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Vivek Ramaswamy WON DEBATE, Says J6 Inside Job, SLAMS Democrat Great Replacement, ROASTS Nikki Haley


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Vivek Ramaswamy WON DEBATE, Says J6 Inside Job, SLAMS Democrat Great Replacement, ROASTS Nikki Haley

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
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in moments of the night was when rama swami made several assertions that janet Six appears to be an inside job. That salaries while the nine eleven and most importantly, the Democrats, have embraced what is commonly known as the great replacement theory and this interesting and is causing a bit of controversy. What is that eight replacement. Well, that originated in europe. The generalised being that elite in europe are trying to replace the european culture and ethnic majority with nuns with with non citizens and new ethnic majorities over a long period of time to eventually- erase and homogenize Europe simply put europe is and has been for a long time. Very very divided, that's kind of obvious all these different countries, you take a look at the eu
and there is this desire to have it function much like the united states, the only problem for europeans. Well, if I go from new york to main everybody, be speaking, the same language sharing and mostly the same culture. But if you go from france to germany, there speaking a totally different language and they're, not that far away from each other. This language. Barrier actually does result in division and cultural differences. So the argument with great replacement is that these elites, want to bring in as many migrants as possible from north africa from the middle east so that it dilutes and creates a universal banned across europe. A band of people that I have more in common or, I should say, creates a lower common denominator. They don't have a lot in common, but being not from these countries. It would that's. That's the general idea behind the theory. Some people take it a step. Further many people who want white nationalist policies, however, in the united states,
it typically and more a flatly refers to Democrats are trying to bring his money and illegal immigrants into the country as possible to help them short there. There voter base its not that these illegal immigrants, actually It's two things: the first, when a non citizens moves into a democrat area, that area receives more congressional of power. When they do the sensus and this state says we ve added a mill new people, they're going say what we gotta give you a new congressional district. Only thing as these people actually be citizens, so it helps bolster there congressional seat apportionment- and it actually ought a get give it gives them electoral vote count anna Seton guess so. I believe California, in the twenty tonnes had it was estimated one extra electoral vote, an congressional seat based on non citizens. Now the whole things rather complicated, but, of course, even
free beacon is misrepresenting vague promise while me and is presented positions you're not going to get a fair assessment, and I I think mega kelly did a great job call Chris Christie and bring up the issue of transgender children and parental rights, but she had, I think, one of the yet you know look mexico is great but come on megan. This accusing trouble. Wanting a muslim ban is a gross misrule. Presentation of what donald trump was saying. Megan Kelly says that donald trump has vowed to bring back his muslim ban. That's not what donald trump said upset if you sympathise with Hamas or extremists. That is disqualifying now, of course, hamas and extremist muslim ideologies does overlap with muslim, but donald trump is Not talking about banning some dude for being muslim. Donald trump is talking about banning guy because he sympathises with
terrorists who are murdering people and who murdered people toper october. Then Israel. There is a huge difference and I think, if a fair conversation about what this country wants to do. You have to be honest about these things. But there were many many great nights, the vague Swami obviously takes the cake, but I believe great replacement is now centre stage? Yell people lit up over this and, of course, you are now getting tons of leftists and woke turn Speaking like they re roma swami is pushing an anti semitic. Conspiracy theory. Look. If the Democrats do a bad thing Then their allies in media create a version of it which is going to be anti semitic and conspiratorial. There is a couple different views on what great replacement is. I'm not a big fan of the of the phrase, great
replacement. The way I see it. Democrats now that they need to build a voter base because several reasons- one they dont have kids, they abort their kids and they lose ideologically to christian conservatives, so they do want or immigration? There are dozens, if not hundreds, of videos showing Democrats outright we need more migration into our areas of work and when these elections are not I got a newsweek article pulled up to break this down for you, but I'm gonna start with the story from the free beacon rama, swami claims. Nine eleven government cover up pushes great replacement theory. Well, I should do this more often
before we get started. Hey guys, support the work we do. We are sponsored by cast brew coffee. It's it's! Our coffee company, we're building culture. The purpose of the coffee company is so that we can have a physical location. We are building coffee shops. We want to have a thousand across the united states. I dunno how long it takes to get there, but when you buy coffee from casper dot com- and I gotta tell ya appalachian nights, the fit might be my favorite coffee, best coffee. I've ever had I'm not I'm not exaggerating rise with berto junior stand your grounds when you buy from casper dot com you're supporting this show so there's our plug to help a a run. company, that we are running and produce more content, so again casper dot com. But let's read the news when the free beacon that fake ramaswamy during the republican presidential debate on wednesday accused the us government of hiding the full truth about the September eleventh doesn't want terror attack and of orchestrating the january six cap attack and the capital. Now is what I love. I am surprised the free Speaking of all outlets is grossly misrepresenting vivek ramaswamy, I despise
all of these people. They are liars. They are manipulators. I am I'm not gonna sugar code, anything for you guys. I will call out anybody who deserves to be called out on tim cast iron. We have no problem, saying Donald trump, authorized a commando raid, which reportedly resulted in the death of a an eight year old american girl. Now we I think we need an investigation. I don't think any president should get away with whatever that is Barack Obama killed a sixteen year old american citizen. He should be in prison for this. This we actually have confirmed the trump story. Allegations allegations, I think, warrants a deeper look, but I've got no problem calling on anybody- and I liked I liked trump and I'm gonna vote for trump I mean, will see what happens in the next year, but I am sick of the people in media who want to manipulate you because they want something I just. I can't stand it. Roma swami didn't o o.
Accused the governor hunter, the folders lots of temper eleventh they're, trying to make it seem like a truth, or the vague promise swami correctly, stating that the south were involved, and we now know this due to declassified documents and there to make it seem like he's, climbing the government was involved or something disgusting and orchestrating the january six, twenty one second, the capital, I'm going to say this, we're all of you, my friends January six. It doesn't look like a vague say it outright. January, six, wise and inside job. This is not in dispute this is known fact, and I love all the media matters, people in all the far left, wherever it to click that and remove the following context. Comes from alexandria, Ocasio cortez, who said police were helping people get in the building. How about
the the individuals who are acquitted, because the judge agreed cops, opened the doors and found them into the building about the videos where there's police. opening the barricades and waving people in. january. Six was an inside job about the video with a capital police are giving a guy tour to the coup and on Sherman Jacob chancellor walking him around showing the doors and bringing him to the Senate chambers. So What about inside job? Don't try making and inside job means that, like the bible destruction was was themselves involved in orchestrating this. No, no inside job the police at the capitol opened the doors and allowed people in one copy, even put on a mug ahead,
and he claimed it was because he was trying to blend in yeah okay inside job? Does it mean the whole thing was orchestrated or that every single person the government was in on it? An inside job means you had criminal elements within the government who aided and abetted The riots on january six now all slow down there, a minute and just say it. Rather simply the whole thing was that a riot some people did not realize what was going on, but inside job no question of a o c. complained what like a year ago, how long goes a year and a half ago that there are police on camera, taking selfies with with these people walking in the capital helping them. We now have more footage police actually taking the cuffs off of people who have been detained. Now. How is this possible? This episode is brought to you by dragon ball legends, the ultimate dragon bone experience on your mobile device dry
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january. Six was an inside job. Now, if you want to argue about, did feds incite that's more of what was a very swami is referring to, and there is some evidence to suggest that there was incitement by feds but to the degree that it sparked the riot- and I I you know we have questions about ray epson and things like that. I think, ah, it's possible that I'm not going to away too much into. I can tell you this definitively if capitol police are on camera, opening the door allowing people in removing their handcuffs and taking selfies with them fanning people into the building. There is no question,
it is a fact january. Six was an inside job, but don't let them misconstrue it, because this is what they do in much the same way: they're trying to misconstrue the great replacement theory. They are trying to misconstrue what actually happened with january six again, I'm not saying Joe Biden a lot of tap and I'm not saying Nancy Pelosi allowed to happen. Maybe I dunno I'm saying it's a fact that cops opened the door and let people in fandom in and took their cuffs off and gave them tours. That's the police aiding and abetting people on way, six. How is it not an inside job? Here we go the thirty eight year old farm exec also embrace the controversial grit replacement theory, which has been endorsed by white supremacists. So what's it's been endorsed by democrats to free beacon, garbage including the teenage gunman who shot up a supermarket and largely black neighbourhood last night, you see what doing here to attack the they promise. Why me why, only person on stage while it wouldn't. Let me play the video for eulogists, watches buses role, enemies. donald trump
it's not even Joe Biden. It is the deep state that at least donald trump attempted to take on If you want somebody who's going to speak truth to power, then vote for some, He was going to speak the truth to you. Why am I? we person on the stage. At least we can say the january. Six now does look like it was. An inside jock government lie to a twenty year, saudi arabia, nine eleven that the great replaced The theory is not some grand right wing, conspiracy, theory, but a basic statement of the democratic parties platform that When do you? Twenty election was indeed stolen by big tech that the twenties state election, the one that trump one for sure also one that was stolen from him by the national security establishment. Tranquil tromp russia collusion opened it with false, there's a reason why I am the only person I was surgical things, that's what it's gonna take not be
or look in his boots one time and now what are you going quarterback in criticising what its can be? I love how there did you notice that maybe she was just clearing her throat and then the vat do sir well. Well, we got this one and be c news. They promise me promotes january six conspiracy theory by suggesting I was an inside job. The gnp presidential candidate has also went into conspiracy theories about nine eleven. You see what they're doing it's not a conspiracy theory that there were saudis involved is already classified documents there misrepresenting. What he's actually saying vague knows this welcome to politics, not the first time I ve done it to him and what will that down too, but NBC news. These people are evil yeah, I said diamond. It's our evil, and then I get all these these these be. I get that presents danes being like can sustain us for clicks. This is what they do: its evil, malicious evil or the banality of evil and busy news, which is it the vague promise. Swami did not put a conspiracy theory. It is not a can spirit
I see, oh actually, that that it may actually be a bizarre theory. It's a fact. It is a fact. The police opened the doors there have been Quintals based on this fact, the cops aid- They had abetted the people who entered the capital on that day, not universally. I can already hear yogi turks, being like you mean when those people were fighting with police, I know that people were fighting with police, because inside job does not mean every single cop. The entire complex of a b across was in on letting people in, but you mean to tell me that you have how many cops on video giving guided tours and you're like as an inside job. Let me put it this way as a bank with thousand employs two guys who worked for the cops allow bank robbers to come in and steal money is at an inside job. Yes, that's quite literally what inside job beans, it means criminal elements within that bank, aided the criminals who run or were the ones who robbed it inside jobs,
every single employ all ran into the safe, install money. So vague is correct and Take it one step further and he showed taken is as far as I just did next time. He goes on stage the vague needs to say there are videos of capital, police officers aiding and abetting the people who entered the capital in january. Sex there's dozens, if not several dozen, that's an inside job, but whatever. Let's talk about great replacement theory, newsweek published this op ed analysis. Democrats are massive hypocrites on so called great replacement theory from may twenty. Third, twenty twenty two by pedro elegans Alice. He goes on to mention the shooting in buffalo and DA da. The credit and mentoring, Michael nosing Democrats are using immigration policy to change the demographics. it states in a way that would seem to help them politically and this a stated political position of the Democrats. It's it's not a theory. It's it's not free
it's. What democrats are saying on tv but they're lying to you, the media, I I do respect newsweek newsweek has are bad articles, but they ve run it fairly mow the road they they ve. Given me, and up to counter the lies from from that that Jamie. What what's in a risk and there you go, I wanna call him something else, but here we go pedro rights, the cells left behind and one hundred eighty page document outlining a schizophrenia worldview. We he a mention democratic immigration policy, in company latched onto that part of the murderers, incoherent screed depends shooting on their political opponents. In essence, experts, argue that republicans rudder and at immigration radicalized. The shooter small problem, democrats and progressive this space on their own rhetoric over the years subscribed to replacement theory more than anyone else, as vice president Biden bite. It himself said that a constant and Lending stream of immigration would reduce americans of white european stock to an absolute minority.
And that this was a source of our strength. Democrats worked always so sanguine about demographic change. Them called the senator. Kennedy a shared concern. Americans in nineteen sixty five that then I did sixty five whore. Seller immigration law would not upset the ethnic mix of our society. Would not. He goes on to say. Obviously, Democrats have changed their tune, abandoning the hit their historic political block of the white working class, often catholic voter. And the so called coalition of the ascendant in which emigrate immigrants are key, afore, the so called sorry. It's not a kind spirit, in theory. It happened to be the same demographic argument. Teixeira made in emerging democratic majority, as conservative, commandeer, commenter accommodated bench. Bearded teixeira, published in two thousand for the boy the emerging democratic majority in it. His words Democrats should exploit economic and demographic
just including the growth of minority communities and cultural chefs among college graduates and simply put the growth of those communities has been due to policies that, if It had a mass migration worth also noting that teixeira has a democratic activists. Bowl bowed low rise. His thesis as part of their efforts to coalition build an identity politics. Twenty thirty political concluded that amnesty for millions of illegal aliens would produce and electra bonanza for democrats and cripple republican prospects in many states they now when easily the look. though, the following year, James digital, a professor of government at university of maryland college, published a study that found the flow of illegal immigrants. If the country twenty nine point, five million from nineteen eighty different took from nineteen eighty twenty twelve has made, has remade and continues to remake the nations electorate in favour of the democratic party. It's not just this. It's the democratic politicians on tv and outright said we need more migration. Looking back
from election new york times, opinion calmness charles blow, reduced trumps, victory to white extinction anxiety. He cheer The twenty census showed the browning of amerika, the shrinking of the white population and the closure of the non white jennifer reuben, an opening. Almost with wash interposed, echoed blow tweeting that the census results herald a more diverse, more inclusive society. This is fabulous news. Now we need to prevent minority white rule. If anyone is radicalizing people in this country, it's those who have a stent on citation sli declared themselves to be on the right side of history. Now Pedro goes on quite a bit: but its correct it that there is? There are numerous videos you can watchword. Democrats embrace the idea of bringing in non white migrants to displace the white majority population, to win elections and reshape the country,
I'm not saying every single Democrat embraces that I'm saying news week has the article quoting these people, so vague roma swami brings it up, of course, they're going to claim that he's anti semitic and I love it there Now here we go live in gentlemen. Let's get and a little bit more of this analysis and I actually want to first we're into a compliment sandwich cheer for making kelly because gesture that are really really great job I thought she asked savary. There were several instances of really great great questions and pressure on people. I don't like it, everybody everybody. There was one moment where Chris Christie, she called him out on the transgender children issue. Cost christie lied and it was masterfully done. and, however, ok, we're doing compliment sandwich here- this exchange is is wrong, in my opinion,
I will criticise megan kelly for this gross misrepresentation of trumps position. I'd like to play for you this video now now, ambassador hayley, former president trump recently promised, if he's reelected, to bring back and expand his programme restricting immigration from muslim countries. He is in iowa on october, sixteenth, no longer we allow dangerous, lunatics haters, it gives a maniacs today, residency in our country, we're not gonna! Let them stay here. If you empathize with radical islamic terrorists, extremists, you you're disqualified, you just disqualified, and that's rarely do you support president trump's plan for ideological screening? Well, I don't think that you have a straight up muslim ban as much as you look at the countries that have terrorist activity that want to hurt americans. Alright, let's pause right there.
I gotta be fair to Megyn Kelly. She said odd, a ban from muslim countries and an ideological ban and look man. I I I feel like this is a gross misrepresentation of what trump is saying. Megyn Kelly should have said. Donald trump has proposed a restriction on radical extremist ideology. tromp, saying from anywhere life insurance? What's yours, excuse for putting it off can't afford it too much hassle. Think your work coverage is enough. There's excuses for putting our life insurance, but why? Big reason why you shouldn't if the unexpected we're happen to you who would pay them judge the kids tuition and all the other bills in time. of grief. The last thing you would want is for your family to have to sell the house and struggle to survive financially
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and, of course the key hayley transforms it even further into its a muslim countries that have terrorist activity that want to hurt. Americans, you do you can ban those people from those countries. That's the way. We should look at it as which countries are a threat to us. You look at what came across the southern border. What worries me the most are those that came from IRAN from yemen from lebanon in those areas where they say death to america. That's where you want to be careful, it's not about a religion. It's about a fact that certain countries are dangerous and our threats does president has one job and that's to keep american safe and that's what we ve got to do is make sure that we have good nationals, during in that process and that's the way you should look at it is where the terrorist threats are, how we're going to deal with it and what we're doing about it, and I respect nokia's answer, but I'm going to say this disqualified, I'm I'm sorry. Nicky Hayley doesn't open her mouth when she talks. Ok, I just can't get past it don't know, don't care mickey Hayley.
She's been doing this the whole time- and I dont know why, but she talks with her it's going wide and her teeth, staying tight and I dont understand what she's talking like this, where she make sure to bear her teeth without us. her mouth like she's growing at you and talking like this. We need to know about you. What's Alright, really do those that are watching resonant transplant for an ecological, only logical screening. Why don't think ideological screening, I think was its amiss. Characterisation and the fair approach should have been donald trump has vowed to like. I get it technically, it's the truth, I'm not a family, but since you have a strong look at this ban as much as you look at the countries that have terrorist My might I'm I'm sorry. Dude, I'm got on my mind, is blown Nicky, hayley open. She it's the weirdest thing She uses her lips, but her teeth don't move. Why is she? Is she grinning through her teeth, to talk to us now?
I mean for aerial. We can talk about. Babo had run. Ok, whatever you wanna talk about you talk about Chris Christy. Being a large man I don't know what you would you throw it in a vague promise. Want me to be completely honest. Maybe talk about rhonda centres. Where are you listening? but why is Nikki Hayley the whole time her teeth stay closed and her lips? up and down, but her mouth is not opening. I too weird thing to be hung up on, but I think it's a weird behaviour is robotic and strange When you talk to your teeth, it's usually because you're, angry kenny but my mouth as much as she does activity that or my lips, my heart, americans, you do, you can ban those people from those countries, that's the way we should additives which country that's crazy. Man get what came across this. She doesn't open her.
When she talks or what she's talking like this are those that are withdrawn from yemen from lebanon. Those areas where they, okay, whatever man, she's right, she's right about the the the issue of a quote, unquote muslim ban trump is talking about specific equally extremists. But there are few things that I do want to go through. Of course, of course, here we go trump vows expand muslim, bad and bar Gaza refugees if he wins presidency and even the guardian, points out he's talking about quote immigrants at ideological screening for immigrants boring those whose sympathise with Hamas and muslim extremists? Ok, now let me go back toward making Kelly said. Ambassador Hayley former president tromp recently promised, if he's reelected, to bring back and expand his programme restricting immigration from muslim countries. You see
I feel like that. Some very disingenuous trumps restriction also included venezuela and north korea, so You say it's from muslim countries doesn't get to the core of what donald trump was actually saying. She should have said donald trump vows to bring back his plan to bar immigration of x, masts and radical ideologies, particularly islamic extremism and ever will go? ok! Well, why aren't we doing that shouldn be doing that, and now I'm just I can't get over the Nicky hayley thing where she doesn't open her mouth when she speaks But whatever here are some great moments as we wrap up this segment of economic zombie taken the state You may have seen this vague rum mommy held up a notepad that said, Nicky equals corrupt. You know why you did it that's. Why did it? Because you want to make a meme he did and if see what, because this man knows the internet. And he knew
As everyone knows, when you hold up a pay, a pat of paper on the internet, you will be maimed and so what I'm just waiting for dick but to pop up on it. But that's that's an old man, but a checks out. And now everyone's posting means of the vague rama swami with an open. So this this image, I posted last night, nine, twenty nine p m after a vague hold it up. I immediately took a screenshot on my phone and then I blurred out as an alpine go for it, hey look, there's a lot to break down I think the vague romish when they did an absolutely phenomenal job. We have this seeing fatah where, before the vague held this thing up, you can
see that he's got the or the notepad that says, Nikki equals corrupt on his on his or on the on the lectern. But one of my favorite moments was the absolute smackdown of nikki haley when Vache said name three provinces in ukraine that you want to defend and Nikki Haley's face went blank wow it took her like twenty minutes. Chris Christie jumped in and said you got you you, you hate women, un women and then Vache was like go eat food I'm kidding, but like kind of that actually happened on the debate stage, the vache went off. He said name three province they're called o blasts, but I know that the average person has no oblast mean so province makes sense and dumb. You know for me, I'm, like I don't know if I could, because I am like I am- eighty percent sure I know the oblast in ukraine. Lou HANS
and donetsk are obvious because that's the the contested region, which was part of the donbass region and the land bridge going into crimea. But, unlike I know, of like kharkiv and kiev, but is that the name of the actual oh blessed? It is zyprexa, etc and so on. Nicky Hayley did and I believe she said: luhansk, donetsk and crimea and, interestingly, wrong. Wrong crimea has already for about ten years been part of russia. Russia took it over, and so that's not something trying to be defended, So I guess I'm a technicality, you could say they want it back, but the regions where you from dogma, defending our like doughnuts glanced, car cave in kiev. That's where the invasion took place, but fine, I'm being a bit pedantic
she eventually did answer, but he left her speechless. She did. She couldn't respond in a why. For the same reason, I didn't immediately respond if it, what when this question came up, I thought to myself what are the? What are the obliged like which, which ones are we offering to? I don't see the wrong one and I'm, like I'm pretty sure it's carcass of le HANS kinda nets, but I'm not sure cave as an aim of the oblong. I think it might be just the city's name out on the other. and these things imagine being on a debate stage and you're unsure. I'm on my show last night being like. Let me fact check this real quick, because I don't want to say something wrong. I want to misinform people and then I was correct. I was correct that that was the name of the oblast. I was like okay cool Nicky areas in the same boat, slackened empathize. She was like debate stage. She can't immediately factual and she's thinking. If I say the wrong name, I have my aleppo moment: vague nailed it. She did not care enough about this country to even justify why we were there,
Natural matters someone it, we had a great superpower, the pointed out, Nicky's, not stupid. Nicky Hayley is not stupid. She just doesn't care, she wants war and that's what you will get. So let me wrap it up by saying this. I think the veg stole the show. I think he did tremendous job and I think Nicky eighty doesn't open her mouth when she speaks and is very weird and annoying It's a weird behavior! I dont understand it's worse than that. Yeah yahoo moment from mom. What was the guy's name? I can't remember the guy's name. You know you who? What was that a dean were my first name as a long time ago. Howard dean is that who it was ah whatever man I mention this last night on, why I just can't. I can't do it sorry Nicky, yet you got you. If you can have your teeth are too big and you can't talk without talking to your teeth. It's weird
Whatever I'll leave their necks seconds coming about one p m on this general tax rang out and I ll see. Well then, yesterday the viral story questioned in congress, the heads of several universities based golly said that it is not a violation of their school policies if students call for the genocide of Jews, The fascinating thing here is that they ban fat phobia. They buy body shaming, they mandate the use of pronouns, but when groups of people march on campus around campus chanting, ferrara horrible things I don't care now, I'm not gonna sit here and can flight protesters credit sizing, israel with calls for genocide, but the question asked was specifically. Do your universities consider calls for genocide of jews to be bullying and harassment and all these universities said it depends on the context
what is far to say that there is even a context. They claim she She said that calling the genocide of Jews in some contests might, according to I, camera which universities was be anti semitic like, I don't think, there's anything more anti semitic than that, but this is part of a bigger picture. right now, we're here in that wall street knock at higher any of these students, Dave port annoy, announced hired no one from harvard mit or pen until individuals resign, and this is how you get it done. Bravo to Dave Portnoy! I lament without our criticisms. Lotta people have but dave. Was good work and him coming out outright saying can a higher students from your universities wholly crap, imagine being a student who took out debt or whose parents got you into one of these prestigious.
Of our cities and now you're being told outright. Your degree is not just worth less. It actually will bar you from employment, let's writ these universities and their, what garbage to shreds now as a component of the story. This is what I think matters substantially more to the average person billionaire harvard alumni accuses university. Alum accuses university of discriminating against white males and conservatives. Anti semitism is the canary in the coal mine for other discriminate, discriminatory practices at harvard bill. Admin wrote in a scathing letter You see what happened was after these protestors, horrible things about jewish people side with a mass, and I'm not talking. Palestine. I'm saying there are student activist groups, leftist protestors who have praised Hamas, called it the resistance yeah, the raping of women.
killing of children, resistance, yeah right as a major research institution, arizona, state university offers the most online bachelors degree programmes along with world class faculty and dedicated support, discover I e, as he was ranked number one in innovation for nine consecutive years, tapped to learn more this guy bill, ackman says whoa. What's going on the university, a lot of people got critical and said your wall street billionaires we're funding these universities. While they were attacking white males and white people in general, you ve got a video, of Abraham candy saying that basically calls white people, sub human. I might do. This is crazy. people are insane racists, but I'm not gonna be critical of ackman. No, he made a mistake. and now he called out exactly and I get a look. A lot of people have deep ties to Israel: powerful individuals,
fact and a lot of them there's dual citizens and they care deeply about. What's going on in the region. Now, of course, the military industrial complex in the majority of americans probably lean more in favour of Israel. For either religious reasons or military reasons, but of the people who are well off and israeli or have sentiments towards Israel. This was a huge wake up, call and baby I'll. Take it if you're. sir, that action was funding, is universities or was support them in any way, while they were King Roquat S, I just say, look man. This woke him up. Seeing what these universities are saying about. Jewish people woke him up to how crazy they are. And now is calling up the discrimination against why health and conservatives good yeah we're winning. This is tremendous culture. War victory Take a look at the story from the new york post, Dave port. Annoying
I was not too high or from harvard mit and pen after president's congressional testimony unacceptable on every single level. All would love to see at the wrong panic elite colleges scramble to backtrack after evading question about anti semitism. I despise these hypocrites, the corrupt, the manipulators. These people are evil. Look man. If your whole bit is fat, phobias against the rules and you better use pronouns, you can see how disgusting these people are. Men, You know I despise so many politicians- and I despise these people too, because they don't care about you. They don't care about morality, they don't care about principles, they don't care about justice.
All they care about is saying whether stupid nonsense. They have to say to maintain their woke crackpot colt position, so the cult doesn't want you to use the wrong pronouns and the colt wants to push insane. anti semitic conspiracy theories, so these universities defend it all enough. Shout out today dave port. The bar stool sports head vowed this week, not to not higher applicants from harvard mit, and after seeing congressional testimony from the schools president's after the offered excuses and set it free. Speech amid editor anti semitic demonstrations on their campuses. I m playing this game. Take a look at this video, very wise treaty. This is from the free press. Of course, I think it's important to point out that there reason to be ah perturbed at the idea that These universities are attacking white people relentlessly, nobody comes dear defence
media tax, but as soon as the far left attacking Israel all of a sudden there's this big turner- oh, I get it you're perturbed, but you know it don't look a gift horse in the mouth of that I could buy wall street. There were two black men. They were arguing. One guy told that there's a black eye, organizing with occupy activists, there's another black eye. Who said: why are you helping them? Don't help these people bear not, therefore, us think about what white people did this in. That The other dude goes yeah, maybe, but I tell you what, if everything you're saying is true and that one people had all of this stuff, but now they are protesting these it. is that I am protesting. You know my responses, I reach out shake their hand and say welcome to the fight and I'm like that's brilliant, smart
I now, of course, during this time at occupy wall street it was it was about. You know the banker bailouts and the housing crisis and stuff you know in the occupy became something else. But that's what I say: man if people are calling the stuff out, I just say: welcome to the fight let's and bigotry and racism in the real way. right when universities insult white people simply for being white, your racist. Let's stop that it violates the nineteen. Sixty four civil rights act, very wise, tweets at harvard fat phobia constitutes violence but globalized. The intifada requires context. Let me play some of this video clip for you and so that they may make some right points. A person conduct their showing a veto, cooper, even in new york, where jewish students, not israeli students, jewish students were hiding as far less
banging on the door and screaming things of them. I think, is a really great point run common pointed out. He said those aren't israeli students. This is new york city. These are just students who jewish and there's other students banging on the door screaming at them, and they had to evacuate these students. Just look at the facts last year harvard tool students in a mandatory training session that using the wrong pronouns, four person constitutes abuse, sizes and fat phobia according to the session are also choose that contribute to an environment that perpetuates violence, but when Harvard nominal pause there and tell you why this is important. These won't let limit. Let me play this actually more place its president. Asked by members of congress this week in a hearing on care this anti semitism is calling for the Genocide of Jews constitutes bullying and harassment. Here's what she said. vague depending on the contest into
eighteen, the university of Pennsylvania barred law, professor any wax from teaching freshmen after she said black students rarely finish the top half of their graduate in class and has since been trying to sanction wax for statements? The law school says violet, its anti discrimination policies, but when pens president was asked, if calls for genocide violate code rules here, so answer. Is this Which turns into conduct it can be harassment. So let me just pause right here and bring up the important points that the free press barry weiss. His organization has has has made. These universities have explicitly stated that fat phobia in a general context contributes to a bad environment. Thus it's against their rules. In this instance, you have a woman who stated well. Let me let me play for you stated a fact, not attacking anybody and this generalised statement not targeting.
the individual that that day, they sought action against this person. There graduate graduating class pan has since been trying to sanction wax for statements. The law school says violate anti discrimination policies, but when pens president was asked, if calls for genocide, violate called rules here so answer its speech turn into conduct. It can be harassment with a smile on her face. She smiling, I I just so despise these people there so evil they do the coup bricks there were they told their heads down smile and go if it turns into conduct I used to panic when a little heavy with it when she was like you mean actually trying to commit genocide. She they're saying if you go up to someone's scream in their face, something like that. But okay, you know, look it's it's! It's it's here in front of our faces.
Look at the story from fox news is what turns into billionaire and harvard graduate bill admin call that is alma mater for having discriminatory practices against white, males, asians and conservatives in escaping open letter. he called eddie semitism the canary in the coal mine. I guess but yo these policies against asians and white people have been around for a decade or longer glad your now noticing it. I gonna rag and a guy for not paying attention? If he's here to join the fight, so be it. you know, let's say you stand on the front lines of a great battle, a revolution, perhaps an affair, guy, shows up and says I'm here to fight this. You are A girl like, oh yeah. Well, french people did a bad thing before you could be like. Thank you fight with us and we'll get revolution, and we will have independence. It look. We can complain about the past and say yeah, but you
we're doing this yeah? You got a trade agreement with this nation and their nations during this, a man if you're here to join the fight. Thank you for joining the fight. Let's stop the racism, the violence, the anti semitism I so so so does Buys these people there so evil. While, ladies and gentlemen, the panic is setting an annual love to see it elite colleges, able to backtrack after evading questions about anti semitism. I want to stress they say fat phobia. Do we We criticise Chris Christie all last night during a jubilee debate for being massive. You know and
I'm sorry. Look I understand there can be issues with people that caused them problems and in it with weight gain it things like that. I do not believe that apply to Chris Christie, but I am not a doktor. You know, I think it's fair to say you can take control of your life and figure it out and improve yourself. You can lose weight and for that they say you're you're contributing to an environment. Yet when people are going around chanting from the river to the sea, that's fine! Look I understand there are people that limit. Let me, let me show you this right in response to this post from my barry, weiss kim Iver, said the answer to their hypocrisy. Isn't to ban more speech. Well, you! What I can't stand is the Israel, palestine derangement syndrome. Ok, I agree with him the answer to their hypocrisy. Isn't to ban more speech. It is to call
their hypocrisy. Now, I'm not sure that very wise is calling for overt censorship, but some people are some people are, and you have to understand these people look don't care. Flight free speech, absolute lists with anti censorship activists? Andy censorship doesn't mean you oppose all censorship. Absolutist, may my point is that If somebody comes out and says why are they allowing calls for genocide against white people, they shouldn't be allowed to do this. That doesn't mean they don't support free expression. It means that's where their moral linus now some people would argue, while that is free expression. No, no! No! I get that point. My point is this: there are people who say we should be allowed to have free speech on campus and they're. Referring to I dunno, like a professor saying that black students rarely finish in the top half of half of their classes. This is a if that fact is true, I'm just citing this the story. Then we would need to figure out why that is to help improve the students right
something must be going on, but by simply stating that fact they call you racist, yet me saying you, but you should be allowed to say that is not me saying you should build a march around calling for genocide. There's a difference there. Somebody who says we should be allowed to have political debates in universities, does not necessarily mean they support someone calling for the benefit of jewish people, black people, asian people or any other people not give you my position, because I've got a different, more line. I think people at these universities should be allowed to stand up and soap box and say these things. I believe they should be allowed to invite speakers who say these things. I think they're bad things. I think they're disgusting people, I think they're evil and I'd like to hear them say so. I know to support or associate with them. I don't know if they're going to hide their views and use resources to these secret ends. I'd rather know they're doing it. So I can say I'm not going to work with you on this stuff, you're, a bad person there's a big difference.
and so they try to play this game where their alike will. Now you want to ban speech at no, no, no, no hold on there a minute cooldown their students in marches, okay calling for the genocide of jewish people, calling for the eradication of the jewish state or supporting hamas are very different from someone protesting that Israel's military actions are heavy handed and I think it's fine to criticise the actions of the israeli government. We ve had a lot of criticism from people on tim cast IRA. The point is, the universities are hypocrites. They support calls for urgent; they they ignore calls for genocide in one direction and ban the wrong pronouns? The media plays this exact same game, so I'm not going to sit here and just act like these people are allowed to to to beat hypocrites or whatever nowhere to call them out for being hypocrites. It can be depending on the context. The crate
his statement that was made, saving me highlighted by these outlets was when the one president said, caw what it is. I said it, it it can be harassment in or should know that in some contexts it may be anti semitic to call for the genocide of the jewish people. I'm paraphrasing like in some contexts in all contexts, men, but anyway, when it comes to the media. My point was imagine a group of people Turkey, torches, marching around saying the Jews will not replace us and in the media as oh, no look at the nazis and then you get large people marching around chant
in cheering for Hamas and the media, goes there resistance, you get my point charlottesville the the tiki torch march. Oh, how abhorrence yeah there are saying stupid things. I'm not offended any of those people, but you know it's funny. I gotta tell you right now: the difference between these two groups of people- oh run this one media matters, the tiki torch marchers in charlottesville, chanting that Jews wouldn't replace them. That's it yeah, and then you take a look at the people who are defending students calling for a genocide of jews. Again, I want to make sure I'm drawing a distinction between those who are critical of israel, support palestine between those who overtly supported Hamas, his actions, the the the killing of civilians and the raping of women, because that happened so it so. You mean to tell me you think the tiki torch marching dudes are worse. What did they say? They thought jews, wouldn't
them nor are they dont want that to happen? They believe that jews were trying to replace them. Did they call for direct action against jewish people? They didn't. They just believe stupid things. Ok, it's bad beyond that! A fan of it da in new york city you had people supporting Hamas explicitly and overtly getting up on with the microphone standing before crowd and saying that their resistance fighters fired five thousand rocketed tel Aviv willow, and you mean to tell me media lost their minds over the tv torch people. and they do not care about what and in new york. These people are evil. They are hypocrites and I'm glad it's all being brought up now. Here we go here
act, racking miguel said in that moment those folks and our universities, longstanding policies aligned with the. U S, constitution, all pronoun use screw off, which had its speech alone is not punishable. that's not true. Speech alone is not punishable. These people are so evil. Ok, I was not just on, but I should have been the irrefutable fact that a call for the sight of jewish people is. For some of the most terrible violence. Human beings can perpetrate its evil, plain and simple. Now that the money is being pulled in. They realize they ve align themselves with nazis. They are mad, but you know what fine I'll take it. Thank you for the apology. We need to expose the hypocrites and the liars and that these people are dont, trust them, don't work
with them I can respect ackman calling out what these universities are doing. These people back tracking it back. Okay, fine now are mad sure, but I'm not going to trust them. As far as I can throw him disgusting after this past week, I know many of your eggs. Didn't hurt and we have to make room for each other in our hearts and in our daily lives we cannot and must not, what events of the world drive us apart, blah blah blah blah blah mit president kornblut said yeah, you know what they're doing they thought they had the public on their side. These people genuinely believe that to succeed socially, you must defend people calling for the genocide of juice. Is that a scary prospect, but once they realized the power structures do not agree now they're panicking in backtracking, this woman with a smile on her face, defended it I'm so sick, these people, man they're, so evil. It's the banality of evil, mind you
marching for genocide, our evil? The people who are defending at blindly because they want to fit in other banality of evil, dont know don't care about. It. Just say what I think so to make new money they claim, and that's where we're at today's in wall street billionaire club unites against anti semitism, will not higher hate support, from wine at the most prominent names in the financial world, signed a joint statement expressing support for Israel, warning supporters of hate will have no place in our organizations or a community. Well, what preceded it. If you called out the hate against white people which is ongoing, but I can appreciate at least this now, David port. No, I made a great stir I want to show you a bit about what he said. This video is made me see, made me so Iraq, I rate, I need to make sure as many people seat as possible the deeds of three suppose. Prestigious universities in the: u s, somehow refusing to condemn students calling for the genocide of Jews on campus, it's crazy. He says the bottom line.
is that there is literally no other minority, religious group or ethnic group where students could open openly intimidate enchant. They want to murder and entire of people and not get kicked out immediately or body at thrown in jail. You can't even whisper something about other groups that are becoming an international incident, but with Jews, they sang it saying you want to kill him. is fair game. What he's right now Do me a lot of people who are like how come I'm so annoyed by this that they they claim that there is a jewish conspiracy or something do they have been calling white people awful names and calling them evil. Ok for a long time, and they do get away with it to be fair, why people aren't a minority group in this country gave port noise point is that these people are absolute hypocrites. If anyone asked these deeds and not least to fund, it should have said what, if, so, what if students will protest in calling for the genocide of black?
Well, we know exactly what would happen each and every one of those students would be expelled. No question instantly they'd say we're going to find out everybody who is in that march you all Well then, I welcome here. That's the game, their plane. I am not defending the racism against white people, which is prominent should be called out, but we're talking about minority groups. It is a fact these people all claim. Well, here's what they claim and here's the point. They say we we only punch up white people are the oppressors because they are the majority and then, when it comes to jewish people. Aha, you get. The point is: why can't stand the antisemitic conspiracy theories like an odd the Farah khan stuff, though the women's march, where they claimed jews, were responsible for the slave trade and just like insert whatever problem? They want. Listen men, individuals are responsible for a lot of things, and that's all I really care about. I don't want
a group of people based on the actions of one bad guy. If I meet somebody who is black white asian mexican, I don't care whatever and they're a good person. Then they shall be treated as such, because I will judge a person based on the content of the character. Not the color of their skin same is true for jews, people. I can't stand the stuff where people are like. You know jewish people control the media. Whatever while a blot, unlike know the people who control the meat media, there happen to be many of them. Who are you when we had Congo west on the show, any makes the point about the banks and all that we looked it up and it turns out. The banks are all run by irish dudes, the cement dont single out a group of people. It it's stupid, criticise the individual's my problem with. It is there's nothing gained like when cardiovascular who is they, though I might do this nothing gained by isolating jewish as the issue, and he learned his lesson: isolate corrupt multi, national, globalist elites, see. The funny thing is when Alex Joe
call it globalism that it was being anti semitic. That's the game there trying to play so when the people who hate Jews, try and claim that all of the globalist are the jews they're playing the exact I'm game as those who work in the media on the left. That's why I hate all of it. I'm like do my criticism are for a guy who's, doing bad things to hurt people, not that that the the nation he comes from other religion, he might have or his culture I'm talking about that dude his followers, those who believe in the what garbage, but you get you get it is this- is it called the canaries. Coal mine call whatever you want, but I'm glad to see the universe is getting ripped inch ripped to shreds over this, so good for our David port noise, good bill? Ackman, and now we are seeing the tides. Turning get woke. Go broke, have fun universities. Next up sees the endowments next segments coming up at four pm on the channel. Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then.
A new report drops showing new mexico filing a lawsuit against instagram and meta due to their child exploitation. Problem. and he alone mosque is going nuclear hammer away at these platforms, hammering away bob eager most calls on disney to fire bob. I gravity see yo to go up himself, yeah, not the best headline, but of course there try may get anti eu But the news is actually this from CNBC facebook Instagram content enables child sexual abuse and trafficking new it's a lawsuit states is the age of new mexico bay. The police sang yo, this needs to stop elon musk stand up, guy is upset, and rightly so because all these big companies say all we ve got it. We ve got a boycott acts, but they don't care about. What's going on facebook right guys, I'm going to say it, we know, as the federal government was colluding with big tax,
answer people. I strongly believe that the boycotts we're seeing now more likely have to do with federal efforts to control narrative, as we already know for a fact they do and less to do with the count on the platform, because that would mean that the federal government supports child abuse, or I should say these, big companies do and they don't they don't take kindly to political opinions that are bad. The messenger reports and baffled ex owner elon musk embattled, like what does even mean, has renews it renew the to his attacks on walt disney, ceo bob. I grant thursday calling on the magic kingdom to a meetly fire him till. We get very sad to go F yourself, amazing bandwidth, Moscow is also the ceo of tesla, which everybody knows has been furiously condemning companies, including disney apple, that pulled advertising an ex after their advertising for found. Next to pro nazi in April content, that is such a manipulative lie, as it turns out
What does the organization attacking ex did? Was they followed two accounts. I'm going to follow, this company- and I want to follow this guy and then sooner or later their posts will appear next to each other. Ludicrous and that was the basis for some kind of boycott. I love other bury this, though quote. eager thinks it's cool to advertise. Next to child exploitation, material real stand up, guy must set in the post next thursday that misspelled eggers name. And they say he was referring to a lawsuit via the new mexico attorney general against facebook. Instagram owner met up that claimed it enables child sexual abuse. Well about them. mosque later road, that eager should be fired immediately. Well, he's got a couple spicy ones Alan rug, says new mexico, a suit meta and mark Zuckerberg for allegedly enabling child sexual abuse a material being to be distributed, enabling it to be hey Robert. I
another advertisers. Will you be suspending advertising on facebook? Instagram, like you did with x, you must as crazy. disney has to be sued to stop this terrible baby. We, then everyone must posing a spicy meme, just basically ragging on dizzy and it says disney awarded defence contract after producing more bombs than lockheed Martin from the Babylon b Bravo, bravo and then, of course, after all mars catalogue said sponsored by the walt disney corporation. you, as bob eiger, thinks it's cool to advertise: negative child exploitation, material, real stand up, guy Natalie, demolition says. Why hasn't disney fired the guy yet and that's where you musk says he should be fired immediately. Walt disney is turning
his grave over what bob has done to his company? Well, as it often goes, what we should be doing is hooking up a turbine to the grave of walt disney because he is spinning so quickly in his grave. It would generate free energy for all the people of the world, actually think that was like a joke. Video someone made a long time ago where it's like the founding fathers in their graves are spinning. So fast they plug in a like a you know, a electric turbine and then starts generating electricity. They're like the more we abuse this country, the more power we get. Amazing like zombie, power, facebook and instagram content enabled child sexual abuse. New mexico lawsuit, while here you go, look I'm not going to immediately blame mark Zuckerberg for the fact that evil people will exploit these platforms. But I don't
facebook is in a good position to come, face cia book at what they say face cia book yeah lifelong some people call it I believe that its very likely that Zuckerberg knows the federal government is exploiting this platform for spying and narrative violation and there in on it, and that means there is no excuse for the child abuse material on the platform. These cuts these are so much more concerned with controlling what you get to say. They allow this facebook in instagram degree create prime locations for sexual predators that enabled child abuse. situation in trafficking, new mexico's attorney general alleged in a civil suit filed Wednesday against met up and see your mark Zuckerberg. The suit was brought after an on cover investigation allegedly revealed a myriad of instances of sexual, explicit content being served to minors, child sexual coercion or the sale of child abuse material. New mexico attorney general raul torres raoul torres
Said in a press release the suit alleges that certain child, exploitative content is ten times more prevalent on facebook and instagram as compared to porn hub and adult content platform. Only fans according to the release, quote: child exploitation is a horrific crime and on line predators are determined. Criminals met a said in his statement to see, and we see a spokespersons at the company deploy sophisticated technology, hires child safety experts, report, content to the national centre for missing and exploited children and share information and tools that the companies and law enforcement, including sits turning generals attorney general to approve predators. Now here's the issue acts took an active stance against the stuff answered, purging it'll be organised pose. Is that sucker birgus ang? They basically did this our matter.
saying they basically do the same thing? I want to play this game. I dont. If they found that matter, has this content matter should remove it. If they are unable to remove it, then we ve got a very serious problem and I'm not sure how Mehta can persist. Doesn't if they're the books adult bookstore and they had exploitation material, and you could not find a way to stop it's distribution. Then we would get rid of that bookstore. We just shut it down the first time you go in and say this needs to go like this is a crime what you have and then the guy who owns it is like look man. People brought that in I didn't realize, we'll get rid of it right away and then a week later, there's ten times as more, and it just keeps happening eventually, you say we're shutting you down. So let me say this: if facebook instagram are facilitating child exploitation materials on what grounds do we allow it to continue serious question,
do is the argument well, but you know it's just so important to the economy in so many people use it like. We have to allow it system now. No, I don't think so. I think it means we put restrictions in place to stop people from from doing these things a muslim. I not hard core libertarian. I think that the internet is destroying the minds of children at exploiting children, and we should stand for under four for no reason should we be standing for it, but this is the nature of what the internet currently is. It is effectively a gigantic public markets, yes with people bang each other in the streets and during our law are allowed to mill about I'd. Like you to imagine this a shopping, mall anybody walk into the shopping. Mall gotta be at least thirteen which could just lie. No one's checking rent and you walk
You walk around with a lot of normal stuff, like people are arguing and then there's like weird freaky, kinky sex stuff, going on all over the place. Yeah. If that were the case, the police would come and shut it down. They'd lock the door so that you, you are operating an illegal sex operation. This is the pub their children here and the owners would get in serious trouble now if it was a mall, I don't think anybody would be criminal chart criminal charges. was a massive corporation, this guy to know what's going on, but we're shutting it down. Why aren't we doing that with facebook, serious question? Why aren't we saying you? You can't allow children to be this place now? What I do hear a lot of people are saying. The fear is that this will lead to an internet where you need an id to run any of these accounts effectively a nikki haley type aa ask for addict named Nikki haley, ask type future where all people must be
known online. I don't completely agree. I believe, if that we, I believe, if we do not get a handle on this right now, it could become that. But it's actually quite simple. We just say to facebook and twitter and other platforms You are legally responsible if this kind of superior platform- I just I'm sorry mama, plain stupid, games, we will. I don't understand why we society have decided to allow adult bookstores for children. You can do it if it can be the simple someone Most adult content use your algorithms to put a filter on it. That's it you tube. Does this agent up content there trying its not perfect? Sometimes you will get mavericks makes mistakes. I know it's tough, it's not easy. I am not opposed to censorship. I am opposed to bad censorship. They want to censor people for saying the wrong pronoun, but they allow child exploitation. Yeah yeah, I got it backwards, people can say whatever pronouns they want and you don't allow child exploitation. That's the point. Some stuff should be censored.
You learn about it when you, when you read about these stories of people who are doing moderation on these platforms, and I think people understand how awful it really is in terms of the snuff murder, rape, awful things that people post of the internet and its because the moderators are sifting through it in getting rid of it and that's a good thing. But why then, do we tolerate this degree now back to isla mosque? I suppose it's fair to say you and makes a really good point. I dont want to condemn facebook over this. I want them to publicly state they're gonna. Stop it. I guess I should say this way. Of course we condemn this or any platform that enabled it, but if facebook is actually trying to stop it, I don't think it's fair to attack. Facebook
Because advertisers lied about why they're canceling ads on acts. That being said, I like x, I don't like facebook. I think facebook is complicit in a bunch of unconstitutional actions by the federal government. I believe they're complicit in criminal activities and as we can see here with the story and acts, is doing a good job fighting all of these things, so I side with x but I'll, be there. Next segment is coming up at six pm on this channel. Thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then I have this theory. That is a grifter test. Do you care about taylor? Swift is the question and there are a lot of people who are acting like they hate taylor, swift and, unlike ok, don't believe in it is people did our thirty seven year old man. I believe that the average. We're typical you're you're allowed did not like tells me wrong, but I believe that, typically in the political space, Someone comes to me and says: well what do you think about taylor, swift I'll, be like ours all right? I guess when I don't, she got a couple of songs that are pretty pretty catchy I can handle lyrics
But I don't I don't do a lot of her music are. Why do you ask instead What I'm saying is absolutely knots, and I'm not talking about political strategy. I want to The taylor swift and I gotta tell you guys men. So many people are tweeting. For some reason. Right now attacking taylor. Swift, that's desire right there when you tweet attacking taylor, swift. That's aside, I'm so annoyed by the stuff I get it. by then manipulation networks. Ok, you ve got people who are posting me. Immediate! I'm jack jack was sobek. I'm saying your name calling out taylor swift for being a Democrat, Yes, celebrities are democrats, but the attack on taylor swift. Is this I'll? Tell you why I'll you why? But first break down the conspiracy theory and I'm going to going to refute it to the best of my abilities, not say I don't like the word debunk. I'm going to push back I dont believe it's true whether in the daily die
is taylor swift, teaming up with Travis kelsey and george soros to elect mission. obama to divide us. Do Sorry, taylor, swift, but by all I I can see, does not like the soros family and has publicly publicly called out this. Family? It is insane to me that this woman can be in one of the biggest copyright disputes. We ve ever seen with the sorrows family, There is a theory that she's secretly working with them come on man. Let me just simplify this worse. I bear the lead. Taylor. Swift, as legions of young fans You are making her the enemy by attacking her on social media for no reason, that's it so level these are going to advocate for politicians, taylor, swift likely will be advocating for democrats. That's fine! I mean that happens and we ve got to do a good job of getting out the vote right, sharing voters and pushing back on our political rivals, but.
tell you this there's a lot of young people who follow taylor. If taylor come, and says something like I want you to go up men even well, but guess what a lot of them want. But what happens when a bunch of trump supporters and conservatives peter liese, bashing her on social media and create a meme war against taylor. Swift spans, you are activating her fan ass more than she can do alone. Lesson I think, tailors got some excellent pop music. I care if people like she didn't write it, I'm like dude, she prompt like it's collaborative. I know people who have written songs for for for musicians, it's collaborative credit where it's due man, y'all ain't taylor, swift, she's, she's, a billionaire she's, successful good for her she's got fence. she's gonna advocate for Democrats. I dont like it, but I also understand don't get caught in a chinese finger, trap problem,
to try and put you in this trap, where you paul harder and harder and harder, and all that does is make it worse. So here's the story. Trumps superfine laura loomed detail. They plot yesterday on access back in september, between taylor We have in the soros family to get gavin newsome and michelle obama liked at the white house next year in toys, before sumer, are officially set to replace boomers, is the largest voting demographic in america. Loomis at last week tell us what registered over a thousand voters are the single instagram post and most of them were zooms. That's true, and celebrities are gonna. Do this? No matter what so, your best strategy is to not make enemies of the base. Let me let me let me show you. This the supposed from hey alma? Why did taylor swift? All out the soros family on instagram outright said. I'm always out of you guys, out this stuff. So I just wanted to tell you. This. Release is not approved by me. It looks like scooter barometers actual backers. Twenty three capital Alex soros, soros, family and the Carlyle group,
have seen the latest balance sheets and realise that pang three hundred thirty million dollars, my music, wasn't exactly a wise choice and they needed money so hears. It happens, laura loomer theory, is because laura loomer doesn't understand and with respect to lure and ujiji super a big trump van, she does not a good work. run on this one. She said: how is how is taylor? Swift able to We see that they have made to ever post how we able to record or music and really do albums if its owned by the soros family. It must be that but a deal with george source do well: listen taylor, swift, publicly all out: the soros family for backing, what she views as italy, stealing her music. She believed She should have the right to buy the master recordings to her first. I think it was six albums. Let me bring down for you what's going on, because we work in music, irritant, guest, ok, taylor, swift,
owns the composition of songs. That's part, one area I have. I have all work to do a legal website yeah, so we have on Fitzpatrick Lentz above This is a tailored version explaining tell us which we recordings of copyright law. They say copyright is broken down into two parts: composition and master recordings. Taylor, swift owns composition, but not master recordings. The master recordings were purchased by scooter braun tell us what is mad. She did all that work. According it, the label didn't give her. The opportune I guess the issue was the offer was really unfavourable ass. She points out in this and other post three hundred thirty million us is not worth it and
what happened was, I guess, the the people who bought her rights to her music released a two thousand and eight radio show performance. So here's what happens? Master recordings allow for derivative works, the master recordings, the first song. It allows you to take that copied distributed a bunch of different ways. So, when taylor was performing these live versions, they have these rights to this, taylor owns the composition of the songs, so he's, real recording, thus to create new masters, call the tailors version. I do not see- and maybe I'm wrong about this- I don't know- I do not see tat was at war with the soros family she's, actually working against them. Listen Alex Soros, soros family invested tons of money to buy the recordings, tore music to try and use it. So a war with taylor, swift, taylor, swift now has to re record and spend tons of money to get a version of the songs back under her control. She has.
Actively fighting these people and the soros family stand to lose three hundred thirty million dollars. When taylor swift, re released her versions of the composition she owns, I'm just like I'm so frustrated by this, because it such as that is what people you walk into a our trap with this one, ok, here's what I see happening: here's a tweet from ask a cartoon and here's a guy middle aged guy says this. The economy, war, my children and freedom and he's voting below it. It's a young girl, saying oh hi, dad I'm here to cancel your vote because tat day said so, and you have taylor swift. As times person of the year, this was posted in response to a tweet from jack. Pacific Put you post so leave tail alone. She isn't political and it's a picture of tailor, holding a plate that says Biden Harris twenty twenty. I get it, but I agree leave taylor.
That's why I used to do non profit fund. Raising my job was to convince people to give money for nothing. I'd, walk up to some on the street and I'd say you take your credit. Out, give it to a stranger slackened right down your information and you get nothing in return. That's how we described reality of it is to be a bit more fair. I would convince people on the street to pledge money to a cause, because by supporting us something good is happening. So take a look at this. I woke up to you on the street. I say: hey, you are concerned about free speech right and we actually did. I did campaign for free speech and I said if we're going to maintain these fights, that individuals have the ability to speak their minds. We need europe now. I know you're busy everyday ride. You go to school you're going to school right you're in school. What do you get you're not going to come out and go to every protest? That is crazy, but we do we do the campaign work. We stand up to members of congress and we guarantee you
well rights now I understand you're busy and you can't do it, but somebody's gotta. Do it right. I tell you what I got an easy solution for you: twenty bucks a month. You sign up right now, twenty bucks a month right here with me and we're going to fight for you we're going to send human monthly updates in the mail. You're, going to able to see all the work we're doing on your behalf, and you will know that you actually are doing something right now cause. I know you're, not a bad person right. You don't want to be one of those one of those guys who just sits back and lets the world burn around you not because you're, a good guy and good guys gotta do what they gotta do, but I know you're in school, so I'll tell you what let us do the heavy lifting stand up for something that matters it's less than a cup of coffee a day right! That's what I do I used to do that and I tell you one thing: the most important thing in doing a job like that.
His report, you walk up to someone on the street and insult them and they will go to war with you. So I tell you this. If you care about free speech- and I know you're all busy- you work we supposed to do- you can't read the news every single day you get as much news as you can. While then you can support tim, cass, dot, com head over to tim, caste dot, com sign up, and it's very different. These days you actually get stuff, we produce documentaries with an uncensored members. Only content is, is my point. I don't like these nonprofits. I don't like what they do. We're trying to do something different. Ok, that's why TIM casta com actually has a product for you, so sign up support our work. If you believe in the work we're doing that being said, I will tell you this:
Taylor, swift has legions of fans. Let's say: let's go back to this to this, this cartoon where's, that, oh it's just it's writer who we are, we go the guys voting and he's like. Oh no, my daughter is coming to vote against me. Okay, let me tell you some if this dad goes to his daughter and says, don't vote for that, crap yeah taylor, swift! As no idea what she's talking about is you shouldn't listen to her? What do you think is daughter sky though it's obvious what? If the dad brings the daughter, taylor, swift, concerts and says she's got really great music. Well, you kids, do your thing. I want to be the lame dad be involved, but you I'm glad you're, listen to some good music now again
The kids can be rebellious, but I think in this instance I dunno about a dad to her kids. But let me tell you this: I'm walking down the street and I see some- you know I dunno a woman she's twenty three and she's, a big taylor, swift fan and she's talking to someone. I know I'm talking. You know what the stupidest thing you can do as a taylor. Swift is working with george soros because she's trying to get a demo that they're conspiring okay, let's slow down, maybe a little heavy handed she's talking about He likes taylor swift and you go yeah. I dunno, I mean taylor. Swift shouldn't be working with george soros in an accident. He lost it. Let me tell you I you know what I do. This is the first and most important thing. You do when you're fundraising and trying to convince someone to give you support. I'm walking down the street. I got my clip my my little free his speech, you know, clipboard, I'm twirling it on my finger is what we used to do. Actually, we would spend them on our fingers. I I still am, as I actually still really good at doing it, and I see a twenty three year old woman and she's wearing a taylor. Swift t shirt
The first thing I say is what taylor swift, this pomp yeah might be corny, but guess what, if she's a swifty? And I'm like what do you? What do you think about the new albums like taylor's virgin? Think they're better? And showed she's gonna be like oh yeah, their way better. I might do it so I stopped how they're stealing her master recordings. I mean I I hope they lose all that money and she's going to be like. I know right report right there. Let me first state by say my actual opinion. I am frustrated by this because, like since the whole time I've heard about what's going, I would tell us what music I'm like on her side you're, the sawhorse family, bought her music out from under people are like what she's working with George soros, what she's its due to her master recordings. were given to someone else and she's, like I hope it was worth it. I guess- and I shall do all that work over get but good for her. I'm glad she winds that one
So when you see someone who is like, I am all for taylor, swift, you build report first and foremost and if, in the end, let me tell you she does come out and say I want you all to go register as democrats and vote for whom look if she's telling people to register to vote in their voting. Democrats. Alright! Sharing as democrats. That's your fault! It's all my fault, it's all of our fault! I tell people to write, stood about every day, scott press law does taylor. Swift does if the fact that tell us what is a Democrat is causing people to vote Democrat, we need to say yes registered a vote but hear us out. The first thing you have to do is build report. If Margaret
claire's war on taylor, swift, you put up a thirty foot concrete wall from seed, a shining, see saying don't work with us in any way. But what happens when some big taylor swift fan, who doesn't care about politics, meets a woman wearing tromp, sharp and she's, like I don't know about trump- are all that but tell us of his plan and the women in the trunk cherkis. I love tailors versions, there's so much better. Do the people who did Soros family ripped her off taylor? Swift has given you the greatest opening ever The greatest she criticized the soros family you need only now go to taylor, swift fans and be like I don't like George soros, either and they're going to be like yes, because taylor swift's as a source family is bad. Now you have an opportunity to be like. I know I can't believe they would do that to her. Well, I think the taylor's versions are way better. Don't you let tailored be taylor? Swift,
pop celebrities be pop celebrities, but I don't want people to declare war on taylor swift. She's, on your side to a certain degree, you have an opportunity to go to the younger people and young women and say: hey, look man, we don't we don't like George soros either you can even be more more blunt about it, be like hey. I tell a swift makes good music, I'm its clearly obvious. She super famous is a billionaire. People must really like it. That's all awesome? Four, she seems great. I personally, don't listen, don't know a lot about it, but I'll tell you this a lot of me and my friends don't like what the soros family's been doing either, and so I see that and taylor swift and I'm like she seems pretty cool, and then you get her fans to be alike. I agree that taylor swift may come out in the end and vote for democrats or whatever and that'll create a lot of pressure, but Cut yourself out of the persuasive argument, so when I see others have, unlike dude, stop ragging on tailors, laura loomed. Has this thread where she is
asking. Do you think in their efforts to be donald trump, that george soros made a deal with taylor swift to give her back the rights to oliver? No albums? No, because if that was the case, she wouldn't be re, recording of thing and they'll and they spent three hundred and thirty million dollars buying it. The issue, I believe, is that taylor swift was was given unfavourable terms too by the master. Hoardings three and thirty million, or whatever she now he's not gonna make that much money back in the long run. However, if she records all of it, it could cost somewhere that, to the tune of a couple mill, in dollars and she will make money off that then further we The reporting she's already released that our chart topping The soros investment is worthless cause. Now thoroughness are playing tailors version instead, lukman tact tact strategy Don't go to war with someone you don't have to go to war with
I tell you this. You ain't when an award winning a war with taylor, swift and her fan base. If taylor swift comes out and says screw, trop screw is based screw everyone. your only real opportunity is to go. Oh that hurts cause. I'm a huge taylor. Swift fan, I think her new songs are fantastic, but you know it is what it is: you're not going to win, but you can deflect a lot. Damage. I look at a lot of different potential scenarios as to what could play out in twenty twenty four to a lower calls. It sometimes kind of october surprise. How could this play out? Taylor? Swift goes nuclear in attacks trump, supportive, relentlessly and insult them in various ways, and it really see that happening unless all of these people now attacking taylor, swift, enrage, her fans and kiss her off a madge. Imagine us! I want you to put yourself in taylor, swift,
and right now the soros family has just ripped you off your pissed off about it. You are now putting in tons of work to try and reclaim to recreate mass recordings of competitions you made and then what happens? A bunch of magua conservative types start insulting and attacking you accusing you of working directly with the guy who just ripped you off. Would you not be pissed? That's it so, and it's so it's not your need to be waving and smiling at taylor. Swift, saying we see the problems, the source, families cause you. What can we do to help? But I get it. People see this. This photo of her with Biden Harris twenty twenty of course she's a default liberal in a city you don't we
in friends you don't win friends with salad. You need a a gigantic pig roast, don't be LISA simpson, launching the pig into the air cuz as much as you might think. It's just a little airborne. It's still good. It's still good. It's not! It's gone dad of big simpsons reference shot at all the simpsons fans. My point is rather simple man. I don't care. If you like taylor, swift, I don't care. If you like pop music, don't go to war with people, you don't need to go to war with and choose your battles if, in the end like beyond, say comes out in favor of Biden or whoever else your best bet is to just for it and not didn't like order. Forman win the battle before it starts, don't run onto a battlefield where you know you're going to lose out reminds me of gettysburg. There was a lot going on with why the south lost in gettysburg. But this is this is the point storming into a battlefield you're not prepared to win. You shoot, you should have won the battlefield before the battle even started, and then you know it's can happen.
And the union have breech, loader switch really helped out, and there was also it was this. I was at a cavalry assault. A confederate cavalry was like he had been missing and they were a core component of the strength of the south and as a lot more to it, I dunno history. Anyway, look man, taylor, swift, is just another pop celebrity. She got a lot of pop music that resonates with a lot of young people good for her man. That's great In effect me in any way, I'm not mad about it. She and a bunch of other people have supported democrats. It is what it is, but how many of the people in twenty twenty who supported Biden, regret it a lot? I think the real sai up and wrap it up with this is convincing trump supporters to attack taylor swift right after she came out against george. soros like. I don't get it there's somebody
the celebrities that are die hard in favor of Democrats, Alec baldwin relentlessly. So why target taylor? Here's! What happens? Taylor gets a beef with the soros family. It's an opening for trump supporters to win over this nashville young woman and instead. They start attacking her now, Oliver their necks segments coming up tonight at eight p m over at youtube com slashed him guest. I r l thanks rang out and I'll see you owe them.
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Transcript generated on 2023-12-09.