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Tucker Carlson Hits 65M Views In 1st Show, CNN CEO OUT As Corporate Press COLLAPSING, WE'RE WINNING


Tucker Carlson Hits 65M Views In 1st Show, CNN CEO OUT As Corporate Press COLLAPSING, WE'RE WINNING

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Its jesse Kelly here fellows. Are you ready to have a twenty percent increase in your testosterone and ninety days? Ladies, You ready to have your brain function, be even better. Are you ready to have more energy raises a lose weight? Are you ready to feel better? Only while you do all this, you can support a hard core anti communist company and the best part of all. This it's all natural, not big farm, a crap, not supporting all these pharmaceutical junk companies, chalk c, H, o q, fellows, they have a male vitality, stack, nine, Today's take it and tell me how you feel ladys female vitality stack. Take it tell me how you feel
want to feel like you're twenty years younger, go to c h, o que dot com promo code tim gets you thirty. Five percent off your subscription get a subscription today c h, o que dot com, promo code tim make sure to go to TIM, caste dot. Com click join us and become a member to support this podcast and all the work we do and you'll get access to exclusive, uncensored segments from TIM castle. I r and weigh more now, let's jump into the first story, I have to admit, I nearly lost it when I read this headline talk Karlsson is nothing without fox news and his sad twitter broadcast debut proves it. seriously dude. The panic is palpable Chris Let the head of sea and then is out there that would sit on our revolting, ok, well
normally. I try not to use that word, because it means both disk. sitting and in revolution, but in this instance, perhaps both their outraged that chrysalis hosted donald trump for a town hall. And despite the ratings bump, they want him gone. So he after cable news. The corporate press is collapsing right before our very eyes onward to victory my friends, Tucker Carlson's sad little twitter broadcast yet only like. Seventy million views, seventy million the ag man, I feel defeated in I like here. I am working really hard to produce these segments Raul. You guys- and I do you know- thirty minute segments, ten minute segments to our show, and we get one hundred two hundred three hundred thousand cast either while we sometimes we get it we get to do between.
The e to live, and the pot cast me like half a million avonlea, it's very good it for its very good to get half a million, Tucker karlsson is getting seventy michalik, it ok, all right. To be fair, this was Tucker carlson's. First, Waiter show launch so, of course, ever body wanted to watch it and see what it is all about, and it was it was fantastic. It was your typical tucker karlsson monologue segment. It was about ten minutes long. That's why Tucker produces on his main show, then you'd, throw in interviews and discussions and commercials and ten minutes is a good start. I think when it comes to the to be episodes. He does it's probably going to be and are nos six, seven million per per episode there viral, everyone's gonna share them. The debate. The ideas, because that's what tucker does and as always done and of course media matters, other leftist organizations are going to be obsessed with it, but here's what really matters the media
is losing their minds because their done their falling apart Carl said: oh our country, six, sixty five point: seven million views. You call sad. While these are bigger and super bowl numbers? If this is the future of media, if Tucker, really is able to maintain anything close to this view. Worship could charge millions of dollars for an ad millions, because premium now with the internet c, p m and all that stuff. I'd estimate that talker, probably charging around a hundred to maybe five hundred,
I was in dollars per add on his twitter show probably would jump been around the three minute mark and be alike. This segment of technocracy tonight is brought to you by insert you know, company by thing, Tucker Bobby the better off advertising. His own brand is on products or zoned website, but called said, is absolutely laughable. Here's the big news and then will jump back to the tucker carlson thing. I know that most of you probably would prefer just to have me rag on these people and insult them and and cheer for for tucker, but there is very serious news first, which does allow me. to rag on the corporate press. So, let's start here and talk about the fall of the once great narrative, sheen CNBC reports, Chris licked out after truck town hall, fall out brutal atlantic article eyesight
Chris licked his out at sea and an upper leading the news network for a little more than a year, parent company warner brothers discovery announced wednesday morning. The company said it's is seeking a replacement and the means executives, Amy and tell us virginia rosalie Eric curling and David Leave will lead cnn. The company said: oh, it is crumbling down around you. Licks departure came as he faced a rebellion among see and talent and staff his tenure, which actively started when he eliminate the network's expensive seein unplug streaming service was riddled with programming, mishaps and rock bottom ratings, which in an already had rock bottom ratings, in fact, when they hosted broke down all the ratings improved poor, chrysalis bro I dont know what what's going on with you if you stoner contract, but I would love to sit down and talk with you about this, because it really did seem chris licked was like hey look
an cnn has gone left. We should not do that. We should have legitimate news and I agree- and I feel that a bad because he was trying to bring that back even getting rid of don lemon. But It is what it is. He drew even more heated criticism in recent weeks for the network hosted a town hall with donald trump that was packed with scores of the former presidents, cheering fans, while the event drew three point: three in viewers. Siemens ratings plummeted afterwards to day the town hall siemens, prime viewer ship came in below right wing outlet, news max a much smaller network. That is not his fault, but I gotta tell you, I know all this happens. First, I will say if you, as a news network, cannot host the republican front runner for the present. And see you're, not a news that work your dog it's over their scream, We don't want this guy or network then be a specialty activist brand, but the most
rested name a news. You're gonna have to have the republican front runner. How insane have has it all become Where cnn is like well, we can't host republic any more great euro, liberal activist network. Congratulations, your market share is going to be, and this would happen. Jeff sucker, comes into cnn. I think this was like what early twenty tonnes or twenty twelve or something He comes in and says my intentions europe, the heart of this network coolly, from its withering corpse and corruption between my fingers, and that's really did reload euphoria. That's what he did: Jeff zaka turn cnn into a leftist anti tromp activists, network and viewers. Like me abandoned ship. I tell you the story all the time when I lived in new jersey at a big projector and it would be on twenty four seven p
in cnn, but cannot literally twenty four seven, but when I woke up here's what I would do this before him cast iron for the most part and wake up at about six, a m I usually I wake up a little bit later. These days I wake up at six. Am I'd get on the treadmill? I would turn on c n n, so the news is playing in the background. While I played hearthstone The card game because no it may be- and I would ask size in the morning- watch cnn and they'd be alike, hears what happen: The news- and this is like what year is this- probably like? Twenty six, twenty, seventeen, twenty eighteen and then one day something happened, I'm watching cnn and they're talking about donald and I'm like okay, you know whatever. This is the news. I guess, and then I see on twitter there was mass protests, mass unrest in IRAN and I'm like whoa. How do I find out if I turn on fox news, bang they're talking about protests in IRAN? I'm like okay, I'll leave this on. I guess I didn't watch fox news.
And then, after that, there is another. Another instance happened, some like ok, you know watching cnn they're. Talking about donald trump, a panel, I take a good child trump donald trump and there is like a hurricane coming to the southeast are somewhat that non, like yeah. How do I find out about this, or, as I turn on fox news, what are they doing? Meteorological reports, weather disaster conflict and I'm like? Okay, I guess I'll leave this on, and that was it at that. Point I posted and you can see it on instagram when about it. The cnn challenge I called it. Turn on cnn and then turn on fox news and see. If cnn is just talking about trumpet the point was the challenges. Can you get real? news from cnn. You turn it on and it would be trump you turn on literally anything else and it like news thing happening, and so that was it from that point on. I just stopped watching cnn and that's what Zucker did he ripped out the heart because he was like it's cheap content. It boosts our view
ship, but what he did not understand when you have a million viewers and they were getting a million plus and you say hey when we do this tromp round table, we get one point five million. What he doesn't understand is that you are not supplementing your view. Worship. You are swapping out your worship that million those were like moderates who cared about news when you shifted to truck drunk from that number drops to half a million. An you add one million left liberal anti. I tromp activists. Now your network is going to keep pushing in this direction because of the views, what happens Remaining of those moderates disappear, I being one of them. I no longer watch cnn dont care too, because its pointless their insane people, they ve never recovered. So when christmas comes in and says, let's bring it back, let's try and be news again, all that happens now is you lose
all of those psychopathic liberal activists and cult members- and you never gettin me back. I'm not gonna watch your network. Do you can't save it? guess what cnn may as well be media matters at this point it may as well. Being nonprofit leftist democrat advocacy media outlets that will reach a couple hundred thousand people good fuck leftovers, the deal envy, org, cleaning or The John casino always brings the fine play over one hundred different games online for free from anywhere. You could redeem some serious prizes. John Chamba casino dot com live the jump alive which is necessary to cluster the proxy. What type of details that you become
they say was the unflattering fifteen thousand word profile of licked in the atlantic, titled inside the meltdown at sea and on that matter have sealed his fate. He apologized, fr as monday morning, but top brass students company warner brothers discovery, including ceo David's, ass, love warrant, happy with the art, and at the end, the aftermath I have great respect for Chris personally, prefer Minerals, ass love, sad news release the job leading cnn was never going to be easy, especially at a time of huge disruption and transformation, and he has poured his heart and soul into it. Well, we know we have. We have work to do as we look to identify a new leader, we have absolute confidence in the team we have in place and will continue to fight for cnn and its world class journalism.
I'm going to be honest with all you guys. I one hundred percent believe that if I was placed in charge of cnn, the network would turn around in a matter of months and it would become the most profitable cable network channel on tv, the website, all of it guaranteed. I know boisterous immodest arrogant, you might say, but I'm gonna be honest with all of you. I think if I were to randomly choose any one of you watching this video and put you in place of that network. The network would recover now to be fair. I'm not like. I run a media company, so I think I absolutely could fix cnn totally of totally think so, but I think the average person could face that's my point
you, go in there and be like fire, these people cover real news, your good the problem is they won't. You need to clean house your ratings may walter. But if you come out right now, I've seen it came out and said we're getting rid of the leftist activism. Your ratings would spike. Everyone say I want to watch this. What's this all about? Instead, they just falter. Instead, they can't break the addiction. Look at this. They just can't break the addiction now Glenn green walled as a very excellent breakdown, is, as media figures are flagrantly rewriting the history of siena right before your eyes to make it seem If CNN only started failing when Chris licked was hired and demanded, it stopped being a dnc activist group see. It was all ready in free, fall and collapse when licked was hired. That's true when it
you tools, liberal leads have left, is to keep corporate media outlets in captivity. To establishment Democrat, I deny ideology by using twitter to shame any corporate media employees who deviate. That's why licked has to be destroyed. Fine, but don't lie about, elect CNN hears from my daily basis, cnn by and out in two thousand and twenty one will viewers come back? I guarantee I could bring those viewer. Bat viewers back, I could launch, shows I could fix the network, but cnn wants to collapse. So be it. Let me just explain something to oliver outside of our beliefs, our views and the age group that we reach here at him. Cast. I understand. Cable network cable tv is a different audience only break it down. For you, TIM guess, I ral is consistently the most viewed live, show on youtube at eight p m, I believe like nine out of ten knights or you let us also fought four out of five. What's say. Typically every day
TIM cast, iron rule will be the number one live show at eight p m to ten p m on youtube. Sometimes there are other shows that are beggar, because it's not absolute but we're a consistent nightly talk, show and cold. so we dominate. We end up getting around thing like four hundred to five hundred thousand in the key demo, which is twenty five to fifty four and then we have a decent amount of yours who are actually eighteen to twenty. Four surprisingly, I think it's like sixteen. Seventeen percent then take a look at cable. Cable is over sixty guess what people over sixty moderate to conservative by today's standards, cnn you're, trying what they're trying to do is they're like we better attract young people, otherwise we're going to disappear. Okay will going far left ain't gonna. Do that for you, because these people don't follow the news, don't you get it the people who believe the crackpot lies? You push. Don't watch your network,
get their news from facebook or tik tok or something they hurt from activist organizations laundering far left ideology. The people actually care about news. Like you rye, we would probably watch it if they were real. So imagine chris licks vision come to fruition. I think it would have succeeded in along if he was allowed to do it attracting new or younger viewers. With conversations like this raw uncut, authentic, real news and the viewer ship would skyrocket, butts funny news max is doing better than cnn, because we're sick of the lies were sick of the lies. Look at this june and ratings crater to a whopping twenty five percent since last year, despite bump from town all it is free fall. Buddy Johnson says taylor complaining, will bookkeeper family friendly about the lack of petty corporate media, x on tuckers new, show reveals that our media experts don't understand what time it is odd.
You don't want superficial, fluffy glitter, they want truth in substance. The media landscape has changed revers. My friends, I have no teleprompter, I have never used one except for when we were doing those early new segments on on what was what we call the channel before us at the good it was before was subversives, aware, but on that channel was like a straightforward news. Program was like today in the news x, Y and Z happened, and we saw this happen in that happen, but for me and my team catch general tim cast iron, no promptness, none! I can do this.
Whole thing with my eyes closed, there's, quite literally, nothing that I'm reading other than the tweets right here. No prompt as it is just me opining! It's what I think it's what I feel, but they don't get it. They expect Tucker to come out with lower thirds and Tucker is using a prompter. He is and that's fine. It's a well produced news segment, formulating a strong argument. I've got no problem with that, but people want authenticity. Tucker is giving them a straight shot in the news. It's it's scripted for sure, but you can be scripted and authentic as long as you're you're treating people's you're treating people with respect, you are being honest with them. Look at this from insider, so they say, Tucker is in trouble, First live from is anything to go by the first episode of. or stream debuted lacked the shine of his fox news glory days without the cairo and quick guts.
I'll, send must now complete, compete with the likes of Alex Jones and he's losing its the craziest thing. I've ever read I can just pull it up right here and show sixty five million views. That's loathing. He did one video we get that in the entire month, tucker carlson in one day in ten minutes got what tim cast gets for the month. Yeah tucker, if, if Tucker, if this was like Anderson cooper I'd, be a little upset, I'd be like yikes not an uphill battle, but I'm actually pretty excited because, of course, Tucker karlsson gets more view
Then we do is Tucker karlsson. So when he can put out a video like this and just hit a grand slam and it doesn't need cyrano or anything fancy are you kidding me he's he's a loop yearn. You know what your deserve not to exist, because if you can't grasp what people are doing on the internet with success, but I gotta tell you something: I've experienced quite a bit. We are it's. Him casts rarely make the news. Rarely and I often wonder about it like you know They they'll talk about various podcast in the media, right wing, personalities, conservative personalities activists, my name never comes up because they have no idea what went on in the real world. Now not here to say that, like they should be
who am I gonna? How bear, though, not know my name? Do you know who I am now? That's all I'm saying I'm saying there there on the back end there on that they're on the back into the bulk of their. They are passed their prime they're out of the loop, and they have no idea what's going on, they think Tucker karlsson did badly because he doesn't have shiny kai runs. I dont you know. There's like I mean I guess technically, if you. down at the little thing right there that has become a member at TIM Casta come we have an overlay graphic that just sits. There doesn't change. I dont think we actually have this
and tim cass knows where that thing that says pop that pops up until like share this video or whatever that's about the gist of what we have other than that I read the news. I pull up this. This video box thing we made with ob es open broadcasting system. I think it's called and then I just kind of rant- and you know what it's more authentic and real than what these people produce for their canned fake news, media narratives, but think about the game they're playing and why they feel this way they carefully craft, a narrative. I don't we don't nor media. Doesn't
nelson breaks these narratives. That's why people like him shows, like mine, wisest, successful cause. I just kind of turn the cameron and talk openly about what I'm thinking, what I'm feeling and then I read some the news and opine on it: nothing's pre, scripted, nothing's, pre, planned. It is just a stream of my consciousness, explaining what we think is going on, how I feel about it. What may or may not be reading comments watching videos, and what is the media do the exact opposite? They sit there and look at the store and say: how can we frame this? What's the? What is it what's the angle so they ask they authors what's the angle, you know for me the only thing I say I really think about after a record, I'm like what's the title of this video, you know and I try to go for like medium to strong. Ah, if evocative language media- mr- I don't want to do the overt but depends how I'm feeling I might
but medium, I don't want to do something week where it's like tim pool, addresses, cnn failure. Like that's nothing says you know. So this probably title like cnn collapsing boss is out as tucker. You know black hits grand swam, and I think that's just like colorful language to explain what is literally happening. but I gotta tell you I just want to. I want to say this: congratulations, tucker Carlson! I am not going to shed a single tear for cnn. You deserve it. I'm just happy to see it. Look with the bud light effect with target with coles, with all these companies struggling and failing. We are marching toward victory, my friends, cultural victory. We have
parents out their protesting, what these schools are doing, their kids. We have a new wave of media dominating the airwaves and tucker paving the way the old guard is failing, and there too stupid to realise why and where winning feel good for the July's coming up like a month rule excited into
admins day. I should say the fourth july and we've got a documentary coming out with a documentary coming out next week, we're winning it's fantastic. It feels great, thank you all who are members at tim caste, dot com for being a part of that victory, for if you cannot do anything else, one thing you can do if you are trapped in a job in a city and you are fighting to escape the oppressive woke cult that surrounds you and your family you're having a very hard time of it. I know maybe the hardest thing you've ever done, and maybe you can't leave the city for a variety of reasons. There is one thing you can do you can share shows like this. You can join steven mug club? You can become a member at tim cast dot com. You can sign up for the daily wire plus leftovers the john
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I would say: hey become a member at him. Casta com support our work directly, but I will I would be remiss if I did not mention the good work that Crowder does the good work the daily wire does the good work that Dave Rubin does that so many other people on rumble and locals are doing all of that and your willingness to pick and choose who you think, should succeed with your contributions as members to all of their platforms. That is why we are winning the budget for tim cast is primarily based upon you as members. The ability for us to do all these things. Let me add a few points. I did not bring this up before I I don't know. If I should, I should mention it, but damn yesterday, people until just outside. I probably should point out when I, when I, when I donate money money when I dont want to do, is black everybody. Look our great I am. I gave money to some other, however,
b. I should be the one standing in front of a crowd being like charge right. There is a father who is fighting for custody of his son and they are trying to transition. Is kid I doubted into this man's gives then go to thousand dollars Daniel penny. Of course you know about. I was wrong in my view of you know what how shall we we helping this guy, and so I said you know what I feel it. It feels crummy, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm going to do the best. I can twenty grand twenty thousand dollars and then with the there's another activist to small group, that I'm want to leave them to their own devices. But I will mention I contributed around ten thousand dollars to them to fight for our parents rights and to prevent children from being sterilize things like that. Maybe I should highlight these things more, so that you know
you become a member of TIM cast outcome, actually put it this way. For the most part, the memberships at him cast our going towards investment and everything we're doing the coffee shop, the coffee company that we have made it. We ve made casper coffee to build a parallel economy and to build cultural spaces to fund me look. We've got a, I don't wanna say too much, but we're going to work with a very big band and produces some really great music. Many could probably guess and the the the the profit basically that we get here. It goes towards just spending more were hurrying where we're having a meeting to hire another person today shortly to expand our culture war show that's what the money goes to and then
When the prophet rolls over to me, I personally make choices where I donate that to people who, I think, needs it, who need it. I don't take a salary. The salary that I get paid does not come out of tim cast IRA to all of our frame this as carefully as possible. To be honest, and we make a lot of money through memberships through adverts. in revenue and all that the so what I pay myself is less than what is this single channel generates. That's where my pay comes from, so I deuce five videos per day into on friday, for this channel and from the revenue alone, I pay myself a salary tim cast iron, generates, add revenue and memberships and that money primarily goes towards investing it into the company into funding projects, albeit afterwards. There's profit role of I want to make it seem, like that's not the case, but then I'll use any it like you that suffer like contributing in that's why we want to do this grant programme. I know it's. It's really hard
started because I'm just one guy, I ran on internet all day. There's one! I'm tired! about we are winning the culture war. I I I care more about. As I often say, I would rather spend ten grand on seeing a father save his and then buying a dunno, a gold watch or something I don't care about- that care about a gold watch I did buy. A new cool watch made a wood. This is very cool but like for the most part, the what matters to me to buy. If I could buy something, it's winning a cultural victory, it is making the world a better place, it is investing in meritocracy, individuality, and you know what I spend substantially more on winning in these areas than so many other wealthy people who claim to care about the culture war. As on a humble brag, it is, I am lamenting the fact I wish more people cared about.
At the future for our children. I know, then I'll go college, so you don't have kids you I care about your kids. I care about the future of this country. I care about our values and our ideals. I care about making it to the stars care about instilling in young people the value of hard work and justice. Truth, meritocracy, personal liberties, that's what I want to see if someone came to me and said to him, if you spend all your money and you stop doing this, show You ve won the culture warlike. If they said we can guarantee the culture. War is over your ideals and the ideals of all of your fans and the people of amerika win, and it will cost you the price of everything you have. I would
ideal and then I'd go live in my van down by the river I'd go skating. I'd go fishing, I would relax. It would be amazing, but here's the reality, the amount that we make your tim guest. It's never going to be enough to win a culture war, because the price of freedom is eternal vigilance. You can never stop, because the forces of evil are constantly pushing upon us. So what can I say from the bottom of my heart? Thanks to all of you who are members who watch these shows watch my videos. I get to live a blessed life. Many of the people who work on tim cast projects also get to live a blessed.
If there are not, it is not without its challenges, like being swatted fifteen times getting death threats. I have a bodyguard security when we travel, I have to have a secure. We pay up for all that. That's the reality of it, so it doesn't come without it's sword of damocles as it were, but it is an honor and a privilege to be able to stand up for what I believe in to speak my mind every day into this camera for people to hear and four and turn you all to support the work that I do and all of us here at tim cast, so that we can win a culture war which will make the future better for everyone, including you and your children and generations to come. It is an honour and privilege, my friends, seeing the collapse of sea and on the success of of Tucker karlsson, warms my heart and inspires me too to the utmost degree, and so I hope on this day you sit back crap up, crap
frank, open, an ice cold one smile and not as you enjoy a nice all american beef berger, and I just know that, with everything we ve seen with the past week with the bud light, a fact with target victory has never been closer. Cnn demise took a karlsson success, yo, I'm ready for fireworks today, but we shall have to wait a month. Hope you're ready for what's to come because we're winning, despite all the bad things, next segments coming up at four p m in the channel. Thanks rang out and I'll see you all them a major shift, is upon us from the bud light effect target stock coals north face regular people are starting to say no to the indoctrination and grooming of their children and it's culminating in dangerous circumstances, the post millennial reports, violence We anti for, and parents erupts in glenville california outside
School born board meeting over algae bt pride agenda at right, a group of fathers were upset. at their kids are being groomed in these schools with sexual ized courses that are beyond these children's understanding and the kids should not be too This parents inside were protest in and outside far left extremists physically attacked the parents. Now it's funny, if you look at the videos, you'll see something fairly obvious. It is masked black clad, far left extremists, as we ve seen now these people are other than they are. Your typical, far left extremist additionally left us. are much less likely to actually have children. So if we were to do if we make an inference on what was happening, you I have just some local men of varying background.
not wearing a political clothing. Some, I believe, maybe I'm not sure, but just guys, hoodies genes ff left, extremists, swearing, political. balls, aging in a political act of violence, as they typically do, and to that's the story that you get from the millennial the daily mail says: mass brawl erupts during protest outside l, a school board vote on record in june is pride month. three arrested as demonstrators in leave our kids alone shirts brutally clash with algae, bt, q activists and then, of course, you get pink news which frames it like. This
Islands breaks out at school board meeting over pride month. Extremists attacked algae bt, q parents did they, if you're the parent of a child at the school. Would you show up black clad wearing a mask, or would you show up in normal, close to a meeting at your school board out? this way. The assumption the presumption that people or showing up with political iconography and starting fights, probably do You have kids in this school, but of course that's what the pink news is saying. a laundry car buyers of violent, far right anti algae, bt q, extremist viciously attacked algae, bbq parents. a glenville sea ice. We'll board. Meeting about recognising june is pride month. As usual, the police are helping the extremists piano. That's not what happened.
It's not what happened, because we actually know that these people, these men, were showing up or parents who are upset about what's being taught to their children and their saying now. But of course the media is going to try to lie There is a psychotic cult which has many files and rumours trying to get to your kids. When they get so mad. This are you really gotta watch what you say to him, because you know some people look, I'm not. Apparently, schools are not showing up. I did not attend any of these. it's I did not even know this meeting was happening, these parents you more than I did. I'm I'm telling you, after the fact that parents are getting fed up with the pedophiles coming for their kids. Here's the story from the post, one an all out brawl between anti fought and parents erupted, at a california school board, meeting on tuesday parents at it, did the meeting to demand transparency of curriculum, which the glenville
We'll board has refused to provide a langdale mom who inside the meeting told the post neo at the school board refuse to engage with parents, and instead dealing with parents and giving the information parents have rightly demanded they paraded a selection of on in warmed, local elected officials who had no idea what was going on or what the issues were. We have this from Andy now he says break the armenian american men, fight against anti fought and far left protesters outside the glen they'll see a school board. Meeting immigrant families have been furious. Elementary schools are doing pride. Events aunt if I have gathered to oppose the events, pose the parents. Sorry, I'm gonna break down like this. Here's reality. The majority of people don't agree with this stuff. That's why we're seeing the bud light a fact and target that is proof, proof positive if bud light sales drop by thirty percent.
Despite memorial day weekend yeah. Yet people are not okay with what these companies are doing and their fed up and then going to push back. That's regular people, thirty percent of energy or bush sales. That's not like some fringe right wing, extremist group, its regular people, saying enough. The far left, a small fringe faction of psychopaths grooming, pedophiles and far left extremists. Cult members want to put you in their box. They want to frame. It is the vague, are the majority there not and the bud light affect, proves it targets stock, dropping by thirteen billion dollars yeah. That's not because of anti fa. That's because of regular people, antifraud isn't going shop at target, they loot, ransacked and destroy target the leftovers, The john
de envy or house cleaning, the casino always brings the fun play over one hundred different games online for free from anywhere. You could redeem some serious prizes, shambo casino dot com live the jumbo life. Nobody is necessary. We were graded. A lot of people start the ignition device the website for details. So when regular people say no you're going to choose which side you want to be on. Do you want to be part of the fringe faction that will likely end up getting arrested, trumps, gonna, get elected, and then you can actually see d, o J action against these terrorist groups, that they are extremists, terrorist groups,
you're gonna see action taken at the federal level to get the grooming pedophile stuff out of these schools. It is kind of crazy. That's come this far, really that you have books like gender queer in schools. How did it get that far too, because your average person- is passive. And let's this stuff happen, then one day they hear about it and there like whoa. What and of course there was what we're gonna find interesting when parents start to find out that these schools were being infiltrated by pedophiles and growers who are introducing their children to to sexually perverted ideas, notably engender where, for instance, there trying to give middle schoolers access to overt adult imagery at adult act, sex acts. You have the pride event in west hollywood that just is going viral now or to man perform a sex act on each other. I say one man perform subject on another man in public with children
Do they get away with this, because the average person doesn't know and then once they amass enough corporate and cultural power when one steps up and says: hey, I know about this. There overwhelmed, but those far left extremists, grammars and pianos still or a small fry group and they can form their little gangs and they can go and smash windows and in numbers they have strength, but eventually more and more parents start saying in a very much so like that seen from view for vendetta, you not the end where the spectre says at some point. Something will do someone's us. Some one will do something stupid and then it shows the cop. He basically shoot a little girl and everyone. The neighbour just goes up appetites, beaten, the crap out of him when you have ten cops, you know authoritarian tyrants, you know they can press one person at a time or to people, but one
whole neighborhood rises up this. What we're seeing now the far left extremists bank on the fact that, although there are small fringe group, they concentrate their force so thirty or so people can go out and beat up ten parents, but what happens when there's fifty parents? What up, when these ideas spread and the parents say I ll I will not accept this ban. The police well nigh on a rock and a hard place, be he's. Eighty four guys are gonna get stopped. These pedophiles parents are going to stand for this breaking armenian american men, fight against anti footfall of protesters secular this. they'll see a police beat back the armenian american men who want to fight antibiotic the school board. Meeting the immigrant families opposed pride celebrations in schools, anti by communists and far left protesters gathered to, port that look, I'm not gonna, I'm not gonna hold back and I'm not trying to be cute. When I say rumour and pedophile
I am not referring to a run of the mill liberal they'll. Try that that's what I want to do. The left will be like he's, calling you those names. They want to wrap you up in their ideology. I'm not calling liberals peters! I'm calling a very tiny faction of people who are trying to sneak these books in the schools, peters and groomers. Why are these there was there? Was that teacher she was giving out a book called this book is gay in it. It instructed children on how to download. upload photos to and use adult sex apps. Why would a middle school teacher be teaching you're not to secretly meet with adults for sex. I will ask you that and why would a middle school teacher provide instruction to two children ages? Ten through twelve how to use apt to anonymously and and and discreetly meet with adult men for sex. You know I you know I come on.
I don't blame you- is there is no other explanation, while the teacher just doesn't understand that you, you did it you doesn't I hears the book explains how to do it. You think, oh, come on the teacher knows exactly what she's doing yes, teachers, abuse, kids, it happens. A lot and now they're, using the mask of pride to get away with it, but parents are sang enough. Armenian, hispanic unchristian fan These have been protesting, glenville school boards, pride celebrations and the in doctrine of their children into radical, their ideology. Parents were there dusting trying to work with glenville unified as to what will be taught during pride, too weak, a mother. Oh, it's four months in our mother was inside the meat the meeting filmed parents protesting? sickly there, some so called anti fraud or hoodlum anti social folks who are here twenty to thirty four
whose segregated themselves with algae, beating you protesters than they moved away and went to a parking lot. They met of armenian men, one one. The anti fa attacked the diva attacked and armenian man and the men fought back A father on the scene told the post millennial parents. What do the school board to demand Formation, because the glenville, unified school board won't respond and take any actionable steps to tell parents what is happening or what will be taught a father said postman. We want our voices to be heard and we want acknowledgement from the superintendent there that they are not acknowledging it. He said, and you know, tweets antiphon supporters of children's pride events retreated file fight outside cynically elementary in los angeles, Firstly, armenian american families gathered to protest. The schools, pride celebrations and you know, contain the violent cell of anti vote, whose members have been convicted for violent conspiracy in san diego calls for a we match, direct action,
against the armenian hispanic families protesting the glenville usda school board, overpriced events this what I find fascinating. These are overt political groups, protesting dad's, protesting families. The daily mail says glenville unified school district on tuesday, how they board meeting at which they work to discuss recognising Jonas pride month the meeting a try, the large number of protesters and counter protesters, as well as a significant police presence. The two sides began, scuffling and police stepped in to separate them, using their batons to beat the crowds back and making at least one arrest. I love this framing because let me tell you a far leftist, who has merchandise clothing that represents far left ideology is someone committed to their cause. A dude wearing a hoodie and genes is likely just some random guy. So when you say counter protesters, I reject that
jack that, but that's what lot of these results try to do? They try to feign neutrality, we're not being neutral with these. With these far left extremists, aye, a dude showing up in a gene, jacket and genes, is not someone who was probably super politically active, a guy who shows up just with a hoodie, not likely polluted, active, look at all these people, all dude in jackets moms and what appears to be a north face jacket. These people do not seem to be a counter protest group at all. It seems to be regular people, but when you look at the anti fa individuals, I mean they have stickers, they have clothing. Their wearing uniforms is what we get. I this news. Los angeles, unified school district unanimously passes resolution to encourage algae, bt, q, education for all schools resolution also served as the board's official recognition of june as pride month.
parents are going to have to say no to this and they're gonna have to show up and take their kids out of these schools. No question: do it But you know I can tell you where this is where this has been going for some time. Let me tell you I remember when I was a kid If you were under sixteen years old and you weren't in school, you are truant and the police would actually they would take you at any is the this. Is crazy to me think about it It only ever happened to me one time I think curfew so chicago if you're, under a certain age and you're out past a certain time, you're violating curfew, the cops will pick you up, bring you home, they make your parents sign something for violating curfew. It just seems absolutely insane to me that they have curfew for people under a certain age, but they also have truancy if you are fourteen or fifteen
prs or perceivable? The cops will stop you as your walk around it say. Why aren't you in school and then they will pick you up and they will bring you I'm on your parents get in trouble. Your parents can grit, I believe, criminally charge chicago think about what that means. Let's say in your school there introducing pet of pedophilia material and they're trying to groom your kids. So you tell your kid: you pull them out of at school, Well, not your kid during school hours is walking on or not it not only that if you dont register your kid with some kind of schooling program or something they will come, find you and say you are abusing your kid, and this is obvious to me where it goes doktor nation used to be that kids learn from their parents. Now, at least I can speak for other cities. Maybe you guys can comment below as to the cities you live in, what their laws are?
but if a kid isn't in school and isn't registered anywhere after a certain amount of time, they'd go for the parents and they say you're abusing your child. What? If the child's been removed from the school because of the abuse, the school's doing to them, there are correspond at school. So this is what what I did when I was younger. They mail you, your curriculum, then you just do the tests and male em back its it. It seems silly because what we're doing. When we get me my brother, we are completing two weeks of public schooling per day, sir. It is its schools are so broken man nights. I hears schools work, monday. They say open up your your book to chapter whenever today this week's you now this week, ordinary learning about this thing, and then you go to that chapter throughout the week. You do homework and then friday take a task, Did you master? That course that's out was when I was out and about you guys in one week
we we read about this one thing over and over and over again, every day until friday, we take a test silly what we would do with correspondence schools, we would get mailed books and they would say once you complete all of these tests like doesn't didn't just do it, so you have the book the work book and the test a book. The textbook has all the tests the workbook has all of the curriculum. So what will we do? We would read the chapter in an hour and then take the test for that chapter. Folded up put an envelope. Then we read the next chapter: take the test folded up put in an envelope, we'd mail them both out two weeks of public schooling done in a day, and so we basically finished an entire for years, extremely quickly in a matter of months. So why our schools? This way? Why do schools take so long? Why
Do they function the way they do very weird. Isn't it? I certainly don't think it makes sense. Now you can see how they, operate and other other operating now, I think, is particularly important in that. What's mostly happening, kids are their learning that bound to check book. Nor are they even learning about the birds and the bees know, and that's where you get things I think, get fairly obvious when they're bringing your kids into a school, whether taking them about gay sex before they take them about general reproduction don't you have some questions to ask, and this is what I've been safer while you're talk about sex head for kids, it's completely reasonable. That florida said parental rights in education bill. You dont, teach kids, these things. Parents have you note. Art are the ones who will ultimately decide which are for their kids. What should the first thing you do is teach a child about general birds and beasts. After that, then they can start to learn about a typical,
nation ships. Why should teachers be providing books to children about but plugs? I'm not exaggerating, Rhonda said his banned this it's because their pedophiles, I'm not drink being cute. I am not being angry. I am being descriptive. An ado It's like this woman. Actually, where was that? Will I think it's? Let me see if I can this part ass, asda sponsored by tax base. You know when you're really stressed her not feeling so great about your life or about yourself talking to someone who understands can really help, but who is that purse How do you find them? Where do you live? start talks base talks this makes it easy to get the support you need where taxpayers You can go online answer a few questions about your preferences and be for the therapist and because you his therapist online. You don't have to big time off work or arrange childcare? You'll meet your schedule, whenever you feel most of these, if you're depressed stressed struggling with a relationship or, if you
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You can do better than this. This book is gay I want to give a smattering of fiction and non fiction to choose from blah blah blah parents, father police report for child endangerment, the notion that I was putting children in danger because of books, blah blah blah. It says The poses the best selling nonfiction, because we're promoter by publishers, as an information, guide is also the ninth most band book in america. Couldn't publishers weekly but after she learned blah blah blah she decided to resign. I wonder if clear receiving is even get a mention what this book, why Surprisingly, no. This is absolutely amazed. Even the new york post, given their powers, someone's common those who says it? I complete understand. A rationale. Exposing students of literature is is a component of education. I would simply ask what would the fault look like it introduced the bible to reading Monday, it's not even that the book. This is gay, has instructions on how to use dating apps for adult men and giving.
Little boys and little girls. So no wonder I think it's fascinating that the way it's framed in the media, even the new york post is that she was just offering and algae Bt Q book. That's absolutely amazing! Let me Let me now to make sure I have that for you, because there may be people who see this and say: oh, you didn't that so, I'm gonna pull up the image is to make sure I can show you definitively. All right: well, here's here's one image actually, and I think I could pull the whole thing up right here- gotta, be careful because ok, this when censored hills Ro county school board has voted to remove. This book is gay from all middle schools in the district, the book instructs readers on anglo saxon. Use of gay adult hook up app grinder, so you can see that this is the bucket as the ins and outs of gay sacks and it shows a naked man with
I was pointing, and I wanna be- I got it. I gotta be careful on this one, because the book is so graphic and explicit. I dont think that dumb, I don't know I can count on you. so well that with it, whether he sate sketches of naked man with pubic care and the section that tells how sex apps work dawson rights. It is a fact that, although up adults, adult types are sometimes looking for a serious relationship, sometimes they are just looking for a spot of sexy. time remember. This is fine as long as you're, honest and always use a condom. Wire middle school is being taught that and how to use hook up acts hook up apps because a petty false, I'm I'm not here to mince words or be cute or play games or use their language or defend them. This teacher, I believe in illinois, is a petty file.
and it it's it's. It's a challenging thing to say really is because there's there's defamation laws, but I'm sorry look if you instruct children on how to use a hookup app apps, so they can meet adult men for gay sex. I think you're trying to meet those children right. You see what I'm saying like. There's no reason for an adult to do that. Unless that adult wants children to engage in activities with adults, because they're pedophiles, and then when parents get angry fighting breaks out. Some of the big take away from this, not to react things you probably already know, but the point out parents are saying enough and the pushing back and extremists are reeling from it. the saying no, no far right, extremists attacked us, you mean parents, foreign, extremist parents. Well, we saw the f b. I called parents in loud and county Virginia called them terrorists you see with his going. These people are deranged psychopaths,
but we're winning the leave their necks segments coming up at one p m in the gentle thanks, rang out now see. Well, then,. Ah, yes, I know you too will be none too happy with this news article, but this one is important. The wall street journal with a smashing expose ay, exposing instagram. Acting a vast peter file network yeah. All that stuff they said was conspiracy. Theories turns out to be true over and over and over again, so. to wonder. Why is that or elon musk took over twitter, they allowed this stuff, they weren't doing anything it elon musk, comes into twitter and then immediately starts. Removing this exploitation, abuse and pet ophelia instagram not only is hosting it but actually promoting it in their algorithm, some important things. I need to know about from wall street journal. The
A unified system for fostering communities have guided you. there's two pedophile content. He says it is improving internal controls, instagram, the popular social media site owned by mehta, helps connect and promote a a network of accounts openly devoted to the commission and purchase of under age content, according to investigations by the wall street journal and researchers, its and for university at the university of me, shit, it's amherst, peters long used the internet, but, unlike the forums and file transfer services that cater to people who have interests in illicit content, instagram doesn't merely hostess activities, its algorithms promote them. Instagram connects and guides them. Content sellers via recommendation systems that excel the linking those who share niece interests. The journal and the academic researchers found as question around section. Two. Thirty, at what point is the platform held responsible,
we're hosting these things? Now I understand There is massive ices instagram and if I was running a platform, But he was putting the stuff on there about me. Knowing its like. It's not intentional right. But when does facebook have the duty to intervene and should they have the risk that the duty to actively police their platform. Yet as yes, here's what I think I don't know if they are aren't. I'm assuming twitter wasn't because before ilan They were being notified of this happening. We're doing a thing about it is that I think I think it should be by law. Companies like facebook, either forego section two thirty protection, this meeting no more editorial alsatian open platform for people to use the people responsible for what they posting chair or facebook must pay, for. higher and active policing service to seek out illegal content,
now, I know I know they have moderator citizens, I'm saying it has to be one up. To be in tandem with law enforcement. What's that that I want to spend the money? That's my point. Facebook doesn't want to spend the money to actively seek to stuff out and if they don't than they should not be granted us protections if faced but was actually trying to stop these things, I should say matter. Well then, I'd say: look you know You can't control every single person. I think the reality is the police need to handle the stuff they need to go in, and matters should be taking it all down, but the police should be the one tracking the illegal content down, and I think that platform should be treated like common carriers. They say, though, out of sight for most the platform, this actualized accounts and instagram are brazen about their interest. The researchers found that instagram enable people to search explicit hashtag such as peta, wow jeez. I want to read some of this stuff- is crazy. Instagram account offering to sell illicit material generally. Dont
I should openly instead posting men use of content. Certain accounts invite irish to commission specific acts wholly up, some menus include prices for videos of children harming themselves man while animals. This is insane the proportion of the content violates rules established by met, as well as federal law in response to questions from the journal matter acknowledged problems. This enforcement operate and instead of has set up an internal taskforce to address the issues raised. Child exploitation is a it crime. The company said adding continuously investigating ways to actively defend against this behaviour. Let us set it has in the past two years taken down twenty seven networks, planning more removals since receiving the journal quit is the platform said it has blocked thousands of hashtags that target children, some with millions of posts and cricket system for recommending users search terms, notably associate with the abuse. It is
add it said it is also work on preventing the systems for recommending that, potentially that potentially adults, act with one another that pedophilia adult connect with. Ok, look the fact that, in that the wall street journal found this there are millions of these posts. I don't buy it. I really just don't buy it. How did met and not see something is obvious. As these overt hashtags, its exe was it. We described this content with millions of posts. They didn't see this that in flag that unnoticed, we ve been dealing with internet for a for a long time in terms of iran for a long time, students around whether or not such media platforms should,
free rein under section two thirty have been around since twenty sixteen or even longer I mean you. Could you could go back to the nineties when they when they, when we passed section two thirty of the communications with a telecommunications decency icon with them? I don't I don't buy that they did not know about this, so it makes you wonder on again stress because twitter was worn and twitter didn't take action. I wonder if they're, only taking action now, because in the press alex stay most that of stanford internet observatory, not that I trust stanford and medicine. If security officer in twenty two until twenty eighteen said that getting even obvious abuse under control would likely take a sustained effort. Yes, it would. but a team of three academics with limited access could find such a huge network set of a lot should set of alarms matter. He said noting that the company has far more active tools to map its network than outsiders. Do I, the company reinvent, invests in human investigators
technical and legal hurdles make determining the full scale than at work hard for anyone outside met at a measure. Precisely because the law around child content is extremely broad investigating. In the open promotion of public platform is legally sensitive, absolutely its reporting that we'll consulted with academic experts on online child safety standards into observatory division of the university cyber policy center focused on social media abuse, producing dependent quantitative analysis of the instagram features that helped you just connect and fine content. The journal Also approached you masses, rescue lamp which avail waited how he's abusers and instagram fit into a larger ecosystem of online exploitation using different methods. Both entities were able to quickly. Dont defy large scale communities promoting abuse. I just don't bite of it. You know about this. test accounts set by researchers at view to single account in the network, we're in
mediately hit with suggested for you, recommendations of buyers and sellers she's man, as well as accounts linking to off platform content trading sites following just a handful of these recommendations was enough to flood attest account with content that abuses children. So when you see these rumours in school, and you see the shared ideology of people on the left and you see who is running silicon valley. I think it is fairly obvious to say there is a potentiality for intent behind whose working at matter sorry, you can't play that game with me. You have these people going to schools. That teacher I mentioned in the previous segment, who brought a book to children, took to teach How do you use adult anonymous? Gay sex acts, a teacher at a middle school in illinois with teaching kids this stuff. and they lie. They lie in the media about what they are doing, When you tell me they say
people the same ideology that our work. Silicon valley aren't doing this on purpose. Don't buy it I think everybody at matter new, involved, but these infiltrate psychopathic leftists they harbour this ideology, they harbour people with these behaviors criminal actions. We got deep problems in this country and the world. My do death is a vaccination to keep you help your neck. Mr bear you don't want the measles dewey, protect your loved ones and male pass it on now, more than ever, it's important your child receives their vaccines on time to visit tee in that go forward, slash health, this crazy. Spokesman said the count. actively seeks to remove such users, taking down four hundred and ninety thousand accounts for violating its child safety policies in june alone. Instagram is an on ramp. Two places on the internet, where there's more explicit abuse, said brine, leaned, director of you,
ass rescue lab, which researchers outrageous online child victimization and built forensic tools to combat it living The author of the twenty four to report, the national institute of justice, justice parliament's research arm on child into an internet. Child exploitation instagram estimated to have more than one point three billion users, especially popular with teens, the stand. Rick Sanford
researchers found some similar sexually exploited of activity on another, similar or smaller social platform, but said they found the problem. Instagram instagram is particularly severe. The most important platform for these networks and of buyers and sellers seems to be instagram. They they they go on quite a bit and are talking about what they found, but I think we, you know we I kind of hit the nail on the head here. They going to mentioned people who are targeting the stuff and trying to help kids, the takeaway from this story. Yeah it's real Epstein was real twitter. What was going on twitter, it's real and they try to cover it up and they lie powerful people in government. Don't want you to know what is happening on these platforms. They don't want you to know what is happening in these schools
but y'all better start paying attention, because these people are evil. This is demonic, stuff, and I mean that figurative. Lena literally, you say something like demonic and there, like, he believes and weird creatures. Like I'm saying figuratively, these are evil. People of their hearts are made of sludge and its horrifying. But on the wall street journal for four working to uncover the stuff and we battersea instagram are taken the stuff now through the sand. but I've got to warn all of you don't be surprised you find in other places It's entering your schools. Now I will stress it again. That teacher was trying to teach these ten year olds, these middle schoolers, how to use adult anonymous gay sex apps. What do you think is going on in these places. We gotta know, what's going on with your kids man I'll leave it there next segments coming up at six pm on the channel thanks for hanging out and I'll see you all, then, because, my friends, it is a day of victories that
must bring you this special segment more, as especially owl is now the number one selling beer sales figures, topped hundred thirty three million dollars in may. A fifteen percent rise in the same period last year as well, light sales fell to two hundred ninety seven million amid dylan mulvaney backlash. Now we did have mutterings of this last week, when they said that bud light was on its way to fall from the top spot. One analysed said that more della had taken over nash. the across all metrics. But now we have the definitive report. It has happened, not just speculation, not just analysis mode della is now number one, and I love to hear it because modelled actually really grandma big fan, never liked but light. I do like medulla, though I dont really drink to be completely honest and let's cleared with placing up. So we talked about this before that. Medulla was owned by an ice or bush, but the clarification is that is all,
outside of the united states, inside to an antitrust action by the government. Constellation brands controls the rights to modelled So that means an highs. Bush has lost the top beer by engaging in culture war garbage, but in america it's my jello, especially now dethroned bud like it. Selling beer and america after years, long time, industry, leader holding the top spot in the fall weeks, ending made twenty eightth modelled especial store. Sales sword passed through thirty three million dollars, a fifteen point: six percent rise on the site, period. Last year, medallist surpassed bud light. Two hundred and ninety seven million, which was a twenty two point. Eight percent fall in sales and as our boys, the parent company of bud light and modelled special has seen. Market cap value plummet. Twenty seven billion only twenty seven billion dollars,
having a disastrous team up Dylan mulvaney- and here is a picture some woman on instagram gingham odell, oh, I guess it's got an american like butter You choose america, you have your choice. You have three, whereas this new mexico or somethin country bumpkin woman drinkin about dollar, with american flag or dylan mulvaney, trying to audrey hepburn. I think an a funding people, bill, millions, the ceo of modelled especially elles owners, constellation brands, had the increase in sales happened quicker than they anticipated yo. When all this stuff went down with Dylan mulvaney in all these beer companies. I bet, Everybody in the sea suite at Magdala, cracked open some beers. They are probably shot I dunno like yeah- are rivals are destroying their brand. We thought that would take a little longer. We ve been very fortunate that that
gone a little quicker than we had anticipated, but what eight position to be in on the beer side. He told newsweek its dancing on the grave of, but like you, thousand rodolfo, our control by rival constellation brands and do not count as part of a bee involves global volumes as part of an anti trust settlement and eyes are. Pushing consolation did not immediately responded request to common. According consultancy, firm, bumps Williams, consulting my though, a special sales worth three and forty one point: nine million the weak ending. May twenty seventh compared to bud lights. Two hundred ninety eight point: six However, long term trends show that bud like remains the top selling beer U s this year so far according to nielsen iq, but that is unfair. It's unfair because there is the pre controversy in the post conch see so what needs to happen as we need a clean year of data, so starting from when the controversy happened until April forest of next year, then we'll get there.
picture. I think it's fair to say right now. We know it, but Sales are done, they're gone, Oh I get it. I get they're still selling beer. I still see people drinking it, but when thirty percent of your market leaves you, that is the death knell. One thing we explained quite a on tim cast, I r l is the I'm not I'm not a big sales guide. I only know a little bit because we ve been doing some of this, but how vital Who plays a role in whether or not you can sell something at a price point. Let me explain: let's say it: you have ten thousand employees and it cost. Do let's just like, let's just let's just say arbitrary number ten million dollars per month to run these facilities. There is a fixed cost and then a variable costs cost your fixed costs.
as you can always run these factories. So long as you have, let's say, ten million dollars per month. That's that, you a bare minimum amount of cancelled. Now you want to increase the amount of cancer producing and the cost goes up per month. So here's what you do If you sell one million cans and your profit is only a dollar per, can you make a million dollars, but that means your cans going to cost you, let's say three or four bucks. If you sell ten million cans, you can reduce margin by a factor of of ten down to ten cents per, can and still make the same amount of money granted. You don't want to be that direct, because making more cans of beer costs more money, make my point I'm trying to make without making it overly complicated. As I'm sure, other people can explain it, butter bud light is able to produce at the volume they do because they are fixed, cost, don't grow as quickly as their variable costs.
It's that's how bulk sales generally work. Most of you probably know this. It's. Why, when you order more of a thing it's cheaper because the company that produces it says we don't need to cover. We don't even make a dollar per. Can if we're selling a billion cans. A penny would be fun. So we're dealing this with cast brew. Coffee check out. Casper coffee cast brew dot com casper that comes up said we're dealing with this in that, because we're doing smaller batches in order to cover the costs of everything we're doing, we need to it's it's more expensive right. If you go to starbucks you get, I think I think, for the same price as a cast brew. Bag starbucks has four more ounces. So if you like starbucks sure, if you want to support us, we're smaller nothing, we can do to cover the cost of running the business.
What war trying were like we have sought for, but if we sought sold like a million bags, that of a few thousand, we could reduce that all the way down to a few pennies per bag because then were covering our fixed costs. Long story short, I'm rambling here, bud light may collapse right. This is the point. If bud light cells, there, beer fur, but a twenty bucks and able to sell it at that at that number because of how much they sell with sails dropping thirty percent. It could push bud light into no man. land, a thirty percent drop in sales probably will require price hikes on there. or consuming savings or extracting the profit from other branch to supplement the drop in but light now light sales are still so high being the number two beer I dont think they're worried about it, yet probably losing a lot of profit with that they used support other beers, but with this
meat is now the selling less volume. There's there's going to be a cost increase somewhere. There has to be. That means if it is with, but light well they're already suffering so now someone says: not only is it a garbage woke beer, it costs a dollar more than the others. Why? By, and that is the cascade effect, that is the breakdown where bud light could actually fall, foul fall. More more, more There's a bud light sales count for nine point: one percent of the total market and twenty twenty three. While Modelo has eight per cent a gap of several hundred million dollars. Experts previously warned that Modelo would topple bud light for the title with sales week ending may twenty plunging twenty five point: seven percent for bud light and soaring nine point, two percent for their rival. Look at this man, good unmowed della. What does it say,
Service, Syria was an arrow modelled cerveza, It says survey. Syria is that visit that that's like a place that makes beer. I guess yes and then don't move any put on a pin, striped suit and did a magazine shoot saying that they are ready to move on from girlhood and a lot of people are like. Was this a bit like bore at and I'm sorry like dude dylan mulvaney is doing a bit like bora. That's what I think is happening. and, but you know now don't like I want to be a comedian, not you know a trans person or something like that. They dylan saying they're, not trans, but it kind of feels like they're. Moving away from this character, they used to become famous, and now that their famous you might wonder why it is that more they never got the facial hair removal coz its character
white boar rat, but hey bud, light good on you, destroying them an iconic american brand so that you can get woke and go broke. This is the hindenburg of get woke, go broke. This is a catastrophe for american corporate interests and because of the is the dam is broken. So many more brands are now terrified to embrace willingness to make it so as a story got around about nike bringing in a doctor who proserpina performs child sex changes, make it known the american people, don't stand for this bravo to modelo it's funny, because in the wake of all of these things, we're seeing all these other beer brands, post american flags and feel like we like america, you don't want to do that stuff. Let's make the trend for corporations. When you put up american flags, we buy your product when you don't. When you put up the weird woke garbage, we don't buy your product
That's called winning. Congratulations. America leave their necks segments coming up. illuminate stick around and I'll see you all shortly communism is more than a ghost from the past- is a clear and present danger on Jesse Kelly and I've written the essential guide to help you fight back the anti communist manifesto arms you with tools and tactics to defend america against its most malicious enemy, discovered the infiltration of communists in education and corporations in the hidden truth behind environmentalism, antigua and black lives matter. Stand up for your nation joined the fight, get your copy of the anti communist manifesto today available wherever books are sold, san francisco is dead and democrat policy killed it the story from ABC seven hilton an francisco union square park, fifty five honour, stop payments on loan firm announces. They will be. Surrendering the properties to their lender abc were
courts and other blow was being dealt to downtown san francisco investment from that and held in San francisco union square in part, fifty five is walking away from its debt and surrendering them to its lender our hotels and resorts has did to cease payments on a seven hundred we. Five million dollar loan. According to a press release. Means their walking away from any equity. They had these properties they are surrendering the proper is crazy about you bought a house and it was thrown to grant and you ve paid down a decent portion of their Let's say you pay down fifty grant and then one day you decide crime is so bad. You surrender the house to the bank and say we're leaving and you lose all of that money you put in that property is happens- and we saw recently san Francisco ran that tourism, commercial, desperate to bring people back, but the city is dead. When you went when walmart will
walgreens are closing down. When stores are putting up every thing behind glass barriers, he got, nothin man nobody's come and nobody wants to be in this place. It's your fault! I have to wonder if these people These cities intentionally destroy them. The company intends to work in good faith alone services to determine the most effective path forward, which is expected to halting the ultimate removal of these hotels from its portfolio. The one thousand nine hundred and twenty one room held in San francisco is these largest hotel occupying an entire city block park. Fifty five as one thousand twenty four rooms I can't imagine going to be completely vacant? somebody torres still there. There is What is going on here. They are needed. Yes, they are We do not have the occupancy right that they want to have the floor, cited the continued debt burden of the two hotels and its portfolio and multiple factors that have made the san francisco market less desirable for their business. Could it be the here
in feces everywhere I mean one guess in the contagion given to investors last month. Code and resort said san Francisco made up sixteen percent of our sales and twenty nineteen compare to just three percent of the last twelve months. That's massive! Their key concerns our wreck record levels of if its office vacancy fewer employees, returning offices and going concerns over safety and security. Those things have have to be improved for the sake of everyone, and there hasn't been as much progress as we do to see for sure robert sam a senior research director for real estate, giant cushman and wakefield says narrative about the city surrounding crime, homelessness and drug use on top of the retailers leaving entirely hasn't how the situation still he believes it. won't be long before new owner steppin. It's the urban in agreement in general has become the narrative right right that everyone is
about, and it slowly starting to turn around and a lot of markets and has begun. start turning round and san francisco, but not fast enough. London breed the mayor religious statement on monday confirming these businesses will continue to operate and no jobs will be lost this time. These guys ownership changes happen, but these hotels or remain open and blah blah blah blah blah. There's lots of homeless people, drug use, the cities is crumbling. For our very eyes. There would have to subsidize this yes, I've hotel councils, edna statement that the hotels, stay open for business park, hotels, blah blah blah. We get it congratulation san francisco, you have done it to yourself, you voted for it over and over and over again, and these people just don't learn from the post, millennial, right age, shutters, another drug store in seattle, amidst spiking crime. And yes, my friends, I bring you my favorite. My favorite
seattle. Fire department reels after two attempts to steal fire engines. Once you know, I hate laughing at all this stuff, but I think you get it now think. Sadly, you get it it's the absurdity of the modern world, stealing fire trucks, san francisco man, while hotel the hilton abandoning the property here. You go from the postman, neo seattle, fire Writers have reported to instances of people attempting to steal their fire engine, while crews for responding to calls last week. according to the seattle fire department to it, is in one week accordingly The fire department on Wednesday, while the of engine. Ten was responding to a fire at the intersection of eighth avenue in spring street and away from the vehicle they returned to fight approximately forty year old woman sitting in the driver's seat, kimonos reported
was unsuccessful and was offered mental health resources the engine, ten crews, responding to an overdose column, thursday at third avenue and marion street, and approximately fifty year old woman, gotten fire truck driver seat accorded the outlet the firefighters were able get them out of the fire engine before she could operate the vehicle and she was taken too, arbour view medical center for a mental health evaluation, because that's what people trying to steal fire trucks need safe police told the owl at that at the same moment involved in both incidents in august. Twenty one it was revealed at seattle, firefighters, Heaven. recently become the victims of dozens of violent and dangerous attacks. There he is called called out city officials for the impact This hostility is having on fire fighter safety and the critical services. They provide number. It was also revealed that many of the suspects have not been charged or have been released from custody and, yes, they'll, probably end up doing it again. Given the opera
finally in response to the attacks. Earlier this month, the seattle city council voted to accept The cities municipal code regarding obstructing public office are to include firefighters. That same council repeatedly defended the already short staffed police department following the george floyd riots that rock the city in the wake of the spring. At this, and in the wake of the spring and summer phony. Twenty, the wake of the spring you mean the wake The death of george, like additionally, the city implemented a covert vaccine mandate followed, The lead of democratic governor J insulate, which increased the exodus of officers spike in violent crimes, including homicides, followed? The department is down close to hundred officers and nine one? One response times have decreased the city's covered. He met it also lead to the termination of food fighters leaving department, similarly short, stout, enforcing s, athens, as have d to brown out units from service. Additionally, a ten million I lost it has been filed against the city of seattle. After the funding of the
police allegedly led the wrongful death of william yorick, because ads was accidentally on an outdated blacklist for hostility toward first responders because of a previous tenant, please required to enter a domicile that is on the black. To secure the scene for other first response: according to seattle policy, no. officers were available and your thirteen year old son who called my one. One watched his father die while don't live in these places. Man jeez, I can't believe it said stuff CBS shutting down. Oh I'm, sorry right, I write it
in wednesday ride, aid and owner of a rite aid owner of seattle based bartell drugs announced it will permanently be closing the chain's ballard location at fifteenth and market on june. Eighth, as the area continues to grapple with rampant shoplifting and crime. Let me tell you a story. I lived in seattle and I was in fremont so not that far away from ballard and I knew people who would walk into grocery stores with shopping carts fill them up like they were shot. and then just walk right out the door and nobody would ever stop them, and I asked I was like how do you? How are you kid is like hundreds of dollars worth of groceries, a full cartoonish walk right out and they said the employees aren't allowed to stop them and the police don't respond fast enough to do anything about it. So, quite literally, it's just the food's free and I'm like it's, not free, you're, stealing it and they're like sure, but if the employees can't,
an approach you and the police can't make look. They were like the amount of time it takes me to walk out the door and just leave with this cart can do about it literally nothing and they would do all the time I don't. They know who you are by now. Doesn't matter you walk in. They can't stop you now loud fill up. The shopping. Cart walked to the door. By the time you get to the exit that you have to walk out to actually have stolen things, then they can call the police and say someone just walked out with a cart full of groceries, and yet the police say so they're gone well yeah. What do you want us to do about it?
I'll report- I guess ok, tell us your report- will take it down and that's it nothing more could be done. You saw that story with, I think, was lulu lemon. The two women fall out. The shoplifters filming up they fired his right employs, aren't allowed to engage, they have lost prevention. Office is a lot of these places, but even then they can't do anything outside some crazy stories. I know people who are likely to it's to me and my friends we will it would be shopping at walmart and we would buy something and as we're walking out, a security guard would come up and be like hey and grab and grab us. I remember I was at a home depot and we bought a bunch of boxes and I think we bought boxes. This would happen and we were leaving after having paid for them and a security guard.
Rather, the card was like: where do you think you're going it's like? Do we pay for these years? The receipt? Don't grabbed me, but that's why they are not allowed to engage because the salt someone catch, sculpture, grab you so now you get the the inverse. I would not mind the security of our being like receipt. Please, having been like you can't, leave the cart. In fact, the door shouldn't open. You should walk up in the door to remain closed and then he presses a button to open it. That's what they're doing not a lot of places, though the walgreens is a walgreens in chicago, doesn't even have products you walk up to a kiosk and press, it pay for it and then they'll bring it to you. That's the future ya. These cities are just crumbling unfortunate and it leads us a dark places wherever men, your report, you so I ll leave it there. Next segments coming up at eight p m over at youtube com slashed him cast. I r l thanks out, get I'll see you all. Then riley here inviting you to watch those been news: weeknights at eight p m eastern on the first tv
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Transcript generated on 2023-06-10.