« Tucker Carlson Tonight

How the states say you should celebrate Thanksgiving during pandemic

2020-11-25 | 🔗
'Tucker Carlson Tonight' guest host Mark Steyn runs down some of the more onerous restrictions across America
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good evening and welcome to a special edition of Tucker Carlson tonight, Tucker is out for the holidays, and I am Mark Steyn, Happy Thanksgiving Chicago mayor, Lori Lightfoot. You must cancel the normal Thanksgiving Day plans, particularly if they include guests that do not live in your immediate household, isnt guests that do not live in your immediate household. The whole idea of thanksgiving off to grandfathers house we go because that is the best way to avoid the state police checkpoints on highway. Thirty seven, as is traditional president Trump, has pardoned the turkey at the White House. Any chance have the governors of Maine or Michigan or New Jersey, pardoning their hairdressers or
gym owners or restaurant, not a chance. Those guys have to be stopped and carved up as an example to any others. Among our rulers. Subject minded to get a little restless four hundred years after the Puritans set sail because they wished to hold open public religious services, open religious services deem nonessential in the old country. You had to hold them in private houses, but dont even think about doing that. If you shake off the coffers and make it to the homestead, what is the maximum number of persons freeborn? Americans is allowed to have in his home? This thanksgiving in Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware on and on commit is ten in Kentucky. It is eight people from no more than two cohouseholds in California. You can have people up to three households, but you have to disperse after two hours, even if outdoors on
the clock, its like a parking meter, but you cant keep coming back and pumping it with extra quarters. Governor Newsom and the grand public health dining at the french laundry in Napa Valley can linger over all the way to meant wafers, but you have to chow down that Butterball and scram in a work in the maximum number in a private home is six persons in New Mexico, five Vermont and Rhode Island. You can socialize only with those you already live with, so take a look around the room. That is it that is your thanksgiving, the same kids who have been off school for a year and the same spouse. You have been cooped up since deemed nonessential back in March. Cabin Fevever is coming early to Vermont the Disease control which has proved incapable of controlling the disease, and so would rather control you instead, because,
frankly, it is a lot easier advises. You should take your own thanksgiving meal with you. Take your own turkey. Take your own stuffing your own fixings, especially take your own cranberry sauce, because that is a super spreader and take your own disposable plates and utensils and be sure to throw them away immediately. When you are finished last carelessly pick up your plastic spoon to stir the pumpkin spice metamucil, but dont get. The idea of Thanksgiving will not be any fun if you live in a state that still permits you to dine with persons from another household. Why not take a risk from a socially responsible distance on the other side of the room with a thanksgiving themed mask here is Emmy Award winning CARE facility manager, Andrew Cuomo. We have a special mask for Thanksgiving and we are creative in New York. We are creative.
We just do things a little different. We have a special mask. Dont be a turkey. This thanksgiving, wear a mask, dont be a turkey. How do we look in this mask? Are you ready look at that and they said that he was dead, appeared Andrew PEEK, who will most hands? You have to give it to them how many foreign adversaries to come up with a new virus peer of the results in a pandemic of Andrew Cuomos site Tags, all over the state there will be empty seats at the Thanksgiving Day table for elderly New Yorkers. This last moments of life were filled with a governors. Visual comedy for Christmas, Governor Cuomo, where techy hazmat suit and flap
about in the Icu were against Kate Browown to govern is to prioritize in a work in the run of the city all year and unfortunately, that frees up law enforcement to investigate whether grandma is dishing up the sprouts and butternut squash for an illegal seventh diner. I will be asking the Oregon state police to work collaboratively with local law enforcement to enforce the limits on social gathering. They are classy misdemeanors and they can be enforced through a citation, a fine or through an arrest at this point in time. Unfortunately, we have no other option. America, two thousand and twenty thanksgiving- is a class c misdemeanor and why not take it to the next level? Governor Cuomo says, with a straight face. The New York police chief, who refused to enforce Thanksgiving day
lockdowns, are dictators if you are bored or turning in your neighbor six. Seventh, eighth, ninth Gast. Why not turn into a mic turn and the local police department, with the s dot, WA, DOT, t team? And next week the little boys and girls with nonbinary muppets will be asked if they and their parents attended Thanksgiving Day with persons of other households did grandma come around? You have to answer nothing says Thanksgiving, like snitching on your r, mom and pop need a drink. Forget it for the last three hours. Pennsylvania has been a dry state. Liquor stores have closed for thanksgiving. Fortunately for Pennsylvanians, it is easy to convert the xerox machine. You use to print the mail in ballots into a still for bootleg hooch. The span is necessary. It turns out that the biggest
day for drinking is Wednesday before Thanksgiving and when people get together in that situation, it leads to an increase in the exchange of the fluids that leads to increased infection. Im, really not sure he needs to ban the booze. A Dr Fauci has already signed off on casual sex hook. Ups, most pennsylvanians, the most disinfected is exchange of fluids, and Governor Wolf has been talking about the exchange of fluids. After that sound bite comee, I dont plan on exchanging any fluids. On the other side of Groundhog Day. All the grocery stores are closed. Drink is nonessential and food is nonessential, which makes a lot of sense if you are nonessential. Clearly
the substance required to keep you alive is likewise nonessential. Dr Fauci says, have a responsible thanksgiving, just prop him up on the sofa and have a quiet night. In my just the two of you watching socially distance zoom box on Netflix.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-26.