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Trump's Policies Have Been Vindicated And The Fake News Narrative Proven To Be LIES


Trump's Policies Have Been Vindicated And The Fake News Narrative PROVEN To be Lies. Amid a real and growing crisis Trump has been vindicatedDemocrats demand Trump enact his federal power to bring manufacturing back to the USA and most Americans now support the presidents efforts in dealing with our current global crisis.Yet still the media tries to smear him and lie about what he and his team have been doing.What if I told you the media has been pushing the same lies they accused Trump of pushing? What if Trump just repeats what he hears in the news and then the media quickly changes his narrative to make him look bad? This is exactly what is going on and unfortunately for us while Trump was working on solutions to our current problem the media was lying and Democrats were trying to impeach him. Well the Democrats impeachment failed and it has proven to be disastrous as it wasted valuable time.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
According to the new, your post, Donald Trump policies will be vindicated in the wake of the corona virus. I agree, but I ll go one step further. Donald Trump policies have already been vindicated he's been talking about? China, nonstop and now Democrats are Billy demanding that bring the manufacturing back by using federal authority to mandate these companies, do it? What about border security? Trump has always talk. A border security. Now he's sick the northern and southern borders and guess what, according to three different poles Georgie of Americans approve of trumps actions on the corona virus. So why is it then? The longest time people did not approve of what tromp was doing I've got one simple answer: the media there lies and the narrative they twist what he does. They take em out of context, right now you got some viral story about trucks, slam a journalist Peter Zander, whatever his name, is, but they caught out the context where this guy
sensation rising and trying to be pessimistic at a time when tromp was trying to be hopeful, guess what the majority of Americans are in agreement with what Europe is doing. So why is the press act in this way? It's what they ve always done. What, if I were to tell you that, when trumps after trot started the two SK forced to deal the krona virus, the media started putting out story saying no, no, no there's nothing here. This is tromp being xenophobic. What have I told you that after Trump instituted a travel ban on China, the media? out and started, smearing him relentlessly sang, it was more nationalism and it was unnecessary. Experts say it wouldn't work. What if I were to tell you that amidst everything there tromp of doing they were doing the same things themselves. You probably just say yes, I know TIM. What else is new? Well, maybe there People are just don't know how bad it really is. So I want to show you how bad it really is. It is impossible in our current media climate to truly understand what's happening because
They lie every step of the way. I'm sorry they do look, not every single journalist, not every story. I absolutely rely on many of these news outlets for the news I get too, but when I did through them in fact check, I can show you that they are completely lying about. What's been going on now and well, I've been critical of trumped saying that he could have a better job. He was actually doing a decent amount. At a time when the media was saying there was nothing to do, they criticised Sankey downplayed saying was like the flu guess what so that all of the major news outlets. So why is it that every time trump repeats something he sees them here? He hears the news they turn around and then lie and climate didn't actually happen that trumps, a big it for saying it, and I've got receipts man, I'm gonna, show you two sub It really is now for many of you. It's just confirmation biocidal but maybe there are some people who have truly seen how bad it is. Perhaps they haven't seen
the media lies and cuts out the context. I want to show you how they do it before we get started had over the TIM cast outcomes. Lush done it if you'd like to support my work, but the best thing you can do share this. Video and, if you're somebody who has received this video because we share with you, give it to you so. Let me show you how the media is lying to you about. What's been going on with the corona virus outbreak for them, is that our watching and like my videos, makes you subscribe hit that notification Bell just to make sure that Youtube actually send you, my video, because they ve been ranking and suppressing all of the videos about this topic, and you know, look if I were to keep doing this. I need your support on this one. So here's the story from your post, which I shall not think I need to read it's not that in the end, it is very obvious, but let's take a look at this one from the Washington Post opinion. This wouldn't have happened if Hillary Clinton had one really. Is that what you think well Donald Trump has been
has been bullish, he's really wanted policies to deal with China and border security. So if Hillary Clinton opposed those things, how would it not have happened? If anything, we are in a better position because Trump has held these opinions for a long time, according to the Blaze- and I will show you this first so that you have this as a prime. Before we go into just how awful the media really is. Doctor Fouche credits, president trumps, China, travel ban, opposed by Joe Biden with preventing ITALY's disaster. In the U S on Amazon, b c doktor value. Many people respect sad, that the travel ban, Trump and instituted with China so that they couldn't come here, went to great lengths to actually help protect us. He praised This is the export, and what an? What am I gonna show ominous show you how the media actually slammed Trump for doing so they have opposed him, no matter what he does, this
The proof the media narrative is bs. Everything he does is wrong. Take a look at this tweet that I put out this morning. Media study, finds promising results trump, while these rules are promising. Let's get on this, the media, oh my God, Ella well trumpets so dumb Orangemen is bad. Here is a story from tech crunch March. Nineteenth French, study, fines, anti malarial, an antibiotic combo could reduce covert nineteen duration. Yes, good news. Studies very preliminary is a small sample size, but it is promising that was what tech crunch said. Then, on the twenty first, uptown game, changing drug cocktail for corona virus linked to fatal arrhythmia. The president, who is not a doktor, recommended potentially dangerous drug combo to a seventy four million followers. What do we have to lose? He asked becomes negative all of a sudden, but I thought they were just praising it. How was that a store can come out, trouble see it repeat. It then all of a sudden.
Bad news. Well, take a look at this from Bloomberg. Virus drug touted by Trump Musk can kill with just two grand dose Sazen. At a Bloomberg story with no byline. So we have no idea who wrote this. Yes, it's just more smears about this one CNN, politics, Trump petals, unsubstantiated hope in dark. Times, and they say for the past two days trump has said he is dispensing game, changer breakthroughs on treatments and a wartime style effort to mass produce medical supplies, Why went from says Hydroxyl Chloric when they set their mice and could help they smear him and they say it's dangerous unease wrong and he is not a doktor. Tell me then where's, the criticism of Governor Cuomo, Andrew Cuomo right now is being propped up with Hashtag President Cuomo sang lookout presidential he is amidst this crisis from NBC New York, Governor Cuomo, says state state to start clinical drug trial authorizes temporary hospitals
U S, two nationalize medical supply buying, they say ethically mention New York state, is also running clinical trial, beginning Tuesday of a treatment regiment of Hydroxyl Chloric when and as if their moisten too on that. Doctors in Africa and elsewhere say they ve seen good results in fighting the virus will hold on a minute. That's what Trump was tweeting about. Oh he's, being smeared over the exact same thing that Andrew Cuomo assaying? Certainly We can now see how the media narrative has been a lie. The whole time right. Oh, let me break it down, for you, gonna be fun. Media matters, you gotta love, media matters. They produce crackpot conspiracy theories. They lied about me and lies that were so absurd that people looked at it and said So let me tell you they did it did a screenshot of needle literally reading a new source and then attributed the to me. Instead of the new source and claimed I was spreading conspiracy theories,
was a mainstream major new source. That's what they do. It's fake news, Fox NEWS and protract me: I did everything they could four weeks to downplay the threat corona virus, some in right wing media may be starting to take the global pandemic seriously, but not before endangering people's lives with reckless coverage you know, MIDI Matters actually read them that there is. Some dangerous media coverage. That needs to be called out, and we should go right to Fox NEWS is Tucker Karlsson, who await what's that on February. Third Tucker Karlsson was talking on how dangerous this was met with the president and warned him shortly after the President instituted a travel ban on China. Wait a minute. While I think it's true that its fair point out. There were Fox news, personalities absolutely downplaying this, and I will absolutely give them my criticism and disrespect but guess what men, when the New York Times says the same thing? Why what I hold them to a special standard? Why would I say foxes
bed now they're all bad double crossing, actually really good, they say Karlsson talked about the, taken as monologue, gonna show on February third tension at the time was focused on the EU will Caucasus and that when people see every through an ideological lends, its very hard to tell a straight straightforward story: the story from Newsweek actually say that Tucker Karlsson warned, the president will that's good news? because only a few days prior on January, twenty ninth tromp had formed the White House Corona Virus taskforce. Well that seemed a bit pre emptive and then on the thirty first, he actually institute Did a travel ban so Trumpet Ministration announces mandatory quarantines in response to krona virus announcement comes as U S? Airlines cancel flights to China amid growing fears January thirty. First, no, you know go on January. Thirty first is really funny. I was thinkin myself, man we're in the midst of this lock down you. I can't leave my house, I mean I can, but you know that
was duly miles. Where was I- and why did a video about this? On the twenty third of january- and I definitely downplayed it- I immediately correctly when I start seeing the data coming in, but you know I had my fault. You know it's perfect and so I started wondering why why? Why are we talking about this? Oh, what were the Democrats doing well when Trump was forming a task force the deal with the corona virus and installing travel restrictions and a quarantine. The Democrats were trying to impeach him and was that his fault, if his attention was split, it's almost like they're trying to take the plane downward, is flying it and they get mad at him for the bumpy ride. Well, let me show you just how fun things really get I want you to remember that media matter store where they said the dangerous coverage. Ah, yes, danger coverage like on January twenty Eightth bids Inside of writing. The flu is a far bigger threat to most people in the. U s them whew on corona virus years. Why wait a minute? Not only are they
weighing up the false narrative that the flu is worse, but they literally called the womb uncrown of ours. I thought that was racist. I thought it was racist when trumps at China Virus are we on virus o guess what, throughout the entirety of the coverage the mainstream media has referred to it, just as this will on China, China, Ease and all of a sudden other changing their tune. They're they're going at any rate, you know a man I want to hear about this. From yours. I today career viruses, scary, but the flu is deadlier and more widespread on February first, this was after Rob had already put in place, the ban after he had already put in place the tax tat, the court of ours taskforce, the media was coming on. Saying saying this thought? Oh, don't think I'm done! I love this. One get a grip: America! The flu is a much bigger threat, then corona virus. For now this story from February. First, about the new, times. This is from forehead Manual, said the new viruses after all, as just acceded. Two hundred and thirty four context about fifteen millions, fifteen million
chickens have been sickened by the seasonal flu so far in the twenty nineteen, twenty twenty flew season and eight thousand two hundred have died from it. The flu kills between three thousand and six hundred forty thousand people around the world annually. What we're me more than the new disease. Is that fear of a vague and tat, Fine new illness might spiral into panic, and then it might be used to justify on necessarily severe limits on movement and on civil liberties. Especially on racial and religious minorities around the world. I'm actually can give him credit for this one. This story from far it's actually pretty good the time I think he was justified in saying I'm not super worried that the numbers are kind of low. Now I think he was, ill off- and it was slightly irresponsible in that the White House had already issued a statement at this was way worse than the flu, but the time I can't blame everybody for not being you know, super smarten, knowing literally everything as I made similar mistakes. I also completely agree with him
when he says we're gonna see our civil liberties and movement curtailed under the guise of a terrifying new threat. But the point is you can't criticise the president when he says it's. Just like the flu. When the New York Times said the flu was worse. You want to know where trumpet crazy idea at the crowd of ours. Wasn't there Have you got it from the fake news? He from the media that is now criticized: for saying what they literally said. It's it's amazing, I absolutely love it up at the new corona virus. Isn't a threat, the people in the United States, but the flow is thanks allay times now. Here's We have from White House that Gov this January thirty first mind you, doctor Fouche, you thank you. Much MR secretary. The concept, underlying the action that you'll hear about shortly is the issue of the unknown aspects of the budget of this particular outbreak. So let me enumerate just a few of those I can start off by putting it
into perspective. By telling you I often get asked we have an influenza outbreak here we have about eight thousand, that's already. We have about two hundred thousand hospitalizations. Why are we paying such attention? and why are we doing the kinds of things we are doing here right now, while the reason is despite the morbidity and more Howard with Influenza, there's a song anti, for example, of seasonal flu. I can tell you all guaranteed that, as get into March and April. The flu cases are going to go down. You could predict pretty accurately what range of the mortality is and the hospitalizations as we have done over the years. So solemn Let me let me reiterate January thirty. First, twenty twenty doktor found she had warned the american people in a press briefing. The flu is not that bad. Yet in the days following media public story after story after story sang the flu is actually worse. Did they not heed the warnings of the now famous doktor vouchers, someone who was put on a task force by the president and so in the past
When comes out and repeats the misinformation they collect, they say they blame the president for what they said. It's like the tweet. I showed you beginning drop trumps, he's a story in the news about these. These two drugs that are there, you know gonna help out and he says, hey the sounds greatness art smearing in fort and now we have Andrew Cuomo of New York. Don't get add ons anybody smearing him over the exact same thing, so the media plays you. Tromp is just repeating what he sees the news all, but there's more cause. You know, I'm not gonna be finished yet from politico on this is February, Fourth corona virus Quarantine, travel ban could backfire experts sphere. The government had has broad legal authority to detain people the name of public health, but politically diplomatically, it's more complicated. Oh here's one health exe its worn, China, travel ban will hinder Corona virus response and thus more trumps. I will ban expansion is an unexpected win for China. Oh, I love that one Washington post about project syndicate not super familiar, but this
trumps. Travel ban benefits only China here we have the verge sang. The new policies contradict advice from the World Health Organization, which said yesterday that countries should not real. Travel or trade in their response to the new virus. The world of organization said: the outbreak of the corona virus is a public health emergency of international concern World Health Organization. It was against their guidelines Really remember when they treated this on January, Fourteenth preliminary restoration conducted by the chinese authorities have found no clear evidence of human to human transmission of the novel corona virus identified, and we want of thanks thanks Walter. Organization for Sharing fake information, fake news from China, which made the problem worse and then you sad trumps plan was a bad idea. He shouldn't restrict travellers against our recommendations and now doktor vouchers NBC Bc sang, it was important. It was a good thing as well. Americans are buying the narrative anymore. You can only go
so far, screeching at the Orange man is bad and everything is he's. Doing is wrong up until people start getting confused because a timeline is being crunched. How is it that, just last month, they said tromp was wrong to begin learn about this and now we're here and sang tromp? Its is is raw was wrong. Not being is concerned, as we are now it early doesn't make sense. You're ve, a smear, the trump and store as smear the president and the Trump this the presidency. After story about his travelled, being a bad idea, but now doc bout, you saying it was great that he did. It doesn't make sense January twenty third from vocs dotcom. The evidence untrue, bans for diseases like krona viruses, clear they dont work their political feeder, not good public health policy. This is just what they do when Trump does something it's bad, when he does the opposite, it's bad. When he repeats information from them. It's bad! Congratulations! The narrative is busted its being exposed road. It is because we're in a real crisis along
many other vanity politic projects right all the social justice talk seems to evaporate. Celebrities seemed to become inconsequential because we're dealing with a serious emergency now and because life is not all candy Keynes and rainbows. What do we see in major urban centres where the Democrat strongholds are their rating gun shops there running in their buying up everything? What's that I thought you weren't big on the second amendment now when tromp is shutting down the border and turning away all asylum seekers. What are the polls show? Many Democrats are starting to agree with Trump as I have said in numerous but has in the past, it is easy to criticized the system when you live in safety and security. All of these woke progressive tat, their ivory tower dont know of the real struggles Americans face and so for them easy, and this is why I think you'll see that in Middle America, in these dying towns,
People are unemployed there, there screaming help us, and what do we get? The media gives them nothing but disdain because they don't understand just how hard things really are. Until trunk comes along and start saying, I'm gonna do these things to help you and guess what Trump was right. He was about China is right about border security and Americans are starting to realise why he was right. That's unfortunate trump should not have had two bit to add. Two have been proven right in these circumstances, with people losing their lives, but unfortunately he is, I'm starting to question all of you. I ve seen all these videos and I was critical the president because he had been downplaying the Krona virus and Tucker Karlsson says it was because Trump didn't trust. The fake news you know: there's these media outlets Papa this fake of fake information, I'm not surprised, but it turns out much of it was kind of a hoax. It's what we see you know you may have seen that clip we're trapped, does a thing with his hand and marks the reporter. The media then came out and said he was making fun of a guy for being disabled. I believe that for a long time
and then someone sent me a video from the walk away campaign. People work shows Trump making fun of everyone doing the same thing, the same our movements, he wasn't, singling that guy out trumps disk chums just eat mocks people of operative Thou and so I was sorry to realise out. I mean you and criticise them for doing that is bad behavior, but the media had lied about it. Now we have the story which I may have mentioned its that guy from from, I think NBC. Their show, eclipsing tromp is attacking the press, as you call this guy bad report they're saying this guy lobbed softball question at Trump asking. What would you say to a man Can swore scared right now in terms that I would say you're a bad reporter and lays into the guy what they cut out was the minutes of context before this, where the guy
was being overly, not are no use fearmongering, he was panicking whose pessimistic sang stop, giving people felt false hope, you're, giving people false hope of medication and tromp was trying to say look. It may not work on trying to be hopeful. There's these things are promising, but the guy kept going after him. So finally trumps it, you know what you're a bad reporter and there it is. The out of on text snip what they won't show you in any of this is how the media has perpetuated, lies smeared the president and claimed everything he was doing was thing he was doing was wrong and as soon as he reacts, they foot the script caught the context and make him look like he's crazy person. I dont think what tromp did was perfect. I actually Webster, early response, but I start to realize I dig into this- I wasn't payments You know what the media was saying because the impeachment process, so when I started There were in the midst of a new global crisis with the corona virus pandemic,
I started looking at all these other stories and I was shocked to find. While I was wrong a bit trump was reacting to this. I still don't think it was perfect, but you know what he made that task force any brought on doktor fatty who many people. Respect and found, she warned all of us on January thirty. First, the flu was not as bad that krona virus would be worse. Certainty was an issue and the media still pushed it lies in the wake were starting to see that much of the politics of these people on the left is fake. Take a look at the story from post millennial. The social justice called is falling apart as the world faces a real crisis. These political plays these claims. The Woke activism. It can't survive we're dealing with a real crisis where we just don't need celebrity anymore. Many jobs we'll finding out are completely irrelevant. Fortunately, for these media people who have pushed
fake news over and over again in a spouses garbage narrative, fortunately for them, but not for the rest of us. There are still considered critical infrastructure, essential personnel, I kind of gag, but you know what what can you say? You take the good with the bad, but when I go back to the first story, TAT policies will be vindicated for me. I've read all of these stories. I now realise just how much the media had lied about him and continue to do so. They can do to lie in almost every day. I think, to myself. You know what his policies are being indicated and not even just is meanwhile, I made a video by this couple days ago. Conservatives were proven right on border security and the second amendment you can't you can't see. Ill hand, Omar and an MSNBC, unseen and pundits praising the president did not recognise it. People, war or now waking up to the fact that we need to do many of the things he is he's proposed at the media has been tricking us when I leave it there, maybe
a perfect, maybe there's something I missed. I certainly think it's fair point out Fox news personnel is, did downplay this one lady pulled off the air, because, if it was, it was a trick Reagan. I could be wrong. So, yes, criticism where criticism is due. I absolutely will criticise Fox news, but guess what took a Karlsson was one of the first. That guy continues to impress me he was early on. He went over the president and because of him, I've said in the past. Tucker Karlsson may have saved the country. I think I really mean it here. I mean this crisis were facing is illegitimate, existential threat. Many people are gonna, lose their lives in the economies in serious danger. How we react to it. I dont know what the right answer is. All I can tell you, the media. Allied I'll, see you all the next day in the next segment at Youtube COM slashed him CAS new starting at six p m. Thanks rang out martial law, the military to cover of domestic enforcement, the suspension of civil liberties. Could it happen here? Well, a lot of people
probably saying no, of course not. That would be absurd. It's only happened on extremely rare occasions. However. The same bowl or others might not have expected the pandemic to have hit us thinking. This could never happen either. Children optimism bias, you think, won't happen. These things are rare, everything's gonna be ok until it happens in our fate, in a global pandemic, with an exponential increase in the amount of deaths every day in ITALY, for instance, that nearly eight hundred deaths in a single day. Yes, that substantially worse than the Lou with the flow of the military that would be called in to car away. The corpses, I know, maybe a little harsh but its reality. ITALY is dealing with a serious issue, a mortality rate around seven percent and it is because they have an older population and many other factors, but still with the flu, their certainty,
We know what the mortality rate as we know the infection right. We need to deal with it and sometimes people lose their lives. We are now facing an ever growing threat. There's gonna be way more people who are more likely to die from this. If we, don't get a handle on things will now we are seeing. The martial law may become the what were closer to it than ever before, Many people have been asking well the military takeover, and it just so happens that the United States government has put in place a plan for extraordinary circumstances and martial law, meaning the militated actually take over a bunch of videos, went viral showing military vehicles on trains. The first thing I have to say about this is that do these, Those are everywhere all the time, because the military is always moving equipment. It's just that now because we're in this pandemic. This lockdown people are highlighting. It Normally when people see military vehicles on trains are go. Oh wow, look at that Humphries, but because weren't alive
down there going well and they put their cameras film it some of their friends. It goes viral everybody freaks out just like that virus that viral tweet, I'm sorry, the viral text message I was going around that was absurd, saying that Trump was gonna, locked the country down for two weeks and get prepared look at the time. It was very obviously a hoax. What people want to share it, because they're kind of breaking up it is still possible, that tromp institutes a full on lockdown many people have called for it. So I want to show you what's going on with martial law, but I gotta make two important points as before me: the story, one ice don't think we're always away from the military coming in and fully taking over right. Now we will look, look we're facing an invisible threat. This is the corona virus. Ok, it's a pandemic. It's not a group of people so, to an extent you might see the military enforcing a lockdown for the most part, though, military, the National Guard, their coming to help us like their people too, and we are going to work together to get through this. If you see a bunch of deeds in you, no military gear. What
it's not because there is an evil empire coming to oppress you. It's because they were called in. Assist in the crisis. So I, like I, I'll tell you some stories about how I think it's funny people. There are a lot of people who really you feel like militaries be intimate. Personnel are others untypical. I find these city people who have never actually better military base or met people who work in the army, National Guard or whatever, but they're, just like people doing jobs. So for me, I'm not too worried for the most part. I do think we're facing an unprecedented time, and things may get worse. So preparing is very, very important. Get your supplies and I've talked about a time diamond dont. Let anyone shame you at this point, I'm pretty sure no one's gonna bother shaming you. If you actually want to gone by supplies, but there's some really crazy stuff go on men. The deal J has requested emergency powers. They would like to be able to indefinitely detain anyone it during this emergency, basically saying they can lock you up without trial or hold you before a judge. Can
and basically it's it's not just of her saying we want an indefinite and hide anybody. It's there saying before we the process you for arrest. We should be able to take you and put you in a cell and it's likely due to the fact, their concern about people who may be sick who are violating quarantine. And thus for the sake of everyone there, like we fail to do this, not offend and ran. Paul has called it out, ran Paul is saying on in twitter. We absolutely must, must resist government run amok, taking it They have a crisis. This is how your liberty dies, stand up America and resist D, J seeks new emergency powers amid corona virus pandemic. Unlike this guy ran Paul, and I agree with him on some cultural issues. I certainly agree with him on freedom and we must resist I gotta be honest. I don't know how much longer content like mine, we'll be tolerated, will be allowed.
I ve already been democratizing every single video I've dewie since every single, so if which weirdly like ninety five zero today, as I do in front of Irish, get demonetized yet for some reason, some of them, don't I unless they have no idea, why different reviewers maybe but oppose this untoward. I mentioned before it's a wall of confirmed democratization. Basically saying. If you talk about this, you will not make money, and so I know this, This, as usual, has been suspended, but you know what you're gonna recognised for that for two thousand may even millions of Americans who have lost their jobs been laid off. I still am lucky to continue to work and makes money, especially with all the support you guys give me through contribution. Or when I do sponsor spots that helped keeping floating. So you know I know I'm gonna lose money talking about the stuff, but these are the things that must be talked about: What does the scary things are really getting?
martial law may be a ways why I don't know, but I can show you something that really really freaks me out. Loring room. You know she is Fox NEWS, us kind of ambassador Fox news. We expect, I think, she's all right, I'm not a big fan. I liked her Karlsson a lot. I think tuckers the best guy on tv to be honest and cable news, but Lord other thing I got no beef, economically watershed She treated this medium article evidence over hysteria covered nineteen o six, four, six, nine medium is an article. I've been going viral, in fact I commented on the other day and I was critical of it actually cited a number conservative trump supporter who is also critical of it, and I think this is important to point out Lord Ingram and many servants are sharing this story, this article, which does a deep dive analysis into the cove at night into covered nineteen the pandemic and what they think the appropriate action would be, which is not as harsh.
What we're doing now, we'll Chamberlain, is a trump supporter conservative. He runs humans, events outcome and he was critical of this it's important because you can see that even within the Trump supporting right they're, not in total agreement as to whether This was a good analysis but analysis. Nonetheless, I absolutely respect the person who wrote it for the ideas they put forth. I just think their ideas were bad now, in no way was this article hate speech or misinformation too. Certain agree. I think the analysis was war, but the lovely information was right. It just depends on how you take that and interpret the data So we can argue about the data and the appropriate response, and we must, as a freedom, loving people, we will present ideas in I wish them. You want to see what happens now on twitter when you try and go to this analysis questioning the lock down. This is what really freaked me out warning this link may be unsafe.
Twitter is trying to stop me from reading a critical analysis of what our government is doing. It is not your right twitter who do you think you are and that's why I say. Even my channel may not be long for this world. Look at us. They the link you are trying to access has been identified by twitter or our partners as being potentially harmful or associate with a violation of twitters terms of service, this link could lead to a site that steals your password, our personal information. Installs malicious software programs on your computer collects your purse information for spam purposes has been associate with a violation of twitter terms of service and there's the big all button go back. The previous page, don't put that link. Ok, first of all, the way goes to medium, not come medium is just a crowd kind. It's it's a user generated content site for written articles. It's like Youtube for written articles. Could you imagine if Twitter said this
you two blink may steal your password. Our private information sounds scary, doesn't know this, a critical analysis of what we are doing to our economy, to our culture? I don't agree with it, but on the ass. These ideas must be discussed. Twitter is saying. No and now let me one up it for you. You know what happens when you actually go to link error for ten, post, is under investigation or was found in violation of the medium rules. What rules? It wasn't fake news, it was critical analysis. Wasn't hate speech can point. The finger groups of people. It was just a long breakdown of how this person felt about the ongoing crisis. You wanna talk about the potential for martial law. Maybe three: the story, their military times asks. Will the corona
led the martial law. That's the question: I've been wondering honestly, don't know, but I can tell you the big tech companies have no regard for freedom of thought, freedom of expression they care of more for blind obedience, and they will lie cheat and steal to mandate. What they want. I don't understand how they been able to do this, this Twitter saying that someone's analysis is unsafe, why says? Who you forty one authority, are we not a lot of talk about these ideas? Am I know a lot of talk about these ideas? How Until my videos get removed entirely. You know what honestly I'd be willing to bet may be soon. Now I will point out my main channel which, as you too dotcom slashed him cast, has been cleared to talk
Corona virus, which is also very strange. To me, this channel is not that's. Why say? Ninety five percent of the day as I do are demonetized. For some reason, they determined that my my flagship channel is a lot of talk about this one at anybody else. Why can't we talk but what's going on, why will you demonetized this modification on Youtube? Is an incentive model? People won't talk about things if they dont make money doing it. That's true, for me, too. I try and strategically placed the content. I do so my main channel tip Lee is political commentary dealing with the election and things like that very, very mainstream run of the mill moderate commentary hey. What's going, I would trouble don't I was Biden is burn. You gonna win that kind of stuff to very safe and that's because they put my channel under hard scrutiny. If I deviate any wrong direction, they shut the video down. That's why have two other channels, this channel I'll talk about what I wanted to talk about, and I keep my flagship- is kind of a support system. Is the foundation
that allows me to keep working now with something serious quota virus. I'm not gonna. Stop right, there's a limit. If you tell me, I can't talk about. You know some weird circumstanced, whatever it's like, I'm, yes, if I don't care and care, and so I make it work, but when it comes quota virus. This is something seriously to talk about when it comes to martial law. Something seriously to talk about, and you can demonic, me all day and night. I'm going to talk about it when I can't ignore this. If, if there's something you know more relevant I'll talk about it, so basically open it. This way there are limits, everybody is, you know, being pushed him for directions. For the most part, I benefit off of being rather moderate individual with mainstream commentary. I say mainstream, unlike brought new moderate, you know it's not move too far in one direction or the other, so I'm not super concerned with the heavy scrutiny that Youtube as I'm actually benefits, because I'm on my vetoes
as more often with the corona virus, their basically pressuring me and slowly pushing down, sank, stop talking about this at a certain point that and have to delete my channels, because I will absolutely show you what these tech companies are doing to suppress anyone who may have an opinion to the contrary of the machine. If we continue in this direction on Twitter is bringing us there will only Be homogenous thought and we can never accept that and that I'll give another hard shouted to Senator Rand Paul for calling out the deal jays seeking of emergency power. The line must be drawn. Tech companies must not be allowed to orbit,
rarely remove opinions that run contrary to the governments, do desire or emergency powers or whatever, and this is the threat we are faced with when we give massive private companies control. There's a constitution that protects us to a certain degree. They'll declare an emergency and try and take away our civil liberties, but big tech companies that control speech. I can just do it. They're doing it now now about that martial law. This plan we see from the daily from the daily mail, extraordinary circumstances, an affair. We were a long ways off from anything like us happening there. They have I believe as a forced, our general, they say the corona, this crisis is forcing U S military planners, to look at extraordinary circumstances and prepare for a range of radical scenarios, including the imposition of martial law, north com commander, General Terence, J, O Shaughnessy would lead the country if Washington were crippled by the current covered. Nineteen crisis is important to be fair, the cry,
it is real. The pandemic has serious. I if you don't believe me, watch the videos from northern ITALY there horrifying read the stories. Doctors, I guess if you don't want to believe any of that fine, but the idea that all of these government even one that don't like each other are working in concert with his big hopes to me as just shockingly absurd. Some people believe it listen. This is serious. I know people who are personally affected. I've talked to people who have experienced what's going on, you know in hospitals and was sickness. So I I'm relatively close to this. You know you gotta be careful with the six degrees, a cabin bacon on this one people might say, like my friend sister knows, a guy wolf. My friends are telling me stories that other being affected by this one seeing it. I think it's real and then we take it seriously and I respect our law enforcement and military personnel who are doing what they can to try to protect us
Martial law may come about, and look I gotta be honest. If we're facing a true apocalyptic scenario, then we might actually need the military to step up to prison of our way of life and try and save us that's what they're supposed to do issues I have are the abuses of power and how this may linger and that's a challenge where you draw the line, it's very easy for governments to say. Look at the bogeyman now give us your rights right now. I think we're dealing with a serious threat, so it's not so much is going to make it a lot of people are scared. The government makes things up and will try to their rights. In this instance, they might exploit the emergency to gain that kind of power there are some limits that we place, but it does seem like overtime. We gradually give up more. And more of our rights to me it's kind of strange. The concept she says the government shall not yet we can just declare an emergency and take away the
Do it all right I mean they: can they can literally do it? The president or Congress can declare martial law what's the point of a constitution if they can declare an emergency whenever they want Social, so it works. I do I do love the constitution. To be honest, my ability to speak when I want to but the threat? We also see now outside of the potential for Marshall Laws. That, even though I have the right to free speech, you two could just shut me down. If they wanted to. I could see do exist tomorrow. You'd be like, while what avenant inertia and people would freak out about it for a minute they like, while you to delete it in a week, they did nothing about it at all. They would go on with their lives. They would do nothing, that's the real problem and they know it. I can't believe we saw that that postcard take taken dad, I'm flabbergasted flabbergasted, I say so. The military times wrote this. A few days ago will the Krona viruses DE martial law. We don't know, but let me read you: what is martial law and what we but we should see, are aren't what what what what we can expect. The military time says in simple terms
martial law is the replacement of civil rights. Civil rule with but very military authority in a time of crisis, whilst imposition is rare, the does have several noteworthy instances where martial law came into play, including in times of war, natural disasters and civic disputes, though there, no precise definition of martial law. The precedent and United States holds that under it, Certain civil liberties may be suspended, such as the right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures free, of association and Freedom of movement and the writ of habeas corpus. The right to a trial before president may be suspended. I don't like any of that. I dont like any of that. I gotta admit, though, with the corona virus stuff you, Gonna see me wilfully breaking quarantine or going out acting like a moron. I think it's important that we all come together and do we need to do to support those who are trying to save our lives. But part of me is cancer is, is, is concerned with it.
Potential issue that when this all blows over, could you have a government official pull up that new report from the CDC that says we ve done it with one, and he says we can get out any crumpled up their porthos the trash and says the viruses worse than ever, because they can and we have to trust them That's what scary. We can only hope that people wouldn't do these things, but, as you know, power you know tends to corrupt and absolute power tends to corrupt. Absolutely the military time says: martial law can be declared by both the President and by Congress. Owner of a state may also declare martial law if it is included in that States constitution, however TK, Greece has never solely imposed it. They gonna mention that during the war way, Twelve there there was some martial law than there were As you know, at times like the japanese interment in World war, two or post nine eleven.
But martial law is now that's limit. The posse come a terrorist act passed on June, eighteen. Eighteen, seventeen stopped federal troops from supervising Confederate state elections during reconstruction until you're funny story. First, while I am concerned about these big tech companies shutting down critical analysis, while I am concerned about the military but not so much the military but evil people wanting power and using this as an excuse to take. It is important to note that the people war serving in the armed forces are just people. Man when I was at Occupy Wall Street. Something funny really happened now. This is a protest inside a big park in New York, most of your pie, familiar that people were camping and the police tried or move them too little success for the first, not least, and one day a couple young guys who looked like they were like eighteen or nineteen in some guy, some kind of military uniform were walking around I don't know that, so they were wearing what looked like military uniforms and it doesn't seem that they
doing anything in any official duties or acting on our orders, and I want to say this- really say they were on leave or anything like that. But it seemed like they're just mosey and about walkin around New York City. Maybe had some time to go, warm and hand maybe that live. Maybe you had lived there and were there I want or something, but they weren't there any official capacity. No one ordered them to go to who Cati Park and there were just two of them and they up and they are just like standing around like any other person was- and I some did mean anything to me. I've briefly live on military bases. I have friends in the military sound like it doesn't mean anything to me, but a couple of these hippy activists started free. And this old guy started panicking, saying the military's coming off. The military's coming, they're gonna shoot us down and I hear this guy. You know panicking. I'm like it's just some, some like enlisted kids, who had calmed down and he goes up these kids and it hurts screeching. Posse combat, taught us over over and again over and over again look again and what political matters basic idea can raw.
And I'm just like our man look at the guys on my I don't know. Do this, do not look people. Some people are paramedics. You don't freak out and think that everyone's gonna die. The paramedics have shown up some people, our police, you don't freak out and think we're, gonna common arrest, anybody just because their standing there we're all human beings. We did ever things if a battalion showed up in a bunch of us he's in a out with guns and we're running in the likes turned on I'd, be like wow, that's crazy, but a couple of deeds Workin on street down man, So our upper limit Oliver, this, I think, we're closer than we ve ever been in recent history to actual martial law as well. More dumb kids keep going around and dancing and doing shots at each other's Botz, which there actually doing during a time of crisis, You're gonna see more and more harsh enforcement of this because people are stupid, but I don't. We need the military to enforce anything. The police can do just fine Manhattan is a ghost town and you're, not even corn. You, not even men, Today, in your home,
though, we're having the shelter and place order in many states, like my state, they straight up said you. Go out and do your thing just limit your gatherings. It's like that's, not particularly harsh men, now, I'm concerned- the big tech companies are doing about you. What, for the time being, I can go to the store with no problem. They specifically sad critical infrastructure essential services will be available, go dear thing, in fact, even though they order, the closure of retail stores. A bunch of retail stores are saying that they do curbside delivery, so they're allowed remain open. The world is an ending we're taking precautions. Everyone is to calm down with that being set at, will and this by saying heed the words of senator ran Paul. I like this guy lot, do not let the government seems more power in times of crisis. They will always they will always exploit it. Never let a good crisis go to waste, they say I leave their stick. Around next segment will be at one p m on this channel, and I will see you all them.
In these trying times, you will often see people try to exploit fears or try to manipulate people for political gain or something that affect right right now scary story and the Department of Joy This is seeking emergency powers to indefinitely detain people, because well it's an emergency. But we also see people exploiting the far left, the drafters of social media and there's no better. Ample. Then this viral clip, which has two point six four million views and that's not counting exists on other platforms, the video is it depicts several people couple people shot, lifting from various stores- and you don't really know what they're doing is kind of weird, but its playing song from Robin Hood about Robin Hood in Little John, so you, firstly, the video you dislike they're just stealing from stores as it that's a good thing. Ah, but in the second the video they then take all of their stolen,
goods wearing latex, loves and make food and and sanitary packs to pass out to the homeless. Up my heart, be still the great socialists robbing from the rich well target, I guess and giving to the poor. And of course the comments tons of socialist little roses in there and their names at the democratic socialist people are cheering sang. I love this so much. I love you, but you know what of course, it's too good to be true as it turns out, The people behind this viral video are the same people behind bum fights, yeah videos, showing bombs doing stands in and they apparently to pay the bombs or something I already and all that and also guess what there doing selling March twenty dollar tee shirts, are available depicting pull scars on fire man. Capitalism always wins because either if the socialists believe in the stuff they fall prey to market forces. Yes, the
people who want to see. You know the police cars on fire will rush to buy the overpriced shirts. On the capitalist selling them their socialist propaganda, Now I will say this backfires on the capitalists, because they then try try exploiting the ideology of the far left and people eat eat up that propagate and we see this in an exposure from the infamous MIKE Dotcom, which all all reiterate a little bit. Maybe then this, but just so you know there was a leftist. So you'll just as website that was one of the fastest growing was valid. I think I'd like a hundred million dollars, as it turns out it was just a couple young guys who figure a path to making a ton of money by exploiting social justice rhetoric, but they ended up creating a ton of zealots and contributing to this problem, the capitalists to try to exploit the system or who literally dead bread. Bunch of socialists do not threaten them. So, let's take a look at this. Here's, the tweet from vital as international
We have already been training for this moment because the skills d develop overnight without hashtag five demands. This will be all of us credit to India, Klein official on Instagram. And here you can see there is a man and his ease grab and those packs of almond butter and stuff in a menace. Pants knows a few important things worry we get into. Who is behind this and how they're probably trying to make money on it? you can see. They show police inside the store which looks like this nonsensical foods. But there's a few things, though our point up, I believe this videos actually fake. It could be real, and if it is, these people are really really really stupid and even if they did they get there, kind of stupid, because many jurisdictions, filming yourself committing a crime, even pretending to is still a crime. I guess the issue is the I don't want you glorifying crimes. There was a story, I tweeted a moment ago where that guy was like, I remember that girl who licked ice cream in the in the
the Walmart or whatever, and then put it back? Apparently this caused a trend. Some other guy tried to read create the viral sensation by looking ice cream as well, and then what he claimed dead in the video you see what the outcome put it back then he says he ITALY opened. The fridge backup took the ask about and bought. It knows a jug guess what he still got charged for filming the commission of a crime. Because the companies still asked a throw everything away, and this video you can see a couple people or looks like Sk? I will be able to gain a man and woman stuffing backpacks with stuff, pouring things in breaking over a bag of oranges? women signs during the bag away and then leaving first, in this scene right here you can see the side of a police vehicle which reads: LAS Vegas, metropolitan You can then see what looks some red red writing on the side of the building. Highly sure what the red writing says, but I
Then too many target store. So my immediate assumption was: this must be a target or very maybe also because, you can see right here. There are red bike posts with red trim on the building, looks like a tart, to me. You can all see that some palm trees and this issue being centre over there. So guess what I did, I said: ok, first, let me point out: we have many idea define features of this and of the individual, his key chain, for instance. What's on that teaching his what are the clothes he's wearing and his backpack out as well as female wearing black with red nail. Polish, really I mean these. These people don't think do that. These are identifying features, which will make it very easy for law enforcement to to figure out who they are now. You can see that there are LAS Vegas and there are the target and it took me I could you not like two seconds to figure out where they did this is the Maryland Parkway LAS Vegas, so this
video, in my opinion, is likely a hoax. They probably pretendedst but just off and then put it all back in their carton went and paid for it, because there coming a marketing stunt and guess what its working the videos got. Two point: six, eight or whatever million views your being taken for a ride. But let me let me just do this: I take a little man here and I'm the drop em down in front of this year target So you can see it looks like this. The target. They were at congratulations so now No, it's store thereat, we know it, wearing. We know they're back back in their keys. Looks like off. The police really wanted to take a track. These people down in, like literally two seconds so You can see. I highlighted this tweet for a reason. Udo loudly, you are all heroes eat the rich you found for a marketing scheme. Dude these people are selling you t shirts, whether this in decline official, you asked in decline.
Livered stay warn t shirt just dropped online for nineteen dollars, black print limited run, update nearly sold out and then I love other use its weight. Is that for real is that back in mode chiefest. These people are, manipulating there, it's a manipulation for profit and guess what it works it. Does I mean, look I'm assuming they nearly solve these shirts out. This was a six weeks ago. I'm not saying they sold this short, but the company cells March and its as indicates and stay warm into cop car and fire. There is, splitting the stress. The far left sentiment to make money and it works, really does it out over unread it the complete anarchy. I brought it, I'm not sure if this is a real or fake, I think maybe there I think their mark hang anarchy. You know I've been that's the point. It says now is the time for solid out south solidarity and mutual aid. This very well
be them mocking. I don't know, but everyone keeps saying praxis. So this person says it's a very it has, aesthetic of practice, but that's about it. It always struck me as performative more than anything else so I want to make sure it's clear: I don't amount from over these sub rights and its. It could be an ironic sub right it where they're, making fun of anarchists or maybe just comes up maybe they're just so stupid, that it looks like they're making fun of anarchy while our far left anarchy August I say in one of the rules being needlessly rude or excessively or x possibly argue with other flavors of anarchism, take it to debate. Anarchism, ok, well, We basically have people saying yes, yes, do it you're still here the first one man limitation, there's nothing. Relic about going to a store and stealing a bunch of products in a time of crisis when people need it. If you want to help do some work, make some money by the things you need so that the workers can get paid, and then you can give those things that people
I mean look, I get it you're stealing from target major corporations. They have lost prevention, they factors and to their shrink numbers, so the worst thing in the world, but this in my opinion, is destructive. It causes problems for society, drawing something isn't helping anyone in fact, that's the poor. That's what one of the advocates actually says that why don't by these things. So you can minimize the destroy, collateral damage to the workers, then go the homeless people, it's basically what they do at the and you can see them wearing gloves and throwing bags out to homeless people. So hey look man, I get it. You want out the homeless, they made it a anti something I guess which is, in my opinion, also kind of stupid, but a lot of people, in pointing this out even at the hour, slash socialism, ten hours seeing it reach forty two hundred points when the capitalist state fails its people, the people. Make do? Bravo good socialists await. What's that the
people behind this, are the people behind Bum fights what weight that can't be true hold on a second here's, the in decline. Instagram here them saying credit to India Klein okay. So so we ve we found now that in decline gets the credit for this, and what's that well, here's the actual post, the most recent posts, in decline is in fact the video of them shoplifting the show just go on making moves for those who can't special thanks to whole food. And target for their generosity in this time of need at the sidewalk project. Okay, so in decline of people who made this whose in decline well Wikipedia says in decline, is an American. Our art, collective members have said the collective was form in two dozen one and is deeply internalized, with dozens of members, an affiliate groups in several Eu States and a few foreign countries and have characterize it ass, an
the ground movement of activists, musicians, graffiti writers and photographers. Ok, what are they known for o bum fights Bravo Socialists you're fighting for social justice. I appreciate it so they two doesn't do Rhine MC, fierce and Daniel Tanner and others operating is in decline. Films produced the first video in the Bum fight series. Bum fights a cause for concern. They subsequently took down the in decline. Films webs and have said they sold the rights to the stories to investors. Now I think bomb fights. People might not really know what it is. I think why do people assume its literally them having bums fight each other, but apparently the case? They say this The video series immediately gained criticism, the: U S based national for the homeless, a homeless advocacy group has stated that the bum fights videos foster contempt for the homeless and dehumanize them in April. Two thousand: The four original filmmakers agreed not to produce any more, but fights, videos or distribute
it was already made and to pay three homeless man depicted in those under a settlement announced shortly before a lawsuit was due to go to trial. Something sued and they had to pay the people they are exploiting for bomb fights. Yet this is where we get from the socialists. Look man. Socialism is inherently a childish idea, it's utopian, it doesn't make sense? What we're dealing with right now globally is not socialism. It's called emergency see provisioning, it's called emergency stimulus and it will have seen yes, consequences right now, we're talking about pumping trillions of dollars and the banks, we're talking about a trillion dollar stimulus package, giving everyone a check because the market is screeching to a halt. This is because it's an emergency not because we really want to We know that countries like Venezuela in Cuba, where they weren't experiencing this emergencies and there were like- let's just do it anyway, and then everything fell apart then that weren't them
you hear from these people. Well, that's because the United States was meddling in trying to shut them down he's in propaganda. It's like their needs for socialism doesn't work. It's been fry, over and over and over again. One thing that, like they like to say, is real socialism has never been tried. Real communism has never been trot is because you can't get there, you can't even to the point where you could literally try the system there. Big complaint is that countries like Venezuela, Cuba, the Soviet Union, etc, have always relied on some kind of market mechanism and had top down controls. That's right, because you can't just flick a switch and have everyone operating like a hive mind unless I guess you plug computers and all their brains and force them to do so, but we do have the technology for this. So the time being, somebody has to say here's what you can and cannot do, because you can't just radically transformed system they ve tried and because you can't just transform the system this way they end up killing lots of people, in the end you end up with a bunch of really naive people. They both
whatever they see the question it. They see this video and they say outta loudly eat the rich issue and they go and buy there, the rich t shirts, and make a heart a hearty profit for those that are seeking to exploit the system. In fact, these people who did bunch Fights actually have an ask me anything in this was called out by some people on our sly socialism, some of the people, like hey, wait a minute. These are the guys who did Bob fights of these people in the area. The top comment is You feel like scumbags, that you are for creating bum fights and they responded, I guess seven to eight hours of sleep at night: lots of s bag, sleep well to you ve. Yet some answer, my question where's, your Wikipedia page wow! That's who their cheering for right now, who, over Wikipedia page and I made bumble is that what you want to be known for whatever man I mean? Look, I guess technically, you can call him anarchy,
what they're not left wing- and I guess I don't know what they are- maybe they're- just like Joker, anarchists agents of chaos and they want to make money. To do more of whatever it is they do. I don't know are you a man, props them for fish, peering out how to work the system in turn a profit. I guess I'm not a fan, but you know aside from them doing what is you know what they depicted as illegal, which I'm seriously opposed to, and I think it there really was a legal even if they did fake it. These are people who have around a naive bunch their exploiting. I'm not a fan of that, but these people are stupid enough to eat up without investing in without looking into what's going on and to cheer for these people, yet they then come out and claim its other people that are oppressing them, no you're being oppressed by the drift or class. These people like Rachel, at all, for instance, literally everything trumped does is always wrong. Will that can be certainly-
I'm a things he does is wrong. Certainly son of a must be good right. He can't he can be mostly bed or mostly good, but how is that literally, every step of the way Rachel Motto only ever says bad things about Trump, and I pointed out the other day I ll be the first to admit. I mostly have bad things say about the Democrats but come on. I actually think that's kind of fair with Biden like they. They chose him the impeach. It was a failure. It was a distraction, the investor Since all fizzled out, I criticise them and well I gotta say, for the most part has proven right on all of their failures, but even That being said, I still praise several democrats for their work on the krona virus, for releasing important information that sets helpless, prepare for it for warp calling up big tacky. They do things right. Sometimes, yet you see this Rachel, mapped out. For instance, I did this segment of the other day. She has just coming out saying everything Trump does is wrong done lemon. Does the same thing then you have these activists realising that these socialists will eat up anything that pander to them, and I am sure that
The same is true for many transporters. We ve seen videos patented them as well. These people are being exploited by system and their sitting there cheering for it, and you know what you reap: what do so because I shall I want to bring up this. It's a really old article, it's two and a half years old and I thought about it a couple times, but it's worth pointing out how much dot, com, exploited social justice for clicks and then abandoned a staff that believed in it. I'm not gonna original thing, but that's basically what they did. They hired a bunch of young social, social justice activists because they knew these people would naturally be inclined to write. Far left Revlon socialist nonsense to rally a bunch of idiots to go to their sight to click their ads and make them money
I was actually told that many people running MIKE were ACT were actually young college libertarians. They were young guys, they were libertarians. In fact, minus enters the the the or origin of might not come actually did have some more right wing cut and content, and they quickly realized what made them money, and so they started hiring social justice activists. So let me point one more thing out to all of you feel free to criticise me all. You want gone the comments insult me on one person. I won purse with an opinion run a major network, I dont have a massive staff that I'm ordering to have an opinion. Many of these companies and these organizations are seeking to figure out what they can say to make money. Now there is an interesting parallel between someone like me, who has, if you
I'll between someone like me, who has a point of view, a frame of mind and frequently says similar things. You know appointed in a certain direction, but there are individuals who organically emerge because they think things, and then there are companies that sea. We emerging accompany that starts out, as you know, mixed bag, rightwing content and then quickly realized they can exploit social justice and socialism and then hires those people that I consider to be drifting and dirty. Or an organisation that makes a video like bomb fights and then goes and makes this. You know Robin Hood video yeah, I think that's exploitation. I think they're manipulating people were too stupid to figure out what's going on. Then you have people like me. Another Youtube commentators who just have opinions and make content as we as individuals see it. So is a big difference, but no we're not perfect. Everybody can be criticised, but I'll tell you what, while there videos go go goes viral. Those of you who have seen s now a better understanding of what this video really is, and I could be wrong about a lot of stuff. Maybe they really.
The all the stuff. I think they faked it. I don't think it's real it's easier to fake a video and If there really you know, selling March and trying to build a brand, why would they risk going to jail at beings add filming yourself even faking. A crime in many jurisdictions is illegal, so there are still around excitements coming up at four p m at Youtube: dot com slashed him cast and I will see while there, amid the growing glue bull pandemic were now starting to see just what is necessary and what isn't and social justice leftist. The woke left, where you want to call it the kind of freak out for several reasons. One many of these people are starting to realise that that their political positions don't matter and can only exist in the confines of a secure bubble of safety. Many others as I realise that their fringe wacko positions in colleges are I'm going to be exposed to the story from cap reform, professors work Students will share lectures with right wing sites. Not why what of university be afraid that others might
discover what they're saying ah, could it be that they're lying you see me or on the right or whatever the right and left doesn't even know, but people from moderates intellectual, dark web types to conservatives love to have their ideas shouted from thy heavens. That's all you want men. Could go out into the street, find anybody with Trump hat and be like hey, can ask you, questions they're gonna be like yeah. What's up, and I go to these left they say. No, no, no! No interviews, Gautier! They smasher camera swat your way because they know that when you actually expose what they're saying the scrutiny would tear them to shreds it's not just these ideas, a lot of jobs or any job. So I'll tell you what my response to all the truckers. Farmers grocery store workers. These are the real jobs we need. Neither. This is that's real life. You know right now, I'm doing I'm set near complaining about politics, you
do without it. If, if, if you didn't hear from me in one day or whatever you turn me off, you're gonna be just fine, you can have your food, but if those trucker stropped stop drive and if those farmers stock farming and if those grocery store employees don't show up, then things start breaking down. So I will give my absolute respect to those I think are much more important than than I in turn, of making society function. But let's take a look at the political ideas for now, because, while you're listening to me, hey you'll, get to hear me complain about politics, campus reform says professors across the country are taking to social media, to express their concern over being forced to deliver their course lectures on line. I made the corona virus pandemic, they say outbreak but pandemic sharing with each other tips on how to limit the number of people who able to see what their teaching students and criticising right wing sites and even campus reform, specifically Texas, GIN University associate professor of political science, Emily Ferris tweeted Thursday, if you are recording, John Anything controversial, be prepared for right wing
I do ask students to share it. Campus reform reached out to Ferris via twitter direct messaging to allow or the opportunity to further explain her comments or to clarify she lay blocked the author of this article on Twitter, of course come on man. You know every single tromp supporter, wants to talk about what they want to talk about. These people want to hide it because I note wacky, there's the tweet from it. Verified Lasalle University assistant, professor of public Health, Christian erecting, replied Ferris tweet asking why others could find topics such as gun safety, women's health alive? it set out to be controversial, as they are evidence based, seems like the floodgates, could open Axing commented in response to courses moving online university of Carolina political science graduate student Stephanie Shady also, and saying- and I just realized that the second half of my course focuses on public opinion towards the political participation of immigration. This will be enough
hang on other use over the twitter name, Prof see W Ouse, replied sigh, I teach about white nationalism, and this has my biggest fear. Since we began transitioning to online instruction, rather afraid they're lying they Lahti young people they spread, lies in fear, and they don't want anyone to actually get access to real information or to confront aryan opinion, which you should one thing that truly terrified me. If you may, MRS Segment is that there has been this analysis. Peace going around it two point: six million views in a day it was on media minnows talking about the krona virus. Now I think it was a very bad article I disagree with it, but I do believe people have a right to express their opinions and we'd. We debate ideas and shoot them down when their bad. We dont silence them. Of course, Twitter restricted access to the link and medium, the crowd user generated Texaco hosting site deleted it. That is not what we want, but it's what they do. They can't stand the scrutiny, so they will shut you down,
Instead, we can see these posts, Columbia, university, political science, Professor Jeffrey Lack, said he has been thinking about how students will be able to record classes. Oh yeah, someone responded If campus reform harasses you or someone, you know the best responses to follow the money campus reform receives point, four million dollars from the Leadership Institute, a coke organization designed to deal generalised, academics, they consider two left. They are not a new source. You know love, there have been. People have tried to smear me as receiving funding from shady investors. Guess what none I have! None I have none. Ah try again, I'm gonna criticise all of these people and these fake news journalists and guess what you can call me whatever you want, but can't smear me as having received funding from any of these organizations. Sorry, I haven't trinity College associate professor political science Isaac Gamala, who asked canvas form previously reported sought to higher cap reform early responder specific,
specifically mentioned cap reform is replies to Ferris, also dimension it a user whose, sites, as they are a history professor. At a community college nor Texas ROPE, I'm taking steps to limit this, but nothing foolproof! All men of blood are come and open way I'm gonna see we're gonna. Where are we to be inundated in a sea of insane college. Lectures the sheer lies, these people pump out will be glorious. And you're going to see people like Ben Shapiro, like bench we're gonna, wake up one day, going to see all of this awful college, leftism and he's gonna, be like yes and then he's gonna summoned his daily wire hoard Sarch tearing threaten ripping apart because guess what the past you didn't have access to what these people are saying and now you do- or at least we assume you well Ferris asked how Gunter was working to ensure her lectures are not made public to which Gunter responded with one tip for her colleague. Instead of
watching videos direct to Ellen S, which would then on them. I'm posting links to links to the videos, Youtube videos themselves are unlisted, meaning you can. Find them in a search or if you go to my two, my page, only if you have the direct link doesn't stop link sharing, though so that's that's the gist of the. Or I guess on cap reform. So all I for one am excited to see what these lunatics I've been posting about, but I do have. More on this subject from the post mommy. I briefly briefly and this in my main video earlier so you may have. You may have heard of a check it out. The social justice cult is falling apart as world faces a real crisis. Did you know that there have been numerous stories claiming that White National so. Whenever I try to manipulate the corona virus or some other nonsense do, does anyone really care about this right now? there was also a viral from vice, which said that man,
was awful. It said something like the corona viruses. Exposing how like trans of farming surgeries are. Like you know, I don't know unimportant or whatever listen man, If you ve gotta use, I see you bad, because people's lungs have literally stopped working and they can't breathe and they're trying to rip out there that their ventilators, because I dont understand at saving their life. That's the stories, if their horrifying, I'm sorry, man, I'm not turn it down player struggles, but if you're, if you're going in for a surgery for anything- and they tell you you're gonna have to come back later, it's called tree eyes. I mean this, isn't necessarily the same thing, but its prioritization work organs. Listen and this guy will die in two days like these people are dropping dead. You I'm sorry, you can wait a week. You'll be ok, you'll live, but that's the stores that are coming up. The money, all Rights The social the social justice set has been freed about lives being at rest for almost a decade, but now that we are faced with actual debt station two, the human way of life. It becomes clear that it was
always only rhetoric, social justice, is the culture that cried Wolf now that law are truly at risk. As a result of a global pandemic, quick action is being lamented in North America to protect our most vulnerable. Instead of supporting these common sense, ideally, temporary changes required to get through this unprecedented time, but of social justice is actually jealous of corona virus. It turns out No one was ever going to die from being Miss gendered or x. Bearing a micro aggression. Imagine that I can now think pieces abound This is about as to how the krona virus is massage, because more women, are at home and stuck doing the domestic law or or transfer back since trend. A farming surgeries have been postponed or our cancelled, and now story is that it took the krona virus pandemic to show us how quickly we could change. If only we wanted to say, recently, they announced that men are like twice ass, likely to die from the corona.
And there really undermined the that that the feminist narrative worse on the net effect like men, are twice ass, likely to be affected by it and is something that we ve been hearing about for quite some time, also, apparently Asians likely be affected by, but men. This really does put a ranch in the social justice narrative. There was a story that I had talked about my body and on my podcast him cast iron ore. L about how she is woman wrote that the krona virus was sending us back to the nineteen fifties, and I agree It is because, in a real crisis, no one's going basin they're trying to figure out what's fair and what isn't they're gonna say whoever's the big dude. You block the door because the zombies, our common- I don't mean that literally coming up with this If you were in like a shed and it was dude and a woman and zombies where a common in all likely the guy will probably have more much more bone density, more muscle, mass and they're gonna say you do it known, can be arguing about. Well, it's not fair that the man takes the certain out. No one's gonna talk about them,
So yeah, we really are gonna, go back to the nineteen fifties, and that means their politics literally don't exist. They know it only existed because there was nothing else to fight for this one, I brought up and probably in a video I did about why Jordan Petersen was was so popular. You of what I view as to big factions in the culture war, not innocent the only factions, but there are young people who have no purpose, bored and sitting around with nothing to do, and then you have the so she'll justice crowd that because of that hadn't because they had no purpose, they made up a fake purpose like is anyone really concerned about someone getting miss gendered. No, but we are concerned about coughing up along and dying so with joy, pierce and you ended up with a guy who said that's not real. You need real responsibility in that resonate with a lot of people are the others. I didn't really like him. He was taking away their fake purpose. Well, George,
Petersen tries, you might couldn't do a good job as the corona virus could of showing us that not only our college campuses, full of lies and of but then much of this social justice. Ideology is vanity, it does it matter to our survival, and now it's kind of drifting away will see what happens I will I will leave it there. I will leave it there. I have a couple more segments in a few minutes. I will see you all shortly. While I was wrong. A couple days ago, I said I didn't think we'd come to a point where people are getting arrested for violating these strong recommendations. But no, I was wrong to jersey, home owners are arrested after hosting large gatherings, including a pop up wedding at their homes. As cop say people are ignoring the corona virus lockdown. I thought it was a stir. Suggestion. Apparently it's not. Apparently, if you defy the orders of the state they will come and arrest. You this is where things start. Gettin scary, you know
Earlier today I was like well, I don't think we gotta worry too much about martial law, because they're not really saying you can't go, do stuff there saying we just just please don't These guys apparently decided that, because a wedding and so they went home at their house arrested for their daily mail reports. Two New Jersey residents were arrested this week after they hosted large crowds at an at events in their homes, including a popup wedding into lions of social distancing orders amidst the krona virus outbreak. L, a Leah whose acts forty nine was taken into custody and Friday after a, what he said. He hosted a pop up wedding in his home on spruce Streton like one which is not illegal who can issue, you know a ban on certain things, but is there? Can you really try someone for this nice work. It's freaky. The event was attended by more than fifty people. Ok, look not a fan of what this guy is doing, come on, we're all trying to get
for this and the sooner everybody just buckles down for a little bit the faster it will all be over nobody's happy it's happening. The event was attended by more than fifty people, violation of the state's newly enacted edict banning gatherings as part of efforts to contain the virus and other legal resident. Forty three year old, shawl Cooper, Wasser, was awry said after a large crowd was seen. Gathering at home on Thursday, we can see is a photo. They posted What this house has not only that this one says the liquids hope. This wedding was supposed to take place tomorrow at a hall unlike what. Instead, it took place today in the back yard, with just a couple dozen people. Several residents of Lakewood New Jersey have called the police after missing large gatherings at private homes, violation of a state wide ban which was enacted to help stop the spread of the corona virus. The image above was poor. The social media, showing an alleged gathering the township earlier this week, like what a fish said they received dozens of angry phone calls from local residents who have reported mass,
gatherings in recent days. According to patch, the authorities said acting with a sense of urgency. After Lakewood reported a confirmed twenty six cases of kroner virus through Friday. So look, I totally get why they worried about this and why they probably want to stop. Events like this, but do really need, though arrest them across New Jersey. At least. A lot people have died of corona virus infection state wide. There have been it armed. Eight hundred ninety cases, Lakewood Police, Captain, Gregory Stafford Psmith, said his officers have, continued to break up large gatherings this week. Despite the stay at home order, we want the public to know, now. We have heard and share their concerns regarding gatherings of more than fifty people and have taken action against those who have failed to comply citizen. And I can have forty nine people over at my husband- it's ok there Sightings of public gatherings have already exacerbated long running tensions in liquid, where a large orthodox jewish Popular has relocated in recent years, New Jersey
These earlier this week broke up to large weddings at reception hall. According to end J Advance media, even as wedding halls were- the shutdown residents simply move the ceremonies to backyards on their residential properties. Liquid residents were particularly outraged by rose, showing hundreds of students inside a local, yet Yoshida, the foe Those which were circulated on Thursday on Orthodox with new sites and social media out of a flood of notification according to police, here's a photo, it says above image, shows the lake terrorist Catering, Hollan Lakewood Police. Were called for the catering all earlier this week after receiving reports that a wedding was being held there in defiance of the lockdown New Jersey gum. Phil Murphy this week angrily vowed to crack down more harshly on residents who held gatherings as state authority struggle to prevent the fast spreading disease. It's time to cut the crap Murphy, told reporters and treading on Thursday When asked about the continued violations and Liquid Murphy said, we simply cannot have this. We have got to
compliance, no matter what the circumstances are. The governor vowed that his order banning gatherings a fifth of more than fifty has to be enforced. It will be enforced aggressively. He said. Murphy was also asked to respond rumours circulating on line of widespread corona virus infections, among orthodox among the orthodox jewish population of liquid. We don't have, Inside on that there was a rumour that a hundred people were exposed. We cannot confirm that orthodox community, community leaders and liquid said that all two hundred local synagogues and one hundred and thirty each of us in the area have either shut down completely or limited prayer to small groups is a very concentrated close knit community rabbi, Mosh, Zeb, Weisberger, told and J advanced media. Any dated activities and religious customs are done in group settings. So it's a bit of a learning curve then go on to show us the cases in the: U S over twenty two thousand America going into a lot. I now several states New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, Illinois and care.
Forty are all under lockdown, orders quote, but an infinite here or there should not reflect the community nationwide. The death toll reached two. During eighty as of Saturday afternoon. Meanwhile, the total number of confirmed cases being reported and United States surpassed twenty thousand, so this is from yesterday and around the same time, we have seen an escalating call for authoritarianism, which I absolutely oppose. I want to. I want to show you this next story, because these these, stores starting to me out man look As I mentioned earlier, this video, and as we read into this, I thought it was ok. When the when they weren't arresting people just telling us we gotta do it, and I understand it. A struggle of people are gonna lesson, but man, it's gonna, get worse. If you think they're gonna stop You are wrong. The deal J has already requested the ability to indefinitely detain people. And now we see what I think is maybe like the fourth or fifth article- the art, but seen demanding A national lockdown USA today are bad.
We need an immediate five weak national lockdown to defeat Corrado virus in America, locking down the country would reduce infections, and- time for massive testing. There will be staggering human and economic costs. If we delay their right. I am at MIT trained physicist and complexity scientist who studies pandemics I have warned about global pandemics due to increasing travel for fifteen years. I recommend communal based monitoring of symptoms to stop. I recommended community based lowering of symptoms and to stop Ebola in West Africa and twenty fourteen. It worked the fastest and even the only way to contain covert nineteen in the. U S is a five weak national lockdown. Closing schools, bars and movie. Theater are good measures, but not enough are relax. Approach to social distancing is insufficient to stop the exponential growth of covered nineteen until Americans cancer we adopt strong social distancing recommendations are locked down. The disease will continue to spread exponentially. I get it man, I do
I actually agree to a certain extent. The exports want to come out and say we got a lot of things down, at least for a little bit. I say: ok, but now you cross the line. The deal J our requests non under that your press in body and now the arrest of two people in Jersey. Now you're, starting to make it harder for me not only to agree but to even convinced. Others, this is a good idea. I get it. People are defying the orders I don't know what the right answer, as he says, during a fee I've, weak national, lockdown, federal state and local authorities would ensure that all American stay home, except to obtain food, another essential access, essentials, access, medical care or do work essential to the functioning of society. Travel would see We would close our borders and airports and pray all unnecessary travel across the state and come and county or town within the United States. The? U S government, after provide aid to citizens separated from their sources of income and ensure care for the vulnerable. Members of society. This is getting insane. Lockdown would sharp
reduce cases. Yes, we get it but to what degree man I've seen about two tromp supporter sang weak just shut down the entire economy because of this virus, and we have to open up a little bit more. I am not entirely convinced it needs to be opened up more than we're doing now. Annesley dont know, but talking about harsher shut. France and the government then coming into provide supplies is where it gets. It gets worrisome, especially amid arrests. He says the lock and will give us time to dramatically scale up our supply of covered nineteen tests gets and capacity to process them. If we, Do the number of infections using the lockdown and start a massive testing regime in the? U S, we can control covered nineteen after five weeks without such extreme social distancing measures, isolating sick individuals and their immediate contacts will be enough. Ok! Well, I point out one thing: that's fair, as were hearing now from officials that we're gonna drag this out for months. Perhaps his right man, I just don't know
three, if you, if I was to offer you up to solutions, a five weak, hard lockdown, where you can't do anything or four months of slight locked on which one would you choose? I mean the pros and cons for both but may be. The best thing we can do is rip the bandit, a fast, which means a harsher lockdown. We sit it out and then, within five weeks were back to normal. The alternative would be shutting economy down for an extended period of time and then the longer the economy has shut down. The more irreparable damage, becomes perhaps a short solution, but a harsher one makes more sense. He says the human and economic cost of delaying this locked and will be staggering. The cove at nineteen outbreak has many more cases now that are visible and they are growing rapidly absent sufficiently effective intervention. New cases will increase one point three to one point: five times each day we almost twenty thousand case in the US on Friday over fifty eight hundred more cases on the previous day. Now we're well above that So he's calling for buying time and says we
No, what we have to do present Donald Trump and our states given and local leaders must act now to save millions of lives, and they all say that is the founding under the New England, Complex Systems Institute where he is an expert on pandemics and other complex systems. He has spearheading the effort of over three thousand volunteers working to stop the outbreak and they let his website and others and such other information. So I would point out, we trust the government. How do you know when you're trust extended to far? How do you know when you need to be more sceptical? Honestly, don't know there are many things. I mean for the most part, I don't trust the government so right now. What? If it's true that these numbers are overstated and the people calling for the pandemic are just feeling an agenda tromp is getting to do whatever he wants these guys. Actually, these are actually calling for And immigration, shutting the borders not exactly what Trump wanted, so I'm I'm surprised trumps what is upset about this. Look I get it. I understand you could be upset about the virus itself. The loss of
my concern is at what point do we say the provisions are too much and we must stop. We must stop. I honestly just don't know we'll find our limit. You might not be able to iterate it now, but there will come a time where someone's gonna say we can't do this anymore. For the time being, I'm ok, with with sitting out and waiting for a short period of time. I don't know how much longer Americans are unwilling to do that. A special If you live in a big city in a cubicle apartment, one more story in a few minutes- and I will see you all. You know if I want somebody who worked in the democratic establishment. I'd be really nervous right now to according to the hill, Democratic are growing nervous over primary delays. Yeah. I'm sorry man, as far as I can tell the raises over Joe Biden, has already lost trump, is on tv everything though they reassuring Americans who overwhelmingly agree with what he's doing and support him. Yet Joe Biden is nowhere to be found. In fact, a hashtag was trending where's Joe made of any about
made a video by the other day, and I gotta give a shoutout one more time. The Glen Greenwell Tweet, where he said something like we need Joe, and fearless leadership and steely call now more than ever, await, whereas he yeah Joe Biden has gone trumpets. Getting free, playtime, there's no race, the democratic primaries been postponed, Matthew, five states now so surprise there freaking out The hill reports Democrats are increasingly nervous about the crowd of Iris pandemic, up ending the democratic primary calendar as more and more states postpone their primaries delaying their elections as far back as June some demo, say that it will make the job of defeating tromp more difficult. Yes, only that, but people seem to generally approve in Donald trumps efforts against the corona virus. Former vice president renders a quote, I think, there's a desire for closer to the primaries and getting on with the business of beating Trump a diesel de Missy who served as campaign manager on Corey Booker's presidential campaign, former vice press
Joe Biden holds a big delicately over Bernie Sanders, but Barney birdies I'd drop an up and is widely seen as the inevitable democratic nominee, but it could still taken or of contest for bite into when enough delegates to cling to the nomination and the scheduling delays would only push that back further, and I got to tell you right now: Bernie Sanders is hosting live streams. Updates on the corona virus. He raised like couple million bucks or something I think it was meals on wheels, something like that he's been raising money he's been doing well Joe Biden, has gone. I'm sorry man, I don't. Neither of them are gonna win, but if you think Joe Biden is better than Bernie at this point, I don't I don't know what you're deal is. Look I mean I'm critical of Bernie Sanders is a social lesson, is flip flop, but right now you ve got Bernie calling up globalization calling on China actually agreeing with Trump on two major decisions: the defence Production ACT and the stimulus package, the get giving Americans a check.
Where's bucket, I don't even know what Abiden is doing. Is God man. They say on you all delicately that could hamper buttons candidacy. In theory the by campaign could spend the next seven months with a singular focus. Instead of keeping one one iota primary opponent, whose chances of victory virtually zero yeah well too bad Bernie I drop out, but an finds himself in delicate situation as he tries to pivot to the general election as he transitions he doesn't want to alien. Sanders supporters for fear. They won't open November. They will sharpen November. You can't win these people over just stop. The concern is that, as long as the primary directive Biden, was to be seen and most actually not be dismissive of sanders less. Sanders diehards turn against him in the fall debates he added, so it's fun seeing the Biden team to walk a tightrope across a canyon when the bridge is right, there, oh hi or postpone its primary day before voters were to go to the polls and marked seventeenth pushing to June. Second, other states are Connecticut Kentucky Lou,
in Georgia have also postpone their primary some as far as late June Tensions are running high because the virus and the toll it could take on the general election campaign. Biden has said, but Biden has add to eliminate large campaign events and fund razors. Instead, his campaign is increasingly virtual, where he holds tell a town halls and online fundraising events, which was horrifying Biden, mumbled and money walked off camera. I'm sorry, we're done. Trump is getting daily Trump rallies on tv, where his tongue american public. What he's doing to help Joe Biden has muttering in mumbling and doing nothing. It would be hard to where's the anxiety associate with the corona virus outbreak from the anxiety. Some Democrats are feeling about the need to settle on an anomaly said: democratic strategist, Joel Pain for practical reasons. Demo, I would like to get on with the business of uniting behind a candidate to stream, fund, raising and grassroots operations and create a big tent message that allows the best opportunity to beat trumpet November speaking to reporters and a conference called
week, Tender Sherrod Brown of Ohio also expressed concern after his state postponed its primary. This week, round, said he was worried about what it might mean for the general election in November. My concern is that in the age of Trump that governors might think what are the president might ask for a delay in the developer election based on something? Perhaps this perhaps something else the senator set according to the Columbia dispatch? We can't let this be a press. I am hopeful that governor and legislature will come together to do that. To do this earlier. The democratic now no committee this week asked states not to reschedule their primaries, but inside implement a vote by mail system states can provide easy access to voting. Ok We get. It Democrats afraid it up, but I got more stuff. I want to show you so check out this pole, Thirty seven percent say Trump is the candidate who cares about their problems and needs the most.
When I first saw this, I thought, while only thirty seven percent men- that's bad news for tromp. So what sixty three percent don't like? Oh I'm, sorry, there were three people in this race and Trump one. According to the call from Hell Harris acts, applause, Lydia voters say they believe Trump, the twenty twenty White ass kennedy- who cares most about their personal problems and needs, while the majority his democratic rival scare, the most. So technically you argue that together Biden, Barney beat tromp, but that's not fair their different people. When asked about them as individuals, tromp got thirty. Seven percent Biden got thirty three and Sanders got twenty nine, I'm surprised Sanders so little Biden was slightly more favour than sanders. Among those who said they would be the most caring candidate, thirty three twenty nine percent, while both trailed trump in the three per person server
I'm willing to bet that Biden will probably take the bigger percentage if Sanders drops out a large portion of Sanders voters might actually just drop out. And if we see the same numbers, we saw last time around ten or so percent, then it might actually be generally even between the two antonov bide might have a slight leader. Despite the plurality support for Trump, strategist and autonomy strategies founder Christian Ramos said he believes if it was a two way race. The numbers would come out in favour of binding that's a winning coalition right, therefore job I do. I If you go on vote for Joe Biden, men out, even though at like trumps got problems but come on man, Joe Biden he's like Trump is worse than Trump ok job. In his creepy Joe, you haven't seen the videos worries touching those girls and inappropriate ways is really grouse. Unlike the girl winces, unlike pulls away, and then you out and in view of the fact that he muttered and mumbles, he is sleepy creepy Joe well. You know what man
maybe the poles are wrong. This time, I can't believe anyone anybody would vote for Biden. I understand why people dont, like Donald Trump Cause. I know a lot of people who don't like they think trumps attitude is really gross and then like a lot of its policies. I think it's funny, because out of his policies, are like similar to many other policies of other presidents. That's why I'm fairly ambivalent! Unlike is that what you're real concern as at the orange men as a party mouth? That's, on the bottom of the list. For me I'll acknowledge it is an issue, but not why care that much about Barack Obama, Blip kids. You want me to complain about Trump having a party mouth When Barack Obama was one the mother do man I'm not going there, but I don't want to get into the political bickering all that ouch saw so, are all back away. Look if you want to go for buying you do do you do you think you know vote for whatever you think is the right person be a trump or button. But I do want to have a shot on say now. Is the time for us to do the right thing: store, was actually really cool. G o p governor group pauses political attack
amid corona virus. While Democrats continue our right while the demo, that's gonna stop find whatever, but I think it's respectable that anybody. I don't care if a democratic Republican at least It seems that the GNP backing away from going after Cuomo, because we gotta come together. Man right now we're facing an invisible threat. This could be a unifying force, frost, there's a potential silver lining, while people are gonna lose their lives, we gotta fight really really hard to protect them and make sure they make it through. This ok the silver lining is with this. You know this this. Single enemy. We all I realise that we have to work together, and I might I might have criticisms of people like Bernie or causing or tat. I am, I have criticised Trump in the past, but it's a socialist flipped lockers, I'm typically ragging on at its fair point out. I can put that all aside right now. I can give props. Do you know where she did to label I've been critical of the past? She came out made statements about the importance of going after the
not a virus in fighting this, and I dare you go man I'm gonna make out. I want to do with these. Other groups are doing and and and similarly say, like now, it's time to come together. There is a challenge and I'm not I'm not free from criticism. I've, absolutely rag on media, pundits and Democrats over their response to the krona virus. It's not Providence hard to do, and I think there are certain things we can do like I've tried. You know I've refrain from just basal, basically going after people or try to make them the centre of attention simply for political reasons, and I ll try and give them support, be it the president or people like Russia delay before if we're focused on fighting this common enemy as a good thing and once were passed it, I can go back to point the finger and screaming far left or whatever else right. Apparently, not everybody feels that when I made it hard because you'll still get the Rachel mad cows you'll still get these pot. These pundits on twitter screeching about how the present is bad. You know in my criticism I I typically go after like the concept, the idea or the organization like I'll say: the media are not doing that:
he was literally every single journals have being bad, but because I'm trying to avoid singling out specific people although all single hour Rachel mad on other people, still not perfect. The point is a lot of people screeching orangemen bad. I think now is not the time to be throwing rocks and bottles at the pilot of the plane. When, even if he's a bad pilot he's trying to land, that was the analogy to cave in the past that we ve got it. This is the guy was flying the playing as people wanted. The best we can do is support them and do our best to make sure you lands the plane pro really well. Now I ve got a serious threat. People are still throwing rocks and bottles. The pilot MA am not a fan of it. So Democrats, I don't know what you're gonna do Joe Biden, but I don't see him winning. I think people who are sitting around watching their their people on this point watching the others throw balls. The pilot thinking, you're nuts he's land
Transcript generated on 2020-03-31.