« Tucker Carlson Tonight

2020 year in review: Mark Steyn

2020-12-30 | 🔗
A year in review: Mark Steyn highlights 2020 on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Tucker Carlson tonight next good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. I mark Steyn him for Tucker, but he will be here a little later and the last live show of twenty twenty before the special. But I dont know about you but im enjoying two thousand and twenty, and I wish it could go on for two three four months and the insane thing about two thousand and twenty. It is Chairman Chis world, and we just live in it. If we call it that appeared in old expression, he who pays the piper calls the tune view the american taxpayer continued to pay the piper, but China calls the tune. Here is Dr Ted in the same senses, Dr Joe Biden here, Dr Ted of the World Health Organization, funded by you back in January, reading the facts
straight off of the printer from the chinese bureau. The chinese government is to be congratulated for the measures it has taken to contain the outbreak. China is actually setting a new standard for outbreak and it is not an exaggeration. No, it is not an exaggeration. It is a new record for outbreak response. China shut down domestic flights out of Wuhan Airport, but for flights to Rome, Barcelona, Vancouver New York. Within two months, the Chinese Communist Party had successfully boarded the covid to almost two hundred nations and territories on earth wow. That is one serious operation that is not North Korea officially or where back in two thousand and five, the late strongman man
lip synching and slowed the spread flatten the curve, because lousy pop stars melting badly and expecting the ancient hits none of that. If only we had thought to ban lip synching, but the entire western world, except Sweden, decided to drive their economists off the cliff. His holiness the infallible Pope felt she eliminating your job and shutting down your entire industry and, of course, temporary inconvenience. I know it is difficult and having a lot of suffering lot of death. This is inconvenient from economic and personal standpoint, but we just have to do with.
Among other two thousand and twenty novelties. There was no Hollywood, no Broadway, no rock concerts, no live music, but fortunately beleaguered overworked. Frontline health care staff made a point of busting out of the icu to do highly choreographed routines from social media pronouncing around the hospital hallways around the hospital hallways. That is entertainment. It was not hospital workers taking over the show, but government Andrew Cuomo, with an Emmy award for artistic innovation for the villain. Covid is this true. This was the
swab. The nurse was actually using on you and at first it went into your nose and disappeared so that in scale this was the actual swab that was being used to fit up that double barrel. Shotgun that you have mounted on the front of your pretty face, ha ha ha and longtime care facilities of New York. The old folks were what is the show this time corporation, sing in the New America and career criminals to up space, not our rulers, of course, im the public face among national media and im out in the public eye. You know, im a person who I take my personal hygiene very seriously. As I said, I felt like I needed to have a haircut
im not able to do that myself, and so I got a haircut. She needs a haircut because shes out in the public eye, holding daily press conferences on why you cant get a haircut just as government Newsom in California tops public health experts need dying on tapioca, with filing creaked wasters and caviar, with him, Ed Custer, with Ragu truffles from Alba washed down with a bubble of free, nine hundred and seventy five dollars a pop to strategize about why it would be dangerous to let you go to Taco Bell a world of hypocrites. Only one man had the integrity to talk the talk and then walk the walk. He didnt go to fancy schmancy french restaurants. He didnt go to Nancy Pelosis to get hair plugs. He just walked the walk straight
to his basement and self Quarantine for nine months until CNN satisfied his victory every two months, every quarter or so he would emerge from the basement to hold a rally in front of three secondhand civics and impart words of wisdom. Hey the radio make sure the television excuse me make sure you have the record player on at night. Make sure you have the record player on at night. Is the secret code phrase to chairman to let him know why ten percent for the big guide to the Shanghai Branch of the First National Bank of Scranton, Pennsylvania and another emergence from his basement, Joe Biden, announced his plan to end the scourge of violence against women. Youve got to man up and beat the out of it. No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman in anger other than self defense command. That
is rarely ever occurs, so we have to change the culture period and keep punching out its punching at it and punching out it. Yeah keep punching punching punching against violence against women, then stroke its hair and try a sucker punch, Joe Bidens, Jimmy Cagney and shoving grapefruit in the face of violence against women of violence against women may be. You found like better because thats, the only language violence against women understands like Joe said to come. Obey baby keep the record player on all night because he will be purring baby, its cold outside I, the air, all all the way to don presidential candidate and House Intelligence Committee, big shot. Eric Swalwell warns us of the
danger of glamorous exotic foreign spies playing their sexual webs. I want to talk about the Kremlin Playbook and there are a number of ways for an adversary can seek to influence a person. Do you agree that, yes, financial, that can be one romances and other yes compromise, correct, setting up a compromise to execute? Yes, how about inadvertently capturing a compromise, meaning fast surveillance? And do you stumble into that surveillance and a cognitive compromise, and they take that information to coerce you? That is part of the playbook yeah? But then they turn out Eric Swalwell is being penetrated by chinese intelligence, which is impressive because never before shown any sign of penetrated by any intelligence, he had a chinese spy that was able to get to swell well and
play his record player all night long. If you know what I mean until his poor old needle were out meet the crack agent dispatched by the chairman, then name is Christine Fang fang Fang and you only thing twice: Congress passed a five thousand five hundred and ninety three page bill. That is the longest bill since Gavin, Newsom and health care kind at the french Laundry five thousand five hundred and ninety three page Covid relief bill and two paragraphs on Covid relief and the other five thousand. Five hundred and ninety two point: five pages given away to the zillions of dollars of your money for the promotion of democracy, promotion of democracy, where Michigan Pennsylvania, Georgia, no Cambodia, Venezuela and other countries around the back. What the hell did. Cambodia
deserve to keep Yankee Imperialist, inflicting Pennsylvania style, democracy on it. It should be the other way around. I will get behind the first with the introduction of afghan style guide to purple fingers to american elections. You got to hand it to Congress, gag writers, giving money for democracy promotion everywhere, but America is way more deserving of a best comedy me. Then Andrew Cuomos, nasal swab and yet the american people survived and a grateful populace happy to get what was left of its money after Sudan and Pakistan to erect a statue of the old, powerful Fauci, releasing the american citizen from his shackles temporarily to enjoy a mast Christmas dinner with more than three persons from a single household. Oh sorry, my mistake that is, freeing the in a public viewing in Boston.
He took a bullet for his country, but the school has been closed three years, but nobody knows that anymore. President Trump argued the most pressing issue of the ages chinese global dominance, but it turns out it is confederate statues. Everyone is a confederate. General Lincoln is a Confederate General Washington. The guy who wrote the STAR Spangled banner will come at Kate Smith, Dr Seuss. The integrity of american history held a spectacular closing down everything, take them to cope confederate generals and we will throw in the Washington Redskins, take five and grab the power you can eat. The Atlanta Braves have given the tomahawk chop, the chop, presumably because it defends residents of chop the Capitol Hill occupied protest, the great Republican Portland Oregon, where you can always gather around and roast your chestnuts on a mostly peaceful protest.
Transcript generated on 2020-12-31.