« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Tucker Carlson: Calling out Chris Cuomo's blatant mask hypocrisy

2020-10-21 | 🔗
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' obtains letter warning CNN anchor about wearing mask in his apartment building
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
What appeared to be a hastily, what appeared to be a hastily organized news conference, the director of National Intelligence, John Ratcliffe, announced breaking news on election interference? U dot S. Intelligence has learned that IRAN and Russia have obtained some: u DOT S, voter registration information, he said theres evidence. Iran, sent fake emails, mimicking conservative groups to intimidate voters and damage the sitting president as part of what he said. There was more. What did he say what we believe we are still sorting it out. A full report on that is just a minute or two from now, as you can tell, even by the standards of a late October, Thursday, in a presidential year, theres an awful lot going on in a normal year. That would be considered a big deal. Presidential debates give voters critical information about the candidates in the days before an election, they used to be considered a good thing, an essential part of our civic life, but its not anymore. This year, the Debate Commission has has decided to cut the has decided to cut the participants microphone. If they talk too much, you wont be able to hear the people youre supposed to be boarding for in a week and a half when they speak, thats an odd decision, but in a way it makes perfect sense. Given the moment, if theres a unifying theme on the left or right now its that more information is bad scary, voters should know too much. They have no right to know stop with your imperious
questions about whats happening around you. Questions about George Soros are mandatory flu vaccines or Blm long term agenda for your children and, above all, please shut up about hundred bidens laptop, not another word about that. This is not a suggestion by the way, its an order, and it has been delivered by the most powerful people in the world. Silicon Valley billionaires the federal spy agencies even borat himself. Everyone of them wiser and much richer than you are, would like you to know. There is no reason to ask a single question about the documents on Hunter Bidens computer, and there are countless reasons not to ask for starters, its all russian disinformation planted by Vladimir Putin himself to discredit Washington lobbyists, who honestly have done nothing wrong. The documents are also hacked material. Not only are they fake a month, someone stole them, you want to be part of the theft, didnt think so, and while youre at it, you
should also know Rudy Giuliani, could very well be a sex offender. That means Hunter. Bidens emails cannot be real. I started to get the picture here, normal questions. America curiosity killed the cat. If you know what we are saying, if you care to keep your social media privileges, you wont say a word about the laptop just as the New York Post. What happens when you get uppity and start to think? The first amendment is real thats, where we are right now, October, 21st, two thousand and twenty. It will all be amazing, its instructive too. What we really learned is the class system in this country is real, more real than we ever knew. If youre at the member of the group in charge right now, Jeffrey Epstein understood that early on, when youre on the right team, you can publish someone, elses tax returns or private phone calls, and no questions will be asked. Is that legal? Who cares you can broadcast your fetish, live on a zoom call and keep
your life on CNN youre too important to fire those of the new rules? If youre on the wrong team and many are, it can be frustrating to watch all of this. If you dared to behave like if you dared to behave like these people behaved, you would be in trouble. Actually, there is hope, because people, this awful, cannot rule this country forever. They arent capable of it. They are too arrogant and too stupid stupid enough to let their hypocrisy show. You cannot impose rules refused to follow its too infuriating tonight. Weve got an amazing example of this, its worth
putting on the museum of hypocrisy. This is a good one. Chris Cuomo prime Time anchor on CNN brother of a sitting governor before we tell you the story, some context, the one thing you are likely to know about Chris Cuomo about the obvious. He really believes in masks and really believes sincere religious intensity. If there was a shrine to the patron saint of paper, surgical masks somewhere in Portugal, Chris Cuomo would go there each summer. He would crawl on his knees if he had to such as his devotion here is Chris Cuomo. How do we help put on the mask, if youre in California, in Riverside, where the mask? If you want to avoid situations like this, where you live, where the mask, if we care about doing the right thing, I wear the mask for you
as much as I do it for me, you need to wear a mask and you have to take care of people in your community. Its me, when I wear a mask for you as much as I wear it for me, chew on that for a minute, its a powerful statement, if you think about it, its deep this man is suffering for us and for our sake and all on a cable news, salary theres, something holy about it. The question is: is it real? Is this man actually Dietrich Bonhoeffer, or is he Jimmy Swaggart its clear with his building superintendent thinks this show has obtained a letter from the management of the New York City apartment building? The letter is address directly to Chris Cuomo. The date is August, sixty two thousand and twenty dear Mr Cuomo im sure, as you know, because of the ongoing
Covid 19 health crisis on April issued executive order, which orders anyone over the age of two to wear a mask that cover their mouth and nose in a public space, its fair that he would know that because hes the mask guy with that in mind, listen to how the letter continuous you have been observed, entering and exiting the building and riding the elevator without the required face coverings. Even though staff members have asked you to comply with this requirement, you have refused to do so. This is a violation of the executive order, building policy and it places other residents and our staff at risk. There are no exceptions to this rule and who are required to comply. The letter goes on to threaten Chris Cuomo with a five hundred dollars. Fine if he continues to endanger his neighbors and the city with his massless in the spirit of thatS, with the letter says,
let that sink in for a moment. At this point we can guess what youre thinking this has got to be russian disinformation, Vladimir Putin, hates masks, obviously hes Vladimir Putin, hes bad bad people dont like masks, thats simple. He would like nothing more in the world than to discredit Chris Cuomo, because Chris Cuomo is this Countrys foremost and fearless defender of mask nests thats. What we assume is going on, but then we did some reporting in short order. It pains us to tell you, but we have to this show, has confirmed the letter is in fact real its not a russian plant. We call the building manager and she spoke Perfect- English, not a hint of slavic inflection. She admitted to writing the letter. We should tell you she became upset when we mentioned Chris Cuomo by name, but we dont blame her for that. You dont want to tangle with a man who doesnt squat thrusts while eating
lunch. You dont know what might happen. You do wonder about Chris Cuomo and you worry well. His brother had him arrested back in May. We learned that very well could happen in New York. No one is above Corona law. I think its disrespectful of people not to wear masks. Think about it. Do I think local governments should be enforcing it and there should be sanctions, yes, because it is a public health emergency. I think there should be a penalty because you could literally kill someone. You could literally kill someone because you didnt want to wear a mask. You could literally kill someone thats coming from Andrew Cuomo, who knows something about literally killing people in New York. You could say its a specialty. We dont expect them to ship his brother to Rikers the governor didnt. Do anything earlier this month, when we showed you that photograph of Chris Cuomo without a mask outside at a
crowded restaurant on Long Island, Governor Cuomo didnt, do anything either when his brother, faked being in quarantine earlier this year and spent the afternoon hassling bicyclists Chris Cuomo is a good persons of the ideas he deserves a fourth chance watch him make his own case. While most Americans are staying inside or should be, if they arent out protesting like fools, they arent happy about being told to stay home. Staying home saves lives. The rest of us should be staying at home for our mothers and the people that we love and to keep us farther apart. It will ultimately bring us closer together, no matter where the virus goes the way to stop. It will always be the same. Our collective conscientious actions staying home youve got a feel for the guy. We are mocking him, but lets take this to a more human level. Imagine being him by day there he is giving you
more sermons about how you must wear masks, but by night hes wondering mask list through his own building, endangering his neighbors and ignoring demands that he put on a mask. If Chris Cuomo must be deeply upset with Chris Cuomo, which we already guessed from his.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-22.