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Rep. Ken Buck: Big Tech is infiltrating Biden team

2020-12-29 | 🔗
Colorado congressman reacts to Big Tech's influence on the 2020 presidential election
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Off it, thank you so much for joining Us Silicon Valley, basically hack to the election for Joe Biden they suppressed reporting on the Biden. Family is decades of corruption. In case you didnt think corruption could be in a more flagrant. The brother of Bidens White House counsel just got a big lobbying. Contract with Amazon represents Eastern Colorado in the House of Representatives congressman. Basically, the Biden Cabinet and a big tech are joined at the hip and basically emerge in a certain sense. Biden emerge in a certain sense Biden because does Big Tex bidding
no doubt about it and not surprising. You see where the vice presidential pick was from when the support that she had during her career, and then you see the money that flowed into the Biden campaign and its payback time its time that the Biden Administration make sure that will Amazon and the others are taken care of, and they will do it by placing personnel in key positions, as well as continuing the flow of money back and forth forth. What do you think about specific things? Like President Trump is very keen on ending the section two hundred and thirty protections, which basically gives big tech, the immunities with no publisher of book or a newspaper would enjoy arent. We getting to a dangerous point where we really need a president who will stand up to this guy and instead we are
getting the opposite. Getting a president who wont stand up to these people when in fact will do their bidding. It all comes back to the fact that Google and Amazon Facebook Apple Twitter are monopolies and they enjoy monopoly status, they crush their opposition and they are protected now by the Biden Administration and is very concerning because they control the flow of information in this country and perfect case in point. Is the New York Post article about Hunter Biden that was suppressed, so it would not affect the election and when the truth is suppressed, this country really should be concerned about the monopolies that we are dealing with. Where is the Department of Justice and antitrust on these? Because one hundred and ten years ago, standard oil had a monopoly of oil right now, big tech, as you just
mentioned, they increasingly have a monopoly on truth and reality, which is actually more important than oil, wheres, the Department of Justice and the antitrust guys. First of all, dear of the Obama administration, we saw a number of mergers. Facebook, Google, others acquiring companies in a competitive way allowed to do so. Wasnt any action brought as a result of literally hundreds of mergers that occurred during that time frame during the Trump administration youve. Just recently seen a series of lawsuits filed by the Federal Trade Commission and the antitrust division and attorney generals, bipartisan attorney generals around the country, im very proud of working on the antitrust subcommittee with the Democrats and looking into this and field hearings and in hearings in d dot. C. Thank you for that congressman. We will watch some of those.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-29.