« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Hair salon owner who went public with Nancy Pelosi's maskless visit says she afraid to return to San Francisco

2020-09-09 | 🔗
Erica Kious, San Francisco hair salon owner, joins Tucker Carlson with insight on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Its official, no one, is allowed to ask the speaker Nancy Pelosi about her illegal trip to the hair salon in San Francisco last week. So nobody does when youre in trouble go on MSNBC. They follow the rules on this. She sat for fourteen minutes for an interview on Sunday. She wasnt asked a single time about why she violated her own Partys lockdown restriction to get her hair done. She also wasnt asked why she wasnt wearing a mask at the time. According to Nancy Pelosi herself, not wearing a mask is immoral. Watch members and staff will be required to wear masks at all times. This is a mask from all over the country. Come on getting these masks real men wear masks, and these masks are essentially important. The chair views, a failure to wear a mask is a serious breach
of decorum. I have no advice for them, except they have to wear a mask. I totally agree with Joe Biden as long as we are faced with this crisis. Masks should be mandatory in any case im a big believer in wearing a mask and not sharing any, shall we say air unnecessarily. The second they take power, they crush you, they humiliate. You were going to look back on this moment in horror and embarrassment and they dont even follow their own rules. If, meanwhile, the owner of the salon and questions has her business has been destroyed because she told the truth about what happened. She joins us with an update thanks. So much for coming on. I was interested in hearing whatever happened. All of a sudden, you went from being a salon owner and the city trying to cope with the lockdowns to being a very famous person in the camera, receded from you.
What happened next, I dont want to be known as famous, but I started to get a ton of phone calls text messages, emails all my yelp reviews, just all saying that I am saying they hope I go under and that I fail just a lot of negativity towards my business. What does that mean for the business? That means im actually done in San Francisco and closing my doors? Unfortunately, because you told the truth about the speaker of the House: youre, not a political person, you told the truth about a politician violating her own rules in your store. You have to close the store and go out of business. Yes, im actually afraid to go back
just because of the messages and emails ive been getting its a little scary and sad. I do have a lot of positive calls and text messages from clients, but other than that, nothing but negativity, youre, afraid to physically go back to the city of San Francisco. I am right now youre from this country. I assume you grew up here. Yes, did you ever imagine, you would live in a place where you would be in danger going into a city just for saying something that was true. Never come ive been there for fifteen years. I have never felt that way about San Francisco. Unfortunately, its going down a path that a lot of people felt that way im, not the only one im, not the only one in the
situation, but a lot of people are leaving. They are feeling unsafe its sad, so youre just going to keep the shop closed.
Transcript generated on 2020-09-09.