« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Tucker: Rule of law has been suspended on the border

2021-06-07 | 🔗
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host says Biden's aid is encouraging illegal migration
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight, Happy Monday, Joe Biden may have lost a step along the way, but his handlers work fast within hours of the inauguration. In January, Bidens White House opened Americas borders to the world, not sibling to job seekers and gang members from Mexico and Central America, but to varieties of illegal migrants from all over the Globe: Africa and Asia, the Middle EAST, virtually anyone who could get to Mexico was and is admitted into the United States without a visa. In some cases, foreign nationals whose identities we cannot verify were flown to the interior of our country and permanently resettled without the permission of the people who already live there, Americans, how did migrants get from Congo to Lewiston Maine and why well because Susan Rice and ideologues like her want to change, means demographics, as well as the population mix and every other state in the union. The administration is working to
do that by FIAT without a vote in Congress, without public consent of any kind. By definition, this is the most radical possible attack on the core premise of democracy, which is that citizens get to run their own countries, not foreigners citizens. The leaders of the Democratic Party no longer believe in democracy is constituted and they definitely dont plan to lose another election as the rest of us go about our lives. They are reporting huge numbers of new voters into the United States. When you say this out loud, they become absolutely hysterical and call you names, but they do that only because its so obviously true, unfortunately, for Susan Rice, this is one change in the country, thats pretty hard to hide. If you live within one hundred miles of the mexican border, for example, you watch it happen in real time on the border, the rule of law has been suspended. The american system of order an end fairness is being mocked and destroyed by the very people in charge of sustaining it. I dont have to be a conservative republican to be
deeply offended by whats going on last November in Texas, many thousands of lifelong Democrats with mexican last names voted for Donald Trump. Why? Because they knew part of a well what the left plan to do to the border, they were right. They are patriotic Americans. They didnt want to see their country destroyed so for the Joe Biden Administration, this potentially various serious clinical problem, most people, no matter what color they are, who they vote for Think Joe Bidens current immigration policies lunacy because it is opening the border is the single most unpopular thing. The White House has done so far by far Bidens handlers understand this could be a disaster for them. So this week they dispatched Kamala Harris to Central America with orders to pretend shes trying to fix it Harris. You may remember the shallow political opportunist from Canada. We are often told some kind of civil rights, hero or moral leader Harris flew to Guatemala to unveil her policy. What is it
in a word? The plan is bribery. The administration plans to spend billions of dollars to pay Latin Americas poor, not to move to the idea states. It blames America Kamala Harris visit to Central America signals a new chapter, the channel slobbered in a headline this morning, theres nothing new about this. We have seen this cartoon before six years ago as Barack Obamas. Vice President Joe Biden announced what he called a plan for Central America in the New York Times. The idea at the time is the idea. Now, once we send billions to crop foreign governments, their citizens will stop showing up in Texas and California. We tried it. How did it work lets see more people from Central America coming over our border illegally than at any time in decades, possibly ever a didnt work very well thats obvious to everyone, but Joe Biden who doesnt seem to have noticed in April. He told Congress that his plan was of brilliant success. When I was vice president,
the President asked me to focus on providing the help needed to address the root causes of migration. It helped keep people in their own countries instead of being forced to leave. The plan was working, but the last administration decided it was not worth it. I am restoring the program and asked Vice President Harris to lead our diplomatic effort to take care of it. I have absolute confidence. The last administration, okay got it. The sentence to pay attention to is the claim. The people from Central America are forced to come here. Who are they forced to come here by by us? Of course, we are not keeping up with our bribes to the drug traffickers who run Honduras, how its our fault, better, restart the payments immediately thats alive foreign aid almost never accomplishes what we pretend it will for the people for whom its intended, if you think otherwise, how about expanding Africa
for more than fifty years, the west, the? U dot. S in particular, has bombarded that condiment with taxpayer and NGO money, as well as all the stupid and very patronizing assumptions that a a company that money and the result is there, a single african country thats, better off for it less corrupt and more self sufficient. Take an hour to to check that sometime. If you have the time its hard to find a single country, foreign aid projects are where liberal arrogance goes to die. They almost never work for the people. They are supposed to work for sorry, they dont it sounds like they would, but they dont yesterday, even the New York Times conceded its true, for example, over the past ten years, Guatemala alone has received more than a billion and a half dollars from USAID whats a result of it. A small country, poverty and malnutrition have risen to unprecedented levels. Really. Are you surprised?
When was the last time Welford made someone stronger or happier question at the same is true countries if anything, Joe Bidens aid package encouraged illegal migration to the United States, Michael Clemens, fellow at the center for global development, studied the data and found foreign aid focused on economic development is actually associated with increases in immigration from poor countries, but, of course, thats true, the only surprise is that we would be surprised. Healthy places are, by definition, self sufficient places. Dependence by contrast, reads, misery, thats, always true. Misery causes people to flee and they have Harris is no genius, obviously, but even she must senses. She knows more. Bribes wont work instead of defending her plan on this specifics, shes, taking a much easier and far more familiar road, more babbling about racism and sexism and, of course, climate change.
There are also long standing issues that are often called the root causes of emigration. We are looking at the issue of poverty and the lack of economic opportunity, the issue of extreme weather conditions and the lack of climate adaptations as well as corruption and the lack of good governance and violence against women. Indigenous people, Lgbtq people and afro descendants laughs often called the root causes of immigration, by whom no honest person, quick, Kumble, Harris Name, three global problems of any kind, not by racism and sexism in climate change and whose solutions dont make you more powerful because thats always the acid test. Does the solution cost you, or does it help you? If it helps you everything will
time, maybe its not really a solution? So whats? The answer just kidding trick question. Obviously there arent any global problems that arent associated with racism and sexism in global climate change, and they dont require Kamala Harris to become a lot more powerful. The funny thing is, and it is funny no one has told central Americans this- they think theyre coming to Brownsville. Precisely because Harris is the vice president. Increased border crossings, the change of administrations. The message changed: we are going to reunite families and children. The very next day the coyotes were here, organizing groups of children to take them to the United States. We ask the United States government to send more of a clear message to prevent more people from leaving, oh so theyre not
coming here because of sexism in Latin America. They kind of like the patriarchy, Sorry Kamala Harris theyre not coming here, because theyre fleeing cultural or dont like its their culture. They are coming here because its a much richer and much more generous country and how they can come here. So why wouldnt they its not their fault its ours. If you really want to solve the problem, the answer is pretty simple: you would deport people here illegally thats. What normal countries do come much timed as Mexico or Israel spend blaming itself or people who break their loss, not a lot of time, actually not one. Second, they deport people who do that if we do, that would get the worlds attention immediately, because the truth is many of these countries need illegal immigrants in our country in order to continue thats how unhealthy the economics are. As of two thousand and nineteen remittances from immigrants to the United States
accounted for fully twenty percent of El Salvadors entire GDP. Is that healthy? Should we continue that dont? We want an independent El Salvador. They can feed itself itself. Clearly, we dont care. The same was true essentially in Honduras and Guatemala, according to a recent piece that moved on the AP wire, so many guatemalans have left that much of the country survives on remittances. They sent home once again. If you cared about Guatemala, you would try to make Guatemala independent. It wouldnt make it yet another third world countries dependent on NGO and foreign aid money, thats a horrible thing to do same story in Mexico in two thousand and eighteen, then, for the initial candidate admitted. These remittances are the main income that this country has more than oil more than tourism. Is that what we want for Mexico? If you cared about Mexico, would you want that no its degrading? It might be part
of the reason. Mexico is a disaster in the middle of a drug or ongoing for ten years. Kamala Harris doesnt care, so her solution is the same solution. Give more money to the narco states to Honduras, for the president is under a DEA investigation for drug trafficking. We are launching our call to action for businesses to invest in the northern triangle. I believe that the businesses in the private business sector have a significant role to play in creating jobs and promoting economic opportunity and long term development. I am proud that we have companies already in the United States who have committed to act. We have Mastercard who intends to partner across sectors to bring five million people in the region into the digital economy and to support one million small businesses laughs. This is hilarious only because no one on the left talks about economics or
understands economics, its not even mentioned anymore, its all race and gender on underlying all of this is economics. What Harris is saying is that big? U dot s! Companies are ready to act selflessly, of course, to get more cheap labor in the third world. They are ready to act even as our own labor market does things that no healthy market would do. Unemployment is going up even as businesses cant find labor to fill open jobs. Something very ominous is happening in our labor markets, thats being ignored, so we can help Honduras labor market on behalf of El Salvador and by the way, send more money to governments that dont deserve it that are corrupt and dont serve their own people in the hope. Theyll stop invading us.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-01.