« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Jason Rantz warns 'we're going to lose Seattle'

2020-08-17 | 🔗
Seattle radio show host Jason Rantz joins Tucker Carlson on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss the systematic demoralization of Seattle cops.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Afraid, thank you good to see you. Thank you. As we discussed, violence in the city of Seattle has escalated. It has been going on for months. Eighteen people were arrested in the police union building, several police officers were injured. Some officers are tired of being used for target practice and they have had enough watch. Not really. You are wrong. Sorry for that, dont worry man, guess what im leaving two months baby im out, you are going to resign yeah bro! You are about to resign. I am leaving this department here. You guys won, so it turns out you dont need to defund the police. Once you put people like people who run Seattle in charge, the police just run on their own. No normal person would take that
job. At this point we are happy to have him on tonight, Jason. What is the state of Seattle tonight if you can sum it up for us? Well, there is the sad irony that you just mentioned about to fire one hundred police officers, but so many are leaving on their own. There have been well over one hundred applications that have gone over to different agencies because they dont want to work for the City of Seattle, a city that despises them city that made attacking police officers a sport they dont feel supported by the community. There are a lot of people who have stepped up to support them, but ultimately, a lot of these activists are speaking louder. We are pretending still that these are protests im. Sorry, these are no longer protests. They have not been protests for several weeks. They go out there with the intent of harming these police officers. They show up with bats. They show up with fireworks with the intent of doing damage. They are not showing up to
protest for some social justice cause thats, not what they are doing. What I find interesting in all of this is forty five minutes. From now Joe Biden, starting with the Dnc, you are going to get a whole bunch of speeches, and Joe Biden has made a campaign about the soul of the nation is on the line. I think hes one hundred percent correct what is happening in Seattle, Portland Chicago the soul of the nation, is on the line hes. Just on the wrong side of this, you have democratic leaders who are unwilling to call out this violence. Some of them completely ignore it unfortunatelyhopefully some Peop up its not going to get better. If you dont stop it really quick ive got to think there are a lot of normal people in Seattle. Normal Democrats were reaching the limit of their tolerance of this. You would like to think that, and I am hoping that, with the chief of police, the first police chief stepping aside because of her treatment, you would think it would embarrass the city we will find out in the coming
weeks, but as of right now, I dont see that happening, because not enough people are stepping up, I feel like they are also all Te Mark too. Scared to people are on your side. Enough is enough. We are going to lose Seattle if people dont step up.
Transcript generated on 2020-08-17.