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Warren Staff EXPOSED Slamming Her Far left Wokeness, Veritas Reveals Dissent Among Warren Campaign


Warren Staff EXPOSED Slamming Her Far left Wokeness, Veritas Reveals Dissent Among Warren Campaign. In newly published videos from Project Veritas Elizabeth Waren's staff are overheard discussing her embrace of far left wokeness over kitchen table issues most Americans care about.The staffer seemed to have similar thoughts to Bill Maher who recently, and several times in the past, criticized Warren and other Democrats for embracing far left wokeness and woke twitter.Many moderate Democrats have expressed fear and concern for the exact same reasons. Democrats embracing fringe issues from a small activists base is why they lose and will likely lose big in November's 2020 election.James O'keefe has been slowly releasing videos exposing the staff for many of these campaigns but perhaps this is the first time his expose actually makes the staffer look good to most people.So long as Warren and others continue this we can expect them to get woke go broke

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Project Vera toss expose twenty twenty launched a new video today, this time going after Elizabeth Warren Staff- and I gotta say this might be the first expos say that those getting espoused actually look good. Now. I think it is bad for warrens care pain because she's been embracing woken up to such an absurd degree bill mom rag on her several times and are poles keep tanking we're learning now from project Berytus. Is that several bull in her staff are complaining about how she's, when, after the Ultra awoke vote instead of talking about what Americans really care about. Today is the first caucus its primary season and Elizabeth and is actually trailing her poles have been slowly dwindling. One thing I find particularly Mustang is a story back from October, when Elizabeth, why and made some comments about transgender prisoners. This was around the same time. Her poles started to steadily tank. I dont know if she woken went broke, but at sea to me that war
its own staff are now upset that Elizabeth Warren did in fact with whither blossoming and spend rising campaign spiking very, very high. She decided to get what go broke. You know, whilst this was Kirsten Jello Brand, she was one of these August candidates. Will the New York Times or an up ad saying the weakest? Kenneth are the weakest. So why is in doing this on a say, I don't know exactly I want to say everything about Warren Staff, the are good, but I I am happy that at least there talking sanity, unfortunately, a d It seemed to be trickling up to the higher up the campaign and war continues to make absurd comments. The latest that she she wanted her secretary education to be valid by a transgender child. Bill MAR said. Forget the trans thing. Why would you give veto power who are high school or what is wrong with this. Candidates ball will find out. Let's check out what what what project vera toss has uncovered in the latest exquisite before we get started at over its in Canada?
I'm slashed on it. If you'd like to support my work as a pay, PAL Optional Crypto option a physical address, but of course the best thing you can do share this video a lot of people. Probably why watch where toss they assume their lying. Well, tell you what let me be that happy medium, I'm not going to You very tiresome to show you some sources, but I gotta say whether you want to, but, what their uncovering or not these people are saying these things, and it's not Warren staff its bill more? It's the New York Times and it's been burning for months. So, let's dive and see what's goin on exposed when it twenty part. Five. Elizabeth Warren Iowa campaign field. Organizer says the Democrats lose elections because they privatized, pronouns or In short, people have a decent standard of living. When you come from where I come, No one gives an f about a g d pronoun People want to know how to create a job. That's all. I wish wish that person we're running actually great. So so so Bravo Earth ass. You actually made them look good and fortune as we saw with the Bernie Sanders Expos I am willing.
Many of them are locked down their social media accounts and those with work and will not take any of this criticism seriously and, as we saw with the other candidates, they're going to get woke and go broke of America does not know or care about weakness and for some reason, these candidates are chasing after twitter. To win a general election. Ok, ok hold on, but try to wear a primary election. I get it. They want the activist vote, but I'm still willing to bet it's gonna backfire on them. They say Are you a field? Organizer Warren campaign, an angel? Eliseo at the end of the day we ve become party that is prioritized pronouns rather than putting food on the table for working families, and it's like that's why we lose Man, I'm so happy here. This is like a weight left off my shoulder. Thank you. Angel you're I don't want a lot about you, but I ll say that's went alone, does good vibes your way? Ok, I respect, as is right angel says: I got called out for not having those pronouns on my twitter bio, so I threw them
they're just to satisfy the box folks its identity, politics and again, I call on it for calling at that. Angel easier, reveals discomfort with another worn staff member more prone to many politics page, was like you're the. Only straight person here. I'm like who effing cares I'm not saying you're the only thing, trans you're something this is what the ethics people utilise against us, because you say dumb ass like that, because I, like women, you're going to. Ostracize me. Yes, that's what we ve all been complain. About I'm glad to see that at least some people are pushing back on this regular I can agree with angel. Please tell us how to improve the economy. Well, I guess I Donald Trump did that you know what you know what and there's gonna be a really bill, more heavy episode, because he's talk so much. He raised an interview. Megan Kelly, where he said: people hate political correctness, so much they will take it from out of a werewolf. If they push back against it,
and that's what an Megan responded. That's if they like in Trump he's a fighter and that's the package he comes in man, I feel bad for angel. He said I had to do a diversity, inclusion, training and, unlike what are you going to tell me you white girls that I dont already know, isn't it funny that its the white progressives, who seem to be the weakest only just said that share of the Stone Wall Caucus which is like the algae beady caucus in the state, which has very little credibility. Membership is like twenty or thirty people. They endorse Booker, because but Christine was like come here with open arms because they need anything at this point. The main point is they endorsed Booker, because we- weren't, gonna Effing lay out the red carpet for them. There are liable not an asset in the long term. This is the problem I have had with Bernie Sanders. Bernie
and twenty sixteen one on the debate stage and he said white people don't know what it's like to be poor. Its pilot effect covers this is legit. He said this. I dont know why he said it, but boy was that a complete one. Eighty from everything he appeared to be fighting for in the past, then maybe distrust him. He got woke at an event. Black lives matter act the micro many backed off. He has continually gone, woke and even gotten woken immigration he's changed his policies, and, as the saying goes, get what go broke? Maybe it's because he needs to court. The activists based there while doing but trying to go after woke Twitter is the biggest mistake you can make their a tiny, tiny fraction, and let me warn all of you: not only new progressive activists make up less than eight percent of the world's population according to more and commons data. It's, U Gov Data, this appalling, ok out, but that does not explain to them that twitter two point two percent of Americans.
Our active twitter users of that around half hour woke. If let his friends are less than that of the active twitter users. Even less are woke so we're dealing with a fraction of a fraction of a fraction that is dictating the narrative. You know why here's the sad reality media companies need reach. They want reach. They go after people with large followings who have a better chance of sharing a story. News companies in the digital age. Don't care about facts! They care about, clicks and shares to make money who's gonna, get clicks and shares some one with a large fallen on social media. They get prioritized over real journalist who don't want the attention and don't want to be in the media. Twitter then becomes dominated with well funded activists who work in me with large followings and they over represent, woke, ass, the politicians than chasing the news stories from these woke activists start pandering to think,
No one cares about. I'm sorry angel! I'm sorry if deal with this matter advice to you right now is to quit the Warren campaign somewhere else and speak your truth exactly as your saying it, because you are right, I feel bad man I I kind of feel better this person's getting all of this this this exposure and pressure. Often you see bad people exposed by very toss, I am not criticising verities for this. I think that is a good job I just angel should embrace. The talking point recognise that he does. Present what Americans are truly interested in making their lives better for everybody, the algae, BT, keeping the otherwise. But the problem is that your hyper focused on a tiny community of woke activists on twitter. Instead of the general population. I wish the best for angel look. I got I gotta say another Kevin. I dont know exactly what their politics army they were for the warring campaign, but I think warrant deserves praise. In some areas I mean that when she started speaking in the poles who was talking about going after big tech, and I was all down
That now I gotta be honest, he's a liar. You know she's! about so many things. I would never vote for her. You know I mean I probably fall NET Yang or bust bracket. I'm I'm a big fan of young. I definitely disagree with you, be I, but I, Yang is the is the best we have so far, and I think is an all round good due to make good points. There are some things that criticism for one or two percent and don't think, is good. But is the only one I believe who has who has earned my trust in respect, say Souci gabardine. I know, but I, but I think at this point I don't yeah we're tells you are going anywhere swamis like that, and, of course the Dnc is cheating. You know you get it I'd love to see angel succeed from this to be actually given. Chance to come out and say you know what yes, I said it. I hope I hope it does. It reflect poorly because, while it is an undercover, expos eight and I think they're tosses is doing thing showing their dissent in the ranks. I hope that somebody who's actually speaking truth and calling out the insanity and actually fighting
what american people actually care about, how to create a job. They get rewarded, not punished. You know when we see people talking about gulags in starfleet. Those people should be heavily criticised and just criticised. I dont like a lot of the gate and it goes on the internet there there is harassment, stalking, it's not always. You know these people try to claim that criticism is harassments, not true, but at least as far as I can tell from so so far. I feel bad for this person, but I think it's important that very toss does what they does. Otherwise you just don't know, and it's really important. We learn that with in the Thanks of one of the progressive far left Democrats was actually leading the pack, their our staff are saying no to the insanity. It's not just The steamroller far left me no stop storming through their people actually pushing back. They say this analysed worn presidential campaign field. Organizer angel Elisa was secretly recorded admitting to his frustration of extreme political correctness taking place within the worn campaign LISA works out of the worn campaign. Iowa office says that, although He cares about transgender people. Democrats,
losing elections for prioritizing gender problems over economic issues. Thank you. We all listen. I think it's fair to say everybody. Yeah, like the overwhelming majority? Ok, obviously, not literally everybody, but ninety nine percent of people want everyone to two percent. Life liberty and happiness. That's what America's all about. We may disagree on cultural issues, institutional issues, but most people want to respect others. Individual liberty, not everybody, looked fascists and tankers we get it. Authoritarian left us in the right there all around, but most people, most good Americans. Most voters are probably like a menu. Do you even can evidence. We disagree on laws and we argue for things that we shouldn't should allow. I understand that, but most of us want to focus on how to make our lives better. When you hyper focused on the boutique issues, as our Rick Wilson said on Bill MAR Boutique issues and a woman country you lose Angel Alicia believes that it was with one that I'm accredit party are misguided when it comes to the american people's priorities. He also thinks that his fellow worn campaign staffers are part of the plan,
please angel, please make a video come out, speak openly about this. Seriously mean please talk about this call out these people who are pushing this fringe ideology that Americans don't want. It's hurting. The Democrats, sooner. We can expose the insanity due to the media machine. The better off all of us will be angel said at the end of the day, if we prioritize pronouns over making sure people have a decent standard of living? That's wrong. The journals responded, you're right angel said and when you, come from where I come from? No one gives an f about a g d. Pronoun people want not accredit job, so it is possible. This person believes you crazy things too.
Angel and an eye, and I think it's fair to point out as I typically do. You know that we will try to go after very tough thing, it's out of context, but that's not necessarily the case or the issue. Some of these people on camera bragging about you known in the burning exposes like do they're, they're saying the stuff. We know they're saying the stuff you try to downplay, but no one's, no one's condemned the rhetoric. They just ignored it and hushed up. So I think, is fair to say these small snippets don't provide us with with the perfect picture of who these individuals are, but show us a little bit about what their thinking at the time and based on certain contacts. I think it is relevant, so he says the thing is and I'm here for the pronoun things, but I just feel I shouldn't have to say he him his like shouldn't. It just be implied if I tell you otherwise, like I've, been caught, not for saying something like that, but that's why we lose elections, because we're zeroing unasked like that? Don't call her in front of her she'll be very upset. He said, use they them announced, but it's like I'm still trying to The speed on that, but the end of the day we become the party that is private,
eyes that, rather than putting food on the table for working families and slight, that's why we where zeroing in on something- and I think The matter we should make people feel comfortable and accepted. He says when you put that you know as when you put that over making sure people have decent jobs and healthcare like it's, nothing, no brainer! Why we're going to a to G d lose and election the up so here I'm saying you throw into a twitter by also he's gonna, do honestly this bill.
Recently a show, just as past Friday, sad we gotta stay within the crazy stuff. I wanna make sure it's very, very clear. I dont think that what bill is saying or what angel assaying what's being suppose years. Anything disparaged by the Trans Community, in fact, is just the opposite. It's actually, while not the most of the but the most perfect advocacy, for I think they're bring up important issues of look. We want to be there for Trans people, protect them, make sure they have full legal rights and are recognised and all of that stuff. But the Democrats are focusing on issues that don't affect not ninety nine point: nine percent Americans, it affects a small portion of population and those their friends and families are maybe ninety nine point. Nine is a bit too much, but it's not so much about anything having to do with the Trans community. It's about the exploitation of the community by people who have nothing to do with it, who want to use those issues to gain leverage among the activist base. They don't actually care. It. Just comes off like exploitation,
bill. More sad, you know, is it now. Obama said just people just don't want the crazy stuff. Is this not crazy stuff? It's you running for President of Berkeley, and that was the point I am going to read through everything of Bill MAR speech, but he was heavily critical of Warren and there is mere these these these these politicians are scared that they say the wrong thing. It's gonna come back, invite them now here. We showed that I find particularly interesting this if this is the real, clear politics aggregate pulling from throughout the you no going back to what was the first day we have August. Fourth, Elizabeth worn very briefly, it appears hit number one by point: two percent: she beat Joe Biden Amazing, and that was October. Eighth, something happened and are poles started falling is our falling a lot. They fell down fast, underneath Bernie.
And now she's in third place in aggregate pulling in October. We saw this story not sure it was. It was from bill more once again. Surprisingly. Now I just to make sure I point out bill. Marketer went nuts said he was not trying to cry like do not perfect, but I can appreciate some left actually calling the stuff out in China bring sanity back Barbara Crack Kay dams need to go beyond twitter if they don't work. For more years of crazy, ninety seven percent of tweets, mentioning NASH politics came from only ten percent of its users according to a new. U S, study and that's important because only around, I think twenty two percent of the country actually uses twitter and ten percent of that two point: two percent are active twitter users and around half of that are ideologically left an attack and a smaller portion are thee, woke left. That's what's dominating the conversation
The story sat starts with Bill MAR Bill Mars top of his game, either night delivering a trenchant, riff premised on advice to candidates for the democratic nomination, they should be easy said just be less crazy than Donald Trump, the waves of law. After more marked the prominence of marginal issues in Canada, platforms such as giving prisoner, right about Bernie Sanders, not to be outdone. The offer of free gender up confirmation operations to the man. School number of transgender individuals in the present system, Elizabeth Warren? He also warned Manic maximal had been at work that avowed to withdraw tax exempt status from churches. Resistance to recognise gay marriage isn't a winning strategy in attracting the black vote. Whether or not you agree to agree. This conversation came from famous comedian bill more your things being set on HBO. I'm convinced you two might get mad at me for even talking about it. So I want to tell you, but it needs to be talked about because war and has been tanking right around the time. This story came out right around the time.
She started talking about these issues, her pole, slowly starting to drop. It may be that in her panic and desperation as are poles dropped, she turned to welcome this. It made things worse. I don't know it didn't help. It could also be that she embraced willingness to try and boost herself beyond Biden and it backfired I, but The latter. I think it's probably the case that war and was rising in the ranks she was talking about going after Facebook pay people were into that, and I wondered up happening was she went? She went woke, she got broke and her own staff thinks. So that's why That's it! That's why I feel that way. Look I gotta say men as critical as I've been when warring came out about the facebook stuff in the Google stuff actually prisoner, not get me wrong. I criticise are heavily for her lies, but I think going after big technology. Monopolies is a pretty popular position. So what happened to make people start souring honour, at least in part, I'd, be willing to bet it's that she got woke and then she went broke. That's why
hearing it from her own staff and that's why we saw from the New York Times now I get at the New York Times often likes to go after that you know the laughed and there the centrist ties, but the New York Times even hired some woke individuals. They have pushed the Woke narrative, but it in this up ad from Jamal Buoy. Why? The locusts candidates are the Yes, if the fantasy that Democrats are all zealots were reality, the primary campaign would have turned out quite differently. In reality, Elizabeth Worn is failing. You see Kirsten Jello Brand didn't make check this out. This is an old story. From back when children was relevant in July, a white when from oh, how asked your brand about white privilege, her answer was spot on and, as the New York Times said, the primary would be very different if woken up really did matter to the average Democrat. The average democrat voter does not care about the issues that affect small fractions of people. They want the Kennedy
to be a big tent four issues that affect everybody so by all means putting your platform how you gonna protect the Tran Committee. I completely agree with that. I think it's fantastic absolutely, but you need to make sure that when you're, when you're, we are trying to tell people what you're gonna bring them. It is something everyone and relate to otherwise they wander around and now even democratic party. That is fractured as every different direction. In no way have the candidates are actually campaigning on. What is job this message. What seriously do know Joe Biden Pain Slogan, I kind of no it doesn't have one. Is it job, I didn't. Let's just stay the same: let's go back to the way it used to be before Trop made. The The great again like I don't worry slogan as Raw sanders. It's over centres. Is us not me right that Bernie so look? I have.
We know what Bernice campaigning on one hundred percent and for the most part, this weakness, but he certainly entertaining the overly woke for him. I think the important thing is that Bernie hasn't really been playing. That game like Warren has, which is why he surpassed her Let's go back to the aggregate pulling I'll say this, while Bernie does surround himself with Abkhazia, Cortez was very woke. We can see Bernie has started to go up and up and up while warns, and down and burning captain to populist left wing issues like Medicare for all and the environment. And once again I know, Bernie is woke, it's not something you here often of him going out in saying these, these these things that Warren says about having a child determine who a cabinet member would be forget. You looked like, though, MAR said it so she was our relevant Warren said she wanted to child attractive to vat. Her cabinet members, it just literally, does not make any sense.
So I'll throw back to our two that staffer Elizabeth Warren Man. I hope you issue a statement. I hope you don't you shut things down or quit. I think what you said was popular and populist, and people need to hear they really really do. They need to know that you as an individual, are still standing up for what the average American is. Looking for. Back in April, almost a full year ago, bill more worn Democrats against making immigration issue a woke contest in twenty twenty. Well, the immigration issue was mostly, you know Trump one on that front, but beyond that bill MAR at least has made that point. Yup democrats have started awoke contest and it turned out miserably for everybody liked you time said if the party, like the actual individuals who vote where this woke things have been very different. So why one Elizabeth won't get the message and understand you see
Carson, Jello brand. Who was the youngest of them all kind of fizzle out? You think they have learned our lesson that issues like health care and immigration. You know these are things people care about, but the smaller issues, the fringe issues, the Woke twitter issues, people aren't concerned about you'd think they do better there, not, I think, bite is only points as well as he is because its Obama, it's like our game, go by Taliban. Oh, I guess you know, there's there's trust that at least it'll be you know, not bad. I guess there's nobody can ending on anything on you know, bill binds asking for or all energy insults, people all the time and literally has told me will not the vote for him. I gotta going to witness I said it before. I think Joe Biden actually running. I really don't he's Raising money is staff is all over the place. He tat YE insults people today, no, but for Bernie Sugar fought for tromp. Ok, do then. Why are you here because he's a default vote from people who, like our own Biden, I guess that there is actually a joke about that. A bumper sticker says Bernie, twenty twenty. Ok, I guess. Maybe by
like that's the joke or something I don't. What I saw are, I think it was adios. They did the same thing with Hilary. Like you know, ok, maybe I guess anyway, you get you get the point. I think one of the biggest things that hurts the democratic candidates like this, this angel exposed by very tosses saying it's bought on. I think that's why war and took ahead. I things what jeweller brand fizzled out and I think that the Democrats who want to Wendy to avoid talk about stuff because you do not want bill MAR coming after you left bill martyrs represent all the left. He's not perfect is a bunch of really dumb things in my opinion, but I really respect that at least the left has him. Unfortunately, the progressives really don't like him. Neither com all the worst names in the book and unfortunate thing at this point bill more is more of a class liberal in line with intellectual darker than anything else, and the only thing keeping him where he is training is audience. Is that he's got trumped arrangement syndrome, but but but look
somehow Bill MAR became a big piece of this going. I guess because it repeatedly ragged on Warren and the weakness of the Democratic Party and then and then the reality is whether you like the guy or not he's right. He is so a rapid up here, much respect to angel for calling the stuff out. I wish you would speak publicly. I know not. Everybody could, but at least you're saying something to some people at least even if it's just someone who's was talking about the campaign you're willing to speak up. It could be that the platform required to actually stand up to the stuff, but you can see that angel was actually willing to call it out much respect I'll leave their state next segments coming up at six p m at Youtube COM slashed him gas news. I will see you all next time. The Superbowl interview. Donald Trump says that Nancy. Policy is going to fall and the radical left is going to take over, and I completely agree- and I can show you exactly why first does the really obvious reason- police he's old cigar retire soon and many of these
damn judgment. Democrats are really old and hath do retire soon. Now, no Bernie Sanders as old as well, but a causal Cortez is very young. Many of these people, saves, who believe in saying things for insane raisins and want insane stuff are also very young, and let me says the older generation leaves and retires and yes, passes on the younger. More progressive activists are slowly taking over Donald Trump made this prediction UK Yes, I want to take a look at the story. Alexander cause you're Cortez asks why Americans will fund speed force, but won't back health care for all? I love it Is it not why I like this is this? Is the number one post on right it right now and I do think there is some dirty deal in going on behind the scenes of these social media companies, because many of the public sub rights are actual just pro establishment or progressive Democrats are brought its and there's no. Actual there's no real
conversation about what actually happening. They look at his story Most of you can already understand exactly whites stupid, but she makes a point that riles up stupid people she tweets The faults writing checks for a new space force the same ones asking. How are you going to pay for public college or healthcare? Does the richest? country in the world our problem? Isn't it of money. It's a lack of good priorities, and that is something we can change. What do know much we're gonna put into the space horse. My understanding is that it's it's like in the tens of millions, and it's not even much as like Trump wanted. You know much Medicare for all. Would cost it's in the trillions trillions, we're not talking jumping from million two billion were taught him jump? Jumping millions to trillions do concept of, like economics, funny thing about ABC she's, like they make fun of me for in economics degrades like did then I'm in front of you, because you have the degree
The combination of you haven't agreed, not understanding how economics actually works, but it happens. She tweets out there stupid insanity and sure enough everybody eats up saying yeah. Why are we building a space force when we could pay for people's cancer treatments? Let me tell you some. It is substantially and I'm talking like orders of magnitude cheaper and it's very vital to the technology communications, for instance, are satellites that we have a space force which was proposed long before Trump that actually already exist to a certain degree, something that will protect our space assets hate how about GPS, which most of you use every single day. So I know that what their allocating towards the spaceport is basically taking existing funding. That was already going to these other departments, and putting it all under one roof. The gentle
ideas were already spending. The money communication is bad working to create a space force, allocate funds from here to there we're not. Talking about new taxes or or or new spending the money would already be spent here, we're making it easier for everyone to communicate and protect our asked in space. You know what men, I feel I feel a little bit hopeless from all of this. Ok, because, while that you, rag on conservatives Fer, you know not always be incorrect and you can criticise their bad opinions. When I look too two dominating read it. It is just complete ignorance, complete ignorance from people who cause your Cortez, who don't understand or any of this works. They don't think at all. They dont Google search in point when, when they posted, when the space force posted the new name tax, the name plates, ok existing, military uniforms that said space force it was, it was came out. It was camouflage.
Like jungle and terrestrial camouflage and all of a sudden we got the big viral trend of. I can't believe they're doing tree camouflaged for the space force shouldn't it looked like this and where they post pictures of like pajamas that have galaxies on them and stuff, and it's like oh did. First of all, please I need you to Google search what the based force is going to do you see they're going to operate on earth? We're not. We to have soldiers drifting around in space wearing black, because they're going to be without a space ship uses the crew this thing to me when the whole thing, happened. Unlike in what sigh fi reality have we ever seen in two Army armies with no spaceships, you watch STAR Trek big spaceships star wars, little spaceships and big ones too, but when have we seen people
drifting around in the vacuum of space. That's what we get these people like a Yossi. You take the people who are so dumb they think that you are soldiers were literally be blast and often the outer space to drift. Wearing space, camouflage to fight other countries. People who are blasted often outer space. None of this makes sense, didn't think two steps, then Google search anything and the funny the funnier joke is like. Do you think that AIR Force Como is like blue with white puffs on it no where the same camouflage and they change it. Depending on sport, harangue where they operate. Guess what it's? The existing army uniform space worth for just created, and I'm not going up we really get all this. I cannot tell you very simply: ok Medicare, for all. Trillions of dollars a year? there s a meaning? What is it like? Thirty trillion dollars of the next ten years, some ridiculous amount, but here so we get. If you go to read, DOT, com, slash all they
number one post Alexandria. The court has asks why Americans will fund space force, but won't back health care for all. Well, why don't? We figure out what people are saying now I will say. Fortunately, Thankfully, there are some comments in here that are like guys what is wrong with you chill out, but before I read those comments and show you how insane owners I need to make the bigger and more important point. It used to be that our slash. The Donald was always on the front of all our slash all. People claimed it was russian Box or whatever I'm not gonna play that argument, you to say read it panicked. They talked about how they didn't like it and they started fiddling with the algorithm to prevent the Donald from reaching the front page of all four okay. So let me stop read. It is a very, very prominent. You know aggregate aggregation, link, aggregation site people go there. You post a link, people outvoted
about our slash. All is the entirety of the website, meaning whatever that, whatever whatever Sabra could be. There could be one about, like you, know, ice cream and just for some reason. People really like it and like our slash ice cream right now you go to our slash politics, you actually just get progressive activism. There's no real discussion over policy. It just literally orange man bad over and over, and if you try and say anything to the contrary, unlike opposed it typically just gets Obol obliterated So now you have the more conservative sites are subjects not gaining any true. And even the moderate ones, and what do you see all the time on. All you see centrists being marked? You see political humor, politics where they literally just ragged trump and like things like f the outright its literally just inundated with progressive politics? Now you might say TIM, that's just because most people don't like Trump,
hey that's fair moderators, our four on the politics sub brought it. You would think politics which is not supposed to be partisan. Would moderation to make sure there could be a real, healthy debate, not how it works, because activists- go in and shot everything down, let me show the comments I'll Your colleague has what. Why will Americans fund the space force, but won't back health care for all here we go. They say the first comment, because Fox NEWS tells their followers that only communists give government funded healthcare and there dumb enough to believe it. There, So much wrong with that top comment. Ok, that that means when people commenting they're up voting this the most that's what they think the people in the sub write it
don't watch Fox news, or they assume that literally everyone in this country does which they dont know. Fox news is the hydrate cable channel their money, news outlets that are not Fox news and guess what you got people to judge you got club, which are you got Biden? None of them want Medicare for all either. This is hyperbolic nonsense, but its being pushed up to number one on one of the most prominent social media networks in the world? This person than exports as the best part is the people watch Fox news that rabble on about having to pay for other people's health care are either in Asia or medicate. Yes, you read that right. That's just not true either because there people of all generation saying no to this vital Voters are like John Exercise in their forties people entering their fifties, guess what those people are not watching Fox NEWS, there Biden supporters and they also don't want these things. This is the weird
weird world of how read it Warren team, the Donald so that they can appear anywhere else for for complete bs reasons that the biggest site for Donald Trump support is basically blocked. Now, look, I said all time I don't care if you like or don't like the president. I think it's messed up, that you basically have all of these other subjects completely dominated by progressive activists and the one place for transporters is quarantine, so it can't even appear. You then go to read it, and you get this in. Sanity. Why would read it want to promote this? Pure ignorance? I'm not saying trumps right, I'm insane. Supporters are right saying these people are dumb they're wrong and their prejudice they ask, everyone is agreed that must be an old person watching Fox NEWS. That's not true people that their money, young people who are in their thirties, who also AOL is stupid lesson.
I'm a show some more these comments? This one says I wasn't given a choice, I'll just what will double rats one, space for sound, so cool. It's like Papa Way, cooler than affordably treating taxpayers colon cancer pow. Not one of them have asked any questions about. What's really going on, not one of them, not. One of them is on a single google search to figure out what's really going on, but you have we do find some people. Here's one is to protect the profits of both the military, industrial, complex and the healthcare industry. While not completely in disagreement with that. That's a whole other issue. Here we go. Finally, we may get to this point: is this this key It says in case anyone was actually interested and why the space force even exists. It was proposed long before President DIP S, responsibility protecting. Our satellites was spread across several branches of the military and communication between them, wasn't sufficient. On top of that, there were budget disputes tongue. Of actual information out there. Besides this hype
Sensationalist nonsense. Thank you good, sir. At least you can find this- it's not the top, but at least you can still find some sanity. This next person says shore, but the same could be said of healthcare. It was proposed, long before the current administration. Responsibility for Spain. Governmental agencies and the private sector. As a result, communiques and budget issues exist. Ok, ok, hold on. You still can't compare two trillion dollars to like you know fifty or seventy million. Sorry, that's just at just ass acts, it's just an exponential growth and how much you have to spend Only that moving the space force under one administration streamlines communication and by an expenses gig launching care for all terminates two million jobs and worn and Bernie of Balkan like up. Maybe we did a transitional funding, protect them I got my more taxes. The costs go up, not only with a cost to go up, but then you end up with people who are working and there's not going to is there also talking about a wealth tax to pay for it, which can only text
wealthy one time on a wealth tax and eventually theirs? or billionaires. There's no one left to tax. It's just like watching people. It's just watch it like watching stupid people say. But things are hostile to describe it. Here's the thing when you're playing a strategy game you get when you try to strategy eyes about your ear. Your mission, you can't just say hey this- does this have to think about all of the steps involved and where you end up Donald Trump is right: let's go back to the first story. Don't help is right, before we can take over and it's not just because policy and others are retiring raging out. It's because a yossi and says something that almost makes sense, but really doesn't she says trumped just at a space force. Why are we spending money in space now and I should say that are being hyperbolic, but when Elon Musk launched a car into outer space Tesla above of Progressive, started, tweeting about how Elon Musk was wasting money,
Why? Why are these billionaires wasting all this money when it could be doing healthcare? Did you know that the space race helped us invent a ton of products, Did you know that the money spent on the space race is actually spent on earth and that those expenses generate tax revenue and the new technologies developed actually can improve? How? proof health care, and it also inspires the world and the nation. It makes people hopeful and it and it creates a moral boost. The world so simple to where you can just say: everybody gets healthcare. We can't cure every disease. There will never be a cure for everyone is what they want you to understand. If the day krona virus hey the best example, there is no cure for the krona virus. Dont not treat it. There's some tests going on right now about sort medications that antivirals that may help but hold on. How can we can't curate
Why can't we just spend the money and give everyone free healthcare, and then they will be not sick at Ansari. There's no cure for it. Therein lies the big problem: how much time and energy will be spent to actually try and provide healthcare to those who contract something that can't be cured. There will always be things we can't you're almost become immortal gods. Ok, now I think you know fair argument. Is that basic level care like if you break your army can patch you up? We could provide something like that on a national level and pay for it, but we can't do is just constantly talk about, everyone gets guaranteed healthcare because here's ought really works. Let's say we have penicillin. What not anymore were now using a bunch of different antibiotics because antibiotic resistance, but I dont even know which currents you know antibiotic people use, but we ve constantly and updated, and change it and and and and create create these cures. It's very difficult process and it costs a lot of money because people have to do.
Labour, then we get we can just given out to everybody, has a finite supply. So let's say today there is no cure for specific disease and they say, I'm sorry, there is no health care for you. Your disease has no treatment, not even for the symptoms, but by a week later they finally discover the cure for rare genetic disease and it costs ten million dollars to do. Are they going to give that to everyone they're, not its literally impossible, and so this idea that you can actually have guaranteed how here to cover all elements: just literally does not make sense, but they're not having a real argument, a yo see as conflicting things that don't make sense, but people eat it up their similar criticisms, Donald Trump. They say that he scapegoats problems. Fine,
there's a big difference between claiming you know. Immigration and and trade is causing problems in the economy and then tromp actually comes out. The economy improves may be Trop is to hyper focus on one small portion of the problem, and that was that the criticism he got there populist telling people what they wanted to hear and promising them solutions. Well, economy is better than ever right. There's a big difference when what we see is doing right now, conflicting things at the clinic inflating things that are that you have absolutely nothing to do with each other the space for Medicare for all our seas are another side of the room. There's not if there's no relation to a forty million dollar, fifty million dollar expenditure and two trillion dollars per year and terminating two million jobs. She has no real solutions other than she is like I'll. Just say it she's, not that bright and she's things and going hey why Are we going the outer space instead of health care and, like? Ah, we were already in outer space? The healthcare thing would terminate two million jobs and radically alter the economy, probably of the.
World into potentially cause a world economic collapse at nearly for temporary period so we're trying to figure out how to solve the problem, but you do this. In thing: what people are gonna timber? They say the world just dying, how dare you we must get rid of fossil fuels. Tumor and she actually said not twenty five, you not twenty thirty, not twenty twenty one. They dont think about what comes next. So they tell all these people pay, fossil fuels, cause climate change right and the go. Yes, we should stop using him. Yes, we should stop me some immediately right. Yes, congratulations! Now, people who rely on that our dead, so You know that, but basically I wanted incitement, because it's just so frustrating when every day eyebrows read it and I caught certainly see these half formed half brained ideas that no one thing through, and I'm not here to get a free give a free passed. Any conservative you can be done and be in any part of local political spectrum. The real problem, This is the number one post on all sides
thing. That literally makes no sense that stupid people our rallying round, there's another comment. I let me see if I can find it here. Someone says already had a space for that simply being moved out of the air force to become a separate branch, no additional budget allocation. Here's what we need here, but I wanna see here? If you say you know, we can have transporters, fine, whatever. Ok, fine, we'll start that argument. First of all, they shouldn't quarantine, Donald Full, stop that it was completely ridiculous. Why they did for those I don't know, it basically means their posts, don't appear on the site and it's very difficult to actually get to the form. What they do need, however, is legitimate moderation, but what do we get? our slash politics, which is supposed to talk? Politics is frequently full of activist websites. Truth out and common dream: slicker commentary, is not news is an activist website. Why is that the front of Papa discussions, partisan actors, not
moderating this platform and you end up with nothing but slate and news weak and common dreams, you're not getting real information. And its reaching number. One of all, so Trump is right. The far off is taking or because social media companies are panicking because picking allies in that, dialogues in media smear and defame people which cause these companies than purge. Anyone who dare have a right wing or even moderate opinion and then the moderators come in and prop up their ideological allies and post activist content to it's supposed to be a neutral political forum. But it's not you. And yet the number one post on all to be complete. Bs stick around next, I was coming up at one p m on this channel and I'll see you then the corona viruses absolutely worse than we thought it was, and I've got to issue a semi correction, because in passing
it was. I said the flu is typically worse, be more worried what the flu, and that is actually wrong, not completely wrong but the reality is, the krona virus has substantially higher mortality rate and that's what people are freaking out. Announcing the narrative pop up everywhere, where they're, like you needed, your flew, shot, take more in a bit more but the flu. The reality is, the flu has a more tat recording and of point zero at nine five, whereas the crowd of virus can be from two to four percent. So it is much more serious than I realized. I apologize is much more serious possible realised- and I think it's fair that China has been lying this whole time, and this could turn something substantially more serious, because the amount of people infected its increasing all the time. We have the story from Fox NEWS, sports warn about pandemic as corona as numbers increase. I want to come back to this, but the first thing we did That is why it is serious and push back on some of the misinformation that continues to downplay the.
Virus again apologizing, because I did try to keep every the little down when I first started now. I think that was a mistake. Even if the court of auditors has not that serious over preparation and over reaction to a certain degree is safe. Then under reactions, it's better that you prepare yourself safe and you stay focused on the story. Lest you ass. We know it actually get really really bad and then you're unpaid for its also butter, in my opinion, that these governments and organizations are taking more seriously, even if you dont think it's a big deal, because that can help prevent this. One of the concerns about Sars and passed out the delicate panics is that there were downplayed underestimated. Allowed to grow. Worse. Look this story from CNBC. It says the flu is already Ten thousand across the U S as world frets over corona virus, interesting, The article actually says that the mortality rate for free substantially lower. They do make a couple of points, though, that I do agree with that: one of the quotas from this off from a doctor sang in the? U s
it's really a fear based on media and this being something new doktor Jennifer, lighter huh, little epidemiologist it and why you lingo health set of the new corona virus. When in reality, people can take measures protect themselves against the flu, which is here and prevalent and has already killed a ten thousand people. However, the can virus outbreak, however, is proving to be more deadly than the flu. It is killed roughly two percent of the people who have cut contracted it so far. According to world health officials, This compares they mortality rate of zero point RO at nine five percent for the flu, The: U S according to he estimates for the twenty nineteen. Twenty twenty flew season, did estimates estimates that twenty one people will eventually get the this season, that would just twenty one people, while its that's not two percent Case vitality is still a tough case vitality when you compare it to the case. Vitality for
the seasonal flu or other things Doktor MIKE Ryan executive director of The World Health organization, health emergencies programme told reporters Wednesday awry, actively mild virus can cause a lot of damage. If a lot of people get it, he added and this is the issue, and this is the issue at the moment. We dont fully understand that nominal stapi their based on current reporting, the motel right, is around two percent. The flu and nine five meaning it's not even ten, what what where's the percentages microscopic relative to the actual mortality rate for the Krona virus, It is fair to say the krona virus is scarier as more and more people are contracting it, and it's going to the tens of thousands its truth. The flu tends to get a lot of people sick every year, but only p, zero. Nine five percent last season, actually or so far. The season, I believe, actually died from it. Now? Here's here's, the most important part you gotta move on from Gaza. I want to come back to that.
Experts worry, but I want to show you the severity. First. Take a look at this story: police hurricane screaming woman into her home with iron bars in which hung to stop Koran. Virus spreading its airborne too too weak incubation period. These people block There are probably got sick as well, but sir, thing tells me that China is lying. Why? Because China does lie, and we see, People lie in the past to save face and because I don't think we're possibility for their problems what they cause. Let me tell you: they ve quarantine. Several cities, like several by native enough. I don't think it might be over ten, a mature tens of millions of people and it seems like they're taking it substantially more seriously then they're letting up they ve got it resting whistleblowers. These things we all know and one whistle blower claim there were ninety thousand sick, and that was like a week ago if it is growing and ninety thousand people had at its way we're. Than any one realizes, and when I saw
this video for those areas I describe it, you can see doors, chinese, writing, there's a of men wearing masks and they are jamming iron bars. What looks like some kind of Dore Stopper to provide the door from opening of? Let us read the story. They say chinese police, youth huge iron bars to barricade a screaming woman inside her home in a bid to stop the spread of the day. The corona virus that is already killed at least three and on sixty people, authorities and non tongue Greet Ging Sue Province where film, locking moment in her apartment and stopping the family from leaving policing, But besides warning neighbours to stay away and not to have contact with the p, who lived inside because they had recently turned from the outbreaks epicenter of one day. People might not even be sick, they don't know, that's how much there panicking look. I get it It is it they hire more tat higher mortality than the flu. It is airborne contagious. Yes, people are worried. I think it's worse than that, I think of their die.
Playing the numbers there? The mortality rate could actually be a lot higher, but does it matter two percent? That's high. Say any video puzzle, social media, a woman? Could heard screaming as uniform officers locked her inside. Around seven officers, barricaded the family inside with one telling them don't come out as the bars were put in place across the front door a sign was unstuck X. The door after was sealed. Offering this family came back from MILAN, stay away, no contact some officers, use their mobile phones to film the final stage of the bars being put in place online videos, other areas around China SH similar scenes which authorities locked potentially infected families into their homes, one video reportedly taken the capital Beijing showed Wouldn T banks being nailed across an apartment door, thanks. Swat Zhao, a chinese human rights activist, said he had seen videos in at least four different areas across the country, all showing people being locked inside. So I'm late,
For you. We know China is an authoritarian dictatorship for the most part. There's no free speech. They ve got concentration camps. They are deploying massive drone. To spray the city's down with with what they say, is disinfectant there now locking people in their homes their imprisoning people in small quarantines out of naughty don't even north infected just a fear of it we're not reacting. That's that way. Now. Why is that? Is it because we know something they don't because we're underestimate the virus because or not authoritarian? Maybe it's not a big deal, or maybe it's because China knows something that we doubt the outbreak started in their country. Maybe they are something we don't. I honestly have no idea. I do think a good can under four. Why their locking people in their homes as because well China's authoritarian, they lock up people? they ve been arresting whistle blowers. Yet we get it so they can take any. Since they will sacrifice the individual for the Collective America's and do that perhaps not that big of a deal
people who have lost their lives so far have been older and is typically those on fifteen or older than or over fifty five of the most to worry about. By giving its absurd, now. We constantly hear this narrative that the fluid so much worse, the flu already kill the ten thousand across the? U S, it's true and you need to take precautions over the flu. They say the flu season alone, as second at least nineteen million across the? U S and let a ten thousand deaths you're an eighty thousand hospitalizations, roughly in cases of the deadly corona virus have been identified in the? U S, the number mushrooms across the outbreak, its outbreak zone in China. If Corona iris breaks out in the: U S, the mortality rate is substantially higher like twenty times higher. That is really really bad. Take it seriously. But let's see what the sports are warning about over a Fox news. They say experts believe the Ellie. Transmissible coronal virus will become a pandemic as infected numbers. Can, to increase in China and
countries around the world. According to a startling report, a pandemic DR is a disease that spreads across a large region across continents? Even the entire globe the corona virus is, Quarterly spreading any similar pace to influenza. Compared to this moving Sars and murders according to the New York Times and Where is the final nail? Please take this seriously tally rate is stand surely higher and its spreading as fast as the flu. It is war then all of us thought I apologize. I top of information. I know at the time, but it is getting worse and if we're now here that is getting worse. There is a potential it could be worse than it is today. It is the end of the world. No, of course not are you. Can we find? Yes, in almost all likelihood, show panic, absolutely not for the most part, just like the flu many of us will not even know someone who contracted it, but the mortality rate is substantially higher. Is moving as fast, so they say.
They gonna say it is very, very transmissible in an almost certainly is going to be a pandemic. Doktor Anthony S, vouches direct of national ensued of allergy infectious disease, told the paper There are now eleven confirmed cases in the. U S, I believe is fair to say within about two weeks time. That number will be substantially higher because of the incubation period. This is what we worry about one when this first broke, and I talked about this before getting worried. I said we should be concerned of its airborne. And if it is a long incubation period it has both. It has a higher, more tolerant mortality rate than the flu it travels as fast as the flu take it seriously. As of Monday morning our six in California, one in Arizona, one in Washington State, one in Massachusetts, and to an Illinois, No Das, having or in the U S and dynamic. Of cases still remaining China Threem. People were announced to have been infected in California on Sunday quote, I understood people are concerned, but based on what we know today, the risk to the gender
public remains low, said doktor. Sarah Cody Santa Clara counties, help officer second cases not unexpected with our laws population and the amount of travel to China for both personal and business reasons. We will likely seem more cases. The! U S announced Sunday that American who travel to China within the last fourteen days would be sent who designated airports for enhanced screenings, foreign, nationals who recently went to China would denied entry than the immediate family of american citizens and permanent residence foreign ministry set on Monday, that the? U S hasn't the country any substantive help in its fight against the krona virus outbreak. They added the. U S, was contributing to the international panic surrounding illness. According to a report by Reuters, three people in New York City are also being tested for the krona virus. Ever they made recent trip to mainland China. According to the States Department of Public Health, China's blaming us their blaming the media
she had BC, blames the media Ansari, the court and the doktor blames the media. Absolutely fair. No without ending remain calm. What I do, think I think it's unfair to tell people to downplay this game. We're seeing chinese rack. This way, barricading people in their homes colleagues telling us we are the ones over dude. I think, if anyone's overreacting, it's you when you're alive suspected cases that not even suspected cases, people who travelled to city say a lock him and of iron bars your target overreaction. Now, if you think that's not an overreaction. It must truly be worse than you letting on so That's how you man, I have a seat concern and I've talked about this- the media trying to drum up panic because they always To do this, which can have an optimism bias? Don't panic remain calm, go to the store grab. Some water chill out in a pilot, probably be fine. It's gonna be like substantially. Worse, flew not the end of the world, don't panic and don't underestimate it, I think,
the concern that you know China their claiming we're overreacting it simply because they are trying to save face experts according to look if you ve got a doctor sang the media's overplaying it take it seriously Get other doctors saying, there's gonna be a pandemic. Take it seriously. It doesn't matter whose right err on the side of caution. They say quote: we're, contain or continuing to work closely with our partners at the CDC state and federal government. As the Corona a situation evolves said health, commissioner Iraq Cyrus Barbara. If you have travelled to the air affected by the outbreak in the last fourteen days and feel unwell. Call your dog or visit a clinic, and you will be cared for test results can conducted by the CDC, will take roughly thirty six to forty hours to determine if the three p in New York City, were infected with a virus weeks after China, since the outbreak of the corona virus, the internet The community has increased measures to prevent a widespread epidemic the world organization declared the outbreak a global emergency as it spreads to come.
He's outside of China and the number of infected patients continues to grow countries around the globe have increased travel restrictions. Infected mainland China and who may province with the USA Deployment, Increasing its advisory level to four do not travel the? U S centre for Disease Control and prevention of advice travellers to avoid all non essential travel to the country, krona, viruses now infected more people in China than worse. And during the Sars outbreak in the early two thousands here, the latest fig They say the death put that the debt. Torn from the virus increase to three hundred and sixty one on Monday, with a total Seventeen thousand two hundred five infected and increase of nearly twice percent in the last twenty four hours. Now. What I do want to stop, I'm not sure if they count in projected infections or is this confirmed because if it's just the confirmed once said, the reason we know the numbers going up the first death I sort of China was recorded in the Philippines on Sunday, the fall
four year old chinese man from one was hospitalized last week with a fever cough and sore throat and died after death, being severe pneumonia according to the Philippines Health Department, the World Health Organization said, the number of cases will keep growing as tests are pending on thousands of his of suspected cases, roughly ninety nine percent of new cases have appeared in China with the vast majority of the cases in the who Bay Province and its provincial capital will on the epicenter of the virus about. And fifty cases have been reported that at least twenty five countries globally, the kingdom announced on Friday as to cases of the virus who reportedly was of the same family. The patients are receiving specialist national. Service care, and we are, you- and tried and tested infection control procedures to prevent further spread of the virus said Chris Witty England. Medical officer. We then can see us all the countries, the numbers I'm not gonna, be through all of them. Some noble mentions, however, is that Japan has twenty cases. Thailand. Nineteen Germany has ten South Korea's fifteen Taiwan. Ten Vietnam, eight so
We are obviously a lot of South Eastern South EAST asian countries near China have many confirmed cases. It makes sense more The cases are there, but seeing Germany with ten Australia with twelve Russia with to France with six those are serious. Now, says the flu has estimated to have killed roughly ten thousand twenty five thousand people with nearly nine, twenty six million infected in the U S between October first ten, nineteen and January twenty February, twenty accorded the CDC krona viruses impacted a far less or number, although it's not yet clear how many have been infected or how widespread it is. There have also been reports. Can be spread without symptoms, showing up in retorted illnesses, people with the most. Symptoms are the most contagious. The agency set up. Children in those over sixty five or the most likely at six from the flu, the CDC added on the corona virus. There's a special vaccine for the flu people over six months are advised where the agency to get it during annual vaccination with certain
exceptions are just severe allergies to the shop, no Maxine has been developed for corona viruses of yet, which makes it day. Dress in that respect. You declare the core of our public health emergency on Friday with Trop signing an order. Barring entry to foreign nationals who recently in China, other than the immediate family of american citizens and permanent residence officials in the CDC advise travellers to avoid trouble. So we went to stop us rather sorry story up from mom from Fox they're, giving basic rundown okay, so they they ve, they ve got a butterfly, I see or saying. Ah, the pod with, which represents fifteen thousand pilots for American Airlines file lawsuit to halt sir, with the airlines citing serious and in any way still unknown health threats posed by the krona virus are wrap. This up China, either overreacting or lying to us. Keep that in mind! It's it's! It's all! worse than the flu in mortality rate, but not in terms of how many people are infected. Take it seriously, because if this does reach, the proportion of the flu
we're talking about a serious serious mortality rate. That's gonna be at its root causes pneumonia so you have to be very careful you're, almost one, I'm as everyone s times will forgive me for repeating myself with, but real everybody. I want you to stay safe. I want everyone to be okay for humanity to prosper. It just means panicking is bad. Reacting overly emotionally can cloud your judgment. Just remain calm its it. Doesn't she like it's really gonna be the end of the world. Nothing like that, but is more serious than the flu and, if you are concerned about that, go to the store, pick up some extra water, but those spoke at some five groundwater jogger some heap You know saved so that if it really does get bad, you're always prepared now, listen adding this is welcome, said often. Doesn't anyone shame you into making fun of you for trying to take care of your yourself? Your friends, your family hurricanes, happen. Earthquakes happen. Natural disasters occur. It's always wise to prepare, at least to a certain degree, don't go out, build the bomb, shelter bunker too, like hide from you
cops nothing's? Is that it's not that bad, I think we're looking at is gonna, be a minor blip in the history of humanity, but for the time being there whose lives are in danger and we will make sure they stay safe. So do not underestimate this stick around. I will see, while at four p m the next, like a four p m in the next Egmont at you do know, comes lashed him cast. It is a different channel and I will see you there. I gotta issue an apology to but these Republicans, notably Lindsey Gram. When I said there Republicans or to an effective to actually do anything, I got a lot of people. Red with me, there were alike. Why is it that way Scandal ever scandal targeting the president that seems to fizzle out conspiracy after conspiracy and no accountability and I'll the grammar saying the Senate Intelligence Committee will call the Ukraine whistle blower, who I'm giddy with joy. I to know how this started, I would like to see
every one brought to justice if their committing crimes and exploiting our government for personal gain, and that includes the president, however best the track record of the Democrats who cried Wolf, I really just think Trump acts egotistical and improper early, but nothing he did was impenetrable. I'm sorry, the democratic bit didn't make their case. Not listen. A lot of these people are left. Don't want who believe, I'm being sincere. When I say it, they say Think that I'm only saying this to pander to the right. Perhaps we need to reach. Lies that I'm a moderate I've always been always proclaimed to be, and I'm rather ambivalent. For the most part- and you need compelling evidence for me beyond reasonable doubt to convince me. Tromp is actually abusing his office as far as I'm concerned. There is reason to believe Hunter Biden is doing things that is corrupt. I think but it is too. I think Joe Biden, we're gonna look out for his son, so down Rob was gonna, look into it and that their at the best, the only thing I see the Democrats, having proven if Trump
are the worst case scenario for Trump, if they prove any believes fake news, but so what Russia was fake news, the Democrats believe that we're gonna impeach literally every Democrat. No it's about time public and stood up and said, let's figure out what's going on and why, especially after Rand Paul, pointed out and a real clear politics are real. Clear investigation story said that the potential so blower was colluding. With somebody who wanted to join shifts staff. If that's true, let's call them to testify, does it We think it is true. No, it just means. If the report is out and its possible, he testifies. That's it. That's all! That's it was through. This but again I'm gonna, apologized Republicans, so I thought we're gonna do anything other than a squeak this one. I say: ok, that's good enough for me when Lindsey Grams does not that did it that impeachment it's not the proper value. I really thought that was the end of it. I thought he was now
not up while a hold on. I will, I will say, we'll see what happens if he really will end up doing they sang he's, got lots reed, they say I wash unexamined reports Senate Intelligence Committee will call Ukraine whistle blower. They say within peach headed to a likely acquittal next week, Senator Lindsey, described on Sunday. Republicans in the chamber are gearing up for investigations on three fronts. Yes, the Senate Tell Committee under Richard Bird has told us that they will call the whistle blower. Yes, I want to understand how all this crap started. Thankyou me too. It's been years of the insane nonsense. Please enough. Can we stop this? The ship is leaking of american democracy time, someone figured out where the water was pouring in from the impeachment effort began to take with the emergence last year of a whistle blower complaint raising concerns about its July phone call between Trump and ukrainian President Vladimir Linsky, in which the Americans,
you're presses ukrainian counterpart to investigate the violence and other Democrats. The complaint which the intelligence can you Inspector general determined to be urgent and credible, was submitted by a analysed, whose identity never been publicly confirmed, Republicans have accused house and tell Committee Adam chef now the leading piquant manager of being complicit with the whistle blower B, as the person met with a House intelligence committee, aid seeking guidance before filing the complaint and because the California Democrat recruited to or National Security Council AIDS who work alongside the syrian official, some believe to be So blower at the sea, in the Obama and drop administration that to me, seems to be at least a minimum, to ask the question right. I'm not gonna accuse anybody, But how about we say? Hey that looks a little weird. Why don't we ask some questions? Why are we talk to them? See? What's up, I think it's finally gonna happen. Fingers I you know. Maybe I'm speaking too soon will see what Linsey Grand pulls off. But I'd like to see this investigated quote
the whistle blower as a former employees of associate Joe Biden. I think that would be important if the whistle blower was working with people on shifts staff that wanted to take trumped down a year and a half ago. I think that would be important if the shift staff people, if, if the shift staff people helped the complaint that would be important, we're going to get the bottom of all this. To make sure this never happens again. Graham said. Thank you are. That is that I'm I'm I'm excited for this. Please please I'll. Let me down, but are you gonna? Let us too is not a policy issue. That's what it biggest problems in politics today, I'm not talk about policy. I probably agree on very little with Linsey grammar pertains to current. U S policy! Now I mean I well say I think most Americans agree, unlike most things, but when it comes to the political issues, are fighting over IP disagree with Wednesday grandma a lot about you, but we're talking about right. I was a justice issue. I, with bill more that we should cry over the end of democracy unless, of course, or talk by the democratic. Party cheating and letting Michael Bloomberg when I
concerns and questions and disagreements with Republicans, but I think the democratic then cheating the whole time as a big difference. Between more they say, Senator Richard BAR who hails from North Carolina said last year. He absolutely wanted to hear whistleblower republican member of his panel were split on the matter as house impatient prison. These were under way. When asked what a comment a spokesperson for by the way, pointed the washing examiner to past statements by the chairman Putting him saying the whistle blower had not yet agreed to appear before the Senate Intelligence Committee and stressing the pound does everything it can to protect whistleblowers and witnesses. I will be absolutely fine if they want to do a private, closed door off the record meeting where the person that entity is protected and no one knows about it, because we want to protect identity of the whistle blower fine. So long as it's now the Republicans doing investigation and we get a counterpoint to what was brought up by shift. A lot of information shift has not yet released, and you know what, if they're gonna play that guy
fine, so long as there is balance in the government are public and get a chance to ask questions I'll be partially satisfied, though I would like to know exactly what happens if it turns out it's nothing, so be it utterly. Can only them on his person turned out to be true, then we should find out where this was. They say impatient. Proceedings began last fall with Democrat, kissing, tromp of improperly lavishing, okay and none in an unknown. We know all about what started the impeachment. I am not rehashing that the House charge Trump. Graham, who is the chair? the Senate Judiciary Committee and does not resign on the chamber's intelligence committee also described to their investigations that will be taken up by GEO led panels in the Senate. He said the foreigners, since committee, of which Also, a member will look into bindings alleged conflicts of interest. The judiciary panel will deal with all things Pfizer, ol man. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Please, follow through on this care for euro public in our democratic government, some republican
more recently, indicting call not all day and night if tromp did wrong I'd like to know about, but let me tell you something you know I entertained Russia Gates and I feel bad for doing so, but you know what I still did when they claimed tromp was probably why king for potent, I said, ok! Well, let's see investigation turns up guess what I want. Another investigation tit for tat this time. Figure out how this all began, because it was fake news, and that means that the time for the Democrats to now be investigated not because We're gonna accuse them of all these crazy wishy washy nonsense. We don't need to. We just have some questions as to what is going on and we're gonna look into it. I look forward to that and I'd like to know if it turns out to be nothing I'll, be fine with it. Not like many others on the left, who wanted to rehash rush over and over and over again, and they still bring it up, even though it's been debunked just keep doing it alive, they say. Well, let me tell Republicans out there you, expect us to do this. If we don't do it were letting you down, I guarantee you
If the shoe were on the other foot. Democrats would be eating us alive Africa, kinda done any of these things. He said so Apparently, just announced the other day with an up this morning. I got my fingers crossed, but let me tell you, I'm not supercontinent. No, I first of all on that I've never been big fans, the Republicans and I've. I've consider them for a long time to be completely ineffective. I can't believe all this stuff has gone down and they ve done nothing about it. The Republicans controlled everything physically throughout twenty sixteen to eighteen, and they couldn't get much done. There was too much fighting they just don't get it We lost the house, hardly confidence, confidence in those people so grandma saying this, and he any
reassuring words the end, but we will see gay now. First of all, I am not a republican unlikely will never be because I dont vote based on you know party. Like you know, I've got back on its way this. If the Republican Party contains to expand, bring on people like Jeff Andrew was entirely possible. People like me, and any others eventually join in there are both rubber. The republican party has to grow a bit bigger before people like me, hop on board because I'm not interested for the most part. I think Jeff Andrew has done some things. I could actually kind of like Jeff, Andrew and he's just down the street from me in all night in his district, I'm very, very, very close, like literally a mile or two I like what he stands for I like that it's enough from self- and I think, is a moderate and I really respect that. So the Republican Party is getting close to being big enough for former up I'm university brought in about ten percent of a bomb of voters. Thirty brought in some Bernie voters as long as Trump is
to endorse and support someone who voted against him, who wants to ban offshore drilling, whose pro choice and all those things I'm like Trump wants to win and trump you want, you want to call it his ego, you call wherever you want it doesn't matter. His motivation. Can be one thing but in the end he's building a coverlet. People who disagree to an extent. That's good. The left's coalition is too big outside of coercion. Actually, its people disagree fighting each other. If, if the Republicans can cast a big enough not to bring in the moderates, then they will shut down the Democrats for decades to come I know exactly what happened, but I'd like to see this. I you know I rather than a democratic Russia. I reckon Republicans really hard in the past couple of days, because impeachment is nearing its end and I were. Them to call witnesses I want to see these people testify well, apparently Ok, soon Lindsey Grams, that it wasn't the venue? I didn't, have faith you move for, but it seems like he is, and this is probably cannot protect Republicans by they're gonna, build to call these witnesses without Democrats being if the leverage anything against them we'll see what happens it may result in nothing find
so be it so long as they try to stick around. I got a couple more segments coming up a few minutes and I will see you all shortly. John Kerry, was overheard discussing possible twenty twenty bed. The concern of Sanders taking down the democratic party that carry would even Gus. The possibility suggests that prominent members Democratic Party remain deeply unsettled by the current field. Actually, don't care about the story? the story that I'm bring you today has to do a little without, but mostly about how the Democrats have embraced absurd weakness on twitter from people who refuse to compromise and they ve created because of this a field of people who all just generally, don't like each other with Elizabeth Warrant being potentially the weakest of all of them? I guess there's an interesting. I, then a second the other day talking about blank or bust. The Democrats are so fractured that people are straight vowing. To vote for the other candidate and maybe even not vote at all. There is no democratic party, then I saw this.
About John CARE, which, if on really funny establishment Democrats, are so scared of Bernie Sanders, winning that John Kerry actually in discussions now it won't. Let me actually talk about this a little bit John Kerry, so It's absolutely not true any post, something you know an unexplained, and his tweets hang its false and I will point out the creeping s of NBC News- they overheard him on a phone, yet they eavesdrop on his phone call What he was saying was, he said. Ah me me- I'm effing deluding myself here and explain that to run to step down from the Board of Bank of America and get up give up his ability to make peace Speeches Harry said: donors like venture capitalist, Doug Hickey would have to re Couple million adding that such We now have the reality of burning. They are so terrified of Bernie as he said it- the possibility of Bernie taking the Democratic Party down whole that they ve actually talk to John Kerry. Ok, I'm sorry
John Kerry is not even the beating of the Democrats he's the seating, that's how desperate they ve become. I dont know they're trying to do, but I can tell you this new data from Pew shows Democrats on Twitter are more liberal and less focus less focused on compromise than those none of the platform. The democratic party is being dominated by the Woke twitter body, the activist base of the activist base. I am talking about the fringe of the French, the one percent or you don't like one point, three or four percent of the population active on Twitter that our work, that's what they're chasing after and its created pockets of individuals who refuse to compromise their expanding their spreading around and results in one of the most extreme blank or bust candidacies, you see every top contender right now and I will caucus will suit happens, has a faction of bust voters. What that means, as in twenty Staying there was Bernier bust. They said it was not Bernie way about some of them actually voted for Donald Trump, around
depend on the poles there's twelve percent, maybe even eighteen percent. Ten percent of the people who voted for a bomb went on to vote for Donald Trump. Now we have this tweet, which I find very funny. So you had, it says, I'm a bit late, but it's pretty incredible that zero percent of war and supporters said they wouldn't support the nominee. If it wasn't her, it's a testament to the unifying nature over candidacy is it here, let me let me maternal, Bear ITALY. The point as wiring right you about John Kerry, is that there is no doubt Riddick establishment anymore. This Hillary Clinton, she's powerful, but they're gonna, say Biden can't do it bring on John Kerry if they're gonna, say Buddha, Judge can't do it club, which our can't do it Bloomberg, can't do it bring on John Kerry. If anyone is gonna talk to John Kerry about the potential for running and he's gonna flipped out deny it It doesn't matter. If is actually going to run, it matters that people in John, Harry Circle, our panicking over the fracture of the party and no one is confidence in anyone. I think burn he's gonna take it. Let me show you this:
This is basically an expanded. A blank or bust segment wont to show you this amazing tweet and talk. What it really means, Joe Biden Emerson College, which tend to be very accurate, asked will you support the democratic nominee. Even if it is not your candidate bite and said aid. Seven percent of his onto our eighty seven percent of biting supporters said they would meaning of binding and when they all support any one else, five percent said Oh and nine percent said it depends, that's a five percent Joe Biden or bust. Some of those voters might not vote some support tromp, but let's move on Bernie Sanders has sixteen percent Bernier bust. That sounds like me: or they will be heard in twenty sixteen, but it could be between the twelve to eighteen. We know of that means only half of Bernie Sanders supporters would actually support denominate. Sixteen percent said no it's Bernie or bust, how many of them might actually Gopher Donald Trump. Now here's what's real
interesting as Elizabeth Warren, a straight no like nobody now percent of her supporters said they would ten percent set its had depends. Warren has no bust voters, and I found that when a google search there is no war in a or bust there's people who are like Ernie than Yang than worn or bust, but for four Warren. If it's not her, their strain on board for literally anybody else. Some have said she's unifying. Perhaps that means you, No independent support, get it the sixteen percent. People voting for Bernie might actually. Moderates Biden we moderates Buddha, judge, moderate, meaning they might say I'll- choose the other party Warren Oliver voter saying they would show, is they're all die, hard progressives or Democrats. She has no independent support. She can't possibly when sorry Thus our peoples, anxious unifying, I think that shows the opposite. She unified anybody now Buddha Judge has a fourteen percent budget
or would have on funny, but Andrew Yang has the biggest, and this is shocking for the two percent, Andrew Yang Supporters, said no, if Andrew Yang does not get the nomination, we will not support the Democrats low. Behold. I've been saying the same thing and I have recently been on board hard, like I've been seen. Sleep praising Andrea, said a million times. I know you're me said many times. I don't think is right off I think you'd be eyes, not a good idea. I think that a lot of problems, but I think he's the only candidate of serious conversation about economics and our future. That would be fair for the american people to hear that conversation with Donald Trump. I dont think any of them can win to be honest, but I like Yang as a person he's cooler he seems more real. He seems on earth and more honest
got a lot of comprehensive policy. Proposals are really do, dig the guy and guess what I might well, I might vote bringing in the primary will see. I'm not gonna for anybody else Dulcy. You know, but I think, with with all due respect, it tells you I'm still a huge fan I think at this point a rational individual recognise that for one neither of them are really gonna win. The nomination I dont want to be an ideal s, I'll be a realist. Bought. Some Yang is still up there. He qualified for the debates he's he's in a better position than than tolls. I really really do and and was very in support of, tells you over her act. There are anti war stance. I was most important though it is a rule of both of them. At this point, I think the best chance we have to get Andrea. Age to debate tromp, but let's be real, neither of them are undertaken, it's gonna be by abiden or burn you, but those Yang voters and people like me will absolutely not be supporting the other can now have of them. Well, nine percent said,
depends, but we actually nine percent and that that number doesn't add up that's actually more than a hundred percent, not what whatever you would. Ok, that's actually hundred one percent. However, your mouth works Amazon BC. Whatever the point is, I think what this shows is that Yang is the most viable. Can you know why those forty two percent A large portion are probably trumped. Supporters are trapped, voters who are saying I'll, give Yang a shot. The moderates, maybe that ten percent of Obama voters, maybe that large portion who voted for Trump They willing to give an during a chance, but they'll definitely go back to trumpet they have to that shut, says to me: it's not people think war is not a unified she's. A hyper partisan Yang is the unify, has to attract progresses and moderate and the moderates are saying sorry, I won't support the done. If it's not Yang, I understand it sentiment. It won't be me now Michael Bloomberg, has an eleven percent Bloomberg or but one of the most-
what one of the more important things as well as Bernie Sanders. Thirty one percent said it depends I think what this shows us is that Bernie Sanders, while he does have a sixteen percent Bernier Bust Base, the depends is probably Bernie or Yang or bossed, or Ernie Yang or worn or bust meeting Joe Biden booty. Edge Bloomberg in other candidates are not going to support all in all, while they're really matters. The fact that the nose and the depends are so high at all shows no matter what happens, no matter who, with the nomination large portions of the democratic base are walking away and where to I can't say, but it can wrap up with one special little tat bit: who's gonna come and twenty twenty four can't tell you this Donald Trump. Is likely gonna win. Twenty twenty, at least I'd be willing to bet. I could be wrong I think we all learned a lesson with Hillary Clinton defeat. You might think everything's great, but you really can't you know if you ignore People like Bernie Sanders, then you will lose tromp really
needs to recognise the points. Bernie Sanders is heading, and why is so popular Joe Biden is nothing. I have no idea what Joe Biden this, I don't believe he's real Bernie Sanders has real grassroots support, as does Andrea tromp needs to make sure he at least looks at some of these things that have driven people to Barney. Now some of its progressive far left some of its social as some of its communist whatever, but it could be. Healthcare and tromp hasn't been. The best I have here has not Barneys make it a bunch of promises. I think he can't keep it doesn't matter. People want to hear that you're gonna be focused on that. Tromp has done great by the economy. That means more money, people's pockets for it, you're sure, but tromp needs to make sure he's paying attention solely from supporters. Otherwise we could run pulled off from India, but when we move to twenty twenty four I'll look at Paul GEO, p
Voters I ate from dynasty now, for obvious reasons: twenty twenty fourth biggest favorite is MIKE fence is the VP at stippled. How goes my pencil and make a chance, but must be real? My pants isn't much in the public eyes on a big speaker can adjust shells and others thing for Gunnar pad. Who do we hear from the most well Thou Trump trumped junior evocative? so number two is Trump Junior and I think that's a good, but I think trumped Junior isn't as economically savvy ass. His father not at issue nothing is bad. I'm saying Trump clearly knows a lot about how to stuff works is another guy, but whatever did worked, tromp juniors. Clearly gonna write. That is, you can understand a lot of that, but Trot juniors butter culturally than senior
trot juniors much more focused on the culture, war, cultural politics and that's going to benefit him greatly, but be careful because one thing the benefit. Donald Trump. Is that, while he's not on twitter right he's he's focus on Middle America. Trumped juniors gonna benefit greatly from the Trump name from a Trump economy will see what happens next for years. By think trumpeting. Yours issue and will see what happens: Nicky Hayley as next followed by a vodka trump, so there could be a dynasty who knows a lot of people really do think it might be a vodka. Some people who die hard fans of Trump think of vodka will be the first female presence.
I think the Volga could do well. I do especially with the Trump name, considering how well we ve done is past four years, but it really does come down to his trunk gotta get reelected at all. I mean I think you will be. I can predict the future. I've made bad predictions in the past. Will suit happens. Suffice it to say the democratic parties fractured with you know: Baikonur Boss, put it at your boss, younger bus, Bernier Bust Warner. Well, there's no Warner bust, sorry, but that means that I can support each other. How could the Republicans lose at this point? They have a coalition will soon out of the twenty four, but I think the split as described before shows the Democratic Party will lose for the next ten years. No unity. Stick around? I got one more silent coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly in a video that is almost certain to be demonetized vice asks. Should you shag someone with bad politics a fun culinary to help you decide what's more important, your deeply held your convictions or your desk,
lasting sexual appetite. While I can appreciate this feller Albert more is is humorous and an end to these people a bit tongue in cheek, is still this leftist perspective on dating, and I think the Article comes at a very interesting time. We have seen a series of blog posts in articles that made it really interesting point. First, we saw store that said it was. The dangerous rise of men, who won't date, woke women. This female writer, sad that you know this, this famous actor talked about. How opens his bad. He won't date where women and how it's dangerous and whatever we then saw researcher nautical sang. The reason they are worried is that when it comes to dating, if men won't date them many of their die hard followers will have no choice but to change their political ideology to become more attractive to a potential mate. Humans are
riven by these desires, whether anyone want to admit it or not, and many of the people who claim to be woke and push these things in fact, are just doing it because of societal pressures and norms and when they encounter and attractive person with bad politics, guess what they choose to do. Go for the dangerous bad person anyway. This writer actually admits the same thing. What I think we're seeing with these stories, telling you don't do it don't do it? Is there actually started worried that when people go on twitter items are unknown tender, others a twitter and tender when they see someone attractive, they swipe for it, and when that person who is attractive, said oh by the way. I believe these things they say, oh well, I mean you know, that's not so bad case in point and Morocco. What's also knows mattress girl, there's a story about how she is now be people call Red built. She was the work of the work was in
but she says she met someone tender who opened her mind to other ideas and she decided to engage with them now. She hangs out with consumers and libertarians. Why, when it came to Dating She had no luck! Why is that? So many of these early thirty year old women who have who are working struggle, the fine men who are attractive or who make as much as them as all these articles have it have have posted it's because of the quote: dangerous rise of men, who won't date, woke women, their taking notice, they're, getting worried and they're trying to enforce the cult. I'm sorry if people don't wanna hook up with you because of the weird things you think it's because your weird right, maybe you should try and be like everyone else, not in a sense that you should be in our conformist, but just not a fringe extremist. You can be a unique Fifty you can be a socialist so long as you're, not knots, although many of them, I think our knots, including the far right right, afraid, the story Albert rights. Two weeks ago, I went on a date with a man
an hour after we got the small talk of the way declared himself an enthusiastic supporter of a late twentieth century dictator and not even the cooler ones like Fidel Castro or scarf and align king. I was disturbed but as information, but instead of taking a task pulling out Wikipedia, and sadly reading on a list of atrocities, I call me finish. My drink invited them back to my flat, where we made foul grunting too We made a foul we made that follow grunting to backed beast shore. The point as even this guy who is on a date with another guy praising Fidel Castro. Clearly is an extremist they're, both at the other under the spectrum and they both agreed to go bang. So clearly, that's look at that. The shirts has never kiss a torrent. Their seriously trying to tell people don't do it, don't do it? Why? Because they want to, and then what happens there? Politics change. This why they say: don't talk to them this, why they say you can engage them that are liars is why they chant over guns have having debates or discussions. They don't want anyone to read
lies that that the people who are roped into this are in a call to cults direct This is what I told a friend of mine. What happened she accused me of We cannot politics wanted affected. Me directly had my date dead said something nice about me, we'll go, she suggested out of launched into an excoriated ran before storming up. I was flat by this characterisation of myself as political firebrand. But I'm not sure if it's true had my date been a plain old Tory, I'm pretty sure I would have taken him home put. He then goes on to it to sit talk about things, a raid on you too, because those already me demonetized, but the let's stop there. Anyway, he says: should you avatar I've never encountered summit involving conservative politics when I found attractive. This is because there simply aren't any though the same could be said of a four far left four left in politics or centrist politics or any kind of politics. At all we associate with the conservative party are Paletot devoid of patter terminally. Unfashionable, so it's unlikely excuse me.
Unlike could be much of a dilemma deciding you won't want to make them, but aren't we line to ourselves. If we climate, everyone on the right is unethical, who among us strolled the city and felt a twinge of desire and attendant selfless loading for some cold I'd, Patrick Bateman and type suit or a husky voice. Chelsea siren named Bela this guy. From the UK obviously are actually at. This might be. India is India is talking about Britain, but this articles is India. I guess whatever the this is funny is that he specifically talks about count Dank Yola and sovereign of cod, and when I see from this, as I do no kind of artists, animal will reduce section about dangler is that there is clearly a reaction. That's been happening for the past year or so to the fact that many feminist are struggling to find dates relative to everyone else. It would
and I find it truly. I run a really interesting the money. These stories are written by like single women who are saying it's good to be single, don't get married, don't have kids while biologists and Evelyn no psychologist scream. This is what most people care about. How can your politics survive when its pushing against the very nature of humanity? I guess the great experiment or argument as we can resist those urges to an extent we should, but for the most part people just end up saying you know what sorry I'm gonna go. Have fun. You're you're get me down the fund part, he says, should you F a fascist, nazi or member of the all right and they its relief He then goes on talk about Carl Benjamin, Thank you are who know are not all right and any capacity and the weirdest thing Daniel Webster bring him up like the due to make political videos. Here I mean he dies, you mythical buys a video, but the mad lads thing is just like historical humour, but, let's rate us you're gonna love it. He said
The all right, if today bear little resemblance to the scowling Jackpot Alpha's of gay porn. There smarmy losers with nasal voices and milkshake sodden suits. Many of them are of law There's two and you wouldn't want to F of logger at the best of times, consider the absolute state of count Dracula. And appallingly dressed man who reminds me of every eight ten year old Marcia in my hometown, who, in a desperate bid to win their approval, would buy bottles glens for under age, girls or rape joke lover, Carl Benjamin, a man with the of a regional games, workshop manager. Ok, let me to stop right. There buddy they're both married pretty sure they're, both married ok, I know ankles married pretty sure Carla's married Carl's got kids. Were you talking about world do you live in women have clearly ready choosing them damn killers, Mary was decently public with twitter tweets about. I don't know. For the moment where that where they went what they did, but people knew they got married
You gonna tell someone, don't do it don't pick the people that actually have successful relationships or children, it's the weirdest thing when they call Ben Shapiro and in silence like the dose married with kids man when talking about he's he's got children. You know what you have to do to make children do. Think. Like you a lot and they like took a needle into his abdomen. To extract is biological matete know he's got a wife of all the people you would bring up. I never understood this is the problem with what they're saying I get it he's gonna joking, but I do find it interesting that these ideas keep popping up around the same time like it's getting more and more, where there are like the dangerous rise of men who won't date woke women. But what their argument is clearly just not working. If you want to go around telling women don't take these people, don't let these people it's like, but women are dating them, they got married
you look at someone like I'm a saga. What's the story is true that you found a guy and tender and soon after him, your argument doesn't work. I think, at the end of the day, people want to be loved and when they see a strong, attractive guy, these feminists, these females are probably going to compromise here that I think controversial opinion time. I think that most people are driven by a desire to be social and be socially acceptable. I think that's fair to say where social creatures, I think that many people are being polarized, but it's getting a big problem for the Woke feminists, who primarily target men for being privileged, and this puts men off. We then keep seeing stories about male feminist tour abusers, I because their predators who never cared about you in the first place. I think you then see strong, confident, moderate individuals who say I don't have anything to do with you. I'm not gonna data woke woman what's left, The feminist side is being drowned in a field of their male predators or pansy white knight, men who just say: ok, ok, and I don't think anyone finds an attractive.
I don't find it attractive in a guy and I'm not in the guys, if I was saying o the dude and he was pathetic loser who can ever sent from self I'd, be like listen man. It's really, I'm not interested in hanging out with people who can stand up for anybody. It's not about relationships out. I'm I'm not into that right. The point as I want my friends to actually be able to Juno, to have some confidence want to be around. Those kind of people now is for women who actually want to be in relationships. I can only imagine women don't want to be relationships with guys who are like whatever you say. Dear yes, dear whatever you say, I just some women shore. You join us on women who don't care about the guy for the most part, with the care about em, but they're like I just want someone to be around for the kids almond about work. That's why that's few and far between here's, the problem and of seeing them women go on tender and swipe on somebody in the guy's gonna, be alike weaknesses dumb. Are they gonna go and choose the diva abuser whose line to get you know in the community which keeps happening or they can choose the guy? Who like hunched over another shaping, look whatever you theatre or you can go to. The guy was too
she has always gonna, be alight YO. I want to hear it man, that's thus knots. That's it you're until you can leave aside some funny I'd someone on Ok Cupid hit me up. And it was very obvious from their profile that they were. You know intersection awoke talking about their work with people discussing lived experiences up like that, and I said straight up, I think You'Re- on Anti terror in I think you embrace a fringe ideology that I would have nothing to do with an boy. Did they? spin around in circles. Real quick and I found a very strange there. It's like you, what you know. I'm not really you know. I don't really think about that stuff. I think I think I'm kind. Over like all here. We go yeah, that's right. They say they. They message me it was. It was a woman. I give her she was out. You know interesting aught of ways, but I'm just like dude. You are not going to convince me to go out with someone who is talking about this fringe ideology, colthurst stuff, it's never gonna happen and boy. Oh boy, did she changed her tune fast? When I said I'm not interested in that, and I still wasn't because even if you want to go
no no trust me, I'm not really about that anymore. I'm to be like I dont, believe you I'm sorry man, I just don't think you're weirdos. So you know what we want to follow, but long this one not until about our wrap it up, he goes on to say. Should you F a centrist and I think it's funny because only real argument is that it must be terrible, centrists, a politically active centrist. He says it's bound to be terrible shore, whatever dont care. In the end, there is just too funny things about this. I really love that he brought up set at Sargon and Angela because I'm pretty sure they're both married, I'm unfairly, certain I mean sovereigns, got kids and angular is married. So why would you choose the people who have succeeded when she went to prove your point by choosing the people who aren't in relations? whatever man, but I am also willing to believe we're. Gonna keep seeing articles about this, like the that
the silly warnings about like don't date, these people- don't you shouldn't, do it before they can choose, for they knew after the weak white nights or the abusers or the regular people, because I won't among the bat, like regular people want. Political are gonna, be like what are you talking about privilege? What I'm sorry? This is weird. It is not normal. You represent one person,
Transcript generated on 2020-02-20.