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YouTube SHUT DOWN Russell Brand, DISABLES Monetization, BBC PULLS Shows As Brand Is WIPED From Media


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YouTube SHUT DOWN Russell Brand, DISABLES Monetization, BBC PULLS Shows As Brand Is WIPED From Media

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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Not your subscription giddy subscription today see a joke. You doc, tom promo code, TIM cast, iron rule will be live in miami with patrick that David donald trump, junior, matt gates and lucre Caskey joy, there get your tickets by clicking link in the description below or by going attempt, guest outcome. Conspiracy theories erupted Ass few days regarding Russell brand way, many on the left, arguing that Russell knew that he had committed these crimes and began to build an anti establishment base. to defend himself from the media and the government claims should charge. ever arise, that's insane and nonsensical
Well, Russell Russell brand has been active in politics for a very long time well before the me too movement, but this is the. This is the claim that the pushing forward on the opposite side of things- you have other conspiracy theories- that Russell brand is being targeted in a quote: unquote: matrix attack, that's what Take calls it basically that the machine, the establishment is going after Russell brand. With these allegations I would lean more towards everything. Seeing suggest some kind of effort to take down Russell brand and here's the late story. You too, but spends Russell brand from making money off his channel. The BBC also pulled some of the british stars, shows streaming services following rape and sexual assault. Allegations against the comedian was developed into a wellness and conspiracy, influence or ok, I just gotta, say it when I said yesterday, I set it last night when Epstein gets away with em
the thing that he does for as long as he did without any repercussions. I have questions. When you have public what you say, teachers Engaging in certain activities where the police, actually called and the limits to what we see. We don't see harsh action, this debate over it I have questions Russell brand, is accused of a kid you not twenty years ago, engaging in impropriety or potentially criminal activities the entirety of the coup. print media shuts down his shows councils him the mouth of network television, and now you tube, has monetize his channel Russell brand did not break any rules. So forgive me if a guy who is I ukraine war, anti intervention ants, I beg pharma, anti establishment- anti corporate- forgive me if this guy
with twelve million followers, I think he has twelve million on on on twitter or something like that. Forgive me if this guy, with six million subscribers to his podcast, all of a sudden, is excised from public discourse and in what way, twenty year old allegations there's a lot to this morning segment. I don't, people realise what dark really means when we say the night is always darkest before the dawn, but I would refer you to Michael malice, who was much more learned than I any wrote. I think more than one book about the subject, but in the event that we actually face an existential crisis in this country, or in the west, depending on the perspective of the individual facing the crisis. I dont think people truly understand how dark things can be
and I do think it's fair to say culturally, we are winning and strategy is, is so at is ever so important, but there will always be dirty. Tactics Now look at the store with Russell brand and I think you need to understand to individuals one. I am less less knowledgeable on and one more knowledgeable on, the first is John lennon. The second is julian assange. You take a look at what happened. John Lennon. Well, this guy was aunt. I vietnam war, he was, he was a lefty, de war activists, and you can make arguments about whether that's good bad or whatever, but at a certain point, his life was ended in the conspiracy theories are that he had to be removed because he was too influential He was a major celebrity that everyone loved and when he came out against, u s efforts against communism in the east. That was a problem for public sentiment and his pro
as with yoko, contributed to I'm I'm not as learned on this, but I have a cursory understanding and many of you who are older, probably know better than I, but it led to sentiment opposing the vietnam war, and eventually the u s, had no choice but to but but to exit in defeat, depending on who, you ask, but I am, I think, it's fair to say our efforts to push back the communist during the cold war in this area. didn't go over so well, but you know what, when it comes to so many prominent individuals who speak out against the machine well then lose their lives enemies of country still tender. their lives, and you sometimes for good reason. Sometimes we're not so good reason. I mean, if we're talking about, say isis donald trump and arguably rocco by maintaining a your perspective, took actions against isis. Now there Genes about c I support for certain groups which no blood over into isis, but donald certainly decimated the the rogue state.
Say yeah. Those people were really really awful evil. What ices had been doing to people but their questions about you interests, whether or not we truly on stand the efforts carried by the united states, whether or not we truly agree with them and what happens to you when you stand defiantly in one of the machines operation. Russell brand is too famous he's too famous. This reeks of character assassination Fact that all of these corporations, snap took him down without question like Alex Jones, This is not due process, it is not in the public interest and you, even people like Joe Walsh coming out. Never trump trumpery saying: how could you do this? Russell brand has been accusing that convicted of anything and the claims are twenty years old. Specimen bench provide a really good take. He said when Russell brow
and was this permit promiscuous flamboyant rock star type in all of this shows in media is making awful jokes. The media loved it and laughed about it that this is exactly what you want to hear, but other Russell brand chain his life and his morceau about wellness and challenging the establishment. Now he must, absolutely be removed on twenty year old allegations. But I'll talk to you about the second individual julian assange. You say whatever your view of the world may be conspiracies assassinations, etc. There is one thing that is true: assassinations occur and of story. Many people in the united states political leaders? Cultural influencers have been assassinated. Now, whether or not certain individuals like John lennon or you know, was wet weather, he was targeted by the government specifically and that mark David chapman actual
was targeting and because of some kind of em k, ultra brainwashing. Well, I know about all that. Maybe some people believe that I can certainly say that John Lennon was a thorn in the side of the machine that was seeking to accomplish a goal, and I gotta tell you, though, utilitarian don't care about John lennon. So if someone of massive influence are speaking out problems for those that control the monopoly on violence, then not to say it You stand in the way you get steamroller, but there's a problem. Is he back in the hey, I'm not saying I know, I know that John lennon was targeted with a political assassination. Anything like that. We have a wrong paul in many saying that John F Kennedy, of course, was targeted for his efforts. to what it. What do you want to do? A splinter, the cia, the intelligence agencies into a million pieces, scattered them to the wind, and then lost his life. Certainly many prominent individuals who outright say that Kennedy was assassinated by our own government and if that's the case that many with
prominent people saying as such, it seems like they are losing narrative control, but there is a problem assuming These people, who are believed to have been assessed by the government, are or actually weather whether they are or aren't the assassination of key individuals turned them into martyrs and entrenched there ideas and their visions in our culture indefinitely, which are basically do when you target someone for assassination in an and let me clarify, when a government target someone for assassination and carries this out. You have a roach with a bunch of eggs and you step on it and splatter that meat eggs go flying, and now you have mashed those eggs in the carpet and you can never get them out. Eventually, they will hatch and you take a look at someone like RON Paul, the liberty move. Today is not the same as it was in two thousand eight we're talkin fifteen years ago, but there are met.
Individuals deeply inspired by the words of wrong paul, which led to this anti establishment wave many of the people. Backed ron. Paul are now very libertarian, ask and voting for donald trump, not because they view him as a savior or a smart guy, or anything like that. But because he's a bull charging the machine, many of these individuals will would much prefer populist. More libertarian leaning candidates, of course, those in the libertarian party outright love ron Paul, which brings us to julian assange. I know right: it's taken me a long time to get there. He was falsely accused of sexual impropriety, the media reported over and over again that he was accused of rape. He wasn't that's never been the case, ultimately the charges. We're dropped because they were not real, but he was imprisoned because of these charges. The uk was potentially going to extradite him to Sweden, where he would then be extradited to the EU. Fast now, I'm not so sure that I I I accept that that whole argument, because I mean the uk could have just extra data mountain or whatever
but ultimately what happens is joint assange. A major born in the side of the world machine who public collateral murder of video showing U s. Armed forces and journalists during the holidays. Many people suffer from s a d streaming, annoyance disorder caused by too many streaming apps and passwords and content overload. Symptoms include angry outbursts and broken remotes. The prime video simplifies your streaming and, let's you find your holiday happy place, rent or buy your favorites, add on hundreds of channels and find new films like candy cane lane, starring eddie murphy included with prime in one app with one password. Prime video restrictions apply, see amazon, dot, com, slash amazon, prime for details. What do you do? Do you arthur this man. Who is nothing but a journalist julian assange, our pitted get nothing but a journalist. What do you do? He would receive information and publish it.
In fact, would even editorializing. He appeared on many shows and eventually they said, Well, you know what he's accused of sexual impropriety, the media, then report far and wide that he was accused of rape, why you must destroy the memory, an image of the individual, that is the most important thing to do less this individual die and become a martyr or have their views, the inspirational and canonized. So julian assange is arrested on these dubious charges, fearing that he'll be extradited to the. U s face charges of espionage. He was correct by the way, because he is now he fleas to the ecuadorean embassy, where he spends nearly a decade of his life locked up and they won't drop the charges of actually under donald trump, they arrest him and, of course, the charges against him stemming from Sweden are dropped sweden's as yet we got nothin on uganda,
This is this is this is about, but the uk refuses to back down. Eventually he is arrested, and now he does face these charges, why While this is an assassination in modern terms, destroy the image of the individual inhibit their ability to do their work, but don't give the media or the people a big enough splash. Here we are with muscle brand. I am not suggesting that it is definitive that Russell brand is being targeted by the machine by the matrix. because of his opinions, or anything like that. It may very well just to be guys for real that twenty years, Oh a guy who was built a persona on being looting, lascivious and make jokes about. novel things, but actually there awful things, and it's a celebrity. So the tabloids come after I'm. It creates this way.
And there is a very real possibility that you know that it could be the case. I don't buy it because a little bit too heavy handed why care so much Epstein was doing worse things around this time. It was really convicted and then they let him go with a slap on the rest. Then you have repeated it's over and over and over again over the past two decades about what Epstein had been doing and about who had been flying on his planes. You had witnesses and they ignore all of it, and now, I'm supposed to believe all of a sudden youtube cares that Russell brand was accused of a crime that happened twenty years ago Well, that is crazy when the media starts exercising Russell brand from BBC from youtube et cetera channel, for it reeks more of stripping m of his influence, which brings me to the bigger picture here. What is currently happening in ukraine? Now some people
suggested. We played the video yesterday that the reason Russell brand is being targeted is because he has spoken out against pfizer madonna. There see out making billions upon billions off of the crisis. Over covered at all. Some people have said this is the the that explains exactly why they're going after after economic, I don't know about that. To be, you know, look, Russell brand certainly said some very powerful things, they're calling out the corporate machine and there the crisis mongers, and he says that if you were, pharmaceutical companies, the military industrial, complex, making money off crises you I live in a state of perpetual crises, he's right, but perhaps the bigger picture as the war in ukraine and that may be the bigger threat to everyone. Obviously, the west is heavily invested in what is going on in ukraine, and they want to defeat russia
it does not appear that the west is doing very well. I I don't think it's fair to outright say it's just over for western forces in ukraine. I don't think it's fair to say ukrainian forces, let's be on. But russia seems to have secured the don basque region into crimea already, if you look at the latest territorial maps, I believe if there was a reason to target Russell brand and shut him down. It's more likely because he has twenty million followers, it keeps saying no war, no war, no war, and we know what happens to those who oppose the war machine. Well, This is a light sentence. If you were to ask me, I mean maybe he gets criminally charged or something is being investigated, but just taking away his career while stripping him of his revenue, I gotta beyond the deeds rich and will probably remain rich for the rest of his life, but this is exercising him from popular and polite culture. Mainstream converse patience. He will still remain active in his spaces. He will still room.
influential in its own right but they're, taking away as revenue stream, which empowers him. I believe it entirely possible. The real issue here is ukraine and there something to be said as pertains to foreign influence war and western powers I oppose the the? U s: involvement in ukraine. I think it's a bad thing. I dont think that a government of foreign by the people has appropriately explained our position in supporting ukrainians in a territorial dispute with russia. I do not like russia, I think russia is our adversary. I don't think are there, they are our biggest threat. I believe china likely as but as vague promise swami accurately points out. The the alliance between russia and china together could be our biggest threat and so, of course, I'm a fan of ukraine. I really am
I have friends that are there. I visited there. I documented the the beginnings of the honor. The ousting of yanukovich have covered it quite a great deal, especially as pertains to Joe Biden. I would like to see ukraine retain it's territorial sovereignty and repel the russian invasion. However, I don't know that it is an issue worthy of us involvement. I understand that russia's expansion into the area, it's bad for our interests, but I don't know that world war three is worth it. It has not been justified to us. Here's the challenge I see when it pertains to issues of war. I dont know I really don't I can tell you is the internal, its agencies, in my opinion, our abject evil. They are, they are the lawful evil to the most extreme degree. And I there's probably many people who work in intelligence or watching that shaking their head and saying that if only you knew now, it's true, if only I did know fine, but I not saying that lawful evil has never carried out for a purpose which seeks to benefit certain individuals.
I can only say that perhaps the way of the world is always going to be that liars, cheaters steelers, the most devious of predators, are rewarded in what the world a video I saw hyenas disempowering, gazelle or something I they will. Will the beast? Ever animal was in the hyena territory, the prey straw build to escape as it was eaten alive and the tweets that in this world, the most aggressive predators who caused the most suffering are not punished for the actions they take. They are rewarded and the true nature of this world may just be that dark, devious, an evil deeds are all that will ever be in terms of what we are as a species. It may be the law of the universe. We have to apply that to how we view humanity. We want to rise above. We want a better world, we want justice, we want courts. We
want fair elections. We want innocent until proven guilty, but they dont give us that Russell brand is being excised from polite society. Over allegations that occurred twenty years ago, where's his diane court worse is due us us. I think the sad reality is that we try to build this world. I think it's a good thing and I think we should maintain this offer. The sad reality is that the nature of the world is not such those who cheat when I know nobody wants to hear it, but it's true cheaters win once they get caught and then sometimes when it comes to politics, they get caught. Nothing happens anyway. Cheaters, like members of congress who engage in insider trading they get away with. It the question I have when it comes to all this war stuff in what's going on, is, are we. so naive. We just don't know we don't know. I really don't
think that the intelligence agencies do things that benefit us. They are the hyaenas disembowelling, the the pray that sought only to live life. and are we the predators or are we the prey if the intelligence aid, These are willing to commit atrocities, but it strengthens our way of life and improves our way of life. Is it worth it? The difficult question in nature. There are some species that mill about and seem not to have any problems with predators or prey, but for the most part, everyone is subject to the whims of humanity No matter how powerful you are as an animal meal a lie and or otherwise you are. You are subjected to the whims of rival species. So the challenge I see in all of this as I'm not so naive, to ignore the fact that we have real threats internationally, that russia poses a real threat to us. They do. I don't think it's as bad as many of the propagandists want to claim, but when it pertains to the border conflict in ukraine, the invasion,
which may bubble into world war. Three. Now, I'm pretty concerned about bombs being dropped that scary, and then you have china, of course, and taiwan we want stability, but my view is typically, there has to be a legitimate justification, honesty and integrity, but we don't get there because maybe it's just a naive thing to believe that in this world you can expect to be an honourable animal in a violent confrontation You can choose to be the noble. Our azlan was his name, the lion. all the power- and you can say I'm not going to cause you harm- are going to listen to what I have to say, but only when you're the most powerful and no one can step on you. The fear is that, while we look at this video of the hyena gutting and disemboweling the animal, we feel for the animal- and we say it should be stopped really the hyenas gotta eat and that's the nature of really.
Do we recognise that, and I don't have all the answers I dont? We want to avoid being evil, we want goodness, but can we truly be good and evil world or a world that is beset on all sides by those who are evil? succeeding. So when it comes to the issues of war and ukraine, this is this. Is the dilemma? Do you allow, in your name, atrocities to be done horrible things to be done if it means that you will live safely securely and well or do you say now seek to intervene, prevent us and user info to say no to the worn ukraine, if it means russia and china will expand their military control off at the petrodollar and supplant the united states is the dominant economic power in the world. What does that mean for the rest of us? I certainly wouldn't want to live in a chinese communist world with a u.
While our chinese communist party I'd rather have the united states on top. Unfortunately, for us within the united states, there is active conflict as well, where corrupt ideologies are seeking to take over. You see this video of this or this trans individual in ukraine, threatening to hunt down russian propagandists fascinating. What does it mean to be a russian propaganda as well? You know they claim a lot of people who oppose the war in ukraine are supporting russia or russian propagandist, or something like that. I dunno this individual comes out and says we're coming for you and then Russell brand was very anti. War gets targeted, so heavily look man, I don't have all the answers. Good and evil is a hard thing to breakdown. I do not like war.
I don't like our involvement in it. I don't think the world is so black and white, and so simple that you can certainly just say one way or another that we know what we must do. The intelligence agencies that I so heavily criticize. I will also give a. I will also give them this, and I say this a lot. I have no idea what's happening around the world. Neither do you. We read the news reports. We know the news reports are bunk. We know that is propaganda. We don't know the truth. We had three incidents in in the past month of aircraft being down or some accident. hearing, but EU crosland brought this up last night. Flexibility is great. That's why there's yoga flexibly If we insurance coverage is great too, Why? There's united healthcare insurance clamp, undermine My golden rule, insurance company, united healthcare insurance plans, offer flexible budget friendly coverage for me. Michael visions and to lend more one of these, and maybe right for you if you're say between jobs coming off your parents plan turning aside hustle into a full, hustle or even missed open enrollment want more.
His ability to find out more about united healthcare insurance plans at u h, one dot com. What if they were hacked fair point? Do you think that russia is doing nothing to target us? Are that'd be absurd? Of course they want to disrupt our efforts in supporting the the efforts in ukraine. I'm not so sure the? U s or nato will be successful in ukraine. Unless NATO directly intervenes world war three baby, and do we really want it? No, we don't. I don't know, what's really going on around the world new to you and it's very easy for us to sit here. Read the news reports know that the media is lying to us because they're really bad at their jobs and manipulation. Then it's kind of sad really. The propagandists at the corporate press are just really bad at propagandized. Or maybe we're not even there- actually really good, and what we think we know is completely wrong. I don't have the answers and that's what gets me pause. I know that
Well, this darker than we realize. I know that our adversaries would disappear. Bowel us, like the heinous in the field. If we were to let them, and so therein lies the big challenge. I guess my point and all of this is. You try to know what you can now you try and read and understand what you can read do what you can to support and protect yourself stand up for what you believe in and demand accountability recognize. You don't have, the answers recognise that sometimes the villains are the heroes in the heroes of the villains. We just don't know everything, but we try to based on what we know and what we think we know, we try to be good people and we demand a justification for the actions that result in the death of our friends, our family members and even our enemies, the most darkest of individuals when they die. We need to know why it happened. What is
and carried out in our name. Right now is a pertains to war may be naive to say that if they really came out and told us what was actually going on in the international conflict theatre farmers our security, it's a reality. They understand as appertains, what happens here at the castle, for instance, the you think I'm gonna come out. Every single time is a security. Britain does tell you exactly what happened now and thus it so distrust and it becomes very difficult to maintain this system. So I guess the question: is this the evil deeds done in our name? Do we recognise that we want to be the hyena and not the will the beast? I think it was a wild beast down. I don't wanna talk about it. You know africa in play, animals savanna, animal wildlife or whatever, but the prey do we want to be the ungulates prey being devoured or do we want to be those doing the devouring? Perhaps we can sit back and say? Maybe we can be the noble elephant very strong, but then you realize that people prey on them.
hmm. There are many apex predators, but the reality is humans. Humans are the apex, predator and, unfortunately, for us other humans prey on humans too. There is no world in which we can escape this. So then the question becomes. Who do you trust? What do you determine? I dunno man, I really don't have the certificates are tough questions, they're, very, very difficult. What I can say is there are probably better ways of dealing with dissent if you choose to engage in war and conflict than say, destroying the life of julian assange or other personalities who speak out against you, I am not saying I know for sure that Russell brand is being targeted because he's anti war. That would be, as, in my opinion, absurd as claiming definitively is being targeted for calling out big pharma. I think it is reasonable to just that Russell brain is being targeted because he is proudly prominently: anti establishment, anti corporate anti war and he's very famous and ass, a thorn in the side of those who seek to control the machine.
Perhaps there is no simple good and evil. There is chaotic evil. There is lawful evil and I look at the: u s: military apparatus and the intelligence agencies as lawful evil. They work within the system towards the gain of of themselves and not for the greater good but may be. The truth is the greater good as naive thing to think you can get. I dont believe that china, the chinese communist party, I don't think they're good. I think their lawful evil as lawful evil can be. I dont, think russia is good and in fact, as many people may not like to hear it, I actually think the: u s is substantially more good than those nations that me Sometimes, I hope that I can give these individuals the benefit of the doubt that they are effectively
these snarling jaws for us that would seek to prey upon the beasts for which we can live comfortably and our way of life can persist. Unfortunately, for all of us there is another problem, and that is the culture war and the evil of these corporations, their global interests, and they stand in defiance to our way of life. So in fact, I dont believe that actually have our best interests at heart. I believe They actually defy the ideas of truth, justice and the american way. Many of these intel agencies are actually just they want a communist party, just not the chinese communist party. They want to I meant chinese communist state like controls here in the united states, and so we are beset on all sides by evil with their own interests and what does that mean the world's a tough place? My friend? and we don't have all the answers, and while I spent a half an hour talking about the philosophy around the stuff, I did actually get into the core of the issues, but
we're a lot more stories that I that I have for you, a journalist on January six, sentenced to prison seriously just a journalist and definitively a journalist he's he was there with recording equipment, a british documentary he was wearing a helmet with a camera in it. He had documented other things before it's my understanding and they convicted him as if he was a writer. You have a man who was working at security. Now in solitary confinement, been reported given three years on a simple trespass charge: twenty times the sentence of the doctor that he was protests, as a hired security garden, the stories their dark, and these are dark days, my friends, but I suppose one at all breaks down. It's easy for us to say these things are wrong. It's hard for us to know the truth, you don't know the truth to can only act on what you think you know and make gases based on the probability of the likelihood of outcomes. Ultimately, the big philosophical question I have outside of all of this is for all of you.
Below. Would you allow evil to be done in your name if it secured the safety of your daughter's, your sons, your prosperity? Would you would you allow evil to be done if it prevented the spread of say the chinese communist party, even if it meant your country eventually became akin to the chinese communist party? Is. If a gilt choices, my friends, difficult choices, we can choose to secure our borders, bolster our labour, bring back, manufacture, manufacturing base and become a strong nation internally that in many in many ways withdraws from international conflict, but does this credit power vacuum that gives rise to our enemies? Who would then eventually take over? How would you feel living in a safe and secure united states with straw?
borders, a massive nuclear arsenal, a strong military with strong american values, surrounded on all sides in every nation by the soviet union. That's tough, isn't it he wouldn't want to live that way. These are difficult questions. I don't have all the answers. That's all I can say I am. I look at these stories about Russell brand and many people make. These suggestions is what is being removed, that I think it's reasonable to suggest them he's not going to allow influential and individuals to upset it's plants and they will nip it in the bud before Russell brand can become too influential or maybe as to influential. hmm, or maybe it's all, much more simpler than that Russell brand abuse. Some women, another calling him out in the media loves a salacious story when it's not targeting the establishment. The reason Epstein was let go because he was protected. Awful individuals in the recent Russell brain is being target is because he is not protected by powerful individuals is a million one reasons
We look out the window and we see a mass, a jackson, pollock painting of variables that are hard to decipher, but we try do our best So the only thing I can really say is, with all these things in mind: protect yourself, protect your family work, hard, become successful, make money and do what you can in the immediate for the things you can observe. Can you make your home better? Can you protect your family from negative influences, and can you speak out against injustice? Do that and then we'll all try our best to be the best people we can be. and stand up for justice in the meantime, in the political realm conflict and the tar to know who is right, but history will be written by the winners. So I hope you when I leave it there, next segments coming up at one p m on this general thanks, rang out and I'll, see you well then re apps A man seen on camera on numerous occasions telling people to go into the capital building has been shot
by the d o j on one misdemeanor count what that sank and one. misdemeanor count the man who is on we're telling people to do this, the man who privately said to a family member that he orchestrated the event this man has been charged with one misdemeanor count. I've been charged and I wonder what's the point. because all this does is it raises more questions about. Why This guy is being protected. Now. Here's a conspiracy theory for you is actually a whole bunch. I love all the conspiracy theories. First ray ups is fed That's what they say: subjective, tucker, carlson's january six, conspiracy theories that re ups as a federal agent orchestrating the event january six and that's why he was never charged. I dunno, I believe that other safe. That he was a plants. You know that
He wasn't actually working with any federal agency, but he was cooperating whether taking instruction from that it may have been a criminal enforcement that maybe he became a criminal informant after the fact My understanding I could be wrong. Is that initial four january sex his face was included in some wanted poster, but then quickly removed, which suggests maybe he big, he became a cooperating witness immediately start handing over information, there's that conspiracy theory, how about this conspiracy? Theory, who I love them all that re apps actually is just some random trumps reporter. Who was there who wanted to storm the capital and the feds are like a let's, not this guy's said they think he's a fed, if you guys in the film sound of freedom in the film which I'm sure most of you have seen there's a scene where there are a bunch of traffickers meeting with the agents before the raid, the agent say this guy, don't handcuff him and walk him away. So what happens when the raid
happens and the undercover agents, secluding TIM are detained by law enforcement and coughed the one guy vote, the down or the call them is walked away as the cops pat on the back and he and then vacancy. Hey. That was the guy who set us up my point, whereas I dont know I really don't can't tell you something is off about this store. We can clearly see it that this guy, who was on camera, orchestrating, as he described the events of genuine success, only getting one misdemeanor charge, no incitement, they they came in owen, shroyer for bull, horning it is sentencing documents or what, when the prosecutor requesting sentence, even though and even charged with incitement? And then you have the who do quite literally told you look at the crime not being charged with it. Yeah, perhaps the ray apps thing is an attempt to obvious skate who was really there and what was really going on, and I dont know, but look man
If you're gonna entertain some conspiracy theories, you can make up a million one. We got a bunch of new but then in january, section of the government is targeting, and let's do this, a journalist who was Objectively there, as a journalist with camera equipment, producing, a documentary has been, has been convicted on four counts: garth camera guy, with a camera, who explicitly stated he was there with the intention of filming, has been charged a man who is not a trump supporter. Who is a conservative but doesn't like.
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so you don't tracked down who was actually there and who is actually organizing anything wraps could be a distraction, could be involved. I don't know, but it is funny media lies to defend them and the feds didn't want to charge him. Here's a story from NBC news ray. subject of Tucker carlson's january six conspiracy theories charged by d, o j apps entered and grounds. On january six, as a supporter of former president donald trump, he told the january six committee, conspiracy theories about him ruined his life. Interesting they say apps agent for a six participant whose removal from the fbi, eyes, capital, violence. Web page sparked conspiracy theories that he was a federal informant was charged in connection with the capital attack on tuesday. Apps is charged with one missing your count, disorderly or deceptive conduct unrestricted grounds. He was charged by formation, which suggests that he plans to enter a plea which means is probably and get a month. Then I seriously
There are a lot of people who were charged with trespass or being our being on restricted, greatly restricted grounds or disorderly conduct. They all took plea agreements and they got a very the amount of time there is currently a security guard who was sentenced to three years because he pleaded not guilty, even though other people charged with similar things, received only a couple of months when they did plead guilty. This is called the jury tax or the trial tax, which I believe is on the constitutional, but we'll get into in an interview with the january six committee last year, AP said that he'd gone to washington d c in january support a former president trump, though the can there are fears that followed had torn is like a part. He said I never enough, the break the law, it's not my dna I've. Never I'm sure you looked up record. I don't break the law. Apps filed a defamation suit against fox news. Hostaqua Carlsson and former host a crossing for spain, the conspiracy theories, blah blah blah. That's like it's really!
You bet. I don't see how that you win a defamation case like that, because tucker car, and, of course, understands law, but you know biased judges. Here the documents from court listener united states district court for the district of columbia, United states versus james re, apps, senior, defendant, information, the united states, Any charges that on or about january, sixteen twenty one with within the district of columbia, James I've seen your didn't knowingly and with intent to impede and disrupt the disorderly conduct of government, business and official functions and age in disorderly and disruptive conduct in and within such somebody to a restricted building in grounds that is any posted cordon off, and otherwise restricted area within the. U S, capital and its grounds with vice president was and would be temporarily visiting went and so that such conduct did in fact impede and disrupt the orderly conduct of government, business and official functions an attempted and conspire to do so. Disorderly caught this what kind of georgia to building a grounds inviolate
of title eighteen, united states code, section, seventeen, fifty two, a section to Matthew graves and there it is here, but out of temper, it would seem. I love this and be see new, says january. Six writer who wielded police shield invokes re, apps conspiracy, theory at proud boys trial, arguing that he was a suspected government operative what's funny here, as they moved prosecutors moved to strike that claim and they did, which is weird but whatever I guess, that's what you need me in philosophy. There are many people who did bad things: stall, police, don't steal a police you're already doing smashing windows fighting with cops, not not ok and now in court. Invoking re apps. There is one thing I think it is fair to say in reference to invoking re apps, that's the light charges and light sentencing in which
You can say there is any quality under the law that re apps has been charged several two and a half years later, with one count, despite the fact that is on camera, inciting people to commit this crime and the and the governor previously recommended. Recently I win shorter. The September fifth they recommended owns. we're go to jail for a hundred and twenty days, even though he was really charged with being a restricted grounds because of his speech before during and after. If that is the case, re apps should also get a very lengthy prince, sentence because while they argue that owns shore didn't tell people to go inside his words, resulted in them doing it. Okay, I'll write, appstore actually incited people, so don't you think there should be some more serious charges. They look
a lot of people on january sex, and this is important information that they're trying to obvious gate. Many bad people tore down barricades and rushed to the capital storming in and fighting with cops. They should be criminally charged to what degree I dont know. I think tat. here's a little excessive. I think time served at this point in setting it's been two and half years. That's fair one guys getting three years the security guard, who wasn't even doing anything violent. Therefore, couple minutes, that's not a lot of people, Showed up to the capital after the barricades had been torn down. That means there is no signs there nothing that there's no warning to anybody walking by that the grounds are restricted. There's no police, there's no broken glass. now that's what I find fastening. The young turks took me out of context specifically to two to defend the government. It's weird because I was correct. This was back in january, or might have been even even january, twenty. Twenty twenty twenty two, I'm sorry when
came to many people who are charged with trespass. I said there will be many people acquitted, because you cannot charge trespass without warning. Sure enough. There were two individuals at the time was in the following months: one completely acquitted of all charges, because there is video of the police, fanning people in there's, no barricades, there's no broken glass. That was only once building the young turks insulted me call me stupid and then made the argument that, if you're walking over open glass. You know your trespassing, which has still not legally the case and wasn't the case for the people on the other side of the building. I wonder why they would defend the government in that way. I want to read for for you something from CBS news that matters read for you. This interview, bill whittaker, entering re, apps whittaker, says as close As you can remember, what exactly did you say to him on the front line in whispers, says dude
here for that? The police aren't the enemy or something like that did when the federal government direct you to be there to be here at the peace circuses, no known from the f b. I know you're old comrades in the old keepers, no of course, as I think what is so damning, what the videos that there's a barrier there that arrogance down in a police officer. A female officer gets knock and the mob, including you walk over the barrier and march on toward the capital. Why didn't you stopped this officer who was knocked over app says when she was knocked down. and I start to go towards or to help her up, and I saw a billy club. For here in the corner of my eye- and I thought you know they're gonna say part of this, so I backed off whittaker, says you were part of it to which acts response I was there I wasn't a part of that knocking her down robin app says and he wasn't part of the violence is a big difference is that you they're asks whittaker. Apps was now seen committing an act of violence that they are entering the capital absent.
thus when he saw the violence his fervour under the building became a desire to play peacemaker and police body can backs him up. I thought I could stop its went back and forth. I talk people down. I just work. The line back and forth step down, stepped down we're good here that kind of thing, and I kept it that way for some time at says left the capital grounds to evacuate an injured man. The time to forty five p m, I looked back at the capitol and there was people cross, the capital walls and it looked like it look terrible. I mean it's kind of ashamed of what was going on that point. So I started to walk out here. Old us. That's when he sent this text to his nephew, Conspiracy sought as the true confession of an agent provocateur absent, the few others. I also orchestrated, explain, explain this to me. He says I wish I was hosting to my nephew. I helped get people there. I was directing people to the capital that morning You know how this sounds. I know exactly how it sounds. Haven't scolded by my wife for using that word
What it says when you add up all these things, as your critics have done, you have given a lot of ammunition to paint you as the instigator. There was an effort to make me a scapegoat. Full stop seriously. Tom Joscelyn says: if re absolute covert plant is the worst plant of all time, if you're part of somalia, conspiracy against thousands of people in Washington DC. I dont know what you'd want to stand out from the crowd in the way upstairs. But did he really did re apps stand out from the crowd? I would argue. No. He didn't re apps did not stand out in any way. The only thing is, cameras are watching and if re apps wasn't on camera and was paying attention to those we're foaming and when he was telling people to go in the capital, there would not be this conversation. You would not be charged, he would disappear and no one would say anything, but the story is not being let go. People actor karlsson people like me, many others have consistently reported on.
questioned the role re apps played in the january six riots, and the question is: why has this man been defended by the meat? so much. Take a look at this from the article about the proud boys. They say they struck suspected government operative from the wreck and they're going to say far right. Conspirators have alleged that aps was working with the federal government and sought to provoke of provoke violence during the twenty twenty one attack in the capital. Let's stop there. He did seek to provoke violence. he is on camera, telling people to go inside the capital on camera, saying you have to go inside right. That would require acts of violence apps had conspiracy theories, had a significant impact on his life, told the house committee that the crazy start a come out of the woodwork. They said even the insurrection epps had called for protesters to enter the capital than
TAT, he was seen video trying to calm protesters and maintain a line between police and the protocol mob. That is not correct. On the next day, he has seen on video engaging with protesters and police, but with the crowd That's storms, the barricades. So what is the argument you're making? It is coming things down when he whispered is ear, something we dont know what. Then the guy tears the barricade down and re ups storms in with him. I do not believe he went building, but certainly when you're, the guy on camera, telling people to engage in an act of violence seat at the front line right when the violent starts. You can't make that argument. Why have they defended him so In the meantime, we have this story. Take a look at this for contrast, d, o J, secures conviction against journalists of reporting on january sex, but let's sure we're very, very clear what this has stephen horn was found guilty on
entering or remaining in a restricted area, disorderly or disruptive conduct in a restricted area, disorderly conduct and capital building, parading, demonstrating or picketing in the capital building worn last minute holiday shopping. Take this stress had of the season with tv s from pre wrapped gifts while presents and premium box chocolate to over fifty seemed a photo gift. There's something for everyone left on your list and with free CBS pick up. You can order online and pick up in store in as little as one hour for quality, convenient and last minute holiday. Magic Cbs has you covered visit, CBS dot com, flash holiday for details did according to several accounts, chant? U s a as he was in the building
I don't know if chanting usa is indicative of involvement in a criminal activity or being part of a mob or something like that. That's the argument they made and it works white. Well, do you not getting a fair trial in Washington DC? It's not happening far left extremists you're not getting a fair trial, either you're getting a biased, trot trial in your favour. Conservatives, yeah you're, you're goin down stephen worn, was wearing a camera in his helmet that he uses to document. This is evidence in my opinion. He was there as a journalist. He produced a documentary on what was going on. Here is not a trump supporter. His tweets do not indicate that he's a trumpet water and it seems that he was their documenting. However, he's independent, he has no institution backing him up. So they're they're going to germany is not a journalist. Despite the fact that was clearly their committing acts of journalism he's been charged for counts now, ok hold on one was beat for being in the capital. Another was for being in the capital and during our
that area and disorderly conduct to charge is right. There, let's dismiss as appertains to re apps the charges that stephen One is facing over being in the capital, because rapes was not in the building. While you re apps not charged with at least two counts, entering or remaining in a restricted area which he did disorderly orders of conduct in a restricted area, those to charge at the very least perhaps like I said, the government wants to trick you and make you believe that re apps is being protected. It seems a bit polluted? Maybe re apps just turned informant the moment they saw. They said your former oath keeper you're going to get. information on the oath keepers will take them down. Will keep you out of jail? I think that's probably the the real scenario here. They probably went to re ups and said we have you dead to rights and you will go to prison for the rest of your life and so re apps then said whips. They then said as a former member
think leader in the oath keepers. They probably came to him and said- tell us we think you know, and we will ask you questions as we need cooperate with us and we will keep you out of jail. That's we would happen. His name is then remove from the wanted list. He then start providing information on oath keepers you may want. You may ask how committed offer these give these offers to any one else proud boys or whatever, while they already had informants in the proud boys, I'm fairly certain many of them and they probably wanted specific information on the oath keepers going back quite some time. They were not as many people ah to choose, but look it really comes down to this he's the guy they got. I believe it is probable that he turn informant after the fact, and this is why he is protected. That's why we're seeing this weird media play the media's protecting m because they march and lockstep
with the machine and the reason they're only charging him now with one count likely because they have to with the media pressure. They will probably want him and said: look man. People want to see charges and we have no reasonable justification for why there won't be a charge. Here's what I think is likely to occur. They probably window and luck will give you one charge? Take the plea, deal and you'll get. You know the courts of revision or something we have to do it? That's how I imagine it it played out. I don't know for sure. I don't think the guy was a fad before I think it's likely. He was a fed after if he was a fed before they never would have put his face on the wall. Posters, so it makes sense, is the dude legitimately was trying to orchestrate something legitimately stormed the barricades and then went crap they got your buddy and then it just said, look man, I don't you. I think it's reasonable. She says like yeah. This got out of hand. I'm sorry like I will do whatever you say. Just let me know what you need will cooperate fully and they and he's got it
formation and other brought on items are on all the old keepers or enough information. They did to start roads, they locked him up. How information provided by re apps after the fact probably help them in targeting and arresting oath keepers and Bringing about more serious charges like seditious conspiracy provides testimony it can then use it and say. Ah now we have evidence of seditious conspiracy. There have been several people have made the claim that they were approached. In fact, an ricky tory of the proud boy said this. The prosecutor said like an effectively tried to pressure him to connect their actions with
trump. Thus they could say trump orchestrated or something to that effect. Tarea wasn't even there and they give him two decades, because that's the game is being played. These people are abject evil, abject evil. In that you don't matter your life, doesn't matter individually, doesn't matter, they want you to be a cog in the machine or they will make you suffer and show your life man there's a pina colada down the street. Your local shopping mall Smile on your face, you ve got everything. I've ever wanted, don't fight the violence monopoly just give in so many people take the deal one on the machine would crush you under its boot because you don't matter to them and to scary thought you are simply a taxpayer a subscriber to them. gene to fund their conquest, and here we are now that they are the biggest fan of gateway because they often put out information. That is, you know they take a more
full of truth at a they ex they they they frame it or pride. In a context, I'm not a big fan of where the story j, six in our john strand, who was sentenced to prison thirty two months for war, king inside the capital is now being tortured in isolation. Yes, John strand, a hired security guard was, with Simone, go They were on the other side of the building. It's my understanding. They walked around the event there is possible. cancelled, and then Simone gold spoke and then they left somalia haven't I believe, a month or two, she played plead guilty john.
Strand refused saying he was innocent, he was simply a security guard who didn't participate in any protest or anything just keeping. Someone safe and they said, doesn't matter because he did not plead guilty. They gave him three years nearly three years and now he's a he's, allegedly reportedly in solitary confinement for speaking out three years. For trespass: that's crazy! Isn't it, but this is the trial tax or the jury tax, depending on who you ask what is phrased, and this means that the government seeks to punish you for wasting it's time. When you plead guilty, you make the machine run smoothly. There's too many people there's too many criminal trials. There's too many jay six defendants. If every j six defendant pleaded not guilty, the system would beetle jammed up and busted for a long time, but maybe that's who they want long protracted trials to bleed into the twenty twenty four election, but the zit john strand and Simone gold did literally the same thing. She gets a slap on the wrist a couple of months. I shouldn't say: that's a slap on the
that's very serious, considering what you dead, which is almost nothing and John strand it's three years because he refused to bend the knee. This is the corruption of the modern judicial system. It has its how it operates. I believe it's unconstitutional and should be. I John, should sue for this. I don't think should be. and I dunno how you change this, but I believe you may be asking the supreme court after they'd agree. The government is not going to allow a system change that makes them do more work and therein lies the problem. What is reasonable for what john and Simone golden entering richard grounds and petty, petty offense, a fine seriously? You walked onto the capitol you issue a fine three hundred thirty bucks. It's like okay, you weren't supposed to be there You left guy, you gotta pay a fine, because you're trespassing, neither reasonable a fine. It's like you or your eye
It's was like okay. Well, you know we can. We can compromise on that. I'd make the argument that there was no trespassing because nobody was worn and the police let them in the building, but sure, let's compromise, it's a petty, offense fine I wonder if John strand can make the argument that his charge is excessive. Solitary confinement is cruel and unusual because he's literally charged with trespass it's crazy I don't know exact charges, but I believe it was it was. It was trespass. It was similar to what john strand I'm sorry what stephen horn was charged with. Welcome to the modern machine, my friends and its. Not even twenty twenty four next year, they're going to ramp up more charges, more smears, more attacks and the media machine will become well. It is vicious, but it's going to get dark. You look at what's going on with Russell brand and there a lot of questions. Many people are saying TIM you are right,
We are going after media personalities, I didn't say it Russell brand. I said they're going to have to our media personalities that supported january six is very specific and I'd say they get them on incitement. I didn't think they were going to go after Russell brand, certainly not with these kind of allegations, but you know what fair point they likely will Alex Jones was taken down by every platform overnight, We know what their intentions are. You do not get a reasonable scenario where every major network and social media platforms are targeting an individual over twenty year old allegations. What's going on, the Russell brand is highly suspect, but guess what, whether you believe it or not doesn't matter next year, it'll get way more fun I'll leave it there. Next segment is coming up at four pm on this channel. Thanks for hanging out, and I ll see. Well, then, of all the things there are to disagree with Joe Biden on to disagree with them it's on the media, this one. I completely agree with him on that male reports bite and eighty is worried. He might die.
before his son hunters legal issues are resolved and think they will go worse report claims whoa, whoa, whoa Biden. We're gonna die before hunters legal issues, our resolve. He was just a I did they always had a plea agreement, you all that I'm it This is bite in saying I haven't bid that he could lose his life in the next few months. Hunter It was all ready about to get a plea agreement. It was about resolve, ok out our hold on maybe What he sang is that hunters Lee Legal issues are only just beginning, and even if we took the play agreement, they would not be resolved. Ok, fine and we case, maybe he's saying relatively soon, but let's be honest and real Biden, knows he's eighty years old, that's what you're saying this should be shock to no one that bind like look.
Man I'm really old and bad stuff is gonna happen to my kid and I'm not going around for it. I get it. I dont think I is perfectly normal. Position was almost eighty to be like, maybe in the average life expectancy for the? U s ever jewess males are what seventy nine years President Joe Biden fears he may die before his son hunters. Legal issues are resolved as the family fears patient may become worse. Before gets better. A new report out tuesday revealed by an eighty spoken about his fear of death behind closed doors sources close to the binding, told abies. I'm sorry NBC news its economy as to bite in public persona, where he is joked about. The oldest president in american history, at a in new york on Monday night Biden cast his age as experience quote, people seem focused on my age. Believe me better than anyone. He said
when this nation was flat on its back, I knew what to do with common dude, what get a facelift plastic surgery and transport, simply safer, seemed the best home security of twenty twenty three by. U s views and world report, but we don't do what we do for the occasion we do it to protect EU and everything you like. Our advance. Sensors in hd cameras are powered by twenty four seven professional monitoring for fast emergency response that simply saved our com. Slash spot a fight to get fifty percent off any new system today advanced from security, twenty four seven professional monitoring for less than a dollar a day, there's no safe, like simply safe. I are optimistic about the future of this country than in the hundred years I've served. He added to laughter. I hear respect jokes and humor. I correspondent
want a point out. I just love all the conspiracy theories about fishermen being us a different person like do please just to stop there. These pictures that are clearly just different lenses and they're like. This is not the same person fishermen's different. It's like do I. What do you think that they didn't federal, look alike? tested, found a guy who looked like them, but they manufacture these people in labs. I understand it is perfectly right. both are world leaders and an even state leaders to have body doubles. That's normal! Eleven! The media, like that's, not true, what we know all of these world leaders have body doubles, but the idea that there are two binds by dan and by den all because trop put out this tweet. That said by Dan with an aim, Let me tell you guys Joe Biden, changing facial features its cause. You got a bunch of plastic surgery and we know he did, and
and he did there's no reason to swap out o like the previous Joe Biden, with a fake joe by. Because they could have got someone who could speak properly. That's how I love here's debunked the conspiracy theory. Current Biden can't talk if you're gonna bring it up biden or even swap about. Why would they not just do it again? The thing with betterments everyone's, like look as his his spatial here. It's different. It's not the same for its the same person, man I a lot of people who want familiar with camera work, london stuff, don't believe it, but whatever anyway, the press It, has a clean bill of health from his doctor and the best medical care in the world. Still he at times has trouble walking and has made verbal stumbles. Yeah there's a video right now out accurate. I should just pull it up. I should just brought about
wasn't planning on it, but I think it exemplifies exactly what we're talking about. So let me just uh, I got it. I got it here, I'm gonna a gentleman deposit. Let me let me let me drag it in for you the guys ready for this one you want, That's gonna be get ego already housing of our institutions, DR grant creative partnerships. Let me be clear certain principles. Our international system are sacrosanct. What has become of our institutions? Whites our institutions? Let's go again as you have our institutions, what is it? What is trying to say I mean like. What's let's, let's try against us again. What's he saying. As you have our institutions, I think you say, Ask me at one point: some one asked him. As you have our institutions. Now now something of our institutions.
As you have, our institutions must rise again. As you have our institutions, DR created new partnerships. Let me be clear:. Certain principles or international system are sacrificed, sacrosanct I have no idea. Look when you I shoot another shepherd a pressure at international pressure sounds like you was saying something like true international cooperation. Under pressure we can try to. We can try to decipher bide knees. I have no idea what bad a calf carers or next no recent. Next now recent is my favorite by the way, but this one he's got nothing for you as you of our institutions, whereas our institutions- ok, yeah, you look biden- is to all the right if binding with second terminus. Next year's election here Eighty six, when he leaves office and pulse
well, voters are concerned. Biden is too old for four more years in the white house. It's true. This is why I said, especially when they came after after hunter, especially after they announced the impeachment inquiry. I'm, like Biden will drop out. I it it's tough. I don't like making bold predictions right. Even when I didn't make bold predictions, I get all these people pulling clips claiming I did make bold predictions, but this one, I think, is a fair assess. At that, if you're going to put down chips on, you know one better, the other biden stays Biden leaves Biden leaves has my bet. But again you know I could be wrong, I'm totally fine with it. Accepting that. I just believe because of impeachment because of hunter there is an his health and his muttering sputtering. There's a strong likelihood that, for some reason or other Biden drops out, I think
ruin views that as the most probable course of action, but we just don't know how it's going to come to be, they want to say Originally, some democrats are worried that the president who defeated donald trump, seventy seven in the twenty twenty election, may not have the energy to do too, next year. He didn't have the energy you to do the first time using his basement. The whole time isn't appeared of his life where passing and die this public or I here we go, he is in a period of his life where passing and death is imminent, sharon's the leader of the democratic party in lorraine, county in ohio, told the washington post. We are all on a ticking clock, but when at his age or trumps age. That clock is ticking a little faster and that's a concern for voters. It's not taking faster, it's just Only thirty seconds to midnight. You know me Did you not there the doomsday clock where five minutes to midnight now it's like fifteen seconds or something when you want to add for Joe Biden and to be fair truck trumps old to, but
trump, doesn't sputtering mumbled away. Biden does trump seems to be a bit more spry compounding the age issue. Some aids are worried. Hunters legal troubles could divide the president attention when it needs to focus on running the country, and I'm paying for reelection aid. Sables and first lady Joe Biden are reluctant to hear about any political implications about the matter and accepted the fact that hunter Legal problem will will probably get worse in the months ahead and bc news reported source, told the news network, the topic of there is so sensitive that everybody walks around on eggshells in the west wing and don't like to raise the matter. They found fine cocaine and the white house- and there are like we have no idea where it came from. It only could have come from some with security clearance to bypass security, likely hunter Biden, but your under bide, meanwhile, is going on the offensive, after being it with three charges related to his two thousand parts of a handgun facing it
instigation into its taxes- has suit the irs for releasing is tax information which he claims should have remained confidential. I agree with hunter bite on their one that I do not like the idea that we can put your tax information. That's private information. We would you not look it's bad enough. The irs violates and the chicken bites sheer existence yeah. I know, and people are going to be alive. What was it the thirteenth amendment or was at sixteen? I dunno, whatever the one that says: income tax, the fact that you have to testify against yourself to the I r s or else is shockingly insane. You have to incriminate yourself the iris as how much money you make and you legally obligated tell him you don't they'll come after you, criminal charges, even as insane to me, but I digress. They should not be releasing your private information. President Biden has not publicly addressed his sons latest legal woes, but did tell MSNBC embassies Stephanie rule
earlier this year. He was proud of hunters recovery from his drug addiction and equality yeah, then they found coke in the white house, so I'm not so sure about that one dude. It impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him. He said great luck, my friends, I can respect Biden coming out and saying he's old. I can respect that Democrat coming out and being like his death, his eminence yikes little bold statement there but sure that's a crazy thing for a Democrat to say, wow. But come on a nobody thinks otherwise right deliver their necks segments coming up at six p m and the gentle thanks rang out and I'll see you all them. yea panel will meet today to discuss the ethics of growing human babies in artificial wombs after success in animals. And I feel that this is an inevitability watched the movie recently about a woman who has a pod baby
in this will be, it actually wasn't very good, like it had no story general story, I guess was if it had when you could call that this woman is issues working. And so she doesn't want to present herself. She signs up company were there like. What's yours company. They sign her up for this program where it says look, you want to have a baby, but we don't want you to leave work so we're going to put your baby in this egg pod that will grow artificially. For you, Creepy thumb and has no real, ending so kind of shocked, but one of the concepts spoiler alone- I guess, is that the baby's can't dream and you think the stories goings where, but it doesn't ultimately it just kind of a window into this life of people who choose to grow there be he's an artificial wombs and it is nightmarish and to stop him.
I don't give a quick shout out to this short film capital of conformity on you to buy Azrael laura. It was shared with me by any and said it was shared to him by someone else, and I put it out because absolutely incredible, it's a retro futurists a I'd generated view the nightmare of estonia and considering it was a generated. I really do. Recommend checking out this video I'll, put the link in the description below seriously get out shout out too, I think it's proposed as a as a or it's really good and I've wash it like five times could so freaky its gross. Its trippy. When I see a story like this, I can't help but be reminded of that video, and I think maybe they missed this in this short film. They talk about the nightmare to Tokyo. Of instant gratification, and I wonder if there could be a component or perhaps another view like this of a world in which
bees are grown in boxes. Here's a story from a daily mail A panel of government health advisers will meet today to discuss the ethics of god. Babies in artificial wombs, the technology successfully developed in several animals technology has successfully developed several animals in recent years, prompting the FDA could to consider whether it should be tried in humans. Many experts believe it. be a game changer if used to mimic the conditions of a womb and help treat health complications and a growing number of premature babies in the? U s fair point: before the advanced can be used in humans. Researchers have to show the device helps infants grow and develop with lower chance of health issues. Then, with existing technology, I can say a lot of bad things about this. There are some good things to be said. First, through this, the peter at pediatric advisory committee, an independent panel health experts are meeting today and wednesday via teleconference, though the
new day meeting will help guide the agency. The FDA will make its own decisions and is not required to follow the advisers guidance. At this age artificial wombs aren't designed to grow a baby from scratch. Although advances in the field have led some to believe that is on the horizon. Laws. Wanna point out recent news that they created a here an embryo or, as I go out from genetic material, not a sperm or an egg scan creepy out. There are a lot of very terrifying implications. What this means there, Are some good ones give? Second, they say this stage: artificial wombs are designed to grow a baby from scratch. Instead, they would be used to care for the one one hundred infants born before twenty eight weeks gestation, which is considered extremely per preterm. It could also combat the infant mortality the? U s which exports of war to so much higher than that and other developed nations, unlike conventional incubators in the neonatal intensive care unit. Nikko, this technique uses an extra uterine support device which
The conditions of a real womb beans, infants heart, circulates blood. The abyss court into a machine that takes the place of the mothers placenta, synthetic amniotic, fluid and rich with nutrients flow into and out of the temperature controlled near sterile bio bag. Ugh. The aim is to provide an environment in which a tiny, premature babies can safely develop their lungs and other organs during the critical period from twenty three to twenty eight weeks after conception. All right. Let's talk about this, the positives. You hear that. that's the awkward silence of a family dinner after you just got caught aping most. Faiths contain high levels of nicotine and disappointment
brought to you by the real cost and the f d. A positives are that we dramatically reduce abortion with this technology. It stands to reason. Laws could be passed, preventing abortion, now hold on there I don't mean to say that women won't be able to terminate their pregnancies, they would still be able to terminate their pregnancies. They would just not be able to terminate the life of the child with this technology babies. After around twenty three weeks, you can abort. They were talking about four months a little bit shy of you would abort the pregnancy, but you would not abort the baby. It would create this distinction, which is really interesting, and if this technology persists and helps to the point where you can actually incubate a baby from the point of conception into a full grown human as much as we can say, there are horrifying capitalistic implications here. It would save the lives of these children. If mother sought to terminate now there is the negative
You would actually increase the likelihood of pregnancies being terminated, because now there is no risk of babies help women would then many choose to have artificial bio bag. Babies instead of biological babies and there are damaging repercussions to this. How we navigate this morality, man, I don't have the answers, but I can only present you some complications. First, babies in the womb, I think most women will tell you this. I'm a dude. I've never been pregnant and can't become pregnant. But what I hear from many Women, mothers is that's. Maybe talks to you baby tells you stuff. I don't mean literally speak in English. You know women get cravings and we have. We had a mother on the show recently on culture were talking about how there's absolutely a communication between the needs of the baby in the womb and the mother
and there's antibodies and other benefits that the mother provides, that connection is extremely important. Hence in that movie they said, babies born in boxes can't dream. I dunno, if that's going to be true, but it's creepy. Nonetheless, if you grow baby outside the womb, it's not going to get the actual biological connection, the antibodies, the immunity the mother conveys to it during pregnancy. I think there will be horrible, horrible complications and unforeseen. the quences in bag babies? That's it that's scary. Here's the ideal scenario: p broken abortions, right that there are certain circumstances where we would argue attorney to pregnancy is on an abortion, and what that is is talking with james conference, the freedom to two staunchly pro life. If the baby is not viable and can't survive, it's not an abortion technically, it could be. But let's you speak lear for the purpose of argument
For this, for for this videos purpose, I will say: abortion is intentionally terminating the life of the baby, a baby that could survive. That is wrong, and that should not be. There will be circumstances where the baby cannot survive, and so the term the pregnancy is terminated. or the health of the mother or otherwise. The challenges here is what, if you're wrong, don't know there have been several stories and I'm sure, heard them where a woman was told the baby is not viable and would not survive and says. Well, I'm not terminating and the baby was born, healthy and grows up. We dont want those people lose their lives with. technology. If there is an insistence among the medical staff that, in their best estimation, the baby cannot survive the best best news is well you get, but the baby artificial womb, the pregnancy can be for the health of the mother and the baby can begin given an opportunity to thrive in the instance that a baby is premature, save the baby. In the innocents. Had a woman says there was a cause of raper incest
and by incest we mean like by force on on an individual, so just instances of right to be to be completely clear. You can The woman says I did not consent to carry this person. There's a fourteenth amendment of elation to my rights. I will not provide my body, we say: okay compromise, the baby will not be harmed, it will be raised outside of the womb. I know a lot of people are pro lifers have the in a strong argument that, even if the mother is raped the woman that she must carry the baby, maybe it's her duty. I believe that there is a constitutional and human rights violation. I believe a woman did not consent that she then she does not have the obligation to provide her body to anyone else. and then people argue, but it kills an innocent baby, it doesn't matter if you're, innocent or not. You cannot place some one in someone else on someone else's body and then expect that to be legally upheld. I I just don't see that as a moral question you may have differing morals than me. I believe that these bio bags may provide an opportunity.
In these circumstances, waken say: okay, well, there's a constitutional question of rights or so and when the pro Abortion act of its common say about the baby, can say: no. We can't we, the baby, can come to full term with the use of an artificial womb to save it. In this case it may and the termination of the life of the child, the women will argue. While we can serve, terminate the pregnancy and then you can argue back then, while we can keep the baby alive, and if the argument is, if the baby is viable and can survive, then you can't terminate it and these things create an opportunity in which every circumstances the baby cancer I've now transplantation of an embryo foetus or otherwise into the bag, is a question that I am sure that they will entertain. But the real scary thing here is that potential benefits in preventing abortion and saving life of children. That's there
to be fair. The scary thing is that women will just not have babies. Yeah, I know a lot of trans humanist, progressive women are probably cheering for this, that I wanna be baby machines, but the scary thought is that humans need that connection to their mother, I believe, is an essential component of human life and they would strip that there's something deeply immoral and horrifying, and it's not so much a question of morality. Although I do think a moral question exists to question of science. What does the baby gain from the mother? That cannot be artificial? transplanted they are. Questions are on whether or not a baby should be on breast milk or formula breast milk tends to be better as antibiotics formula is needed for babies. These can't survive without proper food. The cage just eat stake trend. You know babies getting off of liquid diet and into solid diet. It takes time it's part of a human. human development, and so back in the day for when could produce milk, there be a wet nurse another,
who was lactating. Who would provide for the baby? Now we have formula which works but I'm I'm I'm not a big fan of these kind of artificial substitutes I think the artificial worms. Ultimately, I think they'll be a net negative in the long run. I think they'll provide us with positives, but this stuff is dystopian and terrifying, but I'll leave it. Herman. I will recommend that you check out capital of conformity, its creepy, it's kind of gross, but it is really well done. You wanna talk about a nightmare. This toby I check out the short from fort short from a link, a lincoln this description. I tweeted. well I'll, leave their next segment is coming up at eight p m over at youtube com slashed him cast Arel thanks, rang out and I'll see you well then. Yes, my fur, and you read that right new york city council advances bid that could yank monuments, honouring washington, jefferson and columbus. Donald trump warned us. He said they start tearing down these statues.
To tell you man, you know people talk about where this country is headed. I talk civil war or civil strife, just whatever this culture war is evolving into I do not see how this nation can persist if they are systematically erasing this nation. Its borders are being destroyed, the economies and chaos and they are trying to erase our history and destroy the founding fathers Scary thought there are many of us who refuse to let that stuff go because these men, with their faults, came up with some pretty good ideas and it's a pretty good stuff, But imagine you are the elite, the noble. The landed gentry, and the rabble rib rebelled. What would you do. I certainly do not believe that any monarch are autocrat in the world would appreciate something like that happening to them.
And so those of the global elites who believe that they are better men and should be in control are certainly spiralling of the idea that a country like the united states could exist for of and by the people, and that's why probably, unlike nineteen thirteen or whatever centralized control overtook this country and since then has been an erosion into an autocratic machine run by intel since ancient, so don't tell you what they're doing or why they're doing it. I viewed country, more, like a bank account kind of like or actually look at chicken coop that way the intelligence agencies where they might. Argue that they are doing right by you. Sure, let's be honest, do I do right by my chickens? I do their great. They smell pretty bad though, but I keep them safe. Keep the predators away. I give so she yes right. Every friday here at tim, gassed we do a company in I'll hang out where we break. We order a bunch of food for everybody and the leftovers. Only the fresh raffish goes to the chickens.
That was chickens are living large. Why, though, is it because I treat them as equals course not? Is it because their special kind of I know funny their fund to look at, but I don't think about em all that much no, I take their eggs from them. Their eggs fill my belly and make me happy and then we haven't eaten any yet, but eventually we will consume their flesh from their bones and that's how I feel this country is run by the intelligence agencies. They don't care about what you think who your family is They might look in his eyes, got kids how nice, when I see the chickens have babies, we ve had like three natural babies in the chicken coop constraints cannot approve
we laugh like oh look, they got babies and then we walk away. We don't care just keep on doing your thing, producing for what we need you to produce, to make my life better and that's the nature of chicken reality, yeah they're funny and it's fun to look at and that's how. I think that this country has run the powerful elites view you like a chicken. You work, they keep you safe. You produce things they take from you. They take your bounty, but let's be real. When we have problem chicken whose causing issues we remove them without question or thought our sad when a chicken dies, but that's how they view you. You know just another: one of the greatest sand in a heap, this giant pile of people working to make their lives butter, and so that means you know for the sake of the chickens in this
I hope that is united states. It is in your interests that the people running the show are able to continue feeding you, but to what end. This is why they don't care to destroy your heroes. Your founding fathers, the history of this country, means nothing. They don't care if you care they care that their chicken coop is run efficiently and if the chickens behave behave problematical, then we have to alter the nature of the chickens and that's what they do, Thank you for coming to my ted talk, the chicken analogy of the united states, the democratic led council's cultural affairs committee is set to hold a public hearing tuesday on our puzzle, to yank artworks from the city properly a property dedicated to historical figures such as washington, peter stuyvesant and Christopher Columbus, because of the controversial pasts critics immediately brighter the effort is cancel culture on about cancel culture at communist rebels
and more like a council culture from what some gets fired. This is removing our first president. every tuesday atop gulf, you get half off game play that means half of every single swing you take, whether it was good swing, a pretty good swing or are not so good swing. In that. When it's half off the swings here swings over. There all swings everywhere. It's golf. It's half off it's half off gulf on tuesdays, download the top golf app book a day and come play a round restrictions may apply visit, topgolf dot com, slash tuesday for details, have some fun. That's insane columbus was a migrant fumes Other fellow president of columbus heritage coalition, we follow vowed to fight any attempt to remove monument the famous italian explorer from city parkland parkland, including the most recognizable statue at columbus circle,
among the council's usual major responsibilities is passing a budget, the lawmakers approved a spending plan at the end of june. But it's already a disaster with mere attic Eric Adams ordering city agency cuts because of could potentially out of balance to the tune of billions of dollars. Thanks to the migrant crisis, critics note a general view of the columbus statue in Columbus circle, yeah columbus circles, a big deal in new york, Abc news offices are right near by the fifty one member council also oversees the operation of city agencies and passing of local. relations and laws that spain, everything from outdoor dining disowning matters, but now a main focuses cancelling historical figures are not a threat. That you have thomas jefferson, the draft of the declaration of independence and america's third president was removed from city hall because he was a slaveholder amazing. Take away.
a statue of peter stuyvesant, director general of new netherlands, sixteen forty seven to sixteen sixty four there. He is in new york, the internal affairs committee's upcoming hearing involves legislation that would require the city's public design commission to publish a plan to remove works of art on big apple property, the depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous peoples or other crimes against humanity. if the commission determines that a statue or monument honours, a person who committed crimes against humanity, but votes, not term of the work, quite a city to install an explanatory plaque about the misdeeds of historical figure. Welcome to the fall of your nation. My friends, this is the famous statue of george wash in turn in union square partner for those that are familiar with the new york across right. There is a big digital counter of some sort and then there's astray,
our work with a hand emerging from a wall, I'm assuming it still there the numbers at the clock, it counts the it shows the current time. Anyone of time left in a day. It's actually that simple the hand is actually a replica of the hand of george washington from the statue across the street. now you know they say there are more than a half dozen monuments on city, property, honoring slave holder, Washington, also america's first president and a revolutionary hero, including in washington square park and union square park. Peter stuyvesant, dutch governor early new york settler and a slaveholder has a statute stuyvesant park and prestigious stuyvesant high school is named after him. Other famous slave holders who have schools in a sitting over them uncle John Jay, and do it Clinton look at this is despicable the statue of Thomas jefferson was taken of city hall in november twenty twenty one and move
after the new york, historical society and these, and who are these guys these men? Who would do this? It's absolutely insane, I'm not a fan of the pledge of allegiance. I'm not this idea that I would pledge allegiance to the flag of this country. I was kind of weird pledging allegiance to the flag. I would pledge allegiance to the constitution. I would pledge an oath to the. institution that I can totally understand. The flag thing is weird to me, but you know fine, whatever we are at a republican meeting and they did the pledge of allegiance, and it makes me chuckle When I was a kid I never did the pledge, I sometimes I should say never it offers black nine doin it. I just funded we're that everybody stands therein turns the flat and then put their hand over the heartland pledges allegiance to the flag of the country. I am not saying not have loyalty, this nation, I'm just saying that's a weird thing to do. If they said pledge and oh
did the council. Every morning we said I pledge an o the constitution of this nature, to uphold the rights that are enshrined in the system of governance created for of and by the people. One nation, under god, indivisible of liberty and justice for all I'd, say guide. I respect that My point is this: while I certainly have my qualms about standing in honouring and pledging allegiance and all that stuff loyalty, oaths or whatever I have a bigger issue with men in this country who do not care, because all that is required for evil to triumph is that good men do nothing. More importantly, if you dont know from where you came, you are doomed to disaster. You need to understand the past. dick the future and also history, doesn't repeat it rhymes. We should not allow the tearing down of statues just because someone in the past is a thing by today's standards. We think is
bad, doesn't mean that we destroy their image. We preserve the good, frederick douglass, an amazing man, challenged this country to stand by the words that were crafted by their and by their grandfathers and their great grandfathers pertaining to the rights of men. I mean human beings. The constitution said that all men are created equal and granted by their creator in alien rights, in which case you said, does not apply to me with your words, stand true or do you lie masterfully said, and this was a component and the sentiment to ending slavery. How could you claim all men are created equal with inalienable rights, to free speech, life, liberty to put up with the pursuit of happiness and then click to own someone s property, a slap in the face to the hypocrites
who said they would stand by the constitution, but then outright rejected the rights of fellow humans. It's opponent in a war was fought over it. The confederates had some pretty nasty ideas. It was an all evil, though it's just that we did bad things. Human beings I mean always and even to this we strive to do better. So what do we have here? Thomas Jefferson, at some really good ideas and he didn't like slavery. He did not do enough in my opinion, it's one thing to be alike. I'm going to remove this provision from the declaration of independence. Hope I can't. I guess it's another thing to be an abolitionist and he certainly was not. He deserves criticism for that. Many of these people do for them to come out and say, slavery was bad, but then actually just keep their slaves. Spare me you could do better. You can do a lot.
I think it's also poor now understand that there is a big difference from slaves being mercilessly beaten and whip in the field, as many were, and the horrible crimes committed by these plantation owners, crimes against humanity, and there were slaves and cities who like worked enshiu repair stores. None of it was okay, but I think understanding the history and nuance is really important to understand the sentiments and why it was able to persist, because there were many people that saw slaves such as working at a tailor, shop or shoe, store and said: there's nothing wrong with it. There's absolutely something wrong with it today, most depictions of slavery are the slave being mercilessly beaten, but you may ask yourself: why did people allow this system to to to continue it's because a lot of the slaves were house slaves or were not grossly mistreated, and so they justified incorrectly? Obviously they justified this the these rights, but they were wrong and through the words of the founding
others in which they stated all men are created. Equal challenges were brought about which brought about the end of slavery. War, bloodshed, wasn't solely for slavery. I know that's over simplification, slavery, of course, being a major issue, but in the end the founding fathers set forth a new nation for them, when the first time in history, a nation that was ruled not under divine providence but by the people, it leads can't have that they now seek to remove these ideas from society. Why? Because, if you don't know that you're a slave, how could you escape slavery? Is harriet? Harman said I freed many slaves. I would have freed many more if only they knew they were slaves. If they strip away the ideas of independence, liberty, life from all instances of public life, then how will you even know the ideas of merit and personal responsibility even exist.
It's crazy thought right. You know some people might say its inherent, but I dont believe so take, for instance, the concept and philosophy of solemn system. If you don't know what that is, just look it up, but if you did not know that idea existed, how could you even contemplate its meaning in your life as pertains to you and say nihilism, you wouldn't the same goes for freedom, self governance and liberty. If the ideas ripped from you. How can you pursue it I'll leave their next segment is coming up today. Add what, when we looking at four p m thanks for hang out and I'll see, you well then rap expansion, morality, economic crisis, forget worker shortage get got at what, if a celebrity buys the company depends on who it is but regret what, if a global internet outage sends us back to the stone age were good. You can change the world of work, see the world turns into one of those zombie shows which one any of em relax. We ve got it
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-14.