« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Kanye West presidential campaign focuses on faith in America

2020-10-16 | 🔗
'Blackout' author Candace Owens discusses hip-hop star's new campaign ad on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Kanye West is still running for president. He is qualified for the ballot in more than a dozen states that shes not going to win most likely hes made a brand new campaign and that we want to show you as you watch it ask yourself why other politicians dont sound more like this. We, the people, will revive our nations. Commitment to faith. Faith can be restored. We, the people, are called to a greater purpose in ourselves. We are not only a beacon to the world, but we should be servants to each other to encourage each other to help each other to lift up each other. We will build a stronger country by building stronger families. Families are the building blocks of society of a nation. Families are the foundation the building blocks
of a society, yet hes crazy. His campaign is also selling shirts, saying God, save America hes tweeted, repeatedly on topics that most politicians wont get near. Why is he the only one talking about this, and why is everyone ignoring him? Candace Owens is a senior editor at Town Hall. We are happy to have her on tonight without getting into the political effects and who he draws from just the message of the Kanye West campaign. It seems like most people would agree with that. Why is nobody paying attention to this, and why is nobody copying it? I will say full disclosure and personal friends with Kanye West and when he first came out as a Trump supporter a couple years ago, I was so disappointed in the reaction that we got from both the left and the right. If the left dismissed him as a race traitor, which is typical and the right called him crazy, Kanye West is neither.
This is a man who is using his billion dollar platform to talk about issues that are actually impacting all Americans, but especially black Americans. What is it about these progressive platforms that always leads to progressive results for the black community abortion, the slaughtering of millions of black babies? This impacts Black America, the progressive stand on black lives matter when it arrives in a city, it destroys black communities, defund the police. That is a progressive movement. What, as it led to and increase of something like two hundred percent in shootings in inner cities, then happened at this time. Last year it kanye West hes stylistically different, not what we are used to in politics, Trump is and what we are used to in politics. But I will say this: what has what we are used to actually bought us if Kanye West is crazy? What is the correct adjective for
Cory Booker for Kamala Harris for Joe Biden, totally right, hes, the only one who said the obvious witches they can say they love you, but if they are putting abortion clinics in your neighborhood, maybe they arent sincere. If they dont want you to have more children, maybe they dont love. You thats, not crazy. Its the opposite of crazy im, seven months pregnant with my first child, its unconscionable to me that the democratic platform stands on believing that at seven months I have the right to choose its, not a life. I have trickle months to decide whether or not I want this child, and these are important topics. We are talking about things that are scary. We never thought we would be discussing in America, they pushed this to nine month being able to abort a child out of its womb and they arent shy about this Andrew Cuomo lit up the city pink when they pass this policy in New York City, I think Kanye West. The only word is brave, its incredibly brave because he has risked his entire professional platform,
his professional life, to come out and say these things. I totally agree hes saying things we should all be saying without apology or embarrassment, but we are too.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-17.