« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Owens: US embassies 'celebrating Black death' by flying BLM flag

2021-05-25 | 🔗
'Candace' host joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss why America is promoting Black Lives Matter
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Candace Owen, its great to see you: what is the message of this? The? U dot s embassy flying the black lives matter flag. They are celebrating black death. I cringe it when they call it a black lives matter protest. It was a black lives matter, rioting and it led to more black deaths way. More black Americans died than one the one black American killed by a police officer. It makes you ask questions: why is America promoting this? So much and promoteing black lives matter as a corporation? It raises money and dark money because nobody knows where the money goes. Where would the? U dot S government stand behind that? Where is the due diligence? Shouldnt? The? U dot S State
Department issue a memo to. Let us know where the money is going. Joe Biden wants to give billion dollars more to the IRS. Maybe he could invest that money to look into black lives matter and tell us where the money is going. I think they know where the money is going. They have been promoting black lives matter from the start, its not because they want to save black lives. Black lives matter, the movement.
Transcript generated on 2021-07-01.