« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Hunter Biden's business partners feared release of China story

2020-10-28 | 🔗
Tucker Carlson shares more from his exclusive interview with Tony Bobulinski on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
We had a full hour of we had a full hour of interview with Tony Bobulinski last night. It was so compelling and so long went began to believe him. It was clear he was telling the truth and he was saying things that havent been out there, so we kept rolling. There were parts we didnt run last night because we didnt have time. We will do that tonight. The Biden family Bro brought him on board to help structure their overseas business deals. These are not people good at business. A lot of them have had liens against them. They are bad at business and they cant do math. He was the math and they brought him into structure the deals. It became clear to Tony Bobulinski that they werent seeking funding for no legitimate business. You can imagine my mouth dropping to the floor when I saw that in August of two thousand and seventeen remember, the Chinese were supposed to be funding. At that time they were sending money to an entity called Hudson West three
that is definitively and multiple times referenced in the Senate report. Take a step back in the entity that ive formed with the Biden family, Hudson West four was used, they had funded the money into Hudson West Three and then taking that money and directly send sent it to Hunter Bidens form firm. I wasnt aware of that fact. Until I read the Senate report that Senator Johnson and Senator Grassley distributed to the american people, you can imagine how angry and frustrated I was at that point not about the money I was lied to cheated from and effectively stolen from him by the family. Joe Biden knew from the beginning that what he and his family were doing was wrong thats. Why they hit it thats, not russian disinformation. The bidens have effectively admitted it was wrong and in private they said it out loud. We played some audio last night to show you, and we have more audio tonight
here about to hear rob. Walker and those are two of the Biden family Business partners on a call with Tony. They are discussing how the very word they are that this story, the one were talking about, would emerge into the press and become public. They wanted to figure out how to handle the fallout. This audio is very new here. It is. If somebody comes out now and verifies the story. It blows up big time. Thats all is that the situation now one of us three has qualified in the story,
the story and already and already and already its almost touching how nave they are. These are political, sophisticated people and they serve the Biden family, their democrats. It goes without saying, but theyre convinced in the call youve heard and that wasnt taped long ago that if this story comes out, the media will verify it and it will blow up, in other words, even the Biden, family, business partners, so the Biden family itself wasnt counting on the media to side with them. They have to bury all this damaging information. The it is obviously incriminating. They had no idea that every news network and every journalist in this country would suppress it because thats never happened in America before they thought they would be busted. When it came out, they didnt realize one cab they didnt realize one cab
cable channel would cover it. Instead of lying. Come arrived, Walker and James Gilliard came out and admitted what happened. Hunter Biden was selling access to his father. Everyone knows that. Why deny it? He was there because he was selling his familys name and thats. The whole reason why the Chinese, where there chinese, where there the Chinese, would have never been there if the Biden name wasnt there. They were therefore exactly why people say they were therefore lets be honest with each other. Yes, no dispute about that. The Biden family have no marketable skills, they cant do anything. Theyve, never done anything except serve in government and except serve in government and make money from that service. There was some in the: U Dot S government,
what bothered them was being exposed doing it.
Transcript generated on 2020-10-29.