« True Murder: The Most Shocking Killers


2022-12-05 | 🔗
Mike Rothmiller and Douglas Thompson draw on previously secret LAPD intelligence files, a cache of FBI documents released to the authors in 2021, and extensive interviews with prime sources, including many who worked with Frank Sinatra and many more who tracked his long and fatal association with the American Mafia, notably his ongoing connection, after his original godfather was assassinated: Sam 'Momo' Giancana, who shared a lover with President John F. Kennedy.Sixteen days after the assassination of John F. Kennedy on 30 November 1963, while the singer was 'consoling' the president's widow, nineteen-year-old Frank Sinatra Jr. was kidnapped at gunpoint from his hotel room in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. A $240,000 ransom was demanded from his father. While the FBI and Nevada and California law-enforcement agencies sprang into action, Frank secretly contacted his Mafia friends for help. The Mafia believed they could free young Frank much more quickly through their underworld connections. In the end, nine people died, having been beaten for information.Revealed here as never before is the extent to which Sinatra was adopted by the Mafia. They promoted his career and 'watched his back' and, in return, Sinatra danced to their tune. New information disclosed here shows that Sinatra also offered to spy for the CIA. Inside sources say Sinatra wanted the CIA to intercede to stop an investigation into his gaming license in Las Vegas. But the CIA declined because they were already working with the Mob and were concerned Sinatra would learn of the Mafia's connection to the CIA and leak it. FRANK SINATRA and the MAFIA MURDERS-Mike Rothmiller
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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I'm a you are now listening to true murder. the most shocking killers in true crime. History and the authors that have written about him g Monday Dahmer her night stalker we another fascinating author talking about the most shocking and infamous killer crime, history, murder, with your host worse than other than happy good evening. My both miller and douglas thomson drawn previously secret lapd, intelligent files, a cache of fbi documents released to the others in two thousand and twenty one, an extensive interviews
Crime sources, including many who work with frank sinatra and many more who tracked is long and fatal association with american mafia, notably his ongoing connection after his original godfather was assassinated. Sam momo, Jean connor shared a lover with president john F Kennedy. Sixty days after the assassination of john F Kennedy on november thirtieth, nineteen sixty three while the singer was consoling the president's widow. Nineteen year old, frank sinatra, junior was kidnapped at gunpoint from his hotel room and lake tahoe nevada, a two hundred and forty. thousand dollar ransom was demanded from his father, while the The eye in about a california law enforcement agencies sprang into action, rank secretly contact. It is mafia friends for help the mafia believe they could free young frank much more quickly. through their underworld connections. In the end, nine people died having been beaten for information revealed here. Isn't it
before is the extent to which Sinatra was adopted by the mafia. They promoted his career and watched his back and in return sinatra, dance to their tune. New information disclosed here shows that Sinatra also operate. Despite the cia inside sources, say: Sinatra wanted the cia to intercede to stop an investigation to his gaming licence in las vegas, but the CIA decline because they were already working with the mob and were concerned Sinatra would learn of the mafias connection to the cia and leak it. The book there were featuring see evening is frank sinatra and the mafia murders. With my special guests, journalist, arthur and former or denies crime. Detective microsoft, miller, welcome back to the programme and thanks So much for this interview MIKE Ross miller, my vibration meagre. Thank you very much for this interview and congratulations on your latest book. Thank you. Let's start with europe, ground? I just mentioned it org
Nice crime, former organized crime in lapd, tell us about your background The information that you were a privy to you and douglas times in your co author and the origins of this book and although the resource there was necessary my background. The idea was there years died. I work control, over training answer. I would advise information and an ambiguous sergeant anna. the supervisor and less I'm here, absurd times, even organized crime, dollars, division and women. and the elders gathering intelligence on the mob. I'm anybody bewildered our not only in southern california, but across the country and in some cases in foreign countries of these this device detectives that were there. When I worked there, we never made one a. It is amazing, arrest them.
being intelligence and we're gap, and how gatherings as an example, we had you guys in the room were wiretap experts as all they did. Even Are you gonna get wiretap? There were other guy Would you like bags? Yes, the eyes in breaking your house thing for business in them the minor no, they searched. It, gives the information they want and then leaves running down there, I was going on it's instinctive ginger hoover and with the fbi was doing gathering the aims on the ridge. The famous and all of this is the power. Does exactly what the intelligence, was doing all the time and that actually started. Nineteen thirty You know the commission started again: years I had access to all of the secret dossiers and files arm. but he did match there probably were fifty two hundred thousand people in the files and of those
Entertainers attitudes imagines that answer. Marilyn monroe origins, the kennedys jerry and the governor california, his father background, former governor and people from various countries, And there was they Does the new york chicago detroit miami kansas city or knows terrorism in Spain, where there was a mob dimension, but there were. There were a lot of alleged observer in the pocket of the moon. The word came from that's what I had access to. I had access to a lot of the very confidential information yesterday I had because I was launching pardons justice, organized crime strike force in their lives? So I was working with them on our irish townsend's providers, a lot of information, so that's information coming from what I was doing some were now as this one
estimation and went back to the information that I really do Many years ago, when I was doing at work and then also I found many, information ass, a man and drawing the classification of use for information I've never been released by the asked me. I was young state. Gorman seekers terms you name it, and I also, got a lot of information out of more guards and out of all data banks, there was described user It was a welcome information and results from matter running down former wrong for some people, Madame formation, backroom and also people who were larger. And we never knew what he was doing- was bars the mob and with a mamma. It's answer you found These people were still around them, they're running thompson, s back, I want the information from you re Originally in the book chapter called the sicilian, and you talk about
frank sinatra, sicilian origins tell us a little bit about his background and what his parents did and his ascension as a singer in america. when he was born in new jersey and his father was I hang around on the more back when he would please don't work for them. We want to be a boxer. Islands bartender sulphur and he was running the americans, for them knew better word. Pudding is by the results of all in an abortion, climate and soil framework, watching the mob guy random watching his parents, so anything was being god as a child, but normally you're that your parents do and grow up in their associates. You think it's alright against the way the world runs and so therefore geiger on and he started working out
very young and so bars and so forth, and he was saying, as he got a little bit older in his late teens, he was paying for a sandwich and maybe a pack of cigarettes in a local bar that was won by some vermont guys and that's where he got his first taste of the mob and a first introduction to the mob, and they they liked him. He was a good kid. They thought he could sing, and so they became friends and as taiwan. Are there was the mob you won't. Even here, while some other guys through were really moriarty. Who was just for better generals godfather? That would have fifty thousand dollars to advance his career and that's what really anderson. What we know today, what happens? He also learned earlier about breaking contracts because he had a contract where forty three percent of his money went to tommy dorsey tell us about that contract right.
seen that before a movie, but it was very true that north they hadn't blocked in ferment from four lies in forty three percent and you want. Out of it. So he went to his ears godfather only more yachting in alone. Another guy wasn't enforcer that word former incorporated they win Adrian more business, forcing added and they had a shower, then suddenly they dropped the contract. upper dollar right now or you're going to die and it may have pulled out a gun pointed up to able to sign or sign the contract way it was he did and because of that Frank was, I am very, very happy one because he got out of the two now he owed the mob a great deal and he paid for his entire life
Tell us about his ascension as a performer, and you had mentioned at the mob, was spending money to be able to help his career, but tell us how the mafia controlled the clubs and in his ascension as it performer and before we introduce sidney core, shack and joy Rosalie Lee was performing and more blood for better from living. There are large or small, rounded see that junior work and they will have the man they were game whenever they paid him for that might saying ass. He was indebted to them, and so they kept it. family when someone wants to go air and lay form sullen some at his own Would you also bad start should be established as things are you think of any? major entertainer today. That's funny, a very young singer, and so you have the groovy, young, kids and his those was near girls teens, nothing, everything, third
that's where it all shortages famines and they just kept that going their various clubs as gifts, stand. tell us about sam and jean corner and the relationship that the balance between sinatra in him sangi was at that time godfathers animal welfare. We was running out. And he was momo- was animal, the guy had a temper, but he knew enough to keep it under the infrared palms and so not from watching em and ones it's known him because he knew he could elevates. I'm in the entertainment world and samson delights, and can I go now government a dozen situation. So I needed him under his and human rights on the way Brandon. Then disk always do the singing gig somewhere else them
to do is make it all and also yet again, and so that was the help that he was giving a browser, Kennedy John Kennedy was running for from president. Is Joe candy contact sangi encounter and larger Anne frank, many measures does an analog drownded do I need they did the bags John lennon, MR konrad armies, those and right one dunes and she had brought him and they had while restated about it, was desirable or helping and see what can be done. There they are better than they brought in the election of room tasks and innovation. So There was a long standing relationship and also assigned whereby there's account name a large that it suddenly tommo Anne frank, was the guy, you suppose Leon, but was raised them you're gonna, put most money and joint, so salmon governor undercover, be was
was to be there because about gaining restrictions. Anyone stay in the cabin and frank and also what would happen if I don't get it. They talk about family. Even secretly visit They would supplying it with prostitutes or anything warm and so that got San Juan to know. They are more than one about the journey down, but also to give them in line and is mine and as such went by a gal named Judith exner. You know, sam from and there he became his girlfriend. Sanjay got his girlfriend and at the same I'm an he was introduced, kennedy, ass, yours or taking their job get an answer. That was rather interesting because now sangi, honour and blackmail information down, and so one day
There was a wiretap on hoover's people put a wiretap on a sam on his cornerstone in chicago and kennedy. Was president and he'd call to speak with Judith, he didn't realize What do you answer? The unit was there he. The and these being regarded the whole time, and so that was agreed, for the it is asked to take He had a meaning of robbery and they wanted the state- and he wasn't your brother talking to scowl about. What's it going to do and what they done in the and you know what phone number that is Jim Robinson did melons as that same gene from his house that same gene from his girlfriend and your brother is also doing judah bachelor. So at that time was basically, we had The game was white male candidates and knew tat. He would never be. Fire began the information was even so, it was
very long fur bearing in their relationship? and agreements that were made becomes, and jean prada Frank sinatra, Judas that's near and the candidates, it sounds like a movie but something real and what was senator supposed to do in his rule but with, counting on him to do specifically the marble, the mark. Will the mob, we're hunting for the they thought they were good at that once they were tight and they really got the lives. They took John Kennedy over the wrestle, the president. They thought mister gray. They always because they got John Kennedy. They made a deal with John Kennedy on his ass I think that even better to the deal and they were looking for just no involvement There's the I just come a gasp of the mob activities. Aging venomous running drive for those prostitution, extortion, whatever they thought. There
a free hand in their turn forms? Did you wanted them? But what happens? Robert Kennedy was appointed turned general, which they never saw coming at least thirty to investigate this. Laughter he got the mob, and so these are betraying am was no love was at that point between the mom and james gang and also frank sinatra, because he was the middle man you're wrong, and so they were upset with a number of people, but they didn't know why at that stage: price, not your being a middle man, but what were the people that were in the crosshairs of Bobby Kennedy related to rational? Well, a lot of them didn't average whence demonstrates not they're. Just long guys and different families around the country and though out of the water. The mob guys never met
they were battles. They were lower down soldiers nervous, but would you Please do not try to organised crime has a low hanging fruit. because that way using yet them they're the ones- robert doing the crimes for better term, and you can see then hopefully turn them into rolling over the person that they worked for and you keep going up the chain of command. So that's what they were hoping for as far as the o J and the having said that were never have a vibrant and started to happen. So their vision, or hangs dies. There was causing a lot of stress the mob. They didn't know what was done to turn format and they are also focusing on the higher up some of the mob forces they won t browser- it was a very intense time- is, irs investigations in the monster starting fight back, so there was their situation
got a war that started, but nobody knew how? Then you chronicle- this in your book here incredible book, bombshell about marilyn monroe and Bobby Kennedy and john angina kennedys rule in her death. You talk about frank sinatra and Marilyn Monroe. Being a middle man in a different way with the candidates yeah in bonds door. Just ass, he was prevented from setting up among the candidate peter offered, and so does we wanted the introduction game with Marilyn monroe and then the as their starting jets enemy and ask energy from belgium down, for whatever reason then his brother what was the man down that jack was lacking, anything you, and rather than starting with men, Can you name at that stage?
We must involve almost metal, but also Sinatra was still friends with the cannons and an azure at his house. Springs had a ring built on because it was this understanding. Sweet you that John Kennedy was. flying Adele s present them and use them stay. It's not this house, I'm palm springs and that was jumped down, Are you bear a huge at all around me telephone lines, anthems, jig reserves, thereby because Robert told him about his connections to the mob. can't you probably already knew, but never laid out for that one and that it would have been a very bad idea from president spend time frames and lots of cells. Strangely, is there will be no watermark guys down there at the time, so he backed out at the last minute sinatra was furious, as the knobs are at that point basically started to hate
and he also start taking it out on peter offer, because walford was at that stage use a brain roared again. Family and Sinatra was not happy at all and also at the time either marlboros married to honour the gist of the tens and sent off having an affair with earth or legal costs in the cannons backing it up all the time. Seasonal said he was very upset that after having an arab peter off of wise john Robert Kennedy that everything fell apart and we thought it was done so close over the present levels of white house, but is connect instead, the mob already met was that, yes, the relationship suffered somewhat as a result from that there was. There were some name calling tell us more about that campaign against the? U S, mafia, well,
please don't going on some time? Was Robert Kennedy came an expanded? investigators, he had the oj, attorneys prosecutors, sighing just going after the mob, then send him groups of companies in investigators, the fbi, your jane in cities such as chicago detroit discharges Mr gama go after they were trying to many of them as they could be indicted, and there was this the main question, and there were some indictments. There were a lot of everything situations where they are in trouble. He will come to a hearing situation. They happen It was a job them over connections then naturally deny knowing anything. No knowing these people were so on, everybody knew he was lying at that stage, but the investigation went on really until yesterday was dead.
And then they started to run down. It was a very intense wasn't relax trying, but it's difficult to indict mob passes with that one of the couples below their most dangerous chemicals. the former, is just as nearly impossible, and so they went on as long as the good ones He was assassinated, was pretty much over shortly after the assassination we mentioned in the introduction. Something happens regarding francs and his family and you ve turned up kidnapping yessir shortly after gypsies destination. I love your junior was playing at a hotel, lake tahoe stirring singing earlier and he was kidnapped, flam mis, don't tell room, and nobody knew we did this at the time, but he was tied up his gags on the car for people, kidnapping or driving your leg, and so, when frank heard about it, you would think that
was all will be in place. The f b I as he could have gotten a hold of the head or just the eye, and so what's going on, How are you doing a story that investigation around? You didn't do. That is when the geographic, because he as most people then thought that was volume, some love, guys kidnapping and there, the all after sands, you gotta throw down we'll just see what I can do get my people on it, though for palmer was, does his next call? my journey, the regional body out, I was almost answers and friday was monster. way back using it men, the number of people and so forth and is not yet on a right away and see, you can find your son find out kidnapping for him love that that would be the best way to power, because They were more likely to find these people quicker than the police were so that one Add them
He went out to people that he thought erosion could have involved. Have knowledge of this is the mob? Does the comet, as the bar of the and the guys turned up it. A number of other ones is banned. Insane again and, as it turned out the evil that kidnapping work for better for them all eyes. signs, a great idea makes money and they were captured. Asterophyton junior was freedom sands and they work in the body. Nothing you do they just want some college kids, It didn't gather deciding hey we're going to go kidnap somebody for ransom, that's pretty much exactly what happened and they were all eventually captured and convicted, so that was neat I'm always go again shadows. When his friends did then the same time, he still owed a favour or still out there another favor to sam g in canada.
SAM you gotta for many many things, one other thing in the movies and geared to entirely sent out for one of the art, it was don't give it time and they went mad. A chap samson guys out. Our job instead of primary interest them and it was, though you're going to have frank, the the fray or you're dead, and that's how frank got art. So that was one thing and then braves owed a lot in the chicago outfit chicago mob. Many months lawn stems using it. There are a couple of brothers. He was extremely close, It means that any brothers they work as was done. They worked random, frog and their number. People died with their hands, and so any time frame I'm your bags and sick. I remained area, one. The bible, and here he would stay with them at their house and two others in he would go
with them. Just hang out with an army was there and he got a lot of it them, such as the guys back there, Cargan was Jensen he would show up. And opening as the saver or you do a commercial for them, so he was indebted to them and also, I think he probably feared them, because he knew it You broke up almost among the people and what they are doing for sangi potter at the time as salmon. taking over the shop. There has been fear. Nelson was there but Frank had an enormous risk that's for the mob and he was just intrigue by them and they were movie stars and salmon, feel they would get together and they were just admire above the buzzing wasn't away and they were just freedom is the king edward. Did you walk into a restaurant? Never there, they would stand up, say hello
How are you this evening? Southward and there was ass things bent down and they would They were endless above the wanted dinner. With them, or have a friend have dinner with them, you gotta they were doing in the wind and once again there was a lot based on respect for respect in fear, and they will talk about. There was no more than frank about how many people bugsy kill them already obama was his preferred. The only people- superb they just intrigued by that and are ill in a period where the people spoke. then Frank started taking other persona as boy. Poverty is a tough guy when there is the matter is that the time is right. People have worse than me and more fear, so it was an interesting dancing
there are growing between them, but bugsy was always the one on the west coast. Are they bout room and then they were very luggage into giving the weasel He would do things because they knew it was basically just get mad. So there's fears that are going cross sooner, As you have an interesting story about mary, oh and the guy Father, Anne frank sinatra, interest in that movie and sydney core shacks rule in the whole thing is well. Can you tell us this briefly about that? You are always isn't. He was an attorney in los angeles, beverly hills and he was probably one of those people people within the in the street. He represented a lot of entertainers model, studio execs, but also he are better we'll do our own, a unions in los angeles, and so when he wanted something done. All he do is make it
and there he got frightened grow water things as far as means and entertainment, but also sidney. an hour, if you wanted to shut down, studio really means you just made a call and nobody was jobs. Work had stood You women a lot of power and then ass time went by frank represent me. I'm a number of issues and he would then as the middle man between whenever find wanted and wherever you want to get it. An evil new sidney they newest reputation. They knew that city was very welcome it was the mob and their own rules that were found wisdom, people read them broken bones and were ill because of guinea. But does he was very sharp? Very true really are all about what that is as an opportunity to stop for a second here from our sponsor, which is zip recruiter. It's tough to run a business and hire people for your business aspect,
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some other people which ended up being brando and software, so they try and tried again but where's the negroes jack and for some reason they just kept playing it at that time to get him it's that moving you ve been upset because animal winners and we're gonna be there's an entertainer was a singer. Am the godfather blame bearing or are if into a movie and launching a career and hours all based on the novel. Yes, so just wasn't anything situation, what is really part of it, in a better, since the donkey drama on french lies are just that one in there and they won't. Thank you, wanna be a narrow sense too. One sided, control, art or more is being said, and also now me a good job for him to take five times in together.
When it just didn't work out you right in this book, and we haven't spoken about it, the behaviour and the attitude frank sinatra and some of the ideas well as affairs and some of the things that he did, that the mob counted on and used to their advantage. The outside he had one of your affairs as you know, a lot more problems than we were my eyes, he saw himself in a way almost been coming on, sensible man smiled ass. He was up there with the mob godfathers, so a lot of people around the energy industry within the mob. They were getting upset because he was done drawing a lot of attention to himself. Then the mob felt was necessary having affairs and don't they calm down, slow down you don't even hours. There recently haven't bribery travel across the to vegas.
someone cells were no reason to know about it, but it's just that I'm doing things in his own fashion and then he became jealous of everybody, stone dating in a gardener, and then he went out a couple drives of peter offered the pumps before viewers married and he was so upset. He call offering bases written of as he better never being able to go out with her or anything where he's don't take care of, and that's what frank was what is more. I am thinking at the moment. Just gonna want somebody because he's upset with immense the way it works man. So I went on. I bet that gave the F b. I a lot of reasons This gave me a wiretap so on and so forth on his phone and other people's phones and remember the payments when he was in tears
it's a function at the same thing, lapd channels. Instead, when he was in l, a had him under surveillance and would use him leaving palm springs, I think we need challenges about upon springs. As de who, rivers, guinea, together with sport. As a woman, I see what market He was meeting. Where am I that are duly inform. Were they give information on him. Mom anybody, the associated with himself pretty much when arm with them. Wing affairs- and there was a time when he was drawn to my attention and some guys- Lamar talked about having him yet killing to stop it. and and Sarah wanted him yet, but then he was a heads of people, arab james man, mobs and now their word that if they did that one user money maker from the two that words are enormous amount of heat from law enforcement,
As far as somebody once again jill, frank sinatra, ages, background backward and then he didn't year when he had a gaming license that he lost in nevada at the cal neva lives and since he later as time went by years later wanted to be tom, better than you read for came at a major resort in aids. I am Once again the articles of gaining permission to give their licence, so there was reported. there is no getting so you get paid twenty five thousand dollars a month for the job, we would out bring in other they name entertainers their performance at the casino restore sonya, wasn't going well harry reading the former sent around but that it was I'm going to miss him and he thou, clean and crimes may be met, so not farmers,
dirty disguised as a bomb them off and some work, and you would never give him again well now, is that back to sing coarser returning vegas said they had very good friend It was an attorney and that I am very hiring them all. Just a dozen years, the nevada and so they had a meaning. That attorney went back for bankers and very red. Instead, we need a check they got together in a more general room. They had a chance and airy last with a brief dates, from the sky, and now it was obviously passion. So shortly after that I was coming up for the licensing incident very often meaning in a hotel room said so large. A great guy downloading in france. We,
I give them the same rights as they gave him a game rise, and so this brian alot of Allah gene that went on in the battle for time seafaring ring He knew what to do and as they did his attorneys. That came through for him on that. In an injury license, you write about his connection to carlo Gambino. As far as the government is involved, and you call them the boss, boss is what comes of that connection in terms of photographs showing able together, and in the boy there's a photo or sinatra about, or my bosses and then some other couples are together we do and Carla was the at that time, he was the man he was the most powerful mob boss in the country and probably the world, and so
that's. What I wanted to be around you wanted is: was they his hour? His protection is endorsements and his influence, I being with himself, you must get out of being. Cairo are lower. The timing is no gentlemen, and I see I must be frank them. he told his friends, then they they went back, they met him and then a when carla was still in power through franks jellied. Through an attorney. Will contact carlo and asked for a favor? and sometimes they were big savers sometimes mob. The franks was not. Almost ending his request to orwell from any more bankers. He knew that carlo will get upset that he kept calling and asking for loads of favors. Recent polls go to cut him off, so he was selective in his request
harlow and people, but there are articles. I wasn't going to ask them anything literal yet, and then he would make a call. And one of his people were made for them, I asked him the hanging. Now it must now drawn whatever these wars, and generally people were not refused him. You write about today, seemingly similar ransom and kidnapping of his son emmanuelle manny, again be no tell us. Happens in that case is the matter. Once again. There is a kidnapping and Our well being in decision was, he was the one stand for this and the european union back, but all the people out on the street all of the soldiers and they just spanned out across really the country will find out brewers and bloggers and to basically
now. What does he? People then ended a bad thing. The body been found. Then it was just that bad the my boss. Back then, there's a my boss, There's a lot of our or you don't mechanism. It doesn't matter what You just did master them, so did his best there, like any more. your father would do. This is our opportunity to stop for a second for these messages at her. She picked, This was candy lane. We ve got more than just your neighbors light, shone like five million twinkling life, more willing, posters, town of decorated, trees, family rights and the past hot chocolate around christmas granulated. Open, daily, save on tickets today and hurt you park dot com, mary
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the CIA wanted to kill castro. The number runner leaders, though they want to I mean robber, may you who was the former is behind jane. I was bored with our views at the time and they may ask meeting the mob and he did, and so they gus gather some among them and therefore we want we want cast roadkill and so sam about an hour day, was reading. The only gave some ideas, but it never occurred china was daily, was warm and join them Johnny was out on waste disposal. John, he was real running the mobs, interesting studio and so As time went by all of a sudden. Instead, I think they start investigating this name. Is europe
yea being a ballroom children's and some four ran sam was sent to test the vile and there he was at his house really believes that it has never been used in preparing a meal for himself. and the sausage peppers and somebody he knew came out. It was in our life It was thomas respond, a man and there s an backgrounds shouted at several times. That happened just before Just by information that the central committee and then Johnny roselli was also involved in setting up the deal to kill castro used to testify before the tent and then he vanishes and his body found stocked in a five gallon drum floating in florida. The whilst respecting the towns and wisest matter wounded
bob them or was the cia, or was it the mob doing it at the behest of the cr them, and so they're aiming replacing these two guys job, which is cilantro great extent, because he knew these guys need your well and they're. So he was so concerned that, among other reasons than to get a game, was he wanted the idea and often become spies and bears they. enjoyment is, I was liking it and see people all around the world heads estate, the royal family in england and so for them. I could talk about the origins and I didn't come back and you can the reasons why the doubt and dear thought about it: they didn't take him up on then took other people. They didn't take him up on the beaches. They were mainly concerned with the nights are running, We are dealing with a larger than he would somehow.
I'll find out that the aims of review with the mob, Sangi, prouder generals downward all these guys as a lot and they were there. Very concerned that a wooden leg in some fashion, either bragging about it or what he wanted their health james dolphin. Stopping yes, The ice was near them and also getting is gaining licence back than that. they didn't write them down, the aim. In this case, they were smart enough to know that now. We're not going to take frank, adorable arms and have also been doing is under cover up now just was gonna work out an injustice because he was the others can any ass, though he had a temper. So that's not what you,
incidentally, townsend scornfully. You write about the OECD, holding a huge darcy on sidney, core shack and his class and friends said, which include the biggest names in entertainment world. At that time. Oh yeah, yeah when I was not the ideal said I'd access founded dossiers in sydney was known for years and years and private mostly Ivan about his connection to the mob and is our during his things was in other parts of the country and not just some politicians, and so going through his file. It was interesting to see how many hours People with new came in this dream of driver, has its own rules and The challenges are never, major major in cameroon, sir edward dean, martin back when the time comes,
and the red pack and everybody else was the vaguest crowd all the people, their own hotels and casinos in vegas? They are all connected. They had access to all of me was really quite remarkable he didn't do a lot of those. Don't want them in their respective roles. The chinese you just have to make a phone call. You can send something down or you can make an album and he could compete with the other kids. You can just call the header studio and several major after everything, ably at my office tomorrow. I want at all and they get a job and work out a good deal. So more powerful than people know, and its dignity or not being the taliban in the bar. He had in some respects more power than some the mob asses do because His impact on the union's ends is safe.
sidney It was the real and think geringer mass things does now, as you did on many other and there they were kind. I know already were changed to balance the need when travel sunrise, the single california, and the idea was followed him. There were times when he had met a man go to the white house. There are precedents for authors and have a bribe me The present there we are, engines will the try to get the long white house invisible when he visited strange thing. Dana's people were taken off alarmingly. Yet no single service people that they have never the prison so It's a lot of our being will do a lot of them That would be an open, a waters, political It was our main aim to all its citizens,
back then away to entertain is found the politicians you right. sidney. Carjack course. Shack knew how them Bobby, and made Sinatra right from the beginnings and also how we made it always as easily as possible for free, sinatra, he really made frank sinatra didn't idea, because it is our. He also saw money. There were represents. Not so you learn as the larger coming up, and it is because they are denied or ways A new revised analyses going up in stature. The strange thing now said he got more involved once more sitting. Thirdly, representing one and running interference for their manners, frank you're. An issue with who was, or that didn't involve the bar city, was stepping in and handle and so city. In a sense,
became the godfather in the legal terms of his attorney, but he would also control a lot that of frank did and who he cranked out from or to the spring said he had a temper. He would do some stupid things the times and cindy was able to tackle that their economic adjustments out and also the instruments we have to deal with Tom sidney. Just a ban and ask somebody a case, rob, or it will never be annulled I sponged him just go away, didn't, say I'll handle this don't get involved on the first place, an eagle directions and chief of police valet and all of a sudden you say that frank sinatra, lifelong denial of having any connection to the mafia. But you say frank sinatra: wasn't a made man,
but the mafia certainly made him exactly that's what lies and his crew boil down to him they took them under their wing. They turned him away what he was sports entertainment and becoming a superstar, and they would protect him when it benefited them and that's the way the attire as one she became owner, and while these markers a dialogue is our They are also remark you right in the postscript, because it shows stopper frank sinatra: dies at eighty to you told in west hollywood and ninety. Ninety eight tell us what is and op was tribute to frank Sinatra. There's the waters journeys aid through the media and so forth. We understand that the vast majority of ninety percent of the mob guys there's nothing new.
I doubt they all dead, and so he wasn't, as some people may expect, that a big mob burn out the sending of the cemetery was just for measure almost one key in their arms entertainers and everybody else in tents, family friends, sulphur underscores the mob in attendance there will soon be raising guys that there were there that we will take the conservation names are people with no, aims at people. What no but they're all dead right in the very end. In authors, note in august, twenty twenty to tell us what you have to say about history will judge, can always be that water. we re more facts and alongside history, is blurred from the people who ve written history is free to be changed,
don't wanna people's eyes when documents that have been hidden for years decades start coming for and they I'm just story: consumption in the sullen anything when- being a candidate for the matter of retainer, almost finding out there you. Ve never knew, and we realise that not only never came upon the table and room in a certain way and only a part of their reality as it stands, or given to the problems and so bad to be reader that that's all they understood, frank flies until things start to come out and that's understood most politicians. lives. You talk about the freedom of information act and the changes to the nineteen, eighty, four and de I would like to leave releasing its declassified up files.
and this were these were invaluable to you tell us what you have to say in terms of these be files, but the value of these wiretaps. Oh, it is quite amazing. The four years that I have filed a lot of times, they'll come back but they don't want a relationship. We don't start well. I've got that charms of them, then, all of a sudden, my blade why the mouth and why I know them or give me arguments so it opened up ah a lot of people's eyes to sinatra and politicians. All the dogs will stem from funds. Then able to obtain and their regarding the transfer of lime, wire jobs when you come across are He also warns what person is really thinking, thanking our vision, but they're really thought about em I will give you a great deal of concern to us all. one example of why the gothic, using a job on transport
I've Lyndon Johnson the day after jfk was fascinating and it's very tell him reed was aching somebody on the telephone about, and then these genes are out there re use. They wait and wait a minute. Something rose. Think yourself. When you have access to telephone transcribes, provides keen insight into caused in painting and was a rationally doom and it doesnt matter as they are currently when it's never came out all occasion. You know what is really going wrong, also looking at that, when all the information stones coming out just paste are given ensure that individual letter was so. There are extremely useful, both documents extremely informative. Thank you. So much for coming on and talking about frank sinatra: mafia murders were People at my wanna take a look at this and other work of yours. You do any.
Social media website. Can you tell us about that, and I know just change you amazon, that form for books than and my name in the search in all the books, Barbara andor, exist on Sinatra is available from us now in audio and kindle, but the paperback won't be out until january, and I see that You so much frank sinatra: mafia murders. Thank you so much mike roth miller. You have a great evening. Thank you. So we read it from appearance. Wait, that's the day that excited right on no! No! No! I have maybe one piece of cheese in the house. the mustard. Oh, don't worry, we can get free same day, delivery from Bjs wholesale club if we spent one hundred dollars or more takes as little as two hours free same day, delivery from the beach a lot of relief. I owe you one sweetie good, because they're bringing armistice
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Transcript generated on 2022-12-07.