« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Tucker: Democrats browbeat you into accepting their agenda

2020-08-18 | 🔗
There are only two kinds of people in this world: Those who enjoy mandatory corporate diversity seminars and those who don't.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Coming up see, you then see you then good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight day. Two of the Democratic national convention will start shortly tonight. Former President Bill Clinton, Alexandria, Ocasio, Cortez sandy- will speak that ought to be worth watching. Well, have live coverage of all that throughout the night right here on on Fox NEWS turns out that only two kinds of people in the world: those who enjoy mandatory corporate diversity seminars and those who dont. If you find yourself in the former category, you must have loved last nights, democratic convention, the preachy self righteousness, the condescension, the shameless lying, the strange mixture of guilt and aggression- probably all felt refreshingly familiar to you for everyone else, though it was a massive turnoff. The whole thing seems like the weirdest infomercial ever made. At one point, they dragged out
grouchy old, John Kasich, a man with the charm of a high school science teacher to try to sell you things, no thanks who would buy that if the Dnc was in direct marketing, they would be bankrupt by now, but the weirdest moment by far of the night was Andrew, Cuomo speech. Cuomo is the brother of Cnns Weight, lifting correspondent hes, also the sitting governor of New York, which is the second biggest democratic state. His father famously gave the Dnc keynote back in nineteen eighty four, there was never any question that Andrew Cuomo was going to speak at this years convention. What we did not expect in a million years was Andrew Cuomo to talk about the coronavirus, youd think that would be the last thing. The very last thing Cuomo would want to talk about that of the fact that his top aide is doing six years in prison for bribery for coronavirus, especially whatever you think about Andrew Cuomo and hes, a good talker. You can say hes done a good job with the pandemic. Citizens of New York State have been four times as likely to die
as other Americans from the coronavirus theres. A reason for that Andrew Cuomo forced Corona, infected patients into nursing homes. Many thousands perished as a result of that decision. It is possible that no leader on earth mishandled the coronavirus outbreak as profoundly as Andrew Cuomo did a man with integrity would have resigned immediately. Cuomo refused to do that now he brags about it. Literally last night, Cuomo told the audience what a great job he did managing the coronavirus. Nobody laughed at him, they applauded like they agreed. The whole thing was like watching Jeffrey Epstein boast about his internship program. You could barely believe it was happening, but it was Heres part of it. New Yorkers were ground. Zero for the Covid virus had never gone from one of the highest infection rates in the globe to one of the lowest. We climbed the impossible mountain and right now we are on the other side.
Our nation is in crisis and in many ways Covid is just a metaphor: a virus attacks when the body is weak and when it cannot defend itself, the european virus infected the northeast. While the White House was still fixated on China as they proved their way failed, we proved that our way succeeded and for all the pain and all the tears our way worked, and it was beautiful, speak to the european virus. Oh right, the deadly pathogen that escape from a lab in Luxembourg last winter, those Europeans always infecting us with their diseases, if only they would stop eating backs. What world is this? Its a world of such pure dishonesty that all reference points have disappeared from sight? There are no facts left only assertions Andrew Cuomo says the way he handled the coronavirus was quote beautiful, and so it was Cuomo Declarative,
its now a reality. This is a very specific style of political rhetoric, departure from what we had before politicians used to try to convince you of things. The assumption was that you were in charge. You were the voter, which is to say you were the boss. If they wanted the job they had to win you over, it turned out to be a cumbersome process, so they have abandoned it. Now they just browbeat you into accepting their program. If you dont, like their program its your fault, you are the bad guy, youre immoral. Michelle Obama could teach a masters class in this mode of communication. Last night she delivered a taped address from her eleven dollars million state on Marthas vineyard. Michelle Obama, its fair to say, has done well for herself. What she wanted you to know last night was that she was still a victim. She never one who looks like her so shut up and accept her dominion over you watch here at home as George Floyd Breonna Taylor and a
never ending list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered, stating the simple fact that a black life matter is still met with derision from the nations highest office. We dont want to be too harsh about this. We are not lawyers, but we understand the constitutional limits of the first amendment in this country. No shouting fire in a crowded, theater Nokia sizing Michelle Obama. We know that so were going to say this as gently as possible, meaning absolutely no disrespect, of course, being certain to pronounce everyones name correctly, but what you just heard was total and complete crock. A never ending list of innocent people of color continue to be murdered, thats. What Michelle Obama told us? Well, no! So for this to there have been a total of eight unarmed black man killed by police in this country. That a never ending list eight last year there was a total of fourteen.
So what Michelle Obama just told you is a total lie. A calculated lie lie designed to make America more fearful, more angry, more divided, and there t by help her candidate win thats. What Michelle Obama just did but pretty much know and pointed it out last night. They were too afraid to because, as Michelle Obama made very clear, if you disagree with what she says, you are a bigot. Donald Trump is the wrong president for our country. He has had more than enough time to prove that he can do the job, but he is clearly in over his head now. I understand that my message will be heard by some people. We live in the nation that is deeply divided and I am a black woman speaking at the democratic convention. But enough of you know me by now. You know that I tell you exactly what im feeling you know. I hate politics,
but you also know that I care about this nation. I understand that my message will be heard by some people. Michelle Obama declared. Why wont they hear her message? Well because they are bad people thats, why half the country is evil. They hate me for my race. Has the woman whose husband was elected by that very same country twice in a row, hence allowing her to buy an one billion one hundred and eleven million dollars spread on him, Marthas Vineyard, if Michelle Obama hates politics so much. Why she giving a political speech at a political convention isnt there anything else to do on Marthas vineyard. In the summer you think someone on television mightve asked Pat its pretty obvious question, but no Michelle Obama was talking, so they were too thrilled to think. Clearly, Michelle Obama is riveting was riveting. One of the best speeches ive heard her, give it ive heard her. Give many speeches not only that she was emotional and a mother and
seemed to be a truth, teller. She is clearly one of the most talented political minds of our time right now, shes also kind of a pop culture figure, who also kind of comes across as your favorite extra neighbor. She doesnt come across as a politician. She comes across as a mother and patriot she wasnt just putting the president down. She was trying to pick the country up. It was all tied together in a beautiful bow by Michelle Obama. She delivered epic shade is Nicole, just said it was epic shade, but it was elegant, shade this extraordinary speech, shes beautiful, a mother, a patriot, a truth, teller beautiful adjective after adjective piling up like tailings out tiny mind. It was sad to see someone like Andrew Yang trapped on one of those panels. Young is actually a smart guy and a good guy. His friends must be embarrassed for him.
The rest of them really mean it. You probably think, as as we left secular but not anymore, they are fervent religious fanatics. Michelle Obama is there L Ron Hubbard everything she does is good. By definition, she is the most beautiful smartest wisest. If Michelle Obama played golf, she would shoot in eighteen every time in the words of Van Jones. Her speech last night was extraordinary, even though, as you know, if you side it was exactly the opposite. The speech was ordinary. It was totally pedestrian, like almost everything Michelle Obama says. You cant admit that you have to pretend she is air, stolid thats, the law, what was legitimately the entertainment, the Dnc provided most networks cut away after Michelle Obama finished speaking. They couldnt wait to start slobbering over her, but the cameras kept rolling in the few who stuck around were treated to this.
Stop children whats that sound that sound everybody look whats going down. What the hell was that and how is it going to prove my life? You may have wondered that if you stop at the Dnc gave, you know hints because improving your life isnt. The point it never is the point of that performance was the Blm signs. In the background, they were there to remind you that you have done something very wrong and have no right to resist, be quiet and accept what we give you. You have no choice: youre guilty Washington D, DOT C, Mirror Muriel Bowser arrived underscore that Point Bowser City is falling apart right now, literally then, there for centuries, Washington, D, DOT C was a beautiful place. You might remember it from your six grade: trip, parks and trees and open spaces. A city the country was proud of now, its open spaces are lined
with tents and inside them, drug addicted, vagrants live and they emerge periodically to scare and harass visitors and local residents, including a hotel lobby thats out of control under the leadership of Muriel Bowser. People who pay taxes in Washington are fleeing the city in huge numbers, but thats, okay with Democratic National Committee, because Muriel Bowser is on their team. She may have wrecked our nations capital, a city she did not build, but she got the politics right and thats all that matters. So I created black lives matter. Plans are right behind me as a place where we could come together to say enough, because we cant just paint those words behind me. We cant just say those words. We have to live those words yeah shes living those words. Meanwhile, your unemployment benefits expire. The restaurant you work at has disappeared forever, at at least you can go to sleep in your car, knowing that far awa in a city run by corrupt bureaucrats. Street now has a fashionable political slogan painted across it.
That is the message not just a Muriel Bowser Bit of the Democratic Party. They are going with it thats. What they are running on in that message was consistent throughout last night. At one point, Bernie Sanders arrived to remind you that the one thing you really care about way more than your kids going back to school or is getting rid of cash available for accused criminals, thats whats, important watch reform, our broken criminal justice system, Joel and neck private prisons and detention, centers cash, bail and the school to prison pipeline and to heal the soul of our nation. Joe Biden will end the hate and division Trump has created. How out of touch? Would you have to be? How many years would you have to have spent in the United States Senate to believe that ending cash bail would heal the soul of our nation thats? Not a real position than an actual human being would take or say out loud,
but thats, fine for Bernie Sanders because it turns and he doesnt take real positions anyway. Here he is on CNN. Over the weekend he was asked about how he feels about a Wall Street Favorite Kamala Harris being effectively the next president under Joe Biden Heres how he responded. The Wall Street Journal Headline says, is Kamala Harris joined Biden, Ticket Wall Street, sighs in relief. If Wall Street breathes a sigh of relief with Kamala Harris being named to the ticket, what does Bernie Sanders do well. Bernie Sanders does everything he can to defeat Donald Trump, who was undermining american democracy? Donald Trump lied to the american people repeatedly on every issue. What Bernie Sanders is going to do is to everything that I can to defeat Donald Trump to elect Joe Biden, its just an amazing exchange that lays bare whats really going on Bernie Sanders, who, at the very least you that was sincere,
Bernie Sanders, who spent his entire career attacking Wall Street is asked a really simple question: how do you feel about a craven soulless puppet of Wall Street potentially running the country in like three months? He cant answer the question. This is the Democratic Party in two thousand and twenty. They dont believe anything. Not one thing and theyre not embarrassed about it tonight, the convention. They are featuring a major address by Bill Clinton and they are doing it on the very same day that a new picture emerged showing Bill Clinton getting a massage from a victim of Jeffrey Epstein, but pay no attention to that. Because Amy Klobuchar is here with some stale jokes of shredded to tip your waitress. Is sorry your servers. You know the president may hate the post office, but he still going to have to send them a change of address card come January. You feel your soul being crushed. Have you watch long enough, its like the final scene in dos boot? The walls are caving in word and you are covered in sweat and you fill for lookup animal, desperate.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-18.