« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Tucker: News organizations took money from the Chinese Communist Party

2021-08-03 | 🔗
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host calls out media covering for China
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
More evidence tonight that its always the people you most suspect, Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York, is every bit the creep. You thought he was and more talks like a mafia leader and act like one eleven sexual harassment claims against him public today go to CNN right now and watch Jeffrey Toobin of all people talk about how creepy governor Cuomo is. This country could not get better a lot more on that first tonight welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight coming to you from Budapest, Hungary last summer, as the covid pandemic raged throughout the United States. People who read the New York Times noticed
something strange. Hundreds of articles going back decades disappeared. The New York Times considers itself a living historical record and maintained searchable archives going back before the civil wars, but articles disappeared. What was, in those articles? Every one was a propaganda piece paid for by the Chinese Communist Party. You are seeing one on your screen right now. Why would the New York Times Americas Paper of record print propaganda from this regime and pretend it was a news article for money? Financial filings show the New York Times made more than one hundred thousand dollars a month from this
garbage. Those payments were not disclosed, they were hidden from New York Times readers and only uncovered by the Washington Free Beacon. The New York Times was not the only organization that did this. The Chinese Communist Party paid twenty dollars million to the l dot a times and the Chicago Tribune and the Washington Post Twitter also received checks from the chinese government totaling hundreds of thousands of dollars. These arrangements continued for years last summer they stopped abruptly the New York Times tried to hide the evidence. It ever happened why the New York Times wont say we do not discuss revenue beyond our quarter. Final earnings report we kept looking first here is some context for what the New York Times did. This is what mainstream news
coverage in the United States looked like most of last year. See if you can tell the difference between this and what you might see on chinese state television. The president referred to the coronavirus as a foreign virus. I think its going to come across to a lot of Americans as smacking of xenophobia. He thinks the only path now is to declare the virus public enemy one and paint it in racist terms. The xenophobia and the racism is a common thing and its dangerous its a problem and its scary. I want to call that out. Why do you keep calling this the chinese virus its racist, its not racist at all, not at all? It comes from China thats. Why, as this virus emerged from Central China to kill Americans in huge numbers and people throughout the West NEWS
organizations in this country made the same aggressively pro China. Noise, Polit CO, hired a full time shills for headlines like this, the american system faultered. How is this difference from what the Chinese would right about themselves? Its not different. The american media were hysterical on the question of where the coronavirus came from. Under no circumstances were you allowed to entertain the possibility that Covid nineteen came from a lab in Wuhan China. That was a conspiracy threo. All of this footage is from early 2020. Robert Redfield believes
Covid nineteen originates from a lab in Wuhan, even though there is no evidence to support the theory. The lab leak is not a plausible theory. The theory that the virus originated in a lab in Wuhan China, but Dr Fauci said this virus could not have been artificially manipulated. Scientists agrees this corners was not man made. It came from a natural source, not from a lab people like the phrase escape from a lab. It sounds like they are talking about. A man made virus that China was weaponizing that got out of control. It wasnt just dumb
people on cable news that was Anthony Fauci and Scott Gottlieb, who ran the FDA. These are people in positions of authority and respected as scientists whose word carries great moral weight. They all lied. The New York Times led the way on this, a piece on unheard dot: com, deconstructs, the New York Timess roll on the propaganda effort on behalf of China. The times dismissed the lab leak theory as a fringe theory only lunatics, believe it, the New York Times reporter called the theory, the kind of conspiracy once reserved for the tinfoil hatters. You are a nut case. If you think its possible, then the paper published an op ed by the virologist paid by Anthony Fauci, to experiment on bat. Coronaviruses talk about a conflict of interests.
He denyed it came from a lab. He was funding. He knew better, he blamed the he knew better. He blamed the pandemic on deforestation, in other words, on poor people lies like this became less tenable. People noticed that a level four virology world in Wuhan was conducting dangerous experiments on bat coronaviruses, with fewer safe guards than a dentist office has in the United States. They toyed that Tony Fauci helped to pay for those experiments thats. When the times deleted. The articles two high level employees said the paper stopped any investigation into evidence that the coronavirus came from that lab in Wuhan
one whistleblower said I suggested we investigate the origins of Covid. I was told it was dangerous to run a piece about the origins of the coronavirus. There was resistance to running anything that could suggest covid. Nineteen was man made or leaked from the lab. It was untouchable from everywhere said another times, source the fact that Trump embraced it made it a no go according to whistleblowers. The biggest factor was the fact that the New York Times was taking money from the chinese communist government, so they called the story. That was not a theory but real. The House Foreign Affairs Committee suggested that the coronavirus escaped from the lab
in Wuhan in December. Two thousand and nineteen athletes from around the world were in Wuhan and brought Covid home with them. Why didnt? We know this because of a lying campaign on behalf of the government of China, Peter who is still used by the Washington Post as an authority on the origin of covid. They describe him as the public face of a Chinese Communist Party disinformation campaign designed to suppress public discussion about a lab leak. The committee discovered evidence that the Wuhan Institute of Virology sought bids for two contracts in twenty nineteen. One was very a security service procurement project issued on September 12th September. 12Th was the same day that the would you know would
you know, lab abruptly, took its virus database off line. Four days later, the Wuhan LAB announced another contract competition for a 600 million effort to renoivate the Labs air conditioning system. Renoivate. Why the Times dispatch from Beijing all evidence of those contract were wiped from the website of China. John Ratcliff is the former director of national intelligence and wrote an op, Ed Intelligence and wrote an op ed that include this assessment. The lab leak theory is not just.
Transcript generated on 2021-08-04.