« Tim Pool Daily Show

Vaccine Passport Chip Implants Are Real, Alex Jones Right AGAIN As More Cities Declare Vax Mandates


Vaccine Passport Chip Implants Are Real, Alex Jones Right AGAIN As More Cities Declare Vax Mandates. Democrats in Chicago, Boston, and Washington DC announce vaccine mandates starting soon.

While Republican states have refused vaccine mandates, mask mandates, and lockdowns Democrat states seem to enjoy them and have no problem

This is going to cause geographical polarization alongside ideological which could escalate the culture war to something much worse




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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This episode is brought to you by candy. Crush saga nowadays can be pretty hectic. Some take a little time for yourself with the ultimate holiday treat the classic Mass three puzzle: candy crush saga and right now you can catch the limited time. Events sweet, surprise season and when sweet daily rewards, like a super rare party, MR and up to ten bull bars, don't miss out, play sweet, surprise season and candy crush saga and crash at this holiday season. Now, until January, first download from the app store, Google play or window store for free terms and conditions apply. Today is December, twenty second, twenty twenty one and our first story vaccine passport RO chip implants their real for the story. We ve talked about it a bit, but Boy Alex Jones. You'Re- does get things right sometimes, and then no one wants to believe it, because the so crazy- but here we go good news outlets, our touting implantable vaccine passports. We have several cities, Chicago Boston, DC, announcing vaccine mandates and it will
likely only escalate from here interact story. The: U S. Birth rate has reached record. I was not seen since the foundation of this country. Meanwhile, creation is at an all time. High and new well allow non citizens to vote. Certainly, seems like this country is eroding, and our last segment is actually conversation between me and my sister. I wanted to address some of the statements made by already the rugged man who accuse me of lying and junk we are of the young. Turks also did as well and that super can start if they don't like or believe me, but I thought was a good opportunities talk about my politics, my family and have my sister there to talk about what was like growing up in Chicago something a little different just before Christmas, but should be interesting on the less. That being said, give us five stars, leave a good review and tell your friends about the show. Now, let's get into that first story as a viral
lip going around right now of Alex Jones, losing it getting mad on air again, as he often does in this clip and it gets a little depressed seeming little down, and he said I just can't get man there met on the air anymore. He goes off on track for pushing vaccines and things like that. Now, look I don't. I don't watch too much of our out. Joneses chauvinist show recently we're just in Austin but to me and others a mean going around about how he's been right about so much natural beats old. I think there's a lot of things that Alex is very very much wrong about, but I we're back, you know, maybe ten or fifteen years ago. Now this is like thirteen Gothic elected as nine or so well, he was dug out- shows- are talking about very chip, which was this company was producing these sub dermal microchips. You could put in your hand, and it was there, was an hour. It was a radio frequency identification could be used to call up your informed, in a database views to open doors- and things like that You may have seen the story a few weeks ago
but it's still gaining more and more traction, and I wonder if this is finally the moment when these spirits sees just that they keep, true and now we're going to see them all come to fruition. We have a story from Fox Baltimore. Implanted microchip could be used to vat. FI covert nineteen vat status but truth be told they were saying very similar things in mainstream news a decade ago about this microchip and people just don't want to use it. It's in it's, not vignette doesn't help anybody, but there are people right. Now, Sweden, there are getting this implanted and it contains there there vaccine information and other identification, and when I saw The story drop in a local news outlined a thought to myself this conspiracy theories. Just keep coming true, you know last year they said that there weren't gonna, be vaccine mandates those conspiracy theories that were pushing it well. Here we are Chicago ball. More Washington DC have all just announced steel right before the holiday that there really implement,
vaccine mandates. In fact, in shock, go the mayor sad, it is designed to make life harder for you build a blog yo said quite explicit. we were tying your paycheck to whether or not you get the vaccine This is a year. A year ago but they were saying this will not happen. We now have a twitter post, an editorial that says the great reset is the plan for Rina, restarting the economy after covered, according to fact, checkers Anti defamation League said that very idea was a conspiracy theory at the World economic forum. The great recent initiative was a real thing. Many of us pointed out pointed out that these powerful elites have an agenda that they land to exploit this crisis and they're going to be changing our economic system and they called the great we set.
and information leagues out. That's not true. It's a lie, or they try to frame and your way to make it seem like it's a lie, and then today they say He actually that is their plan for restarting the economy just wonder as all this stuff is happening here. much more of what Alex Jones is talked about will turn to be right because you he goes on eurobonds, Joe and he's like. You know that bones and no human, animal hybrids and marine we're all just like our Jesus is so crazy and now keeps happening. Look don't think. It's proof that Alex Jones is right about everything, but certainly starting to put down in the minds of his critics when they're kind of like? Well, you know- maybe I mean- maybe not I don't know, How is it that we are now dealing with a story about these microchip implants irony ten or so years ago, Alex Jones, we'll talk. about real idea. Real de was a real thing. It's happening for not familiar with it
and I see these stories about the vaccine expanding to all these other cities, and I think we're gonna see hard lockdown. I think what they ve what they have consistently done. What we d be politicians moment mostly Democrats is, though, starts low and then, once you accept it, they'll catch you with the aim of the hut you with the hard right jabber of other you get, you get. You get death by a thousand cuts. They do these little things and then the big power blow to an end, the match and what I mean by that is their coming out now saying just get your vaccine and they'll be fine. They said, just way. Your mask it's just two weeks ago we step of the way when people comply. It just keeps getting worse. I wonder if we're just in some grand experiment to see how much people are willing to take. Maybe that's the point of this whole simulates to put human beings into undue stress and then see at what point they'll. Finally, snap, I don't know but feels like we're getting close what do we do you about the microchip story and
talk about, other media manipulates and ultimately, ass. The thesis here is that conspiracy theories keep coming true for whatever reason before we get started. However, the TIM cast out com and become a member to help support all the work that we do and unites, I gotta stop or second you say you Alex Jones on his Joe said. Maybe he'll just stop and just never come back because he's kind done with it, is over it and I feel it man I feel, and I'm sitting here I was thinking about. You know what to do. The shadow for TIM cast our common working really hard to build. This me space to challenge them. Regulations in the lies and boys it tough is because you even have conservatives who are just willing to comply and just yeah you know no one's gonna do anything. You know I mean out. Look, I don't want people to go out Donny rash, I'm unstuck about nonviolent civil disobedience were seeing people into
stand up and say no, but if I'm talking about store owners and small business owners, I'm talking about police, if they just said I'm not gonna participate would be done. We would be done in two seconds, but these people they just keep complying annex worse because of it, but I want the daily wire won't and if you want to support my work with it cast out, can become a member. This is what fuels the entire machine were all the work we are doing. It is greatly appreciated, you'll, get access to TIM asked. I members only segments as well as a lot of other members, all members only seconds from different shows and you're gonna help employ more and more journalists. Let's read this for story and talk about the implants before we get into the propaganda, because you probably been told that implanted microchips a conspiracy theory well here it is implanted microchip could be used to verify covered. in fact status. They it's important to point out. This could just be
station, was trash because so much easier, just use your phone up and have the queue Arco than it is to actually implant something in your skin. That's invasive people I'm gonna be lining up to get these big injections on they're serious, undue pressure, they gonna, say microchip. technology invented by swedish startup company epicenter is now being presented, possible way to carry around a covert nineteen backs passport under a person's skin. According to have video. Yes, that's called they sub dermal microchip beep beep beat your vaccination record has been verified, says the captain of the video posted a toy by South China morning, Post remit when we were told that was a conspiracy theory that they would use microchip microchips to track your vaccine status now we're here and there saying it's all true, not that any to actually going to mandate that I don't know, but I would not be surprised. Imagine showing your covert nineteen passport, which the flash of your on the video says that explains the microchip
Pre existing technology, the startup company, has already developed to employ near field communication and send data Annie any compatible device. Smartphones are listed as an example. Implants are a very versatile technology. That can be used for many different things says: under its chief disruption officer, hands shallow slow by blood. I haven't got it in the video right now it is very convenient to have a covert passport, always accessible on your implant. Maybe. maybe the reason, the microchip implants didn't take off ten years ago, was that there was no practical reason to have it. Opening a door didn't matter too two people in cell phones or more convenient, but as they keep pushing and pushing and pushing people eventually to say, please I will do anything you say and if we're already at the point where people, willing to get several injections to comply. What's
one more injection, the final injection. This will give you back your and we will have peace yeah, Mayor Loi, Lightfoot, announces New Chicago covered restrictions, proof of vaccine, Testing endorse Chicago Covert, They knew mitigation efforts aimed at stemming spread of Alma Kron Variant. I dont believe you, I dont, believe these people at all. Is it the synergy cargoes imposing a wide, ranging vaccine mandate that will affect bars, restaurants, gems and, moreover, the first year you get it you get it. It is like we see in all these other cities, but let me show you what special about this one mayor lorry Lightfoot has no. problem pulling down the mask and revealing the fascist mayor, Loi Lightfoot. To put it simply. If you have been living, Maxine free your time is up If you wish to live life, as with the EU to do the things you love. You must be vexed this help
Order may pose an inconvenience to the Un Vaccinated and in fact it is inconvenient by design. Not to sound cheesy but the case so upon Charles's, pepper, jacked, deliciously, creamy and also dreamy ladled under anything you desire or being the debt for chip after chip after chip case. case may Mucho punch hero case or made fresh burritos, better built their spitting in your face. They Our spitting in your face, healthy people, people with ethical conditions preventing vaccine. preventing them from eating the vaccine. They're not yet inconveniencing the Un Vaccinated, inconveniencing the medically disabled, their income and seeing people with allergies, their inconvenience people who have already received other treatments that bar them from getting access from taking the mixing. They don't care, but that that the main here, as we see here in Chicago and now, Boston
Boston, mayor lines of vaccine mandates amid push back from city workers as we here with Washing in D C, D C, health as ordered additional five million rapid added antigen test, yadda yadda they'll, be requiring January fifteenth at six. A m establishments will be required to verify Patrons ages, twelve an older have received at least one dose of the vaccine. All of the people who said it was not true as conspiracy theory. They were wrong it. It's not a conspiracy theory it is very likely the vaccine mandates will sweep the entirety of the. U S, I don't care if you're in Florida, taxes or otherwise, Florida, maybe. hold out taxes? Maybe maybe, but I have to imagine it's gonna be very difficult. to get West Virginia or floored. Are these other states to abide by a vaccine mandate, and I think you would be dangerously close to outright civil war
If that were the case and add- and I know people dont care to hear it- some people acknowledge at many people down it, doesn't matter. I dont care if the like my opinion on the matter, but you tell me what happens when people are being told We are going to inject this into your body, otherwise, no food for you, we are already seeing nonviolent civil disobedience, which is a good thing. The guy who the people who protest they get arrested, that's how it works. I think generally mass non compliance is the most effective way to deal with this, and I hope that remains that the principal strategy, like I said, imagine. If everybody who lived in DC just said, I don't care what mayor says and went about there this like normal. There would be no backs mandate. People carry on with their lives and that aspects would fail. It seems like too many people are just compliant. They don't care that this is legal or not constitutional. They just comply. That scares me because I think you're gonna get crazy people who resort to violence.
And I don't know what else to say other than man. I certainly hope not, but let's carryin. Let's talk about this conspiracy here, Thomas Massey, You know he wants Congress to assert constitutional overrule to this medical part had he said, and I really don't think it will happen. I like Thomas message, dont think it'll happen, We have more vaccine mandates at the cow state woman Eight students to get the carbon nineteen booster shots. So, though, that the two shots irrelevant now you gotta get the third and eventually the fourth, and who knows how often is will keep carrying, in Spain, they're gonna, requiring masks outdoors in Austria. There would be finding people through. thousand six hundred euros and their hiring inspectors to attract people down all of. these things were said to be conspiracy, theories, the backs mandate, conspiracy, theory, the boosters, I love this ample famously Dave. Reuben said they're gonna bring out boosters
and he got suspended on Twitter for saying it now. It's a fact that its in our faces, Austria, has an out right that mandate for all citizens and their hiring inspectors to hunt you down. What will this led to the economy will continue to humble biting economic ratings are worse than Carter's, nor it let's go back to the first story, implanting microchips when the facts vaccine first came out. Many people said this is an excuse. to get you a microchip. Then, all of a sudden also these facts. Fact: checks emerged and they targeted very specific claims which were more absurd to make it seem This story was just a wild conspiracy theory that will never happen Let me show you some of these crazy crackpot fact: checks from the BBC may thirtieth twenty twenty corona virus bill gates. microchip conspiracy theory. Another vaccine claims fact checked.
Here are some one wing mascot as GIB gates in I don't pay the bill. They say first up a conspiracy theory, but the vaccines. It claims that the quota virus pandemic as a cover for a plan to implant tractable microchips and that Microsoft, Profounder Bill Gates is behind it. We found no evidence. These claims the Bela Melanie its foundation told the BBC. The claims were false and I think it's fair to say they are so. The problem is, When someone comes out and says something simple like this is a perfect eggs crisis. It could use to mandate. Dr micro chipping people, then take it to an extra. place- and this is my biggest problem with conspiracy theorists- it becomes so easy to debunk the entirety of the claim because how nuts so when there are issues between twenty election pertaining to voting in the park or changing rules, things that effectually happened and we talk about the time magazine, article the shadow campaign to save the election. All that
actually happen. It needs to be addressed, but then you get becoming a thing in Venezuela got bungalow in Germany. There's a shoe down, they believe he's crazy things. Excuse me, they push these crazy things. that just make it. So no one will listen, and so you come out and say something as sane and as a kind of shocking. In many ways that yeah there is a push for microchips under your skin, in your hand to track vaccines, vaccine passports we're gonna go all a year ago, the microchips a bill goods and blah blah blah you're like orgies men on it bill gates doing any this stuff. There is a bill gates. Microchip thing and birth control, or whenever I didn't find united cursory research. Him archipelago the Next Granville gaiters history. It doesn't matter their companies that want to do. This may be there won't do it, because it's just shock content and its inconvenient and the phones make more sense, but they said microchip vaccine tracking, not real bill gates.
not planning to microchip the world through a covered nineteen vaccine. You see, they conflated a lot of us and then I will stress. A lot of people did thank the vaccine itself was some weird microtubules stupid, but they can flight several things all into one, and then it makes everyone sounds crazy. Is bill gates microchip people throw covered vaccine. No, I think, that's absurd. I think it's patently absurd. We Special interests, citing the need for tracking vaccination, encourage growth. That is literally happening right now. I just showed you Fox Baltimore. Here's one fact check dot. Org conspiracy, theory, misinterprets goals of gates, Foundation yea. Yet we get it here. We are one from baby, a open mind technology under your skin three challenges of microchip implants from April of this year,
they gonna say: is technology can easier closer emerge, their bodies from smartphones, blah blah, blah blah blah, and then they say in Sweden, thousands of at micro chips inserted into their hands. Chips are designed to speed he's daily routines and make their lives more convenient. Acting our homes, offices and gems, easiest swiping their hands against digital readers. Ships can also be used to store emergency contact details advocates the tiny say, their safe and largely protected from hacking. This, as well for vaccines exports. This is April of this year before vaccines, had become very widespread. They were just you know it was early roll up, but let's go back in time singularity, Hob wrote in two thousand and nine will or I be soon be a microchip under your skin. Yet us another. I find milestone is upon us now. This is back then, when Alex Jones was TAT, about this, and I said it was crazy we're here we go USA. Today, twenty seventeen, you will get chipped adventure
interesting. They say you will get shipped it's just a matter of time in the Aftermath Wisconsin Farm. Embedding microchips and employees last week to ditch company, badges and corporate la log on the internet entered into full throated debate? Religion, Mr so appalled they ve been pending, asked. He one star reviews of the company on the flip side seem. The one else wants to know is this: what real life soon going to be like at work? Will I be shipped? It will happen to every He says, no I'll chastity, forty nine, but not this year. Twenty thousand and eighteen- maybe not in my generation, but certainly that of my kids. Well here we go. Is this the crisis to exploit to get people chipped, now. I certainly think it's absurd to believe that they you like that, there's a chance. I guess conspiracies that covered was released intentionally, so they could have a crisis to exploit and injectable chips again. Little too in the weeds now nobody that stuff. Certainly, talk about lab legally it I've got air, we could talk about Fouch and irresponsibility and we can
certainly said that there are people who want humans to be checked sure, but all of us not only to draw that you need to connect those dots all we need to say, as there is a crisis and at certain being exploited and one of the groups that are exploiting it, have chips to sell people. So there you go it's almost a province and of right Jeanne muster an investor and analysed at loop ventures is an advocate for in reality virtual reality, another new tech. He thinks embedded in humans on human bodies is fifty years away in ten years. Facebook, Google, Lehne Tesla will not have their employees. Chipped you'll, see extreme forward. Looking tech people adopting it, but not large companies. The idea of being too has too much negative connotation today, but by twenty twenty sixty seven have been desensitized by the social stigma. I've talked well about this and Nora Link on Master but allows egg. I write at the left, but he's talk getting neural link, implants and people by next year. How I should say this year because were basically that under twenty twenty two, he saying that there
it's gonna be in people in helping people who have paralysis and other neurological degenerate. Should, or diseases so we're there. We are here It's not a matter of if it's a matter of one as I just That is as that's a story. My grandfather told me that when he was younger, they thought social, social security numbers were insane at the guy. it would have a number on you that you needed was nuts and then he said you were born born into it. You don't know or care unless it's gonna happen or so that's what extremely likely to happen. I still think it's very likely that implanted ships are just two inconvenient for people. Cell phones do so much more and everybody has to have won their addicted to these tracking devices, but just maybe People will start adopting them. There will be mandates for them. They will say you have to get your chip already there.
Desensitization is happening. There saying get your vaccine and if you Do that's on you, you go to the doktor figure out would make sense for you, but they're telling people the governor is mandated this injection. How far Why are we from the guy? I'm saying we're gonna mandate, another injection a microchip, it's for your convenience to vex passport. Now, that's a little bit of a leap. Here's! What I think will happen. I think we will start seeing companies first work. We see the facts mandates in all these places in Chicago there's a problem with counterfeits, they'll say: ok, everybody should have the EP, get the app attracts here that we got to do it. If it's right then they'll say, will the opposite convene for some people, so you could always try. Vex you Novak's passport of acts, pass plus they'll say get your backs pass, plus You just get it embedded in your hand, vex past plus MAX. If you watch South Park to get the reference and they'll just be alike, looks you you're you're you. You want to say today that the
microchip you're, putting your hand at super convenient. It works for whole bunch of stuff. In fact, it has your wallet on it and we can is this for tracking your backs passport. You can under buildings just that easy get vex pass plus today. So maybe not this year, maybe not next, maybe not the year after it or maybe maybe, happen that fast, what's gonna happen, as with all of these cities mandating vaccination. In my opinion, it's gonna be coming. singly inconvenient for people to carry around these large carts. People have already stated the cards don't fit. Norway, its or our bags and get destroyed in their easily lost. So then I say will get the EP but someone's gotta, given here you're in here stars. It wasn't my phone got stolen. What do I do it so inconvenient and then have you considered, operating of ex pass plus? Have you considered getting you? your your microchip you'll, never lose it, it's always there. How easy is that you ve already got a bunch of and actions for the vexed passport? What's just as one more energy you can always be taken out of our deal once we get at that point. They'll start offering it. Two kids
do you want your kid to have the you know that the facts past plus, you know, think about what might happen if they are kidnapped and a verified entity. What happens if they get a car accident? We figure out where they are. What happens if your kid passes out and we don't know their medical history and. Maybe allergic to some medicine and the doktor might want to give it to him. They could just scan the Ex pass plus and then your child will be safe. There will be And then everyone's gonna drop to their knees and say I will do anything you say: we're luddites Maybe this is inevitable. I think normally inevitable. I think humans come by. their brains. The network is inevitable. I really do not think it a good thing I'm just saying you know humans want to stimulate their carnal desires and that's what we are and that's what we get.
Wanna watch porn online. I wanna play video games all day. They want to stimulate trigger that doping mean they're gonna, get that rush, the driven by it, and so people develop addictions, be it drugs, alcohol, food, sugar, gambling or otherwise video games men. They give people that release. They take the complete a task in the brain. as you did it you get. It reminds me of a star trek the next generation episode. You should check it. I think it's called again, where ones wearing his head bans where you're try like it's an that reality game we're trying to throw a disk into a funnel and then, when you figure it out, you gotta dopamine, hidden there. Let all, but then you just chase after you do. Is your told because you don't we lose that Russian they become brainwashed, addicted, mostly just turn them into. Like me, you know, be slaves for this ailing Emerson. Let them I check out the shouts of Rachel, but I do think where the direction there will be pockets of resistance, but here's what will have These people will have less access to resources. So let me explain some basic math and
artificial selection, take two populations of mice. and put them in you know little houses, then you of more are actually. Let's do, let's do, let's put it this way, you take one big thing full of mice and you have a big thing of food, but the only way the food is to endure a painful electric shock. Well is what happen most, the mice will figure out the button you know with, although pocketed a button ahead it and it will open up and food will come out. Northern we'll get out double the climb into a room where there is food now eat their heart's content then come down and go back into the place, and then here's what'll happen again. play the button will induce a shock. That's very painful, There will be some mice that are unwilling to endure that shock, we'll be many mice their willing to endure. It you'll see some many of these mice, we'll just endure the suffering because they desperately want to each other. It will not be willing to endure that shock.
They will not be as likely to eat the ones that get access to the food or more. Later we produce in the ones who don't are less likely to reproduce and thus, given a long enough period of time, the math becomes obvious. Those who comply with the painful shocks become accepting of it and it becomes a part of the baby's lives and they all just go on with it, because that's how you I have to get food, but the mice that are like, I won't do it. I refuse- or I can do- this pain, they die off. So here's what I would see in the? U S with the vaccine, mandate can be harder and harder for regular working people who don't get vaccinated to survive. Although they'll survive, they'll have good lives and lives, not that I'm saying ITALY harder for them, it'll be harder for them to go to bars. To me
people. Their friends will be like a rock onto the bar. You want accommodate. I can't do it, I'm not vaccinated, thereby get vaccinated bag dude, I'm not gonna, do it and then you won't be able to participate. You'll be less likely to meet people, you'll be a very different kind of person and maybe go off and lived somewhere else. Now from that there can be a few different things. A complete diverge between red and blue states, red states are gonna, say no rural areas. You can't really enforced this stuff. Farmers can have access to their own food and maybe it's really result in blue sky going nuts and setting up border checkpoints and red state people can't get into these states YO. I think we're just headed towards civil war. That seems to be the most likely in West Virginia. I can go to restaurants, don't need a mask. Dont need vaccination. I can go to the casino thousands of people all sitting nets which each other coffin and breathe and in doing whatever, no masks, no vaccines. In fact, when you walk in, take your mask off because they want to see your facing our cameras everywhere. You ve got, but people will
they they take their mask off. They go inside typical, put em on. Nobody really cares now, maybe these red states will eventually adopt these draconian policies, maybe or maybe I'd states just never do because the there's no willpower to enforce it in them and the people here will reject it, but the blue states are doing it and people in these cities like it. I mean they don't really, but their such spineless cowards, their unwilling to fight against it, not all of them, but a lot of them are just so pathetic they're going to say: okay, fine, I guess I'll give in instead of just being like nah. I ain't going to do it and couldn't enforce it. Do what you will. I think many of these people will give in and those that don't will be destroyed. forced to leave. So, ultimately, what I see happening as these Democrats are gonna use the iron fist on those who refuse and many people flee the cities and the divide between and blue when you want to call it will start to get worse in twenty twenty
the lockdown were really bad. You crazy, you know in my yard. When we were in the Philly area, we are low, little fire period, sit outside and we'd roast marshmallow, sometimes are you know, cooks a meat or something not really for the most part which have a fire would hang out. You don't even loved starting starting the fires in the fireplace and we risk backyard shown, hang up. We had our own spaced escaped. So I wasn't super worried about awaited me. Many ramp and a little flat now skateboarding and I was like men. It must be crazy to be in New York locked in that cubicle, because even where we live, they said you couldn't go outside, but eventually I said, I'm not gonna sit around and wait to see the expansion. That's because you know I thought we are you not. I figure out like they could shut down the bridges they could like is a peninsula. We can't go anywhere, I'm gettin out. We thought about where to go. Floored on New Hampshire, Texas Main and I was like, I think, West Virginia pretty good, we're close enough to DC but faraway enough from it and being in West Virginia and the preferential take as we work out of Maryland is on media freedom, and so ultimately that's we decided.
Now I someone who is always live in cities. I was surprised to black man. I can't believe I'm really going to West Virginia, like there's very few people who live in this entire state, but you know what there's freedom and I can flourish and my friend scan and other people we ve hired, have moved out here and no mass no mandates go where we want equal. We want do what we want now, apparently we can go to DC, you want to do thing they got vaccine mandate starting January. Fifteenth. That's me is really incredible. I, as someone who was always kind of centre left City Democrat, can a person over the past few years have said freedom is more important and so Here I am in the reddest one of them states. Second, second up most trop supporting state, the country. So that's what I think is gonna happen. hyper. Polarization will become something substantially worse than you realize. New Yorkers Willow ACT in New York will effectively be a foreign country what's happening as this country is being ripped asunder.
gonna turn into a bunch of warring nation states. I mean maybe I don't know but already it's like, California indistinguishable from West Virginia. They may as well be different countries and thus seems to be where we're headed but I can only say a few things definitively man out Jones. You get so much right dinner. They got so much right. I can see the frustration how long he's been ranting about so much of the stuff. I guess the problem is a lot of stuff. You said just sounds crazy. You know we talked about microchips back then we're still- in a similar place will see what happens the microchips moving forward. But honestly, it's crazy that you. Ve got so many people saying like that Jones is gonna happen. Man, that's not an of these conspiracy theories that claimed weren't real. Here they go and I'll show you right here. This is from fill that remains. He says member last week and the last week and the great Reset was a conspiracy theory. Now they just say the great risk
as the world economic forms proposal for political and economic recovery is that it was a conspiracy theory. The eighty else, as the great reset conspiracy flourishes amid continued pandemic. They said since four emerging in the spring of twenty twenty. The great recent conspiracy is gained traction in both mainstreaming. circles alike. Adherents, worn global elites will use the pandemic to advance their interests and push forward globalist plot to destroy him. can sovereignty and prosperity. Where there are more outlandish blah blah blah, I mean sure the most extreme version of it, but the great reset was, is real and I kept calling it a conspiracy theory. Well here we go What we'll see how things plan? I guess merry Christmas, everybody we are gonna, be live at eight p m over at Youtube COM, slashed him cast IRA with Jack Murphy, and I think it might be me and Jack hang out. Cousin Everybody has quit working because it's the Christmas we
I guess so. Thanks rang out- and I will see you all tonight- at Youtube COM slashed him castile. Merry Christmas, everybody. We have a story over at TIM Cast. Doubt come: U S! population growth, its lowest rate since nations founding and that's true people are not having babies. In fact Cassandra. Banks rights, according to new figures, released by the? U S: Census: bureau: on Tuesday, the United States, by only zero point, one percent from July twenty twenty three July, twenty twenty one during the timeframe- the? U S Population grew by just three hundred and ninety two thousand six hundred and sixty five people, the fur time growing by less than a million since nineteen thirty seven now. needle a bit more from the store even more context, but I want to point out technically, the article is wrong. population growth in United States, its lowest rates, intonations founding during the first year of the covered nineteen pandemic,
yeah, when you talk about population growth in terms of having babies, it's all true. But what if I were to say that as most of you know that over a million people in July who legally entered the United States and now live here. So the popular has grown by more than a million people. Just among citizens and now I just gotta say it because I know you know you ve got the media in the left, talking about conspiracy theories and the great replaced meant or whatever that is, I'm not superfluous. It was wherever that idea is supposed to be an off at some like white nationalist thing, where they think, like the white people, are being replaced, or something like that. I don't know about any of that stuff. What Cancer is. It is a fact that american citizens are having very few babies and illegal immigrants are crossing the border in record numbers and in very, very high numbers, and thus, whatever you think, There isn't happening. Those are facts there less citizens being born mourn. citizens entering the country and a new, city. They have granted aid
thousand non citizens the right to vote in local elections. I don't care if you want to call that Vatican's yours you can say whatever you want. Facts are facts now know about of this weird stuff about race cause. I don't think necessarily relevant to do the conversation, because I've honestly, I don't care about and indeed to individuals rights. I care more about culture and values in the constitution of. There are some people make everything about race, and am I really sit in that? I don't care if the people having kids are. You know asian white, black or otherwise. The fact remains: U S, population, Fitting its lowest rates also means that Latinos and Black Americans and jewish Americans in Asian Americans and White Americans are all now having babies and illegal immigrants. crossing those borders It makes me worried about american culture. It makes me worry about our values, classical liberalism, libertarianism republicanism. these things are probably going to get washed away. Because, what's going to happen, our is people
do not know our values, don't care for our values, our coming across the border, because they want resources- and I can we respect that they want resources. I got. I stand that America's awesome, but when you're not raised in a culture, you done share those cultural values, so I exactly what will happen to be completely honest. In fact, many of these war crossing the border may end up being substantially more libertarian they're not willing to adhere to it already figures there willing to break laws to take what they want, not saying it's necessarily a good thing, some of its probably bad, but it may I they result in people being like. We don't respect government and we're not going to start now and that's a value we give to our kids, so I know for sure read some more about: U S: population growth and then we'll talk about you know basically, immigration stuff, like that for decades to come on. Cassandra goes on. The report but more than two dozen states, most notably Florida deaths outnumbered births. Desiccated Bertha
Laura by more than forty five thousand people, but the state saving grace was a my great can gain of more than two hundred and fifty nine thousand people the nations highest, easy to guess. Dotcom has that context, William Phrase in your fellow at the Brookings institution, much thousand policy Programme, Brookings Metro? told the AP that he believes the low birth rate means that the? U S needs to bring in more younger workers from foreign nations accorded report. Fraser once there is a handle on the pandemic- the? U S, actually see a decrease in death. The population growth likely won't bounce back to what, but in years past, because a few are births that will increase the knee for immigration by younger workers whose taxes can support programmes such as social security You wouldn't need any workers for that stuff if we didn't have those programmes right so yet a lot of people who are dependent upon government programme
You need a larger youth base to fund those programmes. Yours I works. It's a stupid system that was created by a bunch of stupid people. Basically, you I'll use viewed smaller hypothetical numbers, a hundred old people. They are getting social security. Ok, that means the government needs to go each individual ass. You say that you get a dollar, they get a dollar every month, a hundred dollars having to go out how How are they gonna get that hundred dollars? Well, you can't take the doll a dollar from you know: young people, let's EVA hundred young people, if it take their whole dollar, and that's their monthly salary will now they can't eat what you need is to take tiny bits from a larger group of people. So let's say you have a thousand young people because typically there's more young people than old people write. This was their idea, hey look evolving are dying, they'll be less of them, and young people population growth. Let's take ten percent of all the
people's money given to the older people, and then the young people dont really notices only ten percent and the older people can. Then you will get a full months: salary, it's not working now and it's gonna be working for it. I mean it's gonna collapse soon the system is still bed and relies on endless population growth, which is just just literally makes no sense that social security makes literally no sense and I don't have to keep increasing taxes to fund it and if they stop now there, but in addition cycle and it's gonna, be it's gotta be bad, for everybody I don't want to leave old people after the cold, the dire anything like that. I understood, and what why they wanted social security, but men. We are not gods, we can't prevent death at a certain. point. If someone is incapable of making money on their own of sustaining themselves, then they just can't survive we can keep playing this game like. We will save everyone, and everyone will be immortal. It's just not reality. It's not natural, it's not nature, it doesn't make sense.
and people were also security. I do maybe what Really needs to happen. Is that when people get older, their children help support them the way the parents supported them when they were younger instead we're getting is as our cultures hearts to break apart we no longer have family. You know, sticking together or people may have families, and because of this you now need government too. function as that family and just won't work quote, We have an aging population, and that means fewer women and child bearing ages. We see younger people putting off to having children and they're going to have fewer children, Linda kind of certain New York University, told the outlet. She believes the pie One is not about migration, but the lack of support from others cove. It really was dress, test for our whole system and how it fails, support women and families concept. Women were much harder hit in the pandemic, they lost their jobs at the rates and had to give up their jobs off the dew home schooling. Pressures on women were enormous and is really no safety in the u s I mean we do.
Safety. Not, I suppose you could argue it needs to be better. Can cooperate, study found that nearly half of the women in New York City we're trying to get pregnant before the pandemic, gave up within the first few months of cover? arrival in the? U s. Well, you all have a bunch of Stories talking about how people shouldn't have baby because of climate change, and things like that We have this story centre for immigration. That is our left calls. far right or when I don't know, I don't know or care that the facts are facts. Russian population hits record forty six point: two million in November twenty twenty one since its bureau, a foreign born population decline for mid twenty twenty than rebounded dramatically. Yes, we know at the U S border. This is this: is or from June twenty fifth of twenty twenty one? U s! arrests top one million in fiscal year? That's just what we're tracking. So I don't think it's fair to say that, U S! Population is in decline, is fair to say that America, you
American citizens are not having babies, but it is also very important to bring up that. We are good massive waves of illegal immigrants and legal immigrants coming into this country. Knowing but whatever you want. I will say this it. This is a basic fact. If american values, if our not being you know I've given too children who are born in this country and foreign individuals are coming with other values than that. Values will eventually supersede american values. Not so lately and maybe not even the next five ten years or whatever. But if this remains on, you known course than yes, Sir, one who spent sixteen years growing up and say Guatemala is not going to. Have american constitutional knowledge or values they may, very well be libertarian, though they may very well oppose authoritarianism because they ve experienced and they fled violence and cartels May want justice, but specifically you know
not they're, not going to understand why we have black little black stones formulation, the fifth amendment, this sixth amendment things like that things like that and if they don't know those have those values Then it will have an impact on everything, we're gonna end with a legal system in the next twenty or thirty years, where judges, no care or understand- and I might say, MRS ethically about immigration. I'm saying it's about a lack of american core values. we are going to remove traditions that are good exchange for generalised random traditions, which good, may be bad America's, a lot of bad traditions and we ve only started. You know we ve only been working well, we gotta keep work and get rid of them, and I mention this honour on another another. As a few other videos, like a block busting in red, lining, really really bad practice. That existed in United States for basically ever forever, and we
only get rid of these things in the MID delayed eightys, which means there are people, our age who grew up in block busted neighborhoods in red line neighbourhoods and are suffering the results of racist policies. That is systemic racism. Yet I think we gotta do something about that. The solution appears to be class based, not re. Space anyway. My point is: we still have a lot of bad stuff, we're trying to sort out, but we need to sort it out, so as we're moving forward as a nation. We want to recognize a few things as we have with which we always are moving forward black stones for elation is very important. The constitution is very important american values bestowed upon us by our founding fathers, are very important but hold on a minute. Founding fathers had slaves right. We do not. Vote. You that we have said no to that, and there is a bloody war fought over that which means there are many ideas they had, that we shouldn't carry forward and money that we should, notably the presumption of innocence, which is dying.
The presumption of innocence going away because people are, given by emotion. They just want. Retribution, that's not gonna, solve the problems in this country. It's not going to be the present system. In fact, our present system is basically just retribution. Someone gets in a car at an end there like lock him up for the rest of their and unlike Bro an accident, if someone tangibly, causes harm and says I'll. Do it again that I get lock him up if someone access Emily does something it's like? I was putting them in prison justice for anyone, but that's our system, why you know, I think, there was a period where were you founding fathers and people's country understood the idea of justice, but They people also are lazy and spineless cowards, and that means over a long period of time, spineless can in the system you'll end up with long. Horsemen saying it is easier to just lock up this person, then to deal with the ramifications of angry popular of an angry populous like the George Floyd Riots. Yet they just
raise them as they burn everything down and destroy it because they're, like you, know, scared and were cowardly, so rich and give them what they want. A system like this cannot be sustained now now what happens? Well as you have more and more immigrants coming to the country and you have less and less american citizens being born, and you have more policy, Like this, I mean come on in the united. AIDS is falling apart, the New York We support this December. Ninth New York City gives eight hundred thousand non citizens right to vote in local elections. The legislation approved City council, will set up a system for legal residents to vote in municipal elections. Citizenship means nothing at this point. They say the move place is New York City at the forefront of the debate over voting rights, serving as a stark contrast to some states that have that have moved to add voting restrictions, including its play barring non citizens. From voting. Non citizens should not be allowed to vote, but really what's happening. Here is, if you tell someone
who was a resident, but not a citizen, they can vote. They are effectively a citizen period because that's what that's that's, what it is to be assessed and someone who can who is participating in the system was paying taxes and says I'm doing these things. They are citizen? There is a process by. you become a citizen and then you can vote by allowing non citizens about your effectively just abolishing the citizenship test and saying anybody here can just vote for what you want. This should be viewed as unconstitutional. It should be as an affront and violation to two to this country, but where are we going linked, obvious think added towards global citizenship, one world government and I'm not completely opposed to those What I am opposed to is authoritarianism, mobile authoritarianism in a law, a loss of sovereignty are all, but this way you can have american borders. You give american values, you can have an american constitution
you can have rights granted to protected, I should say american rights protected. and our values persist and the? U S can still participate. In April, a ball system of governance and law which we do and we can improve upon that say there can be international courts in dealing with international disputes and preventing war and allowing the world to function together and you can. Will be like in the United States. These are our values and our laws and in Europe these are your values and laws and in Mexico these are your values and laws kind of like how different states have different laws You can live in West Virginia and walk around the gun. You can't do it Maryland and people actually live and work between both states. I do so it's real confusing. What do you suppose they want? You can't different states, different laws. Ok, I get that no one seems to have a problem with that. We recognise why states have their own rights and their rights to make their own laws. The United States
maintain its values and laws and not erode them and destroy them, and we can still be part of a global system that tries to reconcile prevent conflict You know it's funny is there is also no borders like controls in states. We don't seem to care about that. That's pretty interesting to me, because it results in very serious problems in detriment. Does like people fleeing mission. and for other states in Michigan experiences in infrastructure collapse and then the peat, the rest of people in Michigan are suffering because of it. It's fine because you see some more things happening in the European Union when they open borders and its light in a white man. I don't where people draw the line or why they do. But within U S! People in the! U S between states, there's you, you can live in California. You can hop right over ninety state. You want and boom your new resident just do it, but you can't do that. Mexico, you can't with other countries fair to say that, even though you can do that in the United States, I reckon
eyes that people in America are raised on american values in schools and are taught certain things and values are instilled in them, and it's not a monolithic theres. Many different. world views and religions but maybe we need to be more careful when it comes to other countries because of up with this way, someone California, a different values from someone West Virginia, they may not We agree in the constitution anymore. This is going to rip the country apart, not unify it. If you have but from Mexico or Guatemala coming into the Eu S. This will not unify this country, it would tear them apart. It will breed conflict and crisis. when you add a period in which you know it people in Illinois in Chicago believed, in Erika and its values, to the same degree that West Virginians did they just disagreed. Unlike abortion or gay marriage, the country is on the verge of being torn apart. In fact, there was not a bi partisanship. Why Everybody was gonna like we disagree on these things, but you know the founding fathers of critical rather anymore,
now we're see what happens when you have complete open borders between states like California, who ignore federal law and wow people who are not citizens to come in because they don't respect american values and it is ripping the country apart and is leaning towards more violence. More chaos is the funny thing about. The global elites, the ones who were more open borders, the one who want the once. You want globalism, there actually leading us down a path of self immolation people who like unless, unless you can purge all people and start over unless you can take every person of every different culture and just lie when a box and then have all the kids raised on new woke values. It ain't gonna, happen, communists, have tried it I take the undesirables led him off and get rid of them and then made If we have only a couple million people who all agree things work and it doesn't work values. Aren't
then people based on many different factors, including environmental factors, things you can't change. So you have some. You guys been announced, they're gonna be out any begun, we got bears and boars and I'm not gonna be left defenceless and then people in New York we don't have bears and bourse dont need guns. So you can't have you have varied Current values: that's why it's important! We understand the United States, the constitution freedom, Liberty, all that stuff and. we understand that, while we may have different values with people, four states if we are, if, if our I'll use? Our are drifting apart degree. We are going to have secession and conflict. So what do you that means about illegal immigration from Mexico with substantially different values coming into the Eu S. These values are going to clash with people in the: U S and you're going to get conflict. So I often say I think, it is great. I think every single person in the world should be allowed to come to United States, thorough legal process, and I genuinely leave that I don't care about your rights, our care, where you're from, if you believe
Freedom and liberty- and you know about american core values, and you want those values awesome come here people don't want that. We use you can go anywhere, you want to or whatever right- and that means people of all different Rachel grounds of religious backgrounds, might look at America, the great american melting pot and the founding fathers and liberty and say that's what I want my kids to understand. That's a good thing, but when people coming to this country- and they dont have those values they don't care about, values, and then they are granted the right to vote. Well then you're going We wrote those values, and this is just its be a country for no one is going to be a no man, I'm going to be it's going to be wild in the wild West. It's going to be cities of lawlessness and that's exactly what is happening. Non citizens should not be allowed to vote the citizen. The citizenship test is
We want you to understand why this country worked so that you can participate in making it better so that you know, but these people coming with other values, and many of these values are a good thing for sure. Absolutely people come from other parts of the world and they here's my view and here's what works for me and that diversity of opinion worldview, actually helps, it does strike hybrid vigour, but we have to meet people coming and I dont know don't care and don't want to care than their discuss are extracting and then they're gonna. to empower themselves and those votes will continue to erode the system and then there's no country anymore. Our man. We'll call it a conspiracy theory when the data is clear, Americans are babies, but immigrants are coming in like crazy dont have american values that american values will be gone by couple generations so we'll see that plays out. I guess Don't know what it means: beyond that. I don't know what we can do well in local.
actions, economic context. I just think right towards the war, ah CIA adviser, set at three generals set it prevent printed professor said it and their summit, people who, like dogs, wrong about those psych after everything we seem of the past few years and what we're seeing now, you don't think there's gonna be a civil war. Let me just explain this point for you, one more time: Americans, having babies and millions of non citizens are coming into this country illegally and there being granted the right to vote. If you think that doesn't led to civil, our road italian man, because when people our citizens, our voting and taking away from people who are citizens. I think you're gonna see a whole lot of violence. I hope not an IRA, hope not, but I ll leave it there next segments coming up. One p m on this channel especial segment wide talk to my sister about the story that the young Turks able fake news actually was true and talk about it. A rather can discussion
slay me talking as it always is, but about my sister onto basically verify things that I had said and talk about our hour passed so check it out. One p m on this channel will see Alvin. last week on TIM cast iron rule, which is our podcast conversation, show we said already the rugged men during the interview got very heated very intense. We were, we were debating in arguing over political issues like critical race theory and after the show we actually Take the episode down because our ray had used a racial slur for white people several times. I don't agree with Youtube rules in that capacity, but he dead and so we went into the members only segment on our website where it also got very, very heated and that's the first thing we brought up and you have one of the questions I had four hour. The rugged man was. Do you think you should be allowed to use a racial slur depending on the context or the race its being used against? We ended up getting into a very heated conversation
a heated debate where ultimately culminated in me yelling at all the rugged man insulting him and then him getting up it's one of the microphone there's a bit more context. that I mean you know he had called me some insults. He had mocked me and laughed at me. I had raised my voice to him and then basically implied that he was weak and you know told him you Guy and following this there have been a bunch people bring bring the up, but for the most part, beyond that I addressed the issue, the videotaping. Like half a million views, I decide the two were fought following this. The young Turks hosted him on their platform now, better than many views on it and I feel, like a junkie augur, was really trying to bait me into. I guess, I'm kind of before what ever looked Genk. You know he was like I'm talking you to mom laughing at you. Am I broke, please your lot to laugh at me, like laugh at me all day and night. It's fine! Whatever however, I decided that this would be a good opportunity to explain my feelings on what the young Turks said. Why, I am not a fan of the young Turks why
a fan of the modern, progressive left and why I think the young Turks have continued to isolate themselves. One of the things that I talked about. In the members, only segment that I was marked for by junk geographic experience and already the rugged man was my history growing up on the south? the cargo dealing with gangs gang violence. You know all that stuff. One of the things the young Turks side was that I was a liar. They didn't believe they said what was the name of the guy who got feed in my basement of those Godwin. When you want to get initiative again, the call to feed or violate when I read elicits what they called it there and yeah that happened in my basement, So I figured you know what, while I dont really care to get into any kind of beef with junk huger. In fact, I publicly invited him onto the show out love to him. I think a great conversation outside of that Anna Genk you're absolutely allowed to call me all the names in the book make fun of me. Laugh at me. Call me alive you have all those opinions. I got no issue with that whatsoever. I do, however, have an issue with your disdain for the working class people- your your
is this idea that I could not have gone through this struggle because I'm to success one? That's basically what happened and that's been my experience since occupy Wall Street, but more, I got any public notoriety, they said. Oh you know, TIM Pool is is MS mixed rays and a high school dropout in all those things are private example of what's wrong with this country, because he's smart, you should be doing better, and once all these newspapers, Sun, highlighting you know talking about me. They said I was a white kid and that's exactly what we ended up with up with ARI the rugged man. He called me like a white boy who didn't understand any of the stuff The young Turks implied that I was lying about my upbringing. So that's what I really want to address and working to talk a bit about. My upbringing were to talk about my history on the south side, and then I'm gonna talk about why I think it so important to address these issues in the context of young Turks, so joining me today, is my sister LISA Ready. I can't keep track of your last name. Now. I've been married in Europe while the Micro look closer yeah yeah. I can vote put real close undergraduate like that you're. What was your last name?
well now it's all Margarets Bogota vector for you, but you ve. You been married a couple times and people have seen Chris on the blog right, and so you know people know him and I figured wash up with his way after the show, mom and she was like me at least we're saying I can't believe you would say these things and why you're lying and then, when earlier today, when the young Turks video was going around and I'm just like he's trying to get me mad and rolled up whatever that's fine he's alive. These are to be mad at me. It is not a lot of not like me, but then walked in your alike, though he thinks he was That is why I believe the things he was saying on the younger. I was watching what oh, my god and then, when I watched, I was watching the interview with you. What he said. Look he kept asking about Europe. pictures I was like. Yet we must show me a picture of you when you are ten years all it you're a hotline like war, yeah and everything. He didn't. You don't believe any of the stuff that one on we're kids at the gang bankers,
and I remember all of it because I non older than you yeah by quite a few years. Five years. Five well look, I was our address Forty nine forty one South Laramie in Chicago Illinois, up archer insist were actually offer. Archer leering we'd be exact right, but West Lawn neighbourhood, the West long neighbor was infested with gang bangers, the Pope's. What you said, the Almighty Pope they were all the too sick The king, all you have to remember that. Yes, I remember all of that and I have had close friends of mine almost get jumped by the queen. I had a good friend of mine number, the Queens I got a friend of mine that I talked it today and on. She was like. I remember that she was like I heard her friend were walking down the street and city beyond the queen's were kind of jump on and my girlfriend she top fences got away, but this one girl she ran down the street straight and they caught her and they didn't see or for an hour when we shall got to our house. And yet we are she wears net, and then I guess you showed up all beat up, because
juncture in the gutter and it's like that's tough happen. We live that they came to our house, those hopes they were there and it anchored me. So much China digging where there were like several parties. Grandcourt part there was- and I know I was baby sitting for a couple that lived across the street from us where you were an idle I don't know how a hundred thousand like an hour or the brother and out so I was babysitting across street. I look up stairs and I see this grown men walking and now nominate, say my parents. They work a lot like my mom is selling cars, shit, coffeehouse membership, yes, he was never home. She worked her blood off at that cop out and to be a new business owner. It was her baby, so she spent the night their and our data firefighters. So he would not be here. some night. You you do like twenty four hours he would and then he would be back for two days. Yet
was lying on off. It was like first second and third somethin like that is weird, and I know they both worked really hard blue collar. They try to work hard and my mom. When she saw cars I members are trying to sell cars while having the coffee house which, like DM next on parties, I didn't issues double. She did you both briefly and droll, for Danton you're insane. It was really difficult on her and she was so stressed out, and I know it kills or cause. She wasn't homeward. will so anyways. I see this grown man walking out of the house and I called the phone and I was like who's in the house cuz. It was like you can cry if you know and some guy answered the phone is like the oldest K dog and I was like what Quite K dog, I don't know I'm dog whatever you, I know euros and there was J Iraq. I wonder whether you John oh yes, which I was was cool. He was cool and were there and then, when I finally got done baby sitting, I tried to get along with the house, but that was like impossible delay. Cockroaches they like invested in our house. There was, like thirty people, get rid of their party, so, as I was like turn and one guy handed me, was it read dog with it the beer, I think, a lumber? I had my.
In Rome. Thank God, and there were two. There was a couple there and worse, name's by. I was a red dog who had died, Red Doug Beer. There was a couple this boyfriend girlfriend, they frequently came to our house and the boyfriend was a pope. He completely wasn't the gang threatening was Brian Mackenzie, last name, but I'm right away, but he totally in their gang and his girlfriend Kelly was at her house and that GM thinking a bigger fight in the back yard and dragged out in the alley and came into our kitchen, and I remember, brought a Brian scratched her neck. She eggs, scratches olenin, big ghetto fight and she tried to use the phone to call on a foreign, Mickey, stiff dog or whatever, and out brain with the fall of the wall. The phone right, I don't think I remember there and I was like my mom's gonna- tell Us- appears you gonna kill us and I spoke as he was abusive, this guy who's trying to Peter S, and so he am. I grab your arm a writer into my room, real, quick, locked, the door shut, it missus comical to pick you up.
That you up. It was insane those campaigners in our house. It was the worst ah yeah. We totally girl, but that stuff, and for that Come on here and say that you didn't live with any of that stuff was complete bull house. I want to stop going Highschool, oh god. I don't remember. I dont even know. When did you someone eyes? I stuck on a high school freshman year, my freshman year, six months, my freshman year I quit and I was trying to get my g d, I'm guessing at my Mama Coffee House, and we meant to go. Do that in a just, never end up happening and dumb. I work behind the counter at like five, a m hobbling or their coffee house, and it was long crazy hours it was hard. You eat, you left freshman year, I get a freshman year and I am delighted to have a number of the gang banging was so bad? I dont know how mom and dad caught on to it, or they nuclear bomb was, if other she had. You aren't you notice, but you know she unrolled christen of nor side to get away from the south side.
I'm not leaving the house and basically going and hanging out only lived at someone. Aren't you look at me and thousands of their wings only south Basically, we just go there every single day and it will be honest. Porch waiting for his family to come home does, as he had. He didn't you. You know he was. I do want to drag too many of like you know. My friends were involved in all the stuff, but I You know, I knew this kid from school and being at his house was normal and his and his parents were their God. They would give water, food and ardour pizza and they will go to them all out. When I was at the house, it was empty, it was, it were gang bangers. There was there with the other, or there was no food and look our. I think you know mom and dad don't like that. That was the case. They don't buy the air was kind of like we were lower middle class. We weren't lie. We Oh upper lower class like bouncing between those and, I think, would happen and I could probably rocks our. Not the finance situations like Martin, my mom and dad took out alone, took out alone on the house that we had so they could open a business because my mom,
had a dream that she would get out of all this. Then we would, we would make it and that there would be a franchise and then the fact there be a family business and it didn't work. Long story short. We lose the house, so we go from like crabs in a barrel, trying to crawl out to getting sucked back in and then divorce and I'll write off. I feel like it was like the shell shameless I've ever saw. The show is about the south at Chicago family, accept our parents went drug addicts and alcoholics timorous Liam. He finally do for me. I was the owner, I took care of Christian TIM and Chris was lit Christmas. We a Christmas gift it which will give the school and that's the Charlie on beyond. Then that was us. We live the show shameless like totally Junta percent. That's a wee wee. I feel like early on. You know, run this also to Chicago its relatively back. We were in the South West side, so wasn't like. We were in the place where well I further back two blocks away the
extended bullet holes in the way we really worth. Yet it was urgent. Cicero wasn't a great place. There was. It was it wasn't goes where a fire fighter could wreck could have a family, five and light water. How long it was off. We grew up and enables the cops. Firemen and Europe your mom. So I was a little kid. I was like three or four months when the brick got thrown to the window of the Van oh yeah, yeah yeah. I don't remember what you're that was, but a member mom said Ronicky Doone. Was it the many then later that we get a caravan or whatever it was? I think it weena Dodge Caravan, and I, I think that's what the car was. If networks in the little breakthrough it yeah mom, said that they put pamphlets in the door take a case of a glass mixing? It was ever some mental rotten chicken and our yard. They did stuffed. Yet they did stuff to our house. It was out of you that I remember the damage, but I I was Diurnal Peggy, probably
yeah vandalized our house, it was not cool. Mom said they had put white supremacy. Pamphlets, the door right and she said they were being smart. They knew that have put the mailbox they could get in trouble, so they were, they were, they were doing clever ways to harass us, and I remember why should that stops at something happened? Work where it finally stopped, but she told me if, if once they realise that we act like white people that leave us alone, I'm ever that fear yet achieved that. Remember that grew up with it. She did. She grew up with a lot of stuff back in the Sixtys and Seventys look like way more korean. She is more creative. Also what people I'm I mean. First of all, the lighting in this room is as broad as it can possibly get by it. I think he's a show me a picture. Ok sure like maybe I should call the pictures, because I mean I was that, depending on the season, you know I can get really dark, really Tanner Riyadh. Damn you got that olive skin type, I do. I guess, but I guess the issue that is
no. I don't know if you ve experienced it, but I was talking to Chris about this to Chris being our brother, that Only in that neighbourhood did not matter what our race was, because there are people world max again their people, yeah yeah, really didn't matter, but when I would would mean increases agree with me on this like when we go to the suburbs, the white suburbs, there are like, they knew that you and a white. Probably me like me, prevail. We, like we re nice suburbs. If we so you know, as I get older, I sort hanging out more people from different areas. It would always you like also so what are you. they immediately would be like you, not a white person, and the funny thing is this like that, that the like us, the apex of what the young Turks or try to talk about claim we didn't have. Is you you look white to us? Therefore, you couldn't possibly no discrimination like that. He was stereotyping. You, like that, or I asked I was we don't like yeah I so so the issue for me is like
how many times I need to say. Look. I don't think we had it worse than like black people in this country who deal with like encore racism, but I was just trying to point out its funding as this is a left us talking point intersection reality that different people of different backgrounds, a different experience, different kinds of racism so like when I put down on a job application, I'm asian and white, you know dad formats. Do that ever again. Stop there now can hire you they're gonna discriminate against society to lie in say or something else. but they can tell if you're not being white, you know they are. They can tell it you're, not white yeah big. They could look at us and be like. oh yeah? What are you using your clearly something else, Only when my argument goes against the left argument, do they actually say what I'm saying is not your online actively that saying that Was so also here is what I want to get it right with you. Basically, here telling you no part of the story is cause. There's a million more member. When I got member my bike stolen, we were looking for Bryce YA. Think
all of our dog and then I was running on the pigs and we wrote we work by the hot dog stand. The dude ran up and sad Gimme, the bike obey racket park. Now we will by rocket partly by alarm hotdogs, yet that had talks dealing with by recognising that there was practically erect partners. One Elinor was when you write, walk by others like notice farther, but it was like tore like me road, our bike near forty, seventh and forty seventh was the barrier between like the White White, mixed, a neighborhood black neighbourhood and a blackbird ran up and said, go off the by and then we're just too little kids who got the bike and then he stole it. Yet I did somebody bicycle stolen like by us, like, oh, my god, it happened on the products they had bullet holes window in the windows were bulletproof Rosamond apart, I think you're right, I think it was again Elinor was right, was unwise. Laramie or north. It was Leamington. Ladies and gentlemen, Russia is like two blocks away. so anyway. Your ears, I think, is important to understand several things: the young brought on are the rugged man. I don't
this guy's history. You know some people are saying it was rich. Some people are saying is for out that matters. I think he's racist and you know like, I think we we hash it out. We all get out I disagree with and politically when I would say something like yours at my family went through and it's a fact, and I had to witness particularly what mom went through with it: he's like I dont care you're, making it up your mom's Jesse Smollett killing. You said that you know that's. That was, I cannot leave. You said that you know right now, as we speak, my daughter in school right now, your niece she's been be called sheet. This whole last few weeks, three boys have been calling reaching charm for the last three weeks. Now that's been happening right now and I want to deal with that racism with her school, but she's an ace korean get. She doesn't look that Korean should basically came to who had a chinese fan, and some boy was acquitted the and made fun of her fan and Watson she's. Also like what does she like? Thirty percent wider someone, yeah she's like more white but she's like no third she's, like less white pushes us,
her dad as irish area and then she's got the green site for me. So she's got the portion of our Asian like you do calico, but these and then she looked no actually an art korean and the whole. Looking early weeks, you have the whole suvs. They ve Konrad Ching Chong instruction their eyes and Ivan call the school I've had to deal with that products. That can possibly happen. Cushions white right right right, exactly example did so, but but also I mean I don't know, I don't even know your ethnic background. So I did take the s history. Tat Dna so turns out I'm on a mile and about a german Irish. I mark the Korean. It did confirm that emerges in theory. I am a little bit japanese and I am a european jewish trot. tell me about that through Do I thought I was hispanic, we may have different debts right and I don't know anything we grow. As far as I know, I think years was dutch out of my fight, for that are at our old. When I,
born it was. It was mom, and you, and so at all. I know I don't do anything about when you are younger and with mom before dad or anything like that. I don't, no a lot oh, that it was just mom and I and then she met dad, are dead. Cause he's my dad too, when Bernie adopted you and adopted media, and it was just us and then he met dad and that shit she dad, I mean and then had you to basically so here's what I want to say about the young Turks when there's a gun involves shut up. You know what you ve, if you ve heard about though he was now you you wonder, madam, but he talked about this and he made a really good point, a very important point about this. He played the clip of I was talking to array, he was live streaming and audience was lying, aft employer stuff, and he said, let's be real guys if this was other mixed race asian Parson saying they experienced racism and a white guy was laughing in their face. You would be on their side, but you just don't like TIM Pool, but he's right
so. I would like thank you for inviting me, of course, you later without a sales, racist, but sure yeah. It's funny like to have this right now, if it was any other person being like. I come from a second generation mixed race, family, and then we had white supremacist across the world. People would be like you see, that's the problem, but here's the problem, the young Turks have so for one. I think, for the most part, Jack was trying to beat me into giving attention or whenever that sure, whatever Genk you're invited on the shore, you don't need to laugh at me, your logic and everyone, but I really genuinely do want Jack to come on the show and sit down. and have a conversation. What everything I think would be amazing and I think we would disagree a lot and we oddly enough, be arguing software. That would be great, so I'd I'd love for you to come show and thank. You sad. You wanna bet you laugh at me by all means: do it the thing I said about are the rugged man is. I was wrong to raise my voice to amounts wrongly Elam, because I invited I'm here. I asked him to do me. A well come on my show and then, when he disagree with me,
didn't like what I d say made fun of me. I took it personally and raise my voice. I, like you, can do you can't be like come into. My house nominal be mad. That you're saying that non. I invited a mere. I will own up to that one, but I will again- them saying I'm a liar and at these things that happened really dead. So here's what think the real problem is for the young Turks they claim to be progressive. They cannot have for their narrative, poor people succeeding like so you are a stripper I was I was do that. You come locals argument. I'm sorry, I'm gonna get onto what what's out, so you can you drop out high school, you being a stripper, did every few years, ass, great yeah and on energy Yes, and no, so now you do. I ll ever Judy unavoidable diploma. True, I passed everything, but the main work on that I have so he went in there and past everything, but the math. So here's the prom, for their narrative, one of the things that he asked me. Would you little talk like that? I don't know
there there about that like he. He just. I know you speak articulate and I know maybe maybe I have more than Chicago accent in you- I don't know but like tv he didn't get. I don't know he really. I don't know what his problem was with you. He just didn't it's it's. It's simple that the reason the young Turks are saying all these things. There was no real substance to their arguments by all means, come here and have them genuinely both Anna and checked by all means come here and say everything: do all the research bring a dossier into here's our proper? with you. I will gladly allowed you to come on my show and say all of that stuff, but I really genuinely believe the issue they have is that when they oh around saying, we need government intervention for healthcare. We government intervention for education
the system is rigged all that stuff, it really hurts the progressive narrative that a high school drop out from the sausage Aqaba from a second generation mixed race family who experienced racism, has succeeded, is running a big company and encourages people to be strong and to succeed as well, and that you don't need to be living under the Buddha govern for these things. Actually, I'm not not an american pretend like Genk likes the Democrats, anything he hates them the establishment of stuff, but this narrative is like during my Wall Street. Like I said, there are like you're this mixed re sky and- and you know you failed, you do just that. I spoke you're, so smart like you, should be successful men. This proves the country is broken, its racist, its classes and then, a month later Time magazine puts me out in this like big feature and there, like he's a white kid with a silver spoon in his mouth and what they to say now is to pools from suburbs of Chicago Yak eyes when it turns out and actually from Chicago there only retorted the sub
No, no, that's why I asked you the address first thing. Yet it was this house at Chicago Midway Airport. We grow up in the suburbs, wheaten romance or mount prospects or nay prevail which are very nice suburbs by the way, but we grow for those Evanston Weedin grow up in those I suburbs we went to school in the south are to Chicago. I may mark TWAIN. I went there four brief, more public school tenor one and then they had their own many gang. In the school TAT Kennedy High School there ass. There was a fight like them. In the first month with an air of light broke out about a gun, I mean the high school, when she was Maria High School as close now, but was all girls gathered high school brownie went there for a brief period, it was by market part people got shot on a regular basis I remember I was told by Rick. I do want to say too much about these people last names or anything that he called me and he was like. He said he saw two people dragging a carpet with feet hanging out the back of it and then the next day they found dead body in this house over on, like sixty third in California. In doubt it there was some key. Who were are out of the full story.
they're, just thoughts on this, or, as we just heard there was like Fetnah lab I really early on, like like the one of the first federal outbreak. Light on sixty threatens Cicero around there, and then there was some It was ten party and they pulled up like a block away from where the party was in part, but they parked in front of a drug dealer. South walked up and knocked on. The window was like what you want and then they are dislike. Fuck you get away from us. Dude, shot two bullets in the car killing him. Something like that. I bet that, like we were at the party, are I wasn't. I wasn't witness to like anything but yeah was like around round sixty third in california- and we are at this party than there are like holy shit, dude, someone like Fuckin Scott shot twice and its summit is dead. Yet
Robin Socrates, Asia, was time at the same girl that I pulled into our my room, but the phone. She was that there was a bunch of kids, hang out back in there to weigh in early nightmare nineties or something and that girl she broke a bottle off of a table and she went crescents. Forehead is one everywhere with this insane. The gangs that we're in our house, though, like stuff like that happening. Fights in our house and our back that acts and our task I mean maybe they use my bed there and then I remember I was like as a little outside what ten. I think. There are just like the other guys, will stay away, stay away. Brow like keep it keep away from the room and then like a over the room and I pushed the door open and they, banging on my bed, that's an how then they freaked out pulled me away and there are like Yahoo com a little man and that they are member them my sheets down the laundry room watching them. That's nice then how, over those guys, I don't know, I think they have be like in their early teens some of my early twenties. I think so
because she was older than he was older than allergy. That guy was a lot older when they clean the almighty publicly in the house that I think they d made macaroni and she's for us too. They did this sum of Christ. And then on some of them. There was the one guy here, one of em the gang bangers robbed. Our house, he did, he stole dead. Seven. However, bike there's no way, order they waggling onto his magazines the data however, that they only they all alternative they are. They stole my Nintendo Sixty four, stole. My games met my friends game shark. It was James's Now I'm a very let me game shark, and then they did take the playstation who took the game shark that's right- and I was like a game shark- is achieving thing. You guess I'll game charges gambling stole that they climbed into the front through the front yet he did and it was awful because we had our camp quarter with family movies and stuff on there. That will never get back because the skylight around their house, so we did have gained being as in our house, and we did grow put that stuff and its for that guy to come on here and just people,
like all your friends who draw, we aim like driven Christian. What's your name also seriously? Now I got no, I don't know of annual get mad at me for saying his name, Baghdad Genk yoga. like what's the name of the child who got v by a gang Andy waiter, It was like one of our best runs growing up using. It was like. I comment the air continent of Africa. It was, he was the Erika, but but that was I wasn't hanging out with him back then that was like so Chris a year and a half older than me. That's a bigger gap when you're a lot younger. So Chris was hanging out with these guys. Yeah I've setting is on it brought him in the house, Cassim start and get initiated, and he was staring hang out that their crew and he brought him in. That was like never hang out with Andy ever getting along eyes and then a member he came in one day and I was like my dad's coming home. You gonna leave and he was like job do cares and ours. Do my dad's gonna be here now the beer and any goes right, Gaza. And then he shot me the label to be begun. What serious how problematic I'm over the cosmos and our door and asking for our dead and
They are like our Eu Law in Mr Mr Paul, and he was let yes and is legally. This credit card belongs to you So I'll I'll say this do like I wasn't as to anti getting feet in the basement. That's what they told me and Andy Amerika explain it to me. He said it was like they were. They all hit em like site like pop up up up up. So he was I one two three four and then he felt like you. Falling in slow motion and they hit him on the way down. Now, that's the story. I was told do the gangbanger as it were there. I knew that he got me no beat up whatever and that's what they said happened and his name was was Andy Wagner and now is probably mad at me for saying so publicly by it. I came out. We who isn't, he was a good friend of ours and even talk to him in a decade or whatever, but he beat me like music use. You know we were. We were stupid, kids doing stupid. things, and I don't know what you're up to these days, but I've there you go I'm not gonna, say everyone else's names because, like I do want to drag everybody into everything, but that's one of the tricks they try to do.
Say his name because they know it's really hard for someone to be like sure, let me explain to a child a victim of gang violence. Re. Let me explain why look man, you know, I think, the only reason I'm saying Andy's name it did. I think, he'd be cool with that. Because he's not least it is not the one you lose. Your guy he's gonna now he's he's gonna be the stick up for himself and speak from is a lot of other people who might be really hurt and traumatized dealing with the death of drugs and all stuff? I don't think and he's one of them. So I got no problem mentioning his name, but there are a lot of other people's names, I'm not going to mention. All I can say is I never once acted like that, but we went through was the apocalypse. Of poverty, because I've seen other countries, especially right, but all I was trying to say to array was like look man. You know other people. Experience is gonna stuff too, and I don't like it when you're a racist so to check to Anna to array. My point is this, and let's make this very clear, yeah. I think that new, no black people and states experience racism way worse than I ever will weigh worse than many other.
Races. I think you know. I understand the point of intersection reality. I have no wish with them. In fact, I agree with a lot of them. My she was the authoritarian application of them my issue is a lead. Us millionaires, mockery and belittling people have experienced these things, and this is why I give a shout of Osh because Vashe, who I disagree with and called me a conservative which is wrong about he said, never argue with someone about their experience, because they are the experts on them. You should always respond. ok, but war, ok, and so, if someone tells you something what themselves, unless you been definitively prove it wasn't true, you accept what they're saying what themselves cause you wouldn't know. So the issue I take is here: we do a show, you know you don't want to invest IRA. Where
Just like the elites are ripping you off. I think that we ve got a problem with you know: powerful establishment, elite and the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, but mostly the Democrats who are trying to lie, cheat steal, manipulate and put a boot on your neck, and I think Jack actually agrees with me on those points he just take the Republicans more. So that's why I too feel like the whole bit is an attempt to just bade us into creating drama whatever, but by all means dude. If that's what you want, or if you have a conversation, you come on the showing you talk about, it goes he mentioned at ease that if you didn't pull images, racist will have on the show. Why I don't know, that's ridiculous. I'm just openly invite you to come. I shall for any reason, there's no caveats. There's no consideration. You can just literally come whenever you want walk in the door. Was it you gotta, put the camera and get you the microphone everything and will pay for all of it. I dont like that when people say I'm poor, I was poor. I fought through these things. Let's try and solve them your responses, I'm going to laugh in your face. That's the issue I took with are the rugged men was that
he's a white guy who says he has white privilege, I'm the second generation mixed race person, a quarter korean whose experienced a certain degree of racism at the worst but a certain degree and his responses to laugh, belittle and say you're a liar. I think the reason is when I tell him he's wrong and he's a racist. His whole narrative is broken. Saving for the young Turks Genk is, is a large brown men, I believe, is turkish, so heat by all means he's entitled to his experiences and opinions, and he can believe what he wants to believe in. You can choose to disbelieve me, but also outside of disbelief. Voss nailed it. If you have some one who claims to have white privilege- and that is already the rugged man and then you have another person, sang white supremacist are bad and they attack mixed race people. Why should it? Why is his response anything other than
you are correct. I agree with you. That was my point c that the issue is tribalism. When I say those things are a laugh since as you're a liar, but why is that line? I'm literally telling saying to him like what you just said. I agree with it have experienced myself, because what the really about is tribalism and drumming up anger and eight so I'll all wrap it up with with a final thought that I think, is important and that's. I dont view what they do as genuine. There only response, as you must be a liar, they don't actually care about working class, Will they don't care about people like us? They don't care about our experiences and they're so unfamiliar with what it's like to grow up in a place like a sausage, a cargo. These stories to them don't make sense and can't possibly better. That's that really bothering me that he just was like. I don't believe you and then deciding at me. You may this justly Smollett story, isn't the crazy that it's like white supremacist attacked my family for being mixed race in there
That's not true that couldn't happen, but when Jesse Small, let came out with that story and he was like to two White Europe's on how we might get everyone believed them totally it's it's, because there are driven by tribal politics, not principle. They don't care to help people and they don't like the fact that a sigh, a mixed race, high school drop out in the sausage go is running a multi million dollar business. It lies in the face of their narrative. It flies in the face of what they claim is true. That way the there only solution is tell their audience. He must be lying. It can't possum They don't want to believe it. What they, I think, because it breaks their narrative. All that critical race theory stuff. The lies. You know, Jack has repeatedly said: Cyril he's not being taught schools when critical s practice is absolutely being taught in schools and the having to just wrote an article recently where even a leftist said it was literally, that was I don't know what role he lives and other than he wants to know. I guess play tribal politics
They are all at all, also want one final thing: this is not a show can cast iron, nor my channels where I just scream Gama all day. I've never been the biggest fan of trot, but I did support him with a vote and twenty twenty, because he certainly better than Joe Biden the democratic trash, and I thought his second term agenda had many good things in it. But what they do is they try to stereotype? You know you're the right wing or you. Conservative, therefore, you believe all these things and the challenge with someone like me as it's just plainly, not true there they can. They can try and say all these things about it, but it's either
I genuinely believe Genk will not come on this show because what's gonna happen is ending up with our the rugged man. He's gonna, say things like what about this, that this issue and on the site, I agree or correct, and it can be a big problem for him when he comes in the show and his audience realises when you actually watch us in context, they would agree with us. So the only thing he can do is call me a liar without any evidence, I without any basis bring much honour as anything you have to add two high just. I just wanted to come on hearing tat, not yet that stuff. We did experience all of those things and for him to just tell you that you are lying in made up this story about our brick getting thrown into our many van as a kid Philly piss me Harvey stole the result. The probe got stolen months, Prob, that's right, her Essie Prague. She woke up one morning as a screwdriver broken off in it, and the next morning was gone is gone and it was found and burnt to a Crispin a parking being destroyed.
straw. I didn't steal and sell it. They burnt it to occur as a bargaining chip crisp. So I can't tell you why they did. I tell you why are homeless vandalized. I can't tell you Why can I can say this? I can tell you that My mom said KKK pamphlets were lit, in the screen, rather than on the porch. I can tell you that a brick was thrown to the window of our family Van. I can tell you that the front of our house was vandalized repeatedly and I can you that my mom's car was stolen and then torched in a parking lot, not too far away in a written chicken got thrown in the backyard and shaven Krim. Oliver yeah and I wasn't Halloween. I think that all wasn't itself. Am I saying that the white supremacists escalated beyond putting pamphlets on our ports? Not am I saying that's? Maybe they did yeah? Maybe we know that one of the attacks
so my mom says I was a little kid around major. That's very was very clear was due to the fact that my mom is very visibly a brown woman with a white man and little kids of varying colored, hair and star, and then I want to stress this. The car was taken. and sell it. They destroyed it. They started on fire and a parking lot. They they they breakfast. They broke a screwdriver off, trying to steal it and the next day we want in the garage the door was open, the car was gone and when the cops found it was pulled it off. I was just saying in a parking lot. It was torched. You know that within a month car it was a damn, often dealerships you're dead, while yeah, I think, had to pay for that. yep was awful yeah, but far far be it from me to talk about what actually happened to my family and then the people who are supposed to be my ally. The people who claim that white supremacy is bad. People play the white paper
it exists are the ones telling me none of that happened. We didn't experienced racism, they laugh at me, they mock me and they make shows about it and that must be set for my daughter to cause she's going through this thing right now, with these people being extremely rightly kids in her class, these boys are just everyday sheep. There there's that bulgarian she's polychrome entire, because you told her she was crying cause. They're, making fun of her fan is trying to stand, but now every when she walks in class he's got some boy peasant buyer going tingle unlike stretching arise at her, is a funny thing where they're like the earth to pool Mercosur usually do reported, but little to do with politics. On like now I dont like critical race praxis. I think identity politics exists and has various forms, both good and bad. But anyway I ll leave it. There was a faint rang out. You're welcome. My pleasure- and this has been a special cultural discussion. Second that I and now I've, never anything like this before, but now by all means all of the people in the world can write up whenever they want to write about- and I say this
Buddy, who wants to claim? What's true, it's not true. Forty nine forty one self Laramie We moved in what nineteen eighty nine eighty nine it was that year that my mom says the brick went to the window. This are attacking the family home again went to our lady of the snows, which was about a block away from kindergarten until the end of fifth grade and then went to Mark TWAIN Elementary because our family didn't have the money to keep sending us to the Catholic School and and went to public school, and then after that I to Kennedy High School for only a few months before leaving for a home school correspondence programme. I never finished and then because my family tried open a cafe and we used the house's collateral and the business succeed. We ended up losing the house than my mom rented, a house than my parents got divorced and then there you go, but I shall mention that's after all of that stuff, with the gangs and everything with the next year or so I start hanging out with
their kids finding my own way getting involved in magic. The gathering, Pokemon Skateboarding, and the skateboarding slot appropriate with some of the gang stuff Venom Park, but for the most part that really helped me meet a lot of people and get out of these get out of because, and I was going to the suburbs and meeting escaped borders- has got to different scapegoats gate parks, meeting different people, different backgrounds. Travelling more and more and more- and I just got the fuck away from all that stuff right, I feel I took off to Vegas in California that when I was a teenager largest, I left I took off on to Chicago I am in a rapid up there thanks rain on out watching this weird special clip. You learned a lot about my background and I appreciate all of you guys who low and I'll say it with absolute sincerity, no conditions Genk, annex barriers are fully welcome at their own convenes. Whenever they want to come on, the show will cover all the costs will get. A first class will get you a nice hotel were just about an outsider DC. We will take care of everything you
can say whatever you want to say about me on my own, show to my face and I'm sure your fans would appreciate it, and I would love to have that conversation thanks for hanging out and I'll see. Y'all next time.
Transcript generated on 2021-12-23.