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Trump's Acquittal Counter Offensive Has Pushed Democrats PANIC To The Limit, They Are About To Break

2020-02-08 | 🔗

Trump's Acquittal Counter Offensive Has Pushed Democrats PANIC To The Limit, They Are About To Break. Now that Trump has been acquitted in the impeachment trial he has begun his counter moves.Vindman, His Brother, and Gordon Sondland have all been "fired." In the case of the Vindman brothers they were abruptly escorted out of the White House just the other day.Following Trump's move many media personalities and Democratic commentators threw a fit calling this the "Friday Night M**sacre"in reference to Richard Nixon's downward spiral just before his resignation.But in this instance it's Trump's victory. He won on impeachment and was acquitted, he won the emoluments lawsuit (one of them so far), and now he is removing staff what what he says is insubordination.These people serve at the pleasure of the duly elected president and to suggest that Trump can't fire people is absurd.But while this is going on Nancy Pelosi is facing a fierce backlash to tearing up Trump's speech, Republicans are pressing an investigation into Hunter Biden, and the Democrats are embroiled in election scandals in Iowa.The Democrats are in freefall while Trump keeps winning.The panic is palpable and Trump is pushing it to the limit.

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This is an unofficial transcript meant for reference. Accuracy is not guaranteed.
This has to be the absolute worst weak for Democrats in a very very long time. Everyone, including bill MAR, is saying this is trumps best weak ever and the Democrats literally can't stop panicking. I gotta admit I'm tired of doing this past week of videos. Why keep talking about the panic they're going through, but they are from democratic, confronting Nancy Blowsy in the house. Actual congressmen yelling at her for tearing up the speech, voters announcing their quitting the party to people how likening trumps firing of certain staff as the Friday night massacre, don't make. It seem like it's Saturday night massacre of the Watergate scandal, but tromp is winning and some of the comments being brought forward, a people, the left, it's just nuts, they can't stop freaking out and for good reason. The debates amass economy is great trumps approval. It is up, and we just heard from James Carville the other day saying that the parties that we are a son.
Really out of our minds, their complete disarray, Steve Bannon appear on Bill Martha their night and there now sang Bill, Margo, trounced and torn to shreds, ban and said you had four years to figure this out and you didn't do it so yeah they keep panicking and I dont know what else say because the comments I am seeing in response to this latest story that Vindelin was escorted, out of the White House and fired and so a Sandman, it's nothing but panic. They say trucks coming for your family. He can go after anyone. It's Friday, night massacre, calm down, not the end of the world. You started a fight, you couldn't win, and this is what happens this week is just getting worse. And worse for the democrats- and I can only imagine it's gotta continue to get worse to try and keep otherwise would be a lie. So, let's get star, and go through all of these things? Where they can?
nerves are winning and I'm going to say this way. I think I think what we are seeing is the right, the Republicans conservatives, whatever absolutely dominating the culture war. It's not just about Donald Trump. It's about the economy, it's about cultural politics, to the comedians coming out and making offensive jokes. It's about the rise of conservative media and the collapse of left wing, digital media MID mass lay offs. I dont know how to find this, but this is at least what I'm saying. I got all the sources back this up. Let's get started, though, with trumps moves against those who testified against them. The story from happening First, Alexander vindicates brother also boot. From White Ass ever Trump acquittal. You see it wasn't just Vincent was also his twin brother, but before we get started, make sure you
over two TIM cast outcome slashed donate if you'd like to support my work, their several have always give the best thing we can do. Share this video. I often try and say that breaking echo chambers is one of the best things we can do by sharing this video. I gotta admit at this point there probably too, people who are so entrenched and refuse to accept this insane defeat and trumps constant winning. It probably want to watch it, but I also would make a bet there. Out of people that are completely disillusioned by the constant failures and defeat earlier today, in a segment talking about the democratic debates we saw last night work.
Tried, claiming once again that the economy is bad. Yet, according to gallop, only ten percent of the population thinks of United States thinks that the economy is the number one issue. Why? Because the economy is really it's going rate and most people are experiencing this first hand. Those people might start become that that they might be now a bit delete disillusioned. Why do they keep tony things are bad when things are better than ever. There was one story where democratic voters in Boston said they recognise how great everything is going, but their concern about climate change will unfortunately, for Democrats there on the debate stage, saying the economy, an issue that most people are actually good with and thank the president for so perhaps these people need to hear a dose of reality everything the Democrats have tried their battle in the culture war. It's all failing. Impeachment failed emoluments fail. Twenty of the moment, you name it
everything they thought of. This man has defeated them, and now he is launching a counter offensive. Republicans have been investigating Hunter Biden. They are escalating his investigations. The Treasury department is submitting documents. The Durham investigation is under way, Republicans conservatives, the right are absolutely crushing it. Every day. I look at the media, what I see, Democrats, freaking out and it's getting worse: here's the story: Avenant, Post, lieutenant, Colonel Alexander Lindemann, the army officer, who was fired for the National Security Council nor testifying in. Donald Trump impeachment trial. Wasn't the only want escorted from the White us on Friday, his twin brother, who are army, lieutenant colonel Yevgeny than men, was also escorted off Whitehouse grounds at the same time and apparently dismissed from his post at the National Security Council. They say, Alexander women was the Ukraine Export for the Uno Sea, while Yevgeny amendment one
senior lawyer and ethics official for the council, both our decorated army officers, David Pressmen, an attorney for four Vindelin Alexander, said in his statement of new posts, that Yevgeny them and was a scored from the White House suddenly and with no explanation, despite over two decades of loyal service to this country, he is deeply pointed that he will not be able to continue his service at the White House. President added Alexander vitamin testified about his knowledge of the President's July. Twenty nineteen phone call with ukrainian president that triggered a whistle blower complaint and lead to trumps impatient inquiry and proceedings. While we know from the actual in impeachment increase testimony and the House Intelligence Committee that in all likelihood, at least according to shifts actions, Vindelin was the one who spoke with the whistle blower who made the complaint
first place now. I think its a bit hyperbolic work, its extreme exaggeration, in my opinion, a coffin minute, trader or spy or anything like that. He was simply a disgruntled employ. He was upset that Donald Trump wasn't taking his advice, but he wasn't the president nor the president's advisers as much as actually tried claiming he was. He got upset. They wouldn't listen his opinion. He complained and someone filed a complaint which sparked the impeachment naturally Donald Trump viewed in S insubordinate and is letting him go. But what are we? So? It's that's it. That's actually have the only story. I want I want to cover this for very quickly before you took the freak out trumped just in just fired Gordon Sancho and as the Eu Ambassador, this is part of trumps post acquittal. Purge Gordon somnolent should also be removed. For one reason:
not because he's a trader or a spy or unease any of these extreme opinions, but because he flipped flopped and gave conflicting testimony and what he was saying didn't actually have a basis, in fact, but his own personal opinion why dont know, but that compromise is probably bad for security and trot if Trump can't trust his ambassadors, that it makes sense he needs to brand someone he can. We can trust. Does that mean sidelined in anything wrong? No, it just means the boss needs people, he can trust it. Doesnt mean us retribution or revenge. It literally means tromp is the one who sets foreign policy he's the one who was elected, whether you like it or not- and I am very critical of much- was born foreign policy. But that's the way this country works. If you want to change change it, but don't act like these people. Immune, because they testified in an inquiry panel, not a criminal trial, but that's exactly what we are seeing now. This tweet from Joyce Alene are you of Alabama LAW, professor, for Nbc apparently contributor vin, bins
there was fired and walk out alongside him. Understand. Trump can now come for. Anyone who gets in his way he can retaliate against family, the people wouldn't do the right thing for its own sake should know that that day can come for them to. It seems trivial to me at this point but retaliation against a witness, is a federal crime, there was no in a trial. There was an impatient trial, but the Democrats did not accuse Trump of any actual statutory crime. So, I think, is a bit of a stretch, Disaze retaliating against witnesses and look. I question trumps judgment on a lot of things. There's a lot of things going over the country right now, but let's be real. These his other should he have been fired. That's a tough question, but I think there is a serious issue of insubordination and disgruntled employees or or people serving the pleasure. The president we're gonna call em if Trump can't trust you in his administration, don't be surprised if he asks you to leave now
worked technically fired. Some people are saying they were there being reassign. That's my understanding, but all of these people freaking out it's getting a bit crazy Friday night massacre experts say Trump firing of three officials, including Sunland investment, is a criminal offence. Trump is the president. If you are working in the administration he chooses. If you can work there, it's not criminal for a president to say I don't trust you. I don't think you'll do a good job. It's time to what's the argument now that anyone who ever complains that the president is immune from being fired. That's completely insane. Several other presidents have purged tons of appointees. Employees. They get, and they say all these people brought about the other guy. They gotta go. That's a part of the political process that, when the american people vote for someone new, that person is gonna set policy, and that means dramatic change. It's actually a good thing to remove people.
Who you think might be into long. Otherwise, you'll get an actual deep state, one of the biggest concerns we should have our permanent appointees, who exist in these positions of high power in government without being elect, soft. Tromp was going to make some moves and fire some people are or reassign them. I dont see it is a big deal. I think people are freaking out. They can't stop seriously frightened at mascot you only to calm down, but I get it man. I got a lot more Donald Trump and Republicans are just sweeping the victories in trumps Eddie you you could try to winning I got it. I ought to be honest. I am actually tired of trumps winning, and I mean that not as a joke, because the past several videos- I've done- have it about Democrats. Quitting Democrats panicking Democrat Party collapsing PET panic, panic aren't harmony. Vetoes I've may talk about their panic, but I could you not it's. You know people in Congress
and what are they doing? Why are they getting these papers on Hunter Biden? Oh no they're investigating us its people, saying oh geez trumpets were telling its family. It just doesn't stop so I was for I was sitting trying to figure out. Is there a different story I can do? But if I want to talk about what's happening in twenty twenty and mainstream politics, this is what's happening. This is the Big NEWS: Vindelin was trending number one last night and the response from Democrats was sheer panic over the fact that trunk fired a guy. Look at this President Donald Trump Lakefront afternoon and evening ended the week by firing through administration and white US officials, he blames fours impeachment in a campaign of retribution. Some experts are calling illegal. If the president can't fire people, then how that what's the point of an election, do we just have permanent appointees, you what a guy in the office? He says these ten guys are not working here and you can never get rid of him ports, the pony election. That's the point. Trump needs to get rid of people who doesn't like.
They re going to mention what we already know that when men, his brother and sign one hears work, it's funny the hash Ag Friday night massacre is trending on Twitter. Right now, I'm sorry man, I am my Youtube and I'm seeing all these videos about Democrats panicking. But if you, if you want argue that I'm wrong to say so by all means, I'm willing to hear it, but I couldn't figured out what else is it when they're trying to claim as a Friday night massacre? That's too you lost got acquainted it's up in the world, calm down other freaking out, Ellie Honecker Cnn analysed and former federal prosecutor Aliona said: transactions are criminal, oh how we ve heard this before every single time, the accused of a crime. Ok, why didn't you actually accused of a crime and impeachment trial? They didn't abuse of power, objective Congress, political charges, I'm sounding this bell. Now it is disgraceful and criminal to demote fire witnesses. As we are seeing with Vindelin his brother sanguine, so what they testify.
Their immune forever and truck can never get rid of them. That makes no sense, I'm sorry, but this could get even worse, including bogus criminal charges against perceive trump enemies in FBI and elsewhere. Watch for this they are in such a free fall. Pat panic is insane took us out. David Roth, cough. He's a sea of the raft. Cough group says Friday night Mass don't lose sight of the fact that this wave of retribution is a crime orgies. I'm already smelling. Second impeachment, like the mean well, we ve had first impeachment what about second impeach it. Maybe I should just stop it's not working you're you're crazed patent unit. It is, I think, I figured out every single time. I taught them panicking because of some fringe insanity. It shows there not thinking rationally there. Now
planning ahead. They dont know their enemy and their entering a battle they ve already lost before started, took two to slightly reference on, so they need to stop. They need to stop pretending. The economy is bad, but all they have because what Americans are looking for is being taken care of is screeching about trumps crimes. Ok, you know what the election is coming up and they know they can When, because we heard, I think, was Al Greenow said if we don't impeachment impeach him, he might get reelected, oh, oh! No! Oh no people people are gonna reelect, the guy. Why can't you form a cohesive party? Why are the Democrats fractured down the middle with with with? they'll be Steve, Ban and trouncing bill MAR. When ban and said you had four years to learn. There's another one: MSNBC Political, analysed Friday night massacre, it's a reference to Nixon what this is since downward spiral before his resignation, not his victory lap. So
Resistance, organizer, indivisible, CO, CO, founder and conflict Doktor, Azra Levin. He says You know, thanks for the fraudulent massacre of the front and Massacre CNN defrauded massacre continues on men. Well, tell you what Rami Ff His party scorn isolation after impeachment vote. He is ostracised offer a little criticism this way. I think Romney was wrong, but I do think the Trump supporters better be careful, because people keep calling Ya'Ll occult and if you demand everyone's step in line or else I think it's hard to actually argue against. In certain circumstances, look Romney made, in my opinion, the wrong decision, but it was kind of irrelevant fine. Ok, we saw a democrat defectors on you know, Jeff Andrew actually quit the Democratic Party. My advice would be don't be like them.
Don't don't treat Romney like a priori ostracize him criticise him and move on. I know its not perfect. Lotta people are angry about. Tell you what one of the worst things Democrats did was tell Jeff Andrew you're, either with us or against us, and then he said, but by an Donald Trump scooped him right up with a handshake and an endorsement, and he rallied in his district. That was power for the Trump supporters. Be careful where you tread, because if you sling mud back into the direction people might Surely doubt your integrity again, I think Romney was wrong on this one. I think the impeachment was was hyper, partisan nonsense. Romney did Don't know why but he's an easy set, etc.
While my so might my bet would be, he knows about time is actually for reelection people. Wove moved beyond this, so we'll see what happens. But again, I stress you look at what happened with Jeff Andrew, don't make the same mistake, but now tromp is moving for expunge meant. I know I've migrants quite a bit, but it bears repeating because we're talking about the never ending victories of Donald Trump Political, hoax Trump called for as impeachment to be expunged. He's gonna win what you through failed, he's gonna, get reelected and when he does so in the end or publicans, when the house, because your incessant nagging about the orange man, it's driving people, you know I am angry they're gonna, expunged, US and Donald Trump is going to he's. Gonna have that Victor Anders about it just keeps winning. Now I wonder that I want to go through several different stores. That are more about the victories of the right and in the culture war, it's beyond just the democratic party. Now they keep freaking out, they keep panicking, but there's a lot more go
not. Here. This is a story we saw from the other day or arms It's actually from. I think today, Steve Bat, an out wars and embarrasses bill more on real time. Even the daily beast, the left wing media outlet is giving Steve Ban and the victory that to me was knots. Bill MAR is not afraid to bring on controversial figures have great conversations. I have tremendous respect for him for doing this and he looks defeated and he said when they were arguing its trumps best weak ever and boy did he look upset but ban and kept trying to get to him saying. Listen. He likes Bernie, balanced Bennet said he liked Bernie. He thinks burning, identify the real problem by the wrong, so genes and he sat a look at what the establishment is doing to Bernie. They don't listen, they don't they they they ignore what balance as they ignore his warnings and I'll tell you this. I don't know, abandoned, never been a big fat exile, really pay attention to him or what he does I feel, similarly that,
I say calm down, stop freaking out, try and cod with a cohesive strategy. They don't listen when I make videos pointing out that people are freaking out, calling it a massacre less. If Ecevit Watergate all it's not it's a problem you created and you lost and you keep losing they get mad. They accuse me of being partisan. Look man. I am fairly ambivalent. I wouldn't vote for tromp, but that's the problem. They demand you'll, be a party entirely possible moving forward. That's you know, republicans lose when the time comes and you'll hear me saying similar thanks to them being sore loser that, for the time being, this is how the game is being played. So let me just stress when I was covering occupy Wall Street. They loved what I had to say when I started talking about their failures and defeats him and ass. The Obama administration watch our talk, but their failures and offences are getting angry about it. You had your victories now you ever
it's it's a weird weird world that simply for pointing out the economy is doing really really well. Journalists won't talk about it. That makes me right wings of my opinions or right wing that to me as nuts I cover this earlier, but it but it needs to be shown. This context, John Literary said maybe in light of yet another strong jobs report, reporters will push leading presidential candidates who claim the economy is fundamentally broken to produce some stronger evidence. As I mentioned earlier, only ten percent of Americans believe economic issues are the most important. So every time you hear a Democrat say, wealth inequality, they say the economies and working for you. It's broken at only one for the one percent I mean they're just lying. I guess
nothing left, that's literally it! Well, here's the more bad news. The rest of us are going to be about how conservatives are just sweep up the field. In my opinion, they ve one already- maybe maybe trouble be defeated. I don't know, but I say this from the Wall Street Journal. Iowa democratic turn out prompts concern.
Voter enthusiasm, some in the party wonder if state has become more conservative as turn out falls short of the two thousand eight record made its pre emptive, but this is a bad indication for the Democrats about what's coming next, they were supposed to rally record enthusiasm to compete with Donald Trump. To defeat him, I thought this country was upset and hated the manifest approval right. It was below fifty percent. I thought all of these things- and I thought, maybe maybe I'm in a bubble and most of America really really hates tromp and they're gonna come out in droves and sweep the field than I what happened and there was no record turn out there. There was act that first time caucus growers are actually down that this project, something very dire for Democrats going forward. I think, with a strong economy, good national security and Trump, you know trying to lower drug prices in and trying to do some things in terms of at least selling some of his met. His health care plans not perfectly
and you he's my comments about medicare- that people James Carville was freaking out about, but tromp is tackled core issues that matter the most and I think as much as you might go on. Twitter and here at the Orange man, is bad and afforded a massacre. The reality is the average American doesn't really care because they got their cash in their pockets and there have been a good time. That means they're, not gonna, come up to caucus. In fact, some people could even stay the hour. This was the craziest thing to me. Not only was voter turnout bad in Iowa, some people who showed up left early because they couldn't they couldn't be. They couldn't give the hour obsolete there. I was gonna swear by stop. Now they couldn't even given our to represent the person they wanted to win the couldn't. Do it that's how little they actually cared, and then they went home. That means come election time with these projections, gotta get real bad
here's another little bit, maybe maybe I'll rather subsume from gallop. Last month the? U S, remained centre right ideologically. I think it's fair to say that the conservatives and the right are dominating the culture war right now. I don't know why I don't know what it is, but I think it's that you know there's there. There is no real democratic party, they ve, they fractured their split. You, you say the word Democrat and who are you even describing a Bernie Sanders Socialist or a Joe Biden? You know corporate centrist or whatever you call him. I don't know. I have no idea, and so I've had people tell it to me when I say Democrats pent, who are you referring to? Typically I'm referring to establishment crow. Types, including the politicians and people in media people like CNN, who totally smear Bernie, Sanders and Donald Trump. The establishment elites, typically one referring to
so I don't think I think I'll see you know cause report has when she said Joe Biden. I would be the same party. She made it clear, she's, not a democratic fact. Bernie Sanders isn't even a Democrat he's an independent. Is I've been raised ass, my understanding when we wrap it up with one last, but it's only gonna get better for conservatives only going to get butter August. Twenty six, twenty nineteen acts, Yos conservative media thrives, grows broader under Trump. That's right, daily wire being one of the biggest media outlets on Facebook and they tried accusing bench pair some stupid conspiracy, that he was using fake pages and manipulate now get out here. I'm not gonna, listen to it. That's nuts, and now we have this. Seven thousand eight hundred people have lost their job. So far this year in a media landslide, that's right, left wing outlets having imposed vice buzzfeed etc. Will there they're losing staff? Conservative media is growing, is on the rise, doing better and better and better left wing media is failing,
Tromp is winning. He wanted the last another day was not only did he get acquitted, but he won the emoluments lawsuit. Three nothin all judge. All the judges cited within twenty percent is manifesting. Twenty percent of federal judges were appointed by Trump. He is sweeping up the field. Can servers are getting everything they want and now actually do this. Here's the very last bit they're trying to get Donald Trump tweet about Nancy Pelosi deleted blue check, marks I'll, tell you what this should be. The nice little bow tie on the end panic mode. One hundred percent demanding twitter and Facebook delete a video that just shows Nancy Pelosi tearing up the speech they claim, because emphasis was added to show the various things. Tromp was saying. That means manipulated video. Well, I'm sorry, but Facebook and Twitter are siding with the president. It was Nancy policies fault she tore that up.
And, of course the only thing they can do is freak out and fail. A variety of blue checkmark twitter users saying its attitude. Must be removed its edited, but that we get this. The communications presumably can someone working communications for Facebook. In response to some one calling the video deliberately. Nine to mislead and lighted american people. Facebook, employee said sorry: are you suggesting the president make those remarks and the speaker didn't ripped the speech well yeah. He then linked to the manipulated enforcing against manipulated meeting which specifically state which he highlight sang the video is real. All trump did
was show what he was saying here is here's the airmen, here's the servicemen and it showed Pelosi ripping the speech. In the end, we now have mark Zuckerberg, claiming to side with free expression. Does that mean the big Trump supporters are gonna, get their channels back and be reinstated? No, but it certainly means Zuckerberg is taking the side of free speech in the culture war. So it's not just trumps victory. It's not just democratic panic. It's the economic victories. It's the shift to a slightly towards conservatism across the country according to gallop. It's the Democrats, constant panic and demands that are falling on deaf ears. I leave it. There stick around next augments coming up. P m youtube com slashed him cast. The news that has a different gentle- and I will see you all then another democratic debate, another unmitigated debate- disaster. They can't seem to figure out. What's going, in this country and they haven't learned anything from twenty sixteen. So once again, they lie
the economy, they go nuts about race issues and the rest of America. Just does not care about the article. I have pulled up from the Evelyn be a satirical website with an article, I'll bet from wins another democratic debate. Now it's supposed to be a joke: it's not a joke. Trump and even have to say a single word to win the debate because the damage that's our so insanely wrong. It is mind boggling, and I will show you first We have this rather strange moment, Jessica, Fletcher tweets broke Joe. We're getting. What state he's he's in the cap, he's in on the campaign trail woke Joe forgetting what he's doing on debate stage in this first club, which is just more fun. Joe Biden, turned around facing the wrong direction and the debates age and a lot of people are saying He doesn't know what he's doing what I dont know what he was doing, but I think he was fixing his teeth: I am not trying to be mean, but he turns I too, like you, know, fiddle with something, and
You may have seen in many of these debates. Jos teeth often slip try and be mean, but it happens so now, have him. Turning around mid debate, doing However, I have no idea. But this is just a silly aside. I like to show you this tweet from John Letty Letty Airy, he's the co founder of innovative economy and he tweets maybe In light of yet another strong jobs report, reporters will push eating. Presidential candidates took who claim the economy is fundamentally broken to produce some stronger evidence. I present to you and image from gallop. My oh my! What's this a marrow since mentions of economic issues as most important problem facing the Eu S from out from doesn't want twenty twenty hey. You can see during the peak of the finance. Crisis. Eighty six percent of the economy today, ten percent, that's They are campaigning to ten percent of the country. How insane so I followed with this Democrats or insane
they keep claiming the economy was bad and even vocs said it was wrong. Vocs, dot com, the left wing site says the economy is good. You have to accept that there are a lot of problems still What does it mean? There's not issues but the economy for most people, their seeing wages, increase on apply does down. It is doing well vocs right innocent from one the co founders the only, raise the Democrats have is to lie about it because they can't can't do anything. The economy is doing well and their end trying so hard to make that their issue, that or racial issues because they don't listen to America. It's probably. Why Donald Trump approval. Writing among the black community is as high as it is, at least according to three different pulse Wyoming call those pulls wrong because all of oil was wrong. We have no idea, what's going on, I said Only after they have to lie and tell people it's not good, but how Do you lie to someone experiencing a good economy, first hand. I've been talking the locals
It's just me. I live in the Philadelphia terrorism in the suburbs, so maybe it's just its anecdotal, not data. But I must also go to one of these guys when they're like last year's robust wherever you wrong. Actually it wasn't the best year ever you're actually struggling in this economy. Least after the Democrats are campaigning on. You must fall in that ten percent people who, oh I'm sorry, what's that you're the best you're ever you're in the ninety percent of the country that doesn't think the economy. The most pressing issue because the economy is doing. Well, don't let it stop you Tom style, who says it's the economy stupid My reminds Tom's dire at democratic debate. What are they doing? They are getting Up. Imagine this imagine you live in a beautiful home, and you on the home and one of People come your house and say you need renters insurance and your like, but I own my home. I have homeowners It's not your wrong. Let me tell you: what's going on in your life when you're like everything's, actually
This actually reminds me of family guy when the guy shows up to pay, How's, the solemn volcano, insurance and Peters I better by it yeah sure some people are gonna fall for this. But what about most people who are like there's no volcano you're, my house, I know because I looked outside. You- have people on the debate stage, trying to convince to support them, but they're telling you about a bogeyman. No one believes in what is what was wrong with these candidates. Why care this? no, you notice, I m sorry That reality is what will make, really care about this point that transparent taken care of. Not I mean that honestly, the economy immigration national security. This is the biggest issues troms taken. Their evolve. It perhaps perhaps good well, he's Andrey, hangs. Talking about something is talking about. You know automation, I guess what
have no choice, but you really hate Trump, that much you're just make it up it's all. You can do right check this. Bodies is M, live reporting, billionaire activists, Tom's dire, couldn't through a discussion on health care during the February Democratic Debate, saying he's too. Of hearing the same arguments over and over again style interjected. Saying Democrats instead be focused on the economy and countering President Donald. Claims of the best economy in american history. I love it. Healthcare is probably one of the best. That's the Democrats actually have, because health care will never be good enough. Even we create new cures for new diseases in advance things and lower the costs of drugs or whatever. You still have an endless, You know see of elements that affect humanity, so they're, always the demand for better services, o Donald Trump is pushing a bipartisan belt lower drug prices. They and even stay on message as it pertains to Healthcare Tom
dire has to button, and you not men. I feel like Tom Sires just here to help trump. He shut down one of the only debates that could actually held the Democrats because it's the economy, stupid. Let me stop you right there, Tom First say. Thank you for dumping. What a two hundred million dollars into advertisements driving up at rates and making all of the political commentary Youtube? Spacey, better return I am only half getting by the way. That's true, you know they're right the more money he dumped It shows dumb ads from him on my videos. I dont control that, like Youtube automates that That goes there had revenue for my gentle anyway. The economy is great. It's great because of people like him in Bloomberg, on being on being serious, What I mean is that when it comes to meet the media landscape, add rates are going up in the double digits because auction based so look if you're gonna dump all this money, Bloomberg summoned up two billion dollars, Heymann media landscapes loving Donald Trump, but,
being somewhat facetious right. The reality is Donald Trump, as in instituted a bunch of new policy changes, reforms, trade deals, tariffs, and now the economy is doing really really. Well, I mean his trunk, not elected on this America This policy, we saw massive jump in the markets because people felt like it was a safe bet to invest in America again. But let me just go back to this. Mr style How are you going to tell? How are you going to shut down a debate on health care? What we re doing did any of these people. Google anything know and that's why we're look at the beating but I will, I will say it again- shouted to Andrea anchors. At least he said we have to stop pretending like Donald Trump caught the cause of all our problems. He also talks about how look to the future. We can stem alot of these problems, but automation at a serious issue. He's right. I went to Walmart
I think, last week they didn't have one cashier, I'm not kidding, not one net. They replaced cashiers with automatic, like that, so that so they have a self check out which apply familiar. Where you walk up into Loki, asking you scan things, but now they have conveyor belt. Where you Everything yourself like it used to be a conveyor belt. You load and there was a cashier there would scan for you note now you scan it. They just gotten rid of that and the like, you know it honours, Damn you ring yourself up. They replace it with like to security guards at each door. Would check your seats so they're getting rid of these jobs, but are they August about it, no poor, Andrew Yang, I feel for your brother, but they're, not gonna, less they're gonna. And I got them the complain about the orange man and there ignore the data that is screaming in their faces. Look at this is it. This is incredible, even under trump.
For it started around forty percent of people, thinking that the economy was the biggest issue and in the past three and a half years, or so it's dropped down to ten percent. It doesn't Matter? If you think the economy is actually doing bad and troubles lying ass, a Tom Stars trying to claim look at us push back counter. Donald Trump claims are the best economy. Does what so crazy to me Donald Trump? It doesn't matter what he says: what the economy, because the average person doesn't care about the economy right now, like Ninety percent of people do not think it's the most pressing issue why it's probably going well for them. How are we going to beat Donald Trump? It's the economy, stupid sire, said setting a famous quote from President Bill Clinton. Is this what you know I mean Steve Bannon was on with Bill MAR the other night and they would they just dont. Want a lesson and build more calls him evil and, unlike the you know, look Steve Battle.
Comes out, and he looks you in the eye bill and he says here's what you need to do to win and Belgium says her rough. I say, no I refuse to give all your lying you're wrong. Ok, man, look sure you want to call Steve, enabling us all those things bottom, fine. What he's telling you how to win- and he said you had four years to figure this out. Instead, you are all divided. Europe Sky are also expressed concern that Trump could sail to reelection after being acquitted of impeachment charges this week. I don't think there's any question, George, that after this week is a real threat to Donald Trump, that there are real further Donald Trump can get reelected sire said it to moderators Donald Trump best, weak ever Bill MAR said it and he looked sad. He said I've started units is best weekend over recent years and we can, I believe, some of the past weeks trumps.
Faced. He won the emoluments. Lawsuit he's been acquitted of impeachment. His approval, writing and gallop beats Obama by four points highest, its ever been the economy is soaring, Trump is winning. He just fired Lindeman. He just recalled sidelined. Tromp is just Terran up the field when prompt said. You're gonna be tired of winning. You thought I was joking, but man, oh man, that guy keeps winning and the restoration. Is they have every opportunity to do the right thing like to do. I mean like to do the correct make the correct move to solve their problems and actually, when they won't do it they're just absolutely fractured and a million different ways there, spinning around in enrichment, ridicules directions with no unity, no plan, no strategy and for some reason They just seem to think either. You know what I'm going to say their long, I'm gonna walk.
Back out and say their long? What they call me? No, I think they're just stupid. It's not the economy stupid. Let's put that around the issue. Right, navigate campaign, us probably health care, but all oh go head interrupt that Washington, examiner reports, twenty twenty Democrats, our biggest losers from Trump economic boom, the of labour statistics on Friday added another pile of good news to the Mountain of data showing the contemporary economy is the strongest in generations. Not only employers, credit, staggering net, two hundred twenty five thousand dollar two hundred and twenty five thousand jobs last month, crushing expectations, but the Labour force participation rate has reached its highest point since the recovery began after the great recession, the biggest losers of all the good economic new
so the Democrats vying to unseat President trump all they'll tell you all the worse things in the world and an amazing to me actually lead to emphasise a couple days ago. You know just beginning of last week Donald Trump got up at that and in the house and in front of the podium and he whispered sweet sweet nothing's into all of our ears about a roaring economy, about victory. After victory for the Republicans and for America. Half the time Democrats we're sitting down a few times, actually stood up, but I was kind of mixed. Sometimes there was some bipartisan support for things. President was that the president was saying: tromp tells you all of these really great things and says America is doing great, but we haven't even yet begun. Think about how great it will be after his re election The Democrats get on the debate stage and they say life is miserable. Everything is awful, Trump is evil. Economy is bad. What you think people would like to drift
This is exactly what I ve been talking about about in terms of one of the big factors why Democrats loose, I imagine many Americans are standing in the middle of the road and they're looking for somewhere to hang out maybe grab some food to their left is arrested, full of people, bickering and yelling, and complain about how awful the world really is. Everything is bad to the right. It's a big old party with people had not beers and you look to Europe and you see a guy wave and he holds up european events you over and go to the left and the point the finger their insulting you calling at her side, Poland. Where do you want to hang up joining out the people who are complaining about everything who hate each other, where fighting each other or accusing each other of cheating? What you wanna go to the party wherever one's got red caps on in there haven't a drink in their laughter. How great everything is I'll? Tell you what It may be that Trump lied all about everything. He said doesnt matter at a sales pitch yeah you can call for lying. Did they do that? No, they tried claiming economy which is,
the face of every american which lay there they're happy with is bad. They think they're gonna went on that. You have the data here, washings emeralds, what's relevant Naysayers will point the unemployment rate taking up by point one percentage points from it: century low, but the bureau Labour Statistics Report confirms what Trump argued at this year state of the union. The economy is pulling the disaffected from the sidelines, creating more with higher wages for all works but disproportionately for those who need it, most economists have been debating whether such sustained job growth was even possible, given our current low rate of unemployment yeah a certain point, you run out of people to work well up, leaders of the MAGIC wand, Obama said didn't exist and open. Somehow trot must have found it. What truck described as a blue collar boom is making it difficult for Democrats to run their campaigns on economic anxiety or to justify their massive spending proposals units you that's funny.
At the debate. Yesterday, the moderators asked how many of you are concerned about having a socialist at the top of democratic ticket and Nobody raises their hand and then meekly you know Clover Charles raise the little been pulled down and raised it back up and giggles. You know what man I'll make it easy for you How many of you are worried about having a democratic socialist on the top of a democratic it? Let me just give a strong hand raise right there, because gallop polls show us. Americans will not vote for a socialist. I do not believe Bernie Sanders can win, and I still see my friends pushing this look. Let me back up back in twenty sixteen. Bernie was the social Democrat. He was accused being socialist, but people were pushing back since then. Bernie Sanders has made some serious socialist proposals, notably public workers,
ownership of corporate stocks, a certain percentage will be owned by the workers you're getting close to socialism. Now he's an overt embracing democratic socialism. Hunting is funny when he accuses you know, Denmark of being socialist and they're, not their market economy. With a welfare state, but now so, if someone, I know posted in article eight said Bernie it's not a democratic socialist he's a social Democrat. I clicked it from two years ago, Newsweek, which historical days ago Bernie is a damning. Riddick Socialist, not a communist here's, the difference you see burn these policies have changed dramatically he's openly embracing this. These fringe open border type policies that he rejected, and twenty fifteen. I dont trust the guy. I think he's pandering some reason: Trump, never back down Trump saying the exact same stuff com, a liar called whatever you want, but when you look at someone like Trump who just blurt things out, no one ever expected to hear like when he goes
yeah. We're gonna send a bunch of weapons to Saudi Arabia. They pay great. All of the Anti WAR left her like a collective gasp like he just said it he's not supposed to do that. He did so trumps as here's I'm into his arm and a good economy is great. Immigration is down national security. People are very confident and he's now advocating for reducing the cost of drug prices and costly the commercials. Proper seeking bipartisan support for this. What he thinks gonna happen, you think any of you think a socialist, a seventy. Eight euro socialist, who just had a heart attack, is gonna, beat Donald Trump in this economy. Look man they're alive, people want the revolution, they think Bernie Anders is the is the saviour for a problem that doesn't exist. Luck I like burning I saw him as a really honest kind. Twenty sixteen and since then I have just felt like he's. Pandering beats around the same time. We are making too much money. They establishment maiden promises. I don't know he took all that
glorious morning turned around and endorsed Hillary Clinton Trump, not judge Trump is just would never do that. I wouldn't. I can't I can't imagine he's too he's too full of himself for better or for worse. So what is Bernie really offering? What problem are we facing that? We need someone else to fix. I honestly No, maybe it's because you want a leader who got military experience for me. It's a big issue, I'd like a commander in chief with real military experience, but I don't see how I'm supposed to make an argument to the american people about this invisible crisis of a bad economy that no one is experiencing. Or the fringe I'd. I dont italian left wing nonsense about privilege or what not or the things that Elizabeth worn is
we're Bill MAR said why she campaigning to four hundred people? Is that the vote you're? Really after what these fringe intersection old policies or or our statements? The Democrats have no problem to solve. Tromp has solved the core issues that Americans were concerned about. It was national security, immigration and the economy, but health care is still a big issue and Trump is tackling those what're. You gonna say: what do you do? Well, the Democrats go onstage and have nothing to say they have nothing, and you know what, if as it as long as they were few to actually talk about. Well, you know, no, maybe it limits it. Maybe just said it is really nothing they can say where they are. Developments takes a year. The condom use really great do a little butter,
make a little butter. Don't trust the guy who made a great vote for me. I get it. They have no choice. You only thing they can do is lie, and that was coming from Matthew, Iglesias of Vocs not come. The economy is so good. Americans can better afford healthcare workers. Fast food restaurants due for day work weeks, thirty two hour weeks or less we're. Seeing places offer paid family leave now, ah paid page generally, like all of these things, the progressive sad they would get by you know. Government policy are being enacted due to a good economy proving Trump right. So, if you go to someone say we want paid leave for you. They say all my company already offer that, because the economy so that ok well, we want to increase your wages. Actually I just got here is what we wanted. Bolstered the economy. Dingy cheer me, I'm working, I'm working less, getting paid more, I'm getting more benefits, everything's going! Well, I don't know it. The Democrats could act
we offer up on the debate stage. I really really don't meanwhile, in Congress, the only option they have is to scratch about how Orange man is bad and try to impeach him, for things are just ridiculous. I couldn't proof, and now trump antiquated and all that happened Mummy, wrap this up. Maybe I'll say this for it for another segment. You know the only thing democrats accomplished with impeachment while they help tromp he fun. It was fundraising off at raising record a record donations off the threat, he's his approval, writing skyrocketing and, in the end they have signalled to tromp. They ve put markers on all of these people who were disruptive civilized people who are complaining and whiny and didn't want to do their jobs. People who are insulting em, thrusting his foreign policy based. They said here the people who won't do what you want: you're the boss right trumps, trumps elected to be the boss. The impudence had worked to bring all these people to complain about the president to show whose being insubordinate putting little markers on each person's
I can say: ok, another that's over fired, fired, fired, fired, fired, fired, fired. You serve the pleasure, the president for better or for worse. As far as I'm concerned, trunk could be the stupidest person on the planet, but if he was elected so be it, we have two other branches of government. That's where we will function. That's oil focus on change, but the Democrats are so obsessed with Trump being bad, but they can't even make Congress work properly that every advantage with a house of Democrats for the past two years to actually implement some kind of programmes to help they couldn't, they were too obsessed. Nancy blowsy. Shredding Trump speech was the symbol of her defeat. She knew she had lost. She had nothing left, nothing to say nothing to offer, so she just tore it up and stormed out an even democrats. Confronted her in Congress, even democratic voters, calling in saying I will not vote Democrat again, she's handing trump everything these people are saying. I'm relieved theirs to go out next segments coming up at one p m in the channel, and I will see you all that
It seems the nightmare apocalypse is upon us, because China has just started mass arresting people suspected of having a crowd of virus as eighty six People die in a single day Is it to say that is substantially worse than many of us predicted and we don't know what's going to happen next, but for those of us in the United States, the best you can always do is remain calm Recently, the? U S, government gave a it made a statement saying the threat to Americans is still relatively low, but this one starting to look creepy and sky hurry and conspiracies are running wild. The worst thing China could be doing. If this is just a a regular corona virus and there's nothing to worry about. The worst thing that could do is our barricading people in their homes. Whoops they're doing that. Fumigating entire cities using giant drowns, oops they're doing that to mass. Arresting people and putting them in camps. Yeah I'm beginning to
We got a serious problem here. I don't do your answers are, don't they can say only advising give have you gone out and bought some Euro five groundwater jugs yet or somethin? Listen. I say it every time, but before we get into it, it has to be said again because we're dealing with real issues of your. Safety in your family safety. Don't don't let anyone shame you into not buying some emergency supplies, your problem, let me say a lot if you watch all of my views on these subjects, but I'm saying it again for anyone who missed it, because this is serious. Okay, so forgive me for tired of hearing it but seriously get a first aid kit get. Some can further can last year, while in some water because hurricanes happen because storms happen because the power goes out because floods happen, but this is free key to a degree. I have not seen. I mean, if you recall anything this about the daily mail reports. Eighty six people die of corona virus in a day in China as bait. Jeanne begins mass arrests of sufferers and videos.
Oh, has met suit, clad goons dragging people from their homes, as death toll hits seven hundred and twenty four China's lying. What are they not telling us about this? They didn't react this way to Sars, and many people at first were saying you know. One of the arguments I heard was it's better to overreact than under react ok. The argument, then, was that, because they didn't overreact, Sars Sars was worse than it should have been. Are they all Reacting now, and it's about a surpass. Sars is death, total its infecting more people travelling as fast as the fluid substantially higher mortality rate. If this is over reacting ice. I certainly hope it is because they are literally mass arresting people on barricaded them in their homes and rounding them up for camps and building a murder and see hospitals and start to get scary, but even airports disturbing video show people suspected of having corona virus being forcefully dragged from their homes has emerged as the communist regimes.
Its rounding up sufferers and move on and taking them to camps. I what point: are we like well, the Andes, you're? Ok, I'm being somewhat facetious, but seriously. I think, setting up camps turn people, whoever diseases gettin movie. You know like this. A zombie movie begin men, officials and productive suits are seen holding onto two people by their arms for third more resisted. Man is picked up from the floor and it away in one shocking clip shared online, the footage filmed in MILAN. On average, China's vice premier sunshine, long called on a people's war against the fast spreading epidemic. As of Saturday more than seventy. People have been killed by the virus of eighty six people dying on Friday alone. More than thirty five thirty four thousand five hundred globally have been infected. Long incubation period, airborne virus we have a serious problem in the video one person wearing a face. Mask is seen being quickly pulled along by officials and assume
by a woman in a winter jacket who is held underneath by the arms by someone in a proactive suit, our officials have more trop, have more trouble in removing a third person who is low. A doorway refusing to be picked up to two people, try to lift him but after having no luck there, owned by a man in a blue apron and then to other officials. Despite the manpower the group still, struggle to lift the man who kicks out of them and struggles from a floor, eventually three of them, and managed to pick him up and carried suspected patient down the stairs arms. Man, I'm not trying to be cows literally a scene from a zombie movie. I am not suggesting zombies are having I'm saying like this. It's so severe that these are things we these scenes from a movie. We make to scare you that's, what I'm saying time severity you watch these movies. You see scenes like this. It's designed to freak you out now. What's happened: in the real world, not the zombie part, I'm talking about the severity of the fire reading the quarantines in another video said to have been film in China.
A woman is seen being detained by several police officers and struggling against them. The clip was shared on Twitter, waiting to show the woman being arrested. Wouldn't isolation for not wearing a mask against corona virus, here's the crazy thing they do. Oh, who has or has doesn't have it for the most part they can. They can test people who are actually sick or have fevers. Some of these people are a symptomatic, but they're not taking chances, though Family they got quarantined in that video, where their pudding metal barricades against their door. Those people were just in the city and they are taking this action. I hope it's an overreaction, but as the death toll climbs is expected to pass Sars and infection rates climbing, I think it's very serious now at the end of the world, know a wooden, calm down! Look it's it's! It's! It's substantially worse than the flu. It's mostly infected people in China. There several cases outside of China take it seriously, but for now I don't have to worry about, although I will add a cruise ship docked in.
On New Jersey. I used to live there you're you're years ago and they were holding people in quarantine. Naturally, people are starting to freak out. I think one big challenges? Is that we know very little about this virus or its origins. The White House, reaching out, you know, that's not legislate. Historical, quick from ABC White ask scientists to investigate origins of kroner virus, they don't say too much, but their concerned about conspiracy theories online and if you you if you follow a lot of these more conspiratorial sites that you ve been here a whole bunch of crazy stuff. These things are not entirely. Out of the question. There is a bio lab in whew Han and there as a concern for the international community that a pathogen could escape, but because we don't have evidence The best thing we can do for now is just as we honestly just prepare like take care of ourselves and and wait do what you can do the White House to seeking you know and to investigate the origins. Some people are climbing. It was men
We have some there. There was one research paper that put out saying that certain proteins on the Virus- dont have have never occurred in nature or extremely unlikely to have occurred in nature, doesn't mean anything. Definitive yet, and even the scientists are saying such their sang? It just seems odd, now largely bore speculating, let the investigator do their thing, but I warn you on this one: to avoid panic, the government is likely going to combat compartmentalize information. This doesn't mean conspiracy. Theories are legitimate. It just means we will likely not know the full scale of what's happening, because paddock is bad and can actually hurt the search for a vaccine or a cure forever, whatever it doesn't have about it gets for the time being, we are looking at something
expecting to be worse than Sars. Could it be a media us? You know us. Media system are trying to scare you and frank you out yes, and keep that in mind. I dont know the appropriate level of panic or freak out. I have no idea, so the best we can do is never enter panic mode because you don't plan properly when you do how to say, though I really do look, I'm just some do on the internet. Talking about his feelings right, I'm not an expert on half the stuff, but China is trying to that. They ve arrested whistleblowers, the people who have been calling out the virus. They ve, arrested these people, and now we have videos of people being dragged from their homes and brought to camps the sea. Seems like it substantially more serious than they would like to let on on Friday, was feel that China Central government ordered wound to round up all suspected patients, as well as their close contacts in mass quarantine camps. Vice premier son also demanded communist officials of all levels. Take active lead in this war. Time condition
or face being nailed onto the pillar of historical shame forever. The city of one is run fourteen million residents, but our unknown how many, how many people will be quarantined or wait where they would be kept. One officials are now carrying out door to door health checks, but not if I potential carriers, who would mean he'll be isolated. I can only imagine a lot of people now, gonna barricade their doors and hide because might just suspect you imagine us you wake up one day and you drink in a bottle whatever excellently and a little bit of water and then you're here you coughing and its eight doesn't matter in the van. Miss son demanded four types of people in will haunt be put in. And a tory isolation in quarantine stations, confirmed cases suspected cases, people who have close contact with the former to and those who have fever. Heaven forbid you got food poisoning or you have a cold right now cause
locked up. What are these photos? They said they mention the same thing. It is photo makeshift hospitals. Let us look at the doctors and what their wearing their taken. This extremely seriously. Tal rose by eighty six in one day to seven during training on Saturdays, according authorities, and is poised to past, Seven hundred seventy four das record globally during the Sars pandemic and other kroner virus that jumped from animals to humans in China. This new number brings. The total number of people have died from corona virus to seven hundred twenty four worldwide, with one death in Hong Kong and when the Philippines, keeping in mind the overwhelming majority of infections are in China right now on Saturday, it was also can the first American who had been living in IRAN has died from the virus with a sixty year old, passing away Thursday for Britain's a couple in there to children. Have also been admitted to Son S, passes hospital in the palm of my Yorker Minorca this weekend after having tests for the virus.
Missions occurred after the unnamed dad who lives in the Maharajah Medora by Majorca when did ask, but on third two informatics. He had been in contact with the person who had tested positive for the virus in France. So again, if you love and admitted and are having tests, we have more photos. Look at this is nuts China's Freaking out about this. There sprang crazy disinfectants. What are they sprang and I wonder what they think it will do. And why it would stop the virus with a sword. Here, Britain, Alan Steel, was taken off the diamond princess cruise liners and sent to hospital advertising positive for the virus team of health workers and has met suit on the shore of Yokohama. On Friday, where japanese authorities said the tail of course, of our patients on board. The diamond princess cruise ship had risen, a sixty one man. Could you imagine, being on a cruise ship and hearing that one person was sick, lock your door, don't come out the crazy things. A lot of cruise ships are interior cabins with no windows, basically little prison cells. That's got to be
nightmare. Francis health minister also confirmed on Saturday five cases of kroner virus, adding that all of the new people affected our british nationals and include a child health minister, Agnes Boozing, so that five were diagnosed with krona virus after coming into contact. The person who had been in Singapore, she said they were not in serious condition. Total number of people infected with the virus in France has now reached eleven boozing said the group. Newly infected people with the virus formed a cluster of grouping around one original case that that original case was brought to our attention last night. It is a british national who had returned. Singapore, where he had stayed between January twentieth and twenty third and he arrived in On January twenty fourth for four days was inside of adding the latest outbreak had occurred in the mountainous region of salvo, several entrepreneur, sums in eastern France according to Le Figaro. In fact, british Man state in a scheme shall it which contained two apartments in the
two means my joy money. Forgive me for not being here to speak these languages and hot, so vow between the twenty fourth and twenty eighth of January, the first apartment house, three people who are diagnosed positive, what the krona virus for others were deemed to be suffering from minor Symptoms in a second apartment, a father and a child were infected and their mother, who was in Britain, was hospitalized there, as well as the new case suspected patients appearing in Europe, dozens of peace, I have also been struck down, who were on the diamond princess Khrushchev I gotta say men. We had that mean go around However, that means saying twenty twenty was gonna, be a pandemic, because it happens, hundred years or whatever, and here we are nearing pandemic proportions. Exports recently said in a report from Fox NEWS. They fully expect this to go a pandemic. Look in the United States. We have twelve cases, but this spreads as fast as
The flu I think every everyday. I see the story. The amount of infected is climbing and climbing fast. Now, almost all of these people are in China. Keep that in mind and almost all of the deaths except for Hong Kong. Philippines are in China, but now we're seeing I mean This this is, that is its hitting everywhere. I guess if your fan plaguing Greenland awaits but a Europe where the closest report to joke. By the way now, but Alan's deals on board a cruise liners. We read about him. He was transferred the newly I note also include twenty one japanese nationals, as well as eight Americans, five Canadians, five Australians at an Argentine. This is from a cruise ship. While another vessel with forty people from China that was turned away from Japan has arrived in Taiwan with help officials boarding to test to test the holiday makers for corona virus check this out. This is this is well on offer those that are listening on a strategy empty street. There's there's only at a handful for cars, one per to people on motorcycle.
Does the quarantine as people hiding and well a lot of people being rounded up this one person wearing a mask writing a bike. We can see This is a chinese menacing like a proactive mask, as he monitors the entrance to Financial neighbourhood next week, in saying strong prevention, don't panic believe in science dont spread rumors. Spread rumours they say and that's why they been rounding people up on an old man. There's a lot of conspiracy. There, conspiracy theories going around, and I want to get into too much detail, but suffice it to say that some weird stuff happening people are very scared. That's gonna get substantially worse
I don't know much about biology. I'm not an expert on my scientist enough for the most part. I say this if this is travelling as fast as the flu and we do have a flu vaccine, not everyone gets vaccinate for the flu, but the flu still travels far and wide and kills a lot of people. The mortality rate for this virus is substantially higher on twenty times higher. According to the reports I've seen enough from from various outlets. If that's the case, I don't see why it wouldn't travel as fast as the flu and injure may more kill substantially more people keep in mind. They say tomorrow, more than a hundred eighty Britain's are being flown back from the krona virus, had city of one and will be kept in quarantine for fourteen days in Milton kings. Our central ambulance service said that counts Hill Park. A conference centre on hotel will be used to how's the returning citizens after they land at already F Breeze Norton. Where they will remain in isolation for two weeks. Everyone boarding, One of the chinese city, which is the apis under the outbreak, will be assessed.
And will continue to be monitored after landing UK on Sunday morning. How'd you stop the spread, even if you quarantine. What do you do? Do you like? Do then, never disinfect everything like how it seems crazy to me that we could take. People are potentially infected, bring them back to different countries, quarantine, none but still stop Wherever they were riding in whatever helicopter airplane car bus, whatever would you do do Burnham all do burn all the clothes and spray people down at him. Go through a quarantine like off stage for quarantine. Like you know, decontamination Perhaps I mean I can only assume they know better than I do. That's for sure really seems like when you're taking people out of a quarantine zone and bringing them home the chance, for you know a leak. Some kind of break in your security protocol is extremely high. Far be it from me to tell them what to do that. They say: they gonna say a bunch of the same stuff. I get it. They say dire. Corona virus warnings from Britain top experts I'll just wait. Some of these- and they will write this one up- just uh
leading biologist infectious disease specialists met at a hastily organised meat by the respected signs media centre in London on Friday, the escalating outbreak they may this year. Of dire warnings of vaccine are you ready until at least twenty twenty one? Even if we eradicate virus in the next few months it could re emerge in winter, an outbreak in light. Twenty twenty could be devastating for an I just staff juggling winter crisis, that citizen the death of a seemingly healthy chinese doktor and his thirty's raises fears. It may have the ability to kill people with strong immune systems. That's terrifying! Dont be fooled by a decrease in confirmed cases last year. Is this could be a lack of manpower and errors and cataloguing them in China and its a two week to week incubation with an airborne virus meeting a lot of people could becoming infected right now and just not know the virus may be spread to babies. I'm pregnant. Mothers cases are at least ten times higher than the current thirty one thousand cases being reported. I must stop your
there. The daily mail is reporting cases, or at least ten times higher than the current thirty one thousand. Are they sang three hundred ten thousand people might be infected. How can you quarantine this now in China? I get it, it's probably whether mass arresting rounding up in camps, but what about everywhere else? If foresee? If the case starts to be ten times worse, what are the United States? Are they sang a hundred? Twenty people? Have it and we don't know who those people are? You know a man. I can't stand this. The last thing: do as planned. Some stupid media hype or fears, but all can really say is as much as I am very critical of the media for, under that click, Bateman Hence we are literally looking at videos of people being dragged from their homes and their reporting that they're bringing these people to camps. We have seen videos of people putting metal bars in front of homes, I think the media definitely wants to fear Munger, but I think it's fair to say
from the videos you seen in China is worse than we thought, and it's getting worse, so I ll leave it there and the updates updates that will be on the channel. Stick around Mexicans coming up at four p m youtube com slashed him cast its different gentle and I will see while their depending on who you ask Chris Matthews either gave a passionate speech denouncing socialism or an unhinged rent for reason it's the Trump supporters praising Chris Matthews, while its people on the left, mocking him, because he said something to the effect of if the reds had one there would be Xxix genes in central park. What we are seeing now from MSNBC kind of coming out finally saying what we don't want socialists is the disconnect between what Bernie Sanders represents, what the socialist represent and what Americans actually think about him while Bernie Sanders might be on the rise and in many people's technically now he's project is the front. What, because he's projected to win the nomination, I think its first say most Americans, don't even-
he's a socialist, neither somebody new posts on Facebook, a two year old article that Red Bernie Sanders not a socialist he's, a social Democrat and talked about Denmark accept those two years ago and today the articles that the new Reed's Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist, not a communist. I see the trend where we in two years Bernie Sanders is a communist, not a despot. I think most people here the sweet nothing's of Bernie Sanders about Free Healthcare, free college, not realising you can't give someone something else from someone. Such thing is free No such thing as the government taking in an rearranging repositioning. I certainly think they're instances where that makes sense. The common defence and many social programmes there's a difference between having a what. Fair system of varying scale
socialism, where Bernie Sanders actually called for worker ownership of court of a picture of a percentage of workers stock. So Bernie, as a socialist, I think most we don't know that once they find out, Bernie will probably start tanking in the polls. Bullets read the story. I got a couple here. The first Chris Matthews warns of executions in central park. If socialism wins well, he was referring to Castro. So I'm not. I don't think he's saying there will be in the future. There could have been, but let's reed the poster. Ports better dead, then read said Chris Matthews, while he didn't, but maybe he insinuated the MSNBC housed went into a protracted monologue after them democratic debate in New Hampshire Friday night and which he condemned the evils of socialism and warned of public executions in central park ever came to the. U S, saying quote: I have my own views of the word socialist and I'll, be
I too share them with you in private and they go back to the early nineteen fifties. He told a post debate analysis panel. I have an attitude about them. I remember the cold war. I have an attitude Lord Castro, he added, I believe, if Castro and the Reds had won the cold war, there would have been executions in central Park and I might have been one of the ones getting executed and certain other people would be their cheering, and that is still true to this day as much as arms. You know I want to point out he's talking about the past. I've had activists, send me private messages, saying don't forget you're, the first against the wall. We know what that means. We know what their intentions are These people are evil. They think they are ideologically supream their zealots and their biting their time. In fact, project Vert US exposed. On Bernie Sanders campaign shows many of them saying we got to hide the crazy stuff from people Heaven forbid they find out, but one they get power. We know the direction there going in
Bernie supporters, not necessarily Bernie, and I think it's fair to say yes, extremists, support certain people will see if Bernie implements these things. I really doubt it Bernie is as close as you can get to democratic socialism It's like users on the other side of it, he's talking about a percentage of corporations, corporate stock being set aside to produce dividends, which we have a bonus pay out, so he's getting close to worker ownership of companies. I think burning the socialist. I think he is with holding a lot of his more extreme views, especially Israel, a lot of what I've seen shit will he be represented by the most extreme of his bay of his of his base, or campaigns deaf no, but Why did he call em up, widen Bernie, condemn any of these people and now numerous videos, none of them? They just keep it quiet, keep quiet. Dont people find out what really done. Ok, I see where you're gone. He said a Christmas. The story goes on Chris Matthews D
to get into who exactly he thought would have been shearing his execution. I dont know who Bernie support, It's over these years. I dont know what I mean, by socialism one week its Denmark, we're gonna, be like Denmark. Matthews continued mocking Sanders deep, we're going exit. Well, what does he think of Castro? That's a great question: what do you think of Fidelity C Mon Fidel easement? The moment swiftly went viral on twitter and was picked up by programmes surrogates like campaign spokesman to murder, quote Chris Matthews laying down he said approvingly in a tweet, interesting. We trumps, orders praising MSNBC hosts. You see where this is going before becoming a host of MSNBC Show Hardball Matthew, spend his career, an insider in in democratic politics. At a speech writer for former President Jimmy Carter and Chief of staff to former how Speaker Tipp, O Neil, I think I see where this is going with MSNBC, giving some pushed back to Bernie Sanders. What happens when Bernie wins
and the moderate wing of the Democratic Party, which is around half splits and either doesn't vote or many of them vote Republican. The republican Party will become a super majority. A super party comprised of former Democrats, this massive tent and everyone will say tromp- is better than what they are offering it's gonna scary. Actually, we need some kind of competition in politics, but Bernie represents real extremism. Now look twenty! Sixteen was very different. Bernie was talking about social democracy. Today, it's it's very much so moved closer to democratic socialism. I mean he overtly calls it that ABC campaigns on his behalf and we're being open borders, type policy, a a stark departure from where Bernie Sanders used to be so yeah he's really treading closer to open borders. Global socialism, or do we want to call it. What worries me is this: is
scaring people into moving over to the right now. Of course, Trump supporters are happy about it because they're gonna win now, but I think you need political competition. You need someone offering alternative ideas. Democrats are doing that, so you gonna end up with Trump being the best achieved after, but it set offer, but it says something truly profound: the media wants to claim that Trump is the extremists. His followers of the extremists well trumped certainly represented the slight minority. Hillary Clinton one, the popular vote. But what happens? Come twenty? Twenty, I'm sorry weren't twenty eight November, twenty twenty? What happens when Trump winds and majority has grown, and I think it will what happens, Bernie wins the nomination and the other half of the democratic Party. Some thirty two point: five million people vote for Trump and Trump wins about just just about a hundred million votes and the democratic ask that I mean they won't really, but I'm giving an extreme example. That means that many people and keep this month
you're, not gonna happen yet, but when it comes time for Bernie Sanders to run, and we are already seeing the never Bernie Movement and panic among Democrats that burn he's gonna scare people away. We know from gallop that Americans most path won't vote for a socialist, happens when the american people say Donald Trump is not the extreme one. Bernie Sanders is and they flock to Donald Trump. I think that fundamentally disproves the claims coming from the established a coming from the media establishment in the anti Trump base, claiming that Trump is the extremist. If you were to ask me from what I understand and my thirty three, almost thirty
for years. Donald Trump is, like you know, an old school democrat from the Ninetys. There was such a shift under Barack Obama and over the past ten years at too many of these people, the shrieking about Donald Trump. According to the New York Times, we ve seen the data republicans aged slightly to the left. Now they didn't shoot like crazy. You know far left like Democrats did, but that's why they view troubles an extremist and most Americans. Don't most Americans haven't moved the democratic parties. Chasing itself and its an endless spiral trying to go faster and faster. You see Bernie Sanders in twenty fifteen saying open borders such a Coke brothers proposal. Today we gotta let in fifty thousand climate refugees. Do you decriminalize border crossings? Now we have that bill that never cosmic Karlsson was highlighting the anew
way forward, act or the new way forward, which would actually, as they say, require us to report people where we have deportment and enough if someone's deported, we have to pay for their trip back to our country even other here illegally. That is a ridiculous departure from Bernie Sanders stance in twenty sixteen twenty fifty. So what happened? The Democrats are chasing each other. Desperately trying to out woke one another is the Awoke Olympics is it twenty? Twenty the Woke Olympics the story from the Wall Street Journal, I'm not gonna rethought, they say Sanders may be surgeon, but is socialism the latest and be Sea Wall Street Journal. Paul says now why people don't know Bernie is a socialist. They haven't seen the videos from very toss so so show them. They don't know that is based ones. Do goulash, conservatives how many people four trump they just they voted for Obama. They vote for trot another being told you have to put me put in a camp. There know about it. There was a viral clip heartbreaking. Actually for me!
we're. A woman gives her caucus vote for PETE Buddha Judge and then shortly after Rio, someone mentions that he's got a same sex partners an omen immediately says no. I refuse I want my vote back and apparently she went to club which are it's gonna set. You know from my eyes. I think that shouldn't have any bearing on whether it is going to be a good president or ideas are good, not that I, like PETE, put a judge, but you can see that many people who caucus didn't know anything about the candidates and if they didn't know more about them, they probably say no So what's gonna happen, Bernie Sanders we're gonna win the nomination because the Republicans don't have to go after Bernie Sanders there. Actually defending em and smart. The Dnc is desperate to put out the fire of Bernie Sanders is revolution, and it is a fire and people love it that they view as a fire in a good way. The Democrats development is in a bad way, we'll burn these fires. Gonna burn bright up until he wins the nomination and that's
and we're gonna see those videos from very toss. I'd be willing to bet they appear in campaign adds Bernie Sanders is a socialist even to see him defending it. You can see the clips in the debate stage where they're like how many of Europe's at with this and other than to talk about the terrifying history of socialism and Trump is going to landslide. You ve been warned and thus NBC, as warned, you will see how it plays out in the coming months. Stick around next item is coming in a few minutes- and I will see you all shortly, while Chris Matthews Sovereign MSNBC, is warning about the evils of socialism and there actually having a debate where some people defend the idea. The ring. Reason Democrats keep losing. Ok, ok, not the real is one of the reasons Democrats keep losing. Is this a viral photo that went around that people are obsessed with, because instead of talking about healthcare, let's go back to James Car You watch my segment on this. The collapse. The democratic party is here James Carville long time, democratic strategist was saying:
You add Trump in Davos, saying you want to cut Medicare and not one person in a democratic party thought to plaster that all over the web. Now you see there too busy bickering about each other about scandals, about the economy, being bad whence actually good. Apparently no one is, on their side, has any sense. I guess technically Bill MAR does, but not enough, even in its debate with Bannon Bill March can see it, but I'll bring you now to one of my favorite examples where my favorite reasons Democrats lost, they complain about insanity, they have no principles. Now cannot not all of them, but many of them the people they ve been lined behind them as their as their core army support them are people who are just, therefore, the party and nothing else either. I look like all these male feminists who turned out to be abusers than ever cared about your cause. They were just trying to get them some, and I will look at this
From vocs what is up with that town line photo of tromp the conversation around trumps viral ten line is more than skin deep. Now, I'm sure many of you are saying. Oh, come on. Tell no one really cares. It was the number one trend on twitter. The number one friend on twitter I sit back because tromp supporters are laughing they love it, not only its trump self deprecating in his in it, and it is entertainment he knows who he is. He knows what he represents. The most of the Democrats are well out of the White House. I heard Donald Trump make jokes about himself and everyone loved it. You know why he understands comedy, and so do the conservatives taking the joke away. I'm them diffuses it. So they can't use it against you. Donald Trump went on tv innocence. Go had pull on my hair. He makes about it all the time he's confident he doesn't care. If you make fun of him now
claim he's also very sensitive matters, appearance I mean probably, but he knows how to defuse the power of their insults. So right now, while trumpets having his best weak ever impeachment acquittal he's getting rid of the people it has to fight against them. He's fine. And people you Eve, use insubordinate. He just one the emoluments lawsuit the Democrats are are bigger. About a silly photograph that makes makes Trump look silly it it's a bad photo of trump if no one's ever had a bad affordable for that's. Your focus did no one thing to plaster this. Trot, gave about Medicare all over the internet. Like James Carville said, apparently not so you know what they deserve to when I look at, if, if you played the game right I'd be right. I say hey. This is a great play, so unfortunate didn't work. I think they deserve this one. While if this is what you care about, then don't be surprised when regular Americans are confused as to what Europe set about
Think about it. This way to the eighty or so percent of Americans who are not on twitter, whore, outworking or concerned about where their kids are going to school. You're sitting there bickering about an orange photo from an that's what you're talking about. So when it comes to debate they're gonna be like I don't. I don't care about that photo editing about. What would you mean you? Don't ever everybody cares about this, we're all laughing at him. They're gonna be like what will come. My kid got. My kids go to college and they're going to say back, but the photo so funny. This is what we talk about. Congratulations, your opportunity or chance your requirement to strike back at Trump during one of his pivotal victory weeks? Instead, you dance around like Tweedle the entitled on laughing at a stupid photograph. They couldn't for the life of them. Just talk about any kitchen table issue. In fact, they probably say kitchen table issue more than they talk about the issues themselves, the
conversely, should around Frumps viral tat line is more than skin deep. Why? Who cares Bernie he's got crazy, hair and people make fun of it. Sometimes. So what? What are a publicans talking about they're talking about the impeachment trumps victories the economy issues so when a Trump supporter walks up and says how's economy going they go. Actually, it's really good and it led to the Democratic Hammock Democrat goes: did you see troops race its French and there, like I'd, buy gas. What was that about the good economy? Again, I'd like to make more money, so here's the photo it's like tromp was walking, is gonna weird. You know spray. Ten he's got wind blowing in his face at policy Back and you can see that, like his face brightened or whatever here's the thing, it's probably a saturated photo, do it saturation means when you take a picture, you can go like Photoshop and you can increase the collar saturation come more vibrant, here's, the actual photo vocs shows it I mean you can see.
Stan line because we all know he gets a speaker to brighten or something. But then you this one which clearly low like they saturated image to make it seem like, is more orange. It's the weirdest thing and it's really frustrating for me. When you, click from CNN are ABC and they seriously do boost the reds, so Trop looks bright orange, it's the weirdest thing and it doesn't work. Tromp supporters, don't care they loved it's funny to them. Now, of course, them they'll call at the faintness remain fake news. This image of tromp was actually a meme on the Donald they do it all the time they think it's hilarious. They take leftwing means and they vote them up. They can all see them in laugh about it. You know why first environment, it is funny the means are areas
But I think it also represents something profound that they know the Democrats, don't that the left doesn't get. They know. That's all you care about and the more they present this silliness, the less you focus on actually winning their knocking. You off base vocs actually wrote are your article about this. I love it may even talk about how fatigue Four William Moon may lose his job, because Trump would be so offended by the photo. Meanwhile, trumps own supporters use the image in a meme that made it like the top of their sovereign. It they're laughing. They love it. You it's funny as they try to that. Luckily, scroll down, I think it says you're trumpet sensitive about his appearance and see well aware of the narrative power of images right, but Trump also
understand the narrative power of not looking like a whining baby over a silly photograph. So Trump supporters know this and they don't let it get to them and that's a big difference between why Trump One, the Democrats, don't it's a big difference of about what attracts people too. You know Donald Trump or to the right as opposed to the left. The left is complaining about everything I don't mean literally everybody on the left. I mean you look at the body politic, positivity staff, the intersection reality stuff. It's like everything is wrong, no matter what they do. We just had borne
Noble, Barnes and Noble did diversity but covers, and the left still complained there are like we're. Gonna make great books with diverse covers and they cannot see. How dare you make diverse, covers without actual news stories, but then they do. You know race changes in movies, in their alike, superficial change, hey, there's, no way to be to be to be right on the right wing side. You could tell us stupid joke, that's really offensive and nobody cares. In fact they laugh about it. So what where? Where do you want to stand with the people who are looking at the photo of trump and laughing about it? Not caring not being face having a good time crack and a beer or the people who are, test with it as if it matters they say, trumps, distinctive appearance, the puppy, flaxen hair, the perennially bronzed face has long been a topic of fixation since well before he entered politics for its detractors, the president's appearance has been hit of mockery, beginning in the eighties when he was a real mobile in New York the underground publicly
spy begun, referring to him as short fingered vulgarian. The image based critiques have only increased since he took the world stage as president. In part This is because the conversation on the president's looks particularly as trademark Hugh is more than skin deep. It has given his opponents and Easy way to ridicule him, comparing Askin to cheat, owes or hoisting large orange balloons and likeness. That does not touch upon the sub
So this presidency or policies and is in a way reminiscent of the president's own nicknames for as enemies like many MIKE, but the problem is: does it work? No, I mean maybe a little bit, but many MIKE does work tromp brands, people trumpet and to represent ideas about them low energy. That was a dig at whether or not he was capable of job little Marco striking at his strength. Does he have the power lion? Tat dishonest he's not caught em. You know he's political opponents, words just to mock, put specifically like their skin color or ten when they make one of trot for being Orange, Mustang, literally, nothing about who he is already does other than he looks silly. So it has some power, but I still don't get what Trump does and Trump does get, but, more importantly, if Trump doesn't
ere it doesn't matter. Does it if its supporters don't care, it doesn't matter, does it, but we can see how big date they basically saying I met the eighties. That's what they're concerned about calling ridiculing him over the color of his skin saying is that she'd, a dictator and other stupid nonsense. Well, I tell you what any relevant more trump himself has indicated, that he feels self conscious about comments regarding his appearance as VOX is air group are reported, he has repeatedly blamed energy, efficient light bulbs, forests or in shaping the new light bulbs cost five times as much and make you look age, and I was more interested in the orange that I wasn't the cost and everybody laughed when he said it trump. They dont understand itself deprecating. You know that you're pie from their with comedians, who do that's like Ronnie Dangerfield, when people in salt and they take it, and it's Johnny he's like now. I was bought more bother, looked orange and everyone less because
I'm knows is orange. This reminds me of something and wrap it up. So when people complain about me- and I tried insult me- Do you think they actually ever say anything about what I do or what I believe or what I say now they just tweet Pimm tool. I could you not, I don't under like go for it. I guess do they think it's supposed to get to me or I don't know what they're doing I'm gonna be honest. I think it's kind of tribal play, but it shows that all their doing is just parenting, each other, like bleeding sheep, with no real response to anything. Honestly, I don't care what you call me. You can literally call me anything you want. I have people in Seoul. Me and my life show super chat all the time they make fun of market teeth. My baldness, I don't care that there's something different, bout. Whatever the freedom loving side is where we recognize you can't when I'm all you gotta have thick skin and I don't care what you call me. I had somebody super chat me like five bucks, an insult my face in my head, never
and unlike thanks for the money to good. So listen if you want to engage with me and follow me and complain the whole time. All that does is empower me. You're saying my name, I'm living rent free in your head. It's the same for Donald Trump, or so obsessed with his face your so obsessed with how he makes you feel. Instead of his policies, you keep losing. They dont get it then our understand. But I don't think they will stop more rapid obstacle running out one more segment coming up in a few minutes, and I will see you all shortly. I just finished a segment talking about how Democrats are more obsessed with trumps orange face than what is actually doing as president. How that's their focus, and now I have another glorious story for you. Another reason why Democrats can stop losing is that they are so thin skinned they get triggered by Donald Trump.
Speech at the state of the union. I am not exaggerating, but I wish I was from the daily mail, Rashid its lab says she clutched Fellow Squad Member Ill had all Mars hand. RO quote: triggering moments in from state of the union, including the applause for cancer, stricken rush limbo when he got the metal of freedom. I all First, I almost fell out of my seat. When I read this and I started laughing it it, it brought a weakness, the humor and rage, and infusion. All at the same time, are you joking? You are so frail. You couldn't watch the state of the union. You know a man may be unbiased. Maybe The reason I am able to listen to words without panicking is that have actually been in conflict zones Nations, or maybe the are group on the south side of Chicago, where you actually deal with crime and gangs and stuff, maybe they ve never experience that await a little more like to talk all the time about how she's a refugee came from a war torn country
so, ok, fine, it was received its labour, who was clutching her hand due to triggering moments, but I'm very confused as to how you can go through these things and be triggered simply by trumps words. Something is wrong. Trump derangement syndrome is real, and this is terrifying. We cannot have people in government to panic. Over words, I mean depends on the words, as be honest, if the words from tromp warlike, I'm declaring nuclear war. Ok, I might panic by those words that might be a little concerning, but I probably wouldn't get anxiety and clutch my pearls or someone's hand shaking terrified I'd be like ok, it's.
I'm to act, that's what we need and political leaders, people who don't immediately freak out when someone says a word bosom, someone walking around with the weapons are shrieking doing crazy stuff. I wouldn't blame you, have your panicked. If there was a fire in a building, I wouldn't blame. You have your panicked, but when we want to elect leaders we need people who don't panic, but who keep a cool head to protect us and save us. The last thing we need is sheer, panic this. This is panic and I gotta tell you man how many videos that it made the past week, like seven Democrats, panic air. We go wishing to delay panics over triggering moments of Donald Trump Speech, daily mail reports where she lives that, on Friday, but she held a colleague ill Hanno Mars hand during trigger? I could you not. That's literally a quote, triggering triggering moments of translating in speech and that she walked out
when rush Limbaugh was awarded the metal of freedom. It was a huge struggle for me because I dont think people realize it's worse when you're actually there. What do you mean worse? it's the congresswoman from Michigan set on Friday during a pale discussion with Omar. Turning to Omar till I said, there were moments of triggering and I kept holding your hand and we intentionally sat next to each other to support each other. This is where you ve elected. You deserve the leaders you get, you all do, and that includes pump and Omar. You want the orange guy with the crazy hair who talks like a jerk fine. You want the crazy lady sitting around clutching pearls and clutching hands terrified of the Orange man's words. That's your choice! Now. Here's what I said before, only real thing I can say is when it comes to policy turn up the speech, or this ridiculous moment. At least Romania enemy butter. What almost? What awesome
much to say, but I am not saying don't pick who you want, I'm just saying you get the politicians you vote for and, like I mentioned the past segment, the Trump supporters love the self deprecating humour of trump you're, not gonna, get him down by making fun of Trump for us only photograph they use the photo in their own means to support him through its. They know they can diffuse your power. By doing this. On the other side, though, you're freaking out because trumps, giving his annual speech Democrats are hopeless men to delay, Omar, some, so ok to Labour Omar, the somali American congressmen for Minnesota, Alexandra Cosmic as an anti presently are the squad. Yes, we know that trumpet supporters in their public and party have attacked the squad, accusing them of holding an semitic views will yeah. I wouldn't call an attack. I would call it a statement of fact I mean Cortez. There are sensitive of New York's fourteenth district and press Presley of masters at seven boycott of the state of union in protest of trumps policies, but too late, whose of palestinian
arab origin and Omar. The Somali born refugee decided to attend, while wearing ethnically traditional outfits as an act of defiance defiance to what to what in joining my sisters in Congress in wearing white. My white Palestinian, though, to so to till I tweeted on Wednesday on unfair on Tuesday before trumps, addressed to the nation. A thousand length garment with sleeves that is worn primarily in middle eastern countries. White is also the the color of the women Suffrage movement, female Democrats in Congress wore white as a way to honour the movement that fought for women's rights to vote today, added inner tweet being unapologetically me is my way of protesting. This impeached president. You mean acquitted president, the whole thing was a failure that you don't you know it's funny as they sell, don't seem to understand when impeachment means like, and it was Marco Rubio
even though what prompted unimpeachable, it's not removable and there were like so he admits truck, did it but won't convicted. Can victim and arms like Argius did listen. Impeachment and removal are two different things. Tromp already was impeached. What he sang is even died, the man, but you, but you don't have enough to convict the man you see. The difference is people have no strategy strategic power, Omar also treated Tuesday and responsive. To lay writing. Yes, our presence is resistance. I am wearing my vetoes. Hamburger beat and bringing We are well oh spirit to the people's house. I e o, Somali word for grandmother to Laban Omar appearance and I'll featuring the other two members of the squad and Howard diversity in Washington DC on Friday to live so that she and seated during the speech, but to leave on the president announced that limbo the conservative.
The house would receive the metal of freedom. Let me die some I've never been a big fan of rush limber, absolutely not, but he represents something to a lot of people in this country and not everyone who wit, who wins the Medal of freedom, is going to be someone you per finally like, but you six at least sixty three million- maybe, alas, because conservatives make up around thirty independence around thirty and Democrats like twenty three, wherever plan of the country to recapture too conservative Republicans to the thirty forty, you know You are so people rush. Limbaugh is an icon who launched conservative talk. Radio and he's been a staple of their conversation for a long time for better or for worse, Now, while I may not be offended the guy, you gotta be not storm disrespect, somebody who's got lung cancer and their dying. You don't like what they ve You know what man I feel like I'm in this awkward severely bubble, because I certainly see on the fringes of every political faction
that they want stability in one direction, but not the other. They want it for their people and they get it, but not the other I'll tell you what if you deserve it, you deserve. It If somebody is sick and dying, I'm not going to laugh and mock and wish for harm for anybody. You know why cause I think life is valuable. Rush Limbaugh contributed amaze, amazing, I dont mean in a positive sense. I mean like of great magnitude to our culture and country, and you might not like it and that's too bad, because guess what your icons contributed very much in the same way that conservatives don't like that's what I can never get past is unwilling. I recognise that other people view the world differently. Here's what I can see, there's someone that I've never been a fan of, admittedly, haven't listen to a lot of, but just never been in my sphere, and it was sad to hear that rush had advanced
cancer. Do you want to know what my like the main experience I've had with Russia limb by as family guy, because he appeared on the show, I think a couple times and it was funny and he made fun of himself and I respect that we don't always agree with each other and we're not always correct, but I can respect the civility, especially considering separate farlane is like a die hard Democrat. So now I hear that somebody. That means a lot to a lot of people who may be bad a lot of ways for certain political ideas. He's got advanced lung cancer. It may be that does not long for this world and he was given a muddle of freedom, which my understanding is for civilians and what s happening. They all complained their triggered. They refuse they leave grow up. Man grow up rush, Limbaugh, famous and successful for real people like the guy, you don't win points by throwing a hazy fit cheering for his elements and walking out at all harmful, say you win by challenging the ideas to their faces. Now. Look
and I can't say too much about you know Russia, that on a whole on the bottom, but I'm gonna. The last thing I want to do, I think, there's very few evil people relative to Human argued that the bulk of humanity most people in this country are good people. Some are misguided. People and a few are actually evil evil in many different ways. I dont think Russia's evil. I think he's just a guy who's very opinionated and who works really hard and may be made a lot of mistakes in certain things. He believed. Certainly, smoking cigars a lot in a minute disrespectfully I mean
I mean some things we should recognise and I was out lung cancer. I am sad to hear- and I hope we were covers a really do but its shocking to me that these people have absolutely no respect for the people of this country in that's what scares me that many of these people would share in celebration of his element that many people would would refuse to respect or honour somebody of that. You know I have ever influence the most important thing I can tell you is, even if you dont, like the guy, you think he's pure evil. If you want to win over his his base, you dont do it by slinging mud, insulting them or screeching that your triggered you do it by asking questions, socratic method by engaging with people and respecting them just because they don't know what you know doesn't mean they're stupid. It means you ve been exposed. Information and its very likely. They know things you don't too, don't be arrogant. You need to actually lesson of people and nature, not you're the smartest person in the room. That's fine, but I tell you this
Transcript generated on 2020-02-20.