« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Tucker: Brown University must get serious about diversity

2021-03-31 | 🔗
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host reacts to university students voting in favor of reparations
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Tuck tonight, one of tuck tonight, one of our updates College in Rhode Island now, using as a Olding pen for the children of democratic politicians and fading activist performers, Susan Sarandon and Danny Devito sent theyre children to brown and so did John Kerry. If she hadnt dropped out of high school would be a seem to go on to become quote filmmakers, but never make films much less anything else. Brown gives no normal grades, nor does it teach anything. This years. Class offerings include girl power through the ages and queer dance. You may be wondering what queer dance is. How is it different from regular dancing? Here is the course description in this course. We will study the intersections of dance and queer studies into the emerging field of queer dance. What does dance do for queer studies? What constitutes dance as queer good question? You will have to go to Brown to find out.
As can you imagine, kids at Brown have some free time. Lately they have been working to atone for savely banned in Rhode Island, almost one hundred and eighty years ago, just this week, brown students voted to approve reparations for the descendants of slaves in any way connected to Brown. Students demanded for aggressive affirmative action in admissions, as well as quote, direct payments to descendants and targeted investments in black communities. As student body, President Jason Carroll put it its time to quote put money in black folks pockets, presumably including his own. You might be tempted to dismiss all of this out of hand, giving people things because of how they looked really an anti dote Toto racism do cash payments to those, never enslaved, actually atone for slavery, again, fair question, but for just a moment we ask to you open your mind a little bit thanks to the Biden administration, we are already begun. Cutting reparations checks in this country. Black farmers got theirs earlier this month already happening
now that it is happening why shouldnt Brown University pay for it, one was literally built with money from the slave trade University has only gotten richer. Since then, Browns Endowment now stands at about five dollars billion. Last year it generated five hundred dollars million in investment income. Unlike you, Brown is not paying taxes on that Brown University is effectively a tax exempt hedge fund, with a veneer of queer dance so that you wont notice. The whole thing is a scam and there is no reason it should continue beginning. Tomorrow, Brown University ought to be forced to send four billion of its endowment to black lives matter and send the fifth goal: Al Sharpton, who has been waiting a long time for a pay off like that five billion, is a lot of money, on the other hand, hardly equal to the cost of slavery, its just a start. So next brown should be required to open its dorms to the more than one thousand Rhode Islanders who are homeless on any given night. As of now, they are living in stinking shelters or sleeping on cardboard mats on the sidewalk,
as a small group of rich kids get entire leafy brown campus to themselves. Call that what you will, but its not equity, time to decolonize. It lets not stop there. We can get even more diverse. Nigeria has a population of fifteen million people and growing every day, one of the most crowded places on the planet. Most of its residents are very poor and virtually all of them are black. So why shouldnt we move, say thirty thousand ambitious young Nigerians to young universitys campus tomorrow. If we are serious about diversity, we hope we are. It is hard to know why we wouldnt do that. Is that too much color for you Brown University? What are you racist now? Obviously, if we did that, we would have to make some accommodations browns current occupants would need to vacate immediately to make room for our new nigerian friends. Can you imagine the caravan of Subarus on Fair street leaving town, newly unemployed inclusion officers, bewilders, queer dance scholars, sloped, shoulder film studies, majors driving back to
their parents in West Chester, with a bong between the seat, a sad parade? Think of the Happy Nigerians student Jason Carroll tells us its time to put money in black folks pockets lets do and this give them meal cards too. Is there honestly a single person who doesnt think that would immediately improve Brown university? It would sorry, Susan Sarandon thats.
Transcript generated on 2021-04-01.