« Tucker Carlson Tonight

Berenson: Republicans must fight against new COVID lockdown push

2020-11-10 | 🔗
'Unreported Truths' author joins 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to discuss Joe Biden's pandemic plan
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Doctor, not an economist so take that with a grain of salt, but what is Joe Bidens plan to fight the coronavirus, starting with the outlines over the weekend? A woman not know Matt called Wolf, a famous Democrat come if you are older than thirty. You remember. Her became one of many Joe Biden supporters to rethink what this is about. What with this, if I knew Joe Biden was open to lockdowns as enough states, which is something that is historically unprecedented in a pandemic and terrifying practice, one that wont ever end because elites love it, I would have have voted for him. A surprisingly blunt insightful and honest observation from Naomi Wolf are others coming to the same conclusion. Just the man to talk to lockdowns as a strategy Alex Pearson is a lockdown. The strategy,
Joe Biden, appears to be planning. Should he take control, he certainly has people who would like them to go that route, including Michael Osterholm, Michael Osterholm, in that clip, which I viewed before I came on with you talks about what a wonderful job Europe has done, which looked pretty good and how we should follow Europe in a lockdown really hard. That was really good in August right now, with France reporting yesterday, the equivalent of four hundred and twenty five thousand positive tests via population, in other words, the french and european numbers, have been much worse than the: U Dot s numbers recently heres the broader point, Tucker Tucker for lockdowns and coronavirus have been inherently political from the beginning. I think theres a very good case to be made that President Trump would be coasting into a second term or would have won a second term anyway, if you had, if he hadnt, had the coronavirus and had it been punished for it by the media.
So as Biden takes office- and we think we all expect he is going to take office in ten weeks, Republicans are going to have to really raise their voices. I think if we dont had for a national lockdown, if were not going to have national mask mandates, which is something else that Biden has indicated he wants very aggressively and in the weeks between now and January, 20th Republicans are going to have to decide what to do. Are they going to? You know fight what looks like a losing battle on behalf of Donald Trump, or are they going to fight for covid restrictions that are reasonable in that get us moving forward? I guess I should just say fight against covid restrictions, because a lot of us on what I would call team reality are going to be depending on you know, Republicans at the national and state level to push back. I mean I said yesterday I think Desantis and others I didnt say specifically, but I think republican governors and senators there should be a covid task force that says Heres. What I we think needs to be done, especially governors of big states who are making these decisions.
Andrew Cuomo can say he doesnt want vaccines. Then why cant RON, Desantis and Kemp and other governors say here is what we think is what we should do and thats what we are going to do in our states, whether you like it or not, Joe Biden, if they are going, do that, I dont see how they fight for Donald Trump to make a case of election fraud. I dont think they can do both of those things well. I would certainly like them to save the country from complete destruction from any of those threats, but certainly from a covert shutdown, which I dont think anyone thinks is a good idea. Naomi wolf, amazingly, is right, Alex Berenson. Thank you. So.
Transcript generated on 2020-11-11.