« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Tucker: 'Outrageous' to dismiss Bobulinski as tool of Russian intel

2020-10-26 | 🔗
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host accuses mainstream media of lying about Hunter Biden scandal to protect his father
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Boss, on the way to the White House, the confirmation ceremony will take place at the White House. Tomorrow we will have an extensive interview on the show with a man called Tony Bobulinski. You may have heard that name. Hes, a former business partner Hunter Biden in his personal testimony indicates he met personally with Joe Biden to discuss a lucrative business deal in China. Thats a story. The bank campaign is not denying that meeting took place by the way they are just not talking about it and trying to dismiss the whole thing is russian propaganda. Tony bobulinski is not on the other networks because they have decided to bury the story. They want you to think its a russian smear youre. Trying to take someone who right now is choosing Biden. Do you get them by smearing bidens, surviving son, pushing these various smears against Joe Biden and a son Hunter Biden, increasingly desperate barrage of smears and lies and disinformation wild accusations? This president has seized on
the russian misinformation to smear him. With this nonsense about Hunter Bidens finances, smearing Hunter Biden was going to work. Biden would not be ahead by almost ten points: hes, the architect of the smears against Hunter Biden. These people are such liars and they know what they are saying is a lie, but at its core, this story is not about Hunter Biden, its about his father, the man who made Hunter bidens decades long lobbying career possible also made an almost fifty year lobbying career of Joe Bidens brother, Jim possible thats, a story. Voters have a right to know a lot about it. They know nothing. At this point. The Biden campaign by the way is not denying the authenticity of a single email or text message, not one the smear. They know its, not smear, they know its true. They are telling the rest of us. The Russians are behind it.
The intelligence community warned the President that Giuliani was being FED disinformation from the Russians, Russians. We know that Putin is trying very hard to spread disinformation about Joe Biden when you put the combination over Russia Giuliani, the president together. It is what it is its a smear campaign because he has nothing he wants to talk about. What is he running on the Russians? The infuriating part, one of them. Tony Bobulinski is not a russian agent hes, a former naval officer who served this country, as did many members of his family, to dismiss him as a tool of.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-27.