« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Third woman accuses New York Gov. Cuomo of unwanted advances

2021-03-01 | 🔗
FOX News senior meteorologist Janice Dean joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' with her reaction
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Trace Gallagher, thank you very much for that upset. Guess: whos, not confused or shocked. Anyone who knows Andrew Cuomo could have seen this story coming. Whats. Interesting, though, is that there was a much bigger scandal, one that killed thousands of people swirling around Andrew Cuomo for the better part of a year. His orders sent thousands of elders to their deaths. The media covered up for him. Why why the change? Now our Fox NEWS, senior meteorologist, her family members, died. Shes author of a book make your own sunshine. Inspiring stories of people who find light in dark times were great to have her on the show tonight. Congratulations on the book. By the way you are someone who knows about making sunshine im happy. You wrote this and im excited to read it. Youve watched this story from
the beginning, frustrated youre, one of the few thats been talking about it. What do you make of the fact that Andrew Cuomo, after being protected, is at the bottom of media dog pile? I think it easier to get on to the me too train than to actually admit that these lawmakers have been complicit for ten months now that we are into a potential criminal investigation of this governor, his mandate and the killing of fifteen thousand seniors. As you said, the cover up, if we go back to Al Capone, they got him on tax evasion, but will probably get this governor on me too, and sexual harassment im confused by it. Politicians do all kinds of things that I personally disagree with. This was a clear line from his order to the deaths of thousands of people. Im just shocked that the media
really was complicit other politicians as well. Do they not need him any more? Is that maybe why? Maybe maybe it has to do with the fact that were into a Biden administration, and they finally feel like nows time to shine a light on this governor and the fact that, yes, he probably is criminally responsible for making that order, signing it and putting it into effect? For forty six days, the media was complicit. The daily caller broke the story of the fact that this governor was covering up the numbers and werent counting those that died in the hospital. Like my mother in law, you have been on this story from the very beginning in May, when I decided to come on your program and talk about the fact that we lost my husbands, parents, I believe it was because of this governors, reckless mandate. Now we are starting to see the fact that there might be a money trail with some of his top
lobbyists in the hospitals. I think his press secretary tacted you by name. I know this is not a story. You wanted to be vindicated on Janice Dean. I appreciate you coming on sad occasion. You were right. All along Janice will be hosting a show on Fox nation called make your own.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-03.