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Sen. Josh Hawley responds to Lt. Gen. Russel Honore comments: ‘Disturbing, downright crazy’

2021-02-18 | 🔗
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., reacts to Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’s comments on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Pelosi view as the greatest threat of all Josh Hawley was singled out by this man and he joins us to respond Senator. I appreciate you coming on tonight. This make me nervous that someone like this could have any control of the so called security of the Capitol Washington or in America yeah. Its very disturbing some of the statement thats the general has made, are downright crazy. You cited some of them saying Stefanop should be put on the no fly list and the statement about the law enforcement. This is somebody who, last year, Tucker encouraged condoned the violent rioting in the cities and said federal law enforcement who were sent to Portland to protect the federal courthouse. He said they were a mob themselves said they were acting like they were serving a dictator, attacked them for not being real soldiers. Those are his words, its unbelievable, its just unbelievable. It shows that Nancy Pelosi isnt interested in getting any facts. She is interested in power
in amassing power and an excuse to keep hold of power, including the thousands of troopers who are still at the capitol who are still there, treating it like an armed camp. Why? No one will say, but this is what Pelosi is interested in. So I saw an internal memo today from House Republicans saying we are not going to question the presence of all the federal troops in Washington, because there is some kind of threat which they never explain, what a betrayal of the country, but this guy is running around cappingcalling himself, general shouldnt we be concerned, leadership should be nonpartisan and not involved in the debates. Are we sure it still is? This particular general has been retired arrest, while you dont question his service to the country at all. I applaud him for it, but he has been a partisan, a dedicated partisan that is putting it mildly, since he left the military,
an extreme left wing Democrat. You can see it in the comments he has made im concerned about what they are, laying the ground work for here, and what Nancy Pelosi is doing. Im concerned that they continue to treat the January six catastrophe that criminal riot as an excuse to seize power, to control more power and to step on peoples. Second, amendment rights to take away the first amendment rights. Now we are hearing about a domestic war on terror. What is that going to be an excuse to rifle through e mail and the bank statements and the personal messages of the law? Abiding Americans? This is very, very frightening stuff. What Pelosi and the Democrats are doing here trying to consolidate power is dangerous. Please convince your fellow Republicans on the hill to stand up for the country, please. I think what you said is right. I needed to be said. I hope others will say it.
Transcript generated on 2021-03-03.