« True Murder: The Most Shocking Killers


2023-09-25 | 🔗

Almost one third of Russian serial killers have committed cannibalism during their murder spree, but not much is known about their crimes outside of the Federation.This book follows the stories of 13 cannibals from the Motherland: Alexander Spesivtsev “The Siberian Ripper”, Dimitry and Natalia Baksheev, Nikolai “Metal Fang” Dzhumagaliyev, all these killers were characterized by the same fetish: the erotic desire to consume the flesh of a person. Cursed by an uncontrollable hunger, they have committed some of the worst atrocities in the history of true crime.Illustrated with more than 250 photographs unearthed from the confidential files of the Kremlin’s Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Cannibals – Addicted to Human Flesh is a brutal encyclopedia of the men and women who have broken the ultimate taboo. RUSSIAN CANNIBALS: Addicted To Human Flesh-Nico ClauxRitual.com/Truemurder

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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the you are now listening to true murder, the most shocking killers in true crime, history and the authors that have written about them. Gacy, Bundy Dahmer, the night stalker d t k every week, another fascinating author talking about the most shocking and infamous killers, true crime, history, true murder, with your host journalist and author, then, as if asking the good evening, almost one third of russian serial killers have committed cannibalism during their murder spree, but not as much is known about their crimes outside of the federation. This book follows the stories of thirteen cannibals from the motherland alexander spats yet said: the siberian ripper
dmitri in an italian bathsheba. Nickel lay metal, fang, jus, maglev. All these killers were characterized by the same fetish, the erotic desire to consume the flash of a person cursed by an uncontrollable hunger. They have committed some of the worst atrocities in the history of true crime, illustrated with more than two hundred and fifty photographs on earth from the confidential files of the kremlin's ministry of internal affairs. Russian cannibals addicted to human flesh is a brutal encyclopedia of the men and women who have broken the ultimate taboo. The book ever feature in this evening is russian cannibals addicted to human flesh, with my special
as journalists and arthur Nikko clue welcome back to the programme, and thank you very much for this interview, Nikko Cloe, going through them. Thank you. So much and congratulations on this latest of your books, russian cannibals, didn't you, let's get right to the genesis, of this book, you say right in the introduction of russian serial killers, are often associated with stories of cannibalism. When you started to do research on russian serial killers for your first book, russians serial killers. What did you quickly realise exactly? I quickly realized that about one further of hundred kilos that I studied the too far have at one point, another during their crimes, pre, they have tasted human flesh and it became obvious.
hey that they need. You dave volume on their own and when I started to write this volume, I quickly realized also that they needed several volumes, because I really wanted to their deep inside the stories, because those stories were fascinating is extremely hard to find new forms of aid. Is you have to read a lot russian newspapers and art he could only be seeking for his is available in the west and the cases that are practically not covered at all. The cases that date back from the soviet here before the nineties, but thou. So cases that happen during the night is and the early two thousands some of them were all is covered in the west, but most of them were kept extremely low call, even though the extremely fascinating you talk about the bolshevik revolution, a night
in seventeen, and then you talk about the starvation in the ukraine later and write about the meat markets that were photographs of the meat markets that were in soviet union at that time, tell us a little bit about, though, that most of the cases in this book- what error are these featured serial killer cannibals, where they from what era? Three, it is true, yes, that there there is a strong history in the twentyth century, of starvation and stories of cannibalism in russia, for example, during the blockage of leningrad during world war. Through there were thousands of cases of cannibalism recorded doing year during which the blockage took place. This was because, of course, have the lack, of food in the doorway. And there was similar episodes of hunger and for mean doing after due soviet revolution.
and, of course, cannibalism was those who practiced in the good ira in prisoners. Yes, there is, for example, a famous anecdote, told by these famous russian brighter sienese, came about the good again the prisoners when they tried to escape the always kept a firm the prisoner or not a prisoner, we don't usually a political prisoner and all day may cow, because they would actually did that so now on their way to freedom, while who gets kind The reason was a reality, our strategy during the twentyth century, but when it comes to cereal, carrying in those kind of This is where cannibalism was committed. By creaming off then ciro offenders. Most of the time it was nuts king because of hunger or practical reasons,
It was just a sexual fetish that was developed by those killers like happen with Jeffrey Dahmer in the united states. All Denise nelson mean. U k knows killers wanted to experience this, the fact that they had never love for a very long time, and when I wrote about those does you're kidding my first book. I realise that some of the curious that I studied at this case, which is called, bear our failure. It means the sex in the attraction to the act of eating human flesh by hand. The cases that I discuss in this book. Most of the cases happen in the nineteen nineties or the early two thousands. So it's not doing war were, or even after now we're gonna. Have you read the contents to the thirteen cannibal pillars that are featured just before we start a war
Major name is missing. You call the godfather of human flesh eaters and that's a andre, chick Attila. Why is he not included? Tell us why not when I started to come I know what those names and all those stories I quickly realized that should get you could always shadow them and the crazy so complex and so many things have been written about him, so I want to focus on these first word: your mom killers, let our practical we unknown in the west. It made more to me- and I will talk about she- kept hearing the cycle through this book, and this book is more focused on other big names like the back she's, for example, exist couple of cannibals moody's dinner, but no doubt area and there were actually arrested because workers found one of these mobile phones on the street and they found it shows that they took over the weekend as this is a story
that was covered in the west. Some we are, we learn who back to that's, really to be greater it, because it is very interesting story. Gasset. Let me tell you the names of all those different cues that I call you start with moscow. The Moscow region with serbia color came also call fisher by the soviet press at the time you used to kill their easily teams at the same time than she could. You know- and I, if I could compare this case to an american case that would be definitely be done when gay heap he was targeting young teenagers. He had some care of I'm doing under his garage? Yes way. Cat is weak in eaten extremely brutal case very hard case to cover an EU definition,
We compare two days in terms of m o and different things surrounding the case. Then I cover several changes that operating here saint petersburg region, saint petersburg. No need russia for having lots of syracuse. If I got the russian capital of zero hero and for these books ass, if here for four different cases, I have have Vasily of also now as the necromancer earshot cosy curve, also known as the cook. I let you imagine what came over me. She was cooking, then there's edward schoemaker, the result, maniacs and common sense, over the grannie retry wish case was always also be covered by the press, the western press, the next story I mentioned thirty raced back she's, the crass another canyon
It was then we go to the Bulgaria june with the bloody man nuclear augur, an attic sound, a bit curve, also known as the printed press at all. We go to Siberia. With the alexander's sleep surf the siberian ripper to gash bay caught on by yep. He even gains curie then we go to ukraine with equal to costs. The father and son cannibals the last region we really kazakhstan, the former soviet province which is now a new dependent republic and catholic son was the hormone Can I dream? I gotta get metal thing and the cannibal cooks. Next trimly tsar case involving nurses, who killed sex workers and ate them. Let's get to alexander statutes of the siberian wrapper s. Let's talk about the story. So that's it every very brutal case from Siberia, the number
obviously tinges unknown, but he was officially convicted of I am keen myrdals ninety ninety six leave, they know what all people calling russia commie block it coming blog, one of them very ugly, huge the things we drew typical russian architecture, you need on the top we deserve mother and sister anna. Gene and out of psychiatric hospitals, because he was, like many other cannibals in russia, was declared insane for several other offices and in the night he began to several meetings. Usually teenagers teresa,
immense, and the crazy thing is that is it his own mother who actually helped him nerve the victims back to his apartment? That's the crazy part about this story. She did not actively help him kill the victims, but she did cook several meals using their flesh, and this is a fact that was certified by the police when they covered the case It's an extremely brutal case. He appointed usually keepers, it seems a lie for a few days trapped inside your partner is very reminiscent of this case in the? U s inspired fine on sunday, jerry. I need no, he said, be doomed over. A pathway would keep his victims, but there were kept in his bedroom He would change them to ease radiator able torture them for days report
involved and when one of them died, he would cut her up or made the vt. Other victims cut her up yes and cook her feed the remains to his dog and then feed the other victims. We got the meat and also in the meals himself. So this case he gets seats, insanely brutal. He was arrested after three young patients from a local hospital disappear. One of them was still found alive inside his apartment. The other two were found dismembered one of the tools was even found. It is faster and she didn t long. She only lived like three or four days after being rescued, but was able to give a cheating account, which is in the book on their last days,
in this up until the how and the older torments that she suffered me to a fellow friends at the ends of us pet is happy to eat an extremely green ks, one of the most brutal I covered in the book. One of the most insane aspects of the case was at this man was actually out by his mother were actually helped. Him were the victims. at the apartment trio, only parents then he is imprisoned and is Three women now betsy turkey's locked up in an insane asylum. Some when russia eater uninteresting a fact that three in russia most of those cases the killers, often, we are often declared mentally unfit for trial. I also to the out trick unique, usually had spend the rest of their life. This book is filled with adults which are
working in the leniency and the treatment of these incredible killers that almost have no match anywhere in history. When you talk of a compulsory treatment for spats yet before he was again sentence to compulsory treatment once these crimes were were revealed, tell us about this compulsory treatment and sort of this. The attitude of the russians in terms of punishment in the courts for these killer sporty year actually had killed. One of his girlfriend before committing these cries free and he spent only a few years in a hospital because he was declared skies of schizophrenic. Mumbai attack that tricks just a few years, therefore, that he was fit or society, and then he was raised on those
supervision, but it seems that the average vision was not strong enough because he actually kill just a few months have been released and for the first time that a cannibal, actually here was released by psychiatry from psychiatric unit after coming a series of murderers- and now we can talk about the case of nickolay, jamaica leaped from Kazakhstan, which is next ordinary case, because it seems incredible but over the western mine, but this is a man who killed we first care because he folded was purifying society by killing lose women western woman. So this man was a cause He was raised as a muslim and as a muslim eve for that, other russian women, especially russian women from the north and the north west of the country, were not here
and at the very loose morals so we decided to kill them to give them a lesson, and he had read in a book tat by drinking that blood. He would gain some extra supernatural. Power and that's what you didn't doing is first murder. He tried the blood from his first, beat him and cut off some of body parts, and I put them an aid to meet after that very this murder that happened in the late seven tease me: that's not what he described as some kind of addiction to human meet. That's also there interesting because you never really read about that. When you read about I think cases each one of the only case, where the killer describes being addicted to the taste of human me. And he also devil the strange believe about be invested, biased.
actual power and by celebrating some kind of ritual second, five by king gos women. He killed five or six. Women the seventies and eighties, and was arrested. He was sent to prison, and I spend seven years in the enqueue supervision before being transferred to another part of the country. During that transfer he escaped and you went cruise for several years, were you when he killed again and he was arrested It turned back to the psychiatric unique and as ink as incredible as it sounds. He was released and credible already fifteen years in and out of psychiatric unit, even though he had it was proven that he had killed. having like salmon away twin before he just could not just
to normal life? A try to go back with home town people, of course try to begin to him when he, when you tried to come back to his home town, So we had to escape. He lived in the mountain for a while, and then he was arrested again the suspicion of another murder. To this day. His tilly's are locked up in a psychiatric unit in kazakhstan, but what's interesting about this merely about declined to by going to phase one of the few caddie boasts that was arrested. That gave Then dozens of interviews to the press, not only the russian press, but also most impressed at during the night you would often see true, cried magazines. We, these confessions, we'd interviews, people would come from all over the world to kazakhstan point of view in and you would you interview, was just asking for senior
that's all you treat any with tat his life story, so tat you can even final. Tv interviews. Weedy me, it's really interesting area interesting case. Let's see this as an opportunity to stop to hear these messages bed back and beyond his bag with more to choose from than ever before, at the new dead bath and beyond, you'll find all the products and brandy love along with a huge new selection of furniture to court. In everything else, you need to create the home of your dreams. All in one amazing online store download our new at save even more, with exclusive feels it offers plus give free shipping rights your front door, welcome to a bigger better. The are now getting back to some of the people featured you had mentioned,
patriot and tally, natalia back chief, the cross, no door cannibals, a k, the family, a cannibals in two thousand seventeen. You include this story because you only have one kill But the headlines are important in this story. You talk about and write about the difference in the coverage in western newspapers and what you had to say about that. So, yes, you know September two thousand, seventeen. There was a You headlines in the press around the world saying things like cannibal couple admit to eating up to thirty people in south west russia. All details about russian tenable couple confess Murray and each thirty people and posing for selfies with the body parts.
Two people were under the impression that there was this incredible kz night in russia involving a couple of cannibals who had been killing for up to thirty years and taking selfies. So when I I did some research on the case, I started reading Gene for that was available in the west, but they would do it didn't match up to what I was reading When I was meeting russia, newspapers and specially the local, be remiss papers of our present. That will cover the case and the trials, because there were several times those two? Yes, they were decay, starting in two thousand: seventeen, because construction workers from a mobile phone on the street. Yes, and they looked through the dark either for the other picture gallery. They found
for those of another and that tend to five men with a human hand inside his mouth, and he was paying me buddy box. So, of course, they brought the from the police. They quickly found the owner of the phone, and I read it the apartment of urine when they touched the apartment, the actually found photos of people that seem too have been the victims of this couple. The apartment belonged to a married couple: the back she's dmitri, yeah, natalia back she's so of course, and they found of course, remains human remain and some other remains were stuffed inside dust jobs. So, of course, their logical conclusion was that it was a case involving cannibalism and since there were so many different pieces of body bought, some people seem to be the kings inside the apartment. Rumors
bed and those photos were leads in the media. So you could find them easy on the internet What is there should essentially photos of his man dmitri back here, with this end in his mouth, then holding body parts and for those of the contents of the fridge and that was during the first days of the case. before I even went to court under custody. Don't he confessed? murder any aid. It was a matter of a woman dead had met one we before they twas. They are drunk wieder and matter back heave claim that she tried to have intercourse this woman in her, and this is why
He told the courier, he ordered him. She wanted her husband to kill her and when he killed her according to her, he was curious about teaching her flesh. That's what she said on this was debunked during the trial that took place a few months before after then never found any trace of any other victim. Except this one victim. And, of course, there were pictures and contents of the jars were analyzed, and it was proven that they belong to that region, but other than that that there was no proof that cannibalism was involved or an gimme tree back xiv denied everything. You said that never actually tried to either the flashy just played with body parts because he thought it was funny according to him, and he was a deranged of course, but
There was no proof, let's tilled european and american media, stating that story of a cannibal coupled they had killed two thirty people. This was never actually proven jimmy tree back here died in prison just one year after because he was very yearly, was a treaty for diabetes and then there was a problem. The earth has any key way was locked out. They couldn't giving these meditation saw, he died. Natalia back, she's was sent. To a few years. Of prison, but he was not sentenced for the man who was not a tree convicted other matter, so he got a lesser sentence
story was the story of cannibalism was largely debunked by book oppressed, but I still chose to include it in the book, because I thought it was interesting to tell one story from the two perspectives: and how? Let's do this created from one single one single fact? That's taken out of context the press and the legend of the worse, the dark, anybody's tis, a very strong, and if you were to go to crime forums and you're. Talking about this case, people will not hear the king thirty people. This was the bogus, never happened. The only kill
one person and the cannibalism wasn't even truth, but still I found it very interesting to cover the case just to show the difference being in perspective, but the other complex cases that I color are definitely cannibal cases, though those were promised. You talk quite a bit about the presence that these people are sentenced to and you write them as strict regime colonies and one of the ones that's featured with a couple of these guys are two or three of these killers is the notorious black dolphin prison. All of these, people get this compulsory treatment in a hospital, but also this prick regime colony. As you do. When you write in this book, can you comment about some of the prisons and the treatment and some antidotes about those presence, there's five or six?
reasons like that in russia's most of them are the names of animals like there. There is that the black out and the of course, the black of the black dolphin, has been the subject of several documentaries, very interesting documentaries. It is the home of samples here in the curious russian syracuse and cannibals, and now, of course, sir some of the people there, including in the book, ended up in the prison black dolphin as a very bad reputation among the rest, the prisoners. It is the end of the road for many of them. It is the most brutal prison in the russian system. Prisoners spent twenty three hours a day in there, so they do not have the right to sit on their bank to this tell up most of the time or is it on a chair? They do not have access to anything. They cannot treat the cannot watch tv. Of course, there were keen workshops
twelve hours a day and you only time that they have in the wreck. Yard is one hour a day to stretch their legs birthday. It's just that the space of two cells, soda country near struggle, lakes. It is often described as a living hell by prisoners and day. There are very powerful photos that were taken there, showing the prisoners then deem it face down when they leave their so because they have to be disoriented when they move from one part of it. Prison to another right, so they're always followed by three or four gods they will allow saw huge dogs. Tat are trained to back a dummy day, a frenchman I saw yes, he too is a very, very cream and break place where to enjoy your life is also one of the few, prisons, where you let you know
believe actually the prison, except if you confessed to other crimes- and this is what happen in one of the year, the cannibals dimensions the book he had to confess to other crimes. We could leave the prison and be transferred to another the prison in another part of the country, so we could show the locations where he had buried the victims, was serving about ten years in baghdad, dolphins, you John, he confessed the crimes. Knowing that you would be centres for that, just to have a break from from that prison. Basically, let users as an opportunity to stop the here from our sponsor. Are you a person that has experienced bloating so bad I believe a social gathering, many women experience this ritual litter, we created symbiotic, plus. With that problem in mind. It contains clinically studied prebiotic probiotics and opposed by adding the support. A balance got micro biome
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ritual is offering my listeners. Thirty percent off during your first month visit ritual dot, com, slash, murder, the start, ritual or add symbolic plus. Do you subscription day? Let's talk about another incredible cannibal killer, alexander being called a K, a predator. How are the berlin ski cannibal, with nine kills raining from two thousand and nine to two thousand and twelve tell us about this that it all started September. I think, two thousand and nine. The date keys very young compared to the other killers in treating the book he started to a killing these early twinkies, he kept a diary all these crimes way would describe. are we to learn how he would tat thoughts from them. He was obsessed with them, we predator, so he got his nickname from that movie.
and the crimes happened in the various EU small town russia he would targets Middle aged man, usually colleagues saw transience, people would not raise the attention of the breeze and he's. First crime was actually someone. you. It was someone who shared a room. We do his own mother until he got away with his first crime and when he found out that he was not even a suspect for that crime. He continued his crime the cream. He never really gave a reason. Why committed those crimes, except that he was fascinated by murder, was obsessed with murder. was obsessed with violent movies. When the police, radio home, they found lots of the vhs types of the whole invited movies and he saw himself as some kind of hunter that would hunt he. Boarding
he's in his own town. I kill them and eat them. What's interesting about this case, as I told you what it is was extremely young. He was twenty five when he was right and it was similar to richer whereas in the? U s here, there's lots of groupies when he was arrested, a woman started write to him when he was in prison while and I actually married an american citizen earth american women from that other wax removed to russia marry him. So this is an extremely unique in the history of a russian see retainers, it's interesting. You write that it connects these murders and this cannibalism, and there is somebody that takes the credit. It's not an unusual story, but in this story it leads to an incredible twist. Somebody takes the credit for somebody mentally ill? How does this effect this case and the killings told the
This was suspecting a local it was a very large game, days three of the mental problems and he confessed to the murders, so he was sent to upset our teacher. You need this Some people say that he would eh the it was beaten doing day the custody soda to come. The confessions were forced out of it, so to speak but the thing is when he was arrested. The killings pre continue and in his diary, beef curve actually said that he didn't like the fact that this man was too the blame for the crimes because it did not occur, dream between deserve it attention and only These are the attention that those crimes you deserve to. You was extremely and ass, much ass, it even after before was arrested. Additionally, redraw remained a psychiatric hospital.
right away, even though the realized aspect was arrested, what was Alexander a bitch, He loves canary preference in terms of body parts, and what did he say in that regard? In his memoirs, bitter was obsessed with a movie honeymoon with anthony Hence, was obsessed with the character of the heavy bone wool you will remember, from the newly animal rising is supposed to be a russian origin. Well, it's not exactly russian. These is for training. I think lithuania yeah, but, for me People have enabled the origins of annual while that he he's russian and beat coffre was proud of these areas. age. I think, after this smothery cut out the heart of these with you and you put it in a bag and he brought it to anti house me boy. Did it and he ate it and he said it, tasted like fork to after them.
he tried given recipes on other we Kim's boy, the several body parts he fry done enough. Frying pan with vegetable oil and salt and pepper, lemon and So you can't you do you can see The tea was influence not only by horror movies, but he says: He was in france by the study on practices, megan tribes, the man's sometimes, would it the heart of the victims and their hearts. Prisoners doing there was, and they would sacrifice them on top of the pyramid. Bicker was fascinated by that fact like eating duff of what he considered as his enemies. He would get their strength and get their life force, and suddenly snow, yes to inferences two major
France is hiding a lecture. The mayas it very interesting in this story to that someone he speaking to confront some and suspects him of being a killer. What does he do to this person when they says when they say that too, well, you killed him. I just couldn't think the risk of letting him leave. The person was trying to blackmail aimed at last said that if you don't give me money, I with that everything to the authorities and, of course, which risk of killing and cut him up. So that's the one of the few weeks that he knew actually because this man, who was one of his drinking companions, he took the rest of the obvious cover killing him and he sat down for an interview once he was in prison and you provide that interview in this book is well very, very interesting interview data there was conducted. Yes, he gave it to you to russian journalist down
You move into using the book, as I said before these unknown to you meet the jamaica yeah. There is doubt into use, but listen to use a trimming interesting because it will be good fairy deep inside the modulation, the details of each crime. They also talks about the com and some of his diary and his obsession with the whole movies and the movie predator. He was some mentions of some of his. These inferences surprising is that I was in varying funds, but she kept you know he knew of Kosovo. She can't you know about it. He says that You got it wasn't easy either because he was cleaning and beef curve wanted to to understand that he was carrying out of me. Aged man who, according to him, did not deserve to leave because they were alcoholics. A transient too. Yes, he made a clear you wanted to.
make clear that she was not on the same level as he could do to beguile is Joyce obedience. Why talk about andrei chicken tello? We get back to sir gay a goal of Jan? Oh, yes, and did you talk to that at the same time that he was killing there? Was the rostov maniac, which was the elusive rostov. Maniac, was operating at the same time. So tell us about sergei goal of gay and and how authorities knew that it was not ticketed. Oh goodness, it was he the killer womb between nineteen? Eighty six, ninety, ninety two, so it was more or less during the He can't hear more modestly. The thing that separated them was, of course, the distance tat gay love. King kill these victims in the suburbs of
moscow, specifically around a farm, a complex where they would create a horse, he put his job, he was mission, specializing breeding forces and he was you'd. Curious victims is young, It seems because they were young teenagers around on the farm in the suburbs, of moscow, whereas, Cheadle was keys meetings around russia, which is a thousand of miles away. That's two wounds inflicted on some of the teams of graft in was similar to the ones in taking on some averred. She could see those regions and their way traces of cannibalism, dismemberments some other olive trees meetings were flayed world
we're still alive so a window. The pretty file found the bodies in the woods because he he buried some of his victims into what they found some parts of the skin missing, and so since they had absolutely no suspect and the only similar crime scene, scenes that were that can be compared to those crime scenes were discovered in rostov They fought that's the worst of catherine was, could cure word while then the thing, but what is interesting is that they were mourners arrested at the same time, an boy their names were known around the russia. We only know well the tunnel in the west, but to go off kin is equity, is, as is known in is considered as one of the russia's main boogie. Now, because of the circumstances of the crimes, an extremely brutal brutality of the mouse
also those murders. There happen in a very partial area of Moscow where higher ranking officials lived. There was an next ray president of the russian federation who believes that just a few streets away from where found the bodies, so it made a huge impact on the most provide said, the time you gonna, displaying the local museum of crime in moscow on drafting with pictures of these ratings and some of the things that were recovered If he's garage way kept some of his victims, you write that at first he attacked people and didn't have this garage. This thing built this torture. Do yourself torture chamber bill yet, but when he had the opportunity bought a car and he bought and build the start to build this garage with this hidden again, torture,
amber with rings on the walls, and so that is the same. Clarity to John wayne Gacy in that he had the privacy and he had the abyss to do what he really wanted, which was to humiliate and torture and horrify he's young men that he abducted? What's so sweet chersonese? That endeavour p modus operandi to them to the garage. annie with the usual year, asked them if they were interested in russia. A thorough june Peter saw a house where there was vodka. variables at the time when they agreed
go with him and to commit the crime leading this. His room is when he decided that they would die cause for him. He needed this moral justification to kill them too. He would tell them to jumping the hood of his car so that day with the there would be hidden and there would not be noticed by anyone and instead of driving them to face that they would rob you delete them. Please garage forced them into the basement. Anyone Attach them to do the ring in went, torture began its eerie, how much he either from Gacy are or how much he shared characteristically would Gacy, because Gacy based dismal There is also on that these guys were of low moral character and very much like a sergei, asserting that these guys, while because they were weak and and we're going to commit the crimes than they deserve to die, exactly does,
It is interesting to note the cemetery similarities in dynamics. It we well know an american syracusan, so no lesser known russian sphere tears and sometimes you have equivalent of fate. For example, richer ramirez, there's an equivalent to return, whereas we take away. My first book was called a night creature instead allow the blood talk here and now in this book that this criminal, who is based, here I e a russian john when gacy throwing things interesting to see similar tactics used by those offended. it's too low the victim to to do the crime scene. Of course, there are differences, for example, the mobili keys, important to the fact that in russia shades it was this time harder.
You your vehicle so usually yeah. They would pick up victims that cleaved around their place all day with just for observing the woods and kill them in the woods, but for these specific fender for laughed in his signature? could he can't when he bought a car because he could ever deeper? way of learning down and doing them to a specific place way he killed them. He developed this garage for several years. He built it, we need, the ends and It was in the middle way. These crimes preach was not even at the beginning of his crimes. He was already a serial killer. When you start to build these garage, though he knew a more or less what he had in mind for the devil up his fantasy and develop this ideal.
creating his own dungeon, so he could devil up and act out on those fantasies. Let this as an opportunity stop to hear these messages a moment of calm by american, because if your business throw some problems where the insurance company, let's hear solutions, american national property and casualty company and affiliates springfield Missouri the moment of calm- is brought to you by american national the cause when it comes to the important things in your life like family and business being an insurance company, that's there for our clients at the right time makes things a little less stressful and as they stay in business timing is everything
american nation, relax, we're here: american national property and casualty company and affiliates springfield misery. You have another killer, featured vaseline smirnov this and which was called the neck. Romancer of I've kills in nineteen seventy nine. What is an interesting characteristic of this killer? One of the reasons why is included ass movies? very obscure case from the seventies ease. He killed five, mostly children, indeed, I think it a burger region when he was eighteen. He tried to kill his own mother so they had you a lot about her leave psyche news sent to prison for for rape, and while he was in prison, he was himself the victim of sexual
I saw any was kept as a sex slave via other inmates, because they have this year a keen russian reasons, the sexual offenders are often kept as sex slaves. I other prisoners sees your feet there on sexual depravity those prisoners and when he got out of prison was a full kid on his way to his a home was assaulted by a group of nature's is about the attack, but when you woke up his war dreams to take revenge on other people, and this is when the keating started. He got a job to learned. His craft is eventual crap that a slaughterhouse and then soon after he started tacking, didn't he
That's interesting because he slaughtered cattle and you want to use his knife skills on. Is he correct? Hymns are one of the characteristics of his crime? Is that he drove nays armies ratings victims' you jimmy is that he would drive with a hammer. Anita on these victims does not notice sufi reason why he did this, but the sub the police leading the crimes together. In total, there were a total of five murders. Some of the victims had bite marks on their flesh. At first, I thought that it was animals who tried to feed on the on the corpses, but the bite marks were two smooths and a venture. He found out that they were human by Alex, so smirnoff had tried to bite off the flesh from from his victims, but is he couldn't kiss were not strong enough to rip off the flame
It was just try, but he actually you're drunk from their blood. So do you consider that a cannibal by the idea that the russian police, you said it? Finally, a woman comes forward recognising him ass, her rapists, and so he feels cornered when the police come to his home. What happens credible, is that he actually set fire to his own home because he knew that it would. Evidence in phase on connecting to other rapes and possible nurse three current his own aus and left. He was, irina, the apprehended, but not before making a final He can say he raped a young girl in a park. He was nearly lynched by the law course, but the the police that he nina custody Annie to confess to a file called crimes, including the crime that was not
even report. He does a murder because he had left his victim on an open road at the weekend was run over by car, saw the priest for that had it was an accident he was found to be seen and sent to weigh firing squad, but what Pressing about the case is that there were rumours in saint petersburg about him but being executed but being kept in the sea. could sell somewhere in russia where scientists would studies brain. So, of course, it was just a rumor. He was executed, but that's an interesting anecdote concerning this particular murderer, as he had confessed to having tried to cannibalize one of his victims. But he also said that he ate some parts of the bodies of his other victims than a yes. What is ready holding, the scale of cases is to know if the person is telling the truth or not, because you cannot three final,
evidence of cannibalism. Unless you actually find the remains in place it's all you so it's always difficult to see if the person is telling the truth or not, but even the personality of the it is possible highly that you really get those things, and this proves that he actually beat them. So it's extremely possible that he actually parts of their flesh and ate them to. Let's talk about one more incredible killer in case the ill shat, whose a cough three kills. We mentioned him before you mentioned before ninety. Ninety five called him. The cook very interesting background to have an influence, tell us what he witnessed when he was young. Insert, was from the ST petersburg region as well. He witnessed the of
mother, by his own father? So of course that in france is psychological state when you Is it your man? It happened when you was eleven and he beat her. Wheat is bare feet, so you can you. imagine the violence. Then he deemed peat is his minors as low as a young boy. He said and he is most of his life in and out of mental institutions. He said that he had a total as a bet but speed with a hammer when he was a boy today then gives you an idea of his mental state ass. He spent some. I mean the soviet army, but doing during his time in the army, try to kill one of his colleagues and bade him with a ranch actually known tat. He was and two were to prison, but frenzied psychiatry
Guy him with schizophrenia. Phooey was cried mandatory treatment the play frederick clinic, but he was released a few years after and what's creese that He started to get a from for that. Yes, according to russian law, when you are diagnosed with a severe psychiatric care condition, even if you commit a crime you get from the state. even got this treaty. You it's more floods in central saint petersburg, yet even by the state wild as partners, of the programme that there for psychiatric patients, this hissing geese flat that killed three persons. So each time it was the same story would differ. and someone that had met in a mental institution, and you would dream quidem before that person invite him to his place and when
He would make advances on them because a movie he was was gay so and that person refused the advances his when he would kill them and he gives free persons like that. What's crazy is that you know what's happening in the course of several yes. It's time you would get rid of the remains around is flat, saw just a few blocks away from where he lived. in the open air, for example, would leave their head in a box in the middle of the street? The police would find it just a few hours later. It would investigate some but it's time you would get away with it. The first time there decided to re displays and it where they found human remains an equal. As to the tree. Crags you're talking about a severed head and you're talking about body parts in a glass jar from this guy, and also that he is the only person in this book when we talked about the
beginning about people's motivation for cannibalism in the twenties in the thirties the soviet union and ukraine for cannibalism was hunger, and this guy claims that, because his generous pension with the government after the soviet collapse was now not very good at all that he actually didn't have the money. First, the basics and reason Where did the cannibalism because of hunger? Yes, even said that she'd never want to kill anyone, but that he was so hungary that It was his only way to get actual meat because meat was so expensive in those times, especially saint petersburg. The city really suffered from for a moment the crazy economy cool prizes in the night, his dad didn't have the basic foods lies like sugar and bread, so he said that, as a result, he had health problem? You suffer from malnutrition and issue
the reason gift, the priests. When I explained the crimes, he said that he didn't really want to kill them, but that he was so angry that pushed him to commit those crimes. He was eventually sentenced and again, or was he sentenced to what they deem him, although he was released from criminal liability, yes and sent for compulsory treatments today see keep psychiatric hospital with intensive supervision. So it's a special they need if you will, but they keep the criminally insane and all the murder charges is, but he dropped procedure is out there. The system, whereas thank you now he's still alive reserve. Seven years old now and his team. It is some way take outreach institution, but I doubt that you will be ever bees here again. It interesting that he was matched with cellmate. What was the cell make and dig it up
interestingly. So the summit he had very first months where he was in prison was completed of cannabis. Isn t yet tenable, as the drinking companion to while the other is made worse. So afraid of him. The prison where away was kept in the beginning that your dear person wax reacts happy to share a cell with him with it was another category, so that does your led up the fear that he spread around even in prison. You say he still alive, but what did the press report in the early two? Thousands in the early two thousand. The press report that had died meeting that was at the hospital in, but this was the bartender on seventeen june administration of the hospital confirmed that he was still alive and he continued to undergo the cost of treatment prescribed to in the wars of the institution you have, but this book together.
There will be another collection. What was just the most profound characteristic that all of these other than cannibalism and all of these pillars contained what are the common traits among all those. Can you always get diction to human flesh? Most of them were willing to share recipes on how the cooked it they're described, how addictive it was for them, and the pleasure that you re actually doing it too. trusting trade eat so so interesting how the media is the shaming those stories and perpetrates the might of the russian terrible which well agree to these, not a night since, as I told you before, one third of the Europe is that I studied when I was research in mayor. First book have committed
cannibalism in one form of an or another, and all of these people seem to provide some right. Generalization for the murder, but very much there seemed to be no, rationalization, obviously, but many of them talking about superseding the morals of humanity. With this becoming superman, based on these transgressions, dairies disbelief in most of them, that's what they did to me. it the stronger physically stronger and some of them said that they were justified in doing what they did, because they were clean thing society wrong. It's bad agreements, something that you find, for example, indicate the last case that I covering the book, keeps a variable,
You're a case from kazakhstan involving Sri male nurses from a psychiatric hospital S. War were killing sex workers in the capital of kazakhstan. Their moral justification was that their seeing themselves as cheap cleaners- that's how he called himself. So there is this all justification that you fire finding some of those individuals- yes, absolutely I wanna. Thank you so much for coming on and talking about your book, rushing cannibals addicted to human flesh. What for people that want to take a look? Tell us about your website, but also What is new on the horizon or unique, o koyo, you too,
the bulk on my website, https www, dot, serial pleasures, dot, com or amazon de two versions of the book. There is a hardback version and the soft cover this is the second book in a series of five books that I will be doing on the subject of russians. Here are curious, yeah right to take some time in between each book, because he demands a lot of research. a lot of energy to so, but then really proud of those books. I am trying to focus on stories that's not three well known in the west and deserve since some man, some attention, Those stories tell a lot about the mines.
Serial killers in the minds of a repeat offenders from a different perspective from what is interesting, is to also explore the culture that differences in culture in our culture might sometimes in inference those that those killers. Even go down and see many of the similarities between western and eastern us, Harold kittens at each nationality and for russia, which is a gigantic country. Each region, as it's soon specialities, specialties or tiberian are different from the ones that operate around saint petersburg, moscow, for example. So it's refill to all those differences are speaking of a russian sphere occurs I am also the creator of the next book. Did he starting a war to the we are starting with europe,
starting in Rome man next month and is the first export this guy. It's a tool. Tour will be touring several major european, It was during the next year and we will go to word u s in newcastle of years. It will be the first export this guy. Now, of course, we cover americans here kiddos, but I warn geese export to. Was so sure. Other cases around the world. So then we'd be a section of russians here, oppression, serial killers and cannibals right now I am trying to negotiate objects that belong to the between the first, the first time that england be able to see, for example, the fact that he was wearing when he was arrested or that the glass is that was arrested. We- what is
exploiting room? We have to change the chances of Jeffrey Dahmer, so Peter lying in the world with Jeffrey Dahmer glasses, one of the pairs that he was wearing. I know that one of the best easy now I can trust, he's museum in the: u s but is also pass it added. He we acquired former what he called a definite I'm a collection we'd be in our as far as well as many many many other interesting objects like canada, freezer that belong to german cannibal army niver file, other fascinating objects to throw it a major export, the first of its kind and report to be part of this event, sure it will last several years. So just
What's your what's this based on my social media, as if you want to learn all about the expo, I am on instagram and eco clue and just call official and on facebook of the of thank you. So much nicole Khloe for russian cannibals, addicted human flesh and what I hadn't mentioned was the incredible collection of two hundred and fifty photos in this book. Extra I just add to the the enormity and the magnitude of this first in a series of collection of cannibal killers will thank you so much. go clove iranian cannibals, addicted to human flesh? You have a great evening and thank you so much for this interview and good night, thank you down into a moment, of course, by american nationals, because if your business throws in problems where the insurance company, that's here, with solutions, american national property, in casually
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Transcript generated on 2023-09-27.