« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Tucker: What's Joe Biden's excuse for slandering Tony Bobulinski?

2020-10-28 | 🔗
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host accuses mainstream media of suppressing Hunter Biden scandal to influence election
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight for many weeks, weve been hearing the outline from the story about Joe Biden parts to believe what to believe in the lead state is the presidential campaign. Now we know we have now heard at length on camera from one of the fine former business partners, hes a successful businessman and a Navy veteran. He spoke for a full hour last night on the showpiece. He told Us- and this is the crux of what he said- how he met two separate times with Joe Biden himself commit not just with his son or his brother with Joe Biden, the former. Vice president, the man now running for president to discuss business deals with the communist government of China thats a very serious claim, whatever your political views, its hard to dismiss it when he makes it appear at, he is an unusually credible witness. He is not a partisan hes, not
seeking money, hes, not seeking publicity, just the opposite. He did not want to come on the show, but when the accused him of participating in the russian disinformation effort, he felt he had no choice. That was a slander against him and against his family. So he came. He arrived with heaps of evidence to bolster the story. He was telling audio recordings commit many financial documents, but by the end of the hour it was very clear to us that Tony Bobulinski was telling the truth and that Joe Biden was lying. We believe that any honest person who watched the entire hour would come to the same conclusion. Today. A Senate committee confirmed it. The Senate reported this afternoon that all of Tony Bobulinski documents are authentic, not forgeries. This isnt russian disinformation. It is real and we have another recording for you tonight from Tony
Bobulinski. We cant help noticing that in a normal country, you probably already would have heard it. He told a remarkable story, Joe Biden, who could be president of the United States next week was planning business deals with Americas, most formidable global opponent. When he was caught doing it, he lied and then he went further up right. He slandered an innocent man is a traitor to his own country, its clear he did that thats, not a partisan, talking points uttered in bad faith. On behalf of another presidential campaign, it is true, the question is: what is his excuse for doing that? What is his version of the story? Everyone has a version and would like to hear it, but we dont know what Joe Bidens version of the story is, because no one in Americas, vast media landscape has pressed him to answer the question. Instead, reporters have all levels and their editors and their publishers have openly collaborated with his political campaign. That is unprecedented.
Its never happened in american history this morning. The papers completely ignored it. So did the other television networks, not a single word about him, appeared on CNN or anywhere else, Newsweek decided to cover it, but came to the conclusion that the real story was about somehow bear this in soviet style suppression of information of a little legitimate news story days before an election. The ramification of it are impossible to imagine, but the media cannot continue and the way it has. No one believes the media anymore, and no one should you should be offended by this, not because the media are liberal, but because this is an attack on our democracy. You heard that phrase again and again. This is what it looks like in a self governing country. Voters have an obligation to know who their voting for a in this case. They have the right to know that democratic nominee for president was a willing partner in his familys
lucrative influence in peddling, operation and operation that went on for decades and stretch from the China and Ukraine all the way to them on Romanian, Luxembourg and other countries. This is not speculation once again and its not a partisan attack. Its true and tony Bobulinski confirmed it. He met with Joe Biden at a hotel, in LOS Angeles in early may of two thousand and seventeen when he did his son Instream. This way. Dad here is the individual. I told you about that is helping us with the business that were working on in the Chinese. The man I told you about Tony Bobulinski written documents confirmed this is real at one point, commit Joe Biden sends texted him to say his father was making key decisions about their business deals with China was in one hundred Biden, said his chairman. He was talking about his dad correct
and when Hunter is referencing, their Izzy spoke with his father and his father is giving in emphatic note to the ask that I had, which was putting proper governance in place around the holding spirit. So Joe Biden is vetoing your plan for putting stricter governance in the company and its right here in the e mail. I want to be very careful in front of the american people. Thats not me writing that thats not me claiming that that is Hunter Biden. Writing on his own phone typing, in that I spoke with my chairman, his father thats, not Tony Bobulinskis, word word is cleared out in the strangest language into that. He provided to us in documents that us subsequently federal authorities have authenticated as real on May one hundred and thirty two thousand and seventeen. For example, he got an e mail claiming how his
family would be paid for their deal with the chinese Energy Company. His father was getting ten percent in that e mail. There is a statement where they go through. The equity. Gym Biden is referenced as ten percent, it doesnt say Biden. It says gym and then it has ten percent for the big guy held by H. I sit here and know that the big guy is referencing. Joe Biden thats crystal clear to me because I lived it. I met with the former vice president in person multiple times, so that was three years ago and we still dont know where all that money went. We dont know because the media havent forced Biden to Telus last last night, Tony Bobulinski, at telling detailed pair to his brother Jim, saw his stake in the deal. Double it went from ten percent to twenty percent was Jim Biden getting his brother share again, it might be worth finding out. We also know that, according to
an e mail from a top chinese official, this one on July, twenty six or two thousand and seventeen- the Chinese proposed a five dollars million interest free loan to the Biden family based on their trust in the Biden family, the e mail continued. Should this chinese company CFC keep wending more to the family and engaged they were supposed to send another five dollars million to the Bidens visit business ventures? That money? Never made it to the business. Where did it go? Senate report says Justin went to Biden directly from there. Who knows. He also told us that he learned Hunter Biden became the personal attorney to the chairman of CFC, just as they were tendering. Fourteen percent of the russian State owned energy company, it the old, valued at nine dollars billion its pretty amazing, actually that this happened and no one
noticed the bottom line on this and were not going to lead you through the complex financial actions. This isnt that complicated millions of dollars that directly to the Communist Party of China went to Joe Bidens family, not because theyre capable businessmen they are certainly not his brother. Jimmy Biden is one business. Success appears to have been running at a nightclub in Delaware that went under. They were cut in on the worlds most lucrative deal for one reason, because Joe Biden was a powerful government official willing to leverage his power on behalf of his family if thats not a crime, its very close to a crime- and it is certainly something every person voting should know about the bidens didnt do this once they did it for decades. The question is: how do they get away with it for so long? He asked Joe Bidens brother
that question directly to his credit. He answered that question honestly watch. I remember looking at Jim Biden and saying how are you guys getting away with this arent you concerned, and he looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said plausible deniability. He said that out loud get. Yes, he said it direct me to me at the peninsula hotel plausible deniability. In other words, we live. We get away with selling access to the, U Dot S government, which we dont know, because we lie about what were doing and as we lie, we try to make those lies plausible thats why we call it possible deniability. That is the answer that Joe Bidens brother gave when asked directly. So the question is: what is Joe.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-29.