« True Crime All The Time

Christopher Porco

Christopher Porco was charged and convicted of killing his father and attempting to kill his mother with a fireman's axe. Did this young man who grew up in a normal loving family actually try to kill his mother and father to gain their money? Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the facts of this fascinating case: The evidence against Christopher Porco, the timeline of his actions in the early hours of the attack, and what was bubbling beneath the surface of his seemingly normal life. Visit our website at truecrimeallthetime.com for contact and merchandise information. Follow the show on Facebook, twitter, and Instagram. If you like the show please take the time to rate/review it on ITunes or your favorite android app.   An Emash Digital Production See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.
This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Hello, everyone and welcome to episode twenty three of the true crime, all the time podcast. Ah ferguson and with me, as always, is my partner and true cry, my gibson gibbey? How are you today a mountain well except for traffic traffic at iowa, stan traffic
gabby's lake, because he got stuck in traffic for smart traffic. It's the people are getting me fast lane that DR slow can't stand at either. near this wave in a cave, our adam s right get out. So if you're, one of those folks it out there, But behind you, nobody in front of you hear the wrong lane. Let's start with, we got some shouts today, patron supporters who gets got kay from Missouri Brandon k bell and there we got. Michel watson actually supported us through paypal, mescal, that's cool, sorority, yeah, yes, so again, I know we harp on it, but we appreciate everybody that supports us the new folks, and especially the people that have been there from the beginning or continue to support us month after month. Really appreciate gap is very much appreciated now,
Most of you are familiar with Jeffrey Dahmer. We covered him in multiple episodes. What a twisted individual mind of a monster from iD is out with a fourth season about Jeffrey Dahmer, on mind of a monster doctor. Michelle war takes us through the story, starting with Dahmer, his childhood and the first murder all the way through his death. The podcast features jaw dropping never before heard audio recordings from the detectives, journalists and others close to the case to explore exactly what happened and how his killer, came to be so. This sounds like a very deep dark and for me, anytime, you get never before heard audio from people very close to the case. Ahmet, listen to mind, of a monster on apple podcasts, spotify or wherever you get your podcasts you as always check on our website crime, all the time dot com are content, information on there. and a lot of emails about, cases, and actually the one that we're going to do today is
One that's probably been requested gives more than any kay since we started Lascaux, except for the really big ones rights, not dahmer. gay see. A lot of people say that worry, we're gonna get to those, and we ve talked about that, but we want a sprinkle those in and we the trader you stick with some of the the lesser known every now, and then when we can cause a lot of people like those click on the merchandise page, the the stickers are out there good yeah because a cold or by four with the true. Small time logo if guinness decker take a pitcher and posted on our social, So we can see how it looks and take a picture to cause I think that's some e board either way either. Why both work, sir, you if you want to. You, can help support us on patriarch, just go to patron dot com, slash true crime, the time Again, I would a big ask. I would
everybody using itunes. If you would if you love the show, go out and rate and review us on itunes. It really helps us out a lot, especially you know, with the charts and allows other people to get a chance to see it. If you don't like the show, don't rate us, let's, you know this is my thought. Let's give a thought yeah, And then, last but not least, you know god or other podcast true crime, all the time unsolved wage, started a new facebook, page and twitter. To actually separating the two podcast in a week. kind of been doing everything for both true crime, all time, an unsolved through one facebook page one twitter. Now, if you out to facebook and just search for true crime. Time unsolved, you'll find our new page like as follows there and then are The new twitter handle is at tea. Cat unsolved, like is there to like,
following our everyday life, but whatever it is, they know we're not social media geniuses by any stretch. That's for sure- and I think out of people know this about us. We love the interaction and we try to respond Every single thing we get wet it's an email between instant message, whatever it is where we try really hard to respond, to every by that. Take the time to reach out to us. so I mention that this case- is one that a lot of people have requested and the case of Christopher Porco, was gonna, do a drum roll but yoga, but we're gonna go with that just go with the way I did it. Yeah I'm go with that and for whatever reason. A lot of people were very interested in this case and again outside, of the what we call the big timers. This by far Has been the most requested case and
Yeah you and I kind of talked about it before we fired up the microphones that you know. Why? Why is that? Why is it so requested, or why wise it puts the dry yeah. What's the draw? What why do so? Many people want to hear about it against an interesting case on its own, but. You throw n t kill of one's family sure- and I think that is just I don't even want to use the word fascinating because I think that's that's a strange word, but it's so mind boggling, wave think when you're on your own home, you're safe, yet why well, I would say you're safe, especially from the people that you raise yet people who love you think tat your safe shouldn't have to worry about the ones that you love yet, no doubt no doubt about it Let's talk a little bit about early life of Christopher Porco. Don't have
turn on him as much as we do in. Some of the cases but was born on July nine. Nineteen, eighty three and run by all accounts. Gibbs grew up in The normal met class, suburban household pair intact having family- this is what everybody said. so this is so far away. from we normally talk about. most of the early lives, right of the people were talking about. But again I this is kind of a pattern. Because when we about. a true serial killer, then that's. When you see all of these. Now. There's there's gotta be early warning signs here, but That's where you see them just growing.
up in a dysfunctional family and in having all this trauma as a kid, but In the cases we done where the person has just killed one person and a lot of times. It's a family member, yes m. architects back to school, peter san in the one we just did. You know with pain. Smart, I kind of, there's a pattern there were they didn't grow up in this really bad dysfunctional, family, no pretty normal life, then I think Chris Porco was who was that same way, he had one brother named Jonathan right and he was a: u s: navy officer and air I just talked about this. Guy was just a fire upstanding, young man, but again they grew up under the same house, her in same house right,
with the same rules, and presumably. Had the same. parental guide and break with ad issues. While they did First, for like two antagonize his brother, he would do things at an early age like of his brother, was playing with tinker toys, legos Whatever he would build something his brother. Would fill these really nice structures. things and he wouldn't come along and like plaster across the room. Just to be me and some of other family member said this. This went on with a lot of different things. He he didn't like to see his brother, exceed indifferent things: so he would do little at the taj, like we said red flags by you
That's that's a far cry from things we talk about low but far zero years and but someone Stuff is gonna, come out later in life with christopher, absolutely there's no doubt about it. The police said hi, my name is burglary call by the time being famous. My parents were found that I'm not going from my own area, on a school in new york. and I'm gonna dorm there hey yeah my dorm name called monroe high We are hearing from the time you knew. They call me for my parent for fun. don't know how or but my time thank you. How may have more information fiat, ok,
now, a garden one who had you condemn favor thought it would weaken it yeah to figure out, I'm not really sure okay put about three weeks ago, yeah, okay in the email. What what's going on with your email? You said or email them today, but you didn't get a response via email in the afternoon, while my dad at work. Okay, How long ago, I live in a very common man. I don't know what will arrive on earth. yeah fear that already met the condition. Now, because I am in fact or like getting my page, a number you get. There are common and anything I can do for her. Alright, yeah, ok I had so we, talk about his call. My eyes,
So to started off Christopher Porco gets a call from a newspaper basically, asking him about his parents being attacked and he calls the police department, which is what we just heard. But the That really strikes me gibbs is his demeanor tone. May he could have been ordering a pizza from darwin as you re safe, but you knew her more excitement, my voice, but I am a pizza right, I mean. If somebody had called me and said you know, some family members heard or there in the hospital or anything like that, especially if somebody's possibly dead or in a life. Britain threatening situation ip annex is or get out exactly. He had just no emotion in his voice at all, so me
think that's gotta be. The first is very alarming to me. The first thing that that kind of pops out to me so I guess from there, we we just have to jump right into what happened that led up. This call and Monday november, fifteen, two thousand for and Chris his dad Peter go here, He had not reported to work that day and obviously that's very strange for him. He was a court clerk. and because of that they send somebody from the court to check on it. Because I am assuming this guy was punctual showed up every day in so that was a big yo for him not to call or thing and just not show up. So they send somebody over there, the guy enters the home. This port officer. Discovers Peter dead,
I mean soaked in blood near the front door. Now later the medical examiner come out and say that peter died from just a massive head trauma right. Think. What happened. Gibbs is a meanness discord officer. May he hee these peter right away and here It calls the police right, so they get there. and that's when obviously they see Peter too, but there are. also discover chris for his mother, joan your joan she was ass. Speech pathologist for a local, elementary school and she's in the bed lie. just in a homage just wrenched in blood masses amounts meaning that The one thing about this crime is, it was horrific in
in the amount of anti of injuries and the amount of blood and so she had also suffered severe head and facial trauma and ultimate we would lose her. Die and part of her skull Really really bad, gotta play this clip about peter because something very strange happens They are able the police and detectives as their there there able to peace. Heaters movements that day and it just amazing. Incredibly, at some point Peter regained consciousness and got out of bed and went to the master bathroom. we can tell that he stood right in front of the mirror over the basin and bled
From the master bathroom he went down the hallway down the stairs, walk down the first floor, hallway here's the peter was wandering around trying to do his normal morning, routine, based on his injuries. I think Peter was in profound shock. He went into the kitchen and I walked around. It appears aimlessly doing mundane things like trying to empty the dishwasher. I may have been trying to make us lunch. we can tell the open the front door and at least poked his head out, because there's drops of peter blood on a concrete, porch out front at some point peter collapse at the base of the stairs and died. So this is
I mean amazing to me so please ultimately find and acts that Wong to the poor. Co's right is very quickly there able to determine that. That's the the murder weapon, And so you have to think Peter, has been vicious we attacked with this axe to the head. There, big firemen acts I mean this is not like a little patch. It there's a big acts and Suffered all these massive head wounds At some point like they talked about here, gains consciousness is able to walk down the stairs and, in some kind of almost like he doesn't realise. What's goin on psyches in shock, I am clearly ease and gatt he's doing. May coffee, trying to empty the dishwasher just doing what
his normal routine. All the while just bleeding out from the head, and then they you here talk about at one point: he try. He opens the door like he's. Gonna head outside and blood This dripping all over the the concrete. and he must have shut the door and then just collapsed is filled out. I just I just find it amazing that with the amount of injuries that he suffered because, He dies not that long after work, that he is able to get up and do all these things a sandwich. It's amazing. This is where the body works. The mine. She passed that so lets us here from the one of the detectives that was on the scene pretty quickly.
I just happened to be the one that went to that house everywhere. I looked at the downstairs area. There was blood. Literally there was blood all over the place, the very very best friend and I'm still trying to make. You know my mind, connect with the fact that Peter's laying there the air was a person I know with large hindmarsh or scope, so I jump over peter run. Upstairs I turned to look in the master bedroom and the whole room was covered in blood. He was totally incompetent. Blood falling in her face was the same. Huge marks are small, as it was probably the worst injuries I've seen, although I've seen some pretty bad ones, but I couldn't honestly say that these are probably the worst. As I looked, I could see her hands moving and I knew she was still alive at the time I felt it was personal. When I was checking the bottom floor of the house, I could see there was no breaker. There was no forced entry on the front door, but there was a key left in the door housekeeping which seems strange at the time I started getting the feeling that somebody that knows this place was that boil down to. Could it be your friend could be a close neighbor? Could it be a family member, pretty vivid descriptions,
it was much better than we can do. This guy was on the scene and at the end. You start to hear him talk about some of the clues and. of what would start to lead down certain path. there's one more thing that happens while the detective is in the house and it's gonna be central to this whole case moving forward. as you hear him say, joan still alive They know peters, dad joan somehow is alive and I dont know how, because by all accounts she suffered just The most brutal just take bout, an ax blue more well, I'm even how many was here to your face. your face in your head wrote it,
what happens is that the detective is able to actually Start to communicate with Joe sure which in self is amazing. I notice they female, laying cross ways in that bed and ass. I looked at her. She held her hand up and she was gesturing the over. I was amazed that she could do this. I walked or to her looked down at her and noticed these huge hack marks in her face. She could not speak and I knew that the possibility is that she could die any minute. I asked her a series of questions and, amazingly joan porco, could answer the questions through head knots and the answers it. She gave me absolutely blue this case wide open. She feared indicate to me who had done this to her, and I said to her: can you hear me and she nodded her head. Yes, I then started feeling that this woman knows, what's going on, I said, did a fairly
Amber do this too and she's not had up and down. Clearly, yes, now everybody in the room stand there at this point, I've got witnesses and I said to her- the jonathan do this too, and she clearly. shook her head back and forth no, but this point I knew she could hear me. I knew she understood. the answers to the questions and such were the christopher. Do this to you. and she then shook her head up and down she nodded. Yes,. Now, why say this is so central to the case I say a couple of reasons number one she implicates christopher now later on. They're gonna try to discredit that because the
what is? Can she even wish, even in a state where she could make that right, distinction But again you listen to the detective and There are other this is in the room and she is saying no to one person and you to another person and they're saying this he's doing is pretty I mean she's even moving her arms around when she's doing it right, but the problem. Is As we move along and as joan, covers Some, why me she'll never recover fully but ass. She starts to recover from her injuries. She does not remember this at all. He stands by christopher throughout this whole thing: and backs him one hundred percent.
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two: five hundred five hundred, that's audible, dot com, slash de cat or text tcp tee to five hundred five hundred right so gibbs. At this point, There are already starting to focus on christopher, the police and theirs. starting to gather some evidence at the house there looking at the house and the the it doesn't really look like a break in because well Obviously, firstly may realises that there's actual key in the door right Detective said that yeah, that's a big, that's a big thing right there and then they also realised that the alarm code was deactivated. with someone using the master code. Which is another big sign in but that it was thanks to them, because they were able to reach out to the security expert and they, what time the warm code was shut off, but then
Hours later, somebody cut the phone courts. And they know what time the phone cords were cut because the data feedback to the security office. So they know Actually, when that occurred, the police- Active, also noted that first, moms per was intact. While it wasn't stolen, it was laying out on the counter top the fathers. while it was still lay on the dresser. So if this was an act of faith, Right, I mean, and they were caught in the middle of trying to steal things. It didn't add up. But somebody try to make it look like a crime, because my the crime well yeah yeah, yeah, yeah robbery. Someone tried to make it look like a robbery, but they did have really bad job at it. Why did I think, and we
talked about this and other cases that's where a lot of people get tripped up right. They think All I know how to make something. Look like a robbery The problem is, the police are like, hundred times smarter than you, because they have seen it it's the times exactly know what real robberies and real crime. Scenes look like in their path good at spotting. Situations where people are trying to force it or make it look like I think we had that last week on endless more so me. That's a big deal right somebody's going to come in and a random person is gonna. First of how they get in the key. Second of all- how do they know the master alarm code now they could the phone line that they could do but doing at after you, ve already makes
makes no sense? You now, I think, Someone does that. Maybe they didn't want. I don't know why would you do that to me as doesn't make any sense unless you thought someone was gonna call after the fact, What are you ran out and then I think the The other thing is some it's coming in? to rob. They're gonna, take jury right, items from the purse. Cash wallets, they're gonna, take all that stuff. Electronics. the fact that they don't do that so base, What you have is just something that came in random two wheeled than acts against two people, This doesn't make sense. Why so again, these are all the things that police are putting together and it's all points being too christopher, as the best possible suspect at this point. At this point,.
now. If we said this happened on November fifteenth, it did take them very long, because it's really just late november that day actually convene a grand jury to hear. testimony about charging pressed for porco in the murder right now long just couple weeks, lot of people that are called to testify in this grand jury, and Reported to be. Some of his friends from college safety officer from the college affair My girlfriend. so they're hearing all this grand jury testimony, but they don't indict christopher Porco until november, two thousand and five that's a whole year after the attacks. and we're going to find out. Why
why we're going we're going to find out more of the evidence. that they have against him as we go along so I think we need to revisit joan Porco again. We mention the fact that after she heels up from the injuries she's adamant that christopher is not the one that did this now she is called to the grand jury pretty early on and she too, defies about happened to her that night, but does not identify christopher as the attacker, and would go on months later, to even write a letter to the Albany times newspaper that basically said, She's actually imploring the police and the district attorney's office to leave her, The fur alone and too urge for the rich
oh killer, of her husband, so point she's, all in on christopher hours, innocence I gibbs, let's get back to, Four porco am really talk about some of the things that police, covered during the investigation. I think one of the thing that they found out very early on there was a lot of tension between christopher and his parents. All around money some of this came out from a series of emails that somehow the press got really showed some animosity between Chris for it is parents about some loans that he had taken out. number one to pay his tuition at the unit christie rochester, but also to finance a new yellowed wrangler, and this is really gonna come into play
As we move down the line now Christopher didn't do all that well at the university of rochester. He was actually fall, MR ass to leave in the fall semester of two thousand three yeah, all all, he was really wasn't a good student, even in high school yeah, I may he was in very poor grades- took a year off and then was readmitted the following year. And this is where he took out a loan of thirty one thousand dollars to pay for his expenses, his school expenses, Doing this. He forged his dad's name as a co signed. Yeah so heat he did ass. He did a few things wrong here. He solely he left took some time. went back to the community college. Didn't do well. There either forged, but trains grip. Get back into rochester along this,
Same line east forges, dad's signature to get large student loan. So really less than two weeks before this all the murder happened in the attacks happened. Peter does confront christopher about this forgery business. A does this in an email address. Basically saying, did you forge my signature? Is a co sign her? What the hell. are you doing. Mean these are some of the emails that come out. He said You should have called me to talk about this. I'm calling citibank this morning to find out what you ve done and I'm good tell them. I'm not too co sign her son, This is starting to come out. As these emails or lead, or as the police get em but their linked to the
two. I think in some instances, and they are inertia. Ongoing issue, because this this is an ongoing issue with him and his finances, because christopher was laid on making payments to his credit card, the counts. and his dad was receiving notices about this. In reaching out through email decorous to her and christopher response was simply. although not late, dad Scott who set up on a different payment schedule, it's all good. It's don't worry about it, and he is like this with a lot of lot of things. His dad. His dad got tired of reach now two christopher, because sometimes Christopher, would not even respond to the questions, so the dead I just started paying some of these late notices and I think at one point it was said: dad? You know chris
four wasn't even responding anymore. He would answer their calls hidden, talk to them in a few weeks at one point, and this is when peter since Christopher another email basin telling him that if he abuse credit again, I'm gonna fowl, forgery affidavit in this- is Were you know the wrangler? This is for the college alone. It's basically every saying that Christopher for His name on, but the one thing, that peter says at the end of this email is, is we telling to me because he's basically sand you'll come home. Let's talk What is in it very end, he says you know we may be disappointed with you but your mother and I still love you and we care about your future. So I think that's important
Yeah me, I think it says something about christopher parents, yeah, they're pissed right the apparent would be with a child had done something that they shouldn't have done, but it is in time, they're telling to come back in there saying we love you. We can work all this out right, but you gotta talk to us and you've Doing it right, and even his mom tries to reach out to him and said, look dad really upset you need to get a hold of us about this? I give so we talk about the forgeries. Now we have to talk about. Why guess? What Had to call robbery, This comes out during the course of the investigation and this is where authorities I think, they're starting to see a pattern of christopher we, some anti social behaviour and parted That is that they discover that he had
Burglarized his parents home previously, yet a few years earlier, to support his fake lifestyle, that's one thing we haven't really talked about right, one of the things two per dead? Is he tried to pass it off that he was from a wealthy family or that he was more well to do. then what he really was. Oh, I mean big time and he really elevated up yet and so a lot of these things it he's doing is like you said to support that right. I he's fine everybody's meal when they go out because can like he has all this money that he can buy. Like he's a high rollers yeah yeah when they go, you know two parties. he's the kid that's kitten and all the beer right, because he's got wasted. Because he's a wealthy he's tone
high school friends that not only does he live in a big house and has made and so on cook some meals every night, but he's also And about how they have you know vacation home that she is incredible? something you see on mtv cribs course. Lots of them I want to see his house, but never convenient for him to take anybody home. Finally, can the copyright, lemme see the whole facade would crumble because now lives in a nice house, a middle class, absolute nice house, but he's not is not a mc mansion, no four by any means to back to this Robbery will call it what does he really end up taking some light tops camera and bow
counts he's trying to sell some in does sell some of this stuff on Ebay. At least one of the laptops. I believe. but here again gives them in there. This is another example of where Christopher, is making unbelievably bad choices right so stolen things from his family sure he selling them on ebay, but then doesn't send the items. No, he clicks the money, yeah. but never ships out the items in his power let's get notification, because it's like some, it's like one account here it's not his own personal ebay account. I guess and this is why just me, where is the thinking because they feel he's the ebay account immediately and. it gets even crazier, because in the end
the geisha when they find out that christopher. Posed as his brother and had gone As far as sending emails out to these people that where the winning bidders on Ebay right. Saying that his brother had died and was unable to send that they bought well what a story So he's pretending to be jonathan, sending the email that he Christopher has died right in there four were unable to fulfil your purchase. and it wasn't just as parents house, I mean there was a lot of information out there that he had broke and to form employers, stolen cell phones and cameras and computers and
he was even and even ecology was still in his door: mates, laptops cell phones there, he had one really good friend up there that said his laptop came up missing, an It was just days later that christopher app and have the same laptop, but said he just bought it, but it was the same model. The same yeah just shocking, that of a sudden minds missing an you just go out and buy the exact same actually so so we talked a lot about christopher behaviour. Anna, is made during time about of her being a sociopath and this really comes out from police and look at his pattern of behaviour cause you got what you know, tat
it's like ego mania. He definitely was up pathological liar gamma any and it just seemed like going back to that that called the police. You could this health from there. It just didn't seem like he had. Much remorse in his voice at all. Now. Thank you to be careful and analyzing people, and in type situations, but he showed nothing in that call. For somebody that amount is, can imagine, being calm when you heard that type a news I can either, but I still don't see that so we know he lied about the car the tuition payments and alone that he got for both of those there was somebody that worked with christopher's dad peter at the court that basically sad, came out and said that peter had described
at times his son christopher As a sociopath, so I think even Peter recognised it from all things that were going on and what the things that you have already mention. That day psychologists would talk about. they came out in the news was This pattern of lies that orco told to convince Everybody around him that he was, you know, it's the life bigger than life from this wealthy influential family they handle from telling this like it was true. I mean he had no remorse lying to people, stealing, nothing. and clearly he's like we just talked about. He had no remorse when he to find out about his parents, death, well so come up in when the police are questioning him right because they
Get anything out of christopher and base They said that one of the reasons police thought that they were not able to get. anything out of him using their Standard interview tactics is that because he, was devoid of emotion, so his his responses are different? Then most p Would be because he feel any remorse for what he had done. So he's not gonna crime. Greece, not gonna, answer questions he's not gonna, maybe be nervous. The way that you and I would be if we, if we would we're being interviewed by police for something bad that we had done her. I mean. even the detective that interviewed him said that you said it Christopher would make eye contact them. looked at the ground and to the point
one time. The two please detective said Christopher miser appear appear Try to get his attention to look up and procedures. don't want anything to do with it. What's here from christopher. That would never never do something like that. I can't imagine attacking anyone, let alone my parents in that way. It's just not who I am it's a tragedy, not really just for me, but for my family, my mother's not going to have to live alone, and that's very, very hard for me to to stomach sitting in here. I don't get it from him married. I I don't get that it's hard for the stomach, and maybe that's just the way he talks. But I mean there this is nothing there. That's the only way I can describe it. No motions, just like it.
Sounds empty and hollow to me when he talks about
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talked a lot about christopher his demeanor some of his. Actions prior to the the murder in the attack one, p. So we have to talk about. Is police are able to recreate christopher movements on that night of Amber fourteenth two thousand and four so now what christopher told them was that he was at the college that the unit stay of rochester and in dorm, he went to sleep he woke the next morning. They don't believe me now what they thought is that he drove three hours to Albany the very early morning, november fifteen to murder his parents.
One really interesting fact comes out of this and that that implies Investigators are able to get with. To people that were on the new york state through way toll as collectors. and they were poor that they remember seeing a yellow, wrangler. Which obviously matching the exact description of christopher wrangler path, through their station, have john foulon who's, that, oh collector, it acts of forty six and he tells the investigators that he saw. A yellow wrangler with urge tyres around ten. Forty five p m that night before or on november? Forty right so completely contradicts Christopher, saying I went to bed. Then you have Karen Russell another two
collector she's an exit, twenty four in albany and she also tells investigators that she sees a yellow, wrangler and now we're at a time frame just before two aid in this obviously, the next morning november, fifteen and one of the reasons that she was so adamant about, seeing it remembers remembering seeing it is. Because she says an approach the toll plaza at and what she Called an excessive speed: yeah I mean she's. time down. Actually one fifty one s how exactly remembers So it must have stuck out or mine, but if you put together that time line it has christopher Porco travelling to albany towards his parents, House no doubt now other thing you have to talk about it,
the security cameras that they have at the college. Because there's also footed the day record. Of a yellow, jeep, wrangler matching. the description of the wrangler porco drives leaving, The campus at ten thirty p m. returning at eight thirty, a m the next morning so that really ties it together, you ve got the If security footage, Any match that, up with the toll booth collectors. That timeline really fits. Yeah, because the last toll booth- they actually have proof he went through at eighteen, and then I give you said they have on camera at the university driving through at eight thirty. so that's on the way back on the way back yeah, it's pretty exact
they have the time of eighteen yeah and end for then Twelve minutes later for him to show up on the campus footage I'm sure, investigators that wasn't too hard to say it takes about, that long to get from this toll to the campus, to pull linen and be caught on camera, to think Looking good for christopher right now at all. Coming back from the same direction, you know you see him going back on campus me. That is huge piece of evidence, but it doesn't show that I did it. They could have made a timeline for anyone to fit. There are millions of people all over the country, who's who could have had their own little timeline. That could have fit perfectly with the police's theory and they chose to present the one that they made for me. So So there were millions of people that could have fit. the same time line that the police offered up.
That's where he sang out those million people with a yell, jeep that at the university of rochester caught on tape, look I go. twenty euro white male seen, I too tall booth collect lack of millions of people, millions here, Scott, time he opened his mouth. I like him less and less their battle by. So the police also know that on two clock on monday, the day of the murder christopher The conversation with his girlfriend- and He tells her that either feel very well, this time there talking online is Four receives a message from her sister. Which is younger and in is attending highschool back were christopher from an
she tells her sister that christopher parents one murder, not sure about the other one. She tells Christopher what her sister told her christopher doesn't respond until three p m when he sends a message saying my parents are dead, so gives this is all electronic right- so the please hurry to get the right they it's time stamped all that good start exactly. That's pretty strange to me, because if somebody has sent me a message, been having a conversation. It wasn't like she said much later right. They were actually in the middle, of going back and forth. She sends that that message- and he just doesn't respond exactly very strange, very strange. but he does a lot of strange things. We are we
talked about that he's indicted for the murder. Of his dad in the attack on his mom so he's awaiting trial and he's acting just again very strangely, whole bunch of sightings of ham tool and around town in his yellow, jeep we obviously is probably all over the news how many yellow jeeps are there. It's not that to figure out that that's probably christopher Porco. No he's drinking and bars he's goin to concerts, he's goin out with women. Going to the movies and eating inexpensive restaurants he's basically This parting, all the time I keep em and he's awaiting trial so What is the mindset their dad?
I have no remorse and I'm gonna do whatever I want, or I'm probably going to be found guilty anyway, so I'm going to do whatever I want. I I don't know what his mindset is yeah, I dunno. What he's thinking I mean, I would think, if again I hate to put myself in possess. I just think wouldn't you want to keep a low profile that aside now, beyond the news, and I wonder what the people I I know his mom paints. what some of his bond, but then he work for this that, better in office, and she paid georgia is bond, is one or thinking you know. While they were convinced of his innocence, there's no doubt there may view in view Look at some of the documentaries and- and I know that that vat is on some of those bright completely dead fast in the key of christopher as innocent right.
but to me All these things that he's doing it. It just goes. into the whole sociopath antisocial personality type of stop me. I think what People were saying is you know Where is this grieving sign, whose death stated that his, others dad his mother- is so horribly injured that she's she'll never be the same for the rest of her life. I think that's what people are saying. Oh, I believe because he's out parting, maybe Just leaving it up thinking in his days were numbered because I mean evidence was very strong. I mean we weak enough. at the mention that even the neighbour down the street. the morning of the murder- saw the jeep and the driveway. So they even had that that they could you
At the trial to housing, you gonna be the driveway he's asleep or you have just waking up at his dorm three hours, a wet right, sobbing with all that evidence, maybe is out wing in it saying hey The days are numbered always been put away. for a long time. Some live it up. we get into the trial obviously he's got. Defence And they're gonna mounted a fence, the biggest thing that vince has going for them. Is that The police have no physical evidence linking christopher The attack on his parents there no fingerprints recovered from the the fireman's acts. Basically, what his defence attorney says is that the he's department. Just zeroed in on christopher they thought he was healthy from the beginning and they never looked at any other suspects.
Now you hear that all the time right now, times, that's true, borne out in some of these cases, where they go and later find out that somebody wasn't guilty and It's because the police had. tunnel vision they zeroed in on this person. They never followed. All the other leads that would have led them to the true killer really was here And I'm not saying that happened in this case, I'm just a minute, and I know that they found does happen. They do Fine one finger print at this it was on the phone book south side, where the phone lines were cut, one brent, but they identify to anything like a deuce essay, wasn't chris first but Amanda. A phone worker ryan, stalled the system I mean who know it and really, even if they did find finger, christopher. He live
yeah. Exactly I'm sure his finger prints were all over the house and having again well founded on the acts that pray would have been right. A little more ban but Emily, but you said fee, used acts to chop, some were moved, did in the garage or just moved it from one till makes it hard you- and I talk about fingerprints. A lot because your prince sir good, but not gray. I mean they don't always tell a pervert story, in my opinion, a bit fingerprinted. I'm sure you that for work is probably a bad thing to cause. They're probably come running, your friends through avis at all times the irish, probably group somewhere just device, did to running giddies grand series prince just to see if they can get ahead. That's why suck my tips anna and alcohol horror. What are the acid asked earlier today?
we gotta talk about probably the really strange defence that they offer up, Basically, what they say is that peters there were In retaliation against his uncle so to support, knows: yeah meannesses like surprise those type stop, because his uncle frank was a captain. In the banana crime family in new york city. You. Well known, big time I'm family. Anne frank, had actually served a couple years in prison. For loan, sharking and extortion, and the trial, the defence. council actually too the jurors that Frank had been indicted for murder, but I was not true
I don't think I was a lie, but they they incorrectly said that, but the big thing to me- and I guess the most interesting part of this point- the story is that frank Porco had a nickname, nick name with the mob, was the fireman, the fireman. So very That's very strange when Peter is killed with they fireman's acts and you see that all time they don't just say, he's kill with an ax he's killed, with a fireman's axe, yeah and that's where frank worked right yeah he did. He served with the new york city, fire department. but again what else I don't know what else the defence offer up. Because, as we talked about a lot, this evidence was there, a very damning against christopher there's, no when you start to put the timeline
together in there and that justice, the different term witnesses that they had its debts thanks of what prove otherwise yeah. That's not even that's that's not even all the stuff tat we talked about that he did. was weird or so I criminal leading up to the murder. This is just the evidence around the day for in the day of the murder, even in the trial christopher his brother when he's on the stand, he does not paint a good picture of his brother. And he really gets the attention of the jury he even speaks about how chris Fur was aware of the life insurance policies, so the his brother talks about how christopher.
Was always trying to be something that he wasn't. I think he was always trying to convince people he was. Better than what he really was, whether that was richer. I wouldn't what to sit with me. No, but you right, I mean if he was a better better athlete than he was a better way. ever. He always wanted to portray to people He was the time, Of whatever it was yet, but because what is other said it. It hurt his case even with his ma am christmas. Mom on stating that on. Didn't do this to her It didn't matter, I mean what, His brother said just really drive home the point, a new course. You have the police officers talking about what the mother regionally said anyway, but how christopher did it.
I told you the beginning this case. Ladies and gentlemen, it started with the nod joan Porco as she lay in the bed after the attack was christopher. She said yes using the master code to disarm the alarm when he went to his parents' house. That morning, ladies and gentlemen, was like dropping his work. Has primacy one? Did the christopher for those guilty? here too. The christopher forego the luckiest man on the face of the planet. So there you have it, as you know, some of what the prosecution laid out and I mean that it s just a tiny bit of it. Obviously, there They had a lot of good yet does for a little bit. I think the hard. He says the n really sums it up, so he's either guilty or he's the unlucky, a man in the world for it, and you can say that about a lotta guilty people you're right, it's either they did
All of these things in all this evidence, it fits against them or they are so unlucky, it's unbelievable exactly! I don't think he was unlike mouthing so either. so gives Emmi. We talked about the defence and, and there wasn't a whole lot that they could do. I don't think we ve out most of the prosecutions case with the the timelines and the toll booth people and all that thing we haven't talked about, is they had a ticket. from the toll booth in Albany. and there was a lot made about this ticket and the fact that it had poor oh dna on it, but they were never able to conclusively proof that it did, but I think stuck out in the jury's mind anyway, because is viewed as a kind of a credit, critical piece in the past. Situations case.
Even though they really couldn't prove that it was. one hundred percent. His dna well. I think it's probably was because you can see Something court right and nations say were strike that out right, but you reset it. Injuries are forget it. tell jerry forget that heard that, but you know what they heard it. and remember it, and I dont know that they did even they did strike it, but the acted. They said you know, there's a good chance or we think it's you dna or but but you have the the toll- booth, opera, Later in that exit in albany placing him there. It's so got up concrete it again kind of sit together, even though. They couldn't really nail it where down. So prosecution rested there case on august
back in two thousand six. We talked about the defence, a little bed they rested or completed. There's on the ninth, I believe, Because jury deliberations began on august, ten and During came back with a decision. Very fast gibbs was ever good for the defense. Not really is never it's about time, usually I'd, say nitrogen in zambia. Usually, that's not not very good for the defence but It was so fast that Christopher mother, Joan had left the court room after You know everything was wrapped in. Jury started Deliberating and she had either gone back to her hotel or she had gone somewhere to rest. She couldn't even get back in time once they called and said. Oh, my gosh, the jury's already done
get back in time for them to read. decision so cheating to hear the verdict, no life, yet my understanding is that she would How far away she was, but she couldn't get back that quick. But the jury delivers their verdict and they fine christopher Porco guilt Second degree. Murder of that Peter and it did murder mother job December twelve, two thousand six, the judge sentence Porco to fifty years to live on each count. which told men among my fifty years in prison, the judge- actually to quote sang, I feel very much what happened in the early morning, hours of november fifteen is something that hat could happen again. by saying that that tells me. The judge was convinced,
of the evidence that he heard right to vote is to make a statement like that. I agree. Porco was initially sent to occur. General facility in the town of fish kill and then also. Lee. He was moved to Clayton crime. facility, which is Dana Moura he'll be eligible for parole in december of two thousand fifty two how old he'll be. I don't know, but if we're still doing the podcast, I know what you say: reach out to us email us. Yet, let's have a conversation. Let's talk about this We'll still be done, the podcast and twenty fifty two shows Couple of things out. I want to talk about before we wrap this up. So I want to play flip from some of the jurors that sat on the at the trial.
Ways very compelling circumstantial our wise, who is very compelling. There was too much that fit into the time line that we had and he had no alibi. I still believe that he thinks he did nothing wrong and he showed no remorse so they were. They were convinced right. You can tell by what they're saying I'm convinced I'm comments to, but it's that that last lady really Your kind of sums it up for me that he shows no remorse and he didn't show any remorse, even His sentencing, because I want to play it loaded earlier, but I'm gonna play this clip of the verdict because- something that I like in it.
The you could see the blood rush up the neck of christopher, and so he showed no outward emotion and then the court officers immediately came behind him and told him to put his hands behind his back, and you couldn't hear anything in the room except those handcuffs clicking on the I just like that, I, like the sound of those handicap, go on go on his wrists, so The other thing I want to talk about was little bit about parricide bright, parasite. Is when some by murders their mother, father, some close relative
what happened in this case with christopher Porco there were some stats that I found very interesting. It said that less than two percent of all homicides in the u s parricides. Now the overwhelming majority of offenders in in these type of parricide murders are adults but there are a lot of juveniles where this happens as well. Maybe it was said that twenty five percent The father is killed in view. The juvenile and about seventeen percent where the mother is killed, involved, the juvenile, so we'll talk under eighteen years of age, right. Now, here's some statistics that I that I thought were interesting as well: parents that were our killed. They tend to be white with white
others comprising seventy five percent of the victims. That is a me at a very high percentage. white fathers, comprising sixty eight percent of the victims, and others are weird numbers, but you gotta figure. Sometimes a lot of times are killed in together right I males are much more likely to commit these types of murders. I think I say that about any type of murder, though so I don't think that's change at all, but eighty percent of the offenders or mail. But what it is strange to me- is that of the these eighty seven percent of male, that commit parricide, they tend to from middle an upper class families. So this is not something that you see in
the lower economic stratus. I guess that's what I took away from that meeting appointing thank you. I appreciate that know me. I appreciate your approval. I do it means a lot to make me say I gibbs before wrap this up, two more things the boy I've gotta play this clip of joan, because we talked about joan throughout, and how she remain convinced that christopher was now the person that killed peter and attacked her with the axe
The concept my thing I cannot accept a christian could have or would have chosen to torture us. I told him to be innocent, so she believes it only mom yeah only mom could swizzle macbook right and end. You can hear in her voice. and if you see pictures of her I mean you shows devastating yeah she her face. And obviously they had to reconstruct it. But it caused her to I'm sure now talk. The way she did right before the attack Again, I mean only a mom would come to besides defence, a kid daughter to defence even when they did something so terrible. again gives a case that a lot of people want us to cover it. Is
very interesting case heartbreaking as well, because you ve got mom who. almost suffered twice right. She was very viciously attacked, disfigured maimed for life, And then the second part of it is doesn't believe that her son has done it and he's convicted and no sent away for probably most of his life. He didn't hit me pretty old if he ever To get out so in that sense. I felt horrible for her. Because she is almost like she was victimized in her mind, she was victimized, the first I'm for sure, but she feeling victimized about The whole trial and incarceration and all that is what will absolutely I'm actually
right. It is defended in Christopher didn. we saw the the way that this was shake down when evidence was put out, spicy didn't Britain say that in all the reason he did this, but the reason he did it was because his dad abuse them well that I think that's what you see in most parricide sidra, a year rights or think you know, Having done the minutes as brothers, I we were aware, but tat was their big thing, yeah right actually out. We did it, but here is the reason why we did right Maybe some of that goes back to. His wiring. And maybe he's not able to. I think that happened at all, but I know what I'm saying is: maybe here at wiring made made it so that he was not able to even go down that path because that would make him look bad
he doesn't want to look at where we know that I'm just thinking out loud that maybe that's that's a big part of it So that's the case of Christopher Porco, like we settled people were asking for. We like to give the people what they want or people. Please people, producers, I did so for my gibbey stay say. And keep your own time taking.
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Transcript generated on 2023-04-09.