« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Victor Davis Hanson says media let claims made at Democratic National Convention go unchallenged

2020-08-18 | 🔗
Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institute, joins Tucker Carlson on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
The mandatory corporate diversity seminar has just begun. Victor Davis Hanson is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institute and a smart man. We are grateful to have them on the show, thanks for coming on whats the message that the Democratic Party is trying to sell to the country right now. I think the common theme that you outlined tucker- they say these things that arent true, whether its Michelle Obama talking about black lives being indiscriminately almost daily killed on the street or and Andrew Cuomo, with the worst record of the virus and then breaking as if it was the best, because there is no media the way we know it NBC Abc the network, news, CBN, MSNBC, PBS, the Progressive movement and the General Democratic Party. When he says this, he knows no ones going to challenge him, so it emboldens him. The second thing was all these people have one thing in common Tucker: they are never subject to the consequences of their ideology, its easy for Bernie Sanders to
say, hes for no avail, because he has three homes. They are not going. People arent going to show up criminals hijack him when he walks out of his lakeside estate. Michelle Obama knows that there were over one hundred people killed in one month alone in her hometown in Chicago they werent killed by white people. They werent killed by the police theres been over four hundred. She knows that she knows. As you said, there were nine killed last year by the police and eight african Americans. Perhaps this year she knows what the real problem is, but she also knows that she could go to Chicago with Barack. She doesnt like politics, meet with community leaders and say we have a crisis in Chicago in General and among the african american community. She doesnt like politics. It would be a wonderful thing to do to stop whats really in urban genocide, its very easy to say something from your Washington or Marthas Vineyard estate, twenty dollars million of estate and mansion, because youre never going to be subject to the ramifications. Black lives matters not going
to show up outside of her mansion and theres, not going to be an inner city shooting match right outside Marthas vineyard. So these all become abstractions as you come on and say, if you really dont want to do this. Finally, getting back when she says we go high when they go low, shes talking right now and her husbands, administration has weaponize the IRS, the FBI, the Doj the CIA and is the subject of a massive investigation by our federal attorney, will probably end up as many predict the most corrupt administration that tried to destroy a political king cane transition period and a transition period and a presidency. She can say all that, because of the clips that you played, those clips you played were not from journalists, they were from activists. That say they are journalists, but they are really part of the progressive agenda and movement, its completely distressing, and I dont think ive heard it as nicely summed up. As that professor. I appreciate your.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-18.