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Trump's Strategy Has Democrats Floundering, RNC Raises DOUBLE What Democrats Raise

2019-07-21 | 🔗

Almost Every Metric Predicting Trump 2020 Victory, RNC Raises DOUBLE What Democrats Raise. Democrats are getting absolutely crushed in terms of fundraising and Trump continues to dominate and control the media.The RNC and Trump have raised more than double what the democratic party has raised in May and in June. While polls suggest Trump will lose to many of the 2020 Democrats it just seems unlikely based on how wrong the polls were in 2016 combined with the massive grassroots fundraising accomplished by republicans.Trump's presumed strategy of propping up far left and socialist democrats, known as "The Squad," also seems to be working. He has knocked Democrats off their game and they no longer talk about real issues. Instead they talk about naughty words and outrage. Ilhan Omar currently sits at a 9% favorability in swing states and Trump knows putting her front and center will give him a huge advantage.In order to win Democrats need a strong message for American voters but instead campaign on behalf of non citizens and some have literally campaigned in Mexico.This is all good news for Trump. If the democrats can't get back on message than they can't hope to out fund raise the republicans.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
Democrats are being rushed when it comes to fund raising. Not only did the Republicans raise more than double what the Democrats did in the past two months, but the Democrats are actually in debt. Don't take my word for it, because that phrasing comes from vice news, believe it or not the actual story, Democrat the Democratic Party is getting crushed in on raising they need to get their act together. Yet, for some reason we keep hearing trot was gonna lose article after article says wow, it's gonna be a landslide against trumpets, no way you can win therein getting the same mistakes of twenty. Sixteen, because let me make something clear: poles are meaningless, especially average sixteen and to what extent twenty eighteen percent Sixteen there's a trumpet stand a chance, but he won't anyway So I warn you now: fund raising is a much better metric people actually putting money where their mouth is, because tromp is getting a massive amount of funds from from people who are giving less than two hundred dollars, and these are not big.
Owners. So what a break all this down- and I want to tell you about how I see that the strategy for the Democrats, evolving we ve, seen repeated- calls to abolish the electoral college because they know they can't win. They can't win based on the rules that Obama Bomber one by twice so where they do change the rules, because the support is not there before we get started major over the team cast outcomes flashed on it. If you'd like to support my work, is a paper Lottchen Crypto option a physical address, but of course the best thing you can do share this video because Youtube SD ranked independent political commentary. That means, if you think what I'm saying is important. I rely on you to share it to get the word out. We're gonna start today by looking at it Letter to the editor for the Mercury NEWS now I understand this is just someone's opinion. They wrote, but there's some really interesting points we should bring up before moving in to why I think we're seeing what were seen. The right the writer says: Trump is
to win in a landslide and twenty twenty. The Democrats do not have eight have a chance in twenty twenty. He says. Donald Trump is going to win in a landslide one running on a Walter Mondeo. Platform of raising taxes is a proven strategy for colossal failure to the Democrats have just been play. Wrong about too many things. Russian collusion the crisis at the border being manufactured tax cuts only benefiting the rich three. The Democrats stance that illegal immigration should not be a crime is nonsensical. What citizen would think we are better off with mill It's more illegal immigrants, getting government help for you, economy is soaring and most experts do not expect a recession to start and the next year. I stress just an opinion, but that was an interesting one to start this off because considers, although I am not going to make a point to the economy, because there is conflicting in other arguments in terms of whether there'll be a recession, but economy is booming, the devil
have been wrong there much more concerned with opposing tromp than being right, and it makes them look bad. But let's see what the poles are saying here is the story from Esquire. I dont predictions, but it sure seems like tromp could get trounced in twenty twenty, it's just as well as the notion help put another inside straight when, like twenty. Sixteen, the reason for this argument, for the most part, is that poles are showing trumped up against. Most of the democratic contenders is a is a massive loss, Europe against Biden. He loses by like ten points by Bernie like two points, etc. You get the point, but why trot the poles they go on to make this point, I'm going to do this one for the most part but saw he eat us can see. Trop still could when I want to make sure I highlighted this, because this video is not to predict a trump victory, although I do think he will win. I recognise that a man things can change. We really have no idea. This far out
but there are some really good signs for Trump now before we get into the whole fundraising thing I want to stress the trump strategy. As of the past couple weeks, first Trump tweeted, some things that many people were offended by even Republicans when he said he's progressive Congress, I'm going to go back to the countries they came from, you know figure out what work, what works, comeback, etc, and a lot of people said howdy. Even I was outraged, and it was only after this that I and many others, including as required, and realized. Tromp was trying to force the far left progressive Democrats front and centre, even if it meant hurting himself with moderate a little bit now at my warning. The other day in the past few days has been don't think you can risk losing the model. Still when, when Hillary Clinton what was running twenty, sixteen a lot of people thought she was gonna win that they thought
ability was so high. They didn't bother coming out and trumped did when some states by thin margins, however, based on the poles being wrong twenty sixteen I'm not going to put much weight in them today. I look at the fundraising now we get to that, but I want to address the issue of Trump strategy and we're gonna break down what I think is going on. First, let's take a look at trumps. Favour ability is not as job approvals is favourably. Do you like them or not like him, and we can see that, as of today in the past week it's only gone down about point, or so it doesn't seem like what tromp has said has had a massive negative has had a serious impact on him. Probably knows this right now is sitting at forty three point: two percent favour ability so Trump is considering If I tweet this war on I'm assuming this by think they realize they can take a hit, a truck campaigning and get some bad press. They ve been killed, racist all day and night for the past several years, so screw it dive right in right. If it means getting your victory in this pole from axioms, we can see.
But no cause you're Cortez in swings dated twenty two percent favourable view and ill hen. Omar is nine percent, it's so low, in fact axiom to say not a typo, nine percent. So what does Trump do its upon stage at a rally, and he says her name over and over again all this news about the send her back chant is still good for tromp, because consider this even if tromp loses some favorability, he's the leaps and bounds above Ellen Omar, so he would be willing take that it. I would imagine what the important consideration comes in when you take a look at Nancy policies favourably from real, clear politics as well. The aggregate has Nancy Policy currently at thirty six point. Six percent trump knows that he is more favourable than she is and she was leading the party and pushing back on the far left. She was marginalizing them trot flip the script he put, someone at a nine percent favour ability, front and centre and forced
allows you to defend that it can only hurt policies, image and, in the end, its going to make sure that whoever is in front of Democrats has he very, very low favour ability. Trump strategy makes sense, and I think this is good evidence suggests trumpets. Doing some he's got a strategy, it's not just him. Ok, lotta people and as a trumpet stupid, listen he's got people behind him. It's not just him. I think prompt knows how to play. The game has played the media over and over again to keep working, but is also got strategists and staff Amber sweat, advise him, while I'm I'm sure, he's the kind of guy who probably pushes back and ignores lotta, vice he still as people who run a social media. Yes, people who advise him on certain matters and I'm sure you take their advice when it needs to. Drug strategy here, smart, even if Trop dropped, ten points he's dramatically above and almost so we can take it had he knows it. Well, let's get to the full raising issue vice news.
Frames it as the Democratic Party getting rushed in fund raising. I dont need to read their assessment. I just wanted to show you that you know This is how vice nooses framing it. We know. Vice news is not a right wing organization by no means, but let's get to know a little more professional analysis, not the story. Let me come back to this. This is from today comes from yesterday politico the orange see more than doubles decencies and raising hall in June the story says the Democratic, Our committee raised eight point: five million in June the month of the parties presidential debates in Miami less than half of the twenty point. Seven may in the Republican National Committee pulled in during that time period. New disclosures show the DMZ also spent almost as much money as it raised. Seven point: five million during that time and finished the month with nine. Point three million cash on hand. The orange see as meanwhile building a larger war chest during the lead up to twenty twenty and had forty three point: five million
dollars cash on hand at the end of the month. Dare I say it they have said over and over again the candidate who said is the most typically whence I dont know, that's true for twenty. Sixteen, I'm not gonna pull up those numbers, but I can say you want of an argument about the poles, fine, those people answering the phone and answering online. You know pop ups, but let's talk about people put their money where their mouth is. People are pouring money into the Orange Sea and not the Dnc, and not only that ignore the fund. Raising the Orange Sea has what four times more than four, maybe five times as money on hand right now to spend it could be true, ya and see simply spending enough. Maybe that's the gates. May the Dep Democrat spending too much
But we do know that tromp has spent more on Facebook ads. Then all of the other candidates, I believe combined. I could be wrong, but let's consider this, we can even go back due to a month ago and see this orange see raises fourteen point six million and made more than doubling the Dnc story, persists, the same narrative once again, the Republicans are raising way more. The Democrats are to me that that too, that that's way more support. Ok, that's way more support in the polls could ever could ever show, but I do have this tweet here from breaking news: live economy by Party Dnc, eight point: five million in June nine point three in the bank five point, seven million and that our see twenty point: eight million raised in June forty three point: five million the bank and zero dollars in debt. We could argue that the Democrats are it enter of cash on hand only around four or three or four million because of their
So we are seeing these metrics, but let's get to the bigger issue at play. The article I accidently pulled at first, but here we have it, there's a story from March from politico how tromp is on track for a twenty twenty landslide economic models. Point to a tree blow out, and twenty twenty, but a faltering economy or joint scandal could change everything. And that's true before you read this. You may be sure you're thinking ha ha Trump is going to win or if you're, a democrat or centrist centre, left you're, probably going man. The Democrats you're of screw up this one everything, but I tell you this hubris will be the downfall of the trunk camp. And if anything I can certainly see they ve got the incumbent advantage. The economy is booming a massive advantage and he has the donation advantage, but rest assured, if you think this is a guaranteed when he will pull a Hillary Clinton. Supporters won't come out and vote because I think trunk can't lose. I don't
voters: are our gung ho and die hard? I dont think that they are going to sit back and think that comes from the bad. I think they are driven an active and they're gonna get out there. They're gonna they voted, but let but rest assured, Hillary Clinton thought the exact same thing. It you'd be a fool to think you're invincible. I tell us we ball time, especially when talking issues of marketing. I try to explain to people how marketing works. Why add buying is important and you're being manipulated by the press and the goat yeah, but not me, I'm like, if you think, you're invincible, that's when you get knocked down like if you think your invincible, that's when you get knocked down hubris will be your downfall. Let's wait a little bit of the story to get a sense of why I think trumps gonna win and then I will talk about the Democrats strategy. Moving forward political wrote in March, I d governs back then, but will reach
a little bit now. Donald Trump has a low approval. Writing. He is engaging in better twitter wars and facing metastasized investigations by the election were held today, he'd likely ride to a second term in a huge landslide, according to multiple economic models, with strong track records of picking presidential winners and losers, credit, a strong. U S, economy, featuring low unemployment, rising wages are low that low gas prices, along with the historic advantage held by income at President's, while tromp appears to be in a much stronger position than his approval, writing and conventional beltway was a might suggest. He also could wind up in trouble if the economy slows markedly between now and next fall, and many analysts predict it. Will this flies in contrast to what that letter to the editor sad, but I say I stress when this is written, they were predicting Tromp was on track for twenty landslide trumps approval. Writing according to the Washington Post, as of
think a week ago is the highest its ever been in his presidency. According to the real clear politics average, it was the second highest in the past two years. I can only say three or four months on from this story. Exactly four months: tromp is on track to win better than they could have per day. So what can the Democrats really do? They're, not raising the money there fracture their policy makes no sense. They wanna give government benefits to people who art citizens at a time when we never even a car, What universal health care, which was what Obama approved? I'm sorry about Obama promised in its first term, Obama, said
At the end of my first term, I will sign universal health guarantee law. He said that I believe two dozen seven he couldn't do. It bless his heart. He tried, but it was too expensive and there was politicking in the way, and it was a mass. It would be. A massive economic upheaval could be damaging to our economy and the global economy. I think we should strive for a universal health care system. That's my opinion, but I dont think we can just do it. I think if we require long term strategy and can be done in a single term, so here we are now oh bomber. Couldn't pull it off he couldn't he tried, and- and what do we see from the Democrats? Well, we couldn't do it tat, you know ten years ago, but what are we just give government benefits to illegal immigrants that makes sense when they say they want to be criminalized? immigration. I'm Tellin you man! If we can't afford healthcare, if we can't solve the problem of homelessness of our own citizens, why would anyone vote for a Democrat promising to do more for people aren't citizen?
for people who are campaigning in Mexico Battle Workin and inquiry. Booker literally went to Mexico. Why Hickey american citizens need to know you got there back. All of this sends an important signal to Middle America. We don't have your back and it's probably why the Democrats aren't getting the money. They need What do we see then? Well, there's one strategy: that'll work, abolish them Control College says Bernie Sanders. The reality is Obama. Played by the same rules as tramp tramp played by the same rules as Hilary and Obama, one two terms but job he was charismatic and has a lot to criticise, that man, for I agree more some of his policies that I would for Trump. I disagree with both of their foreign policies, however, to tromp has actually walked back a bit in this, and in the foreign wars have been not good enough. I am still very critical of it. Oh bomber, they called him oh bomber,
Guy that guided some horrifying things, which I also for other I've. I've mentioned over in Oregon and alignment is video about Obama versus drop. I will just stress: Obama was able to get those bigots in Middle America, but for him because in a message he deplore it's three million, I believe the number three million. I could be wrong, but I was around three million people. They called him to porter and chief many p lost their lives in the border during the Obama's time as the president more. So at the same time today than trumpets faced yet for some reason they gotta trump like crazy, but here's the point trunk played by the same rules Obama and got many of those same voters, those borders with an accused of being bigots. I'm I'm I'm toning down the language, my new you. They were accused of being bigot, bigoted when in reality they had voted twice many of these people twice for the first black president in United States, they voted it laid liked him so much. They voted twice in two
it, while those that aim- and I like this camera bought from again truck- comes along troubles. The butter alternative daily for pillory for many people, tromp played by the same exact rules that Obama did and one by Trump one Obama one. So you can't point the finger of course now Bernie Sanders tweeting just two days: abolish the electoral college, because, if you can't win by the rules, everyone played by you might as well change the rules, and we see it over and over again. Democrats want to abolish the electoral college. Republicans want to keep it. I don't hear any Democrat complaining when Obama and twice so it was a. Why now well, because fund raising shows a massive lack of support. The Democrats are fractured. The activist base that actually vote in the primary have gone so far left the Democrats are forced to chase after nonsense rhetoric in order to win the primary, but if they espouse that message they will not be able to win the general election, they don't seem to care
No wonder you notice side point. Sometimes I going. We refer to junk you give the UN. Turkey is a Republican, because a lot of what he's doing is hurting the Democrats. Wholesale Nancy policies favour ability. Thirty, six point: six percent Elan Omar nine O Cosmical has twenty two mind you, those are, in the end, the swing states and among Non College, Non College, educated, whites So we can assert racket when you know we're not seeing a one for one there, but I'd I'd want to stress that's words very important. The blue wall, Ohio Michigan, was content, Pennsylvania, Cetera those the states trumpet. To hold, and he once over them by slim margins, so he's making a bold play. He knows he won't lose. His base
and he knows swing. Voters detest Omar and Cortez, and Socialism Genk Huger takes credit for propping up cause. You Cortez well good job. You got what you wanted at the at the at to your own detriment, but Democrats are paying attention to what the electoral college means. It means that tromp can play by these rules and win, and now we have this story. Two days ago, from the New York Times, trumps electoral college edge could grow in twenty twenty rewarding polarizing campaign. Reelection looks plausible, even with a bigger loss in the national popular vote.
Here. We have it and be see how tromp could lose by five million votes and still went and twenty twenty analysis, the nations to most populous states. California and taxes are at the heart of democratic geography problem. I was reading an article about how why the electoral college was formed and complicated process. I'll say that the founding fathers didn't believe it was perfect, but I thought it was better than a marriage is a popular vote for several reasons you that they were concerned that a demagogue could just pander to big urban populations.
When and that could reef result in conflict civil war. Even so they sat how about Congress elect the president, and I said no because then you'll have executives pony and up the Congress and colluding to guarantee power. So they said how about the states can choose electors. It's not the people, but the electors can then vote based on you know who they want their indiscretion. Since then, electoral college has changed a bit, but what it has done is ensured that people all over the
country will not be oppressed by the majority, is not perfect, but it certainly better than LOS Angeles in New York City deciding the president every single time that will result in I mean, dare I say, collapse. So in the end, what can we see? The vocabulary does make sense. I for one, am totally for it, for one obvious reason: Obama, one twice: ok, great Democrats be happy, your guy got it. Of course, I voted from above the four into doesn't eight did vote from again, not a big fan. I think you did a bunch of war things. I don't like, but the point is, if your Democrat, the Electoral college, helped you Obama was able to win. Why change the rules? Now? That's just being a sore loser I want to highlight one last thing in the story. Let me wrap up these points. I believe the house
Our donations showed Trump is on track for a victory. I believe the economy is strong. It is, and that's a sign of trumps impending victory and he has the incumbent advantage. They always do so. I think Trump women, don't let your dope Adobe arrogant, because maybe you won't- I dont know, but you know what, if there's one thing democrats need to win sanity? Unfortunately, the media is running them ragged and making them insane. I talked about it yesterday. The media's pushing this weird Franz identity in politics that Americans mostly dont care for it results in a fracturing of the left and the right resists, but here's a really great example of how the media is playing Democrats for fools. My daily collar ten crews, as NATO, has crashed and burn since the mid terms, but this is an interesting statement.
Why did better crash and burn because beta it has no substance? Beta has no base beta had no has no policy positions had none. I remember when he announced he's running for president would was whether those nothing there you couldn't put together some policy issues before putting up your website. No Baino Orourke was manufactured by the press and by celebrities, and once he exhausted his usefulness they stop talking about. But people really believed he had something there night did get a decent amount to the vote in Texas being propped up by celebrities outside of taxes. I find that by the way, but once they were done with him, they walked away and people began to realize that beta Orourke it's got nothin the only he has gone forms that he stands on tables. That's your thing: you're the guy stands on tables. The media is, is hurting the democrats- and I mean this- you know not just in better or worse,
constantly telling everyone Hilary can win? They believe trumpet a one to thirteen percent chance of winning a tiny, which was what you read. How many Democrats than didn't come out to vote because they were like her trunk can't win my states, the part of a blue amish again can't turn red, and then it did. I believe Mitya was read what you know: you're like a hollow Pennsylvania states, yeah, Billy, Michigan States, trunks have one that was the media's fault sitting there in their ivory tower. Looking down of people saying, don't worry trouble. When will they listened so I'm, going see historic turn out in twenty twenty one at that, regular meet at social media. To my final point, I noise at one. That's why we're here. My final point. I have said this before, but I want to stress it today when Twitter Youtube, Facebook bans the fringe, far right and and the more bombastic far right personalities. Your left with people like
a will Chamberlain who is a suit wearing tall professional with glasses, who is article it who doesn't get into the weeds, that's whose left standing front in center. I wasn't example because I consider my friend but I've had a modest I've into. Many times, and I think is a good example of a professional prominence. You know Republican who speaks articulately the reason I bring em up compared to say some alike, positive Watson, positive Watson, I believe, has a funny personality. He makes entertaining videos but he's bombastic love. Em are item. Compare the two facebook band, positive Watson now, when the average
American looks to the right: what do they see? They see, will Chamberlain a lawyer glasses in a suit saying. Well, here's I'd like to explain to you why I think this should be the way it is and why we should talk about these issues in its very straightforward, no insults compelling conversation from a professional individual. That's what happens when you ban people on social media when they dont Banba left what you get. You get people screeching, throwing pies advocating for extreme acts like Sean, king and regular American. See that go what is wrong with the left, not realising what the right does have some of the same problems, but the media is biased against them and removes them. So I look at this way. The analogy I've often used. You have two kids:
you tell one of em no ice cream for you, the other one. You can have all the ice cream in the world because you're the favourite, then you know that you're either babysitter right, the mom comes up and she sees one kid covered an ice cream. Another kid looks fine and she thinks wow that messy kid is a disaster, not realising only reason. The other can looks nice. It took the ice cream away from the points to make Censorship actually does backfire against the left. In many ways the media is screwing over the Democrats and I think that's the most important take away from everything. So, in the end, I think Trump is going to win two thousand and twenty. I think the Democrats are on track to lose and the only thing they have in their pocket is to try and get rid of the electoral college because they know urban centers can dictate who the president will be, and that is that is wrong. I point back to a bomb if he could do it. So can you, if you're losing by your own rules, that that you won by twice? Well, then you are playing the game: poorly, get your act together.
As even vice news said it. The Democrats need to get there s together. Oliver there's the ground. Next video becoming up Youtube accomplished him cast news at six p m. And I will see you all. Then people are so dumb, I'm just gonna. Sometimes I get fed up with people and that's why here's my plan I had this van its awesome. I got monitoring I can do, my working or corn and I'm gonna drive off into the middle of nowhere and just kick back taken you fishing, maybe a little bit, but I guess all They'll read the news now, being somewhat facetious here. I'm just you know. When I see this story, I'm exhausted so exhausted. I stand with Erika trends after Georgia does. Socratic lawmaker says she was told to quote: go back where she came from, that's a quote: accept Now she setting it's, not true. It's on others. Look out. You know I'm I'm hard pressed to say confirmed hoax, because the stories developing as a he said she said, except for the fact I will say
This woman changed her stories are not met. Now many of you may be saying I have no. Do we talk about him. Let me explain this woman Georgia, democratic lawmaker named Erika Thomas put out this video, where she's crying saying that away man came up to her at the grocery store, because too many items in the Express Lamed which he admits then said you lazy. Son of you know be acc age. You need to go back where you came from our sums it something that effect she is rioting, and you know this tweet is going viral. This. She says the data verbally assaulted in the grocery store by a white man. But a lazy s obi, and to go back where I came from, because I had too many items the expressing my husband. Wasn't there too, They may because he has on active duty serving the country. I came from it USA. Now here's the thing Patricia Orkut: she does mandatory viewing all caps by the way, very boomer of you,
Patricia. No, it is not acceptable. No, we will not allow this cancer to grow know this cannot be normalized. I want to completely reiterate every thing Patricia our cat just said. No, this is not acceptable. No, it will not allow this council to grow and others cannot be normalized. Now, of course, I'm not talking about the fake story. I'm talking about celebrities pumping emotional drivel without doing any fact checking but again like I'd. Like I talk about the other day, the Justin Bieber Video, if you're not familiar Bieber tweeted to trot about kids engages, I can't expect these celebrities to know what's happening, to do the groundwork to actually figure out. What's going on but how many times do we need have some nonsense? Hoax before people say I am not going to retweet this Covington kids total nightmare. Justice Mallette once again we're living in hell and now,
we have this, but at least this got debunked in record time. Ok, I debunked, but bear with me it's till. He said she said. So here is the first thing. We need our actual and is also convenient. Isn't it the viral? Video comes less than a week after President Trop attacked or group of minority congressmen, all God we get its, forgive me for years in the Lord's name in vain. But I am exasperated let's check it out here I wanna play. I wanna play this and hopefully the audio comes through. Let me confirm that the means is you. Lately, though, we need to go back interesting. That's a quote, and you can see your crime man, I gotta say Emmy what what what what what No, I'm not. I mean Oscar Academy award. What's the word you get when you are really good actor cause years thing
Apparently now change? Your story saying this. Go back to normal and the word hours they easy then go back to your country or woman where it came from, but he was making those have some references as well I don't want to say he was telling me to go back. Come on man, you could, you couldn't give it a couple days for doing an interview. Well, here's the thing this guy actually shows up is actually is really interesting. His name is Eric sparks. He shows up to a press conference. And pushes back saying no. Now, it's really interesting, is the guy says: he's not white and died I don't even I don't even know why I don't even know all white means anymore, because I look at this kind of like a white to me, but he says he's cuban. Does that change the fact that is I do not I as they don't know what I mean that sincerely. I literally have no idea because some like the asian-
our white supremacists and this guy is cuban. Does that mean he's? Not? I just don't know now what he says he's us. What happened? Was there Three lanes open. She had about twenty items in the express telling so he goes and buys he buys items and then asks customer service. If they can do anything about it, I gotta admit if three lines are open dude. I don't know why you care that someone is an express lane. It's silly but hey. You know what a pair according to this guy, they said you, we can't do anything, but you can say on the door, so he claims he walked up and pointed scientists, as is known to be rude. Ma Am, but it's ten items are less. She gets in his face yells at his he back and calls for a lazy s o b. That was it. You never said, go back running like that. I gotta admit it. Does sound kind of weird for a Cuban guided tell some other person to go back where they came from, I gotta go buy it. I also got to feel like It's very convenient timing for someone to yell at you go back where you came from, but there
more interesting information. It turns out Eric sparks is very he apparently, he hates Donald Trump So why would I ever assume this guy? Ok, this guy would say something like that. I wouldn't let me see if I can pull up this God the sweet. So we have this one already pulled up so Ryan, Saavedra, tweets, Georgia, Democrat Erika, Thomas claims, a white man, told her about told her to quote. Go back to where I came from. The guy is a cuban Democrats and he says that he didn't say that, and she is doing this for political game. He defended the squire this week on Facebook against trumps attack. So here we have the original tweet from Thomas. Let's move forward now we have Eric sparks and definitely looks like him in the photo. Here is something where he says tromp. This is from the e o c rules, ethics, herbs and slurs. Their verbal or physical conduct because of nationality are illegal and if they are severe or pervasive,
credit intimidating, hostile. Ok, you get the point. The guide puts up to quotes from the seventeenth of this month, Targeting tromp saying your violating eat Yossi roles, essentially, here's another one trot needs to go back to Germany, but from the fourteenth. This dude is absolutely the opposite of transport or in fact, he's quite as it were, and then we have this when he says are for is from the twelve for the trumpeters I grew up with. Is this is the hidden and outright vocal, bigger ignorance and racism experience at times, because my grandmother did not speak English we Spanish, so my anger comes out of you all racists and to the ones that say you aren't raises. Then you are lying to yourselves this guy, dare I say it has trumped arrangement syndrome, but I'm curious, I'm very curious. What will happen now that he's been the victim
of this hoax. I do believe it or not. I don't I will stress that is my opinion can be very clear about that. There was a hoax, because even this woman has now walked back her claims, subject. Retweeting Erika Thomas, is changing her story after a trend it all day and result in an extensive new news coverage. I guess she didn't expect this guy would actually show up to a precedent and actually confront her saying. I never said that and then in this video he gives a story. Andy no tweeting Eric sparks absolutely denies the clock and then he told politician, ECHO Thomas to go back where you came from. He says the arguments started over her using the express line limit limit. Let me say something: first of all, choose your battles dude. I get it she's, in my opinion, staging this hoax because victimhood is profitable.
I mean look at this original video, where she's Ryan saying she was told the go back where she came from and all that and what happens check this out. Let's see only tweets, Patricia our cat got on this video one. One point: eight thousand one thousand eight hundred retreats, but wait Gerald a Griggs. One point: eight million views, almost ten thousand retreats victim applaud, is profitable. Today, So why not make up some story exaggerate make a viral trend. Now. Perhaps didn't realize owed goes viral as it did now, she's in trouble, because now she's, crying on camera and she's even now denied her initial claim. In the very least I can say she was wrong personally, I think she's a liar who did it for personal gain because look when it comes to politics, people know there's money to be made. If you can generate attention,
so people will fabricate these stories for attention. Why did Jesse smile at? Do it? According to the c p d, you do you want increases salary? Why? Because there is power in victimhood and here's the thing this video by saying I'm gonna get my van drive after the mountains. Kickback no efficient, I M not a victim. I reject the victim, would philosophy that these people seem to two in believe in and I think regard like the ends don't justify. That means period and I care more about honour in it and integrity that I do about appearances or generating followers I would so much rather build. I own mud hut and hunt critters than ever engage in this kind of nonsensical behaviour. This are desperate. People are for power and to quote Linsey Grandma men who I do not like for the most part, nothing result. Professional disagreements are known personally boy, you all want power and I hope you never get it. Something like that when I
I'm so that I laughed on white man. I hear that you know I was reading about the electoral college today and one of the one of the things the founding fathers were really terrified of. Is the the coalescing of power, the ability for someone to manipulate system to gain power and they and they fought over this over. They know that they fought for months and it was really hard to come up with a decision on how the country should be run. We got a pretty its decently simple, but it is rather complicated. Three branches, it's quite brilliant. If you ask me, isn't the best equipped it could be. I think we can do better. We can always do better. We can learn a lot going to pretend that two hundred fifty year old system is perfect, but it is pretty damn good and they were terrified of demagogues rallying people kind of like this. They were. They were scared that somebody who could make an appeal directly to the people would gain too much
our and they were right. It's one of the reasons why the electoral college was developed so that you couldn't have a demagogic president, manipulating public emotions, because you know the truth is we need a mix. There was a quote. I camera brutes from maybe the at present. I don't know about something about how we do work to live. Oh, I think I've been is actually a character in a movie. I think was a Robin William, something like we do work to live, but the arts are why we live. Not something like that and the point is we have to balance, emotion and logic. When we're running a country, we cannot fall victim to these attacks. Ok, this woman attacked our psyche. My opinion, by the way, crying desperately begging for our good will and guess what celeb. He gave it in droves, trending hashtag. I stand with Erika. She did it. She sold you snake oil. We have to be more results
we have to these emotional attacks, because people are trying to steal from you, Can I go in your house and taking your food but they're, trying to force you to use your influence to employ? for them, and these are dangerous people dangerous. It's unfair but you know what I'll say it. I said all time: public Nations politics, Pr Marken topic, sulphate, I've! We all know it's fake too, and this is one of the things up to be more like angrier than anything could ever make me angry I'll. Tell you what I've been playing did Doug to your play, that the very old game from like eighty, three and boy? Does that game drove me insane, unlike the Joys Ex, not working, I get really frustrate on video games meant me angry, but I'll tell you what makes me really angry like the game. Silly, I walk away. I laugh about intense. I condemn gave fostering, would you not really anger inducing our world is built on lies? It's always is a lie everyone's lying all the time
that sense, I mean that seriously a tanker crashes see yo comes out and says something and you know he's lying Bill Clinton. Guys lying Donald Trump he's lying to everybody is lying all the time, all the time and truth, the truth can get out little tin it's here and there? But it's all lies all the time: men, because people, no, that there are societal rules. They can't can't say things now. Here's the reality within the system of public versus private, there are cracks, you can navigate to get what you want, and that means lying and these people have discovered that the Jesse Small, let's of the world, the Erika Thomas's of the world, and he know, has done a ton of work. You know logging a ton of hate crime hoaxes. Now. Why would someone stage a hate crime hoax will, of course, they're trying to steal your goodwill. Look at the go fund of ease
what money they make. Then, of course the left turned round and blames handing over his own attack for calling these people out, but these are authority. Erin Con artists. They are a chaotic evil force, well. Actually I ll say this: there definitely not chaotic good what they range from cattle, neutral, autocratic, evil right in the sense that This, I would say, is I don't I don't. I wouldn't necessarily call it evil it. Someone voting system for personal gain, but issue really trying to hurt others. Well, I guess you could say yes, she heard this Eric spark sky, but maybe she never thought you know. I didn't think you'd actually come out and challenger will now is in trouble. These regressive leftist types are not coordinating properly. You know what I mean by. That is what we see from all of these. People has no goal. It's just chaos, it's a chaotic, destructive force. There is that it is just a massive
energy slamming into walls. It's a bull in a China shop, just knocking things down for no reason just because, as a few reasons, I think this happens for one you absolutely have the anti for types who believe the world should be what they want it to be and they'll take it by any means necessary. And then you have the Joker types, It's fun and funny when these things happen and unfortunately you then have the largest faction, in my opinion, board millennials, there's just nothing to do any more. There's, no great adventure, there's no great mission. They don't want to be astronauts, they're, not fighting for something. So what what are they have? They make it up? They do and its ends crazy? You know people need purpose when I believe is struck me wrong, but most people die after retirement like around fifty five to sixty, because they just there not working anymore,
and I ve got a theories as to why this is but where the theories we don't matter, what matters is that people really do need purpose. I watch this documentary about places called blue zones where people live to be over a hundred and one of the factors in all of these places that they all is work. They don't stop and that was really cool interview. Others, like a nineteen year old guy chopping wood, and they asked him like. Why are you chopping watching the younger some do it and it was like when you mean, if I don't know what else will and that purpose drove them so think about this. You have people with no purpose and their older and they die it sad, but You know that's the cycle of life. What happens then, when you have young people with no purpose, they become a chaotic and destructive force, they jump, aren't they they jump on the bad wagon and just start, knocking things down for no reason. Look at all the people who are grabbing food products, and- and
contaminating them spitting in them, looking them, etc. They have no purpose there. Just just going crazy so we are, when you have all of us, pent up energy with no focus. No, DR well things get things get bad. You end up with stories like this, Why is she doing this? She needs purpose. She need she needs there to be the threat of the evil white privilege because that's her fight, but guess what it's rare. So they stage these hoaxes too, because they need it to be true, I feel bad almost. I have purpose. My life is an adventure. Witness revolutions have been shot at travelled all over the world. You don't Antarctica, though, and that is the reason I bring up. It's not like I'm bragging, but the point out you give
or self purpose. In your own mind, I have always had a drive in me from when I was you know younger until today, I'm looking forward at my own adventure, the things that I determine are the quest and perhaps because I grow playing our people, is where there was, as always great adventure to go on, and I have a great imagination so I'll go out and say this is my quest, and this is my my goal, and here I am now having done a ton of crazy things in my life and now producing these videos. I have a purpose. I wake up every day on the dot every day I make these those six videos per day and we're doing more because there is a mission and I've decided what it is and no one can tell me otherwise, but I'm not gonna this video along you, no moral conversation or motivational speech I'll just say this. What we are seeing now from these people is a loss of Airbus and I got it- I gotta say it's: it's societies fault on
to me that any individuals fall doesn't mean that at some point someone did something wrongs essentially, but what Is our culture. What is it telling young people they need to do. We have no great mission, we're not going to be astronauts or rock stars. So what happens? People then become social justice warriors. That is the mission will perhaps we need to shift the focus. Away from that and say, go discover a new insect. We haven't even traversed like look seriously nor Ecuador. Then one must bow first regions in the world- and I assure you, their species that have not yet been discovered. Of course, for a lot of young people are going to college, mostly men, they sit around playing games all day and these video games serve as a kind of false mission, but I'd, but I get it. I was addicted the world of Warcraft at one period like ten years ago, all man like thirteen years ago it was beckoned world of Warcraft vanilla. The first I woke up played, went to sleep woke up play, went to sleep.
And and and- and what will obviously claim- is that when you do this, you know you play for the work to gain weight. No hay dude, I was, I was emaciated because you don't eat or drink announcing their skin and bone like Google raid and eventually I was like em over I'm done. I moved on and I found a new mission. I think the most important thing for peoples that we need to figure out a new cultural mission. Perhaps that can be ill mosques. You know the falcon projects. People can look up to that, be inspired by launching a car and outer space is cool stuff Maybe it's the the Mars mission of the Moon mission Trump says were going to go to the moon in in in the next five years. Maybe we need something we need something to strive for. We need a great adventure. We need a cultural purpose and we don't have one we all we have right now is like I don't know. Man- it's just it's just people, spinning in circles with nothing to do, but the problem isn't that there isn't any
The problem is, people have to just decide what their missions going to be. Anyway, I have no idea I got on the subject, but I ll leave it there. Thanks rang around next, I will be at one p m on this gentle and I will see you all. In twenty sixteen point: fifteen we had candidate Bernie Sanders and independent. He wasn't a democratic nor publicly with something else. He had a consistent track record. Now I can't speak to a lot of the policies we want to push. I disagree with some of em like his plan for paying for cod. By taxing Wall Street was just surface level nonsense. When you actually gone to the nitty gritty to really make sense, it seems like Bernie, there's doesn't understand the concept of trade volume as appertains to tax increases and tax revenue. I'm not gonna get into that whole economics thing but what I saw was someone who is way better than every and whose these free trade agreements are bad for the american worker. Who said that the gun debate is urban, verses, rural, handsome, nuanced positions, and I thought hey man, this guy's be an honest man.
Is the guy we should get behind. Now, I'm not you know far left burnt burning is like in the middle of the left in Social Democrat, so I'm centre left burning well actually brings a little bit further than that, but Bang Bernie seemed like a genuine character. And then he lost because he was cheated and he bent the knee and now he is basically a run of the mill garbage Democrat. I have I you you can, my videos over time, we're glad gradually lose. You know my support rim fades. I still like the guy a little bit, but you know a man he's. The identity. Vegetarian is silly game where he sang stupid. Garbage like some debate stage, saying that why people like me poor- and I was like what're you doing man na I'm not into it, and now we have what may be a big nail in the coffin for Bernie, at least as far as it goes at me, because I'm center Lima Centrists took em like leaning for the left. I am now a die, hard progressive? That will just praise.
Worry, no matter what you deserve to be criticized. Bernie Sanders. Why break Sanders campaign responds to fifteen dollars on wage controversy with better hours for staff. I love news. Weak raised this better hours, first staff. They say because what was happening well, Bernie was paying thirty six thousand dollars a year salary to his campaign, staffers to a certain level of his death, but there working sixty hours a week which met there are getting around eleven. The third dollars an hour on average. They said: if we're going to keep doing this, you need to pay us more. So what was burning response? No we're gonna cut your hours. I love it and I tweeted about it. I said my favorite analogies for irony. Bernie Sanders cutting hours instead of paying people. What they ask for is like seeing a fire truck on fire. You you get, it her irony. Quite literally the guy saying we need a federal fifteen ball of minimum wage go and I
the cut your hours because otherwise I'll be paying too much what it Bernie learner important lesson. First, he is going to be giving a fifteen dollar wage technically, but the thing is the people working. These campaigns were working the hours they needed to work to do the job, because he was paying a salary, they were getting the equivalent of eleven thirteen, which would mean gotta increase their salaries Bernie. You don't want to do that and typical employ. Oh you're negotiations standard. Not only did he did not want to increase their pay The actually is quoted as saying that he was upset that law organizers, what the media man burning, Bernie, Bernie, you're, not you're not shown us the good fight for labour here. It's seems to be at work. What I'm seeing now is: what will you know what something changed in burning in twenty, sixteen
He seems to have all of these good quality sweaty standing up for the working class and then all of a sudden he's endorsing Hilary. I guess he had two, but a man that was bad. Then he doesn't identity at a deterrent thing. He gets push. Around and now all of a sudden has fallen in line and a millionaire. What happened? Bernie, you used to be an independent put back on Democrats and Republicans, although he did cock as Democrats and saying that the trade agreements or bad gun debate. Urban verses were You know he comes from a state where people like their guns, Vermont. Now. What is he run of the mill nonsense. You know saying get rid of the that get rid of the electoral college I'll come on dude. I don't know what it stands for college before this, but now he's just generic Lily generic and coincides on the time he became a millionaire now by all means you'll be a millionaire. I don't think you know that's a bad thing, I'm just saying also damn coincidental now we see.
They even more interesting Bernie as an employer, is refusing to pay to increase that this that the wages of has definitely didn't. You need to consider in the story, The work being done still needs to be done just because Bernie love how they say better hours better out. The salary position. Dude people are working as they needed to as salary PA's Italian often require so Bernie says you can't, and it is so amazing it's off it's like I get it, there's it maybe Bernie essaying, listen, you shouldn't be working hours in the first place, so stop, but it's all, just like it? If those- if, if I'm gonna side with the labour on this one and assume these p, ART choosing to work longer than they need to their working as long as they need to because they believe in the mission. Now I wonder how they feel now people actually quit his campaign over low pay. Bernie is learning what it means to be an employer. He cuts the hours. Steps
one hears ears: here's how government lemme lit up step. One employee say we are getting paid too little for the hours were working step too Ernie and typical employer fashion, says than were cutting your hours. Stop working then step three, people begin to realise that work isn't getting done because cutting people's hours doesn't solve forth like that. That means that mean certain work will not be completed. Steps or then is Bernie has to hire new people at the same rate, to do the job, Bernie you're, making a big mistake on this one, because either way to spend the money you have to hire people to do the job, and now you just look really really bad. Let's wait a little bit of the story and then I've got more coming up later than story at four p m, as is falling a similar track. They say on Thursday evening the Washington Post reported that some members of centres campaign had been lobbying to raise their wages field organizers,
make a salary of thirty six k but work sixty hours a week with which is an average of thirteen per hour. Unionized workers plan to send a letter to campaign manager. Fuzzy's shook here which read in many fields: tapirs are barely managing to survive financially. Now, here's the thing the response from shook was that we pay competitive, wages, and that to me was just like. Ah man are you kidding me dude competitive? What the hell does? Market competition have to do with paying a rate you ideologically support, why is the socialist? Can it now having his campaign manager, talk about market rates, whereas the market at the I would rather not your staff can live and eat. You know I gotta say men the correct response from Bernie increase their salaries period but, of course, burnings an employer. He knows you can't just do that. Money is finite
it's not as simple as a snap. Your fingers and of money appear. So when I brought up in this is a really good example of why command economies don't work. Look of this way. Bernie is in an isolated system. Money has to come before money can go up. So when money does come, envy donations, he can ban divvy that up to his his staffers, in which they spend it in other places but what happens when the money isn't coming in, but the staffers want more money in a capitalist system. His isolated system collapses within the greater economic system? You cannot support a system that spends more than it receives or with unhappy labour. Therefore, the mission isn't worth the job. Unfortunately, then you're done what happens then in a command economy, communist, socialist, etc. A system like Burmese would emerge that isn't bringing in enough resources ought to to sustain itself. Well
and economy, then says we'll just force the resources from over here into this system, unfortunately, than the other system is expanding too much resources, like people, don't seem to realize that resources our of our finite labor, it is fine. The value is fine that you can print more money is not going to change anything to cause inflation and devalue everything else. What ends up happening, then in a capitalist system you have private businesses that fail when they can't bring enough money in governmental systems- and this is true even ferrars- they just mandate the resources be pumped into it, so it can't fail when it probably should so I believe it. I thought the mixed economy is the right way to go and in the end is a good example. Imagine the entire government was built around just taking resources all of it and trying to distribute where you thought you couldn't an individual can not map out an economy of this scale on their own. You need the free market.
You need a combination of a free market, but also a right regulatory system. At least, in my opinion, so anyway, what's particularly interesting here is that it's not the same as cutting hours to avoid over time, but it kind of its right. I got there on salaries so burning and say why don't you take the weekend off and I guarantee you? This is how the left is already going to phrase it frame. We can see this from news. What the saying he responds with bad, hours, first staff. Oh really! Is that what you're claiming linear this way? If you worked Ferrara Walmart and the page ten bucks an hour and your working sixty hours a week that after twenty hours at a time and half at fifteen bucks an hour, so what happens is in that of paying you that extra money, the employer, cuts your hours and says you can't work overtime anymore. It is a very calm and managerial thing do
Bernie Sanders is doing basically that the people worked the hours. Yet this is Bernie. Gonna pay retro. If the people already work sixty hours than Bernie are you gonna? Are you gonna give retroactive paid to those people for the hours they worked in, which they work receiving fifteen dollars an hour on the unwilling to? But the answer is no. He comes out in typical employer fashion. Just work less. We don't want you working overtime cause. We dont want to pay. You where's where's the union push back on this, but then it, but in the end, what we get. We get a fire truck on fire that that the Bernie Sanders suppose you putting out the fire, of a less than living wage economy. What does he do it literally? Does it himself but let us read the end of this goes out of one of our wanna. I've got. I've got a bigger story for the next segment, which talks about where the Democrats are and and what's happening, with, fund raising. What are they going to talk about? How Bernie is pushing for a federal minimum of fifteen dollars, but even his own campaign isn't uphold
that, but also this you ve got people quitting. That's the gist of the story. You know burning to cut their hours. My final question is: will the union pressure Bernie to pay wretched for four retro pay? Ok, if negotiate negotiations are happening now that means, as an extended period of time you people worked where they do it received. Fifteen thousand our Bernie pay up. I think so put your money where your mouth is. So you know look, I will add in the main, I did a bigger segment on this together. Dead is kind of an update and I give Bernie the benefit of the doubt. Send you I really don't know about this. I'm sure he'll rectify the problem. Boy was, I wrong. Did he know a technically did but come on man that suggests that is a dirt. Move you now. If someone came to me and said I want to raise, I wouldn't be like work less hours. You can't work saturnine, some anymore, it's like I do, but I need more money for this job period and extra day. Oftener can help me, oh, but guess what, on your extra
you can go work a second part time job right, then you'll have the money you need to pay for. What I think is good considered. The salaries they receive will not change. If somebody can't eat salary: Bernie is paying them. What does an extra day off guarantee? Oh now, you can go worker Mcdonald's part time to make up that weight that, though the wage difference cause Bernie that pain you enough good job Bernie. I appreciated cigarette next time it will be at four p m at Youtube accomplished gas, that is a different gentle and I will see you there. I won't let you guys in a big secret TIM Pool, absolutely detests the Democrats and the Dnc, though my politics are on the left. There is a reason why I don't like the Democrats for one they stole it from Bernie. It's always been. Elite is corporatist game, but I'm not a far left individual. I dont like the far left, crazies damaging my environmental arguments and actually hurting progressive causes, because, in my opinion, there knots and they're not that smart,
but you also have these elite moderate democratic order, millionaires and, and it's it's an impenetrable fortress of elite ism sitting atop their ivory tower restricting anyway I'm coming in any sane, rational person was have real. Conversation is shut out. So yes, I clearly over the Democrats, and I find it funny how there's a lot of people that you know asked me like war, yours being in a regular democrats like listen, it's not about the Democrats, I'm not so blind but I can't actually assess what's really going on, I'm an honest opinion, but biases are obvious. I've been physically attacked by Anti by several times the Democrats store but nomination from burning and I were in media combined those things and you can see what I care about criticising the media. For their bias dog criticized the Democrats
being illegally or insane and criticising anti, but because they attacked me in the past. My vices are obvious: it's the world that I focus on the things that I see in injury, planed anybody, but they try to act like that. All those things make me right wing oh, I just have those particular life experiences, and so I see these things as, in my opinion, big problems. I am also not damn right. I can look at story of story. We can see the Democrats at least the Dnc, their dirty rotten cheaters. They are told the story or its all about might prevail. Who I think is funny but whatever, but at that stage the millionaire and and look I'm going to give companies like he's a billion there. I get it man, it's a country for which people check this out very, very anti war individual, and I thought it would be awesome to see him on that. It stage to shake up these elite IST Democrats totally like the
What everybody at that stage, the millionaire and and look I'm not gonna, give companies like he's a billion there. I get it man, it's a country for which people like us up us and I ll set us all up of Pasok insane. That's why I was actually hopeful for our cause, your core tasks. I, like the story of a working class person stepping up but she's, proven herself to be not that bright. So there you go with us. Let us together, that's ok, here's the thing this from a few days ago, five days ago, five thirty, whose in and whose out of the Second democratic debate Well, you know who should have been but isn't might gravel microbes got that owners. He needs to do. He needs to be on the debate stage. Ok, but he didn't get the poles. He knew so they're gonna go with due blogs. Yahoo doesn't have a donors, Steve Bullock, I don't even know who that is John Hiccup Loop or TIM Ryan. Oh, come on! Listen.
When you talk about poles all day and night, but donors show you one people actually care and now here's the kicker one the reasons I detest. Ok, this not so much the Dnc fault- I guess maybe, but its is the Dnc it's the media took us out as they. Although reveals driver, sixty five thousand donors became something of a cause, select celebrate on Twitter. Former senator has had only one qualifying pull in alternating. Some surveys haven't even listed him as an option for responding to choose from, but the fact that its campaign, a struggle to attract support, isn't all it surprising, given he isn't campaigning vigorously his evil. Private his bed as a patio campaign, not to mention
operation is primarily managed by two teenagers. Dont care he's got the donors of which one was me. No one ever called me and asked me who I'd be supporting. Did they I'd put him in the top three he's above Marian Williamson only because of his anti war stance when you go to a website? Here's what you see war What is it good for? Well, let's be real as much as I oppose a lot of what Obama did and have criticised a lot of what struck Trump. Has done in foreign policy? I'm not an idiot who thinks war should never happen. Ok, sometimes war has to happen its unfortunate. I am. I am that the more the main reasons why I am very very anti wars, because, philosophically I am anti death penalty and I believe we should not be killing other people. It's it's a complicated position, there's a lot of other things going into pro choice and pro life
yet it maybe I'll have a conversation with someone else. We talk about my. U no bigger issues I want to. I don't wanna get off track on this one's life. I apologize. If people want to learn more about my philosophies, but war at least the way the? U S has done. It has been very, very bad for us. The non didn't turn out very well. You know very good for us. I think Korea, as I'm kind of leaning towards yeah, ok, maybe it was a good thing, because South Korea's awesome Anne S, tremendous support from the? U S, but look the revolutionary war was a good thing. It was important needed to happen, is unfortunate civil war to very grateful for those who risk everything in the civil war to fight for for about a better world. I also recognise that there,
winners and there are losers, but the way the? U S, conduct their wars, its subversive its regime change its pressuring other countries to serve our interests. It's complicated. Sometimes I get by they. Do it and still disagree, the complicated global you know political system we have, my gravel has war. What is it good for And the sandwiches, by what is its five trillion dollars and on regime change war since two thousand one. So you wanna talk about solving domestic problems. Well, hey! There's a budget, the pull from what? If, instead of inflating the war economy which it look, it does go into the? U S and people, you know, get jobs making weapons, but what, if, instead It went into the health care economy into school. So these are these are reasons I think you know that I prefer not to have the regime change war. Now I get it I know why they're not gonna have might prevail on they don't take them seriously. They don't think he actually wants be present
the eighty nine years old and if they view it s kind of a joke campaign, they shouldn't it shouldn't be that way. I don't care what you think. I think Kemal airs the joke Camp actually know she's totally corporate she's, exactly what it expects so here I want to point this out. That's funny because I think gravel, twenty twenty is a funny thing that deserves to be highlighted when you, to his act: blue donation, page. I saw this on Twitter. Here's what happened they said in order to qualify for the debates. You need sixty five thousand,
and I I've I've seen him speak I've seen as past debates- and I said good, I want about their screeching at Joe Biden. That sounds awesome, so I click the link saw this and there it is donate four dollars and twenty cents, and I laughed and said, do absolutely because listen, this is the left, can't mean and that's true to an extent and its be at one. The problems left has, is they don't? They dont have committed youthful exuberance, the rights got it all. The jokes are right wing and they dominate that space. This is something fun on the left, which is surprising to me because they're so stodgy, uptight and offended by everything I saw this and I laughed for twenty and for twenty again alike. Making light of their having fun. I like that, we need more of that, especially on the debate stage. While the Democrats aren't going to allow it, I wouldn't CNN they're not going to allow it, even though my gravel has met the donor threshold to qualify for the democratic primary debate.
So I think it is fair to say love. You can look hopefully take them seriously. I don't think he takes himself seriously but were aiming to ban the debate stage and here's the big problem here why I do not like the Democrats, because, When you say these are the rules, I say: ok, I play by those rules and you pull the rug out from under under me every single time. I try now, of course I dont get. It tells you. Ever to Andrea, I seriously under them. There wasn't a joke, I get it. I gave carvel for twenty. I gave Mary whims and I think, like ten bucks, I could be wrong a movement and given all of them, because I want to see them on the debate. Staged other think they ll win, but I look without them. What you get you get the stodgy corporate Democrat saying the same garbage talking points so spices you know what I I said earlier, and I say this a lot the world is for its. It's just lies. That's why I want to go development stage
I'm sick and tired of the plastic people standing on tv, giving their plastic opinions. So I'd like you to do. I don't want to work for a big corporation. It's why I like authentically social media conversations. I dont like fake news, fake outrage, people pretending to be met all the time the world is just people lying Bill MAR set it. You know in private. We also politically incorrect things. All the time then, on tv, it's just lies lies lies, sway, political correctness, I'll tell you what I really think my opinions aren't secret, that's funny that there's like people are left. I try and act like there's like us. Secret group of people secretly have like fringe far, I believe like good. I ran for an hour and a half every day. I don't write any of this down. I literally just talk like you get my opinions so exciting way,
Here's what I want to see genuine people and I'll criticise toasty gabert for this as well, while I think she does better than most going on Joe Rogan, for instance, I still think she does the poetic You know the politicking, I understand, I guess you have to that's why I don't need to prevail and one of them on the stage, and now I'm angry that he's not going to be on the stage He wasn't in the polls. What what are you supposed to do? These are the rules you sat at the polls don't actually list candidate will then, how is he supposed to win its rigged by the media and the Democrats? That's how the game is played and then I'll tell you what happens you get down a Brazil feeding questions Hillary Clinton rigged. You get a natural disaster. Pr guy comes out, says nonsense. Rigged the system is rigged, it's always rigged. That's why I'm surprised Donald Trump One and its a bit of a you know: catharsis in Donald Trump victory and twenty. Sixteen, I admit I laughed I laughed when he won, because I was sitting in this office. Indeed,
surrounded by all these Democrats also Cassandra Fairbanks Tromp supporter she she's a Trump supporter and they're all laughing and gloating and smiling like Hitler is gonna win and tromp. So angry here goes and its the snooty elite isn't so annoying and when that when the media are shifting a trump I started laughing, I just it was come up events for these snooty elites who think they're better than you they stole it from Bernie Sanders will burning. Let me down is a different issue, but the I'm. There was Bernie Sanders whose campaign started from humble means who rose to prominence through a real message that resonate with people and an Clinton's thought from him, and the elites got their commitments, Michael more said, it was the biggest a few America was gonna, send to the corporate elites, or something like that- and I agree I vote for tromp. I wanted Bernie to win and I'd, I dont know where, on that now I dont think you know I'd want burning to win at this point, but I guess you know that we're we're at, and it's not surprising. I guess
we see now. You know but Democrats doing with the Democrats so not only to make this video three hours long you get it. Revile will not be in the debates and that's it. That's that's a shame that is wrong and I feel cheated because I don't need to him, because the rules? So when I was to go round, I got a couple more assignments coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you shortly yesterday a group of around fifty illegal immigrants. I dont have a really explain who they are because they make it into the? U s plenty to say: fifty people, undocumented migrants, stormed the Rio Grande bridge. Border agents fired tiered. Ass at them boy I gotta say: do we have a border crisis? Things seem to be getting worse and worse and store story itself is rather short, but following this. I do have some years our talk about pertaining to our cause. Yo Cortez. You want some kind of like nine, eleven style commission to investigate Trump, but I'm just you don't. Let me explain to you really quickly before getting this. Why she frustrates me so she's talking she put on some tweet
how that the infrastructure in New York is crumbling, like they need to fix the trains and, unlike Dude Amazon, tax revenue was going to help alleviate the infrastructure problem by funding repairs to the empty yea. You blocked that and then, when she does, blockage comes out. Like will I didn't do anything, I don't even given that district. Ah man, she is, she is a character. I gotta say that. Well, that's all! three, the news and then get into our two issues with her before we get started, had overtime, casta com slashed on it. If you want to support my work, is a pay pal, optional, crypto option physical address but, of course share this video you to pass d ranked us, so the best then you can do to support me is just send this video social media unshared, where you can, because you know you do bosom its propping up corporate media. So, even though I am reading a Fox news story, I get it from Fox NEWS. They report border agents, use tear gas to stop nearly fifty undocumented migrants who stormed Rio Grande Bridge
U S! Customs and border protection agents had used here s an pepper spray early Saturday to stop nearly fifty undocumented individuals from illegally entering the? U S after they stormed a port of entry along the. U S, Mexico Border in Texas official said the incident at the far Re Nova International Bridge took place around four, a m. The bridges, clothes between midnight and six a m but see BP had has had to construct temporary barriers in the middle of a spanish due to the large influx of migrants using the bridge at night, a sea, BP official, told Fox news. The group attempted to rush across the bridge. In three waves, ignoring commands to stop. The group suddenly rushed the temporary barricades bet, metal, poles and disable the concertina wire affixed to the barrier. The official said sea, the officers but border patrol agents, far police and members of the Texas Department of Public safety were called upon
to prevent the group's entry. According to the official I want to say this is what I believe may that maybe the second time we have seen a massive wave of illegal immigrants, try storming the cross border. It was several months ago we saw them all rush across the border. I believe that was near San Sidra, so this a smaller group, always before those hundreds of people storming the? U S, border and and the nerve of the democratic to put to insist, there's no crisis, and now here we are the problem: getting worse every day, several males in the group disregarded commands to stop and physically pushed through the barriers. Official said when confronted by sea be officers. The combative individuals begin assaulting the officers by punching and kicking and attempting to grab the officers protective devices. To individuals were charged with interference and federal charges are pending against fourteen others were apprehended the officials at I think that mexican officials remove the remaining individuals from the bridge.
Gotta go to ask a question here. I've never been a fan of the invasion rhetoric because these people aren't government actors. But what do you call it when a rogue group of fifty or so people start physically attacking border agents? I don't want to act like it's a you know. It's it's coming from, Guatemala, Honduras, whatever country they came from, but these people people are organised and attacked. The border is also important to point out We saw store out long ago, I'll, alleging that anti fascist activists were training migrants just for these kinds of scenarios with weapons as well, but whether or not this connected, I do now, I'm not trying to draw that connection. I'm just saying don't be surprised. If we see more of this, especially after what we heard from federal law enforcement, going on moving on they say the bridge opened to commercial traffic at eight a m. After a two hour delay, the Trump Administration has and they did, that asylum seekers remain in Mexico, while their cases are heard in an effort to slow the flow of mostly central american migrants of southern border.
Why does also said this week? It was banning migrants from seeking newest protections if they pass through another country. First, first, though, that rule has been challenged in and that's why the acl you, I will also stress, I may have missed reigned this before I. You know saying that this is a actually banning asylum for most people. The real issue, is they can claim asylum to the? U S, but they have to do a? U S consulate in whatever country there and if they move through it. So if you're in Mexico- and you come to the- U S, your good, if you're in Central America and Mexico first go to a consulate, otherwise I think that's the role they may still be barred, but but I wanna make sure that's the clear than theirs new ones in the issue. They say those policies and others and again the lawsuit being followed by the sea. All you against trumps policy change. They say those policies and others make it hard to seek asylum. Those policies and others that make it hard to seek. Asylum, have led some migrants to cross the border illegally out of desperation, the mexican government
now its plans this week to spend millions of dollars to improve migrant shelters and detention centres that house families, but in Southern Mexico, far from the U S, border also want to stress, Another story covered recently is that Mexico has been conducting immigration raids as well. It's not just the! U s an ice! It's a mexican immigration officials, storming schools and churches in buildings and apprehending as illegal immigrants and supporting them. But now, let's talk about the certainty that has caused Cortez, because she wants a nine eleven style Commission to investigate Trump family separation policy- one. Even mean, and why we wasting time going back to the points I made about cause YO, Cortez and the empty a issue. It seems like she'd. She screws things up and and blames everyone else at their screwed up. You want to fix the empty, a New York. You need tax revenue for that Amazon was going to do that. You lead protests, you headlined a protest event in the financial district, calling you know trying to
stop them from coming in. So why, then, should I listen to you when you're upset about the problems you created? The same can be said for trot. One of the criticisms we have on the left is that you know people want to praise trot for pulling back on run when he's the one who ordered the strike on IRAN in the first place. I can respect the criticism, but I will stress this: there's a difference. Trump ordered a strike and then stopped himself good. Stop yourself more! Oh cause, your Cortez was facing this problem in New York and what did she do damage to deal that would have brought the tax revenue and then complained about the loss of tax revenue? That's different. I get it. You know she creator own problems. The story from the hill? They say that agency on Saturday called for a nine eleven style commission to investigate the effects of the Trump Administration policy that lead to family separations. As at the southern border, the freshmen lawmaker made, the demand will speak
at an immigration town hall in our home district, according to the guardian of Cassio Cortez, who has become one of president trumps favorite targets because everybody hates her only judge her favor abilities, like twenty two percent in swing state. So, let's be honest, said if the Democrats win back the Senate and Wood and White House, the government should convene a special commission to investigate family separation, She she actually my. She actually invokes nine eleven to the nine Eleven commission. They were charged with with the investigating and may I'm sure they dug out every nook and cranny of what happened and how it happened, and I just didn't think not even mention building seven. I could be wrong about this. I don't know. I don't want to talk about that and I think that kind of study is what's going to be required in order to reunite as many children with their parents as possible. That's the work we have to do pretty sure report came out saying. Ninety five percent of migrant children had been reunited was
wrong. Our now that I know the commission also known as the National Commission on terrorist attacks upon the United States, was launched in November two thousand two to probe the circumstances surrounding nine. Eleven court has added U S. Law now has a lifelong commitment to the children at separated from their parents, adding he believes we have responsibility to provide mental health care services to those children for the rest of their lives. But Heaven forbid we do same thing for homeless people in LOS Angeles man. You know the virtues signalling its mind, numbing, I'm glad the concept of virtue signalling is now making it like. The ideas made its way mainstream with criticism for for many people, it's it's that the idea is now. You know known to the common folk. Regular people are hearing this term, which basically means you don't act.
We care about what these children went through? You don't care about the border, otherwise would have voted on providing humanitarian aid. You care about politicking, posturing to win an election, and I hate I I just can't stand it everything's, fake, everything's alai. She doesn't actually care about this stuff. I really really doubted you know there was she wants to look over the cameras. She said It shows me to my court. No, it doesn't to think about twenty years from now, when these kids grow up the story that they will have about America. That is exactly why we cannot. We cannot allow the US administration to define immigration policy within the United States. This is something that I think is going to have to take a nine eleven style commission. You know what men not not not a day, by she doesn't say something or do something that I find it absolutely reprehensible. Invoking nine eleven now prepared the children. It's an emotion no game its emotional baiting. She doesn't.
When actual policy to offer you so instead, what they do they manipulate look at the green new deal. Was it about the environment Oh, it was too it was. It was like the first page talk about the environment the rifle socialism Free Healthcare, free college, guaranteed income. It's just that their manipulating what you care about to try and sell to try and push things they know you don't and to me that is that a selfish and discussing, but you know what I ll leave it. There stick around couple more Sigma one more time into com in a few minutes, and I will see you shortly- the Democrats and the left have run out of space, ok, they're, trying to push everybody and and make accusations and claims, but they have run out of room to actually push people. Let me, let me explain, see the meat you're functions on outrage. They make money by manipulating you into being angry because anger generates the most shares so they do is not an article saying you know is tromp a racist.
It gets a million views. So what do they do? The next day, when you can't write this model twice. Somerset Trump is a racist. Now then say Trump. Airs Republicans, never thought he was saying it for the five hundred time won't change that have nowhere else to go for one. They have called Trump a racist for three years, Nobody cares anymore, it's just not! No one cares. Listen! The Democrats, alright. Think he is congratulations. Nobody cares, Republicans, never thought he was saying it for the five hundredth time. Won't change that and moderates are sent their golden dude just stop been there done that, and what do we have here? Corey Booker takes aim at Trump quote, he's worse than a racist. Always worse is worse. Now, the other side of racism. There's no way for you to go anymore. There's nothing. You can say it's part of strong. It was part of trumps strategy in my it was an went when he was running twenty. Sixteen, you think about how we branded the other Republicans. You know,
low Marco Lion, TAT, low energy, etc. What did he do yet scandal controversy after scandal and controversy, and that resulted in nothing. You could actually brand him with. Couldn't call him lazy or incompetent or office, because he did everything so that it can dismissing Trop. They could pick one, so the media just didn't do do its job or or the additives is giving an endless press now, there's enough now, no Corey what're you trying to do here is worse than a racist because calling about rates for three years eventually has no meaning. I do worse than a racist. I guess once you as the citizens of the daily collar actually before we get started, had overtime, guest outcomes lashed out it. If you want to support my working paper, locked in a crypto option, a physical address, but of course the best thing you can do
Share this video Youtube SD ranked independent commentary. So I were, I rely on you to share this end to grow. My channel get word of mouth. If you don't think I deserve a then by all means, don't share it. You can leave a comment explaining why you, when you hate me, if you hate me otherwise, let's hear the news. Democratic, New Jersey, Senator Corey Book, or took aim at President Donald Trump during Sunday morning, state of union on CNN saying that he was worse than a racist, The New Jersey Senator, who is also a contender for twenty- we get. It argued that tromp as used racist statements to stir up hatred among Americans, which makes him effectively worse than someone who just holds a racist views is that it is there's nothing left. There is nowhere for you to go. You cats did it's just the play Farmers, it's done. Guest homestead abashed began assignment by asking Booker about the President's racist comment about the squad. Bash asked why he had stopped short of saying that the present was a racist well. I actually I'm not Booker responded the reality as this
guy, who is worse than a racist. He's Julie using racist drops in language for political gain, to use as a weapon to divide our nation against itself. This is somebody who is very similar to George Wallace, two races to use the exact same language. Somebody texted me during his rallies I've seen this before in black and white non sing, it again decades later. All here we go here, we go, he says, this is an election in many ways- is another chapter in our american history. Is a referendum not on him, but actually arrive. And among the heart and soul of our country. Who are we going to be well? Clearly? Not you you, you, the Democrats of lost the plot. I don't get me wrong. I mean I'd, be I'd, be a fool to make any hard predictions who knows gonna happen, they say that our trump commented on the same for congresswoman knows the squad saying he didn't believe they are capable of loving America. Well, it's not just Corey Booker, because here we have another story from Ill Hon Omar. Now, what do you do when Trump is already races?
he's already worse than a racist? Well, here's what you do you claim he wants to he once every brown and black person deported and Muslims band wow. You know what there's a certain point. They're gonna claim that Donald Trump wants to steal, puppies and and and and throw kittens off buildings what wealth they have left they ve gone from. Trump is right. There's. Two trump is worse than a racist, now, literally Trump, once every black and brown person deported whoop up. You are just being the shark on this. It's all they have left, but you know what I'm gonna stressed. That's why trump wants these people front in sunder? Think about it. They are off message right now. You ve got a moderate family, that's not overly political there's, a dad trying to find work and make sure his daughter can go to school and he turns on tv and hears
Rob say something like you know: we're bringing back jobs. The economy is great, we're gonna, make sure you can save money for your kids, granted trumps as stupid things on an online and on tv too, but he turned the Democrats and he's thinking this the economy is great. You know I've got a job if, on a new job, I'm workin again, my kids are going to school. That's great! I know it's the Democrats, what you have to offer and there dreaming Donald Trump as racists like. Oh ok. Why heard that? But what are you gonna do for my family and then, where they do they yell again. Trump is a racist. I dont understand how you insulting the president helps my family, consume food and acquire resources and better our lives and their response once again is trope, isn't really serious. That's all I here at least I mean listen, let's be real, they do have policies. Ok, the Democrats, Ab
lately have policies, I'm actually going to say that I am impressed by Elizabeth Warren Cheek. I can't pull over my head, but I was watching the news. It was a local news channel nearby that, as you know, even some mexican food and she was talking, but our plan for big tech, and I was actually impress on what we do need to stop these massive tech oligopoly. So props tools with war on our policy positions. But then what ends up happening is that Chrome is playing the media, and the Democrats like a fiddle- and he wants eel- had Omar frightened sender, because she's not talking about policy positions. If the Democrats don't stand back up, center themselves. They are not going to win The orange he has more than doubled their fundraising at that point that the main channel- and this is partly the reason trump- is manipulating them and they fall for it. Every time, Nancy Policy propping up a little more there's a reason why conservatives talk about Omar theirs,
reason why critics of the Democrats talk about Omar because she is being put frightened centre. There is nothing we can do about it. You'll hear from like media Madison left the conservatives are putting them front centre on purpose to her. The heart. The Democrats, while some certainly are the reality, is The media. Did it time magazine. Did it the media keeps putting these people in front of us and the Republicans love it's so the Republicans dive Ellen Omar, says nonsense and swords Elsie, and then everyone is talking about it. Look coach Cortez has like what four point: five million followers. This is just a downward spiral.
For the Democrats. Beta Iraq is a great example, as I mentioned at the end of might might moment. My main channel video will talk about this battle. Rourke had no substance, he was nothing. He was quite literally the guy who stood on tables. What was the offering people? Nothing? The media prompt him up because they want they take the form of a reason for whatever reason he loses now: they're, not propping up anymore, and where is he now where he has no base his knees, not pulling very well and its obvious? He never had the support. The media is to blame for all of this, why did anyone ever talk about NATO? The media chose to the media chose to have him on to put my magazines and no one ever actually cared and now he's gone. What do the Democrats have invested in the Olano Mark, the media's propping her up as well? You know the Democrats lose. I do think they will in twenty twenty, I'm actually really
worry about twenty twenty four. They have only the media to blame. You ve got these digital eyelids like vocs and an buzzfeed to a lesser extent, but yes, splinter, etc, is MOTO and they push this left wing to terrorism which infects twitter or, or vice versa, and the Woke Democrats just eat it all up and then pander like my god. Why is it that beta Rourke campaigned in Mexico he'd be literally did why's that Korea Bucker, went to Mexico, escorted, illegal immigrants and because they're paying attention to the media, who is feeding of trash, complete garbage and that's why you get Ellen Omar frightens under Trump knows it so Trump takes. The risk himself puts her up. And now what does she say? She said she claims that tromp wants every black and brown person deported so that it will read the story. They say that Democratic Minnesota, Rep Eleanor tweeted, that present Donald Trump is a racist wants. All minorities deported and all Muslims band sang
you. Should you all should end this charade and accept that this raises present. Once every black and brown person deported and muslims band is immigration policies say this much. You have jumped the shark man. No one believes that's true at all. Is it's crazy because you ve been got people who hate trop defending him? There is that there is a funny Video called stop making me defend Trump, and I- and I are related that video. You should you watch some years ago. I relate to it so much because all yoyo alike here conversation where people are saying. Can you believe that you know trumpeted acts and I'll be like? Oh, I will actually trumpeted why and we'll go why you defending troubling you your did. Your facts were I'm not trying to find the guy I'm trying to make sure the facts are straight. You ve, gotta, be insane to deny that tromp is. Is a strategy? Is working and he's path. The victory and this denial is what caused the Democrats, the victorian twenty sixteen and they still have learned nothing, and here I am wiggling my arms and shot and a brick wall
you guys are doing the same thing? You don't realize it Michael more agrees with me Trump He's gonna, win twenty twenty I'll. Let you get your act together, but they won't trumpets, got them on puppet strings. He knows exactly what you need to do, how we need to do it and they dance they dance and the media is tromp has gained the media's hole ice people. He sells his brand his name. He knows how to play public attention and the media eat up, because they don't care about the Democrats. They don't care about. What's fair, they care about the ratings and they give up propping themselves up trump knows it and he feeds the ego. It was, I think, those John Stewart was this. The ego is blocking the media from actually doing their jobs
but I can say, is only times all I'll leave it. There stick around next segment tomorrow at ten, a M podcast everyday six, six, thirty p m, and I will see you next time.
Transcript generated on 2020-04-02.