« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Mainstream media tries to tamp down Hunter Biden email story

2020-10-19 | 🔗
The Intercept founding editor Glenn Greenwald shares his thoughts on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
To give her coming out tonight, we appreciate it. Thank you, the cofounder of the intercepts happy to have them on tonight. Thank you for coming onto nine ive, seen a fair bit of the material on the laptop and the response by the media, and the Intel Committee strikes me as much more threatening to America than anything on the laptop. Do you think thats a appropriate response to what were watching? I cannot agree more if Adam Schiff is seriously the most pathological liar of all american politics, that ive seen in all of my time covering politics and journalism. He just fabricate sent accusations at the drop of the house at the other people change underwear he simply lying when he just asserts over and over that the Russians are. The Kremlin are behind the story. He has no idea whether its true and no evidence to support it when makes it so much worse. Is that the reason that the bidens
are not answering basic questions about the story? Basic questions, like did Hunter Biden, drop that laptop off of the repair shop are the emails authentic. Do you know denied that they are any fabricated? Did you meet with charisma executives as the emails? The reason they dont answer the questions the media signaled that they dont have to at the journalists will be attacked and vilified simply for asking what you make of the role of the Intel Committee unnamed sources from FBI, CIA Nsa, in this response to the story, the whole point of the intelligence committee since the end of World WAR Ii, that whatever propaganda the CIA, produces whenever disinformation campaigns, they engage and were never supposed to be directed domestically if thats, the point of the NSA Cia, all the intelligence communities,
what we have seen since two thousand and sixteen going back to the twenty. Sixteen campaigns incessant involvement in: U Dot s domestic politics working with journalists to disseminate purely for partisan ends. If you want to talk about things like violating norms, dangerous to democracy, whats more dangerous than allowing the CIA constantly to be manipulating our politics by making cover for the Biden campaign by claiming anonymously that the Russians are behind the story and therefore, even if the Russians were behind the story, why does that relieve? He ate the responsibility of journalists to evaluate the emails and examine whether or not Joe Biden engaged in misconduct, but the way that the information is being disseminated as a union of journalists who have decided that they are only goal is to defend Joe Biden in the left and the presidents of the United States, working with the
FBI? Cia Nsa, not to manipulate the adversaries or foreign governments, but to manipulate the american people for their own ends. Its been going on for four straight years now and theres, no sign of it. Stopping anytime. Soon. Its terrifying and I cant believe, were putting up with us in the administration, is putting up with this theyre in charge of the agencies and with a live with the consequences of this. For.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-20.