the? U S to renege on it because of individualism consumerism. Materialism platform has been laid for fifty years, but Donald Trump Donald Trump didn't appear in a vacuum, although there seems to be one in sight of him in it. So I think that how do I think we have to be to achieve? The kind of thing we want to achieve. I think that there needs to be true. Formation little an individual level. That is quite quite profound yeah. I think that's true. I think that there fundamental truths about human nature, are going to cause both problems, and opportunities, whatever political or economic system. We find healthy living in I
have always had an immense respect for those for the founders of the United States. America, because they were humanness who suffer added religion from politics and actually took into account? Some of these? truths about human nature and dumb. a british citizen. Lord actin said famously power corrupts absolute power, corrupts absolutely, and Putting boundaries around the accumulation of too much power by a single individual or a small group of individuals, either in the political, some or the economic system is a recipe for. angel and one of the problems we have this, the reasons we have his climate crisis is that the large carbon polluters have accumulated too much power to influence our politics and they deserve ordered the conversation about climate by using their money to put outcome. denial and create involves stout, inexact
play, the same way that the tobacco companies gears years ago, they hired actors and dress them up his doctors and put them in front of cameras. The falsely reassure people that what the doctors had found now about smoking, cigarettes and lung cancer was not true, and The carbon polluters are doing exactly the same thing about the climate projects it with a half a century of intrenchment funding for academic studies, so now they then require access, because the whole thing is theatre. The whole thing is a play that when you talk about the potency of utility Monopolies- Mr Vice President, Al Gore long name to say continued, I owe you any refusal of just now is actually happening areas without an answer. Your adequacy. If we want to be proper your adequacy, if the former, instead of your acquisition, it's a sweet hell is fun because a full minute for a minute. You were laughing their rigmaroles of english culture, your highness we'll have we love a title here by God? Now then he's a little.
And we found these broadcasts for advertising, so you can have it for free, and here is that advertising, I'm sorry to interrupt you, Mister vice president. Al Gore just sit there very quietly. While I do the stress rollout, I know you're busy, but I've just got to this now. now, when you think of this, Mr Vice President, as it specifically applies to you why, if you could give back while you slept some not target LISA is an innovative direct to consumer online mattress brand. That is also socially conscious. Thank God, because sometimes I look down at my mattress. I think this cultures a little like God. It is some of the things it goes through, driven to the mission to provide a better place to sleep for everybody for every ten mattresses leases cells at the night one to show through their one ten programme, but that's good, isn't it localize so light, but give one
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and use the proper code, so we get some credit hundred quid off when you use our code so that L, a a as I thought, com, slash, brand LISA thought contract brand. Now, I'm sorry the go for that has get back on track for there's been voiced, present the United States and in a period in which many of the economic decisions that have led to the kind of intervention monopoly utility monopolies that we wish to America now with suffers is a patch of your fair. Where do you? You know you were there, and so I have heard it before that of people said our left parliament or live Congress. So I could focus on politics because area
if our focus came in, he wants- and he said, politicians only have power within the limitations of their role. Did you find that when you were Vice President United States that your power was quite limited, that your ability to be effective, particularly with the issues that you're passionate about like ecology, were limited, because, ultimately, state power is nullified by superseding economic powers and financial interests, while I think the skillful extra size of political power, which include The mobilizing of public opinion can be about two more potential firm change than perhaps any other position, but I want to The limitations of working in the White House is that you cannot focus only on one the issue. You have the responsibility to focus on on many and one the luxuries that I have now is the freedom to focus almost exclusively on the climate crisis and the
elements of the crises that are connected to the way our news media operates away. Our economic system operates, but I see it almost exclusively not through the lens of the climate crisis and- and I think we have to make it the top priority, and I agree that there is less of it, a moot point: unless there is a powerful legislation on an international level, the ever present prevent or prohibit the tearing by these monopoly. Buthelezi speak only affects leather. Crises of our planet, is I will the way the oil is refined, thematic, profit. These companies, like you, said they more heavily, say like traditional energy resources, are more heavily subsidizing, modern, renewable energy. All these lines is most that, wouldn't we make that legal overnight. As I stop subsidizing, I might go, but this does not require a kind of radicalism, because when I see these apocalyptic riverlike airy images, fires, storms filipino death, then I think well, it's not
too much to ask to simply say right from not forget twenty four April twenty? fifty or so of a far flung title of a Kubrick. He and movie tomorrow, no more profit in these. Now, that's not possible. Is it because the political and economic model which is in a way fictitious, is conjured by the consciousness of man will not permit it? You can't make those which I do cause. I will last and there's no more gm anymore. There's no x, one x, Exxon's closed state reclaims it there was a famous economists who once said things take longer to happen than you think they will, and then they happen much faster than you thought they could and changes in consciousness sometimes take time, but they can occur, and this call movement, is very much in the tradition of previous movements that changed just as the abolition of slavery, the granting of the right to vote to. women, the civil rights movement, one in my country, anti apartheid.
recently, the Gay rights movement ass- if some one had told me even five years ago, that gay marriage be legal and all fifty? U S states and would be accepted, honoured and celebrated by two thirds of the american people. I would have said I your hope so, but I think you're being completely unrealistic, but the climate movement, like all these previous movements, eventually gets to the point where the straw manner. Discarded and you see the central question, which is a choice What we want is moral and right and what is immoral and wrong, and that's we're right at that tipping point in the climate movement. Now I e well by allowing of Providence Civil rights campaigner. Once it to me, look pal will always yield on civil rights issues eventually, because, ultimately it doesn't affects their them. They result
season. But when you go for money, that's when you will face resistance now and it to be panicky Aig. Whilst there have been huge successes in civil rights in the last half century, one don't have to spend too long on Google to see that you are in America right now now, where tour or something where there is a huge ticking clock. So
I suppose it's not like. I want to encourage hysteria, but I sort of sense that radicalism is required and you and your new transcendent role, your role as a kind of global Mench I bought a sattva of the climate movement also have uniquely positioned to spell out just how, unlike parts of the film I watch- and I think, my god, this is a serious serious crisis and you're educating people all over the world you're doing a tremendous job. Who am I a mere celebrity to even question you on this subject? But my point is: is this as a type of it seems to me? My intuition is that the recession, entrenched corruption within politics, the the financial industry, as these things sewn up so deeply, the ordinary people find it so hard to have purchased that in each of the issues that you have said, whether it's women's rights, african american rights, civil rights or paws, blood is spilled. Great men are imprisoned, women die in chains before anything changes. Do we have this time with this apocalyptic issue? Do we not have to evoke the deities and the demons? Do we not have to speak to level people on the level of their deepest truest self about what kind of world they want to live in? What they're prepared to sacrifice who they prepared to confront? And when I don't disagree with that,
I think it is time for people to to take action absolutely an end to I am very proud. My daughter was arrested in a protest, against the new natural gas pipeline network. That entitled- and so you know times have changed, the parents says, oh, I'm, so proud my daughter was arrested at and what I am. What does that say about authority when a parent is now proud that authority is challenged? He says the authorities de facto corrupt to know Donald Trump, really is addressed a grotesque, exact exaggeration of the preceding decades. No disrespect cause you took part in those administrations, but without clean and without Obama you don't get Trump, we were being we ve been lubricated, we ve been flushed and prepared for the Trump for the Trump I don't know to call it. Phallic references seem somehow appropriate with that man, but but, like we ve school, we told me
individualist we taught people to be materialist and consumerist, and now we're surprised when it's a selfish, racist, sexist president that leads the world. While I I would interpret that history differently from the way you do. I think that that there are a lot of good people. Trapped in bad system but when you work for positive change, times. There is a backlash and I think that tromp represents a backlash. I think that breaks it represented a backlash, I think that, for a lot of complex reasons, globalization, intelligence, added to automation, of the growth of any kind There is a lot of unhappiness and unrest about this Agnes of Middle income wages visa decades now and the end demagogue can take advantage of that and focus it in an irresponsible way, but the net
is of each and every one of those issues is an economic system that will not yield power there when we so go at all. How why do we have this system is because the people a dominant, this system works absolutely fine. Thank you. We don't want to change it, we don't care. If the plan is destroyed, we don't care. If there is, if they face economic inequality across the planet, I would see bricks and trump as if forgive my language as democratic populations. I'm fuck you too power above crazy you're. Not looking after ask. Why should we care? Why should we care weapons? All those illiteracy? Aren't we ve been taught the women are inferior. We ve been taught all this talk about day. People shepherd people on board of hearing it, because that soon for decade, after decades of witnessed power not can taking care, their interests too. I think that's right. I think they're think this wave of populist authoritarianism is a response to the unhappiness and anxiety that people have been feeling for quite some time, but
how do we bring change? In spite if economic interests are opposing it. One example: the Anti Apartheid movement in South Africa. You talk about an economic set of it first opposing that change? That was massive Some Mandela said it's always impossible until it's done an this kind of change comes about, sometimes, when the potential for change bills are pushing a guy stir a barrier that suddenly gives way and then you see a tremendous change that people did think was impossible, but eventually came. He is, I think, there's a generational aspect of change as well. I think the younger generation now is far more committed to saving the climate than those in in my generation, and I think it's because they ve seen every night on the news is like a nature. I threw the book of revelation in the news. Media doesn't connect the dots than they can
the dots themselves, Aden and their understanding that this change is essential. It does require a new way of thinking. I absolutely agree with that how bring that about ranting and railing against it has its place working within, and I'm not here to rising. You that that way, Russell neither, I might add, irons in character that way. Another cannot Ivan based in the film lancing ranting, guys think that has its place but patiently working within the system as exists to try to you, pull the levers and press the buttons and make the machinery operate in a more constructive. We also has its place, but our every one of these examples you I can't help but think of an alternative narrative. Nelson Mandela. We went down for twenty seven years. He was prepared to kill and die for what he believed and ultimately, I think, if we investigate it applied, ended when the economic interests that were that benefited from a found a way
maneuvering so that they could maintain their power without applied. I'm having been South Africa relatively recently in friendship in blackmail. Much may didn't figure. This would be a dollar If you need the township, but there's light, people are still living behind barbed wire. All the way. From my limited experience, it seems that what power does is what is the bare minimum? We can give these people, what is the bare minimum? So if we aim at bare minimum, that is what they'll give us so for me, it seems like what we should do is focus on, rather the dilation overhaul revolution, and that way we might get some kind of parity some kind. The justice so like? Do you not think like? I understand that rule changes happening Aigner, that sort of Poland and renewable energies is better you're right, you're, a hundred percent right, so you'd like why not focus on identify the obstacles and then making
clear that these are the targets like these companies are the problems, that's what I try to attack. That's exactly what what I try to do is to focus on Sancho gravedigger. Absolutely so why? Why we're like? Why, if you would like Why can't we have right, x or now has to be nationalized. It's already subsidized we're ready paying for it and now we're going alone it. Why can't you do that you know, a part of the movie focuses on the investigation of x on mobile. That's now under way, I hope they will be held illegally accountable for the fact that they have financed climate denial. As the coat brothers have financed climate denial, they they ve tried it who people into thinking that rises, isn't real and now they're trying to fool people into thinking that the renewable alternatives are not vote. Evelyn real as well, it's very insidious here see these insidious and the consequences of its aspirations, maybe
I know I am, I see the world differently since I recently become a father. I have a nine month old, congratulations! Thank you! Man! It's changed everything I'm so in love with a creditor. What's your name, she call Mabel. I went for a walk this morning in the fields near where we live. I look at the tree. I look at every time and I think about the our connection. Nature is absolute. This easy and when you show the images you repeatedly do in your film, an inconvenient sequel, which would mean a musical title in a way sort of ironic like it is called. But it's called the word inconvenient Maria dabble in their vice vice matter like it makes me feel that we won nurture. The inherent connection we have with this planet we have to personalize, things have become. Commodified is very difficult for people that are struggling, to see the significance of broad global issues when globalization. Whilst it is born of a commodity revolution, we ve all got one for phones. Thank you very much. There delightful. What is also damages turned us.
plenty of consumers. That see- and this is why, at the beginning of this- in if you spoke about spiritually, because I think this is where the transformation must take place, the way we regard the exterior world, the way that we regard a God, our selves and our role on this planet, as you evidently do as I serve- and you are especially living in service now and have the feeling that I will let you know. If I dare be so bold as to speak for most people, I think most people think that politicians are corrupt people in positions. Power on trustworthy and manipulative, lawyers and we should divorce ourselves from power, and I think, to have a person in your position who is being behind. and who must know things that, if you uttered them out loud, your life would be at risk to see a person like you embracing an issue in this way is very, very heartening for ordinary people. My hope is that we continue you two aggressively.
These issues are not, then, if I and target who the proclamation aggressively, I agree this is a time for four passion. This is a time for people to mobilise. I could not agree more. I wish we had you for longer. Vice President Al Gore by now there are many. Many people speak too, that you ve got an important and busy schedule has been really lovely to have you here. I respect you once only one man the movie is in three hundred forty theatres. This Friday and tickets are available at all of the places you get them and then a week from Friday. It opens widely all crossing on on Inconveniency sequel, truth to power. Guy see it probably get more from it, then guy What's there are several things running he might feel guilty in popcorn. Certain points,
one might think. Oh no, what am I do of my life, but isn't optimistic film? You will learn from it. I endorse this film. I went and saw a normally. You know how you have to somebody interviews interview, someone important like you. They force you to watch the film normally okay, I'm fucking guy in anyway. Someone else watch it and tell me this one. I actually went and saw myself and I enjoyed it. Thank you thank you for saying that, and I, like your relationship with your dog, a lot your cowboy boots. I, like. I, like a lot of things about well. Thank you for what you're doing for the world. Thank you for the interview that is intertwined Well
Al Gore and me talking at my caffeinated rapid best. I'm sorry if you found me difficult to part with to imagine Emma Pullman felt bring him after the boy homo girlfriend and child feel. Even let's put this on voluntarily unless you're being forced to listen to this is some bizarre punishment in a detainees center in a dystopia that I can barely hold on a minute now, I'm beginning to imagine that there is a revolution. I do come out, some sort of Mega miner coast figure and you're forced to listen to these podcasts as a precaution. at the center. Yes, yes, alright! Well, even you, I hope, you've enjoyed the show. The show was sponsored by my new book recovery to pre order, your copy, a Russell brand dot com. The website looks brilliant now check out. If you like. The show please subscribe and review in Itunes only give us five STAR reviews cause up and one good for an algorithm, algorithm, Algo rhythm, algorithm, algorithm, Algo rhythm life. I soon as the Boneyard enjoy it, while the here
Transcript generated on 2022-05-04.