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Supreme Court blocks Cuomo's limits on houses of worship

2020-11-27 | 🔗
Dr. Marc Siegel reacts to leaders restricting religious liberties in the name of 'science'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
So now we have a third one: the coronavirus vaccine. In a ruling on Thanksgiving Eve, the New Amy Coney Barrett Court threw out Andrew Cuomos arbitrary coronavirus restrictions on houses of worship on Thursday Andrew Cuomo reacted to the news that his tyranny is not in fact, legal. I think that Supreme Court ruling on the religious gatherings is more illustrative of the Supreme Court than anything else, its irrelevant from any practical impact, because the zone that they were talking about has already been moot. It expired last week, so I think this was really just an opportunity for the court to express its philosophy. Supreme court rulings are irrelevant good to know. Thank you governor,
to be fair, its easy to single out a Cuomo for rank hypocrisy. Just today on Twitter, the governors brother, the exquisitely sculpted body builder, Chris Cuomo, explained why he is not giving up smoking. My lungs are okay, we all know the guidance. Now you do you, I do me, in other words, rules and guidance are for the little people attitude endemic in the Democratic Party from Nancy Pelosi to Dianne Feinstein, to Gavin Newsom to that mayor in Denver, new Jerseys Governor Phil Murphy about the crack down on crunches in his state heres how he dodged the issue. Large gatherings are banned, but liquor stores are deemed an essential service. You have closed church services and synagogue services and arrested people for attempting to attend them.
Did anyone say that maybe practicing your faith might be important to someones mental health? Listen. I think we have had a very good, a good common ground with faith leaders of literally every faith who understand this. Was there ever any scientific basis for these restrictions on churches, MARC Siegel, Fox NEWS, medical contributor and the author of Covid, the politics of fear and the power of science? Figur T super figur T super spreader. Well, there was never any science behind that mark. First of all, its a historic day when the Supreme Court rules like this on behalf of the constitution and the first amendment so hats off to the Supreme Court to have that courage in the face of the secular reality that were facing more and more here, you realize a place like Saint Patricks Cathedral has over three thousand people can go in there, but under those red zones that the governor was talking about.
Well, they may be off for today, but maybe be back on tomorrow. You could let ten people in there and the same with Temple Emanuel over one thousand people under the red zone. You could let ten people in there under the orange. It would be twenty five that could come back and what about the fact that the churches and synagogues have tried so hard to have physical distancing to set things up carefully and when you are in prey, you know you are not screaming like you might be in a bar when you are getting drunk and by the way, Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court Justice, Neil Gorsuch said how come, and he is quite right about this. How come a bar and a liquor store and a bike shop are essential businesses, but a church is not an essential business. Have you been in a liquor store lately mark when you are in a liquor, store people have their masks hanging off, buying begin buying, buying g? I have been in bike shops because im a cyclist and mountain biker. I will tell what you im doing
during this pandemic. Im fixing my own tire for some people, liquor might be their religion. Maybe alcohol is somebodys religion, but its not the same thing, and I think that essential businesses are churches and synagogues by the way to go beyond Supreme Court justice. Gorsuch here. Do you know, insurance brokers are considered essential business. We may look as a secular, soulist future where only insurers are only around. I want to say this were in the middle of a pandemic. It may even be a biblical plague mark it may even be mark. It may be a biblical plague. What can we do in the face of this? We can get together and we can pray oddly enough thats. Why, four hundred years ago, the Puritans set sail for Plymouth Rock to be able to worship freely in public and four centuries later we need to get a 5 4 Supreme Court
decision on whether what the Puritans came looking for is still legal in America. Dr Siegel, thank you very much. We always appreciate hearing from an actual medical professional on other networks, its unhinged news anchors, who.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-29.