« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Tucker Carlson: US health officials ignored evidence coronavirus was intentionally created

2020-09-16 | 🔗
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host Tucker Carlson delivers his monologue discussing the scientific findings of the coronavirus.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good evening welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight, on February sixth of this year, a group of researchers from the South China University of Technology uploaded a paper on the origins of the coronavirus. Their paper found that, contrary to popular accounts, the virus likely did not originate from an exotic animal in a so called wet market. Instead, the researchers concluded quote the killer. Coronavirus probably originated from a laboratory in hot now to restate the researchers who concluded this were chinese scientists who work for a chinese university, and for that reason, understandably, they were concerned about the health implications for their own country of what they found. Their paper ended. This way quote safety levels may need to be reinforced in high risk of biohazards laboratories. Regulations may need to be taken to relocate these laboratories, away from city, centers and other densely populated places, and quote, as it happens, February Sixth, which is the day that paper
went online, was also the date of the first coronavirus death in this country. So the american media had every reason to pay attention to what the chinese scientists had found, but they didn't for nearly two months. The chinese paper was all but ignored by news outlets in this country on March thirty. First, this show broadcast its contents by then more than three thousand seven hundred Americans had died from the coronavirus. Tens of thousands were then hospitalized. So we imagine there would be a serious national effort to find out where this virus came from to find out how the pandemic started. But we were wrong about that. There wasn't. There was silence the people in charge of our public health infrastructure, simply ignored, credible evidence that contradicted the chinese government's version of events. That was five and one slash. Two months ago, during those five and one slash two months, our society has been completely up ended by the coronavirus. Nearly two hundred thousand Americans have died from it. Now, more than ever,
we believe it is worth knowing where this disease came from. That ought to be the first question so in search of an answer. Last night on this show we spoke to a chinese virologist called Dr Leman Yang Yang was one of the first scientists on earth to study the Wuhan outbreak back in December of last year. That was before the rest of the world knew it existed. What she found during her research put her on a collision course with the chinese government in April. She fled her country in fear for her life. Now she lives the United States in hiding here's some of what she told us last night on the show from my first report, I kept pressing that saw the scientific evidence to our audience that this virus called a nineteen sarcoma two virus. Actually it is not from nature. I work with the top corner virologists in the world, so to gather my experience, I can't tell you these aids created in that map these aids
from that template owned by China media three and that also it is spread to the world to make such damage to make such damage. Do you believe the chinese government released this intentionally on purpose? Did they do this? Yes, of course, AIDS intentionally covid nineteen is not from nature. She said it was created in a lab in Wuhan China. The chinese government intentionally unleashed it on the world. Those are her claims. Are they true? We have no way of verifying them. We do know that Dr Lehman Yang is not a quack she's, authored peer reviewed papers on Cronut virus transmission in both Nature magazine and the lancet. Those are two of the most respected publications in all of science. Her paper on the origin of Covid nineteen, which she has published online, is not frivolous in it. She points to specific evidence for the claims that she makes she identifies so called cut sites which are frequently used
in genomic engineering. That would allow scientists to swap in sequences from other viruses, to create what she described last night as a Frankenstein bioweapon. She writes that she has firsthand knowledge that the chinese military has a template virus with cut sites designed for that very purpose. Once again, we can't verify this, but it's clear that Dr Leman Yang is a serious person. She is making a very serious claim. So, within a few hours of our interview last night, a video of the segment reached one point: three million people on Facebook and why wouldn't it the coronavirus pandemic has touch the life of every American, and justifiably people want to know where it came from. But Facebook still doesn't want you to know that so Facebook suppressed the video, presumably on behalf of the chinese government. Facebook executives made it harder for users to watch our segment. Those who found the video had to navigate a warning that the interview quote repeats information about covid. Nineteen, that independent fact
checkers say is false. Instagram, which Facebook also owns did the same thing twitter suspended Dr Yang's account entirely. It does not explain why. Nor do the tech companies explain how they would know more about disease transmission than an m dot D. Hd virologists, like Dr Leman Yang instead, Facebook and Instagram, linked to three so called fact, checks that supposedly proved Yang was lying. But if you clicked on the provided links, you'd noticed something odd. The fact checks were all published months ago, many months in January February and March, and they had nothing whatsoever to do with what Dr Lee meant Yang said on our show. They were written before. In fact, anyone knew who she was one of the fact checks attacks a completely unrelated claim the virus was patented and that a vaccine was prepared and ready to go. What does it have to do with the interview that we did last night? No one will tell us that the truth is, and you know it if you've watched carefully. Experts have been wrong
frequently throughout this pandemic. At one point, they told us not to wear masks. Now they tell us we must and so on. They have changed their prescriptions many times most things are not bad people, most of them are trying their best, but they're human beings and therefore they're fallible. They make mistakes. The solution to this age old problem and we used to understand this intuitively- is more informed voices in the conversation, that's how you make wise decisions, that's how you get to the truth, diversity of view. Facebook doesn't believe this. They believe in censorship. Censorship does not make us wiser. It does not make us better informed if it did we'd be speaking russian right now. The Soviet Union would run the world it would have worked, but instead the Soviet Union's extinct. It collapsed under the weight of its own absurdities, absurdities abetted by censorship and that's the most basic lesson of dictatorships. All of them anything built on lies falls apart over time. Unfortunately,
dictators never see it that way, dictators care about power, anything that stands in the way of their power must be crushed. Watch Facebook, leader mark Zuckerberg back in April, explain that any challenges to the party line on coronavirus will be censored immediately. If someone spreading something that puts people in imminent risk of physical harm. Do we take that down? We don't allow that on Facebook there are also other misinformation and may not lead to physical, imminent risk of physical harm, but still isn't the type of stuff we want to be spreading. Through our system, misinformation can't be allowed to spread through our system, Zuckerberg declared. So what exactly you may be wondering constitutes information. What's the definition of that will in practice, misinformation according to Facebook is anything that's just our health authorities and democratic politicians are incompetent, also anything that embarrasses big tech allies in the communist government of China. Information like that is misinformation,
and it must be censored not for your benefit. It doesn't help you at all, but for theirs to solidify their power. So in July, Facebook and Twitter took down a video on the news site bright part of several practicing physicians. Frontline doctors, pointing out that Hydroxychloroquine could help coronavirus patients listen carefully to what the doctors say in this video. This is a treatment, regimen, that's very simple, and it should be in the hands of the american people. The difficult aspect of this is that at the moment, because of politics, it's being blocked from doctors prescribing it and it's being blocked from pharmacists, releasing it they've been empowered to overrule the doctor's opinion, I'm in favor of it being over the counter. Nobody could give it to the people. That's true. Our authorities aren't pro choice when it comes to Hydroxychloroquine, and it's true that many practicing physicians have used it, but Facebook declared that video could not be allowed. You were not allowed to see it
because those claims constituted dangerous misinformation, which irony of ironies was itself dangerous misinformation in July the same month that video was posted. Researchers at the Henry Ford Health system in Southeast Michigan found that early administration Hydroxychloroquine made hospitalised patients substantially less likely to die. These aren't. Politicians are not tech, executives, they're, physicians and that's what they found in their clinical practice, but none of that mattered to the 25 year old, humanities, major staffing, Facebook fact checking division. They decided absolutely could not see that video because it questioned the status quo, but in a way in doing that in censoring that information Facebook was its most honest, the video was dangerous. It was dangerous to the same elites who view democracy as a threat to their monopoly on information. Give it to the people the physician says in the video. Nothing could be more dangerous to Silicon Valley than
democratizing access to. The truth is something they believe they have a monopoly on alphabet which owns the search engine. Google, a monopoly- if there ever was one in the video sharing site Youtube same thing is even more protective of its complete stranglehold on information which it has in April they took down a video from Dr Dan Erickson. He said he was being pressured to indicate that patients were dying of coronavirus when in fact they died because of other causes. Many physicians have said that he also cast doubt on the need for universal social, distancing. Here's what he said specifically watch. We are pressured to test for flu, but e dot, r doctors. Now my friends and I talk to say you know it's interesting when I'm when I'm writing up my death report, I'm being pressured to add covered. Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add Cobain to maybe increase the numbers and make it look a little bit worse than it is? I think so. This is a physician practicing
medicine count the number of lectures you've received from democratic politicians and tech executives. We need to let physicians decide between a woman and her doctor. Oh no, not in this case you can't see that and by the way, if they're willing to take that off the internet. If they want to censor that prevent you from seeing it, what are they going to do with election results a month and a half from now? Think about that? For a minute Youtube said, the video you just saw must be censored because it quote explicitly disputed the efficacy of local health authority recommended guidance notice. They didn't even bother trying to claim that Dr Erickson was saying something false. No, they just said he contradicted guidance from unnamed bureaucrats in the government. Talk about state media. This is what state media looks like demanding. You must believe some unelected bureaucrat from the state taking his word over practicing physicians. More recently, Youtube censored, a video from Dr Scott ATLAS he's a member of the White
House, a task force joining us in a moment. Dr analysts argue that maybe we don't need universal social distancing measures. Some groups of Americans ATLAS said are not in great danger from the coronavirus, especially young people, and that's obviously true. No serious scientist disputes the accuracy of that statement, but then Dr Atlas did what you absolutely cannot do ever in this brave new world they've created, he pointed out that statistical models, such as the models of technocrats used to justify their existence, have been catastrophically wrong. Watch him say it: the policymakers in general, they put in a lockdown, they didn't care at all. They did not calculate all the costs of the harms of the lockdown, the consequences of the lockdown. They did a stop codon with nineteen at all costs and they used hypothetical projection models that were so egregiously wrong far far off, yet they keep citing
those models, and so many now even now- and so the extension of the lockdown is the problem. So this is why that should scare you that wasn't allowed by our tech overlords and yet no one disputes that what Dr Atlas said in the clip you just saw is true. Look it up and verify assuming you're still allowed to and because it is true, we will continue to say it and things like it period. Fox news believes in free speech and we plan to exercise ours. We're allowed to do that because, unlike the majority of news organizations in America, we are not beholden to Facebook and Youtube for our revenue and as long as that's true we're going to report and we're going to, let you decide.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-17.