« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Hanson: Biden presidency is unlike anything we've ever seen

2021-10-13 | 🔗
Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss President Joe Biden's policy failures
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Lets go Brandon, Victor Davis, Hanson is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution and he joins us tonight, thanks so much for coming on. If you add this up, and we presented specific examples, if we had four hours, we could get more comprehensive. You are seeing the core institutions of american life destroyed by this one mandate, which by itself, is a challenge, an insult to american Liberty, its going to render it inoperable our hospitals, our airlines, our police departments, our fire departments, our long term care facilities fill in the blanks. What else is there thats our society and none of it is going to work very soon? What is the point of this? I wonder I dont know part of a lot of policies, its not Tucker, Carlson, saying this alone. Barack Obama says the border is unsustainable. Larry summers, as the economic agenda wont work. Senators on the democratic side said: Afghanistan is a disaster.
Its everybody saying, whats, going on weve, never seen anything like it. We have read about the Buchanan Presidency and some of us lived through Carter. Is it incompetence accidental cushion mark Noncompost mental problems with the president, or is it by design anarchy nihilism that w go to waste during the tragedy of twenty twenty, to have an agenda that doesnt pull on any of its items? Fifty percent, but through the sheer fear of this chaotic anarchic, we are going to have a new agenda that is socialist. Nobody knows they do know. One thing: Tucker the academic world and the abstract world is not just Pardo Parlor Games, critical race theory, as we rode off as racism is necessary to fight racism. Nobody would believe that we thought print money to get prosperity or critical legal theory that theres no no connection between
innate natural law and real law. We said nobody would believe that, and suddenly we woke up and we see the district attorneys are letting people go off Scot free after felonies, or we have zero interest at the time that we have six percent annual inflation its turning to affect us. There is nothing on the shelves at Walmart. Maybe target is not going to have Christmas presents. I dont want to walk in New York at night. The academic world has filtered down to the concrete world under this agenda and they are really really frightened and they are saying weve never seen something like this before. When they looked to these institutions, you mentioned they look at the military or professional sports or entertainment, or Hollywood or Silicon Valley, or social media or network news or Wall Street or the corporate boardroom, and they see what happened. We dont recognize it anymore. We have been asleep where they are filtered into all these institutions. With this agenda we
dont want and it doesnt work, so they are in a panic and I think Justin and Matt theres, going to be a reckoning. I think, with a very exiting american communities on the border or where I live, or soccer moms mad about whats being taught in schools, its not a top down, woke revolution, its a grassroots populist revolution, going to see it in the next midterms. I think a lot of these institutions are going to rue the positions theyve taken and the damage theyve done. Looking back when hospitals told people that they couldnt hold the hands of their parents or spouses or children as they died because of Covid, and no one pushed those people out of the way and said no, its, my parent im going to hold their hand. People put up with that. I wonder if you can come back if you can assert your value as a human being, what youve already allowed them to separate you from your parents as they die? It seems, like I dont know.
Can we come back from this? I hope so. I believe thats whats great about America. We are built on a middle class citizenry, pragmatic, practical sense. They are saying if our leaders say no mask one mask two masks herd immunity, no gain of function, research at the virology lab. They lost credibility when they say theres, no such thing as no natural immunity. I think people are saying I want to believe them, but I cant believe them anymore: im going to use common sense, it is starting to coalesce and its terrifying. The left I dont, like ive, seen them ever more terrified people should insist on common sense, dont. Let them separate you from your loved ones. In their final moments, each according to their.
Transcript generated on 2021-10-13.