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State Department memo encourages diplomats to support BLM movement: rpt

2021-05-24 | 🔗
National Review Online's Deroy Murdock says the administration should focus on US issues instead of turning State Department into 'PR arm of BLM' on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Publication events reported today on a new State Department memo that was issued to all embassies around the world that encourages american diplomatic and consular posts to display shows of support for black lives matter tomorrow. That would be the one year anniversary of the death of George Floyd. The memo says that the U Dot S embassy can fly a Blm flag and should reference black lives matter in their speeches, or should american ambassadors come out as the nuclear family, as Blm has for race hatred as Blm does every day what the State Department does not appear to understand, or maybe this is the whole point that the existence of that Blm is a national humiliation to the United States. The rest of the world is watching. They pay close attention to what we do. Listen to the chinese officials from recently explaining that Blm is a sign that the United States is a terrible place.
There are many problems within the United States regarding human rights and the challenges facing the United States in human rights are deep seated. They did not just emerge over the past four years, such as black lives matter. It did not come up only recently right, so if we ever have a state department whose message to the world is yes, the United States is terrible thats, exactly the message that they are sending thats what they believe should they be representing us to the world? Should people who dont like the country be running the country they are? The state department did not respond to our request today for clarification. They did not comment at all, so they called Roy Murdoch, the national contributor. We are happy to have him with us thanks a lot for joining us. What do you think this message is exactly ill? Tell you what the message is not it is not Arizona. State
department should be focused right now. In the last few weeks we have seen about a huge increase of nine hundred and forty four percent month on month in April of illegal alien encounters on the southern border. We have seen rockets fired from Irani in rockets, in bloated allies in Israel and the colonial pipeline, shut down by hackers who are alive and well and on the run in Russia and at the top of the hour, how the virus got out of Wuhan China and killed almost six thousand of us six hundred thousand of us if they spent any time on any one of those rather than spending time with black lives matter. Blm is a political organization, among other things, but a political party shouldnt the state Department, be promoting a political party at U Dot S embassies in foreign countries. I cant think of a precedent for that. I dont think that they should and imagine if two thousand and twenty five
Donald J Trump is reelected president on President RON: Desantis: U Dot S embassies overseas, flying flags of the National Rifle Association or right to Life Committee, I dont acquaint them with black lives matter. That has an incredible recent, violent history, but imagine how people on the left would respond. If you had NRA flying over the? U dot s embassy? Paris? U dot S embassy in London! I dont think they would be happy and to have that political organization represented by the diplomats that are supposed to be neutral, protecting the natural diplomacy. They seem completely out of place and totally inappropriate yeah. How about the flag of the Qanon Army which apply that flag whatever it is over? The embassy in Moscow.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-01.