« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Glenn Greenwald: Big Tech, Biden set to wage 'new War on Terror'

2021-01-08 | 🔗
Investigative journalist sounds off on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' after Twitter, Google take action against Trump, Parler
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight, the crackdown on Americas civil live is coming. We told you that yesterday turns out it didnt take long. It is here now and its unprecedented and it will have consequences. This will cause extremism. Actions taken to suppress extremism will cause it. Those unintended consequences we dont know is very clear what is happening and what will happen here is the first news just days after Donald Trump called the breaking up of big tech monopolies in order to big tech monopolies in order to preserve monopolies, big tech monopolies have the president has been banned from the platform that was his primary means of communication. Of course, wait until the Democratic Party took power and
they shut it down theyre in control. Now Silicon Valley oligarchs are more powerful than the President of the United States and they want you to know it everywhere. The assault on speech, celebrated Glenn Greenwald is an independent journalist, cofounder of the intercept. You are a long standing civil libertarian Glenn. Thanks for joining us, please assess what you are seeing in the United States. One thing I think we are seeing is the initiation of a new war on terror, which I dont say lightly. I say that, because the Biden Administration, what will be the Biden administration in about a week, is saying explicitly that they want first of all, a new law to further criminalize domestic terrorism. Even though every act that constitutes domestic terrorism is already criminalized, what they want to do is increase their power to monitor political groups, to infiltrate them to criminalize activities that currently are not criminalized,
nor should they be whether it be advocacy or speech or other things. They are saying they want a new law similar to the way that the nine Slash eleven attack and the emotion surrounding it was instantly seized upon to institute a whole serious of new laws that indoor. Secondly, they are explicitly saying that they believe that domestic terrorism, so this war on terror, is not going to be directed at foreign, nonstate actors or terrorist groups, or foreign countries like China or IRAN or Russia. Its going to be directed inward is the great threat to national security. We talked about this before this is what they are likely going to do, because theyve been focused for so long media outlets have come. The democratic party has come on Donald Trump and increasing fear levels about him. That has been the key to their profit and power. Once he is gone, the strategy has always been clear to inflate the risk of what they call white supremacist terrorism, which increasingly
means nothing more than being a trump supporter and then treating people in the United States who fall into that category. The way you treat terrorists purely monitor them, you surveil them, you restrain them, you detain them. This is what they are saying explicitly and the Silicon Valley component of this is particularly menacing Tucker, because these companies have greater power than any corporations in the history of the world, not just wealth, but the amount of data that they have on us and all the control that the exercise over our political discourse, a tiny handful of tech oligarchs are more powerful than any nation state and they determine what we can hear what we can speak. What is true and what is false, with zero accountability and zero transparency, the overwhelmingly donated to the Democratic Party and so for the Democratic Party are part of that coalition and Jennifer Palmieri, a top level long term advisor to the Clintons posted on Twitter. That the reason that Facebook and
Silicon Valley are now censoring the enemies of the democratic partys because they know the Democrats are now in control of the key committees and have to do their bidding in order to get what they want. But the reality is, they are the ones who wield power, Silicon Valley does come and the rest of us are subject to their undemocratic and unaccountable w you up and sing this for twenty years, and I was twenty years ago. You said, laws like this will be used against american citizens, and I want to confess I thought you sounded paranoid at the time. But you are right and I want to acknowledge that you are right and we.
Transcript generated on 2021-01-08.